Protocol: standard requirements for registration and specifics of joint stock companies. TCP session states

Not so long ago, the organization of local networks required the mandatory use of the correct protocol. This choice influenced what types of computers could be connected to it. Today similar problem has practically disappeared. Modern networks have replaced everything that existed before. This universal solution, which can be used on any operating system.


Network protocol is installed language, on which programs communicate. Data forwarding is the movement of some stream of bits along a cable. In order for it to reach the target computer and be represented there as data, a certain set of rules is required. They are the ones that are spelled out in the standard protocols. They are usually said to have a nesting level. How to understand this? There is a physical level, which is a list of definitions, for example, what can be network cable, the thickness of its veins and other parameters. Let's say we are talking about a working cable. Then data packets will be sent over it. But which computer will accept them? Here the link layer comes into play, and the packet header indicates the physical address of each machine - a certain number embedded in it is called the MAC address.

Network hierarchy

The data link layer is the same as Ethernet. The package contains a set certain parameters, defining its type. The data is directly dependent on this type, and its content belongs to the network layer. There are two most common protocols: ARP, which is responsible for resolving IP addresses to MAC, and the IP protocol itself. You can give the structure of an IP packet. All data that is transferred using it is already sent to a specific network address. The package contains a number in established format, indicating the protocol type.

The two most common types are TCP and UDP. There is a certain difference between them, namely that the first is characterized by the maximum degree of reliability, because when sending a package, it constantly sends a request to receive it. The second network protocol is handy tool, for example, when listening to Internet radio. This involves sending packets without any verification that they were received. If it has arrived, then you will be able to listen to the radio, but if not, then there is no point in checking and monitoring.

Features of package delivery

The package must indicate the port number where the shipment is being made. Typically this parameter is determined by the protocol type on application level- depending on the application to which the information is sent. Can also be used non-standard ports services, no one prohibits this. The most famous network protocols in in this case are HTTP and POP3. Retrieves a specific package nesting hierarchy. An Ethernet packet contains IP, then TCP or UDP, and then application-specific data.

Distinctive characteristics

The network protocol, unlike protocols, is not tied to specific equipment. Their implementation occurs at the level software, so they can be installed and removed at any time.


This network protocol is used not only on the Internet, but also within the network itself. It represents the transport and network layer, due to which data is transferred in blocks. For many years it was used only in UNIX networks, and now, when the Internet has grown quite rapidly, the IP network protocol began to be used in almost every type of local computer networks. On at the moment it serves as the underlying protocol for most services running on operating systems.

Local and switched networks

Old network protocols required some specific knowledge, and TCP/IP is used by users who have never even seen network cards. Internet access via modem or local network provided that the same protocol is used. And the process of setting it up completely depends on the type of connection used. It is worth noting that the protocols network layer differ from all others, and the parameters for accessing the local network or using a modem also have certain nuances. It is better to establish a dial-up connection using a program automatic configuration, which is supplied by the provider itself. Otherwise, you need to manually enter all the necessary parameters. You can consider the main network protocols.

IPX protocol

This kit was developed by Novell for use with its own NetWare OS. IPX is partially similar to TCP/IP, that is, it includes some protocols from of this package, but the company copyrighted it. However, Microsoft has created its own protocol compatible with this, intended for operating systems from Windows family. IPX is a network protocol that is functionally similar to IP. SPX is a transport layer tool that is designed to facilitate the exchange of packet data between individual machines.

At the moment, this protocol is used only in networks with servers where older versions are installed operating system NetWare. It is often used in conjunction with some other set of network protocols. Nowell has now completely switched to the new universal TCP protocol/IP.


This network protocol is used in small networks. It was first introduced in Windows NT 3.1, and in several subsequent versions of the system, where it was used by default. IN latest versions systems, its place was taken by the already known TCP/IP. This protocol is quite simple and lacks many of the features found in more advanced variants. It is not suitable for internetworking. It can be useful for simple things, but now it is not even presented as a standard OS component; it must be installed independently from disk.

NetBEUI is a convenient tool for creating direct cable connection, and in this sense it is the minimum protocol that is required to form a peer-to-peer network in Windows versions 9x.


Important to remember certain moments. At the moment, there is more than one network protocol. All of them are designed for communication, but each of them has completely different tasks, there are advantages and disadvantages compared to others. The use of each of them presupposes the presence of certain operating conditions, which are usually prescribed by the protocol itself. When choosing a particular solution, you should rely on this parameter.

A protocol is a kind of report containing records of the process of discussing issues and decisions on them made at meetings, business meetings and meetings. This document has important place in a document flow system of organizational and administrative type.

What is a protocol

A protocol is a reporting document that clearly records the course of discussion of issues and decisions made at official events. More full interpretation words provide dictionaries that define this concept as a document recording everything that happens at a particular event.

General information

A protocol can be called a document containing certain information. It includes information about the progress of discussions on specific issues. In addition, the minutes of the meeting include resolutions, which makes it possible to classify it as administrative documents.

During the meeting, only a draft version of the protocol can be made. Within 5 days, the preparation of the protocol must be completed in full.


A protocol is a document drawn up on the basis of drafts. If a transcript was taken during the meeting, then it can be deciphered, formatted as necessary and added to the finished protocol.

The secretary bears full responsibility for the process of preparing and maintaining the entire protocol, as well as for the accuracy of the data entered into it. Some types of protocols must be additionally approved by the head of the company.

Minute forms

3 forms of protocol are used:



IN short protocol The issues that were discussed are recorded. The names of the participants and the decisions that were made are also included. It is recommended to keep minutes of an event of this type when the meeting is recorded in shorthand, and the texts of speeches and reports are provided to the executive secretary.

The full protocol records not only the above points, but also contains more detailed records. A complete protocol should allow you to reflect a detailed picture of the event in full.

The stenographic protocol is carried out by the executive secretary on the basis of the stenographic report of the meeting.

The management team of the company decides which form of minutes will be preferable for each meeting. All types of such documents must be drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise (company) indicating the name of the type of document - Protocol. Or on a specially designed ready-made protocol form. Mandatory details of any document of this type are: registration number, date, title, text and signatures of responsible persons.

Who takes the minutes

A protocol is a document that is kept during an event. It must be compiled by a professionally trained secretary. The quality of recording of performances will depend on his level of qualifications and professional skills. Therefore, choosing the person to draw up the minutes of the meeting is a responsible task in preparing the event.

How to keep a protocol: sample protocol

An example of keeping a protocol can be seen in the photo below. A sample protocol is presented there. If the meeting will be held over several days, then the start date of the meeting should be indicated and after the hyphen the end date. For example, 03/12/2016-03/14/16.

In the “Place of meeting” column, the city or town where the event took place is indicated.

The title of the protocol is written in the genitive case and contains a decoding of the type of event (meeting, meeting, conference) and the name of the collegial body. The name of the type of meeting must be consistent with the name of the collegial body. For example, "Committee Meeting".

The text content of the protocol itself is divided into two parts:

1. Introductory part, which indicates the surname and initials of the chairman, executive secretary, all those present and the topic of the agenda.

2. The main part, which describes the meeting process itself.

The minutes begin immediately with the word “chairman”, after the hyphen the surname of the chairman and initials are indicated. The word “secretary” is formed in the same way. During urgent and quick meetings, this part of the minutes is not taken.

A list of all those present is then compiled. After this list, the names of the invitees are written down, where the positions they occupy are indicated. At long conferences and meetings with a large number of those present, their composition must be indicated exclusively quantitatively, and a list indicating the names is attached to the protocol, about which an appropriate entry is made in the protocol itself. For example: “42 people were present (list attached).”

At events where decision making requires a certain amount people, in the “Attendees” section the number of people who should have been there and the number of participants who came are indicated.

Then comes the agenda. This part of the protocol lists the issues considered. Each has its own number and begins with the preposition "O" ("About").

The main part of the text of the protocol is compiled into sections corresponding to the items on the agenda.

For each item, the following parts can be distinguished:

  • We listened.
  • They spoke.
  • Decided (decided).

Each of these words is written on a new line.

The details of the speaker (full name) and all speakers are written with new line.

The final part of the section for each agenda item is a record of the decision (resolution) approved on the issue raised. Decisions that have several sections are divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, numbered in Arabic numerals. The operative part of decisions must be specific and contain the components: who needs to do what and by what date.

When electing officials, the voting results for each candidate are noted separately in the protocol.

Information resources on the Internet

  • data transfer protocols, Network addressing, URL
  • Web pages and Web sites, portals. Web - space.
  • Creation of Web pages. Web publishing languages.

· Publication of websites on the Internet. Representation

Simply connecting one computer to another is a necessary step to create a network, but not sufficient. To get started transmit information between computers, it is necessary that the computers “understand” each other. Based on this natural need, the computer world needed common language(that is protocol), which would be understandable to each of them.

A protocol is a set of rules in accordance with which information is transmitted through a network .

There are two types of protocols:

· Base(TCP/IP) responsible for physical forwarding emails;

· Applied responsible for the operation of specialized Internet services (http, ftp, telnet, etc.)

Basic protocol

A protocol is a special language of communication between computers, developed by programmers. The basic protocol on the Internet is TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol & Internet Protocol) (Transmission Control Protocol + Internet Protocol).

All computers connected to the Internet understand and support this protocol. Protocol TCP/IP serves to split information into parts (packets) - and transmit them over communication lines. The protocol performs all these operations automatically, without user intervention. In fact TCP/IP consists of two components - TCP And IP, and also includes a lot of other protocols.

Internet protocol - it is a routing protocol (deliveries information to its destination).

This protocol includes rules for establishing and maintaining communication in the network, rules for handling IP packets and their processing, descriptions network packets IP families (their structure, etc.).

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - This transport protocol(controls data transfer).


Data to be sent. Broken by protocolTCP into separate parts - packages. Each package has its own serial number And address, through which information needs to be delivered. Packets can take different routes, but at the end of the path they are necessarily connected into one using the TCP protocol. If a packet is missing (lost) or arrived with distortions, it is sent again.


Protocol TCP deals with the problem of sending large amounts of information based on the capabilities of the IP protocol.

TCP shares information, which must be sent, into several parts. Numbers each part, to restore order later. To send this numbering along with the data, he places each piece of information in an envelope that contains the corresponding information. This is the TCP envelope. The resulting TCP packet is placed in a separate IP envelope and the result is an IP packet that the network can already handle.

Recipient unpacks IP envelopes and sees TCP envelopes, unpacks them and places the data in a sequence of parts in the appropriate place. If something is missing, he demands that this piece be sent again. Ultimately, the information is collected in in the right order and is completely restored. Now this array is sent higher to the user (to disk, to screen, to print).

In reality, packages are not only are lost, but they can distort during transmission due to interference on communication lines. TCP solves this problem too. To do this, he uses a system of error-correcting codes. There is a whole science about such encodings. The simplest example of this is code that adds a checksum to each packet (and a parity bit to each byte). When placed in a TCP envelope it is calculated checksum, which is written in the TCP header. If, upon receipt, the newly calculated amount does not coincide with the one indicated on the envelope, then something is wrong - somewhere along the way there were distortions, so this package must be sent again, which is what is done.

Thus, TCP provides guaranteed connection-based delivery in the form of byte streams.

Application protocols

For work application programs such as programs email , it is necessary not only to correctly package information into packages and send them, but also to clearly agree on the contents of these packages, as well as on the procedure for exchanging packages. So, for example, to receive a letter you must provide the owner’s password mailbox, and this is a whole sequence of actions. Thus, other protocols are needed.

Protocol name Explanation Purpose

· HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

· FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – file transfer protocol

· SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) – Simple sending protocol emails

· POP3(Post Office Protocol) – Protocol for receiving emails

· NNTP(News Net Transfer Protocol) – Teleconference protocol

· TELNET– Protocol for connecting to remote computer

· WAIS(Wide-Area Information Servers) – protocol for searching information in databases

· WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) – a protocol for providing access to Internet services to users of wireless devices

Documentation support for management


Option 4

1. Protocol, types of protocols, design features 4

2. Processing of sent correspondence 9

3. Draw up a property write-off act 11

4. Write a memo 12

Bibliography 14

1. Protocol, types of protocols, design features

Minutes are a document recording the progress of discussions and decision-making at meetings, conferences and sessions of collegial bodies.

A special feature of the protocol is that it is used to document the activities of collegial bodies: temporary (meetings, conferences, meetings, commissions) and permanent (colleges of ministries and committees, academic councils of scientific institutions, presidiums).

The preparation and execution of protocols is the responsibility of the secretaries of the relevant collegial bodies (regular or elected during their work). The secretary, along with the chairman of the collegial body, is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the protocol. The minutes are drawn up on the basis of handwritten, including stenographic or tape recordings of the meeting, as well as documents prepared for the meeting: agenda, texts or abstracts of reports and speeches, draft decisions.

Main types of protocol:

    Brief minutes - records the issues discussed at the meeting, the names of the speakers and the decisions made. It is recommended to conduct it in cases where the meeting is of an operational nature.

    The full protocol records not only the issues discussed, decisions made and the names of speakers, but also in sufficient detail the content of the reports and speeches of the meeting participants.

    The stenographic protocol is compiled on the basis of a stenographic report of the meeting (transcript) and literally conveys the process of discussing each issue and developing a decision on it.

Protocols are drawn up on the organization’s letterhead and contain the following details: name of the organization, name type of document, date of the meeting, protocol number, place of drawing up the protocol (place of the meeting), title to the text, text, signatures, familiarization visas. The title to the text of the protocol is the name of the event being recorded (meeting, session, meeting) and the name of the collegial body whose work is being recorded.

The text of the protocol consists of two parts: introductory and main. The introductory part of the text of the protocol should show: who led the event being recorded; who kept the minutes; who was present at the meeting (meeting, meeting, etc.) from among the officials included in the collegial body conducting the meeting; who was invited (if necessary) to the meeting from among the organization’s employees or from other organizations; what issues were discussed at the meeting.

Information about the head of the meeting, secretary and those present includes the surnames and initials of officials, indicated respectively after the words: “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Present” (without quotation marks). For persons additionally invited to the meeting from among the organization's employees, in addition to the surname and initials, the position held is indicated, and for specialists from other organizations - the position and name of the organization. Information about people invited to a meeting can be included in the “Attended” section or in a special “Invited” section.

At such collective events as meetings, there are often a large number of participants, whose listing in the introductory part of the text of the protocol is inappropriate. In this case, a separate list of those present at the meeting is compiled and subsequently attached to the minutes.

In the protocol itself, in the “Attendees” section, only the total number of those present is indicated with reference to the attached list. It should be emphasized that the sections “Present” and “Invited” are of particular importance in relation to other sections of the protocol, since they directly affect legal force of this document, showing the legitimacy of holding a collective event. These sections reflect the presence of a quorum of the meeting, i.e. the minimum required number of members of a collegial body sufficient to start the work of the meeting (meeting, meeting). In the absence of a quorum normatively established for a given collegial body (a simple majority or 2/3), holding a meeting is unacceptable, since its decisions will be unlawful. The words “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Present”, “Invited” are printed from the zero position of the printing device, a dash is placed from the 2nd position, surnames are written in the nominative case, then initials are placed. The names of those present and invited are located in alphabetical order and printed with 1 line spacing.

The issues discussed at the meeting are listed in the AGENDA section. The words AGENDA are printed from the zero position of the printing device, followed by a colon. Agenda items are numbered. Every new question print from the 1st position of the tabulator. The order in which questions are arranged is determined by their degree of importance. The formulation of agenda items should begin with the prepositions about (about), the title of the position and the surname of the speaker are given in the genitive case. The main part of the text of the protocol is structured in accordance with the issues on the agenda. The structure of the recording of the discussion of each item on the agenda is carried out according to the following scheme: THEY LISTENED THEY SPEAKED THEY DECIDED (DECIDED). These words are printed in capital letters. The word LISTENED is preceded by the number of the agenda item, followed by a colon. The speaker's surname is printed in the nominative case from the 1st position of the printing device; After the surname they put initials, then a dash and write the contents of the report in a capital letter in the form of direct speech. If the text of the report (speech) is transcribed or presented by the speaker in in writing, then after the dash they also write in capital letters “The report is attached” (in the protocol without quotation marks).

The discussion of the report may be preceded by questions to the speaker, which, along with the answers, are included in the LISTENED section. Before recording each question, the initials, surname and position of its author are indicated and a dash is placed. The content of the question is written in capital letters in the form of direct speech. Before formulating the answer, write the word “Answer” (in the protocol without quotation marks), put a dash and write the answer in the form of direct speech. The progress of the discussion of the report is reflected in the SPEAKERS section. A colon is placed after the word SPOKE. The speaker's surname is written in the nominative case from the 1st position of the printing device, then the initials and position of the speaker are indicated, a dash is placed and the content of the speech is printed in capital letters in the form of indirect speech.

The adopted decisions are contained in the RESOLVED (DECIDED) section. If there are several solutions, they are numbered in Arabic numerals with a dot. As a rule, each decision is accompanied by an indication of the position, surname and initials of the person responsible for its implementation and contains a deadline for execution. Decisions made collectively often require voting. In this case, after the RESOLVED section, the following is indicated: “Vote” or “Voted” (in the protocol without quotation marks) and the voting results are given: unanimously or for..., against..., abstained...

In practice, abbreviated and short forms of protocols are often used when it is not required detailed entry progress of discussion of issues. In abbreviated protocols, after the list of those present or invited, the serial number of the item on the agenda is indicated and the title of the report is printed. The last line of the title of the report (agenda item) is underlined, and the names of the speakers in the order of their presentation are printed below the line (in parentheses). The title of each report ends with a protocol decision or resolution. In the protocol short form Only the issues considered and decisions made are indicated. The operative part of the text of the protocol may contain a clause on the approval of any document. In this case, the approved document is attached to the protocol and has a link to its number and date. In practice, it is very often necessary to make extracts from protocols. The extract from the protocol contains the following details:

    all details of the header part of the protocol: name of the organization, name of the type of document (EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES), date (date of the meeting), protocol number (serial number of the meeting), place of preparation (place of the meeting);

    title to the text;

    all details of the introductory part of the protocol text: “Chairman”, “Secretary”, “Present”, “Invitees”, “AGENDA”;

    individual details of the main part of the text of the protocol: “LISTENED”, “DECIDED”, “Vote”;

    details of the formal part of the protocol: details “Signature”, including the words “Chairman”, “Secretary”, initials and surnames of the chairman and secretary (without their personal signatures since extracts, as a rule, are not signed with original signatures, but are certified by the secretary); a note on certification of the copy.

Thus, only those elements that need to be brought to the attention of interested officials are taken from the content of the protocol. To confirm established facts and events, several persons draw up an act. Acts are drawn up based on the results of audits of the activities of an enterprise or its structural unit and individual officials, during the acceptance and transfer of cases, the preparation of documents for destruction, and the acceptance of objects into operation.

Among management documents, a special place belongs to protocols. They are part of a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation.

Protocol - a document recording the progress of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, sessions, conferences.

It must be borne in mind that in the activities of organizations and enterprises, documents called “Protocol” are often drawn up, but they do not fall under the above definition. Thus, in the field of contractual relations, protocols of intent, protocols of disagreements, protocols of approvals are drawn up; Among the main documents of the general meeting of shareholders, the legislation names the minutes of the counting commission, etc. Similar types of protocols similar in purpose to acts: they record and confirm facts or events. Therefore, they are not subject to the rules discussed in this article.

Protocols are drawn up in any organization where there are temporary or permanent collegial bodies, commissions, etc. The form of their activity is the discussion of certain issues at meetings or meetings and joint decision-making, often by voting.

With the advent in our country joint stock companies attention to this type of document has increased. The highest management bodies of a joint stock company are collegial, and the protocols that reflect their activities become one of the most important management documents. We are talking about minutes of general meetings of shareholders, meetings of the board of directors and management board. Not by chance Federal law“On Joint Stock Companies” and other legal acts pay special attention to the composition of the information of these documents, that is, their content. Part of the regulatory requirements can also be attributed to what we call paperwork. At drawing up protocols management bodies of joint stock companies should be taken into account as standard requirements for this species documents (standard protocol form), and those that are enshrined in special norms of legal acts and regulate the documentation of the activities of management bodies of joint-stock companies.

Standard requirements for drawing up a protocol

In general terms, the procedure for drawing up the protocol is as follows.

When preparing for a meeting or meeting:

    agenda items are formulated, that is, those issues on which decisions must be made;

    the composition of the main speakers is determined;

    relevant materials are selected, for example, draft documents that require discussion and approval, texts of reports, etc.

During the meeting, the secretary records the progress of the discussion of the agenda items and the decisions made on them. The most important meetings can be transcribed, reports and speeches can be recorded on a voice recorder. All these materials are the basis for the subsequent preparation of the protocol.

Protocol header

The protocol is drawn up on the general form of the organization or on clean slate papers with details that correspond to the general form. They include:

    corporate name of the organization;

    name of the document type;

  • place where the document was drawn up.

When filling out all the details, including the form details, you need to take into account certain rules. Only this can provide the document with legal force.

Brand name- this is the full name of the organization in Russian, enshrined in the constituent documents.

The Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” determined that the company is obliged to have a full and has the right to have an abbreviated company name, including, among other things, an indication of the type of company (open or closed). Thus, if a company has registered its abbreviated name along with its full name, it has the right to place it on its forms (see Example 1).

Document type name(PROTOCOL) is printed in capital letters under the name of the organization and separated from it by one line spacing.

When putting a date on the minutes, you should keep in mind that the date of the meeting and the date of final execution and signing of the document almost always differ.

By general requirements The minutes must be drawn up no later than 5 days after the date of the meeting. But the Law “On Joint Stock Companies” introduced different deadlines: for minutes of the meeting of the board of directors the maximum preparation period is 3 days, and for minutes of the general meeting of shareholders- 15 days after the end of the meeting.

You need to know that in all cases marked on the protocol the date of the meeting, not the signing.

If the meeting lasts more than one day, the minutes should indicate its start and end dates: “10-12.01.2007”, or in full: “10.01.2007 - 12.01.2007”.

The index is placed on the same line with the date and indicates the serial number of the meeting within the calendar year: “No. 02” or “No. 12”.

Serial numbers are assigned separately for each protocol group, which are compiled in the organization: separately numbered minutes of general meetings of shareholders; minutes of board meetings; minutes of board meetings etc.

Another detail of the general form (and a detail of the standard protocol form) is "place of preparation of the document." It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in this case this detail does not mean the location of the organization, but the place where the meeting actually took place. The name of the corresponding settlement is indicated taking into account the adopted administrative-territorial division. In addition, it should only include generally recognized abbreviations, for example:

The location of all the details considered depends on which protocol form is used in a given organization: with a longitudinal (see Example 4) or angular (see Example 5) location of the details. The choice of method for arranging the details remains with the organization and does not affect the legal validity of the document drawn up on the form.

Example 4



10.01.2007 № 01

Closed joint stock company


10.01.2007 № 01

Protocol header - this is the most important search feature, it is designed to help you quickly and cost-effectively find required document. The state standard (GOST R 6.30-2003) interprets the concept of “heading to text” as “ summary document." In this case, the title answers the question “what does the document say?”

However, for many types of documents it is impossible to concisely determine their summary content, since they usually reflect several diverse issues. The protocol also belongs to this group of documents. Therefore, the heading to the text of any protocol answers the question “what?”, contains an indication of the type of collegial activity (meetings, sessions, etc.) and the name of the collegial body in the genitive case. This header, along with the date and index, allows you to quickly find the information you need.


The most important thing in any document is its content (text).

Protocol text clearly structured. This means that regardless of the issues included in the agenda of a meeting or meeting, the course of their discussion, or the decisions made, the text of the document will consist of certain parts arranged in the same sequence.

Protocol text is divided into two parts:

    introductory part, which indicates the names and initials of the chairman and secretary of the meeting; information about those present at the meeting and the agenda (this data precedes the main part of the text, as if “introducing” it);

    the main part, which reflects the progress of the discussion of the agenda items and records the decisions made.

So, introductory part of the protocol begins by indicating who is the chairman and secretary of a given meeting or session. The words “Chairman” and “Secretary” are printed from the edge of the left margin, double-spaced from the title to the text. After the dash their initials and surnames are indicated:

Next is information about the quantity and personal composition of those present at a meeting of permanent members of the collegial body. Their last names and initials are placed in alphabetical order after the word “Present.” This information is also located from the left margin.

However, this is how the composition of those present is formalized if their number does not exceed 15 people. When preparing minutes of a meeting with more than 15 participants, indicate their quantitative composition and make a note that the list (registration sheet) is attached to the minutes. A sample of such an inscription is given in Example 9. And Example 10 shows a registration sheet (it may be called an “Appearance Sheet”, etc.) for participants in the meeting (or meeting), which includes the personal signatures of those present. In this case, the number of real participants is noted in the final record.

To make decisions at a meeting, a quorum is required, that is, minimum required participants, which makes the decisions made legitimate. Therefore, a note is often made in the minutes about the presence of a quorum, indicating the general quantitative composition of the collegial body and the actual number of those present at the meeting, for example:

In addition to the permanent members of the collegial body, who are required to attend the meeting or meeting, officials who, by the nature of their activities, are related to the issues under discussion, may be specially invited to it. Information about those invited to the meeting must be recorded in the minutes:

It should be noted that when completing the considered block of information, the positions of the chairman, secretary of the meeting and the permanent members of the collegial body present at it are not indicated. As for the invitees, Methodical recommendations on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, published by the author of the standard, the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Science, contains a recommendation to list their names in alphabetical order, also without indicating positions. However, traditionally in management practice, when drawing up protocols, the positions of those invited are usually indicated. This is not accidental, since mentioning only last names does not reveal all the information about the participants. At the same time, it is often important to show which officials can or should participate in resolving specific issues.

Introductory part of the protocol ends with a list of issues discussed at the meeting. It begins with the words “Agenda:” and is located two or three spaces below the list of participants from the left margin.

Each agenda item begins with the preposition “O” (“About”) and answers the question “About what?” Questions are numbered in Arabic numerals and indicate the speakers for each question:

Main part of the protocol divided into sections, which must correspond exactly to the agenda items and be numbered in the same way. In turn, the text of each section is arranged according to the scheme: LISTENED - SPEAKED - DECIDED or DECIDED.

Before the word "LISTENED" The number of the corresponding section (agenda issue) is indicated. The remaining parts (SPEAKED, DECIDED or DECIDED) are not numbered.

In the “LISTENED” part, indicate the surname and initials of the main speaker in accordance with the agenda, then, separated by a dash, the content of his report:

If the report is large and contains a significant amount of important information, it is preferable to prepare its text in advance and submit it to the secretary of the meeting. In this case, the text of the report is attached to the protocol, which provides a link to this attachment. For example:

In the “SPEAKING” part, the names and initials of all those who spoke on this issue and a brief summary of their speeches are indicated. On key issues, it is important to reflect in the minutes all opinions and the entire course of the discussion. Therefore, if questions were asked to speakers and speakers in the debate, after each speech they are recorded along with the answers in the order they were received.

The word “SPEAKED”, like the words “LISTENED” and “DECIDED” (“DECIDED”), is written from the border of the left margin. The names of the speakers and the content of the speeches are indicated in a paragraph on a new line.

The format of the questions is not clearly established. In practice, you can find several options:

    First, the word “Question:” (or “Questions:”) is written, then the surname of the person asking the question is indicated on a new line, after the dash the question itself is formulated and on next line- the answer to it
    (see example in Example 16).

    After the word “Question:” only the question itself is written down without indicating the surname of the person who asked it (see example in Example 17).

    The word “Question:” is not written. The question itself is written on the red line and the answer to it is written below. In this case, it is also possible not to indicate the last name of the person asking the question, but it is better to write it down. This will separate the question from the text of the speech (see example in Example 18).

However, there may not be any speeches beyond the main report. In this case, the “SPEAKED” part of the text is omitted, and the section will consist of only two parts: “LISTENED” and “DECIDED” (“DECIDED”).

Ends each section decision made on this issue. It is written after the word “RESOLVED:” or « DECIDED:". Both words are initial elements operative part of the protocol and have equal meaning.

Recorded decisions must be brief, precise, and not subject to double interpretation. If there are several decisions on one issue, they are formulated as several points, each of which is numbered in Arabic numerals:

It is important to note that decisions are administrative in nature. Therefore, they must be formulated using a model characteristic of administrative documents. The model consists of an indication of further actions, answering the question “what to do?”, an executor (responsible for execution) and a deadline.

However, the listed components cannot or should always be used in the protocol. Thus, a message made at a meeting can simply be taken into account by those present, or a decision is made to approve a document. In these cases, the formulation of the decision will follow the “What to do” model (see Example 20).

If the decision contains instructions for further actions, their executor(s) or those responsible for execution and the deadline for execution must be indicated (see Example 21).

There's another one important feature decision-making at meetings or sessions, which must be taken into account when drawing up the minutes: some decisions are made by voting. For example, they must vote for decisions made at meetings of the board of directors; voting is also mandatory when determining a candidate for an elective position. In these cases, the voting results are indicated in the protocol after the relevant decision (see Example 22). If everyone present voted for the decision being made, the voting results can be indicated differently - see Example 23.

Design part

The minutes are signed after its text is finally edited, verified and all sections corresponding to the agenda of the meeting are drawn up. The document is signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting. Signatures are placed from the border of the left margin, separating them from the text with two or three line spacing.

The protocol acquires legal force only if these two signatures are present. This is a generally accepted practice, which is enshrined in a number of legislative and regulatory acts. In particular, according to the norms of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders are drawn up in 2 copies and both of them must be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

At the same time, the same law establishes a different procedure for signing the protocol meetings of the board of directors of a joint stock company: the minutes are signed only by the chairman of the meeting, and he alone is responsible for the correctness of the document. This rule seems controversial, since the records reflecting the progress of the meeting are kept by the secretary, and it is he who must correctly edit them and draw up the draft minutes. From which it follows that not only the chairman, but also the secretary is responsible for drawing up the minutes. This should be evidenced by his signature on the document.

The protocol is an internal administrative document, so its certification with a seal is usually not required.

Some types of protocols are subject to approval by the head of the organization (for example, minutes of a meeting of a technical council, expert commission, etc.). The approval is issued with a stamp in the upper right corner: after the word “APPROVE”, the name of the position (without mentioning the name of the enterprise, since it is present in the header part of the document), a personal signature is affixed, its transcript and the date of approval.

And now we bring to your attention a sample protocol drawn up in accordance with the rules discussed:

Read the continuation of the article in the next issue of the magazine. We will tell you about the features of drawing up the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders and the composition of the information that is included in mandatory should be reflected in this document. When presenting the material, the requirements of such fundamental documents as the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, FCSM Resolution No. 17/ps dated May 31, 2002, etc. will be taken into account. You will see how different the standard minutes are from the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders!

IN the author shares his secrets. He offers step-by-step methodology preparing an effective meeting (you will learn how the agenda is formed, how to organize interaction with meeting participants and invitees, how to prepare information materials and the meeting room). An optimal discussion schedule is proposed, which is based on the recommendations of psychologists. The issues of the progress of recording, the timing of the preparation of the protocol, the rules for compiling its copy and extract to inform the executors of the decisions that were made at the meeting were considered.

1 See article by E.G. Yusipova “Organizational aspect of holding meetings at an enterprise” on page 52 of magazine No. 1` 2007

2 Commonly accepted abbreviated names of administrative-territorial units and a list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation are published on pp. 91-93 of the magazine
№ 1` 2007