Operating principles of different types of printers. How a printer works: an overview of printing technologies

Without a printer, it is impossible to work effectively with a computer. Therefore, the printer is the most popular peripheral device. Almost everyone buys printers active users PC. However, choosing the right printer that suits you is not that easy. Now on sale you can find great amount various types printers, which are quite difficult to understand. In this article we will try to solve this problem by looking at all the most popular types of printers.

  • Regular printers.
  • MFP – multifunctional devices. With it you can not only print documents, but also scan and receive faxes.
  • Portable printers– printers that have compact size and can be powered by a built-in battery.
  • Photo printers are printers designed for printing photographs. These printers require special photo paper and ink to operate.

Types of printers by printing technology

Inkjet printing is the most common printing technology. Inkjet printers are most often used as... To work with printers inkjet printing Liquid ink is required, which is stored in special cartridges.

The main advantages of inkjet printers:

  • Low price for the printer itself;
  • Relative ease of refilling cartridges (depending on the specific model);
  • Possibility of using CISS, which can significantly reduce printing costs;

The main disadvantages of inkjet printers:

  • Low print speed;
  • High cost of original cartridges;
  • Inability to refill some types of cartridges;
  • Drying of cartridges when the printer is idle for a long time;

Laser printing is another very popular printing technology. Laser printers use ink in powder form. Black and white laser printers allow you to print a fairly large number of pages on one cartridge. This makes laser printers the ideal choice for printing text documents.

Main advantages :

  • High printing speed;
  • High picture clarity;
  • Seal large quantity pages per cartridge charge;

The main disadvantages of laser printers:

  • Complex process of refilling cartridges;
  • High prices for printers and cartridges, especially color models;

Thermal sublimation printing– printing technology that is used for . This type of printer uses solid ink that evaporates without passing through the liquid form, this is called sublimation.

Main advantages :

  • High picture quality;

The main disadvantages of heat-sublimation printers:

  • High price of consumables;
  • Narrow specialization;

Types of printers by maximum print size

Nowadays there are printers that can print on any paper size: from A1 to A4. But in home and office settings, as a rule, they use printers that support A4, less often A3 (A3 printers are most often MFPs).

The choice of printer depends on the tasks for which it will be used. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as the field of activity in which its use will be optimal. To save on your purchase of this device, it is not enough to focus on its price. You should also pay attention to the cost of consumables. For example, inkjet models are cheaper than laser ones, but with long-term use, a laser printer pays for itself due to cheap cartridge refills.

Comparison table of printers with different printing technologies

Use the following table to compare different types of printers. Grades are given on a 5-point system, where 0 is worst value parameter, 5 is the best.

CriterionLaserLEDThermal printerJetSublimationMatrix
Black and white print quality5 5 3 4 5 3
Color print quality4 4 0 5 5 2
Pages before service/refill5 5 4 3 2 5
Cost/quality4 3 5 5 4 4
Cost per page5 5 5 4 3 5

How does a laser printer work?

Devices that use powder toner applied to a special light-sensitive drum using static electricity. As the paper is pulled, the toner from the drum sticks to the surface of the paper. The sheet is then heated to high temperature(about 200 degrees), and the powder paint melts into its surface. Printed documents are resistant to fading; the dye is not destroyed by high humidity. Unlike inkjet models, in which the ink is enough to print several hundred sheets, the resource of a laser printer is several thousand pages per refill.

The advantages of a laser printer are:

  • High printing speed;
  • Capacious cartridge;
  • Low cost of consumables.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • High cost of equipment;
  • Emission of harmful ozone during operation;
  • Poor color mixing in color printing.

How does an LED printer work?

A type of printer designed to eliminate shortcomings laser devices. In terms of their characteristics, such devices are similar to laser ones, but instead of a laser, a set of LEDs is used. The number of such light sources can reach 10,000, all of them are located in one row. Each diode illuminates a specific point of the photosensitive drum, changing its charge. Therefore, the more LEDs in the device, the higher its resolution.

When passing near the toner tank, ink particles adhere to the charged drum. After this, they are transferred to paper and further fixed using heat. Since LED models do not use a laser with a bulky reflector system, they are smaller than similar laser models. The comparative compactness is especially noticeable on color devices and less noticeable on black and white ones.

How thermal printers work

The main areas of application of such devices are retail outlets, payment acceptance points and other organizations issuing checks. Built-in models of thermal printers are installed in ATMs and self-service terminals. This type of printer is the most compact of all. Simplicity of design ensures the reliability of the devices.

It is important to know! Thermal printers do not require any ink for printing, since coloring is done by heating heat-sensitive paper.

The main component of a thermal printer is the print head, on which the heating element is located. The receipt tape used for printing in this type of printer darkens when heated. Thus, an image is formed on it. The disadvantages of thermal printers include the low durability of finished prints. Even with careful storage, printed receipts lose color until the image completely disappears within several years.

Very important! The ribbon used for printing contains a harmful substance that is absorbed into the blood through the skin. Constant long work with checks can lead to negative consequences for good health.

To eliminate these shortcomings, sublimation thermal printers and devices operating on the principle of melting paint were created. Unlike conventional thermal printers, they print on standard paper. In this case, it becomes necessary to use consumables- special printed tape. Checks made by this method are more resistant to light and high humidity. Therefore, they can be stored much longer than receipts printed on thermal paper.

The temperature of the heating head can change, affecting the intensity of interaction with the pigment ribbon. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to step-by-step adjust the saturation of the point - from white to black. In this way, not only binary images are obtained (containing only white and black), but also halftone ones, consisting of shades of gray. IN Lately thermal printers for home use, connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth or WiFi.

What is an inkjet printer

One of the most common types of printing devices. Uses liquid ink of several colors, mixing which allows you to create any other color. Suitable for printing photographs (on regular or photo paper), but not very practical for printing large amounts of text. An ink cartridge does not last long, so it is better to choose a laser printer for printing documents. Printed materials are not resistant to liquids; if water gets in, the image on the paper may bleed.

Most often used color model CMYK: colors Cyan (cyan), Magenta (magenta), Yellow (Yellow), Key color (key color - black). The paint gets onto the paper through the holes in print head, fixation occurs when it dries. Unlike laser devices, additional heating is not required to seal the ink into the paper. Inkjet printer suitable for system installation continuous feed ink - special external containers with paint.

Important information! Regardless of whether CISS is installed, manufacturers inkjet devices Printers recommend refilling equipment only with original ink. Using low-quality, cheap analogues can lead to clogged nozzles on the head, and white streaks will be visible on printed photographs or text documents.

What is a sublimation printer

The operation of such devices is based on the sublimation effect that occurs when dyes are heated. This effect involves the transition of solid powder dye into a gaseous state and further deposition under the surface of the paper. Provides slower print speeds than inkjet printers, but higher image quality. The durability of the resulting image is also high because the ink penetrates into the deep layers of the paper. Disadvantages include the high cost of equipment and consumables.

Dot matrix printers

Most old look printers, invented more than 50 years ago. Poorly suited for home use, but still used in some institutions. This is due to the reliability of matrix technology and the low cost of printing. Flaws - limited opportunities printing graphics and high level noise generated during operation of the device. There are also matrix devices for color printing, but the quality of the produced prints leaves much to be desired.

In design, this type of device is closest to typewriter. The ink carrier is an ink ribbon located in a cartridge. To transfer ink to paper, the print head uses needles, the number of which depends on the device model and can range from 9 to 48. Each needle in certain place presses the ink ribbon, pressing it against the paper and leaving a mark in the form of a single dot. From such sets of points, symbols are formed.

Important! Older models of dot matrix printers are connected to the computer via a parallel interface ( LPT port). Modern motherboards often do not have such a connector, so you can use an LPT-USB adapter to connect.

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Belgorod State National Research University

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Legal support of national security

Abstract on computer science

Types of printers and their characteristics

Completed by student gr.01001312

Logvinenko D.O.





1.1. Printer: concept, history of creation 4

1.2. Printer classification 7


2.1. Matrix (needle) printer 9

2.2. Inkjet printer 10

2.3. Laser printer 12


3.1. Operating principle of dot matrix printers 16

3.2. Operating principle of inkjet printers 16

3.3. Operating principle of laser printers 17


4.1. Advantages and disadvantages of dot matrix printers 18

4.2. Advantages and disadvantages of inkjet printers 19

4.3. Advantages and disadvantages of laser printers 19




Printers are classified as peripheral or external devices.

Peripheral devices are devices located outside system unit and involved at a certain stage of information processing. First of all, these are devices for recording output results: printers, plotters, modems, scanners, etc.

Printers are designed to output information onto solid media, mostly paper. There are a large number of different printer models that differ in operating principle, interface, performance and functionality. Based on the principle of operation, they are divided into: matrix, inkjet and laser printers.

The purpose of the work is to study the types of printers, their operating principles, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Define the concept of “printer”, consider the history of its creation;

2) Consider the classification of printers;

3) Describe the main types of printers;

4) Study the principle of operation of printers;

5) Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of printers.

Chapter 1. Printers: concept, types

1.1. Printer: concept, history of creation

Printer (from the English printer - printer) is a device for converting information stored on storage devices (text, graphics) into a hard copy, usually on paper. This process is called printing, and the resulting document is called a printout.

Charles Babbage thought about the need to print the results of calculations on paper when he was developing his Analytical Engine - a mechanical prototype modern computers. As a result, he also came up with the first printer in human history, called the Difference Engine.

Unfortunately, this device was never created during the author’s lifetime. True, 150 years after the death of the author, this printer was nevertheless collected by the London Science Museum, under the leadership of its director Doron Suod (Fig. 1). The resulting device consisted of 8,000 parts and weighed about 5 tons. It should be noted that when developing this Difference Engine, Babbage came up with many ideas that are still used today.

When computers appeared, at first information was either written down manually or printed on a typewriter (special personnel were even hired for this). The first printing device that could be connected to a computer was created in 1953 by Remington-Rand. The device, whose operating principle is very similar to a typewriter, is called UNIPRINTER. The main part of the printer was a disk with many “petals”, each of which represented a letter (a raised image of letters, numbers and special characters). A special impact mechanism hit the petal, which, through printed tape, hit the paper. It was then that the idea of ​​color printing was born - printing tape of various colors was used for it. UNIPRINTER printing speed was about 80,000 characters per minute! Later, printers of this type were called “petal printers”. There have also been attempts to replace the petals with special drums and ribbons. This technology also came to the USSR, where such machines were called alphanumeric printing devices - ATsPU. These printers had a number of significant disadvantages - they were unreliable, very noisy, did not allow printing graphics, and always printed in the same font.

Dot matrix printing technology was developed in 1964 by Seyko Epson. But the first dot matrix printer appeared in 1970. It was developed by Centronics Data Computer. For printing, it used a matrix of 7 needles (hence the name of the printer type). The printer was called Model 101. Thanks to dot matrix printers, it became possible to print graphics as well. Technology was rapidly developing and becoming cheaper. So, already in 1983, the first printer appeared on sale, which could easily be purchased by a home user - its cost was about $700 (for example, the Model 101 cost about $3,000). This printer was the Image Writer, the brainchild of C.ltoh Electronics. The arrival of dot matrix printers into the home gave an additional impetus to the development of technology. But dot matrix printers also have a number of disadvantages, the main ones being low print quality and noise. However, thanks to their exceptionally low cost and very high reliability, dot matrix printers have survived to this day.

The disadvantages of dot matrix printers forced researchers to look for new printing methods. The first inkjet printers appeared not much later than dot matrix printers - in 1976, IBM introduced the first working model, called Model 6640. However, many more years passed before inkjet printers appeared on the desks of home users. The main role in the development of inkjet printers was played by Canon, Epson and Hewlett-Packard, which developed their own printing technologies (BubbleJet, piezoelectric method and drop-on-demand, respectively).

The first color inkjet printer was developed by Hewlett-Packard, which introduced in the early 90s a printer capable of mixing inks with each other, thereby obtaining different colors and shades.

As for laser printers, it should be noted that the technology used in laser printing (electrography) appeared long before the appearance of the first matrix printers - back in 1938. It was developed by the American scientist Chester Carlson. Since then, it has been repeatedly improved and refined. However, only Xerox, which decided to use copier technology to create a printer, thought of using it to create a printer. As a result, in 1971, the EARS apparatus appeared, which never left the walls of the laboratory. The first commercial model of a laser printer appeared in 1977. It was called Xerox 9700 Electronic. IBM, Apple and Hewlett-Packard are involved in the development of laser printers. However, for a long time, these devices were too expensive - their price was about several thousand dollars. The first printer costing less than $1,000 was created by Hewlett-Packard, which created the LaserJet IIP model in the early 90s. A modern laser printer used at home is relatively inexpensive (still an order of magnitude more expensive inkjet printer) device with very low printing costs.

There are several other types of printing - sublimation, thermal... But they are either not used at home at all, or are used extremely rarely.

Today, three technologies (matrix, inkjet and laser) are the most used and widespread. Constantly improving and developing, in essence they have remained unchanged since their creation. But who knows, maybe in the very near future, a technology will appear that will make a real revolution in the world of printers.

If you decide to purchase a printer, the most important thing is to decide for what purpose you need it. Do you need a color printer or can you get by with black and white printing? Do you need a laser or inkjet printer, or maybe a solid ink printer would be better for you? Do you really need additional functions, such as modules? wireless communication, copier, scanner and fax functions? Your choice will depend on what you want to print on this printer, in what volume, how many people besides you will use the device and, of course, how much money you are willing to spend on the purchase of a printing device, as well as on its further maintenance, in particular, for the purchase of consumables.

In this article we will try to give brief description every type of printer that exists in nature and that INKSYSTEM can offer. In addition, we will talk about additional functions some printing devices that can greatly facilitate your work.

There are three main types of printers, which differ in the way they apply the image and the material they use as ink. The first and most ancient of them is the matrix type. Such printers have practically become obsolete; they are bulky, print loudly, slowly, and most importantly, only in one color. They can be used exclusively for printing text documents. However, the consumables for them are extremely cheap, which allows these devices to be used in offices for filling out forms and certificates, as well as for numbering.

Laser printers. Quite a common type. Such devices use fine powder - toner - as paint. Such printers can print on any type of paper, including designer cardboard, self-adhesive and transparent film. Prints made with laser printers are of high quality and durability. The toner does not fade in the sun and is not washed off with water. These printers are ideal for printing small text and fine lines, but photographs turn out unnatural and “flat”. Another positive point- this is the printing speed. Nothing compares to lasers here. However, such devices, as well as their maintenance, are quite expensive, so ordinary users are unlikely to be able to afford such luxury.

Inkjet printers. Printed using liquid ink. They are much more affordable than laser ones, inferior to them in printing speed and the range of paper used. However, due to the ability of ink to spread, mix and create new colors at the point of mixing, they are ideal for photo printing. INKSYSTEM is widely known for its wide range inkjet printers and consumables for them.

Unlike laser printers, inkjet printers give their owners the opportunity to significantly save on printing costs. This is possible with a continuous ink supply system or CISS. By equipping your printer with this device, you can reduce printing costs by 30 times, which will make the cost of your prints literally a penny.

Progress does not stand still, it also affected printing equipment. Today it is unlikely to surprise anyone with a device that combines a scanner, printer, copier and fax. Manufacturers have gone even further and began to produce devices that do not require a PC at all to operate. Such printers can independently access the network, download images from there, and carry out basic corrections. They are capable of printing directly from cameras and mobile phones. This is extremely relevant, given the variety of such technology today.

Working with information involves the use of various types of media. IN modern world Most operations with text and graphic data are performed on a computer, but this approach does not negate the possibility of transformation digital materials into a form suitable for physical handling. In other words, any information from a computer can be transferred to a hard drive. The most common tool for performing this operation is a printer. This is a high-tech device that can be considered as one of the components outer periphery PC. The main purpose of the printer is to transfer digital information on paper or special polymer film. But its functions are not limited to this.

Purpose and main tasks of the printer

On modern market There are rarely models that perform only the function of a printer as a means of printing. As a rule, these are multifunctional devices that also implement the operations of a copy machine, scanner and fax. Another thing is that the main and additional functionality is optimized for computer technology and is less and less reminiscent of traditional machines in terms of execution technology. So what does a printer do? Even the user of a budget device will be able to print high-quality text information, as well as transfer the image from paper to digital view. Actually, this is the basic task that this technique is aimed at.

An auxiliary option can be reduced to the possibility of applying protective layers to paper (lamination), stitching (creating binding), etc. at this stage The development of the printer and scanner is improving not due to increased functionality, but in the characteristics of print quality. However, the developers endow the models with new capabilities from the point of view of organizing the management process. Thus, wireless communication technologies between the printer and computer, automatic control modules and other innovative developments are being implemented.

Printer device

In its standard version, the printer is a small plastic block containing equipment for printing. Physically, the work process is ensured by an ink pump, a drive mechanism and fixing elements. The device has its own characteristics, which also provides LED Strip Light. Such models work on the principle of photocopy printing. Special place in the design laser devices occupies the drum unit. This is an aluminum cylinder, the surfaces of which are highly sensitive to light. Depending on the lighting this block can change electrical resistance- this is the basis for the ability to transfer an image in one form or another due to laser exposure.

A separate place is also occupied by the transfer tape and the development unit. In the first case, the ribbon element serves to apply intermediate images from different drums associated with ink cartridges. Bypassing this technological stage, toner transfer mechanisms efficiently transfer information to paper. In addition, the laser printer device is characterized by a more technologically advanced implementation of the print head, equipped with hundreds of active nozzles. This is no longer linear elements for ink supply, and high-precision means of dispersing ink droplets.

Types of printer

There are more than a dozen types of printers, differing both in design and operating principle. However, the most widespread are inkjet, matrix and the aforementioned laser models. These types of printers and their purposes are largely related and similar. Developers different devices pursue the same goals - obtaining high quality printing with minimum costs and with optimal speed. The basic one in the classification can be called a matrix printer. At home, it is almost never used, but it was the platform of such models that gave impetus to further development segment. The result of technological advancement was the emergence of the inkjet printer. This unit characterized by high speed, ink and at an affordable price. But such a device cannot cope with large volumes. in the best possible way- in any case, its operation for such needs will be more expensive in terms of costs for consumables.

A laser printer can become optimal solution in various aspects of application. The advantages of such a device include high speed work, economy in consumption of consumables and stable maintenance of print quality. However, which is determined by the impact action of the needle elements, it is even more economical. By the way, it is 24-pin matrix printers, rather than laser printers, that are more often used when working with official documents. But, again, for home use it is more advisable to choose laser models.

Operating principle of the equipment

Now it’s worth learning more about the operating principles of printers. Majority modern devices They work using image transfer technologies using photosensitive elements. These can be either direct laser models or LED models. They have a lot in common, but the working part is formed in one case by a laser, and in the other by LEDs. Both devices may use different approaches to transfer toner. For example, a common printer with a scanner has a two-component development system. IN in this case ink particles intended to be transferred to the drum are not retained magnetic shaft developing unit independently, but stick to the magnetic powder of the developer-carrier. Another operating principle involves the initial mixing of developer and paint particles. In non-magnetic models, application is carried out without the use of active additives at all - these are toners that work on the principles of electrostatics.

They are gradually becoming a thing of history, but, as already noted, in some areas models that work with sets of needles are still used. These are classic matrix devices driven by electromagnets. Mechanical principle The operation of a dot matrix printer is based on the function of the head, which moves on a special carriage and controls the operation of the needles. The latter form an image on the working surface through the ink ribbon due to impacts.

Features of 3D printers

Just a few years ago, the printer segment was fundamentally expanded new development- 3D device. Its task is to create full-fledged three-dimensional products, the parameters of which are also set on a computer. Accordingly, the purpose of a printer of this type is significantly different. If traditional models and laser devices are focused on transferring text and graphic information, as a rule, on paper, then in this case we can talk about transferring a computer model into a real form.

In size, such models most often correspond to conventional printers, but their design is much more complex. The main working component is also a special head from which material is layered. This is an extruder, which, unlike the same matrix with printing needles, works not with ink, but with plastics. Typically, polymers applied to the working area with a nozzle form the target object. By the way, the construction industry is gradually mastering the industrial use of the printer, which can build small houses. The mortar is loaded into the feeding equipment, after which the device applies it in a special sequence to the building site.

What paper is used for the printer?

One of the main characteristics of paper printer consumables is size. The most common format is series A. B international standard This range of standard sizes is recommended as a medium for general documentation. If paper is required for a printer used in the printing industry, then it is advisable to use B series material. For envelopes, C formats are more often used. The most common for home and office use are A4 sheets.

Paper is also characterized by such qualities as density and brightness. As for density, it is determined by the mass of one unit of sheet area. For example, an indicator of 80 g/m2 can be called optimal. The device may simply jam paper with a lower density, while sheets with a heavier weight may not pass through. If the printer is used for printing important official documents, then the brightness of the paper should also be taken into account. It is determined by percentages - snow-white paper with a brightness coefficient of 100% is considered the highest quality. But it also costs more, so ordinary users often turn to sheets that have 80-90% brightness.

Operating the Printer

You can only operate the printer if it is reliable installation. The device must be placed on a flat surface and remain stable. It should be taken into account that during operation some models may vibrate strongly, so the stability of the base is very important. Direct control of the device’s functions is carried out using the panel on which the buttons are located. These can be traditional mechanical or touch keys. As a rule, manufacturers designate each button with a symbol corresponding to a particular operation. The equipment can also be used in independent device, and in the format network component. In the second case, you need to know the address network printer, which is entered into the system. To do this, use the equipment configuration parameters to set the task of printing characteristics. The sheet of paper will reflect and network address, and other important information about a specific device.

Equipment service

Checking the operating status of the printer has great importance from the point of view of maintaining the optimal quality of performance of its functions. Regardless of what the main purpose of the printer will be, it is advisable not to leave it unused for a long time. By at least, once a week a regular inkjet machine should print 1-2 pages. Otherwise, there is a risk of the ink drying out, which will lead to serious mechanical problems. In addition, it is important to prevent all possible risks of contamination of the housing - especially dust that can penetrate into critical functional parts of the printer.

Majority modern models are supplied automatic systems control and diagnostics of working equipment. Through the settings, the user can assess the condition of the nozzles, their cleanliness and readiness for use. If you use high-quality printer paper that is suitable for the format, the service life will also be extended. A common mistake that owners of inkjet models make is using paper designed for laser devices. In such cases, there is also a risk of clogging of the working heads, which inevitably entails the need for repairs.

Popular printer models

In the inkjet segment one of best solutions today is a modification of the PIXMA G1400 from Canon. The device is not the cheapest by budget standards, but this nuance is compensated by the quality of the device. For 9 thousand rubles. You can count on a balanced, continuous ink supply system, as well as decent photo printing performance. Among the inexpensive laser models, the SP 150w from Ricoh stands out. The device is distinguished by its compactness, optimized design and ergonomic additions - for example, shelves for storing sheets. If you need a printer printout in a professional production environment, then you can consider the Kyocera line. The company offers high-tech models specifically for productive work in the office. In particular, the FS-9530DN provides high-quality printing, allowing you to significantly save on ink. True, it's worth it this model about 100 thousand


Simplification of physical operations with printers is one of the main directions of development of printing equipment. Thus, the means of interaction with the device for both the user and the computer are being improved. In terms of technical components, there is also an improvement in performance indicators - this applies to both the working resource and its efficiency. But the fundamentally modern printing printer does not change. We can say that the introduction of laser and LED printing components was the last and most successful stage in the development of such technology over last years. Manufacturers are also mastering other ways to implement functional equipment, but the result is, rather, experimental or highly specialized products that cannot compete with the same laser equipment in a wide market.