How to run a symbol table on a computer. Windows: How to enter characters not on the keyboard? Inserting ASCII characters

Entering special characters - all methods.

You can enter it in several ways - the correct approach depends on what kind of character it is. We will also look at special characters for Word in this article.

System tool for entering arbitrary characters.

The Windows operating system has a special utility program - symbol table, with which you can insert any characters from any fonts into any programs. The program is launched by the Start command > Programs > Standard > Service > Symbol table. Its working window is shown below.

1. In the Font field, select the desired font. Please note that this program is not designed to work with Unicode fonts and therefore different font sets of the same Unicode font are represented in it as if they were different fonts. It turns out that instead of several sets of one Times New Roman font, we have several different fonts: Times New Roman Cyr (Cyrillic), simply Times New Roman (Latin) and Times New Roman CE (font characters for Central European countries).

2. Select the desired symbol in the table and click the Select button - the symbol will appear in the Copy symbols field ( To copy in Word 2007).

3. After that, click the Copy button - the symbol will move to the Windows clipboard.

4. Minimize, without closing, the Symbol Table program window and open your document. Place the cursor where the character is to be inserted and give the paste command CTRL + V or Edit > Paste.

5. If a character from one font is inserted into a character string of another font, it changes the image, although its code remains correct. To restore the correct appearance of a symbol, you need to select it and manually change the font.

Enter characters using the optional numeric keypad.

Working with the program - symbol table, please note that when a symbol is selected in the table, an entry is displayed in the lower right corner of the program window telling you which key this symbol is assigned to. If it is not assigned to any key, then its alternative code can be displayed here: for example, for the “§” sign - the code is ALT + 0167, and for the “°” (degree) symbol - ALT + 0176, etc.

Knowing the alternative code of any character, you can enter any character using the additional keyboard panel, but the Num Lock key must first be turned on. Entering characters using an alternative code is performed as follows:

♦ turn on Num Lock mode and make sure that the corresponding keyboard indicator lights up;
♦ press the ALT key and do not release;
♦ on the additional panel, dial the code numbers sequentially: 0-1-6-7;
♦ release the ALT key - the symbol will be inserted.

As always, if a character from one font is inserted into a string of characters from another font, it changes the image - you need to select it and set the correct font.

Entering special characters using the additional keyboard is much faster than selecting from the Symbol Table program. Therefore, it makes sense to remember the codes of several characters that appear quite often in your documents.

Word and Special Characters.

The program has several special delimiter characters, for example:

♦ long (printing) dash;
♦ en dash;
♦ soft hyphen (used when you need to move to a new line without completing the previous one, but you cannot start a new paragraph with the ENTER key;
♦ spaces of different widths (so-called spacing);
♦ non-breaking space (used between words in cases where they should not appear on different lines).

To insert a special delimiter character, place the cursor at the desired location and give the Insert command > Symbol > Special symbols. Select the desired symbol in the dialog box that opens and click the Insert button.

To avoid opening this window every time you need a special character, look at what key combination is assigned to this character. For example, an em dash is entered by simultaneously pressing three keys: CTRL + ALT + the “-” key on the additional numeric keypad. If a symbol doesn't have a key combination assigned to it, create your own using the Key or Shortcut button.

Built-in special character input tool in Word.

In the same Symbol dialog box, on the Symbols tab ( Other characters for Word 2007), you can find a table that lists the characters included in Unicode font sets.

Unicode fonts can contain up to 65,000 characters, as opposed to regular fonts, which have a maximum of 256 characters. The Unicode format is supported by Word from Word 97 to the most recent version available.

To ensure compatibility with other programs that cannot handle Unicode fonts, a font's character set is represented as multiple character sets. To select the desired character, first specify the font, for example Times New Roman, and then the typeface, for example Cyrillic. Click on the desired character and insert it into the text by clicking the Insert button. If the symbol is used very often, assign it to your favorite key combination using the button - Keyboard shortcut .

Problem of use in text special characters is that existing characters- and these are not only letters, numbers, mathematical and punctuation signs and many others - much more than the keys on a computer keyboard. The Microsoft employees who developed the Windows system solved this problem by assigning each symbol a unique code, entered using the Alt key.

But first, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of all existing characters. To do this, go to the Start menu and follow the path given below:

All programs -> Accessories -> Utilities -> symbol table

After that it will open before you symbol table in Unicode

For reference: Unicode is a standard character encoding, allowing you to represent the signs of almost all written languages. Unicode was originally created to eliminate encoding errors.

To convert the table into an encoding convenient for us, you need to check the box next to “Additional viewing options” and use the drop-down menu to select the required one character set. In our case, it will, of course, be “Cyrillic”.

Then everything is very simple. When you select the desired symbol, an inscription appears in the lower right corner. That's what it is keyboard shortcut, which causes this symbol. Therefore, in order for the “euro” sign to appear as in the picture, you need to hold down the Alt key and sequentially type a four-digit code. All.

Of course, the operation will seem time-consuming, but if you know the “blind” ten-finger typing method on the keyboard, then entering special characters won't be difficult.

The easiest way to remember the code for each symbol- manually create a sign with a description of frequently used codes and print it on a printer to always have at hand.

To make life easier for users, some programmers create special keyboard layout editors. One such editor is Keyboard Layout Manager, which allows you to assign previously unavailable symbols to any of the keyboard keys. For example, it becomes possible to replace symbol"dollar" ($) to symbol“copyright” (©), after which when you press the key with the $ icon, the © icon will be displayed, respectively.

Using the methods listed above, you need to take into account that in some text editors not all symbols are entered correctly.


2009-11-16 19:05:13 - Natalya

What a miracle this article is! I've been looking for this for so long and finally here it is: a clear, simple article about hidden symbols on the keyboard. Many thanks to the author of this article. He is a genius!

2010-01-05 11:41:12 - Ibra

It’s just that the keyboard correspondence is not displayed for all characters. I can’t find its combination with ALT

2010-01-24 08:19:58 - Ildar

Thank you very much for the useful advice. It's nice to learn something new about previously unknown capabilities of working on a computer.

2010-04-27 20:12:46 - Dmitry

Well, did I really find them)

2010-05-11 11:46:24 - Ekaterina

It’s a pity that not all the symbols are there... the approximate equality symbol is really needed

2010-05-16 12:19:45 - Alexander

Wonderful. And the sign is arriving. equality on the keyboard at the top left, if Katyusha can hear me from here, of course..

2010-05-25 11:54:03 - Valentin

Sign approx. equality (aka "tilde") is under escape in English. layout

2010-06-06 01:05:07 - Ksenia

Thank you very much) I've been looking for it for a long time.

2010-07-07 14:50:45 - Peter

and where to find a sign for writing numbers by hand. The same as on envelopes when filling out an index?

2010-08-04 12:03:27 - Vladislav

Uv. Alexander and Valentin, the tilde sign is “~”, this is not a sign of approximate equality! The approximate equality sign is written as “≈”. It’s not on the keyboard, but it’s in the table, Ekaterina, look for it more carefully.

2010-08-30 08:36:09 - Denis

Class! Thank you for the article!

2010-09-05 18:56:08 - Elatontsev Sergey Valerievich

My dog ​​symbol has disappeared, all the others work. I can’t find the reason, I installed another keyboard and the same thing happened. Help me find the cause of the problem!

2010-09-17 18:17:40 - Helen 2010-10-10 14:02:56 - Ksyu

What should I do if the dog symbol is not entered???

2010-10-17 04:24:57 - Ksyusha 2010-11-10 20:51:39 - ???100???

Helped thanks

2010-12-11 00:18:33 - IRINA


2010-12-13 20:37:16 - how to download it

how to download it?

2010-12-14 20:39:33 - Yanochka

how to put a tick? not like “v”, but a tick sign.. please tell me?

2011-02-23 21:27:53 - Sanya

Thanks to smart, not greedy people, where would we be without them?

2011-03-18 09:40:47 - Danilin Vmktor Yurievich

where to click to get the dog symbol

2011-04-24 01:18:26 - Alexander Alexandrovich

thank you very much

2011-05-29 09:28:06 - Sarychev Vasily Nikolaevich

God bless good people!!!

2011-05-30 15:05:52 - Vasya

how to set the crosshair symbol?

2011-06-03 08:34:49 - Bordonsky Alexey

Please! enter the dog symbol my keyboard is broken

2011-06-13 10:37:25 - Irina

I can’t find the signs: Belongs to the set / does not belong to the set. Maybe they aren't there?

2011-08-10 20:08:11 - Sanya

thank you for the signs)

2011-09-03 18:53:37 - ELENA

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Your article helped me a lot. All the best to you!!!

2011-09-11 17:24:08 - dima))

please help me, I can’t find the numpad key??? how can I find it????

2011-09-11 17:38:32 - saf)))

hi everyone)) help me please)))

2011-09-14 13:54:23 - Kug-ool Sayana Aleksandrovna

I'm working on a netbook, I type letters located on the right side of the keyboard, but numbers come out instead, and everything else is printed normally. Why is this and how to fix it? Please tell me.

2011-09-22 17:37:31 - Alexa

how to make © using the keyboard

2011-10-10 14:35:34 - Valentin Me-ko

I have the same problem as Sayana Alesandrovna’s Kug-ool. Please tell an illiterate pensioner

2011-10-23 13:26:26 - ANATOLIY

These clues are indisputable proof that not all smart people have degenerated into rednecks. B O O L S H O E SP.

2011-10-23 13:41:06 - Razenkov

or maybe you, out of your kindness, can tell me how to speed up the operation of the keys, which after updating W/Vista SP.2 to static. The computer started to slow down. I fight like a fish... Thank you!

2011-11-01 08:38:24 - Malinovskaya

I didn’t succeed, please tell me which combination causes hearts. diamonds

2011-11-07 13:38:45 - Danil

Thank you very much, I’ve been scratching my head for 5 years!!

2011-11-14 19:02:24 - Inna Nikolaevna

The "NumLock" key has stopped working. Tell me what to do?

2011-11-21 13:36:44 - Olga Valerievna

I can't print uppercase characters. as well as capital letters using the shift button. at the same time, I change the language with the ctrl sift combination, can’t you help me figure out what’s wrong7

2011-11-22 22:45:26 - lyudmila

What does the Hold key mean?

2011-12-04 12:29:15 - Anyutka

help with the school curriculum for those who do not like mathematics and computer science and make presentations, write to [email protected]

2011-12-08 20:50:46 - Terzi Daria Nikolaevna

who knows where the train symbol is

2011-12-13 08:01:20 - Aleks ™

people watch 0153-™

2011-12-17 16:57:18 - Fierce G A

I have the same problem as Kug-ool Sayan, please tell me, thank you very much

2012-01-19 15:56:33 - Yana 2012-02-12 21:57:06 - Max

how to download it?

2012-02-22 07:29:26 -

Guys, how to enter the code?

2012-02-22 11:42:50 - Ilya

Thanks, I've been looking for it for a long time

2012-02-24 15:34:36 - Anya


2012-03-30 14:54:18 - Yuri

Fierce G A, on the beech keyboard, next to the left “Ctrl” there is a function key “Fn”, and on the top F-keys (most likely F11) the signature “NumLk” is the same color as “FnEy Press these 2 keys at the same time and switch to normal mode.

2012-03-31 01:03:25 - Yuri

Fierce G A, on the beech keyboard, next to the left “Ctrl” there is a function key “Fn”, and on the top F-keys (most likely F11) the signature “NumLk” is the same color as “Fn”. Press these 2 keys at the same time and switch to normal mode.

2012-04-07 14:57:22 - Bozhenov Roman Yurievich

tell me how to find the mathematical symbol Pi - where is Pi-3.14!?

2012-04-09 18:48:40 - Vakhitov Vlad Rustamovich

Programming class

2012-05-01 16:10:02 - Ivan

There are very few smwords! I am interested in the trademark symbol (tm) in the upper right corner of the word.

2012-05-18 23:06:22 - Danil

Ivan tm(0153)

2012-05-30 19:53:53 - Danil Bastrakov Evgenievich 2012-06-03 21:45:49 - Ivan

Someone else manages to write their full name)

2012-09-09 20:59:50 - Sasha

I wiped the keyboard and pressed something and the light on the screen changed. what to do?

2012-09-12 23:39:06 - abdul

how to download them?

2013-01-06 17:41:21.353372 - how to make a dog symbol? 2013-01-23 13:37:46.914685 - Julia

People, take a look at your keyboard))) at least once))) more closely))) and questions like “where is the ~ sign?” What about the author? THANK YOU? !

2013-05-07 21:03:13.549537 - Alekseeva Rita

What could I press on the laptop keyboard, that instead of letters it writes different combinations for me, for example, I click on k, and it displays kpem, please help

2013-06-14 16:06:30.416307 - Vasina Ksenia Step

How to return the previous keyboard settings? ... what happened to the laptop keyboard, the keys "m, yu, ., o, l, d, f,; ... My little child played with the keyboard

2013-07-21 14:22:32.48122 - pr

what does n\o mean

2013-07-24 18:02:26.551846 - symbol of life and equality

how to create an inverted cross?

2013-12-26 17:02:08.125836 - Zoya Alexandrovna

THANK YOU so much!! They helped a lot.

2014-02-26 20:30:55.9777 - Tanya

I accidentally pressed something on the keyboard and now a paragraph mark is written instead of a space. What to do?

2014-08-10 04:21:24.778044 - Igor Fedchin

Thank you very much for the material!!!

As you already know, you can enter additional characters from the Unicode standard that are not available on the keyboard. Almost all applications today support special characters that can be entered using the ALT key and a special combination of numbers on the numeric keypad. Using the correct sequence of ALT keys and numbers, you can enter a trademark symbol, a degree symbol, a copyright symbol, various currency symbols, and so on. Here is a list of the most commonly used characters and their ALT codes.
This list can be useful when you need to enter such characters frequently. If you remember the input sequence, you can quickly get the desired character without switching to the Character Map application. This will save your time and will not interrupt your workflow. Of course, such a large list is not easy to remember, so you may want to bookmark this page and you can refer to the list of special characters later.

Symbol Keyboard shortcut
backspace† Alt 8
tab† Alt 9
line break† Alt 10
¤ Alt 15
Alt 20
§ Alt 21
Alt 22
Alt 32
! Alt 33
" Alt 34
# Alt 35
$ Alt 36
% Alt 37
& Alt 38
" Alt 39
( Alt 40
) Alt 41
* Alt 42
+ Alt 43
, Alt 44
- Alt 45
. Alt 46
/ Alt 47
0 Alt 48
1 Alt 49
2 Alt 50
3 Alt 51
4 Alt 52
5 Alt 53
6 Alt 54
7 Alt 55
8 Alt 56
9 Alt 57
: Alt 58
; Alt 59
< Alt 60
= Alt 61
> Alt 62
? Alt 63
@ Alt 64
A Alt 65
B Alt 66
C Alt 67
D Alt 68
E Alt 69
F Alt 70
G Alt 71
H Alt 72
I Alt 73
J Alt 74
K Alt 75
L Alt 76
M Alt 77
N Alt 78
O Alt 79
P Alt 80
Q Alt 81
R Alt 82
S Alt 83
T Alt 84
U Alt 85
V Alt 86
W Alt 87
X Alt 88
Y Alt 89
Z Alt 90
[ Alt 91
\ Alt 92
] Alt 93
^ Alt 94
_ Alt 95
` Alt 96
a Alt 97
b Alt 98
c Alt 99
d Alt 100
e Alt 101
f Alt 102
g Alt 103
h Alt 104
i Alt 105
j Alt 106
k Alt 107
l Alt 108
m Alt 109
n Alt 110
o Alt 111
p Alt 112
q Alt 113
r Alt 114
s Alt 115
t Alt 116
u Alt 117
v Alt 118
w Alt 119
x Alt 120
y Alt 121
z Alt 122
{ Alt 123
| Alt 124
} Alt 125
~ Alt 126
 Alt 127
Ç Alt 128
ü Alt 129
é Alt 130
â Alt 131
ä Alt 132
à Alt 133
å Alt 134
ç Alt 135
ê Alt 136
ë Alt 137
è Alt 138
ï Alt 139
î Alt 140
ì Alt 141
æ Alt 145
Æ Alt 146
ô Alt 147
ö Alt 148
ò Alt 149
û Alt 150
ù Alt 151
ÿ Alt 152
¢ Alt 155
£ Alt 156
¥ Alt 157
P Alt 158
ƒ Alt 159
á Alt 160
í Alt 161
ó Alt 162
ú Alt 163
ñ Alt 164
Ñ Alt 165
¿ Alt 168
¬ Alt 170
½ Alt 171
¼ Alt 172
¡ Alt 173
« Alt 174
» Alt 175
¦ Alt 179
ß Alt 225
µ Alt 230
± Alt 241
° Alt 248
Alt 249
· Alt 250
² Alt 253
Alt 0128
Alt 0132
Alt 0133
Alt 0134
Alt 0135
ˆ Alt 0136
Alt 0137
Š Alt 0138
Alt 0139
ΠAlt 0140
Alt 0145
Alt 0146
Alt 0147
Alt 0148
Alt 0150
- Alt 0151
˜ Alt 0152
Alt 0153
š Alt 0154
Alt 0155
œ Alt 0156
Ÿ Alt 0159
¨ Alt 0168
© Alt 0169
® Alt 0174
¯ Alt 0175
³ Alt 0179
´ Alt 0180
¸ Alt 0184
¹ Alt 0185
¾ Alt 0190
À Alt 0192
Á Alt 0193
 Alt 0194
à Alt 0195
Ä Alt 0196
Å Alt 0197
È Alt 0200
É Alt 0201
Ê Alt 0202
Ë Alt 0203
Ì Alt 0204
Í Alt 0205
Î Alt 0206
Ï Alt 0207
Ð Alt 0208
Ò Alt 0210
Ó Alt 0211
Ô Alt 0212
Õ Alt 0213
Ö Alt 0214
× Alt 0215
Ø Alt 0216
Ù Alt 0217
Ú Alt 0218
Û Alt 0219
Ü Alt 0220
Ý Alt 0221
Þ Alt 0222
ã Alt 0227
ð Alt 0240
õ Alt 0245
÷ Alt 0247
ø Alt 0248
ü Alt 0252
ý Alt 0253
þ Alt 0254

For your convenience, I've also saved the Windows 10 special characters chart into a PDF file that you can download and use as a cheat sheet.

It is worth noting that every modern version of Windows OS has a special application, Character Table or charmap.exe. The application has a convenient user interface to search or view the desired Unicode character. You can open Symbol table using the menu " Start""All applications"→ folder " Standard", or by typing in the search charmap.exe. In the Symbol Table, find the desired symbol and copy it to the clipboard, so you can paste it in any application.

The character code table in modern computers can be used by any user. What it is? And where can I find such an element? How to use it and for what purposes? Next, we will try to provide answers to all of the above questions. Typically, character tables allow you to print unique characters in text documents. The main thing is to know what they are, as well as where to look for the relevant information. Everything is much simpler than it seems.


Character codes? This, as you might guess, is a database. In it, users can see a combination of numeric values, when processed, a symbol is inserted into the specified place in the text. For example, the sign or ♫. There are no such symbols on the keyboard and cannot be.

The character table helps users insert unique characters into text documents. Here you can see the encoding of the element and how it is interpreted.

What are they?

Character encodings are a type of combination of letters, numbers and symbols that, after processing by the operating system, are converted into a character. They are different.

Today you may encounter the following encodings:

  1. ASCII is a method of printing special characters whose unique codes are represented by numbers. This is the most common encoding type. It was developed in 1963 in the USA. The encoding is seven-bit.
  2. Windows-1251 is the standard encoding for Russian-language Windows. It is not very extensive and is almost not in demand among users.
  3. Unicode is a 16-bit encoding for modern operating systems. It serves to represent symbols and letters in any language. Used by modern users along with ASCII.

Now it’s clear what encodings are. Let's focus on the first and last options. They are in great demand among modern PC users.

Where to look in Windows

Character code tables are built into the Windows operating system by default. With their help, the user will be able to type letters and special characters in any text editor or document.

In order to find the symbol table in Windows, you need:

  1. Open the Start menu item.
  2. Expand the "All Programs" section.
  3. Select the "Standard" folder
  4. Click on the inscription "Service".
  5. Take a look at the "Symbol Table" application.

It is done. Now you can study all possible signs that can only be perceived by the operating system. If you double-click on the thumbnail of a symbol and then click on the “Copy” button, the corresponding symbol will be transferred to the clipboard. You can download data from it into a text document.

Important: at the bottom of the window on the right you can see a keyboard shortcut for quickly printing the selected element, and on the left - “Unicode” for typing in text.

In MS Word

The table of character codes can be found even in text editors. Let's look at the algorithm of actions in MS Word. This is the most popular and widespread utility for working with documents in Windows.

Opening the character code table is done as follows:

  1. Log into Word on your computer. You can open either a blank document or one with text.
  2. Click on the “Insert” item at the top. It is advisable to expand the entire list of options.
  3. Hover the cursor and click LMB on the inscription “Special sign...”.

That's all. A symbol table will appear in the center of the screen. Here you can see the table of ASCII, Unicode and more. To do this, in the drop-down list at the bottom of the window, after the inscription “from...”, select the appropriate encoding.

Inserting a sign can be done by double-clicking on an element in the table or by activating the "Insert" button.

Code Processing Methods

As we have already said, a table of character codes helps to study the alphanumeric code of a particular character. How can they be converted?

Typically, "Unicode" is handled as follows:

  1. The user writes a unique code for the appropriate symbol. It usually starts with U+....
  2. The user presses the Alt + X key combination in a text editor.
  3. The operating system reads the code, after which a special sign appears in the place where it was written.

Codes are processed one at a time. This is extremely important. ASCIIs are processed in a similar way.

Some characters can be typed using the Alt key. Usually you need to hold it down, and then enter the appropriate code on the numeric keypad. In this case, you will have to activate Num Lock mode in advance.

A special character is a character that is not on the keyboard. The character table in Windows OS contains a list of all displayed characters FOR EACH of the installed fonts. Most often it is used to enter those characters that are not on the keyboard. From it you can get information about character codes in the Unicode table.
№§♂♀$臀膜オ☺☞♠♣ ♧♩♫♭♫★☎☏Ƶ☜¼¾ØӇӍӐԘԡظؼفٻٞٝ۝שׁﬡⱾאָﭪﭲﭶ♦●◙▲◄ ▼

Another way to type letters and symbols that are not on a standard keyboard is to use the symbol table that our computers have, and taking them from there is not difficult at all.

I'll tell you a little how and where to find THIS TABLE on your computer.

For OS (operating system) Windows - XP, who still has it?

Path: Start -> All programs -> Accessories -> System tools -> Character table: Look at the picture

We get:

There are all the symbols here, even more than what is in the post. We are looking for the required symbol or letter,
1. select it with the mouse (Simply click on the one you need)
2. Click on the "Select" button. The symbol appears in the window.
3. All that remains is to copy the selection from the bottom line and paste it where required.

Where can I find the symbol table in Windows 7?

In the main menu of the Windows 7 operating system, you don’t have to look for this link yourself, but rely on the built-in search engine. Press the Win key

And immediately start entering the name of the desired OS component. You only have time to type “tab” when the search engine displays the “Symbol Table” link in the first line of results - click it with the mouse to launch the application.

Where can I find the symbol table in Windows 8.1?

1) In Windows 8.1, the symbol table is located in Programs-Accessories-Utilities-Symbol Table. You can call it in the same way as in Windows 7, that is, trust the built-in search engine. Press the Win key

2) You can use the Run command. To do this, press the combination Win (flag key) + R. In the window that opens, enter charmap.exe and Enter.

Personally, I have the Classic Shell program installed - the classic Start menu in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, and now “Eight” is practically no different from “Seven”. So search like this "Start" - All Programs - Windows Accessories - System Tools - Symbol Table.

Now these characters can be written by those who work on laptops and do not have a right-hand keyboard. For those who work on other operating systems, look where they are located in standard programs. Good luck to everyone in your work.