How to speed up the processor on a Lenovo g500 laptop. Increasing laptop performance in games

Overclocking a computer will be relevant for those who do not have the opportunity to upgrade or purchase new equipment. With proper overclocking of the processor, overall performance can increase by an average of 10%, to a maximum of 20%. However, it is important to remember that overclocking may not always produce tangible results. For example, if your computer has 1 GB of RAM installed, then simply increasing it to 2 GB can give a more noticeable increase. Therefore, real growth can only be determined experimentally. Below we will tell you how to properly overclock, but first about precautions.

Precautionary measures

Attention! Overclocking a processor can damage the processor. If you do not have overclocking skills, we strongly do not recommend overclocking yourself. Before you begin, read the specifications of your processor, and also visit thematic forums dedicated to overclocking.

Below we have compiled tips to help you overclock safely:

1) If you are a beginner, only increase the processor frequency. It is better not to change the core supply voltage.

2)Increase the frequency gradually, by 100-150 MHz. This will avoid critical errors and processor overheating.

3) After each promotion, perform system testing. This includes stability testing and continuous temperature monitoring. The temperature must be monitored throughout the entire overclocking process! If you exceed the permissible frequency, the protection will work and the settings will be reset. As the CPU frequency increases, its heat dissipation also increases. Prolonged exposure to critical temperatures can damage the processor crystal.

4) If you also decide to increase the core supply voltage, then you should do this in the smallest possible step (usually 0.05V). However, the maximum limit should not exceed 0.3 volts, since increasing the voltage is more dangerous for your CPU than increasing the frequency.

5)Overclocking should be stopped after the first failed stability test or when the permissible temperature is exceeded. For example, there is a processor with a frequency of 2.6 GHz. Its stable operation was observed at a frequency of 3.5 GHz. At 3.6 GHz the first glitches appeared. In this case, overclocking stops and the last stable frequency is set, that is, 3.5 GHz.

Note: If your computer is stable at maximum frequency, but the CPU is overheating, you should consider adding additional cooling or replacing the existing one.

Note 2: Laptops are not very good candidates for overclocking as their cooling capabilities are quite limited. In this case, it would be more advisable to replace components with more powerful ones.

Now we can move directly to overclocking.

CPU overclocking

Step 1. Download the necessary utilities. You will need benchmarking and stress testing software to properly evaluate the results of overclocking. It is also worth downloading programs that allow you to control the temperature of the processor crystal. Below we have provided a list of such programs:

CPU-Z is a simple monitor program that will allow you to quickly see your current clock speed and voltage.

Prime95 is a free benchmarking program that is widely used for stress testing. It is designed to run long-term stress tests.

LinX is another stress testing program. A very convenient and flexible program for stress testing the processor. This program loads the CPU at 100%. Therefore, sometimes it may seem like your computer is frozen. Best suited for stability testing.

CoreTemp is a free program that allows you to monitor the temperature of the CPU die in real time. Can be used on an ongoing basis together with the CoreTemp gadget. It also displays in real time the current processor frequency, FSB bus and its multiplier.

Before you start overclocking, run a basic stress test. This will give you a baseline for comparison and will also show you if there are any stability issues.

Step 2. Check your motherboard and processor. Different boards and processors have different capabilities when it comes to overclocking. The first thing to look at is whether your multiplier is unlocked. If the multiplier is blocked, then overclocking will most likely not be possible.

Step 3. Open BIOS. It is through it that your system will be overclocked. To launch it, press the “Del” key in the first seconds of starting the computer (when the POST screen appears).

Note: Depending on the computer model, the BIOS entry keys may vary. Basic ones: “F10”, “F2”, “F12” and “Esc”.

Step 4. The tabs may differ in new and old BIOS versions. Typically, older computers have AMI (American Megatrend Inc.) and Phoenix AWARD BIOS versions installed.

In Phoenix AWARD, open the "Frequency / Voltage Control" tab. This menu may be called differently, for example, “overclock”.

In AMI BIOS this tab is called “Advanced” - “JumperFree Condiguration” or “AT Overclock”.

New computers come pre-installed with a UEFI BIOS version with a full graphical interface. To find the overclocking menu, go to advanced mode and look for the “AI Tweaker” or “Extreme Tweaker” tab.

Step 5. Reduce memory bus speed. This is necessary in order to avoid memory errors. This option may be called “Memory Multiplier” or “Frequency DDR”. Switch the option to the lowest possible mode.

Step 6. Increase the base frequency by 10%. This corresponds to approximately 100-150 MHz. It is also referred to as bus speed (FSB) and is the base speed of your processor. Typically this is a lower speed (100, 133, 200 MHz or more) that is multiplied by a multiplier, thereby reaching the full core frequency. For example, if the base frequency is 100 MHz and the multiplier is 16, the clock speed will be 1.6 GHz. Most processors can handle a 10% jump without issue. A 10% increase in frequency will correspond to an FSB frequency of 110 MHz and a clock speed of 1.76 GHz.

Step 7 Run the operating system and then stress test. For example, open LinX and run it for a few loops. At the same time, open the temperature monitor. If there are no problems, you can move on. If the stability test fails or a sudden increase in temperature is observed, then you should stop overclocking and reset the settings to default. Don't let your processor reach 85°C (185°F).

Step 8 Continue steps 5 and 7 until the system becomes unstable. Run a stress test every time you raise the frequency. Instability will most likely be caused due to the processor not receiving enough power.

Increasing frequency through a multiplier

If your motherboard has an unlocked multiplier, then overclocking can be done using it. Before you start increasing the multiplier, reset the base frequency. This will help you make more precise frequency adjustments.

Note: Using a lower base frequency and a high multiplier makes the system more stable, a higher base frequency with a low multiplier gives a greater performance boost. Here you need to experimentally find a middle ground.

Step 1. Reset the base frequency to default.

Step 2. Increase the multiplier. Once you have lowered the base frequency, start raising it in minimal increments (usually 0.5). The multiplier may be called "CPU Ratio", "CPU Multiplier" or something like that.

Step 3. Run the stress test and temperature monitor exactly as in the previous section (step 7).

Step 4. Continue increasing the multiplier until the first crashes appear. Now you have the settings at which your computer runs reliably. While your temperatures are still within safe limits, you can start adjusting voltage levels to continue further overclocking.

Increasing core voltage

Step 1. Increase the processor core supply voltage. This item may appear as "CPU Voltage" or "VCore". Increasing the voltage beyond safe limits can damage not only the processor, but also the motherboard. Therefore, increase it in increments of 0.025 or the smallest possible for your motherboard. Excessive voltage surges can damage components. And let us remind you once again: do not increase the voltage higher than 0.3 volts!

Step 2. Run a stress test after the first promotion. Since you left your system in an unstable state with a previous overclock, it is possible that the instability will go away. If your system is stable, make sure that temperatures are still at an acceptable level. If the system is still unstable, try reducing either the multiplier or the base clock speed.

Step 3. Once you have managed to stabilize the system by increasing the voltage, you can return to increasing either the base frequency or the multiplier (same as in the previous paragraphs). Your goal is to get maximum performance from minimum voltage. This will require a lot of trial and error.

Step 4. Repeat the cycle until the maximum voltage or maximum temperature is reached. Eventually you will reach a point where you can no longer achieve any productivity gains. This is the limit of your motherboard and processor, and it is likely that you will not be able to get past this point.


First, find out the availability of overclocking parameters specified by the developers. Turn on your laptop and open the BIOS menu. In the case of an HP device, first press F2 and then select the desired item. Go to the Advanced tab and open the CPU Settings menu. Find the Overclocking Mode field.

Explore the overclocking options available. Select the desired rate (5, 7 or 10 percent). Save the settings and restart your mobile computer. Please be aware that increasing device performance will result in increased power consumption.

Now start overclocking the video adapter of your mobile computer. If yours uses an integrated video chip, then you should not expect a big performance increase. Install the Riva Tuner program and launch it.

Open the System Preferences menu. Enable the use of drivers to configure 3D applications. Change the position of the sliders in the “Memory frequency” and “Core frequency” fields. Click the "Apply" button.

Make sure your video card is running smoothly. Now check the box next to “Run settings from Window”. Click the "Save" button and close the Riva Tuner program.

Start increasing the performance of your RAM modules. To change RAM settings while running in a Windows environment, use the MemSet program. Install and run the specified utility.

Decrease one of the latency values ​​by one. Run Everest and run a memory stability test. Using this cycle, achieve maximum performance of memory boards.

Don't forget that laptops have a power mode. Be sure to select Maximum Performance. Make sure all devices are receiving adequate power.

Open the items that determine the maximum and minimum processor state. Enter 100% in both fields.

Video on the topic

Overclocking the processor in a laptop is quite hard work. There are no absolutely safe ways to solve this problem, since the design of laptops does not provide for a radical change in their characteristics. Therefore, you will increase productivity at your own peril and risk. But if you are confident in yourself and decide to overclock your hardware, then read on.


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Helpful advice

The last two methods are hardware, so re-configuration is not required, even if you reinstall the OS.

Fundamental difference laptops from ordinary computers is that laptops are mobile devices in which it is quite difficult to change components. To improve computer performance, most often you simply add or replace important parts. This method is not suitable for laptops, because the most that the average user can do is add RAM. Here are some easy ways to overclock laptops.

You will need

  • Access to the Internet
  • Administrator account


If you have free memory slots, then buy and install an additional RAM stick. To correctly select the required model, install any program that displays the properties of your “”. It is best to have RAM identical to the one already in yours.

If your operating system has not changed for more than three months, clean it. This process is difficult to do manually, so install a program designed for this purpose. One of the most popular is RegCleaner.

If cleaning the registry does not help, then you need as many services as possible running in the background. The fact is that by default Windows uses a lot of services that are unnecessary for the average user. In this regard, find a list of services, stopping which will not lead to dire consequences, and disable them.

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It is difficult to find a person who is completely satisfied with his mental abilities and does not dream of improving them, becoming smarter and more resourceful. You can train your brain throughout life in order to use the maximum of its resources, which will help you make quick decisions in the future, and also increase your abilities in certain areas.


To work brain and chocolate has a beneficial effect. To awaken your mind, eat a piece of dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa content. It will also be useful to chew mint gum and do articulation and facial exercises. Do exercises, wash your face with cold water or take a contrast shower.

Start exercising brain, visualizing various images - for example, try to observe yourself from the outside, achieving maximum immersion in this. Close your right eye and try to “turn off” the right hemisphere brain A.

Mentally pronounce tongue twisters to yourself, pronouncing them within yourself clearly, clearly and... Try to speed up your thoughts - think in familiar phrases and formulations, but say them mentally as quickly as possible. This will allow brain u warm up and prepare for an enhanced mental .

You can artificially increase the flow of adrenaline in the body - with regular training, the body will get used to the fact that you perceive boredom, apathy and slowness as a direct threat, and it will produce adrenaline, which stimulates brain new activity.

After being overly excited, you need to calm your brain- this will increase the efficiency of thinking. Find the way to relax and get yourself in order that suits you.

Listen to music that makes you feel the most, meditate, read, relax - do things that inspire and harmonize you. Think about your dreams and future plans, imagine how you achieve them. Believe in yourself and your success, and you will soon notice that your thinking works much more efficiently.

Video on the topic

There are two types of video adapters installed in laptops. This can be an integrated video card or an external one. The first type of video cards uses the computer’s RAM during operation, as a result of which such video adapters are much “weaker” than external ones. Sometimes the video card resources are not enough to work stably with a certain application or game. In such cases, they resort to a method called “video card overclocking”.

You will need

  • administrator account


Overclocking a video card usually means changing its parameters when working with a specific application or a number of them. Integrated video cards themselves take the necessary share of operational memory, thereby fueling their resources. External video adapters have their own RAM, which allows them not to consume system resources, thereby slowing down its operation.

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Helpful advice

The cable should be no more than 5 meters.

One of the main components of a computer, along with the processor, is RAM. Incorrect configuration of even the most advanced memory model can negatively affect the fault tolerance of the computer. Overclocking RAM, in some cases, helps to improve the efficiency of the entire system.


Before overclocking RAM, it is necessary to highlight the main parameters that determine its operation.

Volume – determines the maximum amount of information simultaneously stored in memory, the larger it is, the better.

Frequency – determines the speed at which information is exchanged between and the rest of the system. This parameter is also very important; if the memory has a large capacity, but a low data transfer speed, then it will be of little use.

Timing – determines the interval between the command to transmit data and the actual data transmission. The lower this value, the better.

The first way to overclock memory is to use . For such overclocking, you will need an even number of memory modules with the same capacity and timing, in addition, the motherboard must support this operating mode. To activate the mode, the modules must be installed in the color slots; sometimes the manual for a specific motherboard describes in detail the entire activation process. In dual-channel mode, it occurs evenly between two modules, thereby increasing the memory speed.

The second way to overclock is to increase the frequency. This method may be limited by the capabilities of the memory itself, the motherboard (it must be capable of operating at high FSB values) and the processor. The main thing here is to choose the right processor. After overclocking, both the processor and the memory module should be able to work together at the new frequencies.

Finally, memory performance can be improved by reducing the timing. When changing this parameter, you need to be especially consistent; the fact is that as soon as the timing value is reduced to the minimum, the computer will stop booting. In this case, you will need to reset the BIOS settings, so the smartest thing to do is not lower all the timings at once, but one by one and sequentially.

Video on the topic


Overclocking RAM can improve the performance of the entire system by 10 – 25%.

More and more people are using all kinds of USB modems to access the Internet while away from home. These devices allow you to access the World Wide Web in almost any corner of the planet.


Unfortunately, the speed of the Internet connection in many cases leaves much to be desired. Naturally, there is a desire to somehow increase it. First, try connecting to a different tariff plan.

All operators offer a fairly diverse range of tariffs. Choose the fastest one if your financial capabilities allow.

If you need to programmatically increase the speed of Internet access, you can do this by disabling unnecessary processes, services and programs. First, turn off any running applications that are using your internet connection.

Pay special attention to download managers and relatively “heavy” programs. A striking example of such utilities are the following programs: uTorrent, Skype, DownloadMaster, Emule, antivirus (if it updates its virus database often enough).

Disable unnecessary services. To do this, open the Control Panel, go to the “Administration” menu and select “Services”. Pay special attention to services responsible for updating software and operating system. It's better to turn them off altogether.

The low Internet connection speed of USB modems is sometimes a consequence of a poor signal. To improve it, use a USB extension cable, which will allow you to place the modem in an area with better signal reception.

For those users who use USB modems exclusively indoors, there is an excellent solution. Buy a Wi-Fi router that supports a USB port. Connect your modem to it and configure the equipment. Create a wireless access point. Place your router in an area with good signal quality.


The latter method allows you not only to increase the connection speed, but also to connect several devices to one USB modem.

Fans (coolers) are installed in desktop computers and laptops. This is necessary to ensure cooling of the equipment in order to protect the devices from damage due to overheating.

You will need

  • - SpeedFan;
  • - AMD OverDrive.


In a situation where the fans do not cope with the task, they must be adjusted or replaced. Start the fan overclocking process by installing the SpeedFan program. Please note that this utility is not suitable for most laptops.

Launch the installed program. Click the Configure button and go to the Options tab. Select Russian from the Language menu. Click the "OK" button. At the bottom of the menu that opens, you will see several fan names.

Just above is a list of devices to which these coolers are connected and their temperatures. Increase the rotation speed of the desired fan by pressing the Up button. To automate the process of changing fan speeds, click the “Auto fan speed” button.

If using this program you were unable to increase the rotation speed of the cooler blades, but your computer runs on ADM processors, then install the AMD OverDrive utility. It can be downloaded from the official website

Launch the installed AMD OverDrive program. Wait for the hardware scanning process to complete. In the left column, find the Fan Control menu and go to it.

By changing the position of the sliders located at the bottom of the menu that appears, increase the fan speed. If you want to automate the procedure for changing the speed of coolers, select Automatic for the desired fan.

To consolidate the achieved effect, click the Apply button. Don't close the program. Click the Preferences button located in the upper right corner of the program window. Go to the Settings menu.

Check the box next to Apply my last settings when system boots. Click Ok. Close the program. Launch SpeedFan and check the temperature sensor readings.

There are a huge number of ways to increase processor performance. The choice of method mainly depends on the model and capabilities of your motherboard, as well as its BIOS version.

When a laptop no longer meets our needs, it's time to think about buying a more modern and faster machine. But this will hit your wallet to some extent. It is possible to overclock the laptop processor, thereby increasing its performance. We'll look at how to overclock a processor on a laptop in this article. It is important to know that overclocking the processor of a desktop personal computer and a laptop has a number of differences. And you need to comply with a number of necessary conditions for the safe acceleration of your car. It is possible that if you do it incorrectly, your computer will fail. Therefore, you need to think carefully before increasing productivity, unless you specifically want to damage the device and purchase a new laptop with a clear conscience. In the article we will tell you through BIOS.

Possible options for overclocking a laptop

The overclocking process itself is quite easy, and even an ordinary user can perform the manipulations. But it is worth keeping in mind that increasing system performance can both improve processor performance and harm the laptop. It is highly recommended that you think carefully and weigh the pros and cons before you start overclocking.

Laptops do not have extensive BIOS settings, which will undoubtedly add complexity to the work. Problems will also arise due to the lack of jumpers on the motherboard, which will raise the question of the bus frequency. All mobile devices are designed to last longer than after overclocking. This may lead to unscheduled failure as some components will be forced to work under greater load. The overclocking process involves changing the characteristics of the video card, processor and RAM. How to overclock the processor on a laptop? This issue remains acute in the improvement of hardware.

There are several options for overclocking the processor:

  1. Via BIOS.
  2. Using special programs.

Improving processor performance through BIOS

The central processor interacts with the RAM through the bus. Of course, in this case, you can go for the easiest way - increasing its frequency. But most mobile device manufacturers block this function in the BIOS.

To enter the BIOS while turning on the computer, you must periodically press the DEL or Delete key.

Increasing processor performance through BIOS

To do this, you must:

  • reduce memory frequency;
  • set a fixed frequency;
  • increase the system bus frequency.

Let's look at each point in more detail.

Setting the minimum frequency

  • In BIOS, open the Advanced Chipset Features tab.
  • Use the arrows to select the Memclock index value function and confirm by pressing the Enter button.
  • Select the smallest value from the list that appears.
  • Open the Memory Timing tab and set the parameters higher than the default.
  • Press the F10 key to save the changes.
  • After all the manipulations done, the device must be rebooted.

Set a fixed frequency

  • In BIOS, open the Power BIOS Features section.
  • In the AGP/PCI Clock tab, set the value to 66/33 MHz.
  • Decrease the value in the HyperTransport option.
  • Save changes by pressing F10.
  • Reboot your laptop.

After all the changes made, your device should show better performance.

Increasing the parameters of the FSB system bus

  • Go to BIOS.
  • In the POWER BIOS Features section, select CPU Clock.
  • Change the value to 10 MHz.
  • Press F10 to save changes.
  • To restart a computer.
  • Next, we need the Everest program, in which we need to monitor the temperature of the central processor. Values ​​exceeding 70 °C should not be allowed. If the indicators are still high, you need to lower the FSB frequency.
  • If the laptop shows stable performance, you can increase the value by another 10 MHz.

If, after all the operations performed, the laptop is unstable, you need to reset the settings in the BIOS. To do this, we restart in the Load Optimized Default item, after which the system will return to factory settings. The question of how to overclock a processor through BIOS is asked by most users who want to increase the performance of their mobile device. If you do not abuse the improvement of parameters, your laptop will last for many more years.

Overclocking the CPU using programs

How to overclock the processor on a laptop if for some reason you cannot use the BIOS settings? Software created specifically for such purposes will come to the rescue. Overclocking potential depends on a large number of factors. All existing programs today are not suitable for all types of processors. To overclock the “heart of the computer,” the program must be suitable specifically for your hardware. When choosing a utility, you need to rely primarily on the processor manufacturer. Let's look at the most common solutions.

AI Booster

The program was created to overclock AMD Athlon processors. Upon startup, a small window will appear in which the current frequency is written. There is an arrow at the bottom of the control panel. If you click on it, a tab with percentages will open. In this field you need to enter a value that determines by what percentage you want to increase the processor's work. After this, the action must be confirmed, and the computer will reboot. After the restart, the changes will take effect. The main advantage of this program is that if the laptop is unstable after overclocking, the program itself will return the system to its original state. As a bonus, this utility has a nice and simple interface.

AMD OverDrive

The program is suitable for both beginners and professionals. The software was created specifically for AMD Phenom. It is based on two modes. The first one is for novice users, where you just need to specify the value for overclocking. The second is for experienced programmers. In this mode, you can increase the performance of each core individually, control the bus frequency and other parameters. The program has a built-in status monitor, which can be used to track core performance and temperature. Additional tests will help diagnose the system before and after overclocking, thereby comparing the values. The software has an automatic overclocking option. It will calculate the maximum possible frequency and collect information about the processor, motherboard and cooling system. The program will take some time to complete all manipulations.

Intel Desktop Control Center

To increase the performance of Intel processors, the Intel Desktop Control program was created. With its help you can control the operation of the processor in full. There is a function for switching laptop parameters between overclocked and standard. Like the AMD utility, there are a huge number of system tests. Before overclocking, you need to take care of a good cooling system, on which the performance of the processor will directly depend; if necessary, purchase an external cooling pad. You can also increase the rotation speed of the cooler. How to properly overclock the processor can be read in the instructions included with the program.

How to increase the processor on a laptop without harming the device? The answer is simple, you need to select a program that will monitor the condition of the device and, if necessary, reduce the frequency automatically. This is not the entire list of overclocking software that exists today. If we compare overclocking through BIOS and through utilities, then the second method is safer and easier. Smart software will automatically analyze the configuration of the laptop and select the optimal parameters for overclocking. If you need to quickly overclock the processor, the program will help you.

Overclocking the processor on Android

Every mobile device owner wants to increase processor performance. How to overclock a processor on Android if there is no BIOS? It is recommended to overclock gradually and check the parameters using additional utilities after each addition of frequency. It is worth remembering that overclocking the processor is done at your own risk, but if you just raise the parameters a little, nothing bad will happen. Before you begin, you need to make sure you have Rott rights.

To overclock the processor on Android, there is a SetCPU program. Using this utility, you can not only increase its speed, but also reduce it. Lowering the clock frequency is mainly important to extend the time between device recharges. The functionality of the program is also great. It is possible to create profiles and set maximum and minimum frequency values ​​for each device state. For example, at a certain charge level and temperature, the application will select the optimal speed. It is worth considering that overclocking may not be possible on a standard core. But on the modified kernel everything will work out.

Many people will ask why overclock the processor. A huge number of laptops are produced every year, and their configuration and power are constantly improving. Buying a new device every year is at least impractical. If the computer no longer meets the performance needs, you can increase the settings. This article explains in detail how to overclock the processor on a laptop. It is important to remember that the miser pays twice. There is no need to strive to increase the performance of the processor by 100%, this will only lead to damage to the laptop. But increasing productivity by 10-15% is quite possible. It is worth considering that with a higher load the processor will heat up more, and therefore, for its normal operation, good cooling is necessary. We hope this article will help you increase the processor performance on your device.

Have you ever wondered how to get better laptop performance without buying a new processor? It turns out that this is possible. Let's consider whether it is possible to overclock the processor on a laptop.

What it is

Overclocking is the process of increasing the frequency and voltage of the processor to obtain greater operating speed. The frequency increases to values ​​at which the PC operates stably.

Overclocking increases heat generation, power consumption and noise. The working life of components is reduced.

Is it possible to overclock the processor?

Laptop manufacturers make sure that the user does not need to overclock the CPU. The exception is special lines of models created with a free multiplier (the multiplication coefficient on the basis of which the frequency is calculated). They are created specifically for enthusiasts. For example, Intel produces the K series line for such purposes.
Manufacturers do not recommend overclocking laptops. What is the reason? Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of this process.
The advantage is obvious - getting a more powerful processor without spending money on purchasing a new one.
Negative sides:

  1. Energy consumption increases, which leads to a decrease in the battery life of the laptop;
  2. The temperature increases which leads to overheating;
  3. Service life is reduced.

Where is it used

Relevant when working in heavy applications. For example, Photoshop. Modern browsers actively use the processor when loading “heavy” pages.

How to overclock via Bios

Perform the following sequence of actions:

Do not overclock the CPU by more than 10% of its rated frequency.

The attentive reader will think about how to find out whether it is possible to overclock the processor. This is done in Bios. Look carefully, if you do not have sections related to overclocking (described in point 2), then it is impossible to overclock the laptop.

If, after the steps described above, a blue screen appears or the system becomes unstable, this indicates that the overclocking threshold has been exceeded. Go to Bios and reduce the values.

After completion of work, use special ones to check the temperature. No more than 90 degrees is recommended. Otherwise, reduce the multiplier.

Is it necessary to do this?

The manufacturer made it so that overclocking was unnecessary for the user. Namely, the frequency automatically decreases when the system is inactive, and increases when performing resource-intensive tasks.
Is it worth overclocking the processor on an old PC? It is equipped with hardware that is not suitable for this purpose, so the performance increase will be small. But even if it accelerates well, it will not reach the performance level of the new models. As statistics say, every two years the productivity of computer components (CPU) doubles. And you will waste your time at the risk of getting an unstable system or its complete failure.


Overclocking a processor is possible, but it is unlikely to be worth doing, especially if you do not have knowledge in this industry. With the right approach, you will get a performance increase of 15-20 percent, but at the same time the CPU resource will significantly decrease and its operating temperature will increase. Sometimes laptop components may fail. Even if it is under warranty, they will not repair it for free since it has been overclocked.


What user doesn't want his laptop to run faster? There is no such! Therefore, the topic of overclocking will always be relevant...

The processor is one of the most important parts of any computer, significantly affecting the speed of the device. Overclocking it will improve the performance of the laptop, sometimes quite significantly.

In this article I want to dwell on this topic, since it is very popular and quite a lot of questions are asked about it. The instructions will be quite universal (i.e. the brand of the laptop itself is not important: be it ASUS, DELL, ACER, etc.). So…

Attention! Overclocking can cause failure of your equipment (as well as refusal of warranty service for your equipment). Everything you do according to this article is done at your own peril and risk.

What utilities will be needed for work (minimum set):

  1. SetFSB (overclocking utility). You can download it, for example, from the softportal: The utility, by the way, is paid, but the demo version, available above at the link, is also suitable for testing;
  2. PRIME95 is one of the best utilities for testing processor performance. Detailed information about it (as well as links to download it) can be found in my article on PC diagnostics:
  3. CPU-Z is a utility for viewing PC characteristics, also available at the link above.

By the way, I also want to note that you can replace all the above utilities with analogues (of which there are plenty). But I will show my example with the help of them...

I have a lot of articles on my blog on optimizing and cleaning Windows from junk, setting optimal operating settings for maximum performance, etc. I recommend that you do the following:

  • clean your laptop of excess “garbage”, the best utilities for this are given;
  • further optimize your Windows - (you can also familiarize yourself with);
  • check your computer for viruses, about the best antiviruses;
  • If the brakes are related to games (usually because of them they are trying to overclock the processor), I recommend reading the article:

It’s just that many users start overclocking the processor, but the reason for the brakes is not due to the fact that the processor “can’t handle it,” but to the fact that Windows is simply not configured properly...

Overclocking a laptop processor using the SetFSB utility

In general, overclocking a laptop processor is not so simple and easy: because the performance gain will be small (but it will be :)), and you also often have to deal with overheating (and, God forbid, some laptop models get hot without overclocking...).

On the other hand, in this regard, the laptop is a “reasonably smart” device: all modern processors are protected by a two-level system. When heated to a critical point, the processor automatically begins to reduce operating frequency and voltage. If this does not help, then the laptop simply turns off (or freezes).

By the way, during this overclocking I will not touch on increasing the supply voltage.

1) Definition of PLL

Overclocking a laptop processor begins with the need to identify (find out) the PLL chip.

In short, this chip generates the frequency for various components of the laptop, ensuring synchronization. Different laptops (of the same manufacturer, same model range) may have different PLL chips. Such microcircuits are produced by companies: ICS, Realtek, Silego and others (an example of such a microcircuit is shown in the photo below).

PLL chip from ICS.

To determine the manufacturer of this chip, you can choose a couple of ways:

  • use some search engine (Google, Yandex, etc.) and look for a PLL chip for your motherboard (many models have already been described and rewritten many times by other overclocking enthusiasts...);
  • disassemble the laptop yourself and look at the microcircuit.

By the way, to find out the model of your motherboard, as well as the processor and other characteristics, I recommend using the CPU-Z utility (a screenshot of its operation is below, as well as a link to the utility).

One of the best utilities for determining the characteristics of the equipment installed in a computer. There are versions of the program that do not require installation. I recommend having a similar utility “at hand”, sometimes it helps a lot.

CPU-Z main window.

2) Choosing a chip and increasing the frequency

Various frequencies will appear in the window (at the bottom, opposite Current CPU Frequency, the current frequency at which your processor is operating is shown).

To increase it, you need to check the box next to Ultra, and then move the slider to the right. By the way, please note that you need to move it by a very small division: 10-20 MHz! After this, for the settings to take effect, click the SetFSB button (picture below).

Move the slider to the right...

If everything was done correctly (the PLL was selected correctly, the manufacturer did not block the hardware from increasing the frequency, etc. nuances), then you will see the frequency (Current CPU Frequency) increase by a certain value. After this, the laptop needs to be tested.

By the way, if the laptop freezes, reboot it and check the PLL and other characteristics of the device. Surely you made a mistake somewhere...

3) Testing the overclocked processor

Usually, if there is some problem, then the processor will not be able to carry out calculations in this program for more than 5-10 minutes without errors (or overheating)! If you wish, you can leave work for 30-40 minutes. (but this is not particularly necessary).

temperature of laptop components -

If testing shows that the processor is working as expected, the frequency can be increased a few more points in SetFSB (second step, see above). Then test again. Thus, by experience, you will determine to what maximum frequency your processor can be overclocked. The average is around 5-15%.

That's all for me, happy overclocking :)