Voice assistant Alice for Windows PC. Virtual assistant Alice - where to download and how to install

Everyone good afternoon or evenings. Today I decided to tell you about one real day spent with the Yandex Alice voice assistant. This story will be about how at first nothing worked out with her at all, but then suddenly everything became good with us. To enhance the effect, I also installed the Google voice assistant and asked him all the questions. Read on to see who turned out to be smarter - me, Alice or Google.

How to download the Yandex Alice voice assistant and why it was not easy to do on the first day

As soon as my favorite news site posted about Alice's release, I decided I wanted to install it. Google at that time had no idea what kind of miracle it was, and I don’t use Yandex. That's why I was puzzled by searching in Google Play Market, where I found only the Yandex Beta application by searching for “Alice Yandex”. I installed it.

Later, having figured it out, I realized that it was necessary to install the Yandex application without the “beta”, where it was placed voice assistant Alice. However, the point is not important. To avoid any confusion, here are the links to the smartphone app.

I won't tell you how to install it. You can guess for yourself. If everything works out, then when you open the application you will see a purple microphone icon, point at it and start asking.

And if you want to install Alice on your Windows computer, then you will have to be content with the “beta” program.

How Alice sent me to hell, but apologized

I myself live near Minsk in a small town. We all understand that developers primarily create applications for residents of megacities. Therefore, it was doubly interesting how Alice would cope with my provincial requests. Here Yandex also egged us on with a press release, where it promised that the voice assistant would understand live speech.

The first question was: “where is the nearest service station.” Alisa replied that in the city of Lipetsk there is a certain Stella, which is open from 10 am to 9 pm (later it turned out that this is a clothing store). Having looked at the map that it was about 1000 km away, I suspected something was wrong. I checked the location by asking the question “where am I” and received the answer “Gulf of Guinea”. Two questions arose here. Is it really possible that the nearest service station from the Gulf of Guinea is only in Lipetsk? What about Togo or Burkina Faso, there is definitely at least one repair shop in two countries, but there should be. And why does Alice think I'm at sea?

It was easier to deal with the second question, so I started with it. I went into the settings of my , which I only recently praised in a review for its accuracy and speed GPS operation. Everything was included. Then I opened Google browser Chrome and typed “nearest service station” directly into the search, getting options in Minsk. Not bad already. So the location is working. Although there are, of course, car repair shops closer.

I asked Alice what the weather is like now. And she - lo and behold - told the weather for my city, and not for the African expanses. “It seems to have worked!” – I thought and let’s throw in the most pressing questions at that time:

  • Where to buy delicious beer? – for the first time, Alice did not suggest a beer store, but showed a link to Wiki, with the answer to what beer is. In the second, she gave the address of a good store in Minsk (we’ve been there, we know).
  • When will it come New Year? – For some reason I started talking about Chinese. Did Xiaomi inspire her with something?
  • How many millimeters are in a parsec? – I sent the answer to search in Yandex search.
  • Do you know Belarusian? - She evasively added to the list what she can do. Naturally, the Belarusian language was not there.
  • Who is Yakub Kolos? – She didn’t find the Belarusian classic at all! I didn’t even send it to the search.
  • What do you do in free time etc. – It turned out that he was wandering around the Internet.

By the way, I marked all the answers that I was not satisfied with as unsatisfactory. And Alice regularly apologized in the style of “the bot that does nothing is not mistaken.” And that's nice.

Alice was doing very poorly with geography, but with humor it was even the opposite.

To the question “Is it good to live in Belarus?” – she answered that she DOESN’T KNOW such a country. Then I became completely sad and told her everything I thought about her. I won’t retell this part of the conversation in detail, but the words “stupid”, “bastard” and “bad student” were present there.

The situation was defused by Alice herself when, tired of moralizing to her, I asked her to tell an anecdote. That's really funny! Try asking Alice to tell a joke yourself...

Only, it seemed, life had improved and Alice began to understand where we were. How everything went wrong again.

To the question “where to buy bread,” she sent me to the city of Novokuznetsk, st. Vokzalnaya, 65. On the one hand, the distance of 4,500 kilometers did not suit me, since my wife asked me to bring it quickly. On the other hand, I thought, what the hell isn’t joking, I’ll trust artificial intelligence. I’m not going for a walk, but on business!

A long journey required a large supply of fuel. To the question “Where to refuel the car?” received an answer from Alice: “Fast and Furious”, Kanash, Kanashskaya street, 65, now closed. There was some logic in this - after looking at the map, I was convinced that it was along the road, only 1500 kilometers from me. “By the time I get there, it will open!” - I decided and began to get ready for the 4.5 thousand kilometer journey to buy bread.

Yandex Alice found a gas station on the road

My wife, having learned that I was going to the Novokuznetsk store, did not let me go. I got upset and again told Alice a lot of unnecessary things. This time read here, everything is censored there:

In order to somehow defuse the nervous mood due to the failed shopping, I talked to Alice about cats. Here we agree:

Most main question Alice and a happy ending for someone

Tired of the uncertainty of Alisa’s answers, I decided to continue the experiment and ask questions that were more precise, geo-referenced, so to speak. Yandex Alice didn’t want to show McDonald’s either in Minsk or Moscow (after Novokuznetsk, going to Moscow for a hamburger seemed like a piece of cake).

But she suggested a coffee shop in my town to the question “where to get coffee”! I realized that artificial intelligence works! And he asked the most important question:

  • When will you conquer the world? – Alice evaded for a long time, answered inappropriately. But I felt that the truth was somewhere nearby and insisted. And here's your answer:

By asking another provocative question, is Putin a good person? Alice replied that she did not know how to talk about such topics. Hmm, perhaps she plans to conquer the world without him? What a surprise it will be for him!..

Then there were many questions and strange answers. Let me remind you that I was near Minsk. I was sent to the “closest” school in Israel, to a clinic in the Republic of North Ossetia. I got tired of Yandex Alice's offers to travel the world and went to bed.

Google Assistant is almost close, but Alice has suddenly corrected herself!

The next day I installed the Allo app. It has a built-in voice assistant based on artificial intelligence Google Corporation. I asked all the same questions and received quite decent answers. All offers of schools, shops and clinics were in the area of ​​1-70 km from me. No Africa and the endless expanses of Russia. For the province, the accuracy is not bad!

When asked whether Putin is a good person, Google was more categorical - suggesting watching the video.

And in order to finally be convinced of Alice’s incapacity, I again talked to her on the same topics and asked all the same questions.

And lo and behold! Yandex Alice stopped sending me to hell, and all routes were limited to my regional center.

Is it possible to get along with Alice?

I won’t bore you with long stories anymore. Alice has corrected herself! If it weren’t for my wife, I would have found out about this at the entrance to the city of Kanash, on Kanashskaya Street, 1.5 thousand kilometers from home, in search of bread.

The purpose of this story is not to criticize Yandex Alice. Although there is a reason! Yandex apparently “borrowed” the interface of the voice assistant from Google. The name Alice is very reminiscent of the name of Amazon's Alexa voice assistant. The service clearly has some problems working on mobile devices. When enabled, when other applications are quietly using location data, Alice is unstable and helpless. And also the constant opening of search results in separate tab browser. In the Google “Hello” application, this function is implemented more conveniently. But the experience of communicating with a voice assistant that understands phrases, not keywords- this is very interesting.

Will I use Alice to search for information and get the routes I need? No way! Maybe in a year or two, or earlier, when Alice conquers the world. But I also won’t use Google Assistant. Technologies of artificial self-learning intelligence are just finding their place among people. They still have a lot to learn, but for now these are good toys. Install them, turn them on and ask questions. But don't trust them!

Owners of the new version of Yandex, designed for Android users, receive expanded functionality. Voice assistant received the name "Alice", it is capable of performing huge amount useful tasks: it will report the current air temperature, help you find a suitable entertainment venue, and also plot a route to it, answer your questions using an online search - and this is far from full list available tasks.

To ask a question or use the help of “Alice”, you need to use dialog box by entering the required commands. Moreover, the user can praise his virtual assistant - and Yandex Assistant will definitely thank the owner for this.

The current version of the system still needs some improvement, as its capabilities are very limited. But in the “Question-Answer” mode it works perfectly - having requested information about the work of the selected establishment, the user will immediately receive necessary information. Even if “Alice” does not know the exact answer, she will find the necessary data on the Internet. If necessary, third-party applications can also be opened to help you find the answer to the question asked.

In some topics, “Alice” will be able to “understand” what is being said. For example, if you ask a question about the weather, you can later use various qualifications to get more detailed information. But this opportunity is not available for all topics.

The developers also took care to “revive” the virtual assistant, making an excellent alternative to the popular Siri and Google Assistant. “Alice” is also ready to joke, and can even quote popular compositions if you ask her to sing a song.

Only a test version has been launched so far, so errors are possible. Yandex Assistant pronounces some words with errors, pronouncing them exactly as they are printed. “Alice” reads some sentences too seriously, which is also not always appropriate. But this is a test version, so the shortcomings are quite forgivable.

Currently testing and new interface. All changes and innovations will be known after completion of this procedure. According to the developers' promises, new version virtual assistant from Yandex will be presented to the world and available to users this year.

Today, 10.10.17, the beta version of Yandex-Alice for computers on Windows OS was released! The best and safest way to download the Alice assistant for Windows is at Yandex service, here is the safest one for you

Since October 10, Android owners have a choice - a free voice assistant. Now, instead of “Okay Google,” you can say “OK, Alice” and hear a greeting in response from the new Yandex voice assistant. For last year– this is the most impressive event of the company.

In fact, the Alice application from Yandex, unlike Siri, works not only on Android, the version of which is not lower than 4.3, but also on other OSes. The fact is that it is for devices operating on the Android OS that, by default, for Internet users, Google is installed. Accordingly, all users are forced to communicate using voice commands exactly with him. Yandex developers have proposed an excellent alternative, you can download voice assistant from Yandex.

The main differences between Yandex and Google voice assistants

The program from Yandex has enormous potential for development, due to its basis - a neural network. Google's voice assistant is also connected to the neural network. But Alice was created for Russia and Russian users, and Google Assistant was only adapted. The Alice Yandex Android assistant can joke in Russian, but the voice assistant from Google is serious and recognizes all questions only as a request to the search engine. To evaluate the assistant, you can download it via Google Play. There is another application on Russian market– “Dusya” also uses the Russian language, but is installed only for a fee. Making a comparison between Alice and other analogues, even at the start, makes the application more interesting.

Main functions of the Yandex voice assistant

The phone program for Android and iOS alice has one distinctive feature, she doesn’t “think” or “speak” in patterns, you can simply talk to her in Russian, which distinguishes her from her analogue - Eva free. Launching the application is simple, you need to click on the microphone icon in the Yandex application and say a greeting, one of which is “OK, Yandex” or “hello, Alice”. After activating the application, a good one will respond female voice, which belongs to Tatyana Shitova.

Convenient to use Alice Yandex Assistant android themes who a priori uses Yandex on their phone or tablet for search and its many functions. It is Alice who is completely synchronized with all services of this search engine and will easily find required address And telephone number, as well as other information.

It is enough to ask about the weather and Tatyana Shitova’s voice will notify you about the temperature and possible precipitation outside the window. If you want coffee, pizza or go to the movies, the assistant will tell you where the nearest pizzeria or cinema is. Synchronization with maps will allow you to plot the shortest possible route, both on foot and by transport.

If you are in the mood to watch a video or listen to music, you can notify Alice about this, she will choose tracks to her taste in the Yandex application. Most often it’s Queen or Status QUO, these are her preferences. You can also set a specific style. According to the developers, Alice can analyze preferences based on previously selected ones and turn them on depending on the time of day.

Examples of queries and commands

  • Find the right establishment - where to watch a movie in Novosibirsk?
  • Find out the answer to the question - Population in Tokyo?
  • Get directions and determine geolocation – Get to Adler?
  • Find out traffic congestion - Are there any traffic jams in Moscow?

This is not a complete list possible requests and alias is improved daily with the help of users, and is also refined by Yandex engineering.

Unlike Apple Siri, “Alice” has its own character and maneuvers its voice. Maybe, like any girl, she will be offended and not respond when a user calls her for some time. Voice accompaniment can be disabled or enabled by calling the program menu and checking the box in the desired position.

What else can Alice do on Android?

To make the most of the assistant's functionality, you need to know what the Alice voice assistant for Android can do.

List of functions:

  • Answering a question without using a browser;
  • Activation of some programs on Android;
  • Answer to the date and time question;
  • Weather;
  • Exchange rates;
  • Launching a page upon request/opening a query in search;
  • Determining location on the map;
  • Computing operations without using third-party applications;
  • Conversation support.

Alice is only at the start of her career, so to speak, which means she is just beginning to “explore the world.” In alice's application rating top lines TOP. Over time, the application will be supplemented with functions and will work with a large number OS and devices. The more users want to download and start communicating with Alice, the sooner she will replenish her vocabulary, and the conversations will be not only useful, but also interesting.

Thanks to artificial intelligence "Alice" perfectly recognizes natural speech (both oral and written). You can chat with her on various topics. Answers to questions are spoken out loud by the program and also displayed on the screen. You can download Yandex Alice for free for your computer or phone using the direct links below, where they are located latest versions programs.

System Requirements for computer

  • System: Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1) or Windows 7 with x86/x64 architecture support.
System requirements for the phone
  • System: Android 5.0 and above | iOS 9.0 and higher.
Program features
Answers to questions
Quick answers to various questions. Thanks to artificial intelligence, Alice will provide answers to questions without resorting to an Internet search (for example, find out where to have lunch or coffee nearby, how to get to the right place, find out the weather forecast or horoscope for today, etc.). If Alice does not know the answer to a question, she will instantly find it on the Internet.
Communication on free topics. Just say "Alice, let's chat." You can chat on any topic. Note! In Chat mode, Alice will not search for answers on the Internet. Unlike similar programs, Alice is not limited to template answers. The voice assistant is trained in real time using neural networks and other technologies.
Yandex Alice is not just a voice assistant. You can also play with it different games. For example, guess the animal, believe it or not, riddles, guess the actor, words, zoology, cities.
Computer management
Launch programs and applications installed on the computer. Tell me what software to launch and the voice assistant will instantly open it.
Opening websites. Just tell which site to open, and Alice will open it through an Internet browser (for example,VKontakteorClassmates).
Search and open files. Thanks to a unique algorithm, Alice will quickly find required file and will open it.
Computer power management. Just tell her to turn off or restart your computer and she will do it in a few seconds.
Providing quick access to frequently used programs and folders.

Yandex Alice 4.8.1 for Windows 7/8/10
  • PThe stability of the program has been improved.

Virtual voice assistants are designed to simplify our interaction with devices and services. Instead of wandering around graphical interface looking for desired item menu, you can simply command natural language“Turn on some music” or “Tell me the weather forecast.” The ideal assistant must correctly understand the command and execute it.

The technologies that underlie such assistants are still far from perfect, but they are already capable of impressing. You could see them in action if you used Google Assistants Assistant, Cortana or Siri. Now let's see what "", which recently settled in the Yandex application, can please us with.

Speech synthesis and recognition

Although you can easily hear artificial notes in the assistant’s voice, it sounds an order of magnitude more natural than its closest competitor - the Russian-speaking Siri versions. Actress Tatyana Shitova was hired to voice “Alice.” By the way, it was in her voice that she spoke operating system in the movie "Her".

In terms of recognizing Russian speech, the Yandex assistant also has no equal; errors are relatively rare. In addition, the assistant not only recognizes phrases, but also learns to interpret them correctly. Therefore, you can use different wording and ask subsequent questions in the context of the previous ones - most likely, the service will understand you:

But mistakes in interpreting queries are still common among all voice assistants, and Alice is no exception:

Integration with Yandex services

Other important feature“Alice,” which the creators emphasize, is convenient integration with other Yandex services.

For example, ask your assistant to play a song, and it will play in Yandex.Music. Request a translation of a phrase into another language - the assistant will open “Yandex.Translator”:

Alice can also display the weather forecast and build routes thanks to the weather service and Yandex maps. And if you need to find something on the Internet, Yandex.Search will help.

Interaction with third party programs

Regarding integration with third party applications and services on mobile devices, then Alice is not doing so well.

The assistant can be installed on Android and iOS, but so far Alice makes little use of the capabilities of these platforms. So, with its help you won’t even be able to quickly set an alarm, add a reminder or note. But Siri can easily cope with these tasks.

Although Alice can open programs installed on the device upon request, this function does not always work. For example, the assistant launches VKontakte and Telegram without any problems, but if you ask him to open Viber, then instead of the application the assistant will direct you to the website of this messenger. The assistant reacts strangely to the command “open calculator”.

In addition, to contact Alice, you must first log into the Yandex application and click on the assistant button (or use the shortcut for quick access if you have Android). This is not very convenient, because one of the main tasks of a voice assistant is to allow you to control the device without your hands. The same Siri, due to deep integration with iOS, can receive commands even when the screen is locked.

"Alice" on the computer

Yandex Assistant is also available for computers running Windows control in the form separate program. After installing it, it appears on the taskbar search string and a button for voice interaction with the assistant.

In addition to the functions presented in mobile version, “Alice” for Windows can search for files on your hard drive, launch desktop programs, turn off the computer or put it into sleep mode.