What can you do with a competition in contact? VKontakte competitions: how to get the desired results and not get banned

Every year, more and more entrepreneurs look at social networks and create pages (groups) for their business on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, but they immediately run into the problem of a complete lack of audience.

Leading a group takes effort, and being successful takes a tremendous amount of effort. Here you need to create interesting content, communicate with the audience, answer questions and much more, which is sometimes beyond the power of one person. Despite the apparent difficulty of promotion, there is a method that, with an adequate approach, will always attract an audience, albeit a cold one, to the page, and these are competitions for groups and pages on social media. networks.

What competitions can be held on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki

1) Prize for reposting and joining the group - you don’t even need a special reason here

It’s simple, you just need to place a brighter picture with the bold inscription “GIVEAWAY”, and with a photo of a valuable prize, write down the conditions and wait for someone to join the group. However, this was the case before, but now there are many more nuances, you can read about them.

If you want something more interesting, you can pay attention to:

2) Competition for the best photo

The reason can be very different, for example:

“Today is the first day of spring and we are waiting for photos from you with your March cats. The author of the most interesting photo will receive a month’s worth of food for his pet.”

The big advantage of this format is the unique content that is voluntarily provided to you by the users themselves.

If the prize is particularly valuable, you have an interesting idea and a marketing budget, move on:

3) Competition for the best video

In this format, you can implement all sorts of ideas depending on the topic of your page. These could be competitions for the best:

  • drawing;
  • photoshopper;
  • under the tree;
  • history, etc.

With the right approach, the results can be stunning, but in inept hands and without an audience, everything is extremely ineffective.

Global competitions are good, but it never hurts to do something interesting in between:

4) Competition for the best comment

Everything is simple here, the main thing is to choose an interesting and preferably thematic picture or phrase and ask your subscribers to leave a funny comment. In some cases, you can do without a prize; many will voluntarily leave a signature without expecting anything in return.

Without any hassle:

5) Prize drawing in honor of 1*** subscriber

Share your joy with your readers and give away small prizes in honor of the round number of your subscribers. This is incredibly nice and people who receive such bonuses will definitely tell their friends about their luck.

With special twists:

6) Quiz competition

Here, a simple question about where penguins live will not do, you will have to rack your brain. The more interesting and tricky the question, the greater the effect you will achieve. Remember the notorious question about the color of the dress, you can do something similar, or come up with something unique, the main thing is that it captures your users and makes them rack their brains, otherwise everything will be lost.

There are interesting ideas for promoting commercial projects that can solve several problems at once:

7) Competition for the most interesting review

This format is suitable both if you sell goods and if you provide services. Ask your subscribers to attach photos and write in detail, and most importantly adequately, about their experience of interacting with the company. Even after the prize is won, the reviews will remain and will work for you for a long time.

You can also give away prizes suddenly:

8) Competition for the greatest activity (likes, reposts, comments)

This format can be organized in two versions:

  • a full-fledged competition with a description of the conditions
  • suddenly selecting the most active subscriber

If you want to get a loyal audience, the second option is more interesting. A person who receives such a gift will most likely tell everyone he knows about his luck, and may even publish a post on his page.

If your goal is to get as much activity as possible in your group, then choose the first option, although there is a risk of seeing a bunch of empty comments like “Great picture” or “Good post.”

Before you start competitions, be sure to read the rules of their conduct. For VKontakte

You create an entry in your community, where you publish a photo with a gift and describe the conditions for receiving it. A prerequisite is to join your community and repost (click on the “tell friends” button) under the entry with this promotion (in VK). Without this, there is no point in holding this competition. Other conditions are at your discretion. You also choose the number of winners. Usually this is 1 person. The period is also at your discretion, I did it for 1 month. Here is an example text:

Where can I get non-standard characters in the form of VKontakte emoticons?

In this text, for example, non-standard digit-symbols 1 and 2 are used. They cannot be found among the standard symbols. And I found them in this group.

Use them or not, decide for yourself. 🙂 But definitely, pranks decorated with emoticons look more attractive.

What do you need?

  1. Choose a prize that you will give to one of those who repost your post (it does not have to be any product, it can be 100 rubles to the phone account). I recommend giving only what you actually have in stock, and so that the picture does not differ from what you will actually give. It is advisable to entrust the image to an experienced designer, it needs to be attractive :) Here are examples of images that I made in Photoshop:

  2. Set the promotion period and write the text of the draw with all the conditions. You can copy them from others. Here are 3 links to communities where only giveaways are published:
  3. After the publication of our action, unfortunately, crowds of people wishing to participate will not come to us. And all because they simply don’t know about it yet. Your task now is to notify as many VKontakte users as possible. To do this, you need to select a public or group and buy advertising there for this post. What matters here is whether you work with all of Russia or only in your city. Based on this, you select a group to buy advertising. Nowadays there are many groups and public pages where they post only such information. Some do it for free, others pay. The cost is different everywhere. I even remember in my experience there was a community to which you pay money, give the drawing text and image, they post it on their site and choose the winner themselves. Since the message about the giveaway was posted in their community, they had to order another advertisement in another group to repost this post from their community. Otherwise I would just order advertising for this post from my community. It turned out that in this way I promoted not only this competition, but their public. I still recommend that you do not buy in communities where only sweepstakes are published, since you will notice that after the winner is determined, your group will be unsubscribed en masse. Where then should you place it, you ask? If you work only in your city, then I can recommend news communities in your city.
  4. Next, you will need to choose a winner. I use - Random.app / Prize draws.
    I have already told you how to choose the winner. It is advisable to make a video. I usually do this using Qip Shot. You can download it from here: https://welcome.qip.ru/shot
    Using it, you can take both video and screen photos (screenshots). You can capture the entire screen or a specific area. You can also add arrows, frames, text, etc. to the screenshot.
  5. Here are 2 examples of videos shot using it. In the video, the winner is first selected, and then his presence in the group is checked.
    Video #1
    Video No. 2
  6. Well, the last step is presenting a gift to the winner. If he lives in another city, you will have to send it by mail or transport company at your own expense.

Cost of organizing the competition

  • 1000 rub. — approximate value of the prize (may be higher or lower).
  • 300 rub. - the work of a designer.
  • 1200 rub. — approximate advertising budget if you buy advertising for 600 rubles. 2 times: after the publication of the drawing and in the middle of the term. The more you spend on advertising, the better.
  • 400 rub. — the approximate cost of delivery by mail or shopping center to another city.

Total: 2900 rub. Afterwards, I advise you to be sure to measure the number of people who have joined your community. Once you know this number, you can divide it by expenses and see how much 1 subscriber cost you. 🙂 That’s all, if you have any questions, write in the comments. Bye everyone! 🙂

Hi all. Today I would like to raise the topic of competitions on social networks. It's no secret that competitions are a great option for promoting your group or your business. This is a great tool for promoting your business.

But even here you shouldn’t do the same thing over and over again. If you start a repost competition, you shouldn’t think that you will promote the group within a year only through this competition. Users will get tired of the monotony.

So what to do?

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In this article, let's look at possible competition options. What competitions can you create for groups on social networks? If I missed something, I will be glad to see your comments.

Repost competition

The simplest competition you could come up with. This type of competition is suitable for any business, any topic.

The idea is that your subscribers repost your advertising post, and after a certain time you randomly select a winner.

Very often such competitions yield good results. But these fruits already depend on the activity of your audience at the time of this competition, and of course on the prizes.

Photo competitions

One of the most common options. The task is to take one photograph, a series, or a “photo-toad” on some totem. The topic may or may not completely coincide with the main idea of ​​the community; it may or may not be related to the brand’s products.

I will give a few examples to make it clearer. Let’s say the theme of the group is “Animals”. You can organize a competition for the best photo of your pet. If the topic is “Moms and Children,” you can hold a competition for the best photo of the child. The “Books and Coffee” art club held a competition for the best photo report about the club (see screenshot). Within 10 days, you had to take photos at the club and post the report on your page. Then the administration chose the 10 best and held a vote.

If you sell travel services, you can organize a competition for the best photo report from excursions or tours, just from any trips.

A good idea is to create funny photoshops. By the way, this option is often used on political resources: “Draw the best “photograph” of the “party of swindlers and thieves” and get

It’s worth remembering that you don’t have to be tied specifically to the photo. This could be a drawing, a picture made in Photoshop, etc.

Video competitions

If in the first case we took photographs, here the participants take videos. Essentially the same thing, but in video format. However, you should understand that video production requires more resources and effort, so the prize should be more serious. In particular, one company made a trip a prize
to Las Vegas to meet the star (see screenshot). To participate, you had to sing the song “Sexy and I Know It” on camera.

Competitions for the best article, review, poem, story

The task here is to write a text. So, in my Internet marketing community, a competition for the best (useful) article or case on Internet marketing would be appropriate (by the way, this way you can create a lot of good content for the public). The already mentioned “Books and Coffee” club regularly hosts
competitions for the best review of a book from the store’s assortment. The prize is tickets to the concert.
Participants can also write a funny story from life, just a story, or a thematic poem.

True, people's creative abilities are poorly revealed here, but it is clear who knows how to use Google.

Quiz competitions

In this case, you ask a question and people answer it within a certain period of time. The first one to answer correctly (or the first “five”) wins a prize. It's simple. Quizzes are one of the best options for a “protracted competition”. For correct answers, you can not immediately give a prize, but award a certain number of points.

Competitions with a game element

Here I include competitions that introduce a gaming element or direct competition. I have two whole cases from the Izhevsk “flower” group “Lavka Flo”. In general, I advise you to watch this project; they regularly organize interesting competitions.

First case. The owners of the group hid three codes on their official website in the form of a combination of one number and one English letter. The task is to find these codes and connect them in a certain order (see screenshot). The first one to find it receives a bouquet.

Second case. You need to make as many words as possible from the word “fern” (I hope everyone remembers this old game?). The winner also receives a bouquet (see screenshot).

From my point of view, competitions with a game element are the most interesting. You can come up with a lot of options! For example, remember the games we played as children. Something can certainly be adapted, and people will be happy to connect. Or go the game show route. Or you can simply search Google for “logic games” or “attention games” and turn them into a competition.

What competitions do you use to develop your groups? Share with everyone in the comments.

Hello, friends. We are with you again)) Not so long ago, we promised to tell you about the types of competitions in VK. What types of competitions are there? How to organize them? Let's try to answer these questions and give some examples. And so, let's go...

Type 1 – creative competition

Idea: Photo competition on a given topic. The topic can be very different, the main thing is that it is related to the topic of the group, i.e. theoretically by what captivates the participants. Or it could be related to a specific product you are promoting.

Example:“Autumn Tea Party”, where participants post photos of their tea parties in the autumn (these are all examples, so the simpler the better)

Selection parameters: the rules must be followed (be in a group, repost, like) and brewed tea against the backdrop of autumn (why not? Laughing).

Prizes: Pu-erh pancake and a teapot made of Yixing clay (for example, of course).

Mechanics: We hold the competition for existing public/group participants, theoretically we do not use new ones. Activity with this approach usually occurs in 3 stages, lasting ~20 days. At the first stage, you need to place a photo on the competition theme in an album created specifically for the competition. Then join the public (group), like and repost the entry about the ongoing competition. Stage 2 - selection of the 10 best works, preferably with the participation of a jury (naturally, according to established criteria). Stage 3 - voting by group members for the most successful photo.

Pros: Receiving unique content from public (group) members. This content can then be used in your public VKontakte (group) (the main thing is to write about this nuance in the rules of the competition). During the voting period, most of the community members are involved.

Minuses: absolutely in 100% of cases there will be people who disagree with the jury’s decision, insults, and swearing. The voting results may be manipulated (this must be identified immediately and very clearly. This must be stopped at the same moment).

Type 2 – “the most active in the public (group)”

Idea: The participant who is more active than others receives a prize.

Prizes for the winners: There may be a variety of prizes here. But keep in mind the fact that it must motivate the participants, because... Lately it has been very difficult to attract people on the Internet to any activity just like that. And naturally, no one will even think about the comb. Don't skimp on prizes.

Mechanics: the competition takes place over any period (for example 2 weeks). During this time, contestants need to become more active in several directions: likes, comments, reposts. Some of the most active ones will be winners. There is a little trick - it is better to have three prize places and not one, if you are wondering why, we will explain it separately. You can select the winning participants, for example, using the socialstats.ru service.

Pros: The activity of participants simply increases significantly.

Minuses: participants write who knows what, just to get more numbers.

Type 3 – random competition

Idea: competition, which is conceived on the idea of ​​​​reposting the entry you need. Very convenient if you need to disseminate any information.

Prizes: Suitable for the theme of the public (group) VKontakte.

Mechanics: The duration is average, usually 10-15 days (or less). The main thing is that as many potential participants as possible learn about the VK competition. The rules here are extremely simple: join a group (public), repost and of course like. The winner is selected by a random number generator.

Pros: The organization is extremely simple. People are very willing to take part. It is unlikely to get more reposts.

Minuses: We didn't see it.

Let's now summarize a little. Key points to keep in mind if you want to hold a VKontakte competition for a VK group or public:

    • The mechanics of the implementation should be simple (and the simpler, the better in this case)
    • The frequency of such events is no more than once a month, because they become boring and the effectiveness decreases.
    • Be sure to identify violators and cheaters of competitions. Fight them mercilessly - this is evil!
    • If you are promoting a brand in a group, then prizes should preferably be related to this brand (if possible, of course)
    • The determination of the winners must be clear to absolutely all participants.
    • The results of the competition should be clear - take screenshots, photos, record a video report about the prize draw, etc., so that people don’t have questions or dissatisfaction.

But what if you still have very few members in the group? This is not a problem at all with some programs for VKontakte promotion.

Please also note that the rules for holding VK competitions have changed. We strongly recommend that you read them - vk.com/terms.

That's all for today. There are still many topics from the world of VKontakte ahead, expect new articles in the very near future. Good luck with your VK competitions!

We will talk about holding a competition with a prize-gift on social media. networks, or rather, about a competition for reposting or liking VKontakte.

Here are some tips for those who want to run an effective and reliable prize draw.

1) Simple and clear terms

The conditions for participation in the draw must be clearly and understandably stated. They must be unambiguous and not mislead participants.

2) Correct formatting of the post about the competition

The type of post is not only important for attracting attention. If this is the post that participants in the giveaway should repost or like, you need to make sure that it looks good as a repost. Spend a couple of minutes making a test repost. Make sure that the name of the prize, conditions of participation, picture or photo are immediately visible in the repost.

The picture of the prize is very important - it must be bright, clear and of good quality. If you have minimal knowledge of graphic editors, you can place an inscription about the draw and the name of the group on it.
Use emoticons to visually highlight the main points of the post and divide it into blocks.

Here's an example of a well-designed post:

3) Advertise the competition

Find VKontakte groups that collect similar pranks and ask them to post.

You can also conduct a paid advertising campaign and place advertisements for the draw in communities and groups on VKontakte with an audience of interest using the convenient Sociate service.

4) Follow the competition

It is important to know how the competition works and not to leave everything to chance. Practice shows that a third of participants do not comply with the conditions of the competition, without knowing it. For example, they repost, but forget to join the group. At the same time, they are sure that they are already participating in the drawing and have done everything as required.

Let participants see for themselves that all necessary actions have been completed: by adding a competition to our catalog, you will get access to a statistics page where you can see how many people joined the group, which of them reposted, and who did not fulfill the necessary conditions. It looks like this.

Use this information to run the giveaway. Just copy the link to the statistics and show it to the participants of the drawing.

This way people can immediately see what still needs to be done. This allows you not only to increase loyalty to your group and get rid of unpleasant questions after the competition, but to increase the number of participants, and therefore subscribers.

5) Particular attention is paid to determining the winner.

The time has come to sum up the results and choose the winner of the prize.

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