Search for people by request in contact. How to find a person on VKontakte by id

In this article I will try to fully cover such a topic as searching for people on VKontakte without registration and absolutely free. Most professional psychologists would agree that it is people who suffer greatly from the inability to fully and correctly communicate with others and who suffer greatly from loneliness.

Using the Internet, namely social networks the person gets the impression full communication. But this also, as it turns out, has its advantages: you can safely be yourself without adapting to others, communicate with completely different people(and it doesn’t matter what kind of social status, no matter what they look like), you can safely express your opinion. To be honest, many people on the Internet allow themselves to do things like real life will never allow it. But even on the Internet, in various social networks, more and more often there is a need to find specific person, while often having very little information about him. Below we will describe several very simple ways to find the person you need in contact without registration and for free.

VKontakte search for people without registration

For example, you need to find a specific person, and you definitely have information that he has definitely passed the VKontakte registration and has his own page, then finding him will be quite easy. Even if you have your own “VKontakte” page, such a search can be done not from your page, but incognito. VKontakte makes promises to all its users to protect all personal information and it may immediately seem that searching the network is impossible without registration, but as it turns out, searching for any person in VKontakte without registration is very simple.
Method No. 1
Go to the main page “in contact” and click on the following link where it says “forgot your password”, it is located directly under the “Login” button:

Next, select the following line: “if you don’t remember the phone number or don’t have access to the phone, then click here”

click and you get to the main menu for VKontakte users, and there it is very easy and simple to find absolutely any already registered person.

Method No. 2
It's still not very difficult option searching for your friends or non-friends, it doesn’t matter who you are actually looking for, this is a method of searching in VK using a user directory. To search in this way, you just need to place the following link in the search bar of your browser and in front of your eyes, if you did this correctly simplest operation The following page will open:

Then, in the “Search” column, indicated in the figure, boldly enter the data of the person you require. This is how we make it easy on Vkontakte to search for people without registration.

Method number 3

Searching for people through the Yandex search system

It is very easy to search for a person who is registered on VKontakte through “Yandex”, that is, through a Yandex search. The point here is that when registering on almost all social networks, everyone by default agrees that their data will be visible in Yandex. search network. As a rule, not many, i.e. the vast majority does not change standard settings and in this way almost 99.9 percent of people can also be found. For such a search, enter the following link into the search line:
Such a page will pop up, and there it’s quite simple to intuitively enter the information you have about the person and select the social network where you need to find him.

We find mutual acquaintances and records from five years ago.

VKontakte has more than 350 million registered users. Many people there have profiles filled with a lot of interesting and not so interesting information. Many life hacks have been found/invented for searching the service. The article talks about five of them.

1. How to find a page by email address or phone number?

This can be done with the number mobile phone, but for this you need to know the person’s last name. You can find out by sending a letter to his email (if he is not encrypted and has entered his data correctly).

2. How to find out a user’s hidden date of birth?

It happens that some people hide their dates of birth from guests/friends of the page (many ladies 25+ hide only the year), but they are still on the pages (during registration they indicated all their data and then hid it). In such cases, you can find out the year, month and day of birth of a person using a search.

We go to the search, indicate the first name, last name, city, university, etc., that is, all the data known to us, so that the person appears in the search results and there are a minimum of unnecessary people there. In the “Additional” section, indicate your expected year of birth. If it is entered incorrectly, the person will disappear from the search results, and when you guess correctly, he will appear. Tested many times.

Similarly, you can select the month and day of birth, as well as political views, school, marital status and other information.

3. How can I see old posts on the wall?

Here's a small life hack that will help you learn more about the past of a new acquaintance. To read a person’s statuses set five years ago, you don’t have to tire yourself of scrolling through the feed. Everything is much simpler.

We go to the person’s page and at the beginning of the wall (microblog) click on the link “To Vasya’s posts”, then click on the link “Go to search” and indicate the desired date in the calendar that appears when you click on “Posts before specific date" This way you can find everything that was not deleted.

Many people registered there back in 2007-2009 and have changed a lot since then. Today the girl posts “the commandments of Vedic femininity” or “the rules of the Orthodox bride,” and seven years ago she posted the statuses “who stole my thong on the registration yesterday, please return it. You can anonymously."

This works for communities too.

4. How to find a chain of mutual acquaintances?

We test the theory of “six handshakes” (which, with the development of the Internet, becomes the theory of “four handshakes”). Open the application NOT random connections and indicate the id the right person. Until recently, you had to wait about five minutes for the chain to be built, but now it happens in a matter of seconds.

If you need to get to know someone living in your city/town with a population of several tens of thousands of people, then you most likely have a mutual friend who can introduce you. The application will help you find this person.

Many people instinctively trust friends of friends and try to please them at least a little (make a small discount, for example). The Soviet law “I am from Tamara” and the subconscious hatred of strangers, at least a little, influence everyone’s behavior.

5. How can I view the statistics of visits to my page?

Do you wonder how often people view and like your profile? It's very easy to find out. This is the case when they say: don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

If you have less than 100 subscribers, then we delete a certain number of friends so that there are at least 101 subscribers. After this, at the very bottom of the page you will see a link to a page with statistics (in new version design just above), where views and likes of your page are visible by day and month. It’s better to do this late at night in order to have time to send new invitations with explanations to remote people. However, for some this will just be a reason to finally clear their feed.

If you do not need a permanent display of a link to statistics, then you can view it by simply pasting it into address bar browser your page id.

Information about people can be collected not only on VK, but also in thousands of other places. I have already written something on this topic.

Greetings, friends! In one of the previous articles we looked at, it’s time to talk about how to find out VK page by phone number. Let's begin...

How to find a VK person by phone number

If previously it was possible to find a person on VKontakte by phone number by restoring access to the page, now the developers of the social network have complicated this procedure and this method is no longer working. However, you can always find another way out.

So, to find out a contact page by phone number, we need a phone on the platform Android.

  1. Let's write it down phone number to the directory of our smartphone;
  2. Install official application"VKontakte" from the page or through special service"Play Market";
  3. Log in to the VKontakte application (no matter what login);
  4. Go to the “Friends” menu;
  5. There will be a + (plus) icon in the upper right corner, click on it;
  6. We will immediately see the “Contacts” option. Find friends in your notebook";
  7. A confirmation question will pop up - click “Yes”
  8. In a few minutes we will see all VK network users among those listed in our directory.

This method will 100% work if you have not yet installed the application on your phone. And if not, then it all depends on how often you use the search through the application. New contacts may not immediately appear if you perform this procedure on an ongoing basis.

Today we looked at one of the options for How to find out VKontakte page by phone number. Who knows, maybe tomorrow it will be covered, and if not, then so much the better. I hope I helped you.

Hello, friends! Today we will be searching for people using photos on the VKontakte social network. Just imagine that we only have a photograph, and from this photo we need to find his page. Perhaps this will only happen if he uploaded this photo to a social network and did not hide it (). This can be done, I tested it in practice, there are a couple of proven methods and now we will look at them.

Search by photos on VKontakte

To use this function of a social network and find a person, we first need to upload a photo, which we will use to search for our account (). Now we go to the album we added this photo and click on the photo itself so that it can be fully loaded.

After the photo is loaded, look at the address bar of the browser and copy the address of the photo. You do not need to copy the entire photo address, but only those numbers that come after the word photo (along with it) and before the % sign. Look at the screenshot and everything will become clear:

Now go to your home page and click on the “News” menu item

Almost at the very top of the page that opens, above the news, we have a photo search window. We insert the word copy into it: immediately after it is the address of the photo that you uploaded and by which you need to find the person.

See screenshot:

Click on Enter. And we load all the exact same photos uploaded to the social network by different users. Naturally, if the photo is unique, then in your case there will be only one such user. All you have to do is click on the photo and follow the link to the owner of this photo:

That's all, we have completed the task.

Search by images from Yandex

Now I am for you, for general development, I’ll show you another way to find a person on VKontakte by photo. But note that it will only work if the user has uploaded it to their profile picture. It's about about image search from search engine Yandex.

In the next window, click on the “Select file” button to upload the photo to the system for search.

Through Explorer, find on your computer desired image, select it and click “Open”.

The system will show your picture and below all similar ones that it could find. With a high degree of probability, the first one will be a photo exactly similar to yours.

Scroll below and see a list of sites where the picture appears. Choose any of the proposed ones. In the example, I chose Click right click click on the title and select “Open link in new tab” from the list.

On the site that opens, you can search for a person on any of the social networks that are in the list on the left. We have already selected VKontakte and indicated the full name for which the results are displayed (by the way, I did not enter them, they were already registered when I opened the site. Although I am looking for a person with a different full name, for the purity of the experiment I did not change anything).

The window in the middle displays all available, suitable user pages. We scroll through them and yes, the person I need is there, and his avatar has the photo that I used to search.

Click on the name and next page select any picture from the photo gallery. The VKontakte page of the found user will open and you can assume that you have found him.

Google Image Search

The search engine has exactly the same service as Yandex. Google systems. Let's also try to find my VKontakte page from the photo that is on my avatar.

Let's go to home page Google and on the right top corner click on the “Pictures” link:

We open the image search service, move the cursor to the right corner of the search bar and click on the camera icon. This button is called “Search by image”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Upload file” tab and click on the “Select file” button:

We upload the photo by which we want to search for a VKontakte account and observe the results.

I got queries related to formal clothing (since the photo shows people in black and white). And in " Similar images" There was nothing.

If this is the case for you, let's refine the search a little. To do this, you need to enter the first and last name of the person you are looking for in the appropriate line (it is advisable that they coincide with how the user is subscribed to VK) and click on the magnifying glass.

As you can see, my VKontakte page has been found again, which means that we have reached our goal again. And with this I finish this article, in which we learned how to search for VK pages using photographs.

You will need

  • - VKontakte account;
  • - any available information about your friends (first name, last name, age or year of birth, place of work or study, place of residence, etc.).


  • Go to your VKontakte page. Click on the “People” button (it is located to the right of the search bar in top panel instruments). In the opened search bar Type your friend's last name. If the last name is unknown, you can also type the first name.
  • In the panel on the right, enter all the information you know about your friend. Mark the floor Family status, select from the list your friend’s country and city of residence, place of work or educational institution, faculty, year of graduation, years of military service, military unit, and so on. If any of the items are unknown to you, leave the field blank. Click on the "Search" button to the right of the search bar.
  • Look at the search results. If your friend’s page is not among them, it makes sense to continue the search. His application form may not be completely filled out. For example, you can exclude a military unit, faculty, or place of work from the search parameters. Some people do not indicate their age on the application form. And here is the year of manufacture from educational institution indicated by the vast majority of users. Please also pay attention to the “With photo” item. If the default checkbox is checked, only accounts with photos will be displayed in search results. It's better to uncheck this box.
  • You can also leave the search bar empty and select your school or university, class or course in the right menu. Then in the search results you will see all your classmates or fellow students who indicated the class when registering.
  • Sometimes you can find an “elusive” friend with the help of mutual acquaintances. Go to the page of someone who may be communicating with your friend on VKontakte and open the page with a list of his friends. In the search bar at the top, start entering the last name or first name of the person you are looking for.