How to find out the characteristics of a laptop's hard drive. Determining the hard drive model on a laptop

Hello everyone A hard drive is exactly the device where everything you have on your computer is where it all lies. That is, this is a device for storing data, everything is stored on it, well, exactly everything you have, these are programs, games, music, videos and other files. Therefore, if he is covered with a copper basin, then you will lose it all. This is all I mean: HDD this is very important device and you need to handle it carefully, not subject the computer to any shaking, so to speak.

I'll tell you how to find out what kind of hard drive you have in your computer, and also tell you what reliable drives are and how to find out the temperature!

But in general, I started writing something about the wrong thing, I wanted to show you how to find out what kind of hard drive you have. I'll show you Windows example 10, but in other Windows everything will be the same. So, first you need to open the My Computer window, if in Windows 7 this is easy, well, there is such an item in Start, but in Windows 10 I no longer remember how to do this. I just put shortcuts to Start right away local disks. But there is a trick, look, hold down Win + R and write the following command in the window:

explorer file://

And click OK. After this, the My Computer window will open, it works, I checked. Great, so here we are open window, click there right click on any disk and select Properties:

A window will open, go to the Equipment tab and everything will be listed there physical disks that you have. For example, I have two here, these are WD & Hitachi:

It is indicated here exact model disk, exactly the model. If you need to find out how much space is on the disk, how much is free, then you need to hold down Win + R and enter the command in the window:

And click OK. A window will open, there is such an item as Disk Management, so select it:

And you will see this information:

I’ll say right away that there is nothing complicated here, it may just seem complicated to you. Look, down there it says Disk 0, Disk 1, these are just two disks and that’s what they are called in Windows. Opposite each disk you can see what partitions there are and what the physical volume of the entire disk is:

Well, it seems clear, I hope. Since I’m writing about the hard drive, I’ll answer two more questions that novice computer users often have

Which hard drive is the most reliable? Reliable drive This is a relative concept, it just all depends on how it will be used. However, the most reliable hard disks in the world these are, of course, server rooms, but they are noisy, expensive and often of medium volume or less. They are not suitable for the home, but they can withstand a long load and nothing will happen to them. After this come home disks, they are also reliable, but my opinion is that the most reliable manufacturer that's of course Western Digital(WD): No matter how many disks I have had from this manufacturer, they have never broken, despite the fact that I bought everything used. So my choice is WD

But recently I came across a disk at a good price, but the truth is that it is no longer WD, but Hitachi. For the third month now it has been working around the clock and everything seems to be ok. But still, the most reliable hard drives for me will remain under the WD brand, and the super-duper reliable ones are the WD VelociRaptor line of drives. These are not only the most reliable, but also super fast, by the way, really super fast! But their price is a little astronomical. Regarding regular drives, I recommend the WD Black series, these are high-speed drives, they even have two processors and the price is already normal...

By the way, this is what the VelociRaptor hard drive looks like:

As you can see, the disk here is actually small, 2.5 format, and everything else is a radiator that cools the disk. The whole trick of the disk is that it operates at high speeds, like server disks - at 10,000 rpm. But its price is too high...

Although the WD Blue line is also not bad, they are ordinary high-quality wheels and the price is not high. In general, see for yourself, but I think that many will agree with me that WD is most reliable..

What should it be hard temperature disk? But I don’t know about you, but this question is acute for me. Well, that is, this is important to me. The thing is that the hard drive doesn't like high temperature. Maximum temperature for hard drive this is 40 degrees and that’s not very much, the ideal is 30-35. Then it will work for a long time. It will work at 45, but believe me, it won’t be very good. It's still too hot for him

Users who have purchased a pre-assembled PC or laptop often do not know which drive is installed on their computer. In this article we will look at several simple ways How to determine the drive type in the Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 operating system.

How to find out SSD or HDD in Windows 10

If you use operating system Windows 8 or , then you can find out which disk is on your computer in just a couple of mouse clicks. To do this, open the Start menu or press the combination Windows-S keys(if you have Windows 8) and enter the word “Defragmentation” into the search.

The program “and optimizing your drives” should appear in the search results. Open it and you will see a list of all the drives that are installed on your computer. In this case, next to each of these disks the type will be indicated. of this disk, SSD or HDD.

If " Solid State Drive", then this is SSD, and if " ", then HDD.

How to find out SSD or HDD in Windows 7

If you are using an operating room Windows system 7 or the method described above did not suit you for some reason, then you can determine which disk is on the computer using third-party programs. For example, you can use the program. Run this program on your computer, go to the “Drives” section and select the drive whose type you need to define as SSD or HDD.

If this drive is hard drive, that is, HDD, then on the right side of the window, in the “Media Rotation Rate” line, its rotation speed will be indicated (for example, 7200 RPM).

If the drive is a solid-state drive, that is, then in the “Media Rotation Rate” line it will be written “ SSD Drive(Non-rate).”

You can also see what drive is installed on your computer using the program. Run this program on your computer and pay attention to the data in the “Storage” block. There will be information about all drives that are connected to the PC.

At the same time, next to solid state drives(SSD) will be marked accordingly.

If it is not possible to install specified programs, then you can simply find out the name of the disk model and look for information about it on the Internet. In order to use this option, you need to open “Device Manager”. It can be done different ways, the simplest and most universal is to press the combination Windows-R keys and run the command “mmc devmgmt.msc”.

In the "Device Manager" window, open the " Disk devices" Here you will see a list of all the drives on your computer.

Enter the title the desired disk to any search engine and study information about it. This way you can easily determine the type SSD drive or HDD.

How to find out what hard drive is on your computer

In most cases, the average person may need information about disk drive “C” when there are obvious problems with the operating system or there is a question about the need to replace it with a more capacious one. It is situations like these that force most users to look for an answer to the question of how to find out which hard drive is on the computer. In other cases, such a need does not arise. There is no particular difficulty here, and every user can easily do this if they know the order of performing simple actions.

What and what is it like?

The hard drive has other names among users - hard drive, Hard Disk Drive or abbreviated HDD, screw. This is the name given to the part of the computer system unit that performs the functions of recording and rewriting information.
It is he who stores absolutely all the information, and file data of the operating system is no exception. If you install a program, then all information is saved on the hard drive, the same happens if files are written or copied on the computer.

HDD can be presented in two versions: external and built-in.
1. An external (portable or portable) hard drive is a removable structure, which is hidden in a special block for ease of transfer. They have different memory capacities and connection interfaces (USB 3.0 or 2.0).
2. The built-in (internal) hard drive is located directly in the operating unit of a personal computer or laptop. They differ in size: for a PC - 3.5 inches, and for a laptop - 2.5 inches.

All incoming information is generated on special magnetic disk drives, if you open the lid, you can clearly see it. But this kind of hard drive is gradually becoming a thing of the past, being replaced by a board. It is more functional and less susceptible to external damage, since it does not contain moving parts. In addition, they provide faster and quiet work operating system. But the cost of such rigid boards many times more than magnetic ones.

How can I find out information about the hard drive on my computer?

For many users, it remains a mystery what kind of hard drive is on their computer. Yes, in fact, they don’t need to have this information. And if there are problems with the operating system, which in most cases indicates incorrect operation namely the hard drive, then the diagnostics are carried out by specialists. But there are often cases when, when talking about problems that have arisen, technicians are interested in this particular indicator of your PC. Diagnosing a Hard Disk Drive itself takes a lot of time, so such repairs can be done quickly and cannot be done at home.

So how to look at the hard drive on a computer? There are several options for obtaining this information. The easiest way to find out this data, which can be used on any computer, even a non-working one, is to remove the hard drive from the case of the system unit or laptop and get acquainted with the data that interests us. To do this, you need to turn off the power (remove the battery from the laptop), unscrew the (bottom) cover and take out the same hard drive.

If the computer can be turned on, then complete information about the installed hard drive can be obtained by using programs. But for each parameter you need to perform your own set of actions.

So, to find out the amount of Hard Disk Drive available on your computer, you need to right-click on the desktop icon or Start panel, “My Computer”. In the window that opens, select “Computer Management”. In the opened additional utility find and click on “Storage Devices”, the next step is to click on “Disk Management”. The window will show the true amount of memory that your PC or laptop has on the hard drive. It will be designated as “Disk 0”. For convenience, manufacturers and users use numbers rounded to the nearest thousand when denoting this indicator. So, the volume corresponds to 40Gb real figure 37.25 Gb, 60Gb – 55.88 Gb, 500 Gb – 465.65 Gb, etc.

Next to the available information about the amount of memory, there may be two more small windows. This indicates that your hard drive is divided into two or three logical volumes, where one, usually called “C”, will serve as storage operating system, and the second “D” accumulates all the information saved by the user.

To find out which model hard drive“C” needs to perform such actions. Let's start with the same thing double click to the “My Computer” icon. Select "Computer Management". In the menu that opens, you need to find the “Device Manager” shortcut. In order to view the installed disk drives, you need to activate the “Disk devices” item. Will open full information about installed hard drives on your PC or laptop.

Special programs for testing hard drives

You can also find out which hard drive is installed on your personal computer or laptop using special programs. Some of these are the following:
HDD Scan.

These kinds of programs are designed not only to find out the brand and size of the Hard Disk Drive, but also to scan it and find bad sectors, assess the general condition of any drive, determine maximum temperature heating, battery consumption.

In order to do so, you need to download the program and run it on your PC. A menu usually appears in the window where we find and activate “Data Storage”; the utility opens a complete list of all storage devices on this PC: actual and logical, optical drives, Windows storage etc. We are interested in the icon called “ATA”, clicking on which in the main window opens complete information about the hard drive: from the model to the search time indicators.

These are the main search paths necessary information about the installed Hard Disk Drive on your PC or laptop.

When assembling a computer, you have to deal with a huge amount of information. The choice of components is influenced by many factors. But there are also elements that remain unchanged in any case. For example, it will not affect the choice of video card in any way, motherboard and other PC parts.

But it can affect the operation of the system. This is due to the fact that insufficient memory leads to lags and crashes different processes. Therefore, it is important to know what capacity the hard drive has.


A hard drive, or hard drive, is a device that stores information and provides random access to it. The hard drive is based on magnetic recording. On this moment it is the primary storage device in consumer systems. Although they are actively starting to change to more fast devices- SSD.


The capacity of a hard drive is one of its characteristics. It describes the amount of data that can be stored on specific device. In addition to this parameter, hard drives are characterized by their interface - the conditional technical interaction of two devices. Modern models have received many interface modifications, so it is important to pay attention to this point when choosing.

Further, hard drives differ in physical size. Although it is unfair to say this at the moment, since certain point Most manufacturers adhere to a standardized form factor of 3.5 inches for desktop PCs and 2.5 inches for laptops. The characteristics include spindle rotation, random access time, number of operations and energy consumption.


Now let's move directly to the hard drive capacity. It is not difficult to guess that a lot of time has passed since the advent of the first railways. Accordingly, this figure grew exponentially. Now you can find drives with any capacity up to 10 TB, if we talk about the 3.5 form factor. It is also important to remember that disks always have a capacity that is a multiple of 1024. Although the manufacturers themselves always indicate parameters that are multiples of 1000. If you see that the drive has 200 GB, in fact its capacity is 186.2 GB.


Of course, if you bought your own hard drive, you most likely know its capacity. It is indicated in the store, on the packaging, and even on a sticker on top of the device itself. In this case you can only double check hard capacity disk. Also, those who ordered equipment with third party resources. Eg, Chinese online stores have long been famous for changing parameters. Thus, customers receive devices from the wrong company or with the wrong characteristics. This may require a similar capacitance analysis.

So, the equipment can be installed in the case and its characteristics can be viewed through the system. To do this, click on the “My Computer” icon. A new window opens. There will be one or more disks in front of us. You should not take into account only the drive and flash drive, if installed.

Usually, when installing a railway system, it is divided into several parts. The entire system is placed on drive C. It is recommended not to install anything else here. Drives D, E, and so on contain the user’s personal data. total amount their volume is the capacity of the railway. To fold it, you need to right-click on each disk, and then go to “Properties”. A new window will appear in which you will see a diagram as well as digital values. It shows how much is free and occupied, as well as the total volume. When calculating, do not forget to make allowances for the fact that the manufacturer indicates “beautiful” numbers. But instead of 500 GB, you will only have 452 GB.


There is a possibility that you just bought or were given a hard drive. Before connecting it, you can check the capacity. But for this you will need a special box. This is because not all devices have USB interface. To check, we need to connect the hard drive through this connector. After you connect the hard drive to the system, you can check it using the method described above.


Perhaps for some reason the method is not suitable for you system check via "My Computer". In this case it may help third party program. For example, AIDA64 Extreme Edition. It is enough to download it and install it on the hard drive being tested.

After launch, the software will scan the system. By the way, it shows not only information on the hard drive, but also on all other components. Therefore, after scanning you will have to find specifically the hard drive parameters. Then go to the “Data storage” section, and then - “ Overall size" Here you can find out about the drive model and other useful information.

Record holders

When purchasing, it is better to know the maximum information capacity hard drive. Of course, you are unlikely to need the largest hard drive, but it’s worth at least understanding the scale of development of this device. So, the oldest capacity used was an 8 MB drive. Nowadays, a photo from some smartphones won’t even fit there. The most popular nowadays are HDDs starting from 500 GB. Although some older laptop models also have variations with 128 GB, etc.

It is known that large capacity hard drive has virtually no effect on system performance. Sometimes you may not find space for your data and files as your PC may not be able to handle the volume. It will require more memory for temporary system files. From here, noticeable “brakes” of the system will appear.

The most capacious at the moment is a giant 10 TB drive. Such a disk can cost about 25 thousand rubles. But there will definitely be a lot of it for regular user. There is also a 6 TB model. Its price is slightly lower - 14 thousand rubles. It is very good that manufacturers, in addition to increasing capacity, also care about good speed, wear resistance and quality of materials.

There are few cases when you need to find out the model of your hard drive. Most often, a similar question is asked when the hard drive has died for a long time - errors appear during operation, or the OS does not boot at all due to a non-working disk. It happens that you need to identify your HDD in order to replace it with a more capacious one, or this information is simply interesting for you.

In any case, problems with the hard drive are those that can be fixed in workshops, since computer repair at home is advisable only when the problem can be fixed quickly and efficiently. Diagnosing HDD faults takes long time, which means you can quickly only replace the problem disk with a new one.

The most primitive way to find out your hard drive is to remove it from the system unit or laptop case. To do this, turn off the power (remove the laptop battery), unscrew system unit(or the bottom cover on the bottom of the laptop) and take out our HDD, on which all the information of interest will be visible - manufacturer, volume, speed, country of manufacture and other parameters.

If you have no desire to disassemble your laptop or unwind the system unit, then we can find out all the information you need using the software method.

How to find out the real size of your hard drive

For a better understanding, manufacturers and sellers indicate the traditional disk capacity: 40, 60, 120, 160, 320, 500, 640 GB and so on. However, in reality it is always less than stated, because:
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 KB = 1024 bytes

and manufacturers round up to 1000 when making calculations. Below is a table of correspondence between the labeled HDD volume and the real one.

Storage capacity Total, bytes (rounded) Real volume
40 GB 40,000,000,000 37.25 GB
60 GB 60,000,000,000 55.88 GB
80 GB 80,000,000,000 74.51 GB
100 GB 100,000,000,000 93.13 GB
120 GB 120,000,000,000 111.76 GB
160 GB 160,000,000,000 149.01 GB
200 GB 200,000,000,000 186.26 GB
250 GB 250,000,000,000 232.83 GB
320 GB 320,000,000,000 298.02 GB
400 GB 400,000,000,000 372.52 GB
500 GB 500,000,000,000 465.65 GB
640 GB 640,000,000,000 595.84 GB

To verify this, right-click on the shortcut My computer and select Control. In the utility that opens, go to the tab Storage devices - Disk Management

In our case, the utility shows 465.65 GB, which corresponds to the 500 GB marking.

How to find out your hard drive model

As in previous method, right click on the shortcut My computer and select Control. In the computer management utility that opens, open the tab device Manager. Expand here Disk devices and you will see installed on your hard computer disks.

In our case, there are two of them - Hitachi HTS545050A7E380 and SanDisk SSD i100 24 GB. The first is a traditional HDD, the second is solid state SSD storage device.

How to find out all the information about your hard drive

To the program AIDA64 we already asked for help when we were looking for, etc. Help us this utility this time too.

You can familiarize yourself with the AIDA64 program and download it for free from our website.

Launch AIDA on your computer and go through the tabs Data Storage - ATA. Select from the top of the window required hard disk, if there are several of them, and the program will show all the information about the hard drive. The report is divided into parts, the information we need is entitled as ATA Device Properties And Device Physical Data.

As you can see, everything is elementary and absolutely simple if you know what tools to use to find information.