Complete wipe. Hard Reset - Android system recovery

Unfortunately, Android smartphones are subject to various system failures, and problems with updates often occur. Therefore, many users try to solve problems on their own. But this does not always turn out to be a good idea and really helps. Sometimes this can even damage the device or turn it into a “brick”.

System problems

Anyone who has owned a smartphone at least once knows that sooner or later some problems occur with the system that simply cannot be solved by simply rebooting the device.

Sometimes they are associated with incorrectly installed programs. Unfinished system shell updates may also be to blame. Or perhaps, due to the user’s fault, the device was hit malware. All this, one way or another, leads to the fact that the phone begins to work incorrectly.

Of course, there are some methods that help with system recovery. But most often the user has to use Factory Reset.

What is this?

This is the short name for a function that helps reset the system to factory settings. The process clears all files and settings that were previously set by the user. The smartphone becomes, with system point sight, new.

The function destroys data from internal memory and microSD. All that will remain on the phone is a folder with system files that support the operation of the device.

But since this short name functions, there is a full, so to speak, official name - Factory Data Reset. Translated, the phrase means “data reset.” This feature helps you quickly erase all files from your phone. But she doesn't full recovery systems.

To do this you need to use the function Wipe Factory Reset. Translated, the phrase means “reset to factory settings.” This option helps to completely clean the system, leaving only one folder with service files.

What is the function used for?

One of the most common problems that a user may encounter is memory limitation. Sometimes Android begins to “hide” the phone’s memory, which causes restrictions on installing and downloading applications. The so-called gray sectors of the archive appear.

This phenomenon may not be noticed at first if it occurs with internal memory. It's worse if the gray sector appears in random access memory. In this case, the phone will constantly close programs and delete them from background work, due to which some notifications will stop coming.

Unfortunately, no options help in this case, so you have to use Factory Reset. This is necessary, since a lack of memory will affect the loading of the smartphone, its performance and the correct operation of applications. And even if at first all this is not so noticeable, over time it will simply become impossible to use the device.

Another reason

This function may be needed if viruses have entered your phone. This usually happens due to installing applications from unverified sources, as well as unsafe Internet surfing.

Even if for some reason you need to constantly use the Internet, it is better to get antivirus program. She may not be able to filter everything, but the most dangerous viruses she will definitely stop.

If malware has already entered the system, the antivirus program may not be able to remove them. They can also damage many system files, which can cause the smartphone to stop working correctly. There will be glitches and various types of errors.

In this case, you will again need to use Factory Reset.

Other reasons

A factory reset may be necessary if:

  • Regular phone system failures, the reasons for which cannot be found.
  • Selling a smartphone to another person. This way, it will be much easier to delete all your personal data in one fell swoop.
  • Unsuccessful flashing or installation of a custom shell.

Function options

As mentioned earlier, there are several types of resets. A partial reset deletes individual partitions and folders, cleans the system and gets rid of files that can cause errors and crashes. In this case, photographs and documents remain untouched.

Wipe Factory Reset is full reset, which helps you get rid of all files on your phone. It completely clears the system of settings and configurations, deletes accounts and all personal data of the user. In this case, there is practically no chance that viruses or malware will remain on the system.

Reset options

Android allows you to do a Wipe Data Factory Reset in three ways:

  • through phone settings;
  • through Recovery menu;
  • through a special button on the smartphone.

The easiest way is through the phone settings. But sometimes system failure It doesn’t even allow you to turn on your smartphone, so you have to use other options. It's also easy to reset special button, but it is not so common on modern models.

Through phone settings

So, to do Wipe Data Factory Reset, you need to open your smartphone settings. Depending on the version of the shell, you will need to find a special menu. It is usually called "Restoration", "Memory and backups" Next, you will simply find the line “Reset to factory settings.”

Through a special menu

For Factory Reset in this case you need to run Recovery. Almost all smartphones have this “built-in” menu. To do this, turn off the smartphone, and then use a combination of buttons: the power button and volume up. They need to be clamped and held until you feel vibration.

A menu will appear, which you need to navigate using the volume rocker, and make a selection with the power key. It's easy to find in the new menu required line with resetting the system to factory settings. The system will automatically launch Factory Reset and, upon completion, notify you that the process was successful.

Via PC

Few people know, but Factory Reset can be done via a computer. To do this, you will have to acquire the FastBoot utility and carefully read the instructions. Here you will have to find an option specifically for your smartphone model, since different manufacturers work with this menu differently.

Most often, you need to enable USB debugging, and then, using ADB and commands, configure a factory reset.

Now we will try to understand the question of what the term means factory reset and how to conduct this procedure on your smartphone. The article will be useful to users Android systems who encountered problems with the OS.

What are we talking about?

Factory reset is hard reset all settings and returning the device to its original “factory” state. Final version The term has not yet taken root, so this “hard reboot” procedure is called differently by different sources, you can find terms similar in meaning: hard reset, Cold Boot, Master Reset.

So, by producing factory reset Android, we will achieve a reboot of the device, thanks to which all factory settings of the system are restored, and all information disappears operating system: SMS, contacts, installed programs. Please note that information deleted in this way cannot be restored. In this case, the data located on the memory card and SIM card is not deleted.

Without asking

There is also such a thing as a spontaneous factory reset. It occurs due to a conflict caused by incorrect interaction of applications installed on one device. Another reason for this error could be a system failure.

Why is this reboot being done?

IN modern devices There are many Android-based applications that can sometimes cause crashes. However, each smartphone has an internal independent area that stores system files. If your operating system starts to behave badly or you have configured something incorrectly (for example, installed graphic key, while forgetting the pattern), the manufacturer provided in advance a special key combination, when using which software platform the smartphone will return to its original state.

To do a factory reset, you first need to go to " System recovery", for this purpose you need to find out the same installed by the manufacturer key combination. Now we are already in the menu, where many interesting lines are displayed. Using the volume buttons, you should go down to the wipe data/factory reset item. We activate the function by applying Power button or Home. A new menu appears, in which there will be many lines “NO”, and somewhere in the middle the line “Yes”. You should go down and activate it.

As a result of performing all the actions described above, the phone will reboot and then return to initial settings. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact specialists.

We thank each reader for your attention and hope that we were able to answer the question posed fully.

Many sources claim that before installation custom ROM, for example, must be done wipe systems, although there is also an opposite opinion. What to do in this situation? There is only one answer: the first option is correct. Why is that? Let's try to figure it out.

Wipe is aimed at clearing memory sections of your device. Carrying out the operation leads to both the loss of personal data and the loss of downloaded applications. System applications acquire an initial state. It turns out that wipe returns your device to the state in which you bought it.

Here are a few different wipes and a short description of them:

Wipe data/Factory reset: in this case, all your personal data will be deleted, and the system will return to its original form.

Wipe Cache Partition: This action deletes the cache. With this method, personal data is not lost.

Wipe Dalvik Cache: All your programs are in the Dalvik cache directory tree, wipe affects him, while personal data remains untouched.

Which wipe in what case should it be used? What is its meaning?

If you are installing a new ROM without committing wipe, then a lot of “garbage” remains from old system, which leads to unstable operation of the new one. You get a bunch of errors, crashes and other problems. For this reason wipe always necessary.

Let's now look at which wipe to use in which case.

When you install a new one custom ROM, but before that they used stock firmware, you should use the first option - " Wipe Data". It is also necessary when moving from one version to another, for example, from to.

If we are talking about small updates, for example, you go from CyanogonMod 9.0 To CyanogenMod 9.1 or install, then you need to apply " Wipe Cache Partition" And " Wipe Dalvik Cache".

That's all, actually. Now you know that wipe helps solve many problems associated with custom ROMs. If after installation a lot of errors occur in the system, you can easily eliminate them. If wipe does not help, then you need to use the "" option in recovery mode. We hope that now questions on the topic should be done wipe or not you won't have any problem.

Many experienced MMO players have often heard the expression “server wipe”. What it is, however, not many people know. Nevertheless, this procedure is often carried out by the administration of game servers, plunging players into shock and horror, since everything obtained with sweat and blood goes into oblivion. It is worth noting that wipe is possible not only on game servers. For example, there is such a thing as an operating system wipe. You can often hear this about the Android OS. The time has come to understand this concept and consider in more detail what wipes can be and what they threaten users with.

What is wipe

Wipe (English “clear”, “delete”) is a procedure for resetting the settings of a server or any device that is not provided by the manufacturer, or rolling back to the latest backup copy. Typically, any unsaved data will be lost. Some servers or devices simply need to wipe from time to time. That it's not very useful end user, and without that it is clear. As a rule, server players or device owners suffer. But after this procedure is completed, the server or device begins to work without failures or glitches. So overall this operation is useful. But users don't think so. And they can be understood.

Full wipe

There is such a thing as a complete wipe. reset to factory settings. It is performed only when the server is doing poorly and nothing is working. In this case, all user data is lost. Everything has to be done again. Full wipe similar to resetting Windows to factory settings. That is, we have before us a bare system with minimum set drivers. And nothing more. It is worth noting that such a procedure is performed very rarely, since it has a detrimental effect on the server’s reputation. No self-respecting administrator will do this without good reason, because you could lose your audience. I would like to note that most people “suffer” from wipes pirate servers some game (the same World of Warcraft). On official servers, the administration is trying its best to maintain functionality without such radical measures.

How often are wipes done?

So, wipe. What this is is already clear. But how often can the administration perform this procedure? It all depends on the degree of clutter on the server. And how quickly unnecessary piles of junk grow on it directly depends on the number of players on a particular server. The most densely populated worlds are exposed to this action once every six months. Is it worth reminding that this situation does not please users in any way. However, adequate administration does its best not to abuse this operation, since frequent wipes can completely discourage people from playing on the server. And no one is interested in losing an audience. Therefore, admins often make backup copies of data in order to minimize player losses.

Wipe servers in Rust

Some games allow users to perform their own wipes. But this is only if this server is the property of the player. Classic example- an atypical Rust toy. Here users are free to manage game world. If the player feels that there are too many unnecessary locations on the map, that resources have run out, or that some other problem has arisen, he can do this procedure himself. How to wipe a server in Rust? It's pretty simple. Just go to the server folder, find the Save directory and the Undefined directory in it. You need to delete all the contents of this folder. After starting the game, the user will find an updated world where he can go about his business again. Only very often this procedure does not need to be performed: it is fraught with unstable operation of the server and a lack of people willing to play on it.

Wipes on mobile devices

The situation is completely different with the operating system of Android mobile devices. Here is a slightly different interpretation of the word "wipe". You already know that this is cleaning the OS and resetting to factory settings. But it is performed only as a last resort and for other reasons. So, this operation is performed in the case unstable work system, the inability to start the shell, the presence of system glitches or other system-related problems. Wiping is very simple. You need to go into your phone's recovery. Each device has its own login method. In the menu you need to select wipe data and confirm the action. It would also be a good idea to wipe the cache. This is the wipe cash partition item. After rebooting, a pristine operating system awaits the user. Everything will have to be set up again, including installation necessary applications and adding an account. Wipes on Android help solve great amount problems without radical intervention in the device firmware. The beauty of this method is that any beginner can handle it, while full firmware The gadget is not available to everyone. Therefore, before getting into the firmware, you need to make all possible wipes and see what happens. If the problem persists, then more radical measures can be taken.


So, the answer to the question “Wipe - what is it?” now you know. The reasons why this procedure needs to be carried out are also clear. In addition to the general "improvement" of the server or mobile device, this operation makes it possible not to use radical measures such as reinstalling the operating system or flashing the gadget. If we are talking about game server, then an adequate administration creates backup copies of data during a wipe in order to minimize player losses. So there's nothing wrong with wiping. But the server will become more stable.

It's no secret that modern smartphones are real mini-computers, with their own operating system, many settings and a large selection of the most different programs. And as you know, what more complex system, the easier it can fail. According to the most various reasons the phone starts to work slower, the battery drains faster, the phone may freeze and reboot on its own. Many users begin to panic, turn to familiar “programmers” or to various service centers. However, it is often possible to solve the problem yourself. If Android is installed on your phone, you can try to restore the device yourself using special function which is called Wipe data factory reset

If we talk in simple words, the operation of this function resembles the process of reinstalling the operating system Windows systems on regular computer. Only in the case of a smartphone, the whole process takes much less time. Usually this procedure lasts no more than 5-10 minutes. And unlike the same reinstallation of the “OS” on the computer, here you will not need to install drivers from long and tedious motherboard, video cards and other equipment. All necessary programs and the components will be installed immediately. The only thing, after this procedure, you will be able to connect to the Internet and check for updates for your phone, and if there are any, install them. To the common man We need a translation of what wipe data is and why you need to reset this data, we’ll talk about this below.

What problems can Wipe data factory reset solve?

  • Decrease battery life from battery;
  • Virus removal;
  • Clearing the internal memory of a smartphone
  • Freezes and slowdowns at work.

In general, if there is any problem with your phone, the first thing you need to do is try using Wipe data factory reset. The only thing you need to remember is that, in addition to viruses, unnecessary files And useless programs, all settings, contacts and useful programs will be deleted.

How to reset settings

The English word wipe is translated as cleaning. In other words, this is normal memory formatting. There are usually two options for this action - full wipe and partial.

The first one deletes information from the entire memory. Using a partial reset, you can clean up individual partitions.

Separately, I would like to note that before performing the procedure you need to make sure that accumulator battery phone is charged. Also, if required, you need to save all important information— contacts, photos and other files. IN wipe process data they will be deleted.

In general, in the case of an Android phone, there are several ways to reset the settings.

Reset via phone menu

If the phone boots, you can try to reset it through the Settings menu - the icon with the image of a gear. Here you need to find the “Restore and reset” item. It is usually located at the very bottom of the list. On some phones it can be found in "Advanced phone settings".

  • We go to this menu, click on the “Reset to factory settings” item.
  • Then "Clear all". The system will display a warning message that the information will be deleted.
  • We give our consent.

On some smartphones, for security purposes, you need to enter a special digital combination, which the system itself will issue. This is done to prevent accidental pressing and memory formatting. After starting the recovery process, the phone screen goes dark, then lights up again. At the same time, it displays the progress of the recovery process. After the process is completed, the smartphone reboots. After this it will open start screen. Here you will need to perform the initial phone settings - select a language, specify your account information, connect to Wi-Fi networks. There is nothing complicated. Read carefully, then enter the data. Most items can be skipped altogether by clicking the “Next” button.

Reset withrecovery partition

This method is more complicated, but it helps even in severe cases. Often, you can use it to revive a phone that has stopped booting altogether or is unable to access “Settings.”

To do this, you need to turn off your phone completely. Then we look for the volume buttons. Press the volume up key and hold it. Then, without releasing this button, press the power button of the smartphone. After the splash screen appears on the screen, release both buttons. If the phone supports resetting settings in this way, a special menu with several items will appear on a black background. In this mode, to control the phone you need to use the volume buttons to move through menu items and the on/off keys to confirm your selection.

Select Wipe data factory reset. Confirm your choice by pressing the Power button once. The phone will reboot and numbers and inscriptions will begin to appear on a black background showing the progress of the process. Recovery usually takes a few minutes. If everything worked, the phone will soon reboot and the screen will open initial settings, as in the 1st option. Sometimes you have to reboot the device manually by selecting Reboot.

After execution primary settings, the phone is ready to use.