What does moderation mean? What does Moder mean? Who is a Moderator? What is moderation

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Moderator is a person who monitors that in discussions on forums, communities and various public pages on social networks, visitors do not violate the established rules. A moderator does not have the same powers as an administrator or project owner, but he has more rights than a regular Internet user.

Imagine that you are a moderator on a forum dedicated to the topic of SEO website promotion, and one of the visitors posted in the forum conversation an advertisement for his Youtube channel with videos about game reviews. Of course, this message is in no way related to the topic of the forum, so you must delete it so that it does not distract other participants in the conversation. This is what the moderator does.

What exactly does a moderator do?

The responsibilities of the reviewer include quickly removing content that does not correspond to the topic of the public (forum, etc.), as well as constantly maintaining feedback from users. All moderators have certain rights granted to them by administrators or resource owners. As a rule, the inspector has the right:

  • Delete comments that are inappropriate to the topic of the conversation, messages with obscene language, insults, links to other sites, etc.
  • Remove fake users and bots from the discussion.
  • Ban a user – restrict access to a specific topic or completely block a forum participant’s account for violating the rules of conduct.
  • Publish new materials, edit old content.

But it is worth emphasizing that the moderator has not only rights, but also responsibilities:

  • Know and adhere to the rules together with other users, be an example for others.
  • Prevent conflict situations and stay neutral.
  • Receive complaints from participants, consider them within the established time frame and take appropriate measures to resolve them.
  • Adhere to correctness and politeness when communicating with site visitors.
  • Monitor order in the topics assigned to him.

Note that users also have the right to file a complaint against the moderator if they have suspicions or evidence that he himself is violating the rules or doing his job poorly. There are special sections on websites for such complaints, or you can file a complaint directly with the administrator.

Where are moderators needed?

Today, there are inspectors on a variety of web resources, because their owners do not have time to control everything that happens on their resource.

Social network group moderator

His responsibilities include adding his own news and those posted directly by the group members. If the news proposed by the user corresponds to the topic and format of the community, the moderator publishes it. The same goes for comments in conversations - you need to check them for spam, obscene language, advertising and other content that violates the rules. The inspector can add violators to the blacklist.

Forum moderator

He is appointed by the forum administrator. He does not have the right to transfer his powers to other users without the permission of the administrator. The forum moderator monitors topics from forum users, that is, combines or divides them, edits, updates, closes, and adds priority to them. He also needs to monitor messages for compliance with the forum rules: no advertising, insults, etc.

Site reviewer

Ensures that navigation through the web resource is convenient and understandable for visitors, checks the literacy and accuracy of product descriptions, must understand the company’s products or services and answer user questions regarding the products offered.

Chat reviewer

Monitors chat conversations, and if a violation of the rules is detected, removes the user from the conversation for a certain time or forever, depending on the severity of the offense. Monitors chat spam.

What types of moderation are there?

  1. Pre-moderation. This means checking messages and publications before posting them. Before approving a comment or article, the moderator checks it for literacy, reliability, the presence of advertising, obscene words, spam, etc. This makes it possible to post only verified information on the site. However, there is also another side to the coin. Firstly, messages often take a long time to be checked, and some of them may not pass verification only because of the subjective opinion of the moderator. Also, materials can be checked for obscenity or multiple registrations automatically, using special programs.
  2. Post moderation. This is a faster check that occurs after the message is published. The advantage of post-moderation is the operational interaction of community members, but the reviewer needs to constantly monitor materials and remove spam, insults, advertising, etc.
  3. Automatic moderation. Programs and filters are installed on the site to check the quality of the information posted. Often, various public pages have a voting section where you can evaluate how useful the publication was for you. The advantages of this approach include the absence of a subjective opinion of the moderator and prompt publication. A significant disadvantage is the need to install additional software, because attackers can easily find system vulnerabilities.

What types of moderators are there?

There are two types of inspectors:

  1. Private. Standard list of rights.
  2. Main. Endowed with more rights than an ordinary moderator. He may have powers that the administrator himself has.

How to become a moderator and what is needed for this?

Before deciding to appoint a person as a moderator, the site administrator or owner must ensure that the person meets the relevant requirements. Necessary:

  • Have a good understanding of the topic the forum is dedicated to. In order to respond to user comments and questions, the moderator needs to understand what is being discussed in the discussion. He must know where the information is false and where it is reliable. It is also necessary to have the ability to maintain a discussion if it dies down.
  • Be able to competently resolve conflict situations. A good moderator is not the one who bans all participants for the slightest violation of the rules and deletes any comments that he considers unnecessary. It is necessary to earn a good reputation, and for this it is important to try to solve problems peacefully, clearly and politely explaining to people that they are doing wrong. And only after you are sure that the participant in the conversation does not respond to comments, delete his comments or ban his account.
  • Respond promptly to questions. If a user asks a question and waits for an answer for several days, or even weeks, it is unlikely that he will want to visit the public page again. In addition, a conflict may flare up in the comments, which will certainly turn into insults. That is why it is important to always monitor the situation happening on the site.
  • Have basic knowledge of working with

0 Many people like to communicate on forums, and have often come across the unfamiliar term Moder. So some people ask who is Moder or what does Moder mean?? I would like to recommend you several interesting articles on the topic of Internet jargon, for example, who is Freak, what does Force mean, how to understand the word Follower, what does the term Flood mean, etc. The word "Moder" or, as it is more often called, "Moderator" comes from the Latin word "moderor", which can be translated into Russian as "I restrain", "I moderate". Each resource has its own strict set of rules, powers and responsibilities. The general task of the Moderator is to ensure that users respect the rules of the site. In particular, Moder can:

restrict site visitor rights (prohibit leaving messages);

Delete user pages;

Edit other people's messages;

Delete other people's posts.

Moder(moderator) is a privileged user who has broader powers compared to ordinary users of the site (echo conference, forum, chat)

What does it mean to moderate?

After being given permission Moderator, to a specific forum or chat, then you should constantly read the messages that users leave. You must delete posts with offensive content, and send the person who published it to Ban. You need to take the initiative and try to find new ideas for developing the resource. It may be worth creating new topics that should interest many, and finding optimal solutions specifically for this section.

A moderator is someone who is capable creative think in the good sense of the word, help the admin, come up with original ideas, keep order on the forum or portal. The modder is needed to make the work of the admin (resource owner) easier.

To become Moderator, you need to be aware of all the topics presented that are discussed in this thread and provide assistance to visitors. Perhaps your efforts will be noticed and you will be offered to become Moderator, but do not forget that now you bear full responsibility and they will ask you very strictly.

Who is a moderator? How to become a moderator?

On the Internet, as in life, you meet completely different interlocutors. Sometimes communicating with them is a lot of fun, sometimes not so much. This is normal :) The main thing is that you have a choice and the opportunity to independently form your own social circle in which you will be interested and comfortable.

Blogger is an open publishing system that brings together authors with different views and personalities. One person’s opinion may seem insufficiently interesting or even incorrect to another, but there is no tragedy in this. The platform provides several moderation tools that will help create and maintain a positive atmosphere on your blog.

What is moderation

In a broad sense, moderation is the management of any discussions, discussions and disputes. It helps to keep communication within a given framework: ethical and thematic. Moderation principles apply not only on the Internet. For example, in a television debate the role of moderator is played by the presenter, at a meeting by the leader, at a conference by the organizer, at a seminar by the lecturer, and so on.

Why are there no “designated” moderators on Blogger?

On many sites and forums, moderators are appointed by the owners of the resource or are collectively elected by users. They get the right to edit other people's posts and even completely deny individual participants access to the site. But practice shows that this approach gives rise to a lot of conflict situations and, most importantly, makes all communication dependent on the will, character and views of one person - as a result, the overall picture of discussions often turns out to be one-sided and not objective.

A strict moderation policy is justified only on thematic forums, where discussion topics are strictly regulated. “Blogger” is an open publishing service where each participant can write in his diary about what is interesting to him personally.

Who moderates blogs and how?

Blogs are author's diaries. Their goals may be completely different, and therefore the requirements for comments vary significantly. Some people welcome free communication on any topic, some like to communicate in a narrow circle of friends and acquaintances, others are only interested in statements on a specific topic. Therefore, in our opinion, the blog author has the right to decide what is appropriate in his own diary and what is not.

On the other hand, the site contains pages and elements that are not part of the author's blogs. For example: the main page of “Blogger”, rating, feeds of recent posts and comments. The overall picture of the site is formed from diverse information, and the administration has the right to influence its content so that the service remains attractive to readers and authors and can develop and improve.

Thus, moderation on Blogger is based on two key principles.

  1. Each blogger has moderator rights within his own blog. You decide for yourself what and for whom to write, who is allowed into the discussion and who is not. To do this, the platform provides you with a set of special tools: the ability to delete other people's comments, hide posts from some readers, allow and deny commenting to certain groups of users.
  2. The content of pages that are not included in the author's blogs and interface elements is determined by the administration. This applies, among other things, to feeds of posts and comments, ratings, thematic collections, search pages and similar materials.

Please note: the administration does not conduct “manual” moderation of your blog - this is solely your privilege.

The administration's policy affects only the general rules and technical capabilities of the service. For example, we may limit comments from users with negative ratings or change the algorithm for selecting popular posts for the home page.

The only reason why the administration has the right to purposefully delete someone’s post or comment is a clear and pronounced violation of the law by the author (for example, publication of child pornography) or a court requirement.

), in particular at least one of the rights:

  • the right to erase other people's messages;
  • the right to edit other people's messages;
  • delete user pages;
  • view their correspondence and passwords (used extremely rarely);

The term “moderator” reflects the rights, but not the behavior of the person vested with these rights. In theory, the moderator is responsible for ensuring that users comply with established standards of behavior. However, unscrupulous moderators erase messages or ban users at will. Such behavior is usually punished by the administration.

The exact definition of the concept of “moderator” and the list of his rights depends on the network resource.

Forum moderator

The forum moderator is appointed by the forum administrator. A forum usually has more than one moderator.

A moderator moderates the entire forum or some of its sections. In his sections, the moderator usually has the right:

  • erase messages or topics;
  • edit any messages;
  • see IP addresses;
  • divide a topic into two or combine two topics into one;
  • declare the topic closed. Only moderators and administrators can leave messages in closed topics;
  • mark a topic as “announcement”, “important” or “sticky”, and it will always be at the beginning of the list of topics;
  • move the topic to other sections.

On some forums, moderators have only part of these rights. But the right to erase messages and/or threads is mandatory; someone who does not have this right is, by definition, not a forum moderator. On some forums, any user can see IP addresses.

A forum moderator (if he is not also an administrator) usually does not have the right to:

  • ban users even in your section. One exception is the uCoz system;
  • appoint other moderators or transfer your authority.

Both powers are usually the privilege of the forum administrator.

You can complain to the administrator about unlawful actions of the moderator. However, some administrators ignore such complaints or automatically support the moderator according to the principle “the moderator is always right.” As a rule, there is no one to complain about the actions of the forum administrator (you can only leave the forum).

Selecting a forum moderator

On small (in terms of the number of users and posts) forums, moderators are often friends of the administrator. On larger forums, moderators are selected from among users who have been on the forum for a long time, are respected by forum members, rarely violate forum rules, and are friendly towards other users. On some forums you have to work hard to become a moderator.

Generally, moderators are not paid because there are usually enough volunteers for the position.

Echo conference moderator

Punishments in Fidonet

  • [*] - warning. Given for a large number of spelling errors, too long a signature and other minor offenses. Three stars turn into [+].
  • [+] - a strict warning. Given for personal correspondence, off-topic conversations and other serious violations of regulations. Three pluses turn into [!].
  • [!] (“kill sign”) - a temporary (often 3 or 6 months) or permanent ban on sending messages. Given for swearing and other gross violations of the rules.

There is a joke on Fidonet that “the moderator is armed with a plus gun.”

Newsgroup moderator

Chat moderator

Network resources where there is no moderator

On some resources, there is either no person keeping order, or his position is not called “moderator”, but something else.

Related links

  • Peter Sobolev FidoNet echo conferences and their moderation

Wikimedia Foundation.



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In connection with conflict situations that constantly arise on forums, I offer analytical material about moderation. Eleven sites were analyzed, in which the issues of forum moderation were raised and discussed to varying degrees, both at the theoretical and technological levels. First I will indicate the site, and then what topics and problems were discussed in connection with the actions of the moderator.

Some texts are saved in their entirety, some in abstract form. ( In bold significant issues and theses are highlighted. L.Ts.).

The materials are divided into three parts. The first part presents theoretical work. The second part describes existing problems. The third part provides specific recommendations for forum moderators and samples of moderation RULES and norms.

First part.

1. 1. http://www.zsu.zp.ua/herald/articles/2772.pdf

Theoretical article proposed Kishko S.N."Moderation as a type of assessment in modern English". The author believes that the moderation strategy updates the entire system of norms of the human context.

Moderation. one of the anthropocentric categories of language, which has the status of an independent functional-semantic category in modern English. It relates to the following concepts: as an evaluative modality, a linguistic picture of the world, pragmatics and has the status of meta-evaluation.

Keywords: moderation, point of view, approximation, underestimation, shock absorber.

Moderation in modern English is a functional-semantic category, the forms of which are noted as anthropogenic elements of the language in its structure and semantics, in the processes of formation of nomination and predication, in the postulates of speech communication.

The semantic core of moderation, as we have indicated earlier, is the deliberate refusal to make categorical judgments within a broader category of assessment.

IN Traditional logic moderation is opposed to categorical judgments, in which the predicate is affirmed or denied to the exclusion of any alternatives.

And in the logical concept of L. Zadeh, which J. Lakoff refers to in one of his works, moderation correlates with linguistic variable(fuzzy set) in the sense that both the moderation and the linguistic variable do not fit into binary logic, since they cover not only lies and truth, but also various gradations such as “rather false than true”, “to some extent true”.

As a linguistic category moderation is characterized, firstly, by the universality of meaning, common to many languages, for example, approximate nomination, rhetoric of hesitation, stylistics and sociolinguistics of speech behavior, and, secondly, idioethnicity of the interpretative component. Each language has in its arsenal linguistic means of demonstrating moderation, but not in every language the universality of meaning is confirmed by categorical status.

Connection between assessment and moderation is carried out through the participation of the latter in the qualifying structure of the statement. Such a connection, in our opinion, contributes to the fulfillment of the indicative-deictic and subjective-evaluative functions.

Moderation is characterized signs as absolute assessment(good, bad) and comparative(better, worse, equivalent, preferred). But if the main sphere of meaning of the supercategory of assessment is associated with the signs of “good-bad”, then the sphere of meaning of moderation is determined by a number of specific factors of content and communication conditions, that is, it arises from the pragmatic component of the environment, being fixed in the language system.

Considering the fact that evaluation is a special kind of attitude of the speaker towards the nomination, we view moderation as a kind of point of view on reality.

Thus, moderation correlates with evaluative modality, since it is essentially a manifestation of subjectivity. Moderation correlates with the corresponding supercategory of assessment as a whole, being a meta-assessment, while forming hierarchical subsystems of an oppositional nature, such as moderation. non-moderation, which is represented by the category of intensity, and of a non-positive nature, such as moderation. gradual character manifestation. From a conceptual point of view, moderation is opposed to the Russian-language category of “foreignness,” which is based on the rigid opposition of two worlds, “friend or foe,” while moderation is a defamiliarization of “one’s own” and “alien.”

Moderation is a deep category. And like all “hidden” categories, it is anthropocentric, let’s say “point-viewing”. Abnormal sample and system analysis. These are the main strategies for “unpacking” it. It is through such strategies that the entire system of norms of the “human context” is updated.

1. 2. http://www.bankir.ru/analytics/personal/10/573

Of particular interest to the GUR is an article by A. Abrosimova from Russian Journal about the life of forums and the role of moderators.

Forums: moderation and content

The moderator is by no means only a person exercising supervision. Literally, this word can be translated as “chairman”, “arbiter”, “mediator”, “leader”. There is also a Russian definition, as usual, narrower than the meaning of the consonant English word - “a wooden plank for muffling the sound of a piano” (“Big Encyclopedic Dictionary”). Isolating the function muting, softening, directed not to the sound of a certain musical instrument, but to some information noise, and by attributing it not to a wooden plank, but to a person, we can apply this definition to the moderator of a communication resource.

In reality, the functions of a moderator are quite varied. R. Mason wrote back in 1991 that there are two levels of moderation of online conferences.

On technical level The moderator has the ability to delete and change any messages.

On educational- leads the discussion, stimulates participation and can act as a thought leader. Often, ideas about the role of a moderator are reduced only to a technical level, that is, the removal of inappropriate and offensive remarks, while the most significant tasks of a moderator are not even associated with his figure. This is not surprising, because the “educational level of moderation” actually implies responsibility for the content of a communication resource and the comfort of its visitors. For the full and centralized implementation of these functions, strong incentives are needed, and in addition, the above-mentioned intellectual leadership or at least equality with communication participants, the number of which, in turn, is strictly fixed. The participants themselves must be selected in accordance with certain requirements for their intellectual development. Let's add strict restrictions on the duration of communication and we get a description of a communication resource close to a scientific conference.

Goals and objectives of moderation can rarely be formulated with utmost clarity, the number of participants and the duration of interaction are practically unlimited, and none of the creators has a strong enough motivation and capabilities to perform all the functions of a moderator. At the same time, the content of the forum and the comfort of users are the main criteria for assessing the subjective value of a communication resource. That is, its participants are primarily interested in ensuring that the forum is information-rich and easy to use. And some of these participants often take on partial fulfillment of those functions that in forums with a more rigid and centralized organization are traditionally assigned to the moderator: providing information, stimulating interaction, managing the flow of the conversation, helping to overcome barriers to virtual communication. Partial moderation carried out by users on a voluntary basis can be called user moderation.

User moderation sometimes carried out even at the technical level, namely in the case when the creators of the forum provide for such an opportunity. In particular, each forum topic can be a kind of mini-possession, the sole ruler of which is the founder of the topic. It is he who controls the entire course of the conversation, using the technical capabilities of deleting messages and restricting access to unwanted visitors. With such a structure, the entire forum is like a fragmented state, the parts of which are united only by a common name. Another organization of the forum is also known, in which its creators provide access to the administrative console to several regulars, usually with a more or less calm temperament, so that they carry out the technical level of moderation, that is, on a voluntary basis, filter flood (excessive information) and flames (discussions that turn into personal abuse) throughout the forum. These technical moderators may have a visible status, but sometimes they perform the role entrusted to them anonymously, even secretly, for a time becoming invisible.

Technical level of moderation naturally associated with power, and therefore is the subject of heated debate. It can ensure the preservation of a certain atmosphere that has developed on the forum and, to one degree or another, contributes to effective communication, but for the semantic content of the forum, the most important level of moderation, called educational by R. Mason. Let us recall that this level includes supplying the forum with information that provokes users to discuss; managing the conversation to prevent it from drifting away from the original topic; support for communication participants.

Providing the forum with information sometimes becomes for some participants almost the main activity within this resource. The activity they carry out, which includes sifting through information coming from various news sources (not always Russian-language, not always online, not always publicly available), in order to place the most significant information for public viewing and discussion, corresponds to the concept of “gatekeeping.” This term is attributed to sociologist K. Lewin. The gatekeeping function is traditionally associated with journalism, but in the online environment it is often performed by ordinary forum visitors. They sometimes perform it more than successfully, as a result making the communication resource sometimes even a more efficient and complete source of information than the news resources themselves. This feature of some forums is especially significant during some epoch-making social events, when access to news sites is difficult due to high traffic. An example of such a communication resource would be the Liberal Forum

Managing the flow of the conversation, its revival, introducing a fresh spirit into the discussion can be undertaken by those who are interested in the subject of discussion. In order for management actions to be effective, the one who carries them out must have considerable skill, intelligence to generate statements that provoke participation, and tact so as not to show off this intelligence. Otherwise, the discussion may become livelier, but not quite in the way that its stimulator wanted.

Encouraging participation and supporting users may include assistance in overcoming communication barriers: language barrier - if people of different nationalities participate in the forum; technical, implying the difficulty of inexperienced users in understanding the interface of a particular communication resource; environmental specific barrier. According to the theory of social presence and richness of the environment, the online environment, with its lack of visual and other non-verbal information, is considered poor, that is, very little in terms of social presence compared to face-to-face communication (J. Walter). It must be said that this scarcity of the online environment can be a barrier for some people, while for others, on the contrary, it is a stimulating factor in overcoming their own shyness. The lack of non-verbal information can be partially compensated by the use of "emoticons" ;-) In any case, newcomers to the online environment are sometimes supported by more experienced users, helping them sort out misunderstandings and difficulties. At the same time, they act as a moderator.

What encourages participants to take on the role of moderator? One of the central reasons was mentioned above - taking care of the content of the forum and about the comfort of its participants. The higher one and the other, the greater the value it can represent. communication resource for its visitors, the more opportunities it has for self-development, for that, to engage critical and analytical thinking.

And what The more intellectually developed the forum participants are, the more tempting for some visitors is the role of leader, which is closely related to the functions of the moderator. By providing the forum with information, managing the flow of the conversation, supporting and stimulating users, a participant in communication can receive satisfaction from his very activity and at the same time he forms his own image, which has a certain authority, makes himself a “virtual name” that he can value very much.

When such a participant loses incentives to perform the functions of a moderator and ceases to carry them out, the communicative resource can lose a lot. After all, not only bright characters come, attracted by an interesting forum, but also vice versa - The forum becomes interesting because bright personalities participate in it. And it is precisely the fact that individuals who are outstanding in the communicative process lose incentives for active participation, and therefore for performing the functions of a moderator, which may be the main reason for the stagnation of forums.

Second part.

2.1. http://www.anastasiaclub.ru/read.php?f=3&i=23801&t=23801

The most important question of the moderators and forum participants was HOW, on the one hand, to create conditions for freedom of speech, and on the other hand, to limit the freedom of speech of the participant and the actions of the moderator. This phrase says a lot: - " ...you can’t silence anyone, if you can, throw scarves over your mouths". The norm that worked on the forum was " ...messages will be deleted without explanation".

The disconnection of one of the active forum participants was perceived by the participants as the inability of the moderator to come up with something and offer new ideas for further normalization of communication.

It was proposed introduce several levels of participation with different rights and opportunities for participation in the forum. It was assumed that with such administration the principles would remain normally valid necessity and sufficiency, as well as the principle - do no harm.

2.2. http://xpoint.ru/modcolomn/2003/08/13/

In the article by V. Palant " Why is moderation needed?"problems common to all forums are described. Goals and objectives are set, and specific recommendations are given to moderators. ( Abbreviated.)

There are many unmoderated or weakly moderated forums on the Internet. Either the owner of the forum has not thought about the need for moderation at all and relies on self-regulation of the forum, or considers moderation incompatible with the free expression of participants, or there is simply no one to moderate (laziness, uninteresting, no time). The characteristic features of such forums are well known to everyone: the inability to find the necessary information under tons of rubbish, regular and even incessant squabbles between participants, the contemptuous attitude of the “old-timers” towards newcomers.

Moderation is needed for maintaining order in the broadest sense. This means both organizing the information contained on the forum, and controlling discussions and maintaining an adequate communication style. No matter how respected and intelligent people communicate on the forum, situations requiring the intervention of a moderator almost inevitably arise, especially with open access to the forum.

Purpose of the first task: leave only important information on the forum, meaningfully categorize it and delete everything that no one else will need. Unfortunately, this problem is very rarely given due attention and practical solutions are even less common. In most forums, all topics are stored forever, and topic transfers due to inconsistency with the topic of the section are carried out rarely and without a visible system. Meanwhile, a section moderator, if he knows a little about the topic, can usually easily determine whether the topic or any statements in it are of interest to other users who will have similar problems in the future. After the discussion is over, he can close it and, based on his own assessment, delete the topic or edit its content to make it easier to understand the arguments and conclusions presented. This is an additional burden on the moderator, but such work is necessary to create a well-organized thematic forum.

Thread moderation does not have to happen after the discussion has ended. In topics left to their own devices, there are often several parallel discussions that are loosely related to the original question (offtopic). These discussions distract from the main focus and make the discussion difficult to read. Often, in a topic where the main issue has not yet been resolved, only off-topic topics are discussed. The discussion can then be returned to a constructive direction only by decisively cutting out statements that are not related to the issue. At the same time, if the off-topic itself is valuable, it can be moved to a separate topic.

It is best, however, not to bring the situation to such a state and nip the off-topic in the bud, which brings us to the second goal of moderation: control and direction of discussions in a constructive direction. In the case of an off-topic topic, one short phrase from the moderator after the first posting that deviates from the topic is usually enough for the discussion in this direction to stop. This will not have to be done often - after several such warnings, even the most stubborn will understand that the moderator is monitoring his section, and will stop trying to discuss extraneous issues.

No less important here is quality control of questions and answers. Too often there are topics where users spend a long time trying to figure out what this or that statement means. Those asking questions here must be made clear that there will be no answer until a clear formulation of the question appears. In especially severe cases, the topic can even be temporarily closed to prevent useless conversations. In this sense, it is important to maintain a certain level in the section, since the majority of users focus on surrounding topics (unfortunately, it is the minority that attracts attention that does not do this).

Improving the quality of answers is much more difficult. The only measure of influence that can be applied here is moderator warnings. At the same time, it is important not to get carried away and not to issue warnings too often and over trifles. Once they become familiar, warnings lose their force.

It remains to discuss the last and most sensitive task of moderation: maintaining communication style at an appropriate level. Scrupulous, since this most often leads to disagreement with the actions of the moderator and conflicts. The most basic rule in this context: there is no place for getting personal in a thematic forum. Moderators cannot control how people behave outside the forum (and it is none of their business), but they must behave decently on the forum. To achieve the goal, the moderator can use a system of fines (the top of which is blocking access to the forum), and in severe cases, edit or even delete the message. Here it is especially important for the moderator to take a clear position and act consistently. It should be obvious to the offender that it is the type of behavior, and not his person, that is not welcome on the forum. Moreover, the moderator must have sufficient authority, which means, first of all, that he cannot be accused of the same offense.

Nevertheless, it happens that the fined person considers himself unfairly offended and refuses to understand the opposite. Often in this context there are calls for the “public” to condemn the unfair moderator. If the “public” does not ignore them, but gets involved in the dispute, not knowing all the facts, and begins to discuss (and such discussions are always heated), then the person fined has achieved his goal - the normal work of the forum is disrupted, useful forum participants turn away from him in order to If you don't see disgusting scenes, the damage to the forum is done. Therefore, such disputes should be strictly suppressed at the very beginning. A really useful rule here is: “Moderator decisions are not discussed.” The moderator is not obliged to answer to the “public”, and no calls for democracy will change this - “democracy” on the forum inevitably degenerates into a rule of loudmouths, whoever shouts louder is right. The moderator is responsible exclusively to the one who made him a moderator, that is, to the forum administration (in one form or another).

Sometimes even after the discussion is closed, the matter does not end. Particularly persistent violators begin to create new topics with similar content faster than moderators can delete them (flooding). Human rights, particularly freedom of speech, are often cited to justify such behavior. But freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to publish your words anywhere, except, perhaps, on the walls of public toilets. The forum in this sense is similar to a scientific journal - many people want to express their opinions, but the editor selects only those whose opinions are of some interest.

The forum administration is not obliged to tolerate unconstructive criticism addressed to it. Moreover, she is not obliged to tolerate attempts to advertise this criticism, despite the fact that the issue has already been declared closed. If reasonable arguments do not work on the brawler, then there is only one possible course of action: blocking access to the forum, first temporary, and then permanent, if violations continue after opening access.

Quality moderation is not an easy and time-consuming task. The moderator needs a clear and thoughtful policy, which he adheres to in the section entrusted to him. He should respond as quickly as possible to problems that arise, so as not to give the impression that the section has been left unattended. And the most difficult thing: he needs to resist the feeling of complete permissiveness that many people mistakenly associate with the Internet.

2.3. http://bdsm-howto.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=123

This site formulates a paradoxical thesis: - " Moderation is a sign of brain impotence". Comments are unnecessary.

The third part

3.1. http://moon.eurogsm.ru/new/?s=library&doc_id=20

This site describes Instructions for an employee of the Moderation Department.

This instruction states:

  • moderator's place
  • moderation time,
  • a reflection of his presence in the topic,
  • rules for treating participants,
  • how to give answers to questions,
  • which is not the subject of discussion of the moderator’s action,
  • actions of a moderator in a conflict situation, the procedure for performing the duties of a moderator,
  • forms of punishment for participants,
  • attitude towards nicknames,
  • restrictions on moderator actions,

3.2. http://www.mbclub.ru/speak/rules.html

Moderation is most fully disclosed on this site, so the text is given in full.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Registration of users is required for their participation in interactive sections of the site - Communication, Club, etc. Only registered users can publish messages in such sections.

1.2. The owners and Administration of the site keep confidential (private) information of registered users secret and undertake not to provide it to a third party or use it independently outside of the user profile settings.

However, the Site Administration reserves the right to use such information to resolve questions about the behavior of a registered user and the advisability of his presence in the interactive sections of the site, as well as to resolve controversial issues related to violation of these Rules.

The owners and Administration of the site reserve the right to transfer all available information about registered users upon legal request to law enforcement agencies and/or law enforcement agencies, as well as Internet service providers (providers and/or hosters).

The site administration also reserves the right to publicly report the results of such actions (without disclosing private information) if it considers this significant for the Club.

1.3. The nickname used in the interactive sections (hereinafter referred to as “nickname”, from the English nick) is assigned to the registered user without a validity period and is not removed by the Administration from the “nickname” database under any circumstances. Also, the Administration does not remove all related information of a private nature from the User Settings. If you think that you no longer need this nickname, just don’t use it. If you need to, delete all private information for this “nick” yourself.

1.4. If within a month after registration you do not confirm it by logging in to the site (do not “log in”), your registration will be canceled and your “nickname” will be deleted.

If the interval between authorizations (“logins”) on the site is 1 year, the password of your “nickname” will be replaced by a randomly generated set of characters. This serves as a measure to ensure the security of your data. You will be automatically notified of the possibility of losing your password one week before the expiration date via the email address specified during registration. After losing your password, to get a new one you will need to use the “Password Renewal” service in the “Registration” section. All previously entered private information remains unchanged.

All passwords on the site are stored in encrypted form. At the same time, the Administration guarantees that it does not receive and is not able to obtain the user’s real password. Therefore, if for some reason you have lost or forgotten your password, the Administration will not be able to return it. But you can get a new one by using the "Password Renewal" service.

If you have forgotten not only your password, but also the email address with which you registered on the site, you will not be able to automatically receive a password. In this case, to receive a password, you will need to write a letter to the site Administration with a detailed description of your problem.

1.5. When changing/adding these Rules, the date of the last edition must be indicated, and the effect of the new Rules applies to all registered users without exception and has no retroactive effect.

2. Moderation.

2.1. The owners and Administration of the site have the right and technical capabilities to appoint a Moderator (or several Moderators) to maintain order and monitor compliance with these Rules.

Moderators have the right and opportunity, in case of violation of certain rules, to apply various measures of influence on violators - from issuing warnings to completely blocking the user. More details about moderation can be found in each of the relevant sections of the Rules.

3. Rules for participation in the Conference

3.1. Some terms and definitions.

The conference has a tree structure.

The root messages of the Conference are referred to as “topics” in these Rules.

All messages published within the corresponding topic are called "replies".

Replies can form “branches” of a topic - a sequential series of replies to replies. A topic can contain any number of answer threads.

Frequently or continuously repeated messages from one or more users with the same content (header and/or message itself) are called "spam".

3.2. The conference was created to exchange experiences, discuss and resolve issues primarily related to Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Understanding that our lives are not limited only to cars, other topics can be discussed at the Conference, one way or another touched upon by the participants.

There are no restrictions on viewing the Conference or participating in it. You can write messages to the Conference only after registering on the website.

3.3. The conference is post-moderated, i.e. messages are added immediately, without preliminary correction, blocking or deletion by moderators. However, the Site Administration reserves the right to enable mechanisms for automatic processing of messages to remove obscenities from them.

3.4. All materials placed in the Conference reflect solely the opinions of their authors, and the Site Administration does not make any guarantees, expressed or implied, that they are complete, useful or truthful. You may use them only at your own risk. The owners and Administration of the site do not bear any responsibility for direct or indirect damage caused to you as a result of the use (or non-use) of these materials, lost profits, loss of information, etc. The owners and Administration of the site also do not bear any responsibility for the content of advertising materials posted on the pages of the Conference and the entire site, as well as materials located outside the site (www.mbclub.ru), including materials that may be referenced from materials located in the Conference.

3.5. The site administration guarantees that not a single message from the Conference will be deleted, but can only be blocked or hidden for public viewing when moderated in accordance with these Rules.

Blocking is a technical measure of prohibiting the continuation of discussion in a topic or in any branch of a topic.

Hiding is a technical measure of excluding a topic or answer from public viewing while simultaneously blocking it. At the same time, all answer branches of a given topic or answer, if any, are also hidden and blocked from viewing.

4. Violations and restrictions in the Conference

4.1. It is prohibited to post messages in the Conference containing:

4.1.1. direct insult to other participants in any form;

4.1.2. slander and deliberately false information;

4.1.3. direct use of obscenities;

4.1.5. pornographic materials, as well as links to such materials;

4.1.6. calls for violence;

4.1.7. inciting ethnic, racial and religious hatred;

4.1.8. calls for violation of current legislation;

4.1.9. statements falling within the scope of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

4.1.10. direct offers for the sale, purchase and exchange of cars, car parts and accessories at the “root” of the Conference;

4.1.11. provoking Conference participants to violate these Rules;

4.1.12. discussing the actions of the Administration and moderators, as well as provoking other Conference participants to such discussions;

4.1.13. offers for the sale of new and used spare parts, components and assemblies and other goods of criminal origin.

4.2.1. write more than 50% of the length of the message title in capital letters;

4.2.2. engage in altercations and clarify personal relationships;

4.2.3. use it as a chat (for individual participants to discuss their momentary interests that are not interesting to others);

4.2.4. use excessive grammatical errors and slang words, especially intentionally;

4.2.5. create yourself, as well as provoke others to spam and flood;

4.2.6. ask questions that have been discussed many times before, especially those already listed in the FAQ;

4.2.7. use foul language and veiled obscene language in message headers;

4.2.8. use overquoting (over-quoting the interlocutor).

5. Moderating the Conference. Warnings and penalties

5.1.1. The Conference moderators are called upon to monitor compliance with these Rules and maintain order in the Conference. To do this, they have the right and technical capabilities:

Condemn violators of these Rules;

Warn violators of these Rules by email and record warnings, charging penalty points;

Block topics and replies if they violate clauses. 4.1 and 4.2 of these Rules;

Hide topics and replies if they violate clauses. 4.1 and 4.2 of these Rules.

5.1.2. For violations of these Rules, warnings are announced (penalty points are awarded). A total of two penalty points can be awarded; with the third warning, the user's nickname is blocked for a period of thirty calendar days. After re-accumulating two penalty points during the third warning, the nickname is blocked for a period of one year.

Penalty points are awarded exclusively sequentially, one for each warning.

Penalty points are automatically deducted one at a time after seven calendar days if there are no warnings during this time. Thus, if there are no violations and if there is one point, it will be written off at the latest in seven days, if there are two points - at the latest in fourteen days, and if the nickname is blocked - in forty-four days.

5.1.3. Procedure for issuing warnings and penalties: In case of violation of clause 4.1.4-4.1.10, 4.1.13 a warning is issued with a penalty point, and the message is hidden. Upon the first violation of paragraphs. 4.1.1-4.1.3, 4.1.9, 4.1.11, 4.1.12 are reprimanded and the message hidden. If these points are violated again, a warning will be issued with a penalty point, and the message will be hidden. In case of violation of any of paragraphs. 4.2.1-4.2.9 the user is publicly reprimanded. In case of numerous repetitions of violations of these points, the Moderator has the right to assign a penalty point to the violators. In case of violation of paragraphs 4.2.2, 4.2.3. and 4.2.5 the message may be blocked. If clause 4.2.7 is violated, the message may be hidden.

6. Rules for participation in the chat.

Only registered users can be in the chat after authorization.

The chat is a free area for communication, therefore the rules of conduct and penalties for violating these rules differ from the general Rules.

Direct use of obscenities, calls for ethnic and religious hatred, calls for violation of current legislation, and insults of participants in any form are prohibited in the chat.

Violations of these prohibitions will result in a general penalty point being awarded to guilty users. For a repeated violation, in addition to accruing another penalty point, the chat moderator also has the right to block the violator from entering the chat.

7. Rules for participation in thematic conference sections.

"Flea Market" page of the "Communication" section

Any registered user can publish messages in thematic conference sections.

In thematic conference sections, it is allowed to publish messages exclusively on the topic of the conference section. Any extraneous messages will be hidden, and violators will be fined with one point.

Any violations of clauses 4.1.1-4.1.9, 4.1.13 will be penalized with two points in a row, and messages will be hidden.

8. The procedure for appealing the actions of the Administration and Moderators.

In case of violation of these Rules, the Moderator sends a letter to the violator indicating the message for which the warning was issued, links to the violated paragraphs of the Rules and penalties.

If a letter is received from the Moderator indicating a violation and a fine for it, the user has the right to appeal the Moderator’s actions.

To do this, he can express his objections in a letter to the Site Administration.

The administration undertakes to consider this issue as soon as possible and provide a written response. The administration reserves the right not to enter into further correspondence with the user regarding the same violation.

Please do not abuse your right to appeal the decisions of the Moderators and Administration.

3.3. http://bspu.ab.ru/Pedobr/metkop6.html

The most important task of MODERATION in the teacher training system is this is the choice of methods in the activities of the moderator. Moderation in teacher training and the methodological competence required for this can not only be mastered, but also improved by each moderator. In accordance with the individual personal characteristics of the moderators themselves. Due to differences in the goals, content and conditions of professional development, there can be no standardization regarding the role of the moderator and the choice of methods in the sense of “This is right, this is wrong.”

The practice of professional development for teachers, considered as a process of interaction between adults among adults, is always characterized by a variety of styles of professional behavior of moderators and their individual inclination to use certain methods.

3.4. http://service.bb2.ru/forum/1/8/message.html

On that website pre-moderation mode is being considered, which lies in the fact that the appearance (publication) of messages on the forum does not occur immediately after it is sent to the server, but after it is read by the moderator. And since moderation itself exists only to reduce the number of unwanted messages on the forum, it becomes obvious that many messages may not appear on the forum at all because this is contrary to the policy of the site administration.

The preliminary moderation mode has not only undeniable advantages, but also a number of significant disadvantages. The disadvantages include not censorship itself, which is useful when the anonymity of forum participants very often provokes them into inappropriate behavior, namely: insults, obscenities, curses, constant provocations and a large amount of nonsense that can be found on forums without moderation.

An objective disadvantage of the pre-moderation mode is the time delay for the message to appear after it is sent to the server. In fact, a moderator cannot constantly, that is, around the clock and in real time, read all new messages. Hence, it is not surprising that pre-moderation mode, as a rule, exists on forums of commercial sites, which are more like Guest books.

Preliminary moderation on forums of commercial sites is justified because what is important here is not so much participation in the dialogue of forum members among themselves, but rather the answers of forum moderators to questions from site visitors. Essentially, this is the tech mode. site support, when questions from site visitors should be answered by specialists in a specific type of business.

This, firstly, should increase sales, as well as trust in the company representing this site. Secondly, the pre-moderation regime is an obstacle to unfair competition, when competing firms also doing business online attempt to discredit a competitor through a forum on his own website.

Hence, it is not surprising that pre-moderated forums are written by programmers to order, and they cannot be downloaded online for free.

On forums that are intended for free and heated discussions between forum participants, there is no pre-moderation mode because this, as a rule, increases trust in the forum as a whole.

In fact, why should a person write a message on a forum if he is not completely sure that his information will appear on the forum at all. On the other hand, the absence of preliminary moderation can negate the efforts of the moderator to restore order only because the number of new messages on the forum per day is quite large.

Such a forum may close not because there are almost no messages on it, but, on the contrary, because of the abundance of provocations and off-topic messages, which, as we know, the Internet is very rich in.

So, we see that in this case it is necessary to seek a compromise between efficiency in publishing messages on the forum and the need for moderation in general. Forum Conference services offers its participants a pre-moderation mode, which can be turned on or off at any time, depending on how the forum is currently developing, as well as the moderator’s ability to quickly read messages.

Moreover, in the FAQ section of the forum, all participants can immediately see how the forum is currently configured. And the combination with the ability of the moderator to quickly make announcements during the course of the forum, which appear not in the text of the messages themselves, but above each page of the forum, should create an atmosphere of predictability and trust in the forum administration as a whole. One might think that in the capable hands of a moderator this can increase both forum attendance and the number of interesting and meaningful messages.

3.5. http://www.phys-campus.bspu.secna.ru/db/msg/1071204968/

On this site we will encounter new concepts during the moderation process.

|A.V.Wolf writes that every place of communication on the Internet has an owner. Therefore, when participating in communication, you are “visiting” someone. The owner usually sets some rules and monitors their implementation, this process is called moderation.

The moderator ensures that the discussion corresponds to the given topic (if there is one) and the established rules, and, if necessary, applies administrative measures to participants - from warning those who are “presumptuous” to deleting some messages or even banning access for some users.

Distinguish post-moderation and pre-moderation. Most common post-moderation, when messages from participants are published directly as they are received, and the moderator only occasionally looks through the forum and removes “garbage”.

Pre-moderation it is used less frequently because it requires constant work by the moderator - each message received must first be confirmed (authorized) by the moderator, and only after that is published.

Usually the rules of forums, chats and mailing lists are quite democratic; the main thing that is considered unacceptable is direct rudeness and obvious advertising. The standard requirement is: “Do not flame or spam” (see Flame, Spam).

If it seems to you that a moderator has unfairly offended you on the forum - for example, he deleted your message, you should not be noisily indignant at the violation of freedom of speech. The owner is free to determine to his own taste what he likes and what he doesn’t like in his “home”. You can always create your own forum, mailing list, etc., in which you can set your own rules of behavior.

Moderation is also called checking compliance with the rules of web services written in the user agreement

3.6 http://www.linux.org.ru/view-message.jsp?msgid=99550

Here in the topic “Moderation and Responsibility” you can read the appeal to the moderators. We present it in full:

"Good day! Dear moderators, since you have taken up this activity (cut out messages that are unworthy, in your personal opinion), then do it well! Read carefully what you are deleting, and understand the reasons why you want to delete this or that message. I insist that not all deleted messages were deleted for objective reasons. If you need examples, let me know.

know and you will receive them. Remember that you are morally responsible for your censorship. Also remember that overdoing it in this area will lead to the death of the site. Your site is about a free system, don't make it non-free.

My best wishes to Roman."


  1. The development of moderation on all forums occurred through conflicts between participants and moderators.
  2. Some rules and norms should be mandatory for everyone, and some norms can be introduced for the task or for the content leader of the topic.
  3. The authors of topics sometimes strive to carry out both technical and content moderation themselves, which makes them responsible for the quality of children’s discussions.
  • posted in the section: Website creation
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