How to disable background programs on Android. How to prevent apps on Android from running in the background

Backgroundapplications/processes are called, which work in the background (hidden from the user) mode.

Some of them are not used by the user, nevertheless consuming system resources and, accordingly, reducing the efficiency of equipment use; some simply litter the taskbar, desktop and list of installed programs.

Some of these programs are various services that are started by the operating system. Due to its versatility, the operating system runs a large number of applications, some of which you will never specifically need. In addition, some of the background applications in turn launch their own background applications, such as MS Office. Removing applications you don't use will help speed up system startup and free up computing power.


2.3 Via Msconfig (SCU)

2.4 Through the Windows registry (regedit)

3. Background services, pages and other processes

4. Bring your device to the service center for repairs

1. Basic types of background applications

You can view running applications in the Windows taskbar. As a rule, these are various download managers, antiviruses, “daemons”, “wizards”, and other useful and not so useful utilities. Those that are “not so good” end up on your machine in different ways: as an “add-on” to files downloaded from the Internet, when installing various programs using the “default” method, etc. Taking a few minutes to disable unnecessary applications and services can improve the performance of your hardware. Background services compete with user tasks for memory, increasing the number of calls to the page file, thereby reducing the efficiency of the entire system.

2. Ways to detect and remove background processes

To view the list of applications that launch automatically, press .

“Honest” programs are reflected here; you can remove them from startup by right-clicking – “delete”, while the program itself is NOT deleted, it just stops loading automatically when Windows starts . Other background programs are “hiding”, and we need to be able to find them.

Pay attention to your computer's taskbar (usually the lower right corner). There are shortcuts to programs that are launched by default

In this case, we see the uTorrent download manager, 2GIS update agent, Skype, DAEMON Tools lite disk emulator and others.

Fig.2. List of programs in the taskbar

The programs that we see in the taskbar can be unloaded by pressing the right key:

Fig.3. Shutting down (unloading) programs

Comment: when using the Exit button, Exit The unloaded process starts again when windows is restarted. If you need to turn it off permanently, use msconfig, regedir.

2.2 Using the task manager ( ctrl+alt+del)

By launching the Windows Task Manager (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete), you can look at the list of background services. Windows distinguishes between user applications and system services. On the “Applications” tab you can see running programs, on the “Processes” tab there is a list of system services and application components.

Fig.4. Task Manager, Applications tab

The End task button can be used to kill a program or process

In the Processes list you can see the same programs that we saw on the taskbar and more. For example, the explorer.exe component is the familiar Windows Explorer, and iexplore.exe is the Internet Explorer browser.

Fig.5. Task Manager, Processes tab

Modules you don't need can be removed by clicking the " End the process" You can safely delete processes:

TweakUI (tweakui.cpi) - operating system configuration utility;

MS WebCheck Monitor (loadwc.exe) – configures Microsoft Explorer on first launch;

ShedulingAgent (mstask.exe) - task scheduler (if not used);

Microsoft Office Wrapper (osa.exe) - launch accelerator for MS Office programs;

File Open (findfast.exe) - speeds up searching in office documents

Internat.exe - keyboard layout indicator;

System Tray (systray.exe) is a program that creates icons in the system area of ​​the Taskbar.

Comment: The unloaded process starts again when Windows is restarted. If you need to turn it off permanently, use msconfig or regedir.


In Windows, there is a special utility System Configuration Utility (SCU). It can be launched by specifying MSCONFIG in the program launch line Start ->Run. It is simple and easy to use and allows you to manage running applications. The utility contains several tabs that allow users to change OS startup parameters.

The information we need is located on the Startup tab and contains a list of applications that start when Windows boots. On this tab you can disable them as needed.

Programs, the list of which we see in SCU, are deleted there. SCU allows you to experimentally significantly increase system performance and remove all unnecessary things. Once you find a program you don't need, you can remove it from the download list in the SCU panel.

Fig.6. SCU Utility (MSCONFIG)

2.4 Through the Windows registry (regedit)

Programs that are registered in the system registry when loaded can be removed using the program REGEDIT(keyboard shortcut win + r, team regedit.exe). As always, before making major changes to the system, we do a backup and, as always, we do this only when we are completely confident in our abilities. Most often, such programs are located in the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Removal from the program is carried out by deleting the corresponding registry line.

Unfortunately, not all programs can be removed using the methods listed above. Microsoft will not allow you to delete, for example, Windows Messenger. This rather useless program is installed by default, and is not visible in the Add or Remove Programs dialog of the Control Panel. If you want to remove one of these programs, you will have to edit the file SYSOC.INF, which is located in C:\WINDOWS\INF default. To do this, first find the title , which contains options for loading various Windows components. Those that contain the parameter "hide"- the Add/Remove Programs panel is not visible, for example msmsgs = msgrocm . dll , OcEntry , msmsgs . inf , hide ,7 in the case of Messenger, after removing this parameter, the component becomes visible in the Add or Remove Programs panel.

3. Background services, pages and other processes

In addition to background applications and processes, there are also background pages, services, etc., but we will talk about them next time.

Background mode in Android OS is the execution of a program that is not visible to the user (runs in the background). In particular, programs launched by the system itself or services run in the background. They do not have a user interface and also these tasks run at a lower priority than normal processes. In addition, applications you installed on your smartphone can run in the background. For the most part, the purpose of running programs in the background is to exchange information with the server. For example: the game constantly contacts the server to check for new updates, the messenger - to notify you of a new message, etc. Background tasks accessing the server requires a mobile or Wi-Fi network connection, which eats up traffic. Therefore, I will give some tips on how to disable the background mode on Android of all applications at once and each one separately.

Disable data transfer for one application

In fact, you cannot disable a background system process, but you can transfer it to the “Suspended” process. This is done through the application manager in the Android device settings. Also, to prevent an application in the background from accessing the server, thereby saving battery power and mobile traffic, you must:

After this, the application will not be able to exchange information with the server. Regarding system applications, for example “SMS” or “Phone”, you cannot disable them. You need the good old one.

Disable data transfer for all applications

To block network traffic for all applications, you need to turn off Wi-Fi and mobile data. You can do this by clicking on the notification panel icons.

The same can be done in the settings:

You can enable the function there.

As you know, in computer and mobile operating systems, quite a lot of programs run in the background. In other words, the program in the background consumes system resources in the same way as console applications, but is not visible to the user. Now we will consider several cases of using this mode for Windows and the most popular mobile OS.

What is background mode and what is it for?

So, it is already clear that the user does not see the program itself running in the background. The state of its activity can be determined in two ways. In general, for this in Windows systems, the standard “Task Manager” is used, in which all running processes are displayed on different tabs, including active applications in the background. More specifically, if we are talking about user programs, they can be found minimized in the system tray.

However, not every program can minimize itself so that its console window is not displayed at all. The same “Task Scheduler” or setting autorun when Windows starts does not give the desired effect. The application window opens in any case. With mobile devices the situation is simpler, although in most cases, as with Windows, we are talking about system services and processes. However, you can enable background mode for user programs in any of these systems.

How to run a program in the background on Windows 10

Unfortunately, the possibility of such a launch for desktop PCs and laptops appeared only in the tenth version of Windows. We will consider it.

Background mode for user programs is enabled in two stages, one of which is optional (why will be explained later). The first step is to go to the settings section, which is called up from the Start menu, and then go to the privacy settings.

At the bottom left there is a line of background programs, and on the right is a list of the most frequently used applications. Opposite each program there is a special slider. Having selected the desired application, you simply need to enable background mode by setting the switch to the appropriate position. After granting permission to run in the background, the program will be minimized to tray when launched, and you will have to use this panel to maximize the window or close the application.

In order to enable the application to launch at system startup, the main executable file of the program should be included in the startup list either in the Task Manager or in the configuration settings called by the msconfig command in the Run console (Win + R). After this, both autostart and background mode will be activated. Just don’t forget about the running application, because the consumption of system resources may increase unjustifiably. And you can add your program only using special utilities or place the program shortcut in the startup folder manually.

How to enable background mode for apps on iPhone?

Now a few words about Apple mobile gadgets. You can also enable background mode in them. Let's take the iPhone as an example (although by and large it doesn't matter which device will be used).

First you need to download a small free utility called Backgrounder (you can do this on your computer through the Sydia service, since this application is not available in the “native” storage). Next, you should download the installer to your device via iTunes and install the program. It is advisable to create the desired directory manually, copy the installation file into it and install the application there.

Please note: after installation, the application icon will not be created in the list of applets, so it makes no sense to look for it among the installed programs. In addition, in the file manager it is strictly forbidden to delete or move the installation folder, since after this the application will not be recognized by the system.

As for turning on the background mode, everything is simple. When starting a program, when it is completely open, you need to press the Home button and hold it for about 3 seconds. After this, a message about activating the Backgrounder utility will appear and the application will be minimized. To restore the program to its original state, the same button is pressed again, but after this a message appears indicating that the utility is being deactivated, which will be followed by the application exiting the background.

Using background work for Google Play

In Android systems, the background mode is usually used not only for system or built-in services, but also for the Google Play service.

If suddenly for some reason the user receives a notification that background data communication is disabled, you need to use the settings where the wireless networks menu is selected. Here we use the data transfer line and click on the icon with three dashes, after which in the new menu we activate auto-sync and the background data line.

The path may differ on some devices. Sometimes you will need to use the battery settings and delivery section, where the background mode is located. In Android 5.0 and above, you need to use the background data permission.

Instead of a total

That's it for using background mode. How appropriate this is for Windows is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, for mobile devices, in particular for Apple devices, activating the background mode is truly a godsend, because it will be possible to run several applications at the same time and minimize them all when launching other programs.

If you're using a non-unlimited 3G or 4G data plan on your Android smartphone, you'll probably find that your mobile data usage is faster than you thought. In this article, we will show you how to minimize the data usage of your smartphone.

As you may know, Android apps continue to use data even when you are not using the app itself, and even when the phone is in standby mode. Apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, and many others run in the background to check for data updates and notifications, and also save open pages in case you want to open the app again.

As a result, even when you think that you are using your Android smartphone's Internet connection very sparingly, you may exceed the limit of your data plan without knowing it.

Malicious applications can also consume Internet traffic. To eliminate this possibility, install on your device one of the antiviruses designed to work on Android devices. You can choose the one that suits you on our website.

We'll show you how to control applications that can access your Internet connection if you don't use them directly. We will be using Android 4.4 KitKat in this tutorial.

How to completely disable data transfer on the Android platform.

It's very easy to do. All you have to do is swipe down from the top of the screen. Next, select Settings, tap “data transfer,” and then in this section, swipe the ON-OFF switch. This will turn off your mobile data connection completely.

Note: You will still be able to connect to the Internet and use applications as normal if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

How to limit the amount of data transferred on the Android platform.

If you want to set a monthly (or any period of time) limit on the amount of data transferred via the mobile network, then this can be easily done in Android.

To set traffic limits and exceed warnings, you need to go to the settings and the “data transfer” section again.

In this section you will see a large detailed graph of data usage over the course of the month. You can change the date range by moving the vertical lines on the graph, or simply by clicking the button in the drop-down list and setting the dates manually. All you need to do next is drag the horizontal limiter to set the desired limit/warning limit.

How to Limit Background Data Transfer on Android

If you just want to reduce the amount of data your smartphone uses, you can do this by going into the settings of each app you download and turning off background data.

This is done as follows:

Step one

The first thing you need to do is swipe down from the top of the screen and select Settings.

Step three

To turn off background data, you need to tap on each app, scroll down until you see the "limit background data" heading. Check the box next to this item.

Once you check this box, the app will only have access to your Android smartphone's network connections if the app is open on the screen.

In this article I continue the topic of optimizing computer performance; today we will stop some programs running in the background to speed up and speed up the PC.

In the last lesson, we disabled programs from startup (if you haven’t read this lesson, I advise you to start there), thereby increasing performance, and now we will disable Windows services running in the background.

Any of these services can be either system or third-party, but they all eat up a small part of the system’s resources; if you consider that there are several dozen of them, the load increases noticeably.

Of course, in most cases, system programs running in the background are needed for normal computer operation, but there are some that are not needed at all and are unlikely to be needed by anyone.

When disabling yourself, you need to be extremely careful; when disabling any process, you need to know what it is responsible for so as not to harm the OS. Below I will give a small list of what can be excluded and what can be switched to manual mode.

What programs can I disable?

To do this you need to log in Service Management by right-clicking on the My Computer shortcut, which is located on your desktop, or in the Start menu, select Computer. In the menu that appears, select Control

then click on Services and applications and the last point Services. Here you can see all the necessary and unnecessary programs running in the background; in total, I have more than 150 of them!

First of all, I advise you to look through the entire list and find some familiar programs that you may have installed and simply disable them.

For example: torrent clients µTorrent or BitComet You can safely disable them, unless of course you distribute some files day and night. Program Skype(Skype) if you call once a month, then why will it waste resources every day?

Also with other programs, if there is no need for it to work every minute, feel free to stop it. Do not be confused in any way, disabling a program does not mean it will not work in the future! When you need it, just launch it from the shortcut as you usually do.

Background mode is a standby mode, that is, the program is always running, although it is not used.

And finally, the list I promised Windows services which can be disabled for sure or switched to manual mode.

Parental Control– turn off

KtmRm for distributed transaction coordinator– manually

Adaptive adjustment- disabling brightness is necessary only for PC owners. with built-in light sensor to automatically adjust monitor brightness

WWAN auto setup– disable if you do not have CDMA or GSM modules

Windows Firewall– disable it if your antivirus has this service

Computer browser– translate manually when not using the local network

Support IP Service– turn off

Secondary login– disable or manually

Automatic remote access connection manager– disable or manually

Print Manager– turn it off if we don’t use the printer

Windows Defender– disable it, a completely unnecessary service

Distributed Transaction Coordinator– turn off

NetBIOS Support Module– disable, but provided that there is no local network (connection of 2 computers or more)

Setting up a Remote Desktop Server– turn off

Bluetooth support– turn it off, I don’t think this is relevant now.

Windows Image Upload (WIA) service– if you use a scanner, you don’t touch anything

Windows Remote Control Service– turn off

Remote Desktop Service– turn off

Smartcard– turn off

Tablet PC input service– turn off

Remote registry- everything is generally bad here; there is an opinion that this is a kind of open door for a virus that can change the system registry. Definitely disable

Fax– we turn it off, it’s completely a thing of the past.

To disable a service, double-click on it with the left mouse button, a window will open where we change the value Startup type from Automatic to Disabled then Stop//Apply//OK. This is how we deal with every service we dislike.

This is the list of services that I was able to find out about; I will be glad if anyone can add it in the comments to this article.

This concludes this article, but the topic of optimization is to be continued, subscribe to updates so as not to miss it and other subsequent articles.

Valery Semenov,