How much can you earn on YouTube for views? How to make money on YouTube

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine “site”. Today we will tell you how to make money on YouTube and how much money popular YouTubers earn, as well as other points regarding the earnings of famous and beginning bloggers.

YouTube is a special service containing a huge number of videos on different topics, which was created in 2005 year in the USA.

The word “YouTube” is an English expression that means “television production” or simply as “Your video content production.” By the way, this name for the site is understandable, because everyone who visits this hosting can completely for free look, leave comments under the video, rate the video different users and, importantly, upload And share your videos.

Since the topic of making money on video hosting is becoming relevant, we decided to write interesting and useful information for the majority of readers of the site.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • Why is a channel created on video hosting and what is the essence of making money on YouTube?
  • How to make money from your videos on YouTube (YouTube) from scratch;
  • How much does YouTube pay for views and how much do they pay for 1000 views on Youtube for beginners;
  • 10 most popular channels that make money on YouTube.

About how to make money on YouTube from scratch, what is making money on YouTube - read the article, which also describes real examples of income of video bloggers

Every person who starts his own channel has a rough idea of ​​why he is doing it.

Practically all new channel owners are driven by inspiration , which they received by looking at success of popular video bloggers And desire to express oneself by creating your own videos. This is a very common and interesting goal.

Subsequently, such a hobby as video blogging can grow into something more and, for example, bring popularity and an army of fans. Although, I must admit that it will not be easy to be truly remembered and gain fame in the YouTube community now.

Incredible, but every month approximately billion videos . It is clear that in order to stand out among other video makers, you need to create something creative and different from other videos.

Some channels are being created exclusively for advertising your products and services offered.

There are also people who create their own channel on YouTube just to subscribe to other people's channels they like, follow their new videos, and also comment on them.

The fourth attractive goal for creating a channel is the opportunity to earn money. Many users are captivated by the idea of ​​working without leaving home and they consider YouTube a suitable place for enrichment.

Indeed, on YouTube you can earn a certain amount for uploading your unique content, however, to do this you need to have some knowledge and minimal equipment for filming.

In addition to the technical component, it will be useful to be able to express yourself concisely, behave correctly in front of the camera and be able to edit video.

The last point will be discussed. Why do many registered users create their own channel on YouTube and upload their videos there?

The fact is that anyone who has their own channel on YouTube has the opportunity monetize your videos, in other words, receive money from the site for views. And the most important thing is that starting to work on video hosting is very simple and interesting.

In fact, video blogging is a hobby from which you can make good money. Quite a large number of people use this method of earning money.

For some, income from YouTube is a pleasant bonus, for others it is income that allows them not to get a job. In any case, you can try to prove yourself in this area and gain new, valuable experience.

But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just dreams of making money on YouTube. You need to gain inspiration, determination and start taking action. After all, in order to turn your ideas about income on this popular video hosting into reality and fully unleash your creative potential, you need to have an idea of ​​how to do it correctly.

Without the technical component, you won’t be able to record videos, and without useful tips and accessible explanations, you won’t be able to find your way around and create your own channel.

Just for this purpose, this article contains all the necessary detailed information to help people who want to make money on YouTube without leaving home.

How to start making money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instructions for making money on YouTube

2. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instructions for making money 🎬

As mentioned earlier, a person who wants to create his own channel has many different goals that he pursues.

The main goals are: self-expression, advertising your services, the ability to “follow” the activities of other bloggers and, naturally, the desire to earn money for views. It is the last point that will be discussed further. Most of the time, a new blogger doesn't know where to start. Below, all the information of interest will be laid out in detail and on the shelves.

So, when the purpose of creating a channel is clear, that is, the future video maker wants to monetize his videos, you need to sort out in order the main components that guaranteed will help you make money on your videos:

  1. search for a creative idea;
  2. direct shooting of an interesting video;
  3. purchasing advertising from fairly experienced users with a large audience;
  4. become a member of the YouTube partner program (subject to all necessary conditions);
  5. shooting new videos, attracting subscribers through entertaining content.

First of all, you need to find an idea and theme for future videos, and you should also think about what style the videos should be designed in.

It is very important to catch here main YouTube trends: choose something that will be popular, but that few people have filmed about. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Plus, seasoned YouTubers with large audiences confirm that the visuals of videos and previews matter a lot.

To make things easier for beginners, to give ideas and inspire, we can say that main directions for shooting video can be:

  • author's programs;
  • exciting shows;
  • vlogs about your life;
  • reviews and unboxing;
  • let's plays and much more.

The more interesting the chosen direction, the more likely it is that people watch the video And subscribe to the channel. As mentioned earlier, deciding on winning topics for video shooting can be very difficult.

It is worth recalling that the main priority is to choose a video blogging niche that attracts viewers with its information content, but at the same time is relatively new and free.

But even after defining the current formats on YouTube, there are several mandatory rules without which the channel is unlikely to thrive.

Only if you regularly shoot new videos of interesting topics on your channel, you can achieve popularity and a large number of subscribed people in a fairly short time.

1. Registration on YouTube or how to create a channel on Youtube?

Before you start shooting videos, you need to comply with some formalities.

So, first you need to start registering your channel on YouTube. Creating a channel will not take much time.

To do this, go to the main page of the site, then find the button “ to come in", click on it and follow all the instructions sequentially, create your account . Just a few clicks.

Instructions on how to create a channel on Youtube

After which you can go directly to creating a channel by clicking on the inscription “ my channel» and filling in all the required fields with personal information. Each step is clear, so in a few minutes the channel will be created.

It is worth noting one very convenient and useful detail: in special options you can change some details, thereby customizing the channel for your convenience. After any changes you need to click on the “save” button.

Youtube video monetization, video manager, settings

Also for people who want make money on YouTube, the “video manager” section will be very useful. Here you can find out all the information about comments left, likes, and also here even after downloading the video you can edit its description.

On YouTube there are a huge number of channels of bloggers who conduct vlogs, blogs, show, remove let's plays, transfers And much more.

Every video maker, even beginning , should know that in order for the viewer to focus his attention on his channel out of all the variety, it is necessary different ways to attract an audience.

There are many ways and ideas to make your channel stand out from the rest. One such way is original design " hats» . Here you can try and experiment. At the top of the channel you can give free rein to your imagination and creativity, express yourself as a creative person and, importantly, indicate the general direction and style of the videos being released.

Bright And unusual the design will definitely attract the attention of random channel guests and, perhaps, motivate them to subscribe.

2. What should I use to shoot the video?

When all the formalities have been completed, an account and channel on YouTube have been created and an idea has been found, then you can begin to implement it, that is, shoot a video.

Many newcomers to the field of video blogging wonder: “ What's the best way to shoot your first videos?».

It is believed that the first videos can be shot on a phone with a good camera. If you are shooting in one place, then it would be a good idea to buy an inexpensive tripod and attach your phone to it for convenience. So, the image will not shake, and watching the video will be much more pleasant.

A little advice from popular bloggers: even if you have the financial opportunity to buy professional equipment for high-quality filming of your projects, it is still recommended to start small.

There's always a chance that shooting videos will get boring, too difficult, or simply not enjoyable. At a later stage, you can consider purchasing an inexpensive GoPro camera.

3. Where to shoot videos?

Regarding the shooting location, the video can be recorded as on the street, so in room. Before shooting a video indoors, you need to make sure that the background is in order and it would be useful to add some decorations.

Just watch videos of popular bloggers with large audiences to see how they decorate the background. The main thing is not to overdo it with this point. You need to try not to overdo it with decorations, so that the viewer’s attention is directed, first of all, to what is said in the video.

Plus, to make the video enjoyable to watch, you need to choose the most illuminated place in the room, because, as mentioned earlier, a lot depends on the quality of the video. Potential subscribers will be more pleased to watch a video where every little detail is thought out and everything looks aesthetically pleasing.

At a later stage, you can purchase special lighting or soffits who are good for what they give directional light to where it is needed.

If you are recording video outdoors, you should use some tips to help improve the quality of the video.

Every blogger who respects his subscribers tries to shoot videos in the best possible quality, because subscribers are often attracted by the professionalism of the shooting and the aesthetic component.

So, here are some tips that will help you when shooting videos for your channel.

Firstly, it is best if the video is filmed in sunny weather and there is no precipitation outside. However, on a sunny day, you should not shoot in such a way that the sun shines in your eyes and makes you squint. It's better to shoot video in the shade, but not too dark.

Secondly, it is advisable that it is not windy on the day of recording the video. On many blogger channels you can find videos that were recorded in windy weather. At the same time, the sound quality leaves much to be desired, since the wind creates additional noise, and it is difficult for viewers to understand what is being said.

AND, Thirdly, you need to decide on the shooting location. The ideal option would be a place where you can record video against a picturesque background. To do this, you need to try to find a beautiful place, away from city noise and people. Passers-by can distract a novice blogger, confuse him, and the video will not turn out as sincere as planned.

It is especially important that when shooting the very first videos for your channel, nothing distracts you from this exciting but difficult process.

4. Video sound

In addition, you should not lose sight of such an important component of filming as the sound with which the video is recorded. Of course, for a beginner in the field of video blogging, a phone with high-quality audio recording is also suitable.

Once the channel has a hundred or several hundred subscribers, you can consider purchasing an inexpensive buttonholes attached to clothing. It improves the sound many times over, so it will be more pleasant for viewers to watch the videos being released and more people will start subscribing to the channel, and, consequently, the number of views will increase.

The cost of the above-described lavalier microphones today is set at 200 -300 rubles. Lavaliers at these prices are affordable for everyone, so they are perfect for YouTube newbies.

4 ways to promote a channel on YouTube (Youtube)

3. Promote your channel on YouTube - 4 simple ways

It is absolutely natural that every person, a novice Internet user who wants to make money on YouTube, wants to achieve popularity And attract a large number of viewers to your channel.

The more subscribers a channel has, the more likely it is that the blogger’s videos will be viewed regularly. Earnings directly depend on the number of views.

In order to quickly acquire a large audience, you need to know what are free ways to promote your channel.

To help a novice blogger, here are some ways to help:

  1. use annotations;
  2. ask to subscribe to the channel;
  3. advertising through other channels;
  4. commenting on videos of famous bloggers.

Information about all these points is very important for anyone who plans to really seriously and consciously begin filling their channel with content. After all, the more resources a blogger has, the higher his earnings will be and the larger the “army” of fans (subscribers).

Now, in order to explain how this or that method works in the YouTube community, we need to explain a little more about each point.

Promotion method No. 1– use annotations

Each video is accompanied by an annotation. It is located under the video itself. Here you can provide a brief description of the video, leave a call to subscribe to the channel, and it’s also useful to leave links to previous videos here.

There is a possibility that after watching one video, the viewer will want to watch the previous ones, and as you know, the more views on the channel, the more you can earn. So by this point better not to neglect.

Promotion method No. 2- please subscribe to the channel

The second point on the way to attracting new viewers to the channel is to ask them to subscribe to it in the video itself. This can be said simply in plain text, or it can be said in an unusual way.

If you show creativity and imagination, you can make it interesting, which will further increase your chances of getting a subscription.

Promotion method No. 3– advertising through channels of other bloggers

The third tip experienced bloggers with large audiences give is to collaborate with other YouTube personalities. Before you shoot your video, you can invite interesting bloggers to your channel.

Shooting videos together with more popular bloggers will help draw the attention of their viewers to your channel.

Promotion method No. 4– commenting on videos of famous bloggers

The fourth method is not as effective as the previous three, but nevertheless, beginners who want to promote their channel for free also need to know about it. It consists of commenting on videos of popular bloggers.

Often interesting comments attract the attention of other YouTube users, collect a lot of likes and rise to the TOP. They can get to the channel of the person who left the comment by clicking on his nickname.

If users like the content of the channel, then in the future they will be able to subscribe to it and watch new videos. Must be remembered that in the field of video blogging, every view and every viewer is important.

7 ways to make money on Youtube

4. 7 ways to attract subscribers and earn more on YouTube

Of course, every owner of his own channel, who wants to achieve its prosperity, is looking for different ways to achieve this faster. Exist paid And free ways.

Beginners in the field of video blogging can be advised to choose free ways, since they do not require costs.

For the convenience of those interested in making money on YouTube, several main methods will be described in detail below.They are the ones who will help you enough attract an audience in a short time And start earning money on YouTube without leaving home.

So, here are these 7 ideas that will allow you to earn more:

  1. take into account the interests of the audience;
  2. "better less, yes better";
  3. the title matches the content of the video;
  4. regularity of video releases;
  5. responsible approach to video blogging;
  6. channel monetization;
  7. partnerships and receiving money from advertising.

Method No. 1 - Consider the interests of the audience

Before deciding on the topic of the videos to be released, you need to take into account the main trends on the YouTube platform (trends). After this, you need to choose the most profitable direction of video blogging.

Note to video makers: Today, such areas are considered business, medicine, construction And earnings. Personal Vlogs of bloggers are very popular.

These topics are profitable for two reasons.

First : Not many people fill their channels with videos like this.

Second: The most expensive advertising is advertising of medical drugs, sites where you can make money, and so on.

Method number 2 – “Less is better”

A novice video blogger first needs to understand that YouTube users have a huge selection of channels on various topics, and they will not stop their attention on where the videos were hastily recorded.

It's worth choosing quality videos, and Not their quantities. Viewers will always prefer interesting videos, in which the soul was invested, to others that were filmed " hastily" There is no need to be lazy adding various effects, suitable music, captions, or writing the script correctly. Fortunately, bloggers now have a large number of programs for editing and editing videos.

Every video maker who respects his subscribers and potential viewers has a structured script prepared in advance with introduction, the main part and with ending.

By the way, at the end of the video you can remind those who watched it in an original way to subscribe to the channel in order to follow subsequent videos.

Method No. 3 - Match the title to the content of the video

If you look at videos of famous YouTube personalities, you can see that the title of the video exactly matches its content. To find videos with specific content, users enter keywords into YouTube search bar.

Among the proposed videos, they select the most interesting ones and watch it. However, if the title of the video differs from what is shown in the video, then the viewer is unlikely to be satisfied, put dislike and, perhaps, bad comment.

The reputation of the channel is very important, so you need to come up with a title for the video based on what it is about. Thus, people interested in the table of contents will not be disappointed by its content, they will like it and perhaps subscribe to the channel.

Method No. 4 - Regular release of videos

Yes, posting a video “through I don’t want to” is not an option, because the viewer will see and feel everything. Many bloggers sin by “abandoning” their business for a while and not posting videos. for weeks or even for months. Just don’t be surprised later by the large number of unsubscribed viewers and the small number of views.

Videos on the channel should be released regularly. However, you must comply golden mean and do not strive to “upload” as many videos as possible onto the network, because as was said earlier, it is better to give preference to the quality of the videos rather than their quantity.

Viewers are more likely to subscribe to the channel of a person who always sticks to a video release plan and announces the release of the next one, than to one where videos are released at different intervals.

Method #5 - Responsible approach to video blogging

So, as it became clear from all of the above, by regularly releasing high-quality videos, you can gain a large number of subscribers in a fairly short time. But the most important thing is that the videos will gain more and more views.

As is known, A blogger’s profit depends precisely on the number of views of videos over a certain period of time. This figure can be seen under the video. Also, advertising income depends on how many people visit the channel and watch videos.

Many people have heard that on YouTube there is such a thing as “ viral video" Such videos because of their eccentricities or creativity, in the shortest possible time, they gain millions of views, naturally, bringing income to the channel on which they were published.

It follows from this that serious work on videos and interesting content will bear fruit in the form of views and earnings.

Method number 6 - Channel monetization

When a blogger has several hundred subscribers and shooting videos has turned into a real inspiring hobby, you can think about making money from the channel.

Even if a channel has several videos with a decent number of views, we must not forget about its timely monetization. After all, the videos of a person who wants to make money should bring him profit.

How can a newbie in the field of video blogging earn his first money?

Firstly, YouTube itself offers advertising that will run before the start of the videos and bring in a pretty penny. It is not so expensive, but as a nice bonus you can agree to it.

Secondly, in the videos themselves you can mention your services or products. There is a chance that people will become interested in this and this way you can attract clients or buyers.

Method No. 7 - Partnerships and receiving money from advertising

In this paragraph we will talk exclusively about the financial side of video blogging. In YouTube video hosting, there are many opportunities for making money in addition to profit from views. Finally, you need to have knowledge regarding different channel monetization mechanisms.

For example, the following will help you earn money:

  1. direct advertising in videos;
  2. advertising from YouTube;
  3. partnership programs;
  4. advertising your goods or services;
  5. filling your channel with other people's videos;
  6. integration with other social networks.

A little more detail about each monetization mechanism.

1. Direct advertising in videos

When watching videos on YouTube, you can notice this particular monetization mechanism. It lies in the fact that in the video itself the blogger presents various sites, products or services and, as a rule, leaves a link to them in the description.

2. YouTube Ads

You can agree to advertising from YouTube video hosting itself (Google Adsense) by indicating this in a special menu. This method of earning money is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not neglect any legitimate opportunity to earn money, because this is one of the main goals of creating your own channel.

3. Affiliate programs

It is with the help of affiliate programs that you can officially become a partner of the YouTube community. You should not miss the opportunity to earn money by becoming a partner of different companies that you can trust.

Profitable partnerships, for example with private programs, directly affect the amount of money earned from each video. Any YouTuber can choose direct partnership or partnership through media intermediaries (VSP Group, etc.)

4. Advertising your goods or services

In fact, this is very convenient and profitable, since a blogger can make money on views from a video and at the same time attract clients or buyers, and absolutely free.

5. Filling your channel with other people's videos

Surely everyone has come across channels with “ re-uploads" If not, here's a little description of how people can make money without producing their own videos.

A channel is created, designed, and then filled, as a rule, with entertaining content from various programs or videos of other people. However, this method of earning money can easily be questioned by the administration of the YouTube community. for non-compliance with copyright with further deletion the entire channel.

6. Integration with other social networks

On VKontakte, on Facebook and other social networks, you can advertise not only your YouTube channel. In addition, you can motivate people to subscribe to various communities, channels, show. It is for placing such advertising that money will be paid. We talked about how to create a VKontakte group, gain subscribers on VK and earn real money in the article.

Thus, knowing the main money directions, regularly releasing high-quality videos and using different ways to monetize your YouTube channel, you can start earning money without leaving home.

Read below how much you can earn on Youtube with 1000 views

5. How much can you earn on YouTube?

Today the topic is making money " without leaving home"and, in particular, on such a popular platform as YouTube, is quite discussed. People who have their own YouTube channel with a large number of subscribers seem to deny themselves nothing.

How much do they earn on YouTube?

Therefore, without exception, all newcomers to video blogging and simply visitors to video hosting are interested in: “How much do they earn on YouTube?” This question is not so easy to answer, since many factors influence the amount of money earned. This and how much you can earn on YouTube will be discussed below.

What does a blogger’s total earnings from his videos consist of? As you know, video makers often advertise various goods and services and for this they receive a certain percentage. Each of us has seen contextual advertising.

Sometimes, before watching a video on YouTube, an advertisement from the site itself is turned on and the video will not start until the advertisement ends. This advertising is called contextual advertising and for it the channel owner receives a profit, depending on how many views his video gets.

So, how much can bloggers earn from their videos?

Russian YouTube personalities are lifting the veil of secrecy and sharing information that interests them so much with their viewers. Of course, all numbers are relative, since even bloggers themselves cannot predict their exact monthly income.

On average, popular Russian bloggers earn from their videos per month 50 -100 thousand rubles income. This figure really motivates beginners to develop their channel and fill it with interesting content.

What affects earnings?

As mentioned earlier, even if you regularly release videos that gain a large number of views, you cannot accurately predict your income for a certain period of time. The fact is that a YouTuber’s income is influenced by several factors, which will be discussed below.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the entire list of these factors:

  1. video content;
  2. number of videos on the channel;
  3. skillful implementation of advertising;
  4. collaboration with other bloggers;
  5. what language are the videos filmed in?
  6. partnership programs.

Now we can move on to a more detailed description of each factor that affects the profit of both a newbie in the field of video blogging and popular bloggers.

Also if there is in the videos commercial advertising in any form, it is paid in large amounts and brings the blogger more money.

2. Number of videos on the channel

The main income of a video blogger consists of the number of views of his video over a certain time period. It follows from this that the more videos a blogger has on his channel, the greater the total number of views he can collect during this time.

However, you should not chase the number of videos. If you need to post a video, it’s better to work on it a little, and only then “upload” it to the network.

3. Skillful implementation of advertising

These include For example, advertising other channels or offering your goods and services. If you need to subscribe to advertising from YouTube, you can indicate your consent to this in a special menu. Of course, this way of making money on advertising from YouTube is small, but for a novice blogger, you should not turn a blind eye to any opportunity to make money.

After all, this is one of the main goals of creating your own channel. Typically, advertising either appears before the YouTuber’s video, or is presented in the video itself with a link to the advertised item in the description.

4. Collaborate with other bloggers

Don't neglect the opportunity to collaborate with other YouTube personalities. Making videos with other bloggers can help attract their viewers to your channel and, as a result, increase the number of views and money earned. Plus, collaborating with other people in the video creates more interest.

5. What language are the videos filmed in?

Many people know that in the English-language segment of YouTube there are a larger number of potential viewers and any advertising there pays more. Therefore, when filming a video internationally, English language, the overall influx of subscribers increases and the development of the channel as a whole accelerates.

6. Affiliate programs

You shouldn’t focus your attention only on YouTube affiliate programs. After all, profitable partnerships, for example, with private programs, directly affect the amount of money earned from each video.

It is for this reason that you should not miss the opportunity to earn money by becoming a partner of different companies that you can trust. Any YouTuber can choose a direct partnership or a partnership through media intermediaries, but what this is will be discussed a little later.

What videos can be made for YouTube - a list of examples of what videos to shoot for YouTube

6. 5 best ideas: how to make money on YouTube

The fact is that anyone who has their own channel on YouTube has the opportunity to monetize their videos, in other words, receive money from the site for views.

There are several ideas for successfully developing your own YouTube channel. The fact is that a lot depends on the thematic content of the videos: from the number of viewers to the cost of advertising on the channel.

Therefore, experienced video makers advise listening to the main trends of today's YouTube. This will allow you to receive as much fan recognition, views and, as a result, money.

So, what kind of videos can be made for YouTube, and in what directions should a novice blogger move?

List of ideas for videos on YouTube:

Idea 1. Travel content

Perhaps the most interesting And profitable The videos turn out to be about travel. Everyone is interested in watching travel: be it TV Broadcast, or channel famous blogger.

By the way, video bloggers who fill their channel with travel content earn quite a decent amount.

Why are these videos highly paid? The secret to the success of travel videos is that travel bloggers can make good money from airplane ticket advertising or for trains those companies that offer to mention their services in the video.

Plus, not all people have the opportunity to travel to different parts of the planet and experience the culture of other countries. But everyone, without exception, can observe the life of a blogger with great interest.

Idea 2. Unboxing + technique review

It is indeed a very profitable idea that has become popular especially recently. Today, a huge number of technological innovations are being produced. Again, you can make good money on such videos.

This is easily explained, because every person before making an expensive purchase wants to make sure that they make the right choice. In the video you can see in great detail with your own eyes whether it is worth buying equipment or not, without spending a penny and without leaving home.

Unboxing and reviews of technology will always be there, it seems. popular And in demand.

Idea 3. Beauty blogs

Beauty blog (from English - blog about beauty) is another profitable niche for video blogging. In the vast majority of cases, they are led by girls, girls and women. However, with rare exceptions, you can also find men's blogs of this type.

In order to run your own beauty blog, you need to have a small arsenal of cosmetics, be able to do makeup correctly and, most importantly, beautifully, and also share with your audience little secrets and tricks of perfect makeup.

Idea 4. Video blog of an expectant and young mother

The title fully reveals the content of such videos. In such videos, expectant mothers talk about how pregnancy should proceed, how to eat properly and take care of themselves. And after giving birth, young mother bloggers share their useful tips on feeding and caring for the baby.

As the baby grows and develops, more and more new topics for discussion and video recording appear.

Therefore, we can say that there will always be ideas for videos. This blog is very useful for women preparing to become mothers and psychologically also helps them a lot. And for the blogger– this is another opportunity to make money by advertising hygiene products and food products for babies.

Idea 5. Program review videos

Why not record a video talking about How to install various programs on a computer correctly? Moreover, a channel with such videos will certainly gain a large audience and will be very popular among viewers.

Plus, there are not many real professionals in this field on YouTube, which means this niche is relatively free.

All you need is a little time, a good microphone and, of course, the ability to clearly explain to beginners and clearly understand even the most complex things.

These are the main ideas for successfully promoting your channel and making money on it.

Newcomers to the vlogging scene can take a closer look and perhaps find themselves a high-paying video idea based on their passions. All that remains to be added is that with inspiration And painstaking work can truly be achieved impressive results.

7. How much does YouTube pay for video views?

In our time of information technology, many people find different ways to earn money, including without leaving home. On the most popular video hosting site, YouTube, you can find an endless number of videos for any request in different genres and categories.

YouTube is constantly updated with new videos, especially active recently. Every day approximately 1 million videos. By creating their own channel and uploading their own videos to it, almost every user wants to become famous and earn a little money.

In this regard, newbies in the field of video blogging have an interesting question: How much does YouTube pay for views?

Of course, making money on YouTube depends on many factors. The main ones include: video content And number of views below this video. However, if we talk about the so-called “ viral videos”, then the content in them, as a rule, will not matter.

YouTube video hosting is ideal both for realizing your creative potential and for making good money and promoting advertising.

8. How much do they pay for 1000 views on YouTube?

On average, a blogger can earn per thousand views from 2 to 5$(English speaking audience). If the video is aimed at a Russian-speaking audience, then 1000 views YouTube pays on average 1,5 $ .

A real example of a live video channel on YouTube. Topic – Finance, money, business

However, in this case, a lot depends on the content, language of the video, audience reach, etc.

As a rule, you can't make very much money from entertainment content. But, for example, on a channel that covers the topic business, medicine or finance, you can earn a lot of money.

But if several thousand people are subscribed to a video blogger’s channel and they regularly watch new videos, then, if you do the math, the blogger can earn a good amount of money per month.

It turns out that this is not entirely true.

The fact is that impossible accurately calculate the amount of expected earnings, since for the same number of views in different months you can get different profits.

9. YouTube Affiliate Program

In order to make money on this popular video hosting site, you need to follow some rules.

Firstly, be a registered user on YouTube, secondly, have your own channel with videos and the most important – be able to monetize your videos. Just to monetize your videos, you need to join an affiliate hosting program.

It is necessary to understand that entering into a partnership with YouTube brings not only pleasant bonuses in the form of regular earnings, but also imposes a certain responsibility on the creator of the channel.

Below you can find out all the details regarding the partnership with YouTube.

YouTube Rules

For any video maker who has his own channel, produces videos and has entered into a YouTube partnership, there are some rules that must be followed simply necessary. All these community rules are directly related to the content, that is, the content of the videos produced.

So, a video blogger should not fill his videos with explicit sexual content, do not produce material capable of incite ethnic hatred, show scenes of violence and what's even worse call for their repetition, is also not allowed express insults against people, with the aim of motivating them to commit violence, videos must not violate copyright or contain threats.

The video blogger is responsible for failure to comply with these rules.

In case of violation of the rules

What responsibility can a person bear if he tries to circumvent these simple rules that are the same for the entire YouTube community?

In case of violation of the rules, YouTube has the right and even must stop cooperating with this blogger, delete his channel or simply restrict his rights.

The best solution for a video maker who has signed a partnership agreement with YouTube would be to impeccably fulfill all requirements in order to avoid unpleasant situations. YouTuber reputation– this is, in fact, the face of his channel. This is why every person in the video hosting community carefully selects acceptable content for their videos.

10. How to become a YouTube partner?

Now that the basic mandatory rules of YouTube have been announced, you can proceed directly to the beginning of a partnership with YouTube. How to do it? It will take very little time.

First you need to log into your account, select “settings” in the menu, and then “monetization”. After this, you will need to submit an application for consideration.

There is a little trick that video bloggers share: if you specify other countries, for example, the USA, in the settings in advance, then there will be no need to submit an application. The earnings will be the same as if you indicate Russia and no one will check the accuracy of this information.

Benefits of cooperation

In addition to the main advantage - the opportunity to earn money from an affiliate program, there is another significant advantage. The fact is that the YouTube community itself will subsequently offer the content of its official blogger partner to its viewers, and absolutely free.

What is a direct partnership?

Now it’s worth touching on the issue of choosing a partnership. Exists two methods entering into a partnership deal with YouTube.

The first is direct partnership, the second is through media intermediaries. First, it’s worth understanding what a direct partnership is and what its basic principles are. This method of cooperation does not depend on third-party agencies and companies.

Undeniable dignity– receiving the full amount of the profit without giving interest to the media network. Accordingly, when concluding an agreement through intermediaries, you will have to give them part of your profit from watching videos.

Is it worth working through media intermediaries?

In some cases, it still makes sense to formalize a partnership with YouTube through intermediaries. As mentioned earlier, media networks will need to give some percentage of their earnings, but sometimes this is not significant.

Preference for partnerships through intermediaries should be given to those bloggers who fill the channel with videos other than their own. Such a channel is created, it is beautifully designed, and then filled, as a rule, with entertaining content from various programs or videos of other people.

However, you should be careful, because you can get caught for not respecting copyright, and this is one of the basic rules of the YouTube community, as mentioned earlier. Until then, you can work through intermediaries and monetize each “your” video.

11. How much do YouTubers earn - TOP 10 most popular video channels on YouTube Russia

Many Russian newcomers to the field of video blogging are inspired by the examples of the most successful video makers in the YouTube community in the Russian segment.

In most cases, the channels of bloggers who are part of the TOP 10 the first popular video channels. They gather a huge audience of subscribers and viewers, and their creators receive large income from views.

What exactly " hooked» top ten bloggers their target audience? Below are the statistics of YouTube channels, where each channel will be described and approximate figures of their income will be given.

1st place - EeOneGuy

EeOneGuy or Ivan Rudskoy Today he is the most popular Russian video blogger. The guy is only 19 years old, but he has already achieved a lot and there are hardly anyone on YouTube who have not seen a single video of him.

At the very beginning, when the EeOneGuy channel was just created, Ivan uploaded various videos on YouTube with the most primitive camera and sound recording device.

Later they added vlogs with everyday life, challenges and many other funny videos. Then the video quality improved. EeOneGuy edits videos himself and adds bright effects, since he was interested in this back in school.

Now on Ivan Rudsky’s channel there are approximately 7.5 million people, and his income for the entire existence of the channel is 533 – 667 thousand dollars.

2nd place - AdamThomasMoran

Second place goes to the channel of Maxim Golopolosov, which produces a popular program +100500 . In each episode, Maxim first shows and then comments on funny videos, while being in front of the camera and thus contacting the viewer.

The program contains jokes below the belt and profanity. Some episodes of Maxim's show were broadcast on TV, naturally, subject to censorship, so almost every person has seen or heard about this program at least once.

The +100500 project has gathered an incredibly large audience. To date, the number of subscribers to the AdamThomasMoran channel has reached 7 million 340 thousand people. Over the entire history of the channel's existence, approximately 457 – 572 thousand dollars.

3rd place - Get Movies

This is a YouTube channel where you can find episodes of your favorite children's cartoons, as well as family films. An excellent analogue of television episodes. Get Movies channel currently subscribed 6 million 725 thousand subscribers. From the beginning of the creation of the channel until today, we managed to earn about 2.8 – 3.5 million dollars.

4th place - Masha and the Bear

The channel with the popular children's cartoon about Masha and the Bear takes an honorable fourth place. This channel releases episodes of the animated series, which in total attracted an audience of 6 million 182 thousand people.

As for the money earned, the Masha and the Bear channel collected approximately $2.6 – $3.2 million.

5th place - This is Good

The This is Good channel ranks 5th in popularity on Russian-language YouTube. The format of the This is Good program is the same as that of the +100500 program. The main difference is the absence of profanity.

This is Well led by the presenter Stas Davydov, which also became very popular thanks to its activities on video hosting. According to the latest data, people have already subscribed to this channel 5 million 450 thousand people.

In total, from October 2010 to the present day, the This is Good program has helped its creators earn about 347 – 434 thousand dollars.

6th place - FROST

In sixth place in the list of the most popular YouTube figures in Russia is the position of Yuri Morozilka and his channel FROST.

The channel publishes videos on various topics: Frost’s famous let’s plays, videos from life, blogs and much more.

Now the blogger has an audience of 4,909 thousand people and income 637 -797 thousand dollars.

7th place - SlivkiShow

An interesting channel that releases interesting and, most importantly, educational videos every week is the key to the success of SlivkiShow.

Today, almost 4.5 million viewers. During its existence, the creators of the SlivkiShow channel earned about 172 – 215 thousand dollars.

8th place - TheKateClapp

If you delve deeper into history, Katya Klap’s channel was one of the very first channels created on Russian YouTube. More precisely, Katya’s first channel, FoggyDisaster, was created back in 2008, but was abandoned. Later, in 2010, Katya started a new channel - TheKateClapp, where she began uploading her videos, which would later gain a multimillion-dollar army of fans and admirers.

In her videos, Katya shares her experience with the viewer, makes blogs, motivates to improve and simply makes you smile by filming funny videos.

To date, TheKateClapp channel has 4 million 368 thousand subscribers. During the existence of the second channel, Katya Klap allegedly earned 146 – 183 thousand dollars.

9th place - TheBrainDit

The creator of the channel, Oleg Brain, is currently one of the most popular Let's Players on Russian YouTube. The blogger also records playthroughs of games in collaboration with other charismatic let's play players. (We also recommend reading the article about, where they described how the author of a gaming channel can earn money)

Subscribers to TheBrainDit channel regularly receive a dose of humor and high-quality video walkthroughs of popular games. By the way, subscribed to TheBrainDit channel 4 million 139 thousand users. Speaking about Oleg Brain's profit for the total time, we can name the figure in 412 – 515 thousand dollars.

10th place - MrLolololoshka (Roman Filchenkov)

Rounding out the top ten bloggers is Roman Filchenkov and his MrLololoshka channel. On this channel you can find a huge number of reviews of the popular game Minecraft. Its audience is just over 4 million subscribers, and earnings over the entire existence of the channel are 317 - 396 thousand dollars.

So we looked at the statistics of YouTube channels on requestTOP 10 the most popular video channels on YouTube Russia.

Each of the described bloggers started small, and today they are the most popular and their favorite activity brings them a good income and recognition from fans.

Watching how bloggers develop, start small and reach unprecedented heights, you can’t help but be inspired by their example.

Watch also the video - how much do successful YouTubers earn?

12. What are the pros and cons of working on YouTube?

In general, working on YouTube can hardly be called such. The fact is that all bloggers who post videos do it voluntarily and for their own pleasure. You can clearly see all the advantages of making money remotely, which video bloggers use.

Advantages and benefits (+)

Let's look at the positive aspects of cooperation and working with YouTube hosting.

1. Independence

Bloggers do not have specific deadlines or strict restrictions on the content they produce. Of course, there are basic community rules that everyone must follow.

In case of violation of the rules, YouTube has the right and even must stop cooperating with this blogger, delete his channel or simply limit his rights. But all these rules are fair and not difficult to adhere to.

2. Pleasure from “work”

Also, bloggers do not need to travel to any place for work and get up early for work. It is on the video blogger that his earnings, reputation and the number of subscribers on his channel depend.

We can say that what a blogger does is an exciting hobby that allows you to improve your skills and also earn money.

All the video content they produce is done with passion, the blogs with sincerity, and the shows with genuine passion.

3. Loyal fans

It is also worth noting that often bloggers who become popular have a countless army of fans. It’s always nice, because you can see that other people like everything you do.

Many subscribers, looking at the example of more popular bloggers, are inspired by their example, which they constantly write about on social networks. It’s also nice that fans recognize the blogger right on the streets anywhere, ask to organize so-called “gatherings” in their city, give gifts, and ask to be photographed.

All these attributes of popularity attract the younger generation of bloggers and motivate them to follow in the footsteps of their idols.

4. Useful contacts

In addition, YouTube stars often know each other, share valuable experience regarding the intricacies of filming, record joint videos and just have fun.

Sometimes it seems that all bloggers are... it's one big group of friends, because in the video of one video maker you can see others. Close cooperation, but at the same time competition, helps set new goals and achieve them.

5. Opportunity to express yourself

It happens that a person has some natural abilities and inclinations that can easily be realized by becoming a blogger.

Be a blogger is a creative path that helps directors, make-up artists, designers, animators and many other people prove yourself And Express yourself to the whole world.

Plus, if such a blogger is noticed by some successful company, then a lucrative contract may be concluded in the future. It's no secret that many YouTube stars are invited to appear on television.

6. Self-improvement

When filming your videos and posting them on YouTube video hosting, you can and even should read comments under the videos from other bloggers or simply registered users. It happens that you can find constructive criticism in the comments. There is no need to be offended by her.

If a person has more experience in video blogging, it is worth listening. This will help you make better videos every time, and you will also have the opportunity to improve yourself, which is very important for personal development.

7. Earnings

Many bloggers admit that they do not have a job, because with the advent of making money on YouTube, the need for it simply disappeared. As you know, a blogger’s profit depends on the number of views of videos over a certain period of time.

If a blogger responsibly approaches the release of each video, shoots high-quality videos, and regularly fills his channel with these videos, then popularity among grateful viewers will not take long.

8. Additional income

You can also make money on YouTube with the help of your authority. Different companies, the shops, agencies, other less popular bloggers themselves will contact you and ask you to advertise their services for money.

Plus, you can get some money from advertising from YouTube itself. This method of earning money is small, but a novice blogger should not neglect the opportunity, because generating income from your channel is one of the main goals of creating it.

9. Expressing your point of view

You can express your opinion if the video content does not contradict one of the basic rules of YouTube.

It's worth reminding that the blogger should not fill his videos with explicit sexual content, not produce material that can incite ethnic hatred, demonstrate scenes of violence or even call for their repetition, it is also not allowed to express insults against people in order to motivate violence, videos should not violate copyright and contain threats.

Apart from these rules, a blogger is not limited in any way and can share his thoughts and experiences with the whole world.

Disadvantages (−)

However, video blogging also has a downside. The main disadvantages of working in this area will be listed below.

1. Time costs

While gaining your audience and becoming popular, you must not forget that you always need to create your own YouTube channel. fill with interesting content.

Naturally, for this you need think over And write script, choose a beautiful location for filming, record a video, mount it, add effects, write a description and only after that upload it to your channel.

If you don’t regularly upload videos, your audience will gradually unsubscribe and views will fall.

2. Haters

Of course, in any job you can meet those who will unreasonably criticize others. But on YouTube this is especially noticeable, since any authorized user can leave a negative comment anonymously, without fear of condemnation.

13. Some technical issues

Before making money on YouTube, you need to have some basic skills, for example, how to download videos from hosting, how to create a channel, etc.

Question 1. How to download videos from Youtube (fast and free)

There are several ways to download videos from YouTube. But we will look at the simplest and fastest one.

To quickly download a video from YouTube, you need to open the video that interests you and add Latin letters to youtube in the address bar "ss", so that it turns out like in the screenshot and press “Enter”.

A simple example of how to download videos from YouTube using the savefrom service.

You can look for other ways to download YouTube videos to your computer for free on the Internet.

Question 2. How to create a channel on YouTube?

Creating your own channel is very simple, you need to register with hosting, create a Google email and beautifully design the channel. To do this, download the required size “Header” channel, write a description of the channel and upload interesting content to your channel. We wrote in more detail about how to create a channel above.

Question 3. Is it possible to use audio/video of other bloggers (YouTubers) in videos on YouTube?

You can use copyrighted audio and video elements in your videos if you have commercial use rights. This applies to both your original materials and the materials of all other copyright holders. As a rule, these are icons and logos, background music (final, introductory, etc.), interfaces of programs, games, etc.

To add materials from another blogger (YouTuber) to your video content, you must obtain permission from them for use and monetization on YouTube. To avoid any problems in the future, it is better to obtain written permission from all copyright holders whose materials you use in your videos.

Question 4. How to get subscribers on YouTube?

There are many services for increasing views and subscribers on YouTube. All these services, as a rule, are promoted in other social networks. For example, through them you can get “likes”, subscribers to a group, etc. These include qcomment , user etc.

It is highly not recommended to increase subscribers on YouTube, as well as video views. Google Analytics - Google Analytics has all the capabilities and parameters for identifying fraud. This may include “Watching time” in minutes, “Audience retention”, etc.

From these characteristics it is immediately clear that cheating is taking place. Those. if views are being increased, then the “Watching time” parameter shows that the user went to the video, watched a few seconds and left.

We recommend record interesting, unique video content for a large audience. This is the only way you can attract subscribers to your channel, increase video views, thereby increasing your earnings on YouTube.

Question 5. How much does it cost to buy advertising from YouTubers? How to advertise your channel (video)?

You can order advertising from many popular video bloggers for your YouTube channel, website, group, etc. Each popular channel sets its own advertising prices.

  • A separate video about the channel, community, website, etc.;
  • Link in the video description in the blogger's new video;
  • Issue sponsor (Regular and standard advertising);
  • Sponsor of an exclusive video release (competitions, challenges, etc., paid for by the advertiser);
  • Adding a channel to “interesting channels” (subbox);
  • Adding an advertiser's playlist to the blogger's home page;
  • Like on a video (sometimes “like” + blogger’s comment);
  • Advertising in the group (community) of the channel itself;
  • Video on making (describing) your product, product (service) at home;

In order to find out how much it costs to buy advertising from YouTubers (what is the price for this or that type of advertising), you need to go to the channel itself where you want to place your advertising and find the contacts of the owner or YouTube channel. Similar information can be found both in the “About the channel” section and in the channel header, where there are links ( group or page VK, OK, Google+, Instagram, etc.)

14. Conclusion + video on the topic 📽

Video blogging is a real calling, it is a sincere desire to share your experiences, thoughts And creativity. Moreover, they will be rewarded with material well-being.

Therefore, if workload and negative comments from envious people do not force you to turn off the right path, it means that this interesting hobby can eventually develop into something more - into the work of your whole life.

We hope we were able to answer all the questions regarding YouTube video hosting, namely, how to make money on YouTube from scratch, what is needed for this, how much does YouTube pay for video views, how much do they pay for 1000 views of Youtube videos, etc. But the most interesting answer we got to the questions was “How much do YouTubers earn?”

After reading this part of the article, you understand that many have already started trying to make money in this way. Therefore, we recommend creating original and unique video content that will be yours and immediately recognizable.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about making money on YouTube:

P.S. If you have any questions about making money on YouTube or suggestions on the topic, then leave them below in the comments after the article.

The Internet age makes people active users of the global network. There is no such person who has not heard of YouTube. This site is the largest video service, which is visited by millions of users from all over the world every day for free. What is so interesting about the video content that can be seen on YouTube? Here, each person, at his request, receives a whole selection of videos of different genres and different specifics. Moreover, this video series never ends, and the user has an excellent opportunity not only to learn useful information, but also to have fun. At this point, the authors of the stories receive a small bonus from the site for the fact that their work was in demand. If you find out how much they pay for 1000 views on YouTube today, then perhaps the video creators will join the ranks, because here lies one of the sources of good income.

The site is becoming more popular every day, and in connection with this, the amount of money that passes through it is increasing. But for many, the question remains unresolved: how can you make good money on YouTube with the help of views? What exactly do you need to do to make money from YouTube? And how much remuneration can you expect when using this service?

Video Features

There are some key points that determine how much they pay for watching videos on YouTube:

  • theme of the plot;
  • number of impressions per month;
  • popularity of videos;
  • user activity and other indicators.

Basically, the amount of money earned depends on the topic of the video and the number of views. But with a huge number of impressions, the topic of the video does not matter. The YouTube website is a source of various information and a great place to make money from advertising. Today, more than 100 million channels are open on this video hosting, and more than a billion impressions are registered on the site every day. And he is ready to pay money for good and popular videos. If you are wondering how much 1000 user views on YouTube cost, we will give some small numbers as an example.

On average, you can earn $2 - $5 per thousand views of a YouTube video. The amount of payment, as mentioned earlier, depends directly on the topic and the number of impressions. In general, this is a small figure, but at the same time, if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers or more, the amount of earnings per month will be very decent.

How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions?

Reasoning logically and knowing how much YouTube actually pays (about $2 for every 1000 views), we can calculate that they pay $2000 per million. In fact, everything is not so and the exact amount for 1 million impressions cannot be calculated.

Advertising activities, a certain topic and the presence of subscribers are not the entire list of parameters for which YouTube pays. Even taking into account this situation, if you show the video about a million times, you can earn about $1000. And this figure is also approximate.

There are many services online that can help you see ways to make money on a specific channel. One of the leaders of such services is SocialBlade. With its help, you can obtain information of interest from any channel.

You can go to the service and track how much some popular foreign blogger earns. His earnings range from $250 to $4,000. With all this, the audience of the channel and their demand for a certain product are very important.

To receive money from views, you need to connect to an affiliate program. Each new user can activate monetization of their personal channel and earn money for every 1000 directly through YouTube.

YouTube video hosting is familiar to every Internet user. Millions of people use it: here you can not only watch countless videos, but also post original videos yourself on your YouTube channels. And although most people perceive YouTube as a purely entertainment resource, for the owners of many popular channels it is a source of stable and high income.

    • What does YouTube pay for?
    • Main Factors
    • Additional factors
    • Types of advertising on YouTube
    • Cost of 1000 and 1000,000 views
    • How to find out the amount of earnings of a YouTube channel
    • Youtube Affiliate Program
    • How to increase your income on YouTube?
    • Video seeding: how to buy a lot of views for little money

In this article you will find out how much 1000 or 1,000,000 views on YouTube cost and how much money is needed to buy back 1 million real views. In addition, you will learn 4 sources where you can buy inexpensive views in such large quantities.

By the way, be sure to check it out how much can you earn on 1000 views if you connect to Youtube affiliate program, or to one of the affiliate networks that advertise on the video. This way you can easily calculate the approximate profit - if you buy views cheaply and earn more on advertising than you spend on video seeding. We call this technique video traffic arbitration.

What does YouTube pay for?

YouTube is developing very rapidly and actively uses advertising: it is logical to assume that a lot of money is involved here. So what do you need to do to start making money using YouTube? How much does 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 views on this channel cost?

People who are far from this topic do not always understand what kind of income this is? What is sold on YouTube and who pays for it? How much work do you need to do to get good results?

First of all, you need to know that YouTube does not pay anyone anything for views of your video: only views of advertisements on your channel are paid. That is, advertisers order advertising on YouTube video hosting, YouTube places these advertisements and pays channel owners for the number of views of advertising videos and/or for clicks on them.

Channel owner earnings is 68 percent of the cost paid by the advertiser for the same views or clicks; the rest is YouTube commission. Below we will look at what types of advertising exist on YouTube, how exactly they are paid for, as well as other options for making money on this resource.

There are several factors that influence the possibility of making a profit.

Main Factors

  • number of ad views and ad clicks. If a person watches the advertising insert to the end while watching the video, the viewing is considered commercial and is paid for by YouTube. If you pressed the button "skip"- not paid. For other types of advertising, only clicks on advertising links are counted.
  • cost per view or click. YouTube sets this price independently, depending on the topic of the channel, its audience and other factors. For example, foreign traffic may cost more than Russian-language traffic.

Additional factors

  • thematic direction of your channel. The price of each advertising click depends on the topic: topics such as business, medicine, construction are considered “expensive” and are paid better than humor. On the other hand, attracting many users to a humor channel can be much easier than to a construction-related channel.
  • number of video views per month. The more views you have, the more you will earn. Although the views themselves are not paid, their number is usually proportional to the number of ad views on your channel.
  • audience. If you are watched only by schoolchildren or pensioners, that is, people with low purchasing power, all other things being equal, this channel brings in less profit than a channel that is watched mainly by businessmen or at least ordinary people of working age. And again, the country of residence of your subscribers matters, since advertising costs more in the USA and Europe. For this reason, Western YouTubers earn more than their colleagues from Russia and the CIS.
  • number of subscribers. YouTube also doesn’t pay anything for subscribers, but the channel’s rating is determined precisely by this indicator. And then, subscribers, unlike random visitors, are your “army” that will return to the channel and watch your videos more or less regularly, thereby ensuring income for the channel owner.

Today YouTube has more than one hundred million channels with an audience of one billion. This is very actively used by advertisers who use it as a platform for distributing advertising.

YouTube is becoming a global information machine. It offers payment for content that is in demand and of high quality. And he really pays for it.

Types of advertising on YouTube

  • InStream. One of the most popular types of advertising, which takes into account the number of views of advertising inserts before the video. Almost all users of this channel see such advertising: before the start of the video, an advertising video is played, which can be turned off after 5-10 seconds from the start of viewing.

If the user clicks on the “skip ad” button, then the channel’s earnings are zero. An ad watched to the end provides the channel with the opportunity to earn a small amount. InStream is not the only advertising on YouTube; there are several other types.

  • Overlay- it “moves out” under all the videos in the form of a banner located at the bottom of the video. This advertising is not paid for by YouTube. The payment will be credited only if the person clicks on it, goes to the site provided by the advertiser and stays there for a while. If, after visiting the advertiser’s website, the user immediately leaves it, the YouTube channel does not pay for this, no matter how many such visits there are.
  • Order advertising directly from the advertiser. In this case, earnings do not depend in any way on YouTube itself - you directly negotiate the amount and receive it from the advertiser. Some people shoot entirely advertising videos, others make small advertising inserts into their videos, another option is to use the advertiser’s symbols (a cap, a mug with a logo), or put advertising links in the description under the video.
  • E-mail newsletter. Quite an exotic method, but it can also be used. Subscribers leave their addresses to the channel owner - letters advertising a particular product or service can be sent to these addresses.
  • Placing banners on your page. Payment can be calculated for every thousand impressions or for conversions.

Cost of 1000 and 1000,000 views

Here we can see the dependence on the thematic direction of the channel. If the topic is quite common, the number of advertisers increases and the price also increases. In simple terms, the wider the topic of the channel, the higher the cost per click.

There is no answer to the question of how to calculate the cost of a thousand views - there is probably some kind of calculation algorithm, but YouTube does not disclose it. Some manage to earn a dollar per thousand, others more.

On average, revenue per thousand impressions ranges from one to four dollars. Let us again clarify that this is the cost of 1000 ad views, not 1000 views of your video. The amount is insignificant, but if the channel has more than 10 thousand subscribers, earnings per month can be decent.

How to find out the amount of earnings of a YouTube channel

A large number of services have been developed that allow you to see how much different channels earn. For example, the SocialBlade service, which will show the money earned by any channel. Foreign bloggers, judging by statistics, receive $250-4,000 for 1,000,000 views

If you enter the channel name into the search bar in SocialBlade, the service will calculate the approximate amount of earnings. These are the statistics provided by SocialBlade on the channel of the world’s most famous YouTuber, Swede PewDiePie, who has more than 57 million subscribers on YouTube,

Monthly income - from 54 to 868 thousand dollars.

It is impossible to determine a specific amount of earnings on YouTube, but to earn decent money on this resource, you need to get at least a million views within a month.

Youtube Affiliate Program

To start earning money from views, you need to connect to the channel’s affiliate program. This can be done if the channel has existed for at least 10 days and has at least 5 videos uploaded to it.

Your channel must comply with the following rules:

  • your videos are filmed by you or you have received permission from the copyright holder for their commercial use;
  • the video does not contradict the rules of the service;
  • the content will not cause rejection among advertisers;
  • you have in your hands all the receipts and documents necessary to confirm ownership of video and audio material.

You can activate monetization in the “Creative Studio” of your channel, by joining the YouTube Partner Program

How to increase your income on YouTube?

Remember that any success is a combination of many factors

  1. High-quality and interesting content. Do good quality video, choose interesting stories.
  2. Regularity. Videos need to be posted regularly, preferably at least 2-3 times a week.
  3. Optimization. Invent original titles and write descriptions for the videos.
  4. Advertising and promotion. Without them, you will spend a lot of time before you get at least the first thousand subscribers.
  5. Selecting a topic. The more profitable topic you choose, the more income you can get from the channel in the future. On the other hand, you must understand this topic, and it must be interesting to you - without this you will not be able to post interesting videos.
  6. At least sometimes shoot long videos (10 minutes or longer) and make small advertising inserts.

Video seeding: how to buy a lot of views for little money

Sometimes channel owners need to get a large number of views on their videos. In this case, views can be bought - this is called video seeding. There are several options for video seeding:

You need to understand that sometimes the cost of such video seeding can be more than the potential earnings from YouTube. And if the service’s moderators suspect cheating, they can disable monetization or block the channel altogether.

This method can be good at the initial stage, when you need to collect a certain number of views/subscribers in the first weeks or months of the channel’s existence in order to facilitate the promotion of the channel in the future, because people are extremely reluctant to subscribe to newly created channels. If you want to use video seeding to earn money, it is important to carefully calculate your expenses and compare them with the amount of earnings from YouTube.

If you want to know more about making money on YouTube and other ways to make money online, here you will find the most useful information 50 ways to make money online

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In recent years, creating videos on YouTube has turned into a profession from a hobby - every year more and more video hosting users consider it as an additional or even the main source of income.

Many users of the Instagram application have also been successfully making money on it for several years, using it as a stable additional or main source of income.

Bloggers earn money from millions of users subscribed to their channels and personal accounts. So, if you spend a little time promoting your blog, profits will not be long in coming - this has already been proven by popular bloggers from Russia.

According to the results obtained, Valentin Petukhov, known on YouTube under the nickname Wylsacom, was recognized as the richest blogger. His income is 26.9 million rubles. Following him were Olga Buzova (24.6 million rubles), Stas Davydov (23.9 million rubles), Ksenia Borodina (19 million rubles) and Ksenia Sobchak (16.5 million rubles).

In the study “The Most Expensive Blogger,” Ivangai is in the lead - the cost of advertising on his YouTube channel costs 1.350 million rubles. In second place is Katya Klep - one million rubles. She is followed by Maryana Ro - 765 thousand rubles, Stas Davydov - 765 thousand rubles. The top five is Sasha Spielberg, who receives 520 thousand rubles.

The material was prepared based on open sources