Installing Kaspersky Internet Security. Kaspersky Free - free Kaspersky antivirus

One of the integral components normal operation There is an antivirus on the computer. you already know from our previous articles, but this time we want to tell you about installing an antivirus, since for many of our users this procedure can cause some difficulties.

So, as you remember from the mentioned article, the experts on our website recommended trying all antivirus programs and choosing the one that suits you best. Considering that everything high-quality antiviruses paid, then it is very illogical to purchase a license for their test, especially since each of them allocates its own test period, for which the user can check this anti-virus program: its degree of protection, quality of protection, interface and much more - for free. Kaspersky Anti-Virus is no exception in this matter. Using this antivirus program as an example, we will tell you in detail how to download and install the antivirus, as well as how to activate its trial version and configure it to work.

We chose Kaspersky Anti-Virus for a reason. As you remember from the same article, we recommended choosing this particular antivirus solution, since it is recognized as one of the best today. Now let's proceed directly to installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

Where and how to download a trial version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus?

To download latest version Kaspersky needs to visit the official website of this antivirus: "". We would like to note that the antivirus must be downloaded only from the official website of the program, and not from any other sites dedicated to the programs.

When you open the Kaspersky Anti-Virus website on your website, you will see such a window.

For loading trial version antivirus in the menu, select the “Download” section.

Going to this section, on the site you will be offered all Kaspersky Lab products, the versions of which are current today. However, we will be interested in only two of them: Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Of these two products, you need to choose one.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a simple antivirus that has full protection against viruses on the computer and a minimum level of protection on the network. In turn, Kaspersky Internet Security is a comprehensive antivirus solution with a built-in firewall that will protect your computer not only from viruses, but also from network attacks, as well as from annoying advertising in the Internet. It turns out that with Kaspersky Internet Security your computer will be reliably protected. The only factor that may make you think about choosing a version is the price, but the difference between both products is not so great, nevertheless, it is there. After all, despite the fact that you are using a trial version of the product, after 30 days you will need to purchase a license for it, or the antivirus will not work. When you have chosen the antivirus version, click on the “Trial version” button for the version you need.

Next, you will be offered 3 versions of the antivirus: for Windows, Android and Mac. In our case, we select “Protection for Windows (30 days)” and vice versa of this paragraph click “Download”. After this, the browser will ask you what action to perform with the downloaded file. We recommend selecting “Run” if you will install the antivirus immediately, and “Save” if you will perform the installation process later.

If you chose to launch, the antivirus installer will launch immediately after downloading. If you downloaded the file, then find the folder where it was downloaded (most likely this is the “Downloads” folder) and run it. We would like to note right away that the installation of Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Anti-Virus is completely identical.

Before installation, the antivirus will need to be unpacked - this will take a little time. After unpacking, the installer will launch.

To begin, or rather continue the installation, click on the “Install” button.

In this window you need to familiarize yourself with license agreement. Despite the fact that many always ignore it and agree, we still recommend spending 2 minutes of your time and familiarizing yourself with it. After you read the terms of the agreement and agree with it, click the “Accept” button, you can also print it, if you need it, to do this, click on the “Print” button before accepting the agreement.

After this, the installation of the antivirus will begin immediately, but first, confirm with User Account Control that you trust this program and allow it to be installed on your computer.

The actual installation process will take 1-2 minutes. After successful installation of the antivirus, the installer will inform you about this.

Leave a checkmark next to the item: “Launch Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013” ​​and click on the “Finish” button. Then the antivirus will launch. Read on to find out how to activate the trial version of the product and configure it.

Activating the trial version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus and setting it up

So, after starting the antivirus, it will inform you that there is no activation and that antivirus databases very outdated. We'll begin solving problems as they arise, starting with activating the trial version.

First, you need to activate the trial version of the antivirus, otherwise you simply won’t be able to update it. To do this, in the window that appears, select “Activate trial version” and click on the “Next” button.

In a few seconds, the trial license will be activated. Please note that to activate the trial version you must be connected to the Internet. If trial license is activated – you will be informed about it. About the number of days remaining free license you can always find out by launching the main antivirus window using a shortcut on the desktop or by clicking on the antivirus icon located in the system tray.

The number of days remaining will be displayed opposite the “License” inscription. In this case, each time the program will remind you that you are using a trial version. Just before the end trial period the antivirus will remind you of this and offer to purchase a license.

But let's return to the antivirus, since to work with it we need to configure it. The first thing you need to do is update your anti-virus databases. This can be done by clicking on the “Update” icon in the main antivirus window.

In the window that opens, also click on the “Update” button, after which the anti-virus database will begin updating. The first time it will take some time, since there will be quite a lot of updates, and if you don’t have too many high speed Internet, this process may take significantly longer.

When the anti-virus databases are updated, in the main program window opposite the “Databases” item it will be written “up-to-date”. After this, we recommend that you restart your computer to start all antivirus components.

When the computer has rebooted, open the main Kaspersky Anti-Virus window. On the side, click on the “Settings” button. Here you can see what settings will be available to you, analyze them and maybe make your own adjustments to them.

We would like to especially note the setting of Kaspersky Internet Security, if you have installed it. First of all, we recommend that you enable Anti-Banner in the settings by checking the box next to the corresponding inscription and clicking on the “Apply” button. We recommend disabling the “Safe Payments” feature; to do this, go to the appropriate section of the settings and uncheck the “Enable secure payments” checkbox.

Well, the last thing you need to do after installing and configuring the antivirus is to perform a full scan of your computer for viruses. For a full scan, in the main program window, click on the “Check” icon.

Then select the very first type of verification: " Full check" and click on the start button. A full scan of your computer for viruses will take a lot of time, especially if you have a lot of data stored on your hard drive.

You can purchase the license of your choice both in store and online. In turn, we recommend that you give preference to purchasing a license online, since its cost is significantly lower than in a store. The license must match the version of the antivirus program you have installed. By the way, the antivirus itself will offer you a store where you can purchase a license. Before purchasing a license directly, compare their prices, as they may vary among official dealers.

Nowadays, many people actively use the Internet. For some users, it is the main source of information; it is also used for work, entertainment and other purposes. However, various viruses and spyware are very common on the network, which can enter the computer system at any time while browsing Internet resources or at the time of downloading various files. To protect computers from viruses and spyware special antivirus programs are used to constantly protect computers from “infection.” Majority antivirus programs are paid, and for them everyday use you need to periodically purchase license keys. One of the most common antivirus programs is a product from Kaspersky Lab. Some users may have difficulty activating this program. To apply license key for Kaspersky antivirus you will need:

installed antivirus Kaspersky();

— product license key.


  1. This manual will cover the process of activating Kaspersky Internet Security 8, but all other versions of the program are activated in the same way (perhaps individual items will have a different name in different versions programs). Open the main window of Kaspersky Anti-Virus by double-clicking on the corresponding tray icon. The main antivirus window is divided into two columns. The left column contains links to the main program settings tabs:
  • Protection;
  • Update;
  • Examination;
  • License.

Video: How to install a “license” key on Kaspersky

Good afternoon friends! Today I want to tell you how you can install Kaspersky antivirus for free on whole year. To be honest, I have never installed antivirus software before. I thought that the ability to carefully use the Internet was enough to feel protected. But now that my computer is not just an entertainment center, but my place of work, I have to think about security.

Just recently I got a new neighbor. As it turned out, he works as a system administrator at Sberbank. By chance we started talking about viruses. He was very surprised when he found out that I do not protect myself from viruses in any way. And I was very surprised by his surprise, because I had never had any viruses in my life (not counting advertising ones). I managed somehow without antiviruses. Well, we talked and forgot.

Later, in the process of forming and developing this site, I learned in one of the video courses that a site can be lost easily and quickly if an antivirus is not installed on your work computer. That is, it is not enough to be sure of reliability, because danger can lurk on any side of the monitor.

And then I remembered my neighbor and thought, “Aren’t there too many coincidences in such a short period of time? Maybe this is a sign? And the neighbor was just saying something about how Kaspersky Lab now provides services free of charge under certain conditions.

Well, I certainly won’t harm myself if I install the official free version of Kaspersky antivirus.

How to install the free version of Kaspersky antivirus?

That's how! Go to the official Kaspersky Lab website. In the “DOWNLOAD” tab, select the “Free services” item.

On the page that appears you will see many free products, which are kindly provided to you by Kaspersky Lab. We are interested in the very first one - Kaspersky Free– download!

After downloading, start installing. By the way, during the installation process you will have Account at Kaspersky Lab. Just in case, remember or write down the email you used to create your account and password. You never know, maybe it will come in handy again. And in general, keep records of all sites, logins and passwords on which you are registered. Sooner or later, this habit can really help you out!

After installing the antivirus

Oh yes, I almost forgot. The antivirus will offer to install add-ons for your browsers. Do it. Useful thing.

When I wrote, I had to install the VK Music plugin to test it. Then I went to my website and saw a warning from Kaspersky that there were double links on the site. I didn't understand at first. It seems my links are normal. Well, encrypted through a script so that search engines do not see outgoing links in articles, but they are not double.

Then I accidentally hovered my mouse over navigation menu“Make money online” and saw a pop-up window with advertising. Well hello! I got scared. Let's think about what we did before. But in fact, apart from the plugin, I didn’t install anything and wasn’t anywhere. I removed the plugin and everything went away. But Kaspersky immediately warned – “Bad plugin! Don't install it! Now I will listen.

Bottom line

In general, I shared a little story with you. Learn from other people's mistakes. Install free antivirus Kaspersky, install all updates if they arrive, and install Kaspersky add-ons in the browser. This free version The antivirus will last you for a year. And then we’ll see, they might extend it.

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In the last article, we figured out which antivirus is better, now we move on to the practical part and learn how to download, install and pay for the licensed Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus.

Therefore, sit back comfortably and carefully read the article, and at the end do not forget to leave your comment with a positive or negative rating.


Hello everyone, from the announcement of the article you already understood perfectly well that today we are looking at Kaspersky anti-virus. Before moving on to the practical part, I would like to remind you why it is needed at all and what functionality it has. After all, purchasing such a program, let’s say, is not a cheap pleasure, so every person would like to have an idea of ​​what they are paying money for.

How much safer and more comfortable will using your computer be after installing an antivirus?

So, friends, I present to your attention one of best antiviruses to protect your computer from malware, that's right, mostly viruses.

Kaspersky Internet Security

I think it’s obvious that any antivirus is installed to protect a computer from viruses and everyone understands this perfectly well, but for us they all seem about the same, which is a common mistake.

Most users install free antiviruses on their computer, expecting excellent results from them, but for some reason after a while they get upset and delete what they consider to be bad programs, and also say that the developers wrote in the description of their application that it perfectly protects against viruses, but they themselves were deceived.

Friends, please do not rush to draw such conclusions, the speech may again return to your illiteracy and lack of understanding of the situation completely. Let's remember when you installed the antivirus, you read just the first few lines, where it says we protect well from viruses and that's it. I am sure that the majority did not read further, scrolled to the end of the page and downloaded. And then you start screaming - everything is bad, it’s not helping, I’m deleting it, it sucks.

But viruses come to us from different sources, and each antivirus has certain capabilities and separate scanners. For example, one antivirus can only protect your file system, and the second one only makes sure that you don’t catch a virus while you’re surfing the Internet. But if you carefully read the description of the programs you download, the situation would be much better. You would know in advance which areas the installed antivirus can protect.

Here some will say, we don’t understand anything about this at all, so why should we waste time and read anyway we won’t understand anything. If you are one of these people, then I recommend reading twice as much and more carefully, because if you don’t read anything, then you don’t know anything.

If you don’t want to study at all, then forget about your personal opinion and trust exclusively to professionals, consult with close people who are well versed in in this direction. Finally, subscribe to my blog and get new articles straight to your inbox, I don't write often so you shouldn't be bored by this, but useful information O " computer world“You will grab it in full and I promise you that.

And today I recommend installing the Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus on your computer, of course, provided that you are willing to pay for your security, because you need to pay for antiviruses at least once a year. Okay, okay, I’ll also show you how to download an antivirus for free.

Now let's figure out what Kaspersky Anti-Virus can do:

Most likely, now you understand why thousands of users choose this antivirus every day. We have passed the theoretical part, now we can move on to practice.

Download Kaspersky Internet Security official antivirus

Here we come to one of the most important points, namely, to secure boot antivirus on your computer. Many people download installation files from different sources and very often find a virus instead of an antivirus. So be careful before you start “scouring” the Internet and downloading anywhere. I cooperate with official representatives and online stores and therefore I am always confident in my safety. I also prepared mine for you affiliate link to install Kaspersky antivirus. Having followed it, you have nothing to be afraid of, feel free to download or buy, in general, do what interests you, the main thing is it will be safe.

IN in this case I give you a choice and you can download a free trial version of Kaspersky for 30 days or immediately purchase a license, it’s your choice. But I want to immediately add that to everyone who makes purchases through my links, I mandatory I help with installing and activating the antivirus, without waiting in line. Together we will configure the antivirus to optimal performance for your computer.

And detailed instructions installation and activation instructions can be found at the end of this article, where you will find video instructions with practical examples.

Instructions on how to buy Kaspersky antivirus?

Next you should choose the type of license, there are quite a lot of options, but I recommend the first two, or purchasing a 1-year license for two devices, this is the standard. Or if you already have Kaspersky anti-virus, then simply buying an extension key will save you money. Once you have made your choice, you need to click the “add to cart” button next to the version of the product you need.

This is where the hardest part is over, we just go up the page and go to the order page, it is marked as a cart. By logging in, fill out the required fields and pay for the purchase; you can watch the details in the video at the end of the article.

If you are not sure of your decision, then you should return to the download page and select the “Free trial” button, after which you can install a trial version of Kaspersky anti-virus on your computer for one month to evaluate all the delights of this product.

Getting to know Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus

Upon successful installation of the program, you should see the standard program window in front of you:

Where you can immediately start checking your computer for viruses. The check can be run as in certain folders on and on the entire computer at once. Through the same window you can update the antivirus and set the update frequency. One of the most important features is the functions free payments, through them you can make purchases online safely and attackers will not be able to intercept your data. And if you have a small or stubborn child at home, then you can limit his access to the computer, certain programs, websites or completely prohibit the use of the Internet.

You can find a video with practical examples at the end of the article; by watching it you can configure the parameters you need.

Where can I download Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus for free, officially?

Now let's talk about freeloaders who think about installing a good antivirus for free. As soon as the guys don’t squirm to get a license for free, I can’t ignore it and give you an official, free loophole for installing Kaspersky anti-virus absolutely free of charge with all the bells and whistles and add-ons.

In this case, you will need to spend your time. But it will be justified. I suggest you become a student at Kaspersky Lab, where you will be given great amount useful knowledge. In addition, you will be motivated by the fact that upon successful completion of each lesson, special points are awarded, points for the knowledge you have accumulated. And now, with these points, Kaspersky Lab offers to purchase a huge number of rewards.

In the prizes you will be able to find keys to activate the version of the antivirus you need. For those who have already purchased an antivirus, they will be able to choose a flash card for a computer with interesting design or a whole hard drive (external). A few prizes to get you in the mood, such as mugs and t-shirts. You can see some of the prizes in the pictures below:

And this is only a small part of the prizes, so if you are free time, but don’t have any free money, then this method is perfect for you. Agree, it’s very cool to receive new, useful knowledge and also choose gifts for it. In general, I think this is a super free option. There is only one minus - these features are provided through the application in social network VKontakte, which means you need an account on this social network, but I don’t think it’s a big problem. In general, everyone who has an account in contact - you are in chocolate, go for it. Link below:

Video instructions for the correct installation and activation of Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus

I hope that I didn’t waste my time in vain, and that you found something new or interesting for yourself in this article. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments - it's very important to me. This is the only way I can conclude that you consciously read the entire article.

If we talk about that, then of course it is Kaspersky. I agree, there are other programs for protection, including those I talked about and about . All of them are among the ten or twenty best antiviruses. But today we will talk about about Kaspersky.

Let's consider where to download and how to install Kaspersky antivirus correctly to your computer or laptop.

As usual, we will use the official website. Open and immediately pay attention to the Download section. Point your mouse there and click on the link For home: trial versions.

In the window that opens, you need to choose from two options: Kaspersky PURE or Kaspersky Internet Security. I have the first option, so I will recommend it and show the installation process using it. Click the Trial version button.

On the loaded page, click the Download button.

To install Kaspersky CRYSTAL antivirus you will have to download a large file. The program weighs almost 200 megabytes. We wait while it downloads.

After downloading, run the installation file.

Click Run and after extracting the files Install.

We accept the terms of the agreement, and then uncheck the extra checkbox if we do not want to send anonymous statistics about the operation of the antivirus on our computer. In both windows, click Next.

We are waiting for them to copy necessary files, it will take about two minutes.

Upon completion, you will need to make sure that the checkbox Launch Kaspersky PURE installed and click Finish.

We installed Kaspersky antivirus for free and immediately after launch you will need Activate trial version.

You will see a running antivirus in the Notification Area.

The cute icon is proof of this. Now the antivirus will monitor all actions (downloading files, surfing the Internet, etc.) and, if necessary, notify you of threats. It will be constantly updated, so fresh databases will not allow most viruses to penetrate your computer.

Let's hope the question installation of Kaspersky antivirus completely resolved. After the trial version expires, the program is either deleted or purchased. Be that as it may, do not forget that an antivirus must be installed on your computer, at least some free one, which was described at the beginning of the lesson.