How to display desktop in Skype. What features are available in Skype calls? Which version of Chrome supports screen sharing in Skype for Web

An interesting feature of Skype is the ability to show what is happening on your computer screen to your interlocutor. This can be used for a variety of purposes - remotely solving a problem with a computer, showing some interesting things that cannot be viewed directly, etc. To learn how to enable screen sharing in Skype, read on.

In order for screen sharing on Skype to be stable and in good quality, it is advisable to have an Internet connection with a data transfer speed of 10-15 Mbit/sec or more. Also, your connection must be stable.

Important: In the updated version of Skype (8 and above), released by Microsoft, the graphical interface has been completely redesigned, and with it some functionality and built-in tools have changed or even disappeared. The material below will be divided into two parts - in the first we will talk about the current version of the program, in the second - about its predecessor, which is still actively used by a number of users.

In the updated Skype, the top panel with tabs and menus disappeared; using these elements you could configure the program and gain access to the main functions. Now everything is “scattered” across different areas of the main window.

So, to share your screen with your interlocutor, follow these steps:

  1. Call the desired user via audio or video by finding their name in the address book and then clicking one of the two call buttons in the upper right corner of the main window.

    Wait for him to answer the call.

  2. Having previously prepared the content for demonstration, left-click ( LMB) by the icon in the form of two squares.
  3. A small window will appear in front of you in which you can select the displayed display (if more than one is connected to the computer) and activate audio broadcasting from the PC. Having decided on the parameters, click on the button "Screen sharing".
  4. Your interlocutor will see everything that you do on your computer, hear your voice and, if you have activated audio broadcasting, everything that happens inside the operating system. This is how it will look on his screen:

    And so on yours:

    Unfortunately, the displayed area of ​​the display outlined in red cannot be resized. In some cases, such a feature would be very useful.

  5. Having finished showing your screen, click on the same icon in the form of two squares again and select the item from the drop-down menu "Stop show".

    Note: If more than one monitor is connected to your computer or laptop, you can switch between them in the same menu. For some reason, it is impossible to show your interlocutor two or more screens at the same time.

  6. Once the display is complete, you can continue your voice or video conversation with the other person, or end it by pressing the reset button in one of the Skype windows.
  7. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about sharing your screen with anyone in your Skype address book. If you are using an application version lower than version 8, please read the next part of the article. Additionally, we note that the screen is shown to several users in exactly the same way (for example, for the purpose of making a presentation). Interlocutors can be called in advance or during the conversation, for which a separate button is provided in the main dialogue window.

Screen sharing in Skype 7 and below


Now you know how to share your screen with your interlocutor on Skype, no matter what version of the program is installed on your computer.

This function is feasible if the conversation has not yet been started.

Second option

  • It is suitable if screen sharing is necessary directly during a conversation.
  • Directly in the darkest conversation window, where the interlocutor’s avatar is visible, there is a special panel that pops up when you hover the mouse cursor over it.
  • In the middle of the panel there is a button with a “+” icon; you should click on it with the left mouse button, and then select “Screen sharing” from the list that appears.

You can do this procedure in a similar way in the menu “ Calls", which is located at the top of the screen. By clicking the " Begin"you can show the entire desktop, or select " Show window"Then the specific program window will be displayed.

There is no need to worry about someone being able to break into your computer's structure, since this function only provides the ability to display the screen. You can disable the function by simply clicking on “ Stop showing».

However, not every version of Skype makes it possible to demonstrate its menu; for example, the special version for Windows 8 does not have such a function, however, like many others. But at the same time, you can download for yourself a universal version of the program, equipped with all the usual functions.

That's all for me! Now you know the person you are communicating with. If it’s not difficult, click on the social buttons, share the information with your friends, this will help in the development of the blog. And I wish you good health!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Using Skype, you can not only communicate by voice and see each other through a webcam, but also show your interlocutor what is happening on your monitor screen.

Situations may be different:

  • this could be a joint viewing of a photo collection with someone close to you, if he is not nearby,
  • this could be a demonstration of professional achievements when communicating with management,
  • or maybe you just want to brag to your friends about your success in some game.

How to share screen on Skype

To show the subscriber (interlocutor) what is happening on your screen, it is not necessary to tear the webcam from its mount on the monitor and turn it onto the screen. If, purely by chance, you don’t have a tripod nearby (just kidding!), you will have to hold the webcam in your hands in front of the monitor the entire time you show the person your screen.

In the case of, where the webcam is built into the body, this method is completely impossible (although you can try to use a mirror).

If you want to show him something on your monitor screen when communicating with a person via Skype, there is a much easier way to do this using the functionality of the Skype program itself.

While in contact with a subscriber via Skype, open the program window and click the “Calls” menu. In the list of functions, select “Screen sharing” (Fig. 1).
Once again, please note that this function is active only if you have already called and your Skype interlocutor (subscriber) has contacted you.

If there is no connection with anyone (no call), then the “Screen sharing” option will NOT be active (that is, it will have a paler appearance compared to bright, active options), and therefore NOT clickable.

Rice. 1 We are looking in the menu for how to share the screen in Skype

On your screen, in addition to the main mini-window with Skype options for dropping the call, turning on and off the microphone or webcam, another window will appear. In this additional window you will see a miniature of your Desktop with two buttons (Fig. 2):

  • “Start” to start broadcasting to the subscriber what is happening on your monitor screen (number 1 in Fig. 2) and
  • “Cancel” if you suddenly change your mind at the last moment.

Rice. 2 How to turn on the screen in Skype - exactly the one we want to show to the interlocutor

If you have several monitors connected to your computer, then the screen will have not one, but several miniature windows depicting what is being shown on these monitors at a given time. Therefore, you can select the screen that you want to show to your interlocutor by first clicking on the thumbnail of this screen (Fig. 2 shows thumbnails of two screens).

Demonstration of one window on Skype from your computer

If you want to make a screen sharing, where there will be NOT the entire window, but a separate window of one program (for example, an Explorer window or a Word window, etc.), then you can switch to broadcasting only the selected separate window. To do this, click on the small triangle under the mini screen images (number 3 in Fig. 3), and then switch

  • from the “Show Desktop” option (number 1 in Fig. 3)
  • to the “Show window” option (number 2 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Skype: how to screen share with the full Desktop or with a separate window on the Desktop

To stop the broadcast of what is happening on the screen of your monitor, you need to click the “Stop display” button (Fig. 4), which is constantly displayed in the usual Skype mini-window.

Rice. 4 To stop sharing your screen, click on the “Stop showing” button

How to immediately share your screen

If you don’t want to show yourself before starting a conversation with your interlocutor, then you can start a Skype call right away by showing your screen to your interlocutor. To do this, right-click on the avatar (name, contact) of the called subscriber (number 1 in Fig. 5) and select the “Screen sharing” command (number 2 in Fig. 5). Skype, naturally, will offer to call this person. And your interlocutor will see your monitor screen immediately after answering your call.

Rice. 5 How to immediately enable screen sharing: call and immediately show what’s on our computer screen

By the way, this opportunity can be used for practical jokes. So, the subscriber on the other end of the line can see, for example, not what the webcam is broadcasting in real time, but previously recorded video material and played back by the player in a separate window. What you need now is a creative idea to make the prank a success.

Today we, dear friends, will figure out how you can show your screen to your interlocutor on Skype. Yes, this can also be done. After all, there are situations when during a conversation a person needs to show something, for example, work in some program. This way, you won't give him access to your desktop, and he won't be able to manage your files, folders, or programs. He will only see what you do.

All this is done very quickly and in several ways, so let's get down to practice so as not to dilute the water in this article.

Screen sharing in the new version

After Skype was completely updated, this function has not disappeared anywhere and is quite easy to manage.

Among the contacts, we select the person we need and call him:

Attention! The screen sharing feature is only activated if you call someone and that person answers. In all other cases, you won’t even find the button you need.

Once the connection is established, click on the plus sign in the bottom menu

From the drop-down list, select “Screen sharing”

In the middle of the window, click again on the button of the same name:

If you need to stop showing your screen and continue normal video or voice communication, then click on the plus sign again and select “Stop showing” from the drop-down menu.

Demonstration before conversation

If you haven’t called the person yet, but you already know in advance that you will be demonstrating your desktop, then you can do the following. We go to “Contacts” and find the one we need. Next, right-click on the contact and select “Screen sharing…” from the drop-down list.

After that, a window pops up telling us that in order to start the demonstration, the person still needs to call. Click on the corresponding button:

At the next stage, we select what we will demonstrate: the entire screen or just one window and after making your choice, click on the “Start” button:

After you do this, the interlocutor will see what is going on on your desktop. Naturally, he should answer your call.

How to share your screen with your interlocutor during a conversation

To do this, we need the menu, which is located at the bottom of the video conversation window. Click on the plus sign and from the drop-down menu select “Screen sharing...”

After this, instead of the image from the webcam, the interlocutor will see the desktop.

Well, then I’ll show you another way

It is suitable both in the case when you have already reached the interlocutor, and in the case when you have not yet made a call.

We just need to click on the “Calls” button in the top menu and select “Screen sharing” from the drop-down list.

Screen sharing on an Android phone

If you want to show the screen from a device running Android, I mean a mobile phone or tablet, then here I can disappoint you. The Skype application for Android does not currently provide this function.

If you call from a computer to a mobile phone, then from Android you will be able to clearly see the Windows desktop of your computer. There will be no problems with this.

How to stop screen sharing

There is a “stop showing” button for this. It is very clearly visible on the screen, so I won’t even present a screenshot.

Well, that’s all, dear friends, today we dealt with another Skype feature. If anything is unclear or you have something to add, write in the comments. Until next time.

The following options are available during a call:

Note. When calling Skype from a mobile phone, some calling features may be hidden. To display them, simply tap the screen.

Android (6.0 and later), Android tablets, iPhones and iPads

Depending on your platform or device, additional features may be available in Skype calls.

To see more options, tap the More button:

(in video calls). Switch between your video channel and your friends' video channels. Touch and hold a call participant, and then drag them to the main call window.

During a group call, touch and hold a participant, then select a command Send message.

Turn off the sound or (in group calls). Touch and hold anyone on the call and mute or remove them from the call. If you mute or delete a participant, they will receive a notification or .

Skype for Windows, Mac, Linux, browser and Skype for Windows 10 (version 14)

Depending on your platform or device, additional features may be available in Skype calls. Here's what else you can do on the menu.

Select displayed interlocutors(in video calls). Switch between your video stream and your friends' video streams. To do this, tap and hold on one of the participants, and then drag them to the main call window.

Change video preview size. During a video call, hover your mouse over the video preview area and use the expand handle to zoom in or out.

Switch between cameras(in video calls). During a video call, right-click your avatar to select a different camera.

Chat individually with a group call participant. During a group call, right-click the participant and select Send message.

Turn off the sound or remove participants from a call(in group calls). Hover over any participant and click the down arrow next to their name to mute or remove the person from the call. If you mute or delete a participant, they will receive a notification Another participant muted your microphone or Another participant removed you from the call.

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