How to become invisible in 5 minutes. Becoming invisible in real life step by step

If you want your presence on the VKontakte social network to be hidden from friends and page visitors, then you can use a little trick. You will get in touch, and your status will be offline (see).

Now I'll show you how to be invisible on VKontakte from a computer or phone.

What is it for

Most often, this function is used if you do not want to enter into correspondence with users. When they see that you are online, they immediately try to send you a message. If you log into VK in invisible mode, other users will not know that you are online.

How to be invisible on VKontakte from a computer

The simplest thing is to use special program. It should be noted that there is now quite a lot of software that allows you to work on VKontakte from a computer. I suggest you use a proven option - VkLife.

The browser extension option is currently being used. At the same time, the developers immediately offer to install and use the Yandex browser.

During the installation process, the Yandex browser will be approved. After the first launch, you will need to confirm the installation of the VKlife extension.

A triangle icon should now appear in your browser toolbar. Clicking on it should open a tool window. Here you will see an “Offline/Online” switch. Place it in the desired position.

A small trick if you are using VKontakte from a computer

VKontakte online status is activated the moment you log into home page your profile. And if you do not update it, or do not take other actions, then after 15 minutes, you are assigned the status “Offline”.

Thus, you just need to wait a while until you switch to invisible mode and continue working with the social network. At the same time, do not go to the main page - this way the status will remain in offline mode.

How to be invisible on VKontakte from Android

After this you can continue working.


As you can see, logging into VKontakte invisible is very simple (see). The only point I would like to draw your attention to is that you should not download suspicious programs for the social network to work. By using them, you risk losing access to your page.


In contact with

People have always been fascinated by the ability to be invisible. From H.G. Wells' Invisible Man to Harry Potter's Invisible Mantle, science fiction writers have speculated about what they could do while invisible.

Invisibility is often portrayed as absolute transparency - a la the Invisible Man - but this contradicts the laws of nature as we understand it. In addition, a transparent person would face difficulties that seemed insurmountable. Any ingested food or drink would be completely visible, as it would be visible through the gastrointestinal tract, and this visible food would begin to unite with the body before the eyes. In addition, there would undoubtedly be clothing problems and social problems.

A competing approach to invisibility is to use some sort of blanket that redirects photons around an object. This method is more feasible in a practical sense, but, of course, it also has its difficulties. For example, if all the external light somehow does not reach the object, then it cannot penetrate to the observer inside, who because of this will not be able to see anything himself.

Because of these and other difficulties, scientists have long abandoned all serious plans to achieve invisibility and postponed them until the distant future. But now everything has changed. In October 2006, Professor Sir John Pandry of King's College London announced the successful creation of a rudimentary invisibility blanket that brings the idea a little closer to reality. Perhaps what's most surprising here is that the entire concept is based on an extremely simple physical quality of light that requires no electricity, which every high school student learns in physics class.

Essentially, Sir John's invisibility cloak works on the principle of refraction, that very property of light when a ray passing through a prism is transformed into a rainbow. Refraction can also be seen by dipping a pencil into a glass of water. The underwater part will appear to point sideways due to the refraction of light as it moves from one medium to another - from water to air.

A few years ago, Sir John and a group of his physicist friends were puzzled by the idea of ​​using refraction to refract the entire flow of light around an object. If this became possible, then the light would appear unchanged on the other side of the object, as if the object were not there at all.

Of course this one simple idea not at all easy to implement. The first obstacle for the researchers was the precision of light refraction that this method requires. There simply were no materials that could cause the refraction of rays along the required semicircular trajectory, and there were no materials of natural origin that would be suitable for this. Therefore, scientists paid attention to metamaterials - substances whose electromagnetic properties do not depend on chemical composition, but from a precisely designed external structure.

Following a theoretical design previously published, and working with Duke University researchers, Sir John and his team invented a five-inch circular blanket. To create it, a metamaterial designed in a special way for this purpose was used, composed of concentric circles located in two dimensions. The unique configuration is considered one of the most complex metameric structures ever created. The scientists' first goal was to create a material that would be "invisible" to microwave radiation, since microwaves are longer than visible light and measured in millimeters rather than nanometers and are therefore easier to control.

In the laboratory, the scientists placed their blanket inside the test chamber, turned on the microwave emitter, and watched the detector from the side. Their new metamaterial worked flawlessly. The contents of the small blanket remained completely unaffected by the microwaves directed at her, while the instrument readings indicated that there was no blanket in the chamber at all.

Of course, the need to select the right material- not the only difficulty in creating a real invisibility cloak. If they want to develop their prototype into something easier to use, Sir John's team must address a number of issues. The first is the problem of ray length. The blanket they created only works for a narrow spectrum of wavelengths. When applied to visible light, this means that it is invisible only in red light, but clearly visible in blue light. To expand the boundaries, the blanket must be made much thicker, which can significantly limit the scope of application. In addition, creating metamaterials that could do the same in visible light is much more difficult, since the light-refracting structures of the material must be as small as the wavelength at which they are directed, and light wavelengths are in the order of millions fractions of a millimeter.

Another weakness in the current design is that the object is only visible in one plane. If an object wrapped in a blanket is invisible from the side, it is perfectly visible from above or below. To remedy this, Sir John and some of his co-authors at Duke are trying to make the blanket work in the third dimension. If they cope with both tasks, then new difficulties will arise: since the object under the blanket is absolutely invisible to the outside world, no light can penetrate inside, therefore, the occupier under these conditions will become literally blind. This is, in principle, not a problem if one wants to hide a stationary object, but creates problems if one wants to hide a person or a video camera. Other difficult task– allow the raincoat to work effectively while moving.

Naturally, the military shows interest in the developing technology and even supports the project financially. In particular, they are interested in the fact that radar frequency wavelengths are very close to microwaves, which means that a blanket invisible to radar will be accessible much sooner than a blanket invisible to the eye. This will provide the armed forces with anti-radar technologies, much more High Quality than those possessed by modern stealth aircraft.

While all those wrinkles have yet to be ironed out, the major breakthrough proves that the concept has merit. The invisibility cloak exists. Protection Agency research projects hopes that in the near future Sir John will be able to find solutions to many problems associated with the invisibility blanket, which will make it interesting not only for the military, but also for civilians. In any case, it is now definitely known that the invisibility cloak will one day appear, regardless of whether there will be a need to put it into practice.

Therefore, in order to “merge with the landscape,” it is necessary to exclude everything that “catches the eye.” Bright clothes or accessories, spectacular hairstyles, manicures, cosmetics, jewelry - you need to forget about all this. The ideal option is clothes of average quality, discreet colors (gray, dark blue, brown), which do not emphasize the figure. For example, slightly baggy jeans and a dull plain pullover plus neutral shoes. A bright hair color or a stylish haircut can be hidden under a dark knitted hat, pulling it slightly over the forehead. Such a “masquerade costume” is quite enough to get lost in the crowd - unless, of course, you attract attention with your behavior.

Do not make sudden movements, do not make loud sounds and try not to show any emotion on your face. Loud laughter, expressive speech, active facial expressions, sweeping gestures - all this also attracts attention.

As a rule, people pay attention to those who are “outgoing” - and if you show complete disinterest, you will most likely be reciprocated. Demonstrate self-absorption: fast, head slightly lowered, looking at your feet. Indoors, sit in a corner or against a wall, while you can immerse yourself in a book or PDA.

If you need to communicate with, be passive. Don't look at your interlocutor, don't show . At the same time, you should not emphatically “leave the conversation” - monotonously assent, agree in monosyllables, shrug your shoulders. In this case, yours will not cause irritation - but continue too. And it’s unlikely that your interlocutor will be able to remember you in a day or two.

There are situations when you don't want anyone to pay attention to you. But is it possible to make the person you talked to simply forget about you within a day? Or get lost in the crowd so that they won’t show interest in you and won’t remember you? Experts say that this is not at all difficult if you follow some simple rules.


Usually people are drawn to communicate with those who instinctively, as it were, “reach out to the world,” i.e. he himself has a desire to open up. But if you don’t want to be interested in you, show your indifference to others. If you lower your head, direct your gaze “inward” or to the ground and try to quickly walk past the person without offending his attention, then most likely he will not remember that he saw you.

When someone dates stranger, then the first thing people pay attention to is the appearance of the interlocutor and his manner of dressing. Therefore, in order not to stand out from the crowd of people around you, try to dress the same as them. Your clothes should be of average quality, discreet, without bright, memorable details, pendants, brooches and other noticeable jewelry, perhaps gray, dark blue or brown.

Also take care to have plain makeup and modestly combed hair. If you have an unusual hair color, wear a dark headdress, but only, of course, appropriate for the given situation. Think about whether you have on your face or open parts bodies of some individual signs. If possible, they should be covered or masked.

If you need to come to an event and remain unnoticed, try to get there a little earlier, but not first. It’s very good if you sit in an inconspicuous corner and just look out the window, read a book, newspaper or magazine, without communicating with anyone.

Read: 31780

Invisibility has been the third dream of mankind for centuries after flight and the ability to see what is far away. Today, for the first there are airplanes, and for the second there is television and the Internet. What technologies will allow us to learn to disappear at will in the future? Squid skin, a missing skyscraper and a deceptive material - T&P shared the developments of modern scientists to answer this question.

First of all, the bad news: it is not yet possible to make a living body invisible using an elixir. The English writer and publicist H. G. Wells explained in his 1897 novel The Invisible Man: “Bodies either absorb light, or reflect it, or refract it, or all three. If a body does not reflect, refract or absorb light, then it cannot be visible in itself. If you put a piece of ordinary glass in water or, even better, in some liquid denser than water, then you will hardly see the glass at all, because light, passing from water to glass, is refracted and reflected very weakly, and there is almost no impact at all.” In other words, to make a body invisible, you need to reduce the refractive index of its tissues (skin, muscles, internal organs and bones) to the refractive index of air. Neither physics nor physiology today allows us to do this: invisible eyes will not be able to capture light, and to change the optical properties of tissues, it is necessary to reshape the metabolism in such a way that it becomes unclear how to live with it. The idea of ​​an invisibility cap also looks dubious: it should temporarily change the optical properties of not only living tissues, but also clothing and shoes - objects made from completely different materials, often mixed and synthetic.

How does the invisibility cloak work?

An invisibility cloak works quite differently from a hat or elixir: without changing the properties of the object, it can direct rays of light around and force an outside observer to see only what is behind. Today, substances with such properties already exist: these are metamaterials with a negative refractive angle, which forces light rays to bend around an object and makes it invisible to the eye.

A pioneer in the creation of such metamaterials was the physicist at Imperial College London, Sir John Pendry. In the mid-90s, he suggested that achieving the desired refraction angle is possible not so much due to the chemical composition of the molecules, but due to their location. The scientist proceeded from a well-known fact: at the boundaries of media, waves can be reflected or refracted, and inside the medium they can be absorbed or pass through it. He proposed using materials that included metal (a conductor of electricity) and a dielectric. However, when it came to experiments in 2006, it turned out that Pendry's metamaterials make objects invisible only in the infrared range. Then University of Michigan professors Elena Semushkina and Xiang Zhang proposed to abandon metal and use only dielectrics: for example, uniaxial crystals, which are characterized by birefringence in all directions of incident light except one.

To make an invisibility cloak, physicists from Birmingham began to study such crystals. They soon succeeded in creating a material with uniaxial silicon nitride crystals on a transparent nanoporous silicon oxide substrate. When all the crystals were on the substrate, nanometer-diameter holes were made in them. The result is a smooth optical mirror that can hide objects in the visible range. It is precisely this technology that may have been used by the Canadian creators of military “disappearing raincoats,” who are still keeping the composition of their material secret.

Quantum Stealth: a deception material

Canadian company Hyperstealth specializes in camouflage and produces Quantum Stealth fabric. This soft material guides light around the subject and makes it invisible to the eye, night vision devices and thermal cameras, and also hides shadows. The material works without cameras, batteries, lamps and mirrors, weighs little and, according to the developers, is inexpensive. However, you cannot buy it yet, because this fabric was originally intended for the Canadian, American and British armies. Military and first responder teams began testing Quantum Stealth in 2012. In April 2014, Hyperstealth announced the launch of a commercial version of its invisibility cloak: the Hyperstealth INVISIB. Its properties will not be as amazing as those of its military counterpart, but disappearances can still be achieved. The company is currently registering intellectual property rights for mass version development. It may hit the market next year.

Carbon nanotubes: the mirage effect

Scientists at the University of Texas at Dallas have developed carbon nanotube technology that allows objects to be “erased.” It is based on the mirage effect, or photothermal refraction. To make an object “disappear,” experts use cylindrical carbon molecules with high thermal conductivity. By turning the current on and off, scientists heat and cool the material, causing the object behind it to appear and disappear. The main problem with the Texas invention, however, is that for it to work, the object being hidden must necessarily be in a container of water.
Vanishing Skyscraper: Reverse Eyes

The American architectural bureau GDS is building an invisible skyscraper called Infinity in Seoul. This building will reach a height of 450 m. For its construction, its creators use concrete and glass, and they plan to achieve invisibility through the use of optical video cameras and displays on the facade. The cameras will film what is behind the skyscraper and broadcast the image onto its walls. This will give the impression that you are looking through the building, or even not seeing it at all. To help displays more accurately depict the landscape, Infinity will have three vertical sections, each with six sides. True, in the corners, at the junction of the displays, the skyscraper will still look noticeable. Until we invent soft displays that are durable enough, this problem will not be solved.

Reflectin protein: squid skin

The ability of cuttlefish, squid and octopuses to become invisible in water has allowed scientists from the University of California and Duke University to create an "invisibility cloak" for Marines. They used a protein called reflectin, which can adapt to light of different wavelengths. Experts found it in the skin tissue of the longfin squid (Loligo pealeii), which was studied for the US Naval Research Service. They discovered that its tissues alternate between layers of cells with a high and low refractive index. By shortening and increasing the distance between the layers, the squid “reflects” light of different ranges and changes color. To reproduce this ability, the scientists isolated reflectin from cells with a high refractive index and placed a layer of this protein on a graphene oxide and silicon dioxide film. By alternately treating the material with steam and an acid solution, they were able to cause the protein layer to expand and collapse, changing color. Experts say their development will be the “first decisive step” towards creating a disappearing cloak. Such arrogance is understandable: after all, if, by imitating the birds, we learned to fly, why don’t we learn to be invisible by imitating the squid?

Good day, dear friends! Please tell me - have you ever had something you needed to do? important work, Do you log into your VKontakte account, then launch “VK player” and then you start receiving messages? Sometimes such attention is distracting, especially if time is short.

You have to answer in monosyllabic sentences, and sometimes ignore the person completely. Giving up music is not a solution to the problem, because there are several ways to become invisible in VKontakte - for other users you will be in “Offline” mode. So, as you may have guessed, today we will make your account “Invisible in Contact”. And I will also share useful information and with users mobile gadgets who use the “” application.

So, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this material I will tell you only about safe and legal methods that do not require hacking or installing applications that are dangerous for your computer.

Method 1: simplest

Why is this method the easiest? You don't need to download third party programs, perform any manipulations in the browser, enter something into command line. To activate the stealth mode you need to do nothing.

We proceed as follows:

2. Go to the section " My Messages»

We do nothing in this section for 15-20 minutes.

Done, you have become invisible. Now you can freely navigate social network pages in the “ offline" To make sure that the method worked, you can check your page with third party device, and see what the status is - online or offline. You don’t need to go to your page, just go to your browser and enter the address of your page without logging in to it.

Disadvantages of this method.

ATTENTION!!! If you click on the section " My page"or go to the page of other users, the invisible mode will disappear. Remember, you can scroll through the news, listen to music, watch videos, but nothing more. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, then explore other methods described below.

In order not to wait 20 minutes every time, you can simply add the site to your bookmarks. But there is one nuance: the address " My page" or It won't suit you. Bookmark this address in your browser, for example - or another section that will not violate your invisibility.

If you access the site through this bookmark, you will remain in the “ offline" before clicking on the section " My page" If you don’t believe me, I recommend that you see it from personal experience!

Important point: if for other users of the social network you will be in offline mode after 15-20 minutes, the site system will know that you are online. When you exit your page or simply close a tab, the system will display when you are in last time were " Online" Let's look at another example - Invisible in Contact.

Method 2: for browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

If your computer has Firefox browser or Chrome, then it’s worth trying to download the special “Vkfox” plugin for the social network, you can find it both in extensions and on the official website -

We go to the site and click on the button “ Install».

After installing it, your browser will ask if the new plugin can have access to the functions involved when visiting a social network.

After this, a window will appear in the browser that will ask you for permission to use the social network. Press the button " Allow».

Now in the right corner of your browser will appear new icon. We need to left-click on it, after which the settings window will open. Here we can change various parameters, but we are interested in a specific section. Opposite the inscription " Always be online» place a cross as shown in the screenshot.

Done, after activating this plugin you can use your page while remaining in the “ Offline».

Again important point: “invisibility in contact” only works in the social network viewing mode; if you write a personal message, comment on a photo or some entry in your feed, you will automatically switch to the “ Online" How do you like this method – Invisible VKontakte?

Method 3: Opera browser

Please note that this method only works in Opera browser(if you have the Next version, the method may not work). To activate the stealth mode, follow these steps:

Go to your browser menu and go to “ Settings».

We need to uncheck the “ Turn on automatic redirection» . Now you can go to your page at this address We enter your data here, after which an error will appear in front of you - this is how it should be.

After this, you can go to any page, for example, When you want to end your session using a social network, you need to check the box next to “Enable automatic redirection” again.

Again, you should not go to your own or someone else’s page, as the invisible mode will immediately disappear. I repeat once again that invisibility on VKontakte will function with this method if you use the Opera browser.

Method 4: special programs

In addition to the browser, you can go to social network with help special applications. The most popular among users is “ VKlife" This application allows you to stay Offline not only while listening to music, but also when communicating. Flaw this application that sometimes the “offline” status can change to “online”. VKlife is quite convenient program, which can be studied not only for the sake of invisibility.

In addition to “VKlife”, there are other options for logging into the social network. Surely, you know about such “retro” messengers as “ICQ” and “QIP”. They are still used today, but much less often, because there are social networks. To improve the situation, the developers added the function of logging into VK via messenger. Some versions even have a button that activates the stealth mode.

You need to download these applications only from official sites, otherwise you may end up with many useless applications.

VKlife program latest version:

QIP Messenger:

Method 5: Invisible VKontakte - mirrors

Invisibility mode can also be obtained using mirrors: alternative links to authorization on the site Typically, mirrors are used to bypass website blocking. This is familiar to many office workers, where management limits access to various social networks so that employees are not distracted from important matters. By the way, since I touched on the topic of limiting access to social networks in the office, I can suggest you read it here.

These sites encrypt the connection, so the user remains invisible when logging into the social network. One of the most popular mirrors is API-dog. Login link: This service suitable for different platforms: from Windows to iOS. Before entering you need to select:

More details about this method Dmitry Salikhov will tell you in this video:

Method 6: for mobile devices

Mobile applications will help you here. You can even set the invisible mode in the official VK client for Android. There is also a working method for iOS. But more simple method is the installation alternative client KateVK (download link - It initially has the function of switching to stealth mode. But if you like the official client, then explore the methods below.

Stealth mode in Contact for Android

So, if you don't have official client, then you can download it from this link

After installation is complete, launch the program. Go to the menu " Settings" We need to go to the “About the program” item.

The following window will open on the display of your gadget. Click three times on the dog image. After these actions, nothing will change. We close the program.

Feeling like a real hacker, let's move on. Open the dialing menu and enter the following characters there:

After typing, a menu should immediately open with hidden possibilities for the VK application. Do not press the call button. At the very bottom you will see the item “ Invisible“- put a tick in front of it.

Done, now you will always be in “offline” mode if you access your page through mobile app. To cancel the function, we follow the same scheme, only in reverse order.

If any of you did not understand anything, then I give you the video below:

Stealth mode in Contact for iOS

If you are the owner of an Apple gadget, then download the application from this link

To enter stealth mode, the same method as with Android is suitable. There are also applications similar to Kate VK for iPhone and other Apple gadgets.

Concluding today's post, I hope that the methods outlined above helped you to better understand how invisibility is implemented in contact, which I think in some cases can be very useful for you.

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