How to come up with the most difficult password. How to come up with a login and password for registration, in contact, for mail

A strong password can protect you and your data from the machinations of intruders. On the Internet, any profile requires a “password” to log in. Only you should know it - and no one else. So you will have to try hard to come up with a decent secret combination that is not so easy to recognize. In some cases, you can use one trick, but it still will not be able to completely secure your profile on the Internet. What tips should you use to make your “password” difficult to guess?

Numbers, letters, symbols

Most strong password- this is a combination that is difficult to remember and guess. Therefore, users always think about what they should use as a “password” for authorization on various services.

The first advice that advanced “users” give is to use a combination of numbers, letters and symbols in their secret combinations. It is also recommended not to create short passwords - it would be better if they were long and difficult to remember. This way you can protect your data.

What specific combination should I use? You'll have to figure this out on your own. However, there are a few more tips to help you create a strong password.


Please note that often forms for entering "passwords" are case sensitive. In other words, they distinguish between lowercase and capital letters. This is a great opportunity to diversify your secret combination.

When coming up with a strong password, try to combine not only numbers with letters and special characters, but also alternate between lowercase and uppercase ones. This approach helps make it more difficult for attackers. The main thing is, don’t forget which letter is in which case.

It is recommended to capitalize the very first letter, and then alternate according to the “every other” principle. This kind of technique will help you avoid getting confused in the password you created. So take note this advice. Which password is more secure? One that uses a variety of registers when writing. It is possible to do without this feature, but it is not advisable.


They say you shouldn't use dates that are important to you in your passwords. But that's not true. It is enough to slightly diversify the approach to this issue. There is such a technique as “shifters”. It helps you use dates that are important to you in your “password”. At the same time, it will be very difficult to unravel your secrets.

What is it based on? this principle? At the very beginning of the password you choose, you should write a date. For example, your birthday. And at the end - the same date, but upside down. If 123 is written at the beginning, then 321 is written at the end. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. That's why this technique used by many users. Remember general principle constructing a “secret record” is simple. This means you won’t forget the “password” just like that.

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at strong passwords. Examples of these using “shifters” are what will help you figure out exactly how to create a good combination for authorization in an account on the Internet.

Let's assume that the "body" of our password will be the user's first and last name. Then we print: IvAnIvAnOv. Now you should use the “shifters”. To do this, let's take some date. For example, how often is the user's birthday selected? Let in our case it be May 4, 1988. And we dilute it all with symbolism. The final combination is: 4051988!~IvAnIvAnOv~!8891504. Like this complex password we succeeded. In fact, it is easy for the user to remember, but it is extremely difficult for attackers to guess. In any case, practice shows exactly this situation.


If you can’t come up with a strong password yourself, you’ll have to use one little trick. Just don’t think that it will completely protect you from hacking. There is nothing better than a personally invented “password”.

What kind of reception are we talking about? About using special password generators. They make up their own secret combinations"using symbols, letters and numbers. Of course, taking into account the registry. But "changers" are not used here.

You can download any password generator. Just launch the application and click on the "Generate" button (or something like that). You will receive a combination as a password. It can be supplemented or used in its original form.

MirSovetov found that Internet users, when coming up with passwords for their accounts, often make the same mistakes. Let's take a closer look at which protection will be easiest for hackers to crack:

  1. A forward or reverse sequence of numbers is considered the most common password options. The first thing that comes to mind for a person who wants to get to personal data is to enter the combination “123456...” or the same numbers, but in reverse order, into the required field.
  2. The second most popular password is the word “password”; the combination of letters “qwerty” is not inferior to it in popularity.
  3. Internet users often enter as a password the name of the service in whose account they are creating protection.
  4. Many people like to use their first or last name, date of birth or address as a password Email. These data can be used in various combinations and written in letters uppercase or supplemented with combinations of numbers, but experienced hackers can easily crack such protection if necessary.
  5. Instead of their data, Internet users often use the data of their relatives: husband, children, parents. In this case keyword may be the child’s name or date of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc. Popular password options also include the name of a pet, the make or number of a car, and the name of your hometown.
  6. The sequence of letters on the keyboard can also be classified as a simple and unreliable type of protection. Such sequences are very easy to calculate using special programs, who in just a few minutes will choose the appropriate one from a variety of options.
  7. Simple words like “money”, “love”, “friendship”, “happiness” can also be considered dubious types of personal data protection.
  8. Modern hacking programs have special function recognition of modifications, so that the replacement of letters in in simple words similar symbols will not help. Similar utility easily recognizes the letter “A” or “H” in the number 4, and the letter “O” in the number “0”.
  9. Simple passwords also include simple sentences like “I love you.”
  10. A very common mistake many people make is using the same passwords in different services. Any hacker, having cracked one password, will not be too lazy to check it on other accounts.

What should be a strong password?

  1. The main rule is to use different passwords for all Internet accounts.
  2. The security word or phrase must not be associated with the user's personal data. Avoid including first names, last names, dates of birth, pet names, etc. in your password.
  3. It is advisable that for stranger The password looked like an illogical sequence of words, letters or numbers. At the same time, the protective combination must be logical for the user himself, otherwise he will simply forget it.
  4. The phone number should also not become a password.
  5. The password must not be shared with anyone, especially to strangers. Remember that even a call from a bank or other organization asking for such information is in many cases the work of scammers.
  6. Some services send a temporary password by email after registering an account. This combination must be changed immediately after you enter the site.
  7. You should not store passwords in your browser or on your computer desktop.
  8. The security word must be long enough and contain not only letters, but also numbers and other valid characters.
  9. To create a password, you can use a special generator. There are quite a lot of similar programs, including popular services The following can be distinguished:,,, With the help of programs you can not only create unique passwords, but also to check independently invented combinations for the degree of reliability. For this purpose, use one of the following services:, or
  10. Try not to log into your accounts from other people's computers, especially in an Internet cafe or gaming clubs. In such places, you are likely to stumble upon a spyware program that reads the sequence of keystrokes on the keyboard.
  11. Passwords should be changed periodically. How more reliable protection, the less often you will have to do this, but even a long 12-digit combination of letters and numbers must be changed at least once every 2 years.

Ideas for creating a password

To come up with an original password that will be difficult to crack, use a counting rhyme or short rhyme that you know well. Take the first letter from each word of such a rhyme, replace some of them with similar symbols, for example, replace the letters “o” with “0”, replace “z” with the number “3”, and the letter “h” with the number “4”. You can also use punctuation marks in the password if they are in the poem. For additional protection Cyrillic letters can be written in the Latin layout.

Instead of a quatrain or counting rhyme, some favorite saying is quite suitable. This could be a favorite philosophical quote, a famous phrase of a movie character, etc. The principle of creating a password in this case is the same as when using a counting rhyme. By the way, for greater complexity, some letters can be replaced not by similar numbers, but by some others. For example, instead of “h” you can write not “4”, but “8”, “5” or any other symbol.

As a protective word, you can use a specific term known to a narrow circle of specialists in a particular field. This is where technical or medical definitions, such as complex drug names, can come in handy.

It is not recommended to include the date of birth of yourself or someone close to you in your password, but this does not mean that you cannot use other memorable dates. Such a number could, for example, indicate the day of the first kiss. The main thing is that the date is known only to you or a very limited circle of people. Instead of dots dividing the day, month and year, it is better to enter some symbol or letter.

To create a password, a so-called visual key can be used. Visually draw some simple drawing on the computer keyboard, for example, a cheerful face. Click in order on the keys through which your drawing passes.

How to save your password

Having come up with a complex and original password, the most important thing is not to forget it later. In order not to rely solely on your memory, a combination of symbols can be written down and saved in different ways:

  1. The easiest way is to copy the security word onto a piece of paper and hide it in your favorite book or put it on a closet shelf. It is not recommended to write the password in a notepad, as attackers can steal the organizer.
  2. The combination of characters can be recorded in notes mobile phone, but the note itself cannot be signed with the word “passwords” or any similar definitions.
  3. The password can also be saved on your computer, but to do this you will need to disguise the file well. To do this you can text extension change it to graphic and hide the file in the folder with pictures. To open a document, you will need to click on it right click mouse and select a text editor from the list of programs.

Today, every user has to work with many services in . For your profile on social networks, on entertainment and professional sites, to your email inbox, to access bank account, we need to come up with one that will be difficult to hack even for an experienced hacker, because personal security is often fraught with material losses.

What password is considered weak?

When registering for the next one, you need to remember several criteria that must be taken into account. Passwords to to different services must be different!

You can't make things up simple passwords. Examples of such passwords are 123, 12345, 321, 654321, 123456789, qwerty, password, (your date), (your first name/last name/patronymic), (name of your favorite cat) and the like.

The password should not be short. It is advisable to come up with a password that is at least 8-10 characters long.

Two very simple ways to come up with a strong password

First way. Dial in text editor letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers and Special symbols(for example, &, %, ), >, etc.) in any order.

Second way. Remember long word and write it to English layout(for example, long-necked - lkbyyjittt), after which replace some letters with capital ones, and insert several numbers and special characters between them. It should look something like - l2k9byY2@-ji+ttT.

If you decide to come up with a complex password for your mailbox, or for a page on a social network, then I won’t even ask myself why this might be needed. Naturally, such a procedure will protect against hacking in most cases, and those users who have been attacked by hackers are unlikely to want to lose access to their accounts again.

So to come up with a complex password There are just a few things you need to understand:

1. The password must be long

At least 10 characters is ideal for a password. Although, you probably already noticed this, since when registering on sites, most often you cannot create a short password.

2. A complex password contains both letters and numbers

To prevent hackers from guessing your password using special programs, you need to take into account the letters in addition to the length. When creating a password, be sure to use both numbers and letters of the English alphabet. On some sites you can also use special characters such as brackets, dashes, and quotes. So, if possible, then use them too.

3. Don’t come up with trivial passwords

Do not use your birthday, or other dates, or phone numbers in your password. Also, don't use whole words. Letters and numbers mixed together are ideal.

4. Need password protection

By password protection I mean some kind of antivirus. After all, no matter how complex a password is, it can be hacked not by brute force, but by means of a virus on your computer (spyware, Trojans, etc.). Of course, I can’t say, but I recommend or any other to protect your PC from most intruders.

5. It's time to come up with a complex password

I can give an example of complex passwords: NNXFB0qKK6D, g63bRJ7ejtB, F3d)h#H0S4^@, gR^eNC7h4C%l and so on. If you have difficulty manually guessing such passwords, then I advise you to use online services with password generators.

You will find one of them at: There you simply specify the parameters for the password (length, numbers) and click “Create password". We get a list of generated passwords.

To protect yourself as much as possible from theft of passwords, you need to store them not on your computer in notepads, but in less accessible places, for example, keep a special notebook.

Passwords are everywhere: on social networks, payment systems, on your computer and phone. It is unrealistic to keep so much information in your head, so many users follow the path of least resistance - they come up with one key that is easy to remember, and then enter it on all sites where they register.

This approach to security can end in disaster. If the access code for VKontakte or Odnoklassniki can be lost without serious financial consequences, and therefore there is no need to make it complicated, then come up with a password for registering in payment system or creation of Apple The ID must be such that no one except the owner can access the data.

Rules for creating passwords

Almost all sites have a list of password requirements when registering. However, usually these requirements are minimal: at least 8 characters, cannot consist only of numbers or letters, etc. To create a truly complex password, you need to keep a few more restrictions in mind.

  • Login and password must not be the same.
  • It is not recommended to use any personal information, especially if it can be obtained from social networks or other sources.
  • It is not recommended to use words.

To understand the logic of these prohibitions, just look at how passwords are cracked. For example, a 5-digit key is only 100 thousand combinations. By simply searching through all the options, the hacking program will find a suitable combination in 2 minutes, if not less. A rare word will not work for an access code either. An attacker can analyze different dictionaries on different languages and find a match. The only question is how long it will take - a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Program Advanced PDF Password Recovery to crack passwords set on PDF document. Uses brute force and allows you to fine-tune the selection by noting the characters used in the password.

The combination of a rare word and numbers will also not work. Bruteforce technology allows you to search for combinations of numbers and words, so that such a key will fall if necessary. It will, of course, last a little longer than 123456789, but if you suffer losses due to hacking, then this time difference is unlikely to seem significant. To understand which password is reliable and which is not so good, let’s take a look specific examples. The approximate hacking time is calculated using password checking services, which are described below.

  • Date of birth (05041992) – will be hacked in 3 milliseconds.
  • Name with small or capital letter(Segey, sergey) - will last 300-500 milliseconds, that is, less than half a second.
  • Combinations of numbers and lowercase letters (1k2k3d4a9v) – approximately 1 day.
  • It will take about 6 years to crack a password like HDA5-MHJDa.
  • The combination AhRn&Mkbl363NYp will be deciphered in 16 million years.

The cracker will not work for 16 million years or even 6 years - this value only demonstrates that it is impossible to crack the password within an acceptable period of time.

Password generation

It's one thing to know the rules, another thing to follow them. Most users are aware that they cannot use an access code consisting of their date of birth or name to register, but this stops few. Two problems:

  • It's hard to come up with a complex password.
  • Even if you create a password containing a random set of characters, it is difficult (sometimes simply impossible) to remember it.

An online password generator will help you solve the first problem. You can find it on the Internet a large number of services that offer to quickly create a complex password from letters, numbers, and special characters.

Working online generators according to one principle: you indicate which characters need to be used, select the required number of characters and click “Generate”. The services differ only in certain aspects.

For example, on you can generate several dozen passwords at once (up to 99 combinations). PassGen allows you to set the option to automatically exclude duplicate characters from the security key, that is, all characters in it will be in the singular.

Key storage

If you can generate a password online, then you need to store the keys on your computer. Write down the password on a piece of paper separate document on a computer, on a sticker glued to the screen - a path to unauthorized access to data. So here comes the second problem: how to remember the created key.

You shouldn't rely on memory, but you can rely on a password manager. Many users choose KeePass. This program is free and works on Windows 7, Windows 10 and others. modern versions OS from Microsoft. In addition, KeePass has a built-in password generator, so you don't have to search for online services every time.

The only downside of a password manager is that it also requires an access code, which is called a master password. But remembering one master password is much easier than keeping several dozen in mind. complex combinations. In addition, when creating it, you can use a trick - take poetry, counting rhymes or any other memorable lines as a basis and turn them into a combination of letters, numbers and signs.

For example, you can take a quatrain, highlight the first letters and punctuation marks, and then write them in the Latin layout. Some letters can be replaced with numbers - “z” with “3”, “o” with “0”, “h” with “4”. As a result of such manipulation, from four lines of a children's poem that will never leave your head, you will get the password U0d?D3ep.Gzc3hek, which will take 3 trillion years to crack.

Difficulty check

On many sites, when registering, the user is shown whether he has a good password. You can make sure that the generated code is complex and you won’t be able to hack it quickly, you can do it yourself using the ? In the “Enter Password” field, paste the generated password. In response you will receive approximate time, which will be spent on cracking the key on a regular computer. If it’s several million or at least thousands of years old, then the code is definitely reliable.

You can use other services to check reliability: for example, from Kaspersky Lab. It also shows the time required to crack a password, at the same time telling you what can be done within the specified period.

Another interesting way checks - the “Password Strength” service on the website Here the result is categorical: the key is either reliable or unreliable.

You need to understand that the hacking time shown by these services is very arbitrary and is calculated in case the hacker uses regular computer. A supercomputer with fantastic performance will do the job faster, as will dedicated password-cracking machines that can test up to 90 billion keys per second. But it is unlikely that people who own such equipment will need your email, Skype or Wi-Fi password.