What to do if a blue screen appears. Lack of hard disk space

First you need to understand that there are two types of blue screens (BSoD) in the system. One is called standard check hard drives, which can start after a small power failure when your computer turns off. And the second one is called technical failure or a conflict of some parts in the computer or drivers.

Let's look at both types in detail.
Let's first compare the two types of blue screen. When checking the hard drive ( hard drive), the following window appears (Fig. 1).

Take a closer look at these screenshots so you know what you're dealing with.

Fixing a blue screen with a hard drive problem

Let's take a closer look at Figure 1. The blue screen caused by problems in the electrical network, non-standard shutdown The PC (for example, was pulled out of the socket or a button on the system unit was kicked) or during a thunderstorm there was a sudden power surge that shut down the computer.

Such death is not scary, it’s just that when the system starts, the built-in utility chkdsk is automatically activated. It happens that I manually launch this utility from command line in order to check performance of hard disk with which problems and glitches were detected.

If you suspect that some hard disk clusters are damaged, you can run a scan. Open a command line interpreter. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter “cmd” or through the search, write “cmd”.

The first way to launch cmd.

The command line must be run as an administrator, otherwise the command will not work.

The second way to launch cmd.

Enter the command:

"Chkdsk /F" (without quotes).

Press "Y" and "Enter".

The next time you start your system, a blue screen similar to Fig. 1 will appear.

What will this command do?

Will start special utility, which will check HDD for errors and will correct them if found. They could just appear during the failures described above. It is best to wait until all five stages of verification are completed and treatment of severe disk, however, if you do not have time at the moment, you can interrupt the verification procedure by pressing the ESC key. I do not recommend interrupting, because glitches and errors may remain, which will greatly slow down your PC in the future.

If you start to see a blue screen more and more often, then it’s best to copy photos, videos, documents, etc. that are important to you. on any external media and it is advisable to reinstall the operating system with full formatting hard drive, such formatting will mark damaged clusters and will not allow information to be written to them.

Complex blue screen of death

Now let's look at a more complex death. Such a death, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly, interrupting the work of all programs and preventing the user from doing anything. He is talking about a serious system error that the operating system itself is not able to correct. To prevent some parts from burning out or other problems, Windows is deactivated, i.e. turns off.

In this case, it only helps forced reboot system with a button on the system unit. If you have your settings set to automatically reboot when system failure, then after a few seconds the PC itself will reboot. Unsaved data will be lost. When a blue screen of death like this occurs, the operating system lets us know where exactly the failure occurred with the help of a so-called error code.

Using this code, we can solve the problem ourselves. But if you do not have experience in solving these problems, then it is better to call a friend who has already encountered this and is popularly called a computer specialist. It is also worth noting that in this case the error code is automatically written to system log and a report is generated in which the system records everything related to this problem.

While repairing computers and system software, I was able to identify a number of reasons why the Blue Screen of Death occurs.

  • Drivers. When either old ones are installed ( outdated version) or non-native drivers, they may conflict with the operating system or built-in hardware. I recommend downloading latest version one or another driver from the part manufacturer’s website.
  • Overheat. If any part is inside system unit overheats, this indicates a lack of ventilation. And it can also cause death. The reasons for overheating were written here, reasons for computer overheating.
  • Incorrect work software. It’s rare, but it happens that it’s thrown into a blue screen due to the last installed program. You can try to restore the system, it was written about.

Which of these reasons (or maybe not listed here) is causing the failure can be easily determined by the error code, and then use your brains and logic and fix it without calling a technician.
It happens that the PC reboots so quickly that the user does not have time to write down the error code, which means we need to make sure that the PC does not automatically reboot. Open the Start menu, then My Computer and right-click (Right mouse button) on the My Computer icon, select Properties, in the properties we need the Advanced tab, there, in the Recovery and boot subsection, select options. Opposite the item Perform auto reboot, uncheck the box and make sure that all other checkboxes are as indicated in the figure.

Loading window and Windows recovery XP.

On Windows 7 the steps are the same. Click OK and restart the computer. We are waiting for the next failure in the system and on the blue screen of death in the Technical Information section we write down the error code we need. This is the most important information cause-and-effect relationship in case of breakdown of software or components.

Code 0x00000050 for blue death

Very often, users display the code 0x00000050. In 90% of cases this is due to RAM. In this case, the system very often complains about the system files ntoskrnl.exe, igdpmd64.sys, ntfs.sys, win32k.sys, dxgmms1.sys and dcrypt.sys. It is also possible that the video card may be the cause.

For code 0x00000050, do the following:

  1. Turn off your computer.
  2. Take out the RAM.
  3. Clear the tracks, perhaps there are simply no contacts between the RAM and motherboard computer.
  4. Follow the steps described above with the video card if you do not have an integrated one.
  5. Insert it back and turn on the computer.

Among other things, the cause of error 0x00000050 may be a driver conflict. In practice, there is a known case when antivirus files conflicted with some other program, and because of this, the Windows system was transferred to blue death. Uninstall your antivirus and see if it works positive result. If the problem disappears, then it is better to switch to another antivirus.

You can also try disabling BIOS memory caching.

Some explanations of error codes:

Experts also know that any error, among other things, is also recorded in a memory dump, which is located in the operating system in the mini dump folder and has the dmp extension.

And at the end of the article, I also want to say, of course, it’s difficult for a beginner to understand this right away, but once upon a time I was a beginner, and if it weren’t for curiosity and the desire to achieve the goal, it’s unlikely that I would have left such instructions.

If you have any difficult case or an addition not listed in this article, then write a comment.

This is a conflict of some devices or parameters. Blue screen is also called BSoD. Deciphering BSoD - Blue Screen of Death or, in other words, Blue Screen of Doom. And according to the usual - Stop Error (stop error that stops the computer programmatically). This cannot be left with blue screen must be fought and now we’ll see what needs to be done so that he doesn’t bother us anymore!

Blue screen of death what to do Windows 7, 8, 10?

If you have seen the blue screen of death, then in any case you have a question, what to do? And today I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove it on any operating system, be it windows xp, 7, 8, 10.

If suddenly you see a window like this, it means that something has happened system error, and there can be many reasons, for this I have posted below special reference book descriptions of errors. And the appearance blue screen of death maybe a bunch, but there are 2 categories, these are software glitch and iron.

The following reasons are also possible:

- conflict or incorrect driver

- driver problems

- viruses (not always), but maybe this is why you need to choose

— Device conflict due to incompatibility

— Problems with devices, usually either the hard drive or RAM.

— program conflict (possibly if you installed two antiviruses at the same time)

- the computer may overheat and also malfunction

How to remove the blue screen of death?

  1. Software problems

If it appears blue screen, then the computer should automatically restart. And it will appear until it is eliminated. First, you need to write down the error code on some piece of paper in order to look in the reference book what it means.

The guide can be downloaded here:

We simply select the error and see the solution on the right.

Next, you can try before loading Windows have time to press F8. Then choose downloading the latestsuccessful configuration. If the computer also causes a blue screen, then press F8 again and select safe mode. If in safe mode The computer has booted, then you can see which file is causing the conflict.

To do this, you need to make sure that the computer saves error dumps. To do this, click right click mouse on the computer, select property. Further Extra options. Boot and recovery options button. We display everything as in the picture. If you have disabled recording of debugging information, then reboot and again cause a blue screen, and then go into safe mode.

You can decrypt this file with a special program.

After launching the program will show the problematic files.

If nothing is displayed, see if the path to the dumps is selected. Settings - additional options:

2. Problems with hardware.

A conflict between the devices themselves is also possible, for this it is necessary (information cannot pass through the memory), as well as a damaged hard drive (system files got into bad sectors and cannot be started.).

This is also a fairly common error in the BIOS. When the hard drive mode is set to achi, the BIOS is reset (power surge or battery dead) and the hard drive mode becomes ide. The drivers accordingly do not support this mode and a blue screen occurs.

That's all! I want to win blue screen of death 🙂

Most users, when interacting closely with a computer, have encountered a sudden shutdown of the system, accompanied by a blue screen with incomprehensible information. This is the so-called "BSOD", and today we will talk about what it is and how to deal with it.

BSOD is an acronym that literally means Blue Screen of Death. It was impossible to say more precisely, because after the appearance of such a screen further work without a reboot is impossible. In addition, such system behavior indicates quite serious problems in the software or hardware PC. BSODs can occur both when the computer boots and while it is running.

There are a great many options for errors written on blue screens, and we will not analyze each one separately here. It is enough just to know that the causes that cause them can be divided into software and hardware. The first includes failures in drivers or other programs closely related to the operating system, and the second includes problems with RAM And hard drives. Incorrect BIOS settings, for example, incorrect voltages or frequencies during overclocking can also cause BSOD.

Most special cases are described on the website bsodstop.ru. To work with this resource, you need to understand the structure of the data provided by the system.

The most important thing is hexadecimal code errors shown in the screenshot. This information should be found on the website.

In the event that the system automatically reboots and there is no way to read the information, perform the following actions:

Now when a BSOD appears, a reboot can only be performed in manual mode. If you cannot access the system (an error occurs during boot), you can set the same parameters in boot menu. To do this, when starting the PC, you need to press the key F8 or F1, and then F8, or Fn+F8. In the menu you need to select disable automatic reboot during a crash.

Reason 1: Drivers and programs

Drivers are main reason occurrence of blue screens. These can be either firmware for hardware or files embedded in the system by some software. If the BSOD occurs precisely after installing the software, then there is only one way out - roll back to previous state systems.

If there is no access to the system, then you need to use the installation or bootable media with the version of the OS recorded on it that is on this moment installed on PC.

Read more: How to create bootable USB flash drive With ,

Carefully monitor the behavior of the system after installing any programs and drivers and create restore points manually. This will help you correctly identify the causes of errors and eliminate them. Timely update operating system and the same drivers can also save you from a lot of problems.

More details:
How to update the operating system,

Reason 2: "Iron"

The hardware problems that cause BSOD are:

  • Flaw free space on system disk or section

    You need to check how much storage capacity is available for recording. This is done by right-clicking on the corresponding disk (partition) and going to properties.

    If the space is small, that is, less than 10%, you need to delete unnecessary data, unused programs and clean the system of debris.

  • New devices

    If a blue screen occurs after connecting new components to the motherboard, then you should try to update their drivers (see above). If unsuccessful, you will have to stop using the device due to its possible malfunction or inconsistency of characteristics.

  • Errors and bad sectors on the hard drive

    To identify this problem, you should check all drives for problems and, if possible, resolve them.

  • RAM

    Faulty RAM modules are very often the cause of failures. You can identify “bad” modules using the program.

  • Overheat

    BSOD can also be caused by overheating of components - processor, video card or components motherboard. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to correctly determine the temperature of the hardware and take steps to normalize it.

Reason 4: BIOS

Incorrect motherboard firmware settings (BIOS) can lead to critical error system and the appearance of a blue screen. The best solution in this situation would be to reset the settings to default.

Reason 3: Viruses and antiviruses

Viruses that have entered your computer may block some important files, including system ones, and also interfere with the normal operation of drivers. You can identify and eliminate “pests” using free scanners.

If virus attack has closed access to the system, then execute this operation will help, recorded on removable media. Scan to in this case runs without loading the operating system.

Antivirus programs can also behave inappropriately. They often block “suspicious” system files responsible for normal work services, drivers and, as a result, hardware components. You can get rid of the problem by disabling or uninstalling your antivirus.

Features of a blue screen in Windows 10

Due to the fact that Microsoft developers try to limit user interaction with system resources, the information content of BSODs in Windows 10 has decreased significantly. Now we can only read the name of the error, but not its code and the names of the files associated with it. However, the system itself now has a tool for identifying and eliminating the causes of blue screens.

  1. Let's go to "Control Panel" by calling the line "Run" keyboard shortcut Win+R and entering the command

  2. Switch to display mode " Small icons" and go to the applet "Security and Service Center".

  3. Next we follow the link "Troubleshooting".

  4. Open the block containing all categories.

  5. Select an item "Blue screen".

  6. If you want to fix the problem immediately, click "Further" and follow the prompts "Masters".

  7. In the same case, if you need to get information about the error, click on the link "Additionally".

  8. In the next window, uncheck the box next to the inscription "Automatically apply fixes" and proceed to the search.

This tool will help you obtain detailed information about BSOD and take appropriate actions.


As you can see, eliminating BSODs can be quite difficult and time-consuming. In order to avoid critical errors, update your drivers and system in a timely manner, do not use dubious resources to download programs, do not allow components to overheat, and before overclocking, read the information on specialized sites.

Hello dear readers. The Windows operating system is a very capricious thing and, as a rule, this capriciousness manifests itself in blue screens with white text :). People call them, why death? I don’t know, probably because errors of this nature can be very serious.

In this short article, of course, I will not write how to cure the appearance of the blue screen of death, because it appears when large quantities various errors. But I will tell you what you need to do and how you can find a solution to this problem.

By the way, I already wrote about blue screens. In that article I simply compared the error screen in Windows 7 and Windows 8, today we will look at an example on Windows 7 and more earlier versions. You can read it, there are also definitions taken from Wikipedia. Well, if in your own words, then - this blue window with white text and an error code that appears in the event of a serious system failure. Which is most often caused by the operation of drivers.

As I already wrote, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of errors and, accordingly, there are also ways to solve them.

What are the differences between blue screens? Of course, the message that is present on it. In order to find a solution specific error you need to delve into the text of the message. Or not even in the text, but in the error code that is placed after the word “STOP:” and this same code looks something like this: “0x0000006B”.

It is precisely for this piece of text that you need to look for a solution to the problem on the Internet. Just ask, for example, a request in Google with this code, and go through the sites from the results. I am sure that there you will find advice on how to resolve your problem. There are, of course, cases when nothing may happen, but I think that these are very extreme cases with isolated errors.

Below are some examples of death screens.

There is actually nothing terrible about such a “Terrible” mistake, and you can correct it yourself. Well, if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to contact service center, just make sure that you are not deceived there. I wrote in the article “How to avoid being scammed in computer workshops.”

When loading or operating the operating room Windows systems An error or glitch may occur that will result in a blue screen with white text.

Moreover, in this case, you can only reboot the computer, since other actions will be unavailable. It is for this reason that this very screen is called the “blue screen of death” (BSOD).

What it is

When a Blue Screen of Death appears, it means what happened crash operating system. The reason for such a failure can be very diverse. Similar problem can happen to anyone, so you need to know what to do if a BSOD appears.

There is no need to worry or fuss too much. It is recommended to reboot the system unit; in this case, all unsaved data will be lost.

Often, when you reboot, the problem disappears, but it is still useful to know the reason why the failure occurs. To do this, you need to analyze some line located on the blue screen of death, which contains the error verification string and error verification code, in order to find information on them on the Internet.

System Setup

In order to be able to diagnose the problem and fix it if a critical failure occurs in the operating system, you should configure the operating system in a special way.

To do this you need:

  • check what's in Windows settings memory dump saving enabled;
  • Based on the required size of the memory dump file, you need to check whether there is enough free space on the system disk to accommodate it;
  • disable rebooting the operating system after a BSOD appears.

Windows XP

To configure Windows operating system settingsXPnecessary:

  • enable recording of debugging information, namely go to:

  • specify how much debugging information should be written if a failure occurs.


WindowsVista/7 settings are similar Windows settings XP.

Windows 8

In Windows, you can configure settings so that the operating system does not automatically reboot. In Windows 8, this requires:

  • right-click on the “Computer” icon and then select “Properties” from the menu that appears;
  • in the left menu active window select “ Extra options systems”;
  • click on the “Advanced” section;
  • in the “Boot and Recovery” field, select “Options...”;

  • in the “Boot and Recovery” window, uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic reboot”;
  • Additionally, you need to change and save the options for saving debugging information. To do this, in the “Write debugging information” window, it is recommended to select the “Small memory dump (256 Kb)” value. It is advisable not to change the directory into which mini dumps will be loaded. The default is C:WINDOWSMinidump.
  • Transcript of the mixing in Blue Screen of Death

    Each critical error is accompanied by detailed description and an eight-digit error code. When you first encounter a BSOD, the information displayed on it seems to be a random sequence of characters, but in fact, the description and error code will go a long way toward identifying what caused the failure and what the error means.

    At the top of the monitor is a description of the error, consisting of words cobbled together written in capital letters and separated by underscores.

    Directly after the error description, some troubleshooting tips are displayed. They are followed by a section technical information with an eight-digit hexadecimal error code.

    Depending on the nature of the error, the code is usually supplemented with four auxiliary values ​​enclosed in parentheses.

    If the error that caused the BSOD directly depends on a file, its name is displayed in this section.

    Reasons for appearance

    There are many reasons why the Blue Screen of Death appears.

    All reasons for the appearanceBSODin Windows can be broken down into three components:

    • equipment;
    • drivers;
    • programs.

    Video: Blue screen in Windows


    One of the most common reasons, which can cause BSOD, in this category are RAM problems. It needs to be tested.

    Failures in the functioning of the data storage system are also common. In this case, it is worthwhile to diagnose the hard drive and check the availability of free space on it.

    Less commonly, the cause of the blue screen of death is problems with the video adapter and processor. It's important to take the test of this equipment using specialized utilities.

    In addition to the main components of the computer, problems may arise with additional fees, expanding functionality system unit. You can find out the source of the problem by removing additional nodes and testing the computer for several days without them. If the computer operates normally without failures, then the problem is solved.

    You can also try connecting the board to a different slot on the motherboard. After testing all components separately, you should test the operation of the entire system under load.

    If it fails under load, the problem probably lies in the operation of the power supply. The way out is to replace the power supply with a more powerful one.


    There are situations when it is not possible to find fresh driver, in this case you can install an earlier version.

    If replacing the driver does not help, then you should check the compatibility of the device with the operating system. If compatibility is not available, it is recommended to replace the hardware or reinstall the operating system.


    Problems encountered related to software, are solved similarly. You need to reinstall the existing one, or install the version downloaded from the developer’s website.

    The probable cause of a critical error may be the simultaneous installation of two or more antivirus products on the same operating system.

    Memory dump analysis

    To analyze critical memory dumps, you can use one of huge amount program, for example, DumpChk, Kanalyze, WinDbg.

    Let's look at the example of WinDbg (part of the Debugging Tools for Windows) how to analyze crash memory dumps.

    The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • download current version programs from the developer's website;
    • install the program on your computer;
    • run the program;
    • go to the menu item “File –> Symbol File Path...”;
    • In the “Symbol Search Path” window, click “Browse...”;
    • in the window that appears, select the location of the Symbols directory. Then click “OK” twice, and then select the menu “File –> Open Crash Dump...”;
    • in the “Open Crash Dump” window, select the path and click “Open”;
    • in the “Workspace” window, set the “Don’taskagain” checkbox to “No”;
    • The “Command Dump” window will be displayed with dump analysis;
    • analyze the memory dump in detail;
    • It is especially important to pay attention to the “Bugcheck Analysis” section, which displays possible reason failure;
    • to view complete information you need to click on the link “!analyze -v”;
    • close the program;
    • apply the obtained data to eliminate the cause of the crash.

    Troubleshooting blue screen of death errors

    The lion's share of blue screen of death errors is caused by damage to some system files or lack of or incompatible drivers.

    WhenBSODyou need to do the following:

    Video: BSOD - Screen

    Error codes

    To “treat your computer” faster and more effectively, you need to have an idea of ​​what error codes mean and how to fix the blue screen of death problem. Therefore, it is extremely important not to ignore the text that displays the BSOD. The most important information on the blue screen of death is the hexadecimal error code and its description.

    Quantity BSOD errors reaches several hundred. It is simply impossible to know or describe all error codes and how to eliminate them. It is much easier and more optimal to use specialized resources that have detailed information about errors, and describes the sequence of actions to solve the problem in the most effective and safe way.

    To do this, you just need to go to the appropriate resource, find the error with the required code, study the information about it and restore the operating system in accordance with the recommendations received.

    The most common errors:

    • 0x00000001 – Internal error kernels;
    • 0x0000000A – unavailable address memory;
    • 0x0000001E – incorrect processor command;
    • 0x00000020 – driver error;
    • 0x0000002B – stack overflow;
    • 0x00000051 – registry error.

    In some cases, the operation of the Windows operating system may end with the appearance of a blue screen of death, which displays a certain sequence of characters.

    The appearance of BSOD indicates a critical error in the operation of the operating system. The method for resolving the failure depends on the system error code, which can be viewed at the bottom of the blue screen.