What is better: a computer or a laptop for health? Which is better - a gaming laptop or a desktop computer?

Almost every computer buyer faces the problem of choosing the right device.

It is better to choose a laptop if you need to always have a PC nearby

Here the laptop wins an unconditional victory, thanks to its small size and the ability to work not only from a stationary power supply, but also from portable battery. Another advantage of a laptop over a desktop computer is the ability to access the Internet via wireless networks almost anywhere there is wireless Internet.

Unlike desktop computers, laptops are relatively small in size (sometimes even smaller size desktop computer monitor) and weight (about 4 kilograms), which cannot be compared with a desktop computer. There are laptop models whose weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. But such models do not differ in special functionality and are capable of performing minimum set functions.

It is better to choose a computer if you need a powerful configuration and ease of maintenance

In this trend, the desktop computer has the advantage. If necessary, desktop computer can be improved by replacing outdated parts with more efficient ones. Thus, without applying special effort, you can significantly increase the performance of your desktop computer. The laptop cannot boast of such capabilities. Replacing parts in a laptop with more efficient ones is almost impossible, due to design features models.

Repairing a laptop is quite complicated and expensive, unlike a desktop computer, where all components can be easily tested and a faulty part can be easily replaced. This is due to the fact that most of the parts in the laptop are built-in and replacing them is almost impossible. The high cost of parts for laptop repair is due to their miniature size. Also, the difficulty of repair is also due to the fact that sometimes it is simply impossible to find parts for repair, especially for outdated laptop models. Thus, repairing a desktop computer is much easier and cheaper than repairing a laptop.

Regarding prices for devices and durability
Prices for desktop computers and laptops are very different. The main indicator that influences the price of a computer is its power. IN this aspect leadership remains with stationary models. Buying a laptop with the same configuration as a desktop computer can cost several times more. Therefore, before buying a laptop, you need to accurately determine the feasibility of the purchase itself and the characteristics necessary for its operation.

Another disadvantage of laptops is their relatively short service life. There can be a lot of reasons for this: this includes moving a laptop from place to place, and constant impacts (even if they seem insignificant at first glance) that occur when traveling in transport and other transportation conditions. Another enemy is dust (when working on a computer in a park or other places outdoors, as well as on a bed at home), which clogs the ventilation holes, which can lead to overheating of the computer and, as a result, its failure, but most often this leads to him heavy braking at work. As we have already written, repairing a laptop is extremely difficult, and in some cases, repairing a computer is completely impossible.

So, what to choose, a computer or a laptop?

Having decided to purchase computer equipment, the most important thing is to decide for what purpose you are purchasing it.

If you need Internet access on high speed, then it is better to consider the option of a desktop computer. If speed does not play a special role, but you need the Internet to always be at hand, no matter where you are, then it is more advisable to choose laptop computer, which is quite capable of providing access to social networks at a decent speed, with the ability to receive and send relatively small amounts of information.

If you need to work with video or photographic materials that have a fairly large volume, you should consider the option of a desktop computer. A laptop simply cannot handle that amount of data. If you like to watch movies on a plane or train, then a laptop is simply irreplaceable.

For people who love computer games, it is best to choose stationary computer models that provide the broadest opportunities. But for playing solitaire and other simple mini-games, a laptop is quite suitable.

Choosing new computer, users often wonder what is better for a home laptop or desktop computer. The answer to this question depends on the requirements specific person and his working style. In this material we will talk about what you should pay attention to if you are choosing a computer for home use.

In order to answer the question of which is better for a laptop or a computer at home, you need to consider several parameters. The first of these is mobility. A laptop is mobile device. It is easy to carry from place to place; you can work with it not only at the table, but also on the sofa, in bed or anywhere else. At the same time, to work with a laptop you do not need anything, no monitors, keyboards or other devices. The laptop can be used even without a mouse.

While a desktop computer is rigidly tied to the table on which it is installed. You can, of course, move it to another location, but you are unlikely to do this too often. Because the procedure of moving a desktop computer from one place to another is quite tedious.

Therefore, if mobility is important to you, if you want to be able to easily move your computer and work in different places, then you definitely need a laptop. In this case, all the disadvantages of the laptop that we describe below will not be so critical for you, since they are actually a consequence of its mobility.

What is better for those who like to work at a desk?

On the other hand, if you do not need mobility, if you plan to work with your computer exclusively at a desk, then a desktop computer has a number of noticeable advantages.

Firstly, when buying a desktop computer for your home, you can choose exactly the monitor you need. For example, you can purchase a monitor that is 27 inches or larger. Laptops simply do not have such diagonals, so there is an advantage here regular computer. Of course, you can connect a monitor to a laptop, but why pay extra for a laptop if you still plan to connect a monitor to it and use it exclusively at your desk.

Secondly, when buying a desktop computer, you can choose exactly the configuration that is needed for your tasks. You can select the components and assemble the PC yourself, or contact specialized companies where they will help you select the appropriate configuration and assemble it. One way or another, buying a desktop computer with such a custom configuration will be cheaper than buying laptop. Since you will only pay for what you really need, and not for what the laptop manufacturer decided to install.

Which works better under heavy load?

When considering the question of what is better for a laptop or a computer at home, you also need to take into account the level of load. Unfortunately, most laptops don't handle heavy workloads very well. This mainly manifests itself in increased noise levels and heat generation.

If you give the laptop maximum load and maintain it for a long time, then the laptop will run noticeably louder than a similar desktop PC under the same load. In this case, the laptop will begin to actively discharge the battery and heat up everything around it. Holding such a device on your lap will no longer be comfortable and you will most likely place the laptop on the table, where it will turn into an analogue of a desktop PC.

Therefore, if you plan to often play computer games or work with professional programs that create heavy load, then perhaps the laptop is not best choice for you. If you plan to use the computer more in office mode, to work with the browser and office programs(Word, Excel), then both a desktop computer and a laptop can handle such a load perfectly.

Which is cheaper: laptop or computer?

Cost is another parameter that needs to be considered when choosing between a laptop and a computer. At first glance, laptops cost about the same as desktop computers. After all, you still need to buy a monitor and keyboard for the computer, but the laptop is already equipped with all this. But, if you look in more detail, it becomes obvious that with the same configuration, the laptop is noticeably more expensive.

This is primarily due to the fact that laptops are equipped with very small screens. When buying a laptop, you will have to choose between 13, 15 and 19 inch screens. If you buy a monitor separately, then for the same money you can get a screen with a much larger diagonal.

In addition, when buying a laptop you overpay for compactness and mobility. In order to fit powerful components into a compact case, laptop manufacturers have to resort to a variety of tricks, which ultimately inevitably affects the price. There are also a number of components in a laptop that are generally not found in a desktop PC. For example, battery and touchpad. The presence of these devices also increases the cost of the device.

In the long term, the advantage of a desktop computer over a laptop becomes even more obvious. If any of the components of your desktop computer breaks down, you can repair it yourself or contact any computer technician you know. In the case of a laptop for repairs, you almost always need to contact service center, where you will have to pay significantly more for repairs. However, in many cases, repairing a laptop is not practical, since it will cost half the cost of a new device.

Also, the laptop has virtually no resources to further update its configuration. In most cases, all you can do on a laptop is replace hard drive and add RAM. On some models you can also replace the drive optical disks to another drive. While a desktop computer has virtually no limited opportunities to change the configuration. If you have a desktop PC, then you can install a more powerful processor or video card at any time, add several hard drives or memory sticks.

Greetings, friends! It seems to me that there is at least one computer unit in every home now. Usually people come to the store to buy a home laptop or desktop computer for personal use. This is where the question is most often asked: computer or laptop, which is better for the home? Do you want to know how not to make a mistake with your purchase? Let's listen, I'll try to tell you more from personal experience.

Before buying this or that IT equipment, decide what exactly you need it for. There are different categories of computers and laptops - from budget to ultra-expensive.

  • Purchasing a PC for Internet surfing, communication social networks or watching movies, there is no point in incurring large expenses. It will be enough for home good laptop from the middle or low price category.
  • Is there a schoolboy or student in the house? Think seriously about the device! The child will learn, his abilities and needs will grow with him. Huge number abstracts and coursework will soon be replaced by more serious tasks. For example, mastering presentations and editing simple promotional videos are a reality, not a fantasy, in the life of a modern student. Here you need a device with more serious power.
  • Aspiring web designers and other young freelancers need a device with good performance and a graphics card. Agree, even write a simple program or an application on a “creaky” old man is almost impossible.
  • The class of ultra-modern gaming laptops stands a little apart. These are always very expensive devices with special features and super speeds. Any advanced gamer knows that good game costs good money, and there are no other options here. At the same time, there is no point in buying such a “miracle of technology” for home use at the teapot level.

Pros and cons

A desktop computer and a laptop differ significantly in several ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. A comparison in the table will clearly show these differences:




Can only be used at home, mainly in one place. Heavy, large-sized.

The most convenient form factor among serious computer equipment. You can take it on the road, to the dacha, to study. Light weight and dimensions.

Possibility of upgrade

With the release of new updates software It’s easy to replace any desired component, such as a video card, yourself.

All important details interconnected. If there is a need for a more serious device, you need to completely replace the laptop with a new one.

Replacing one part is more affordable for the wallet and completely painless for the “stuffing” of the stationary unit.

Very often along with motherboard The fan and video card are flying. Serious repairs and replacement of parts will cost a pretty penny.

Energy consumption

Very resource intensive. Based on current electricity prices, this is quite an expensive multi-device.

The high energy efficiency of each node individually gives good result. The savings on apartment bills at the end of the month are obvious.


Plenty of space in the system unit allows you to install additional fan if necessary.

It often overheats and even turns off during multitasking mode.

Operation speed

Nimble and responsive

With the same performance as a home PC, it runs much slower.


A large number of exits possible formats increases your computer's multitasking to the skies. Here you can simultaneously add an MFP, a projector, a light pen, and everything will work quickly and easily. Moreover, at the same time.

Often, in order to reduce the cost of products, the manufacturer removes as many ports and connectors as possible, which is not very convenient.

Placement and equipment

Of course, a desktop computer is more flexible in terms of configuration. A 3D designer can add to it great monitor and reduce constant load on the eyes. The copywriter has the opportunity to work with a scissor keyboard without hand discomfort. The user can select all components completely painlessly according to his wallet and needs.

As for the space that equipment takes up in the house, everything is clear as day. Large computer will take a lot when placing. You can sit anywhere with a laptop. Working on the couch? No question! Movies and recipes in the kitchen? Easily! Cartoons in the nursery? Easily!

Accessing the Internet via Wi-Fi from anywhere in the apartment is a clear advantage of a laptop. Do you like to retire and sit on social networks in a secluded corner? Take home a laptop instead of a heavy system unit.


Whatever one may say, the laptop is an engineering genius. The designers worked very hard and for a long time to fit great capabilities into small dimensions. It is this difference between one form factor and another that significantly affects its price. With the same performance, a laptop will always be 20-30% or more more expensive than its bulkier counterpart. New inventions have to be paid for! Be prepared for this.

How to buy a computer?

When assembling a desktop PC, buying an all-in-one PC is not enough. For full operation, it must be equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is the minimum set. Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities You will also have to buy more, especially if the system unit is not very expensive.

In addition to your computer, you should buy speakers for high-quality listening to music, and a webcam for communicating on Skype. As a plus for the laptop, I would like to note that it already has all this as standard.

Standard Windows firmware for a desktop computer rarely comes straight from the store; laptops, on the contrary, in 90% of cases are immediately sold with the OS latest update. Whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage is up to you to decide. A beginner will be happy with this content, but an advanced user will remake it in his own way. The question is, is it worth paying more?

Fragile and reliable at the same time

I note that the laptop is a fragile thing and requires careful handling. In a home with small children, there is a risk of breaking a portable device. And a cup of tea spilled on the keyboard is generally a disaster. It is under it in a portable computer that all the important components are located.

The minicomputer requires more thorough cleaning. All pet owners note that the device quickly overheats over time. This happens because the wool is drawn into the cooler and the likelihood of processor failure increases significantly. The laptop requires additional care and accuracy. Fragile things need to be protected!

Now imagine (or maybe it is true) that you live in a remote village where there are constant power outages. When working on home computer With important information All files are at risk of disappearing at once! The laptop will continue to operate on battery power for some time, so you will still be able to save an important document.

Making the final choice

Ask me what is best for you? I will answer: in order for equipment to serve for a long time and work on it to be a pleasure, you need to be guided by the tasks that will be performed. Ideally, you should have a desktop computer at home for the whole family and a laptop for schoolchildren. This way, everyone will be happy, and the family will not experience a conflict of interest! Can you only purchase one device? Choose and buy what you need.

Do you like to travel and work on the road? Laptop only! Can't pay attention to your computer outside the home? Definitely a desktop PC! Will serve faithfully for many years!

Interesting! By the way, the purchase of this type of equipment has a certain gender division. Are you surprised? Let me tell you a secret: girls love laptops more! Why? Because they are light, small, colorful, etc., etc. In addition, there is a small number of connected wires. The female half of humanity does not really like or like them. Men more often choose serious, solid devices instead of a laptop. Their huge system unit does not bother them at all. That's it!

Did you like the article? Was she informative and interesting? Was it easy for you to read? Thanks to her, did you decide what to choose? I will be glad to any comment and even sharp criticism. Write, come to the pages of my blog again, I am glad to see every new guest.

See you soon, friends!

Thank you for your attention! Bye everyone! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Good day everyone! And today we will try to answer the question: what better laptop or computer?

At least several times in life, every person is faced with the need to choose computer equipment. Exhausting trips to stores and computer stores begin, asking questions to sales consultants who receive conflicting advice and recommendations. Realizing that choosing a computer is a responsible matter, and the cost of purchase can be completely different, many continue to search suitable option in the online store. And sooner or later, the question arises for the future buyer - which is better, a laptop or a desktop computer?

At this moment it is worth stopping and asking yourself another, key question: “For what purpose is a computer purchased?”

Pros and cons when choosing a laptop

The first thing that attracts you about a laptop is its physical characteristics: light weight, dimensions. There is no need to additionally purchase a monitor, keyboard, mouse, web camera, or speakers. Compact – key feature laptop from all other options.

Autonomous power supply is the second undoubted advantage in favor of laptops. Each model of any existing manufacturer is equipped with a built-in battery, which allows the computer and the user to operate without connecting to electricity for a certain period of time. In the classic version - up to 3 hours, more modern and expensive models Allows battery life up to 7 hours. When connected to an outlet, a laptop, unlike a desktop computer, consumes much less electricity.

But, every thing, especially when we are talking about complex technology, has drawbacks.

Laptops have two key shortcomings, long recognized by both ordinary users and professionals: limited modernization capabilities and poor maintainability.

Hard drive and RAM- perhaps the few things that can be changed independently without significant investment in an upgrade. In many models, you can also replace the processor, but for this you will have to contact a specialist.

All other classic components (video cards, sound cards, motherboard, all kinds of controllers) in the laptop are represented by a single board; it will not be possible to exchange them for others with greater performance.

A small number of laptop models on the market come with discrete video cards, which can be replaced. But high cost and limited quantities on sale make attempting to update a laptop's configuration impractical.

Those users who have already had experience with laptop failures will say with one voice - maintainability is very low. 4 main problems faced by owners of broken laptops:

  • high cost of spare parts;
  • frequent lack of stock in warehouses in Russia and, possibly, components will be ordered at auctions in China;
  • high cost of specialist working time;
  • lack of highly qualified specialists.

One of the most frequent breakdowns laptop - burnt or broken matrix. The cost of replacing a laptop matrix can range from 20 to 40% of the cost of the laptop. Replacing all kinds of cables is of course cheaper, but you will probably have to wait about a month until it is delivered to Russia, for example, from the USA or China. But what should you do if you spill a mug of coffee on your laptop keyboard? The cost of repairs can be estimated more accurately only after an inspection by a specialist who has special equipment for both diagnosis and repair.

If you plan to install programs such as Photoshop, 3D Studio, AutoCAD on your laptop, it is important to understand that software for working with graphics, design various systems, highly specialized programs related to the user’s professional activities can be very demanding on the configuration and resources of the computer and video card. Therefore, there is a possibility of increased load on the hardware, which can lead to heating of the laptop and failure of various components. The laptop configuration does not provide for the installation of more efficient cooling systems.

Briefly about the results:

Advantages Flaws
Compact, small weight and dimensions. Difficulties with modernization. Install additional modules, boards, almost impossible
Complete with battery. The capacity of the charged battery is sufficient to operate for several hours, eliminating situations of data loss due to power outages Low maintainability and more difficult to carry out maintenance yourself. Both repairs and contacting a specialist to clean the cooler or update thermal paste will entail additional costs
Freedom of movement. One of the key advantages over a desktop computer: it is convenient to move around the room with a laptop, use it when traveling and on trips Fragility. When traveling, you can damage the screen, laptop hard drive, or break the case.
Ready solution. One case houses everything you need: computer, monitor, keyboard, etc. Overheat. The likelihood of this phenomenon occurring may lead to a breakdown or the need for maintenance.
Low electricity consumption The cost of spare parts and the price of labor varies significantly depending on your primary residence.

Pros and cons when choosing a system unit

System units in their classic design appeared in Russia a couple of decades ago and have not lost their popularity to this day.

Key benefits of desktop computers: more low price, possibility of modernization and high maintainability.

The low price is formed due to the possibility of flexible configuration of the system unit directly to the client’s needs. Also plays a positive role in pricing large selection compatible components and an abundance of competing manufacturers on the market. It is enough to decide on your goals and objectives for the future “assistant”.

The biggest plus: the possibility of modernization. Taking into account technical progress, in a year or two, some of the components may become outdated and new models of processors, video cards, hard drives, etc. will be released onto the market. Almost all of this can be changed independently: a more modern model, compatible with other components, is purchased and installed in place of the old one. In the same way, increasing the amount of RAM, video card power, and replacing the cooling system are performed.

Accordingly, if there is an opportunity for an upgrade, then repairing the desktop unit will be much cheaper.

Another advantage of system units is the ability to choose a monitor of any diagonal. Laptops have screen sizes from 10.1 to 18.4" with the most popular size being 15.6".

For personal computers, the main popular sizes are 22-24 inches. The diagonal of the monitor determines the screen resolution, which in turn affects the size work area and the possible amount of information displayed. The previous photo shows ASUS monitor PA328Q with a diagonal of 32” and costing from 79,500 rubles.

Thus, the choice in favor of a classic system unit is relevant and preferable for people involved in the field of design, geodesy, construction and modeling.

Of course, there are also disadvantages of system units. The main disadvantage is their size, which is why some users choose laptops.

Having immersed yourself in the selection of components for the main unit, do not forget about the abundance of necessary accessories: monitor, keyboard, mouse, web camera, speakers. The next step will most likely be the purchase of furniture - an office chair, a table, for which you will need to choose a place in the room.

A distinctive feature of a personal computer, with all its accessories, is the constant need to connect to the electrical network.

Desktop computer
Advantages Flaws
Price. A similar configuration is cheaper Dimensions. Requires dedicated space in the room for installation
Flexible packaging to suit your needs and budget Additional costs due to the need to purchase computer furniture
Feasibility of upgrade gradually High power consumption on powerful configurations
High maintainability and ease of maintenance The need for constant connection to the power grid
Freedom to choose your monitor size Additional costs for purchasing a monitor and accessories such as a keyboard, mouse, speakers, microphone, web camera
Possibility of replacing the cooling system with a more powerful one If there is a power surge or power failure, there is a possibility of loss or damage to data and components. The problem is solved by additionally purchasing an uninterruptible power supply
If you have certain skills, it is possible to increase the performance (overclocking) of the system unit without replacing components Constant problem with the abundance and tangle of cords
Absolute lack of user mobility

Bottom line - which is better: laptop or computer? What should you prefer: a laptop or a desktop computer?

When it comes to purchasing complex and expensive equipment, there is no clear answer. Decision-making should be guided by individual objectives, the intended place of use and the available budget. Let's summarize briefly.

Selecting computer equipment for your home

To operate a laptop at home, but in an office setting (working with documents, spreadsheets, office programs), a simple configuration will be sufficient. You can also choose a laptop if you will search for information on the Internet, watch movies, or listen to music on your home computer.

The laptop is compact, relatively silent, requires less electricity, and is mobile. With it you can move to any room in the apartment, watch movies while sitting on your favorite sofa. Using Wi-Fi, Bluetooch technologies and appropriate accessories ( wireless keyboard and mouse, headphones, speakers) you can almost completely eliminate the use of wires. Also, laptops can easily connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

When choosing a laptop, it is highly advisable not to skimp and choose a model that is more expensive and powerful in terms of characteristics; do not forget about the impossibility of upgrading. Saving several thousand rubles will lead to disappointment in the purchase within a year.

If mobility is not critical and allocating space for creating a workspace is not a problem, preference can be given to a home desktop computer.

Choosing a computer for work

If long trips, business trips are expected and the nature of the work requires constant participation or control, you should undoubtedly choose a laptop. For work related to record keeping and bookkeeping, you should choose a laptop with a fairly fast processor and a minimum amount of RAM of 4 GB.

If necessary use graphics programs, software for modeling, design, circuit design - it is worth paying attention to the most powerful laptops, with good processor, a large amount of RAM and a powerful video card.

However, a high-power system unit with a wide-diagonal monitor and high resolution will be more efficient for similar tasks. Personal computer also an ideal choice for video editors.

For game lovers

Modern video games are different from games previous generations good graphics and demanding computer characteristics, such as a video card, capacious RAM, powerful processor And efficient system cooling. For avid gamers It is worth choosing a stationary option. System unit With good characteristics Cheaper to configure than a similar mobile gaming option. The configuration can be updated with enviable regularity, increasing the power of the PC.

It is almost impossible to implement a high-quality cooling system on gaming laptops. It is possible to play the popular World of Tanks and Warface online, but the increased load on the system may lead to the need for frequent laptop maintenance.

If you are faced with the problem of choosing “Which is better, a laptop or a computer?”, then this article was just for you! Which option did you choose? Share with us in the comments why you made this or that choice!

What is better laptop or computer? Let's look at all the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Most people who decide to purchase an electronic assistant immediately before purchasing are faced with the need to decide which is better - a laptop or a computer.

Unfortunately, it is useless to ask experienced computer gurus for advice on this issue, because the answer will be subjective. In this article we will present objective arguments in favor of one or another decision, drawing intermediate conclusions. But the final decision still remains with the future user computing system. Considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, we will point out their advantages and disadvantages.

Personal computer components

Any computer, unlike mobile phones and SOC systems (device on a chip), is a set of replaceable components - components. Each of them is designed to solve a specific range of tasks: the video card processes the image and transmits it to the monitor, sound adapter generates sound, etc. Accordingly, if necessary, you can easily upgrade almost any unit. For example, if it works slowly computer game, then by replacing the video adapter with a more powerful one, you can achieve increased performance graphics system, actually breathing a second life into outdated system. Although such a replacement is possible for both stationary and mobile systems, components for the latter are 2-3 times more expensive.

If we consider the question of which is better - a computer or a laptop, from this point of view, then the answer is obvious. The ability to easily change components allows you to increase the obsolescence time of the entire system, delaying the need for it complete replacement. Thus, a desktop computer is the choice of a rational person.

Hot temper

When considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, one cannot help but point to efficiency. It is known that all high-frequency electronic elements heat up during operation. In computers, this applies primarily to processors with high degree integration of semiconductor controlled switches. To remove heat, cooling systems are used, consisting of a fan, radiator and heat pipes (optional). Obviously, large radiators simply will not fit into a small laptop case. This is why it is possible to use more powerful and productive components in desktop systems. But (there are some), when performing “heavy” applications, they heat up, which, if the cooling efficiency decreases due to dust, can lead to overheating and malfunctions.

Point of view

One of essential elements any computer is a monitor. The interaction between humans and programs is possible precisely thanks to this device. One of its characteristics is screen size. The larger it is, the less the load on vision (comparison with smaller diagonals, all other operating conditions being equal). In laptops, built-in monitors rarely exceed 17 inches, but in the world of personal computers they have long crossed the 22-inch mark. Comments are unnecessary, and in this regard, the answer to the question of what is better - a computer or a laptop is obvious.

Portable systems

Now we list the advantages of laptops (they are also the disadvantages of stationary solutions):

Compactness, thanks to which home use no special workplace required;

The ability to always take such a computer with you;

Even the most cheap laptop- this is a ready-made system. Just plug the power cord into the outlet and press the power button. There is no need to understand the types of video interfaces, hard drive standards, etc.;

Cost-effectiveness achieved special models components used;

Partial independence from the power grid.