How to create a mailbox with your own domain.

Try the free Yandex.Mail for Domain service.

Read about how to create, configure and use this service in our article today.

Yandex.Mail for a domain - what is it?

"Yandex.Mail for Domain" is a service that allows you to integrate a domain name with a free service "Yandex Mail", receiving all the benefits of the latter's work.

This service may be needed by the owner of a domain name who wants to make his mail unique, for example, “user_name@domain_name”.

The advantages of this solution are obvious and after connecting the service the user receives:

    the ability to create 1000 mailboxes (a large number is possible after submitting an application to increase the limit);

    convenient web interface for management mail accounts(blocking an account in case of dismissal of an employee, creation of a new one, etc.), as well as various additional features, for example: creating an alias, mailing list, importing mail from others mail servers, etc.;

    tools for working with letters via a web interface (viewing office documents, listening to attached .mp3 files in the browser).

    protection against spam and viruses;

    ability to access from the web interface, email programs and mobile devices;

    the ability to install your organization’s logo in the web interface and select many different themes for the interface;

    Due to greater trust from other mail servers, Yandex.Mail emails do not end up on spam lists as often.

    calendar for organizing the working day.

Also added to the list is the lack of need to employ a system administrator.

And if you still need his services to set up the service, the price will be minimal.

Currently, the service serves about 300 thousand domain names and about 4 million mailboxes.

We create and configure Yandex.Mail for a domain

When starting to set up this service, you must already be registered in the Yandex.Mail service and own a certain domain name for which the settings will be made.

Step 1. Connection and domain verification. At this stage, the person who wants to use the service must prove that he is the owner of the domain name.

Verification usually takes no more than 24 hours and once the domain is confirmed, the administrator has access to all functions.

Go to the confirmation page and select one of the proposed methods for confirmation:

    creating a subdomain with a specific name generated by the system;

    changing the contact email address to the address containing the domain name for which registration is being carried out.

The first two methods are simpler than the last. In our example we will use the first method.

We create a file in Notepad (we name it as the system indicated), place the system-generated text in it, rename it to .html and upload it to the root directory of the site.

After completing these manipulations, click the “Check domain ownership” button.

Step 2. Setting up MX records or domain delegation Yandex .

If the domain name was registered only for the purpose of using a unique name domain for company email addresses or for personal purposes (to emphasize individuality), it is recommended to use Yandex domain delegation.

In this case, you will only be able to use Yandex services, but all settings for your domain will be made automatically.

If the domain is used for a website located at a certain hosting provider, the best solution would be to set up an MX record in its control panel.

For the convenience of users, the company has posted on the official website information on setting up a domain for the most popular registrars and Internet providers.

Setting up an MX record

Setting up an MX record is different for each service, so we will limit ourselves to a general description without reference to the interface of the hosting provider or registrar.

By going to the administration panel, you need to delete all existing MX records that do not point to Yandex servers, after which you should create a new one by selecting priority - 10, and in the destination (data) field specify

The results of the settings can be seen by following the link. If you did everything correctly, the status “Waiting for installation of MX records” will change to “Connected”.

Note! In some cases, hosting providers integrate settings for the most popular services, incl. and for Yandex.Mail, in this case the setting is simply a matter of checking the box in the required field and saving the changes.

After setting up MX records, you can go to the My Domains page and make sure the settings are correct.

If a domain is delegated to Yandex, its functionality will be ensured by the company’s servers.

The setup consists of two stages of editing on the Yandex side and on the side of the name registrar or hosting provider.

To delegate, you need to go to the My Domains page, select a domain for delegation to Yandex, follow the “DNS Editor” link and make sure that all the necessary data is included in the list of DNS records.

Important! If any entry is missing, add it using the appropriate button.

On the domain registrar side, you need to change the NS settings of the domain, specifying and as the primary and secondary DNS servers, respectively.

If your registrar interface has fields for IP addresses, they should be left blank.

After some time, your domain will be delegated to Yandex. To do this, visit the My Domains page.

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An email domain is a collection of interconnected mailboxes with the same name.

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The mailbox address consists of two parts, where the first indicates the individual name created by the user (login), and the second, immediately after the @ symbol, contains the domain name, which is common to all email accounts.

For example: we have an email address [email protected], where ivanov123 is the unique individual name of the mailbox, and is the domain name.

If we draw an analogy with the real world, then the domain name can be compared to the magazine “Around the World”, and each issue has a unique individual name (login). Knowing the title and issue number, you can easily find a copy in a library or archive. It's the same with email.

What email domains are there?

Some are popular all over the world (, and some only in the CIS countries (

Yandex Mail

The service offers services: from the ability to create an individual one for standard use to connecting mail to a personal domain. Yandex:Mail is a free service, but the standard functionality can be expanded for an additional fee. After registration, 10 GB are allocated for storing letters. If this is not enough, you can increase the quota for money.

When you connect Yandex mail, the following options open up:

  • Virtually unlimited memory capacity for each user.
  • Ability to synchronize your address book with other services.
  • Import all messages from old mailboxes.
  • Connecting and attaching/saving files to .
  • Sort messages by date and time sent.
  • Notifications that the user has read the letter.
  • Filtering messages from specific addresses and domains.
  • Spelling and punctuation checking of letters.
  • Ability to translate and customize templates.
  • Time scheduler functions.
  • Ability to disable advertising for free.

There were no obvious shortcomings in using the domain. In case of technical failures and problems, the support service responds quickly. By the way, if the work of Yandex is not clear, the support service will also answer all questions and explain in simple language.


The domain is relatively young compared to the services of Yandex, Hotmail, and Google. In addition to standard mail settings, the service has cloud storage and the ability to configure autoresponder services for specific addresses or domains. On you can also open an email with your domain in the tab absolutely free.

Google Mail

30 GB of disk space is allocated for storing letters. The service is free, but there is a paid option to connect the mail service to a personal domain.

How to register an email with your own domain

A hosting service can provide email services to its clients. But the memory capacity of a standard hosting package does not exceed 10 GB, and this will only be enough for 20-50 users. Therefore, to save memory, webmasters transfer mailboxes to external mail resources. As the volume of emails increases, the need arises to increase the functionality. In such cases, employees of large business portals switch to an external resource.

Domains can be paid or free. Owners of paid ones have access to additional services and unlimited memory.

What hosting can offer email owners:

  1. A mailbox with a domain like info@site.
  2. Possibility to conduct correspondence through the site interface.
  3. Additionally, an antivirus is provided.

When contacting the provider, hosting employees can configure the system themselves.

What does using external resources give when connecting an email address (

  1. Free registration and further service.
  2. Memory capacities up to 20 GB with paid expansion options.
  3. The ability to create at will, for example, with a domain site, you can register s@site or sema@site.
  4. Setting up free chats for users of the same domain.
  5. An email address with a domain must be accompanied by a DKIM signature.
  6. Standard mailbox settings.

Registering an email for a custom domain

Let's consider connecting a mail service using the example of

Go to, log in and write your domain name in the central tab.

Confirm that you are the site owner. To do this, copy the code proposed by the system into a text document, save the file and paste it into the root folder of your resource. Please wait 10-15 minutes for confirmation.

Next, Yandex will ask you to configure MX records. To do this, go to your hosting company’s personal account and find the “DNS settings” tab. In the tab that opens, find “other MX servers”, go there and swap the entries: delete the one that was there and insert the one that Yandex requires you to register. Click “ok” and the email with the domain name is ready.

Greetings, friends! 🙋🏻

For a long time now I have wanted to start sharing with you information about how I create and manage my projects (websites/blogs), of which I already have 5. These are my most active projects. I recently closed several sites because they stopped captivating me, but I’m preparing to launch two new ones that will take their place. Thus, I will have as many as 7 websites :) Of course, for professional web developers this is a ridiculous figure, but, to be honest, this number is quite enough for me :) The most interesting thing is that readers know me mainly as, and have no idea have that I independently create and manage several content projects in Russian and English.

So, with this article I would like to open a new one, where I will share information about what and how I do while developing my projects.

It is possible that the topic of today's article may seem a little strange. Why on earth do I start by creating mail on my domain? The fact is that I already have the domain itself - I’m creating a new website on the old domain. Therefore, the next logical step for me is to purchase an SSL certificate and install it on the site, which, by the way, I haven’t created yet, so I’m starting from the very beginning. So I decided, since I’m making a new website, why not at the same time make instructions for the steps I’m taking: in case someone finds it useful.

Well, okay, I won’t bore you with any more digressions, but I’ll move on to our topic today: how to create mail on your domain. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

How to register an email with your own domain

It's very, very easy to do! The whole process will only take you a few minutes if you have already purchased your domain.

Action plan:

  1. Do you have a website/blog or are you planning to start one?, then, most likely, you already have hosting, access to which we will need to set up domain mail and create new mailboxes. If you haven’t purchased hosting yet, I recommend registering domains and buying hosting from FastVPS. They have excellent service, support and reasonable prices. Below I will tell you how and what you need to do to create mail on your domain.
  2. If you don't need a website- only mail. If you don’t have a domain yet, you can purchase it, for example, on In my opinion, this is one of the best domain registrars on the Russian-speaking market, which I myself use. By the way, you can also purchase hosting there if necessary. Since without a website and hosting, your domain will not be connected to the hosting DNS, you need to delegate the domain. This can be done, for example, on, Yandex for domains or by connecting the domain to Gmail. Unfortunately, this article is not for you, since domain delegation is a completely different topic. It is possible that I will cover this issue later, but for now, you can try to figure it out using the instructions from the service providers.

In my case, I already have a domain and hosting, but I need my own email domain mainly to purchase an SSL certificate for a new website. Without mail on your domain, you simply cannot purchase it.

So, to create an email account for the site, you will need to go to the control panel on your hosting. Please note that control panels may vary between hosting providers. The most common are: ISPManager and CPanel, with which you are most likely to deal. For this reason, step-by-step instructions for creating an email for a domain will vary. Below I will show you how to create a domain email in these two panels.

My site is hosted on FastVPS, which uses the ISPManager panel, so I'll start with that.

The first stage is registering an email domain

Before you register your first email account with your own domain, you need to create an email domain on the server. The mail domain is responsible for the collection of all mailboxes registered on your domain. For example, group, support@site, and so on.

In order to do this, follow the instructions below.

Step 1. First of all go to your hosting control panel.

Step 2. On the left you should have a column with different functions, like in the screenshot below. It may be slightly different from mine as the options depend on the hosting package you purchased. In this column Find the "Mail" section and select the "Mail Domains" option.

On the left, in the “Mail” section, click on the “Mail Domains” option.

Select the "Create" option to begin creating a new email account for the site Step 4.

Now we will start creating a new email domain for your website. On the page that opens, do the following:
  • Enter your domain, IP address, and check the boxes next to those fields that you consider necessary for your mailboxes. IN field "Name"
  • enter your domain, that is, the part of the email that will come after the dog sign “@”. There shouldn't be any www or http here! Please note that the domain you enter here must already be registered on your server, otherwise you will not be able to complete this step. If everything went well, you will see a green icon with a check mark. In field"IP address"
  • enter your domain, that is, the part of the email that will come after the dog sign “@”. There shouldn't be any www or http here! Please note that the domain you enter here must already be registered on your server, otherwise you will not be able to complete this step. If everything went well, you will see a green icon with a check mark. , click on the down arrow and select the IP address that appears in the list. Usually this is an address with numbers like this - If no options are offered, then leave the “Get automatically” option."Default Action"

    choose the option that suits you. For example, what should your mail server do if someone sends an email to a non-existent address with your domain name, that is, instead of sending an email to marketing@pro-smm..

    Here are several options:"error message"
    , that is, a return letter to the sender that such a box does not exist."ignore and delete"
    — « implies that the letter will simply be deleted from the server and no one - neither you nor the sender - will know about its existence. redirect to address
    — « " means redirect. A letter sent to an incorrect address will be redirected to the email address you specified. By checking this box, you can be sure that you will not miss important messages, even if the sender makes a mistake in writing the email address. redirect to domain

  • " must be specified, for example, in case of a domain change. By selecting this function, you can choose two options: redirect mail to another domain or simply send emails to the email address you specified. Next we have 2 functions that will help protect all domain mailboxes from viruses and spam. I personally only use the first two points:. Last 2 functions ( DKIM and DMARC) are needed to validate your own emails so that they are less likely to end up in spam and are better delivered to recipients. These are more advanced functions that are needed by serious organizations that send, for example, commercial letters and newsletters. Just keep in mind that you should not play with these functions and, if you choose them, you must use them legally, that is, no mailings to any purchased databases and no use of gray-and-black methods - only ethical and legitimate behavior.
  • Finally, when you finish selecting functions, check that all fields are filled out correctly and click on the “ Ok».

The second stage - registering mailboxes for the site

In the previous step, you created a mail domain on the server. Now you can register the first email account for your website. You can create as many email addresses as you like, as long as your hosting does not set limits.

Step 1. Go to your site's control panel, as shown in the image below. Click on the domain name to make it highlighted. You will need to activate Boxes icon, which you need to click on.

Click on your site's domain name and then click on the "Boxes" icon

Step 2. A new window will open with all the mailboxes you have registered for the selected domain. If you are creating your first mail, then here, accordingly, will be empty for now. In the functions panel, find icon with a green plus “Create” and click on it.

Step 3. Now you have to fill out all the fields in the new window.

To create a new mailbox on your domain, fill out all the fields in the window that opens.

Let's look at each column in order:

  • Enter your domain, IP address, and check the boxes next to those fields that you consider necessary for your mailboxes. IN Enter a name for the new mailbox. Please note that only the part of the email that will come before the dog "@" sign is entered here. There is no need to add the domain name, since it is selected in the second column. If you have only one email domain registered, this column will be filled in automatically.
  • Enter your domain, IP address, and check the boxes next to those fields that you consider necessary for your mailboxes. field "Aliases" you can specify emails associated with the mailbox you are creating. For example, on a website you want to indicate an email to which people should write with questions about advertising. But in fact, no one looks at this email, since all letters are automatically forwarded to the head of the advertising department with the email address masha@site. This way you only show the general email. department box, and not the email of a specific person. Just be careful, because when using this feature, you need to set redirection rules in the alias management section.
  • Next we have two password fields. In the first, you enter or generate a new password, which you repeat again in the second column. Be sure to write down your password somewhere so you don't forget. You will need it when installing the mail management client.
  • Field “Send copies of letters by e-mail” speaks for itself. Here you can enter the email address to which copies of each letter will be sent.
  • Enter your domain, IP address, and check the boxes next to those fields that you consider necessary for your mailboxes. field "Max. size" You don't have to specify anything. Typically, hosting providers do not place restrictions on the size of mailboxes, so this field is automatically set to “unlimited.”
  • And finally, field with SpamAssassin function, which is better to leave enabled, since it definitely won’t make things worse :) After you have filled out all the fields, save the changes by clicking on the “ Ok».

OK it's all over Now! You created an email on your own domain. What should I do next so that I can use it? In order to view mail associated with a domain, you will need to configure it on one of the existing mail clients. The mail program will allow you to receive, send, view mail and perform various actions related to it.

My second hosting SiteGround uses Cpanel control panel. Here, creating an email with a domain name is also very simple. Below I will show you in detail how this is done.

Step 1. Login to your hosting control panel and scroll down to the " Mail».

Step 2. Select an option "Email Accounts".

Find the “Mail” section in the panel and click on the “Email Accounts” option
Fill out all fields of the form and click on the “Create account” button

— In the last column you can enter mailbox quota, setting the maximum size for storing messages.

— Finally, when everything is ready, click on the “ Create an account».

Your mailing address is ready to use! Now you can use email via Cpanel or set up an email client on your computer or link your domain email, for example, to Yandex, or Gmail.

My hosting SiteGround offers three email clients in the control panel (under the Additional Information menu), but I personally prefer to use email on my computer. If you are interested in this topic, then I will tell you how this is done in one of the future articles.

Well, I think I’ve covered today’s topic enough: “how to create an email domain and link email to it.” I hope my instructions were helpful to you!

I wish you a great mood and less spam in your new mailboxes! 😉

Setting up mail for a custom domain requires some technical knowledge. Therefore, if you do not know what DNS and MX records are, it is better to ask someone who is at least familiar with these words to do the setup. Or find companies that will help you with this. Oddly enough, some are willing to do this completely free of charge, including assistance in registering a domain name.

Hosting provider

Price: various options.

The most common service will be the one that any hosting provider will offer you. Usually it is called: “Postal service” or “Mail”. As a rule, the cost of such a service from a provider is approximately 100 rubles per month. Each hosting provider has its own characteristics of providing services, but there are some common to all providers:

  • providing type addresses [email protected];
  • the size of each box is from 25 MB (the size can be increased for a fee);
  • working with email via a web interface;
  • imap (pop3) and smtp access (for working with email through email programs like Outlook or Thunderbird), sometimes for a fee;
  • antivirus for email messages, sometimes for a fee.

Despite the not so wide possibilities, a big plus is that all the necessary settings for email operation have already been made by the provider.

"Yandex.Mail" for a domain

Price: free.

The service offers mail for the domain, as well as DNS hosting (if the existing domain management system of your hosting provider does not suit you), Yandex.Disk of 10 GB per user with the possibility of increasing the volume for additional money. The appearance of the mail and the list of services are completely similar to the free mail from Yandex. You can register 1,000 mailboxes. By connecting the Yandex.Mail service for a domain, you will receive the following main features:

  • aliases (synonyms) of a mailbox (for example, your mailbox [email protected], but you can make an address [email protected], [email protected] and so on without registering individual mailboxes);
  • alias for a domain (for this you need to add two or more domains);
  • chat for a domain (works via the Jabber protocol, but requires setting up a domain SRV record);
  • address book (list of contacts);
  • DKIM signature (DomainKeys Identified Mail - a digital signature of your domain so that letters do not end up in spam);
  • the ability to organize mailings to all mailboxes of the domain;
  • attaching files from Yandex.Disk;
  • selecting the date and time of sending an email message;
  • customizable reminder if there is no response to a sent email;
  • notification of receipt of the letter by the recipient;
  • custom filtering of email messages (for example, messages from a specific recipient are automatically moved to a specific folder);
  • letter templates;
  • letter labels;
  • spam filter;
  • to-do list;
  • calendar timeline;
  • access to mail via imap;
  • two-factor authentication (in addition to the login and password, the system will request an additional code generated using a smartphone).

The service has no obvious disadvantages. If you find errors in its operation, you can always contact a qualified technical support service that communicates with users in human language. for business

Price: free.

Despite the name “for business”, the service can be used by anyone who has their own personal domain

The service appeared much later and is probably the youngest on the market. However, due to the familiar interface and name, the service is actively recruiting users. For example, the service transferred about 500 thousand mailboxes of its users to the “ for business” service.

By connecting your domain to the service, you receive a standard set of mail services with the ability to add mailboxes for your domain. In total, you can add 5,000 mailboxes per domain. Each user will have access to a free 25 GB cloud for storing files with the ability to expand for additional money. In the cloud you can create and edit documents in MS Office formats. By connecting a personal email domain to for Business, you will receive the following main features:

  • mailbox of unlimited size for each user;
  • aliases for mailbox;
  • alias for domain;
  • “ Agent” for a domain (all users of mailboxes in your domain are automatically added to it);
  • The address book;
  • DKIM signature;
  • import all mail messages from your old mail;
  • the ability to access your mail at;
  • attaching files from the cloud or links to them in a letter;
  • letter templates;
  • spam filter;
  • connecting other mailboxes;
  • two-factor authentication;
  • SMS notifications about incoming letters (not all operators are supported);
  • various mailbox design themes;
  • mobile application for accessing mail;
  • access to mail via imap.

One of the downsides is the advertising in the mailbox that cannot be disabled through the settings. The easiest way to remove ads and keep your mailbox clean is to use ad blocker modules, for example.

Google Apps for Works

Price: $5 to $10 per user per month.

About three years ago, this service was free for ordinary users. Now it remains free only for certain categories of users. For others, only the paid version is available. The service is focused on teamwork, rather than on one person, and has extensive administration and settings capabilities. However, even one person has something to use. The service will be of interest to those who have never used Google mail - Gmail. Others will see a familiar interface. The number of mailboxes is limited by your budget.

Each user on the basic tariff receives 30 GB of space in mail and Google Drive (1 TB if there are less than five users, and unlimited space in other cases, on the advanced tariff).

By connecting a custom domain for mail in Google Apps for Works, you will get the following main features:

  • mailbox of unlimited or limited size for each user;
  • aliases for mailbox;
  • alias for domain;
  • chat for a domain (all mailbox users of your domain are automatically added to it);
  • DKIM signature;
  • import all mail messages from your old mail;
  • the ability to access your mail at;
  • attaching links to files from Google Drive in a letter;
  • spell checking of letters before sending;
  • translator of letters into other languages;
  • spam filter;
  • a tool for formatting (designing) the text of an email message;
  • autoresponder (will respond for you to all incoming emails with a predetermined phrase);
  • connecting other mailboxes;
  • custom filtering of email messages;
  • two-factor authentication;
  • various mailbox design themes;
  • mobile application for accessing mail;
  • access to mail via imap;
  • canceling the sending of the letter (if you clicked the “Send” button and changed your mind);
  • various additional features from the laboratory (separate plug-in add-ons).

Google has proven itself to be a reliable service (of course, there have been a few glitches over the years), and, importantly, it is present on every modern smartphone. This means that there is no need to perform manual settings; you just need to enter your login (mailbox address) and password for it. Everything else will be configured automatically.

Google Apps for Works can be used without entering payment details for 30 days.

Personally, I use this exact product.

Office 365 for business

Price: from 200 rubles per user per month.

Office 365 for business is much more than just email. This is a whole set of tools for bringing your business to the cloud and conducting work activities. The package includes many tariff plans (not all of them are available on the website); for review, I chose the Office 365 Business Premium tariff. However, there is an Exchange Online plan that's included with Office 365 Business Premium but only provides tools for email and voicemail (but you can't test it without purchasing it).

I won’t tell you about all the available options and costs. I will only note that you can purchase a subscription with the ability to install classic versions of MS Office applications for Mac OS and Windows. In addition to mail, each user is provided with a 1 TB cloud disk. In total, you can connect up to 300 users on the minimum tariff plan. A cloud version of the Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Skype for Business (HD video conferencing and some other features) will also be available. When you create workgroups, you can work on intranet sites. Of course, the tools include a calendar and tasks.

When you connect a custom email domain to Office 365 for business, you get the following key features:

  • mailbox limited to 50 GB;
  • aliases for mailbox;
  • alias for domain;
  • address book (including general);
  • DKIM signature;
  • import all mail messages from your old mail;
  • the ability to access your mail at;
  • attaching files from OneDrive cloud storage;
  • a tool for formatting (designing) the text of an email message;
  • delivery and read receipts;
  • spam filter;
  • autoresponder (will respond for you to all incoming emails with a predetermined phrase);
  • custom filtering of email messages;
  • various mailbox design themes;
  • mobile application for accessing mail;
  • access to mail via imap;
  • access to mail via Exchange (not just access to mail, but also much more);
  • additional application store.

I recommend this service to those who are used to working in Outlook. In fact, Outlook is tailored for Exchange connections and works great with it. Personally, I used a similar plan from Office 365 for business (it was called differently then) for about a year and a half and did not have any problems with the work. Once I had to use technical support services by phone. The problem was resolved very quickly. The technical support for this product is one of the best on the market.

Also, do not forget that Microsoft is the developer of very common products for office life (Word and Excel) and their online versions work perfectly - an excellent alternative to desktop versions of applications.

Yahoo Small Business

Price: $34.95 per year and $9.95 per month (Custom Mailbox and Business Email plans, respectively).

Yahoo is a very old service. One of the few services that still does not allow users to “communicate” with their mailbox via the imap protocol. In addition to the email itself, Yahoo includes one domain (which can be purchased by joining their service) and one externally accessible web page. If you buy the Business Email plan, you will have an unlimited number of mailing addresses; in Custom Mailbox you can only get one mailing address. A calendar is included with the mail. By connecting a custom domain for mail in Yahoo Small Business, you will receive the following main features:

  • unlimited mailbox size;
  • The address book;
  • a tool for formatting (designing) the text of an email message;
  • autoresponder (will respond for you to all incoming emails with a predetermined phrase);
  • custom filtering of email messages;
  • various mailbox design themes;
  • spam filter;
  • mobile application for accessing mail;
  • spell checking of letters before sending.

Despite the rather high price, the postal capabilities are very standard.

Zoho Mail for Business

Price: Several plans, from free to $10 per month per user.

Zoho is a very old service. It contains a large number of working tools. Some of them are free, and some (mostly aimed at sales) are paid.

Mail from Zoho has integration with Zoho Docs (import from Google Drive), calendars and tasks.

By connecting a custom domain to Zoho Mail for Business, you will get the following main features:

  • limited mailbox size from 5 to 25 GB depending on the tariff plan;
  • The address book;
  • import all mail messages from your old mail;
  • attaching files from cloud storages Zoho, Dropbox and Google Drive or links to them in a letter;
  • custom filtering of email messages;
  • letter templates;
  • delivery notifications;
  • spell checking of letters;
  • letter labels;
  • spam filter;
  • a tool for formatting (designing) the text of an email message;
  • mobile application for accessing mail;
  • access to mail via map and active sync;
  • answering machine;
  • aliases for the mailbox.

These are the largest services that you should pay attention to in order to use your domain mail on them. If you know other options, write in the comments.

For security reasons, Yandex does not provide information about the account for which the domain was connected. You can try to remember your login yourself:

    If you entered your first and last name correctly when registering and linked your phone number to your account, Passport can find all logins with this data. To do this, open the Login Recovery page and follow the instructions.

    Automatic login search only works if you have accurately specified your first and last name. If the login is not found, it is possible that during registration you indicated a different last name, or a first name in a different form (for example, not).

If you remember your login, but forgot your password or receive a message when logging into your account “Invalid login-password pair! Login failed" please use our recommendations.

Cannot restore domain administrator login

If you are already using Yandex.Mail on your domain, but cannot remember the account with which the domain was connected, Mail for Domain support staff can help you transfer domain management to another Yandex account (with a login like “*@yandex. tld" ).

For this:

    If you specified a phone number or additional email address when creating your account, indicate them on the recovery page. The phone number must be specified in full, starting with the country code. You will be able to receive a confirmation code to your phone or email address.

    If you see a message that the email or number is incorrect, check to see if you made a typo when you entered it. If the correctly entered number still does not work, try to remember what other addresses or numbers you could have linked to your account.

    If you have not linked either a phone number or email address to your account, answer the security question. You may not be able to enter the correct answer the first time - try other spelling options and keyboard layouts.

    Can't recover password

    If you cannot restore access yourself, fill out the form to restore access.

    If possible, fill out the form on the same device (computer, phone or tablet) with which you usually access Yandex. It is also recommended to fill out the form where you usually access the Internet - for example, from home, and not using public WiFi.

    In the form, enter the personal data that you indicated when registering your account or in your Passport. Write as you remember, it is not necessary to remember the exact text.

    I want to transfer domain management to another account

    You can transfer domain control to another user.

    Domain transfer yourself

    Attention. If you transfer a domain yourself, all mailboxes created for it will have to be deleted.

    To transfer domain control:

    1. Delete all mailboxes on the domain. It will be impossible to restore letters and other information for these mailboxes.

      Disable the domain.

      Log in to Yandex with the account you want to transfer the domain to.

      Connect the domain for the new account.

      Confirm domain ownership for the new account.

      If a domain is delegated to Yandex servers, it may accidentally be confirmed for someone else's account for which they tried to connect the same domain. To prevent this from happening, before confirming, temporarily delegate the domain to the servers of a third-party company (not Yandex). After confirmation, you will again be able to delegate the domain to Yandex servers.

    Transferring a domain while preserving mailboxes

    In the shape of:

      select an option “I want to transfer control to another account”;

      For the return address, enter the address of the current domain administrator.