Proper cooling: which thermal paste is best for a laptop. Thermal paste for the processor: which is better and what to choose

If the laptop is several years old, it may begin to heat up very quickly even when doing the most simple tasks. This behavior indicates that you should check the condition of the thermal paste.

Thermal paste is a special material with high thermal conductivity, which is applied between the processor and the radiator, which removes the heat generated during operation.

Due to the fact that the surfaces of the processor and radiator are rough, the microcavities at the interface between them are filled with air with low thermal conductivity, which reduces the efficiency of the cooling system. . This is especially true when it comes to laptops., the components of which, including the cooling system, are small in size. The purpose of thermal paste is to fill these irregularities and thereby improve the contact between the heatsink and the processor. Thus, this substance is a conductor and does not independently perform cooling functions.

Types of thermal paste

There are three bases on which pasta is made:

  • Metal.
  • Ceramic.
  • Silicon.

The most popular is metal-based paste, but it has one significant drawback: the composition contains a large amount of small metal chips, due to which the conductor has no high coefficient resistance. As a result, this can lead to damage to the device due to short circuit of the contacts on the board.

Ceramic-based paste is the second most popular. Compared to the previous one, its thermal conductivity coefficient is lower. This thermal paste does not conduct current..

Silicon-based conductor is no different high quality, but is widespread due to its good effectiveness and low price. This material has a significant disadvantage - it contains thermal epoxies, due to which the paste sticks very strongly to the processor and radiator, and it is extremely difficult to remove it later, so it is not recommended to use conductors of this type.

Key characteristics of the substance

Before choosing thermal paste for a laptop in a store and buy it, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics of thermal paste:

  • Thermal conductivity.
  • Viscosity and plasticity.
  • Wear resistance.

The most important indicator that should be taken into account when choosing thermal paste is thermal conductivity. The higher its value, the faster heat will be transferred from the hotter element to the less hot one. You can find the thermal conductivity coefficient on the product packaging. This indicator is measured in W/m*K (Watt/meter*Kelvin) and is designated by the symbol λ. Inexpensive thermal pastes have an indicator of 1.5-2 W/m*K, most often this is enough for efficient work laptop.

It should be remembered that the applied layer of paste must be very thin, because it is intended to displace air, and not to serve as an additional layer between the radiator and the processor. The thicker the applied layer, the lower beneficial properties thermal pastes, no matter how high they were initially.

In addition to thermal conductivity, thermal paste has the opposite indicator - thermal resistance. They always try to minimize this indicator.

Viscosity and plasticity. These characteristics are in second place in importance.

The paste should completely fill the unevenness and roughness on the metal surface, without interfering with the processor being in maximum contact with the heatsink. This is achieved using the high viscosity of the substance. If it turns out to be liquid and leaks outside the working area, this may lead to a short circuit. A more viscous and plastic material is easier to apply to the surface and therefore easier to remove if necessary.

The best viscosity ranges from 16 to 450 Pa*s, but most often it is not indicated on the packaging. In this case, the quality of the paste can be determined by its appearance: the substance should be similar in thickness to toothpaste.

In addition to the previous characteristics, an important indicator is wear resistance (immunity to temperature changes). The substance must withstand regular temperature changes, which inevitably arise when using a laptop. Thermal paste is considered wear-resistant if it lasts well for a year, after which it is recommended to replace it during preventive disassembly and cleaning of the device from dust.

Manufacturers of quality goods

When choosing high-quality thermal paste, many users often do not know which brands should be preferred: domestic or foreign. To resolve this issue, it is recommended to seek advice from specialists or carefully study the composition on the packaging.

Domestic brands

Very often, domestic thermal paste such as KPT-8 is called the most popular and affordable. In fact, the only thing we can praise this brand for is its cost and availability. The same necessary indicator as thermal conductivity leaves much to be desired (only 0.8 W/m*K). In addition, this paste has a silicon base, and is also produced different companies, due to which its consistency can vary greatly: from very liquid to too thick and difficult to use.

Since a laptop is a valuable device, you should not chase the price, but rather pay attention to better thermal pastes for a laptop.

From domestic manufacturers, it is best to choose a product such as Coolage CA-CT3 Nano, produced by Skolkovo. The substance is plastic, with high viscosity, sticky, applied in an even and thin layer, does not dry out for a long time, and has good dielectric properties. It has excellent thermal conductivity - 5 W/m*K.

Foreign brands

If we review foreign manufacturers, we should highlight the Swiss company Arctic, which produces good and high-quality products. The most common thermal paste for laptops from Asus, Lenovo and others from this manufacturer are brands such as ARCTIC MX-2, MX-3 and MX-4.

These pastes are characterized by a high thermal conductivity value - 8.2 W/m*K, as well as durability. They do not conduct electricity, making them safe for the device. MX-2 and MX-4 are similar in viscosity and plasticity, but the latter has higher thermal conductivity and durability (MX-2 lasts up to six months, MX-4 - up to a year). MX-3 has a more advanced formula, but is difficult to apply to the surface. On at the moment discontinued.

The Arctic company also produces such time-tested brands as Arctic Silver 5 and Arctic Silver Matrix, where the first has the highest thermal conductivity - 8.7 W/m*K. In addition, it does not conduct current, does not dry for a long time, has a high viscosity, and does not spread. The second brand is budget option first, released in tubes smaller size and also has good thermal conductivity and viscosity.

It should also be noted such materials as Thermal Grizzly, ZalmanZM STG2, as well as Deepcool Z9, which have good characteristics.

Zalman ZM STG2, a Korean-made thermal paste, does not conduct current, has a fairly high thermal conductivity, and does not dry out for a long time. The downside is that it is difficult to apply. It is better to take something made in Korea, and not in China.

Deepcool Z9 - slightly cheaper than the previous material, average efficiency, difficult to apply. It copes with its tasks for a long time and is reliable.

Thermal Grizzly has recently appeared on the market, has very high thermal conductivity and efficiency, and is easy to apply. The cost is high.

Thus, in order for the laptop to last for a long time, it is recommended to replace the thermal paste at least once a year, and do not choose the cheapest one of appropriate quality, but opt ​​for more reliable and high-quality materials.

Inexperienced users do not know that a laptop needs good thermal paste to function properly. But since there is a variety of thermal paste for laptops, the price of which varies greatly, not everyone understands why it is so important to choose the best quality one?

What is it?

Thermal paste is a viscous substance with a high thermal conductivity coefficient. It is used when installing a radiator that removes heat from the components of the device (central or GPUs) as "gaskets".

Why is it needed?

At the “processor/radiator” contact boundary, due to the fact that their surfaces are rough (even if these are microscopic irregularities, pores or cracks), air “pockets” appear. Air does not transfer heat well, so the efficiency of the cooling system is reduced. This is especially important for laptops in which the components have compact dimensions, including cooling. Due to its poor functioning, the device overheats.

Important! For a perfectly flat surface, thermal paste is not needed. But it is impossible to do it. And the desire to achieve a very smooth surface of the radiator or processor cover will increase their cost.

Thermal paste displaces air from pores and cracks in the metal. Due to its high thermal conductivity coefficient, the efficiency of the radiator increases.


There are three types of thermal pastes that users use. They are made on different bases:

  • metal;
  • silicon;
  • ceramic.

The disadvantage of metal-based thermal paste is its low coefficient electrical resistance because of large quantity small metal particles in the composition. Therefore, it can short-circuit the contacts on the board and damage the gadget. Despite this, she is the most popular.

The second most popular type of thermal paste is ceramic-based. It does not conduct current, but has a lower thermal conductivity coefficient compared to its “metal” counterparts.

Silicon thermal paste has become widespread in the countries of the former USSR due to its low cost and satisfactory quality. A striking example– KPT-8 or KPT-19. But due to poor control in production, this type of paste does not differ in quality.

In addition, the thermal interface uses thermal epoxies, the main disadvantage of which is that they stick to the radiator. Therefore, it is difficult to remove them from the surfaces of the radiator and processor. To do this, you need to cool the epoxy very much so that it becomes brittle. Therefore, this type of thermal paste is not recommended.


Due to the large number of varieties of thermal pastes, it is difficult to choose a high-quality option for a laptop.


Thermal pastes vary in characteristics.

The main characteristics of thermal paste. This is the ability of a substance to transfer heat from less heated bodies to more heated ones. The thermal conductivity coefficient is designated by the sign “λ” and is measured in W/m*K (Watt/meter*Kelvin). It is indicated on the manufacturer’s website or on the packaging. The higher it is, the better.

For KPT-8, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.65-1.0 W/m*K. For thermal pastes entry level this figure corresponds to 1.5-2 W/m*K, which in most cases is enough for normal operation laptop.

Good to know! One of the best indicators of the thermal conductivity coefficient for thermal pastes is 80 W/m*K. But they are not sold for ordinary use.

Characterizes the fluidity of a substance. The optimal indicator is 160-450 Pa*s. Often the viscosity is not specified by the manufacturer. In this case, it is determined “by touch”: the thickness of the substance should resemble hand cream or toothpaste.

This characteristic is important because the thermal paste must fill cracks and pores in the metal. But at the same time, it should not interfere with their close fit to each other. The higher the viscosity, the more difficult it is to achieve maximum surface contact. If the substance is too liquid, during operation it will leak beyond the contact and cause a short circuit.

Other characteristics

Due to the fact that modern thermal pastes are similar, they are not so important when choosing:

  • electrical conductivity;
  • heat resistance;
  • operating temperature range;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • toxicity.

Interesting! Overclocking fans use an indium-based substance instead of thermal paste. This metal has a high thermal conductivity coefficient (80 W/m*k), but conducts current, so when it comes into contact with the contacts it causes short circuit.


Below is a list of the most suitable thermal pastes for use in laptops.

Thermal paste Package Thermal conductivity,
Operating temperature
degrees Celsius
Color Weight without packaging,
Price, $
Noctua NT-H1
-50 – +110 silver 1,0 4,9

1,134 -50 – +300 silver 1,5 8,9

4,63 -50 – +300 silver 2,0 1,0

1,93 -50 – +300 dark silver 1,2

1,829 white 1,3

0,671 silver 6,0 1,0

1,0 -50 – +280 silver 1,0 1,5

Replacement is needed when, even in standby mode, the temperature of the processor and video card is above average for your laptop. This means that the thermal paste has dried out and is no longer doing its job, making it poor at dissipating heat away from the processors. This causes the laptop to overheat, resulting in BSOD errors.

During the replacement process you will need:

  • thermal paste;
  • alcohol/nail polish remover;
  • napkins/cotton pads/cotton buds;
  • Phillips screwdriver, utility knife, needle.

Important! Design different models laptops are different, but the algorithm for replacing thermal paste is the same.

As an example, consider Asus laptop K50C.

  1. Turn off the laptop, unplug the power cable, and remove the battery.
  2. Remove the laptop cover for inspection (it allows access to the inside of the device without complete disassembly) by unscrewing the bolts that hold it in place.
  3. Turn off the power to the fan and remove the bolts that hold it in place.
  4. Remove the bolts that hold the cooling system (heat pipe and aluminum bases) on the GPU and CPU.

    Important! There is a number next to each bolt on the device body. Unscrew them in the reverse order, starting with the bolt that is “assigned” the highest number.

  5. Without making sudden movements, remove the cooling system.
  6. Remove any remaining old thermal paste from the surface of the processors. To do this, use a cotton pad soaked in alcohol/nail polish remover. If necessary, use a knife, but only carefully so as not to damage the components.
  7. Repeat the same steps with the aluminum bases of the heat tube.
  8. Apply a small amount of thermal paste to the processor cover and spread it in a thin, even layer. To do this use plastic card or a spatula (it may be sold complete with thermal paste).
  9. Carefully put the cooling system back into place.
  10. Screw the cooling system bolts in reverse order.
  11. Screw the fan bolts.
  12. Connect power to the fan.
  13. Reinstall and screw the inspection cover.
  14. Connect the laptop to power, installing the battery in advance, and turn it on. If the replacement occurred without problems and correctly, the processor temperature will drop.

How often to change?

Thermal paste should be changed once every six months/year. The higher quality paste you use, the longer it will last without losing its properties.


The process of replacing thermal paste is clearly shown in the video.

The question in the title of the article is very relevant - most people do not see the difference in the quality of thermal paste for a laptop and do not understand why they should overpay for imported high-quality materials. Let's try to figure out what's what: which thermal paste is best for a laptop and what you should pay attention to when choosing it.

The article may be of interest to laptop owners who want to choose high-quality thermal paste for their home laptop, as well as for novice computer technicians who clean their laptop from dust and replace thermal paste for money and want to do it conscientiously.

Almost any computer workshop knows which thermal paste is the best for a laptop. The question is not even about a specific brand of thermal paste, although there are favorites. After all, the difference in cost different brands from different manufacturers thermal paste sometimes reaches a frightening value - several dozen times.
This is why some laptop repair shops skimp on materials and thereby worsen the quality of service - the laptop continues to heat up above normal values ​​and eventually fails.

Imported Arctic Cooling – MX-4 (Thermal Compound Arctic Cooling MX-4)

The manufacturer of Arctic Cooling MX-4 thermal paste is

If you order directly from the manufacturer at retail price, then the delivery cost of 6.3 EUR (For Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) will be added to the basic order amount for 1 tube 4.0 (8.99 EUR). A package of 20 grams (20.0) will cost 19.99 EUR + 6.3 EUR (delivery).

You can order Arctic Cooling MX-4 thermal paste either directly from the manufacturer or at trading platforms like Also, no one has canceled local online stores with delivery to the apartment or pickup.

The advantage of a retail order from will be free delivery throughout the CIS and a price in USD. Availability free shipping must be clarified on the seller's page.

Prices for Arctic Cooling thermal paste – MX-4 in stores

NameWeight, gramPrice, $
Arctic Cooling MX-44.0 from 6$ to 6.99$

The above thermal pastes for laptops are indeed widespread, but few understand the real difference. Apart from the price, everything is obvious here.

What is the fundamental difference between KPT-8 and Arctic Cooling – MX-4

The fact is that cheap pasta loses to expensive ones in all of the above parameters. And naturally, it is not very desirable to use it in devices with compact system cooling, not to mention laptops with a tendency to overheat without high load. Such laptops usually have powerful multi-core processor(i5, i7 and others), high-performance video cards - cooling works at the limit of what is possible almost all the time.

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity is the ability of substances (materials) to transfer heat from more heated parts to less heated parts. There is a coefficient of thermal conductivity in the form of the ratio of the amount of energy conducted to the area of ​​the material and the time it took for this.

Thermal conductivity is one of the most important parameters any thermal interface for a laptop or computer. The higher it is, the better quality thermal paste and higher price.

  • Arctic Cooling–MX-4 — 8.5 W/(m K)
  • KPT-8 — 0.7 W/(m K)
Wear resistance
  • Wear resistance is the ability of a material to resist loss of efficiency during operation.

    The fact is that any thermal paste during the operation of a laptop experiences destructive effects in the form of temperature changes. High wear resistance allows the material to retain its useful properties (ductility, thermal conductivity) over a large number of heating-cooling cycles. Cheap thermal pastes, like KPT-8, have low wear resistance - this paste quickly breaks down. KPT-8 already during a short period of operation liquefies and then becomes greasy stain on the surface of the processor chip. Then the thermal paste dries completely - only white crystalline powder, similar to toothpaste, remains.

    Some would-be masters, knowing this feature of CBT, try to compensate for it with more. As one such master said: “You can never have too much thermal paste!”

    This is an erroneous statement: there should be very little paste on the surface of the chip. The height of the thermal paste layer on the chip crystal should be 0.4 - 0.6 mm. The layer should be uniform over all surfaces and without gaps. A uniform thin layer over the entire surface of the crystal guarantees maximum efficiency laptop cooling system and its long service life.

    It is also important to properly secure the radiator of the cooling system - you need to clamp the cooler according to the marks so as not to distort the surface of the heat sink.

Consistency and plasticity
  • Consistency is important for correct application thermal paste on the surface of the chip. Plasticity allows the material to accept the required form and at the same time not to spread over the surface after some time and under the influence of high temperature. KPT-8 is easy to apply and smear, but due to high temperature it simply flows around the surface, revealing its component composition: polymer, zinc oxide and aerosil.

Therefore in powerful laptops at self-disassembly and cleaning, use only reliable thermal interfaces such as Arctic Cooling - MX-4 (there are others, and even slightly better ones). For cooling system problems, contact only trusted computer services.

The performance of all cooling systems depends on how well and completely excess thermal energy is transferred from the heated object to the radiator. Since the process of heat transfer between contacting surfaces is conductive in nature, its speed depends on the contact area. Today we will present you a small rating of thermal pastes for 2016.

As a matter of fact, the thermal interface is intended for maximum magnification this indicator by filling all kinds of scratches, irregularities and other microdefects of the radiator base and processor cover. In this case, the resulting layer must be the minimum possible thickness, have sufficient thermal conductivity and not change its properties under the influence of temperature or over time.

Present on the world market huge amount various brands thermal paste
They can be classified depending on the composition and heat transfer properties of the heat-conducting base included in the paste.

Thermal pastes based on liquid metals
Such thermal pastes are the most effective and expensive, since they are based on rare liquid metals, such as gallium. The heat transfer efficiency of this type of thermal paste is at the highest level and is several times higher than the heat transfer of other types of thermal pastes. Thermal pastes based on liquid metal can be successfully used in cooling systems for heat-loaded processors game consoles and computers. However, you have to pay for good heat transfer high price— such thermal pastes are very expensive.
Metal-based thermal pastes
The main filler of such thermal pastes are metal particles that conduct heat well. Typically, silver or aluminum is used, which allows for high thermal conductivity of the paste. Therefore, such thermal pastes are used in heavily heat-loaded cooling systems where it is necessary to quickly reduce the processor temperature, for example in game consoles.
Carbon based thermal pastes
This type of thermal paste contains tiny fibers of carbon or diamond powder. The thermal conductivity of thermal pastes of this type is quite high and makes them relatively universal in terms of price-quality ratio.
Ceramic-based thermal pastes
Such thermal pastes contain metal oxides and are used in cooling systems computer processors, which do not require intensive cooling. The thermal conductivity of this type of thermal paste is relatively low, and they are inexpensive.

Some of the inexpensive thermal pastes:

Arctic Cooling MX-4
650 rubles (4 years)

This thermal paste comes in two types of packaging. Most often in stores you can find a miniature syringe that holds 4 grams of the mixture. The least common package is a large 20-gram syringe. Employees will like the second option service centers and shops that regularly assemble computers. This thermal interface has an almost perfect consistency. The mixture is not too liquid, but not very viscous either. Thermal paste loses its properties if the chipset warms up to +160° C. But the thermal conductivity has an impressive parameter - 8.5 W/mK.

Main advantages:
Better thermal conductivity
Two packaging options
Can be used to overclock the processor
Convenient syringe
Ideal consistency
Fairly high price

Thermalright Chill Factor III
570 rubles (4 years)

Excellent budget universal thermal paste. The manufacturer does not disclose its composition, but judging by the record low thermal resistance with relatively modest thermal conductivity, Thermalright has indeed managed to find a successful recipe for an inexpensive thermal interface. An additional advantage The third “cold factor” is its low viscosity, due to which the paste does not have to be spread over the entire contacting surface - one drop in the middle of the lid is enough. CF3 does not contain silicone oil and therefore dries slower than many competitors. However, the manufacturer recommends updating the paste every year, since you don’t even need alcohol to remove the old layer.

Main advantages:
attractive price;
low thermal resistance;
low viscosity.
The complete card is too wide and opaque to spread over the surface.

518 rubles (3 years)

Computer fans and coolers are produced under the DEEPCOOL brand. Sometimes it can be found included with the purchase. But most often the thermal interface must be purchased separately. Distinctive feature DEEPCOOL Z9 - the ability to perform its functions even if the chipset is heated to extremely extreme temperatures. Support for heating up to +200° C is declared! It is a pity that the thermal conductivity is not high - this parameter reaches only 4 W/mK. This suggests that when overclocking a processor or video card you will need more fans.

Main advantages:
Convenient packaging
Temperature support up to +200° C
Reasonable price
Too sticky consistency
Not ideal for extreme overclocking

490 rubles (3.5 g.)

Many people know the ZALMAN brand for its excellent coolers designed to cool the processor. This company also produces thermal paste, which is impossible to do without during assembly or complete cleaning computer. ZALMAN ZM-STG2 costs a little more than other thermal pastes of this class. But it also copes with its function well. Reviews show that after replacing the thermal paste with the ZALMAN ZM-STG2, the temperature drops by one and a half to two dozen degrees! This allows you to use this thermal interface even for slight overclocking! But you shouldn’t get carried away - in fact, this model has average characteristics. In particular, the consistency of thermal paste changes already at a temperature of +150° C. The thermal conductivity is 4.1 W/mK, which is not that high. Of course, for most users, the processor or video card never warms up that much. But this situation can happen to overclockers; they are recommended to purchase even more stable thermal paste.

Main advantages:
Convenient packaging
Perfectly copes with its function
Decent volume
Not suitable for maximum overclocking
Not the lowest price
Quite thick

Average price category of thermal pastes:

GELID GC-Extreme
730 rubles (3.5 g)

The third generation of thermal interfaces from Gelid Solutions demonstrates significantly increased efficiency and is characterized by record thermal conductivity for non-metallic compounds. The manufacturer offers its product in syringes of 1 and 3.5 grams, as well as in larger jars of 10 grams; any packaging also includes a special spatula. Its presence is quite justified, since the viscosity of thermal paste is quite high. Before applying GC-Extreme it is recommended to heat it to a temperature of 40-45 °C, for example in a cup of warm water. Thermal conductivity is 8.5 W/mK.

Main advantages:
very high thermal conductivity;
convenient spatula included;
packing in three volumes.
relatively high price;
Warming up is required for better application.

Glacialtech IceTherm II
450 rubles (1.5 g.)

The first advantage of thermal paste is its packaging. The syringe with thermal paste is in a box, which is much easier to open than a plastic blister. Everything is fine with Glacialtech IceTherm II and with technical characteristics. Thermal conductivity reaches 8.1 W/mK. This makes cooling the processor as fast as possible, even if only one fan is connected to the cooler. Thermal paste is among the best, but it is definitely not the best, as it has several minor “sores”. The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of properties only at processor temperatures up to +100° C. You understand, the possibility of extreme overclocking or use in tandem with a video card is immediately eliminated. One and a half grams in the syringe is enough for just one application. But this is justified - after a couple of days after opening, the consistency of the thermal paste changes, becoming very thick. Therefore, the manufacturer recommends using all the thermal paste at one time.

Main advantages:
Good consistency
Maximum thermal conductivity
Not the highest operating temperature
Fairly high price

Best thermal paste:

Coollaboratory Liquid PRO
890 rubles (1 year)

Traditional thermal pastes based on zinc oxides, aluminum and other substances with high thermal conductivity have already reached their efficiency ceiling, so the company from Germany has focused its efforts on finding new solutions. One of them was proposed in the form of a complex low-temperature alloy of almost a dozen metals, which under normal conditions is in a liquid state. Thermal interface appearance and mobility resembles drops of mercury and has an order of magnitude higher thermal conductivity than the best pastes classic type. Only fans of overclocking processors or video accelerators, for whom a difference of one or two degrees is of decisive importance, can really benefit from the use of this innovative material. Unfortunately, this liquid metal conducts electricity well and is aggressive towards unprotected aluminum. In addition, the contacting surface must be thoroughly degreased before applying the composition. Coollaboratory Liquid Pro contains gallium, which is aggressive towards most metals, accelerating their oxidation and forming compounds with them - gallides. Therefore, the use of this thermal interface at the point of contact of two metal surfaces leads to their rapid corrosion. Thermal conductivity is 82 W/mK.

Main advantages:
highest thermal conductivity;
does not dry out over time.
very high price;
extreme care is required during application;
requires careful preparation of the surface using special means.

Which mobile computer is the best? Some people like HP, some like Dell, some like Asus. I foresee heated debates among supporters of different brands. In fact, everyone is right. Or no one. Good laptop– this is not a make and model. A good laptop is a cool laptop. And the quality of its cooling depends, among other things, on the thermal paste on the processor.

Today we’ll talk about choosing thermal interfaces for our little iron friends: which thermal paste and thermal pad is best for a laptop, why they are needed at all, and what to look for when buying them. We’ll also get to know the top three thermal pastes according to users and experts.

Why do you need thermal paste?

Have you heard the expression: “mirror-smooth”? exactly like that. It looks like a miniature mirror on a textolite base and seems perfectly smooth.

The crystal is in contact with an aluminum or copper heat sink, which removes heat from it. The radiator base (heat sink) is also polished to a mirror finish. You might think that not even a microbe can slip between it and the processor, but this is not so. And on such a mirror-like surface there are bumps and depressions. When two surfaces come into contact, they form cavities filled with air.

Air does not conduct heat well. The thinnest air layer is a serious obstacle to the flow of heat from the processor to the radiator. To remove it, it is necessary to fill the voids with a plastic substance with good thermal conductivity. This substance is thermal paste.

Thermal paste is applied to the processor in as thin a layer as possible. Why thin? Yes, because it does not conduct heat as well as metal. Different thermal pastes have different thermal conductivity - from 0.4 to 80 W/(m*K). The higher this number, the more effective the paste is, but this does not mean that you need to buy only the best ones. I will say more: the most thermally conductive pastes are not intended for laptops.

Why are thermal pads needed?

Another type of thermal interface, which is used in almost all mobile computers, is thermal pads or thermal rubber bands - plates of elastic material that fill the gaps between the elements on the board and the radiators of the cooling system.

Perhaps someone is now thinking: why do we need some rubber bands if we have thermal paste? I will answer: with their help they solve problems that paste cannot cope with. Namely:

  • Provide cooling of elements that do not come into contact with the surface of the radiator. Microcircuits and other components motherboard have different heights, and the heat sink plates are usually located at the same level. Therefore, at the most high element– processor, paste is applied, and thermal rubber bands of different thicknesses are placed on the rest.
  • Used as shock absorbers to protect elements from shock loads. Or for protection and cooling together. For example, thermal pads are used to cover individual microcircuits on the back side of the laptop motherboard - under the keyboard, so that the metal base of the latter serves as a heatsink for them. Why can't you go there? Firstly, because the keyboard bends down when pressing keys and the width of the gap between it and the chip is not constant. Secondly, because without a shock-absorbing pad, shocks to the keys can be transmitted to the chip.

Thermal rubber bands have a thickness of 0.5-8 mm or more. In laptops they mainly use thin ones - 0.5-2 mm.

There is another type of thermal pads - metal, in form of hard copper plates of different thicknesses and soft foil.

The former do not replace thermal paste, but are used together with it or with hot-melt adhesive. The second ones (from foil) can be used separately, since an adhesive composition is already applied to them. However, the foil is very inconvenient to use, as it easily wrinkles and tears, and is also difficult to remove when dismantling the cooling system. On mobile computers lately They are removed and cleaned from time to time, so thermal foil pads are not suitable for them.

Properties of thermal pastes that are important when choosing

Composition and thermal conductivity

Thermal pastes that are used for are not the same chemical composition.
They are:

  • Liquid metal. Their thermal conductivity is 30-80 W/(m*K). These are the most effective, but also quite expensive products. Due to their high metal content, they conduct current well and are therefore not recommended for widespread use. Inaccurate application of such a composition will cause a short circuit between the terminals of the board elements and will lead to its inoperability. In addition, these pastes are chemically active and can cause corrosion of surfaces.

Liquid metal thermal pastes are designed for CPU cooling and GPUs for high-performance gaming and overclocked systems where other products cannot achieve good cooling. For laptops they are undesirable and not necessary. Examples of such thermal pastes: Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut and Coollaboratory Liquid PRO.

  • With added metal. These products contain significantly fewer metal particles than previous ones. Their thermal conductivity is 8-15 W/(m*K), which is closer to simple, non-metallized pastes. They are non-conductive and non-corrosive, so they are safe and can be used on laptops. However, they are also not cheap. Despite the fact that almost equally effective, but more affordable analogues are now being produced, their purchase is not always justified. Examples of thermal pastes of this class are Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut and Arctic Silver 5.

  • Based on carbon compounds. The main substances that make up such thermal pastes are microcrystals of artificial diamonds and graphite. Their thermal conductivity is slightly inferior to metallized pastes and is about 5-7 W/(m*K), but they cost 1.5-3 times less. This best option for most laptops and PCs, except, perhaps, the most productive and gaming ones. IN computer stores pastes of this class make up 50-70% of the range. A typical example is the Arctic Cooling MX-2.
  • Based on metal oxides. The thermal conductivity of thermal pastes of this group is the lowest - no more than 1.5-3 W/(m*K). A typical representative is KPT-8 paste, a cheap and ineffective product. In cooling systems mobile computers It’s better not to use these.

So, all types of thermal pastes with a thermal conductivity of 6-12 W/(m*K) are suitable for laptops.
More is possible, less than 3 W/(m*K) is undesirable.

Viscosity and consistency

The ease of application depends on the viscosity of the thermal paste. Highly viscous compositions are intended for systems with a massive, heavy cooler, that is, for desktop computers. It is not forbidden to use these on laptops, but if you compare 2 products of the same thermal conductivity and price, but different viscosity, the choice suggests itself in favor of the softer one, since it is easier to work with. However, you should not buy too soft, flowing pastes.

The viscosity of thermal pastes ranges from 10-850 Pa*s. Optimal value is approximately 80-160 Pa*s, but many manufacturers do not indicate it, so when choosing, you often have to rely on the subjective feelings of other users.

The consistency of high-quality thermal paste should be homogeneous. Any inclusions - lumps, grains, air bubbles, as well as separation of the liquid fraction from the solid, indicate its unsuitability for use. Pastes with high level densities should not crumble.

Maximum operating temperature

The maximum operating temperature is an indicator that indicates to what degree of heating the thermal paste retains its properties. That is, it does not reduce thermal conductivity and does not change consistency.

Upper temperature threshold mobile processors and graphics chips is 100-110 °C, so the minimum operating temperature of thermal paste should not be lower than this level. It would be better if it was 30-50 degrees higher.


Thermal pastes for home use They are produced in tubes, syringes, disposable bags and sometimes in jars. I find syringes and bags the most convenient, since tubes are too wasteful, and in jars there is usually a lot of paste and, if stored for a long time, a dry crust can form on it.

Properties of thermal rubber bands that are important when choosing

Thermal rubber bands, like pastes, differ in chemical composition, but we do not need to go into its details. Let me just say that when choosing, thermal conductivity and thickness of the gasket are important. First, the higher the better. The second is selected according to the width of the gap that needs to be filled.

3 best thermal pastes for laptops based on the results of 2017

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut

Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut is a German-made paste, a product of one of the leaders in the thermal interface market for computer systems. It is very popular among laptop owners both at home in Europe and in our country.

Thermal paste contains nanoaluminum, which provides it with excellent thermal conductivity and a very high temperature maximum. In addition, it is not subject to drying out when heated to 80 °C and does not shrink.

Characteristics of Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut

  • Thermal conductivity: 12.5 W/m*K.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 350 °C.
  • Viscosity: 130-170 Pa*s.
  • Packaging: syringe, 2 pieces.
  • Approximate cost for 5.5 g: 1900 rubles.

Arctic Cooling MX-4

When there are a lot of good thermal pastes on sale and users have plenty to choose from, sometimes it is not the main, but the secondary qualities of the product that come to the fore. Swiss thermal paste Arctic Cooling MX-4 is valued not only for its effectiveness, but also for its perfectly adjusted consistency, ease of application and economical consumption. And it costs almost half as much as its competitor from Germany.

Characteristics of Arctic Cooling MX-4

  • Thermal conductivity: 8.5 W/m*K.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 160 °C.
  • Packaging: syringe, 1 piece.
  • Approximate cost for 4 g: 700 rubles.

Where else, if not in Taiwan, the birthplace of laptops and other electronic equipment, can you know what real thermal paste should be like? Well, the Taiwanese product GlacialTech IceTherm II is really not bad: it removes heat excellently, is easy to apply, and retains its properties for a long time. For medium-hot mobile processors, this paste is perfect, but for high-performance gaming devices It is undesirable to use it, because its maximum temperature is only 100 °C.

Characteristics of GlacialTech IceTherm II

  • Thermal conductivity: 8.1 W/m*K.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 100 °C.
  • Packaging: syringe, 1 piece.
  • Approximate cost for 1.5 g: 550 rubles.

Alas, a 1.5-gram package of GlacialTech IceTherm II is enough for one use. Once opened, this thermal paste cannot be stored because it hardens, crumbles and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Also on the site:

Best Thermal Paste for a Laptop CPU: Editor's Choice updated: February 9, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic