What is more important: title or h1. Using keywords in Title and H1

This question can often be heard on forums and conferences dedicated to SEO. Let's try to figure it out too.

The opinion of some is that they should not be similar. Their argument is this. Search engines will pessimize a page in search results if they detect manipulation in order to strengthen a keyword with a double mention (by writing it in meta tag Title and in the first level heading).

The second opinion is yes, they should be similar. They link to the Yandex section on the design of search results. It says that you need the text in the title tag to important pages site matched the title, which is highlighted with the h1 tag. However, here you need to understand that this instruction was given by Yandex for webmasters in connection with the correct writing of quick links.

So how should they proceed? Make them exactly the same, or completely different? Essentially there is not much difference. When making an individual decision, you just need to know some nuances.

The title of the HTML document (title) and the page title (h1) must intersect

If you write them differently, you can mislead the user. For example, the website of a company offering design and renovation services has the following title: How to choose the right wallpaper. By going to this site, the user sees an article with the title: How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom. The user leaves immediately. As a result, the site receives a large percentage of failures because the visitor is looking for general information. He needs to reveal the principles of choosing wallpaper for different rooms, not wallpaper for the bedroom. If the title and h1 tag are not interconnected in any way, then the search engine will have difficulty determining the relevance of the page this request. It’s even worse if the h1 heading doesn’t use the keyword at all.

A normal title would be something like this: How to choose wallpaper, taking into account the characteristics of the premises. As you can see from these examples, the title of the article does not repeat word for word the meta title tag, but they overlap.

Title and social networks

Whenever a user shares a site page on social networks, the title of this page will be taken from the title and not from the h1. Therefore, when composing a title, you should write the correct title with the expectation of displaying the page on social networks. It should also influence transitions from social networks to the site and the sharing of the web page on the Internet.

Title and related queries

In some cases, it is worth adding keywords from low-frequency and related queries to the title (in addition to the selected mid-frequency phrases). It all depends on the type landing page and your desire. Naturally, this will distinguish it from h1. If in addition to the main key in h1 you insert more words from semantic core, then such a headline will seem over-spammed. But if you distribute word forms among other fragments of the page code, then this approach will be completely justified.

For example, there are a number of keywords: installation of paving slabs, paving slabs video installation, technology for installing paving slabs, laying paving slabs price, paving slabs photo, etc. Title: Installation of paving slabs, installation technology. Price, video. Heading h1: Technology for installing paving slabs.

Contact of users with Title and H1 headers during different periods of using the web resource

The user sees the title on the search results page, and the h1 tag when he has already visited the site. Therefore, the title should be optimized not only so that it is textually relevant, but also because it should entice the user to click through to the site. In other words, it must have a call to action. Otherwise, you may miss out on some traffic. The H1 heading is best done with a small number of words. Then it will convey the essence of the landing page.

As an example, let's take an information request: how to knit sorghum brooms. H1: How to knit sorghum brooms correctly. Meta title tag: How to knit sorghum brooms. Video, detailed instructions with photos. The phrases “detailed instructions, video with photos” not only increase the pool of requests, but also increase the likelihood of a visit to the site. When making such an information request, the user is most likely looking for a manual with detailed instructions, with photos and videos on this topic.

Let’s also take an example of a commercial request: a gasoline lawn mower. H1: Petrol lawnmower. Title: Buy a gasoline lawn mower with delivery to Ivanovo. The word “buy” encourages action, and “with delivery to Ivanovo” eliminates questions.


Will there be title headings and h1 are the same or not depends on personal preference and your expectations. There are no clear rules regarding their composition. As long as they intersect, do not contradict each other, are relevant to the main request, do not mislead the user and stimulate him to action.

I'll tell you about important tags and meta tags, which are placed in the HTML code of the document and contain data about the content on the page. This is one of the factors in generating search results in search engines ah and definitions of site content. It's about about four basic elements:

  • title;
  • description;
  • keywords;
  • h1 header.

Why are meta tags needed?

Meta tags were created to indicate to search engines about the content of a page, but since improvements search algorithms became only one of the factors in determining the content of the site. All meta tags different meaning, application and features.

Thanks to these descriptions, the user determines whether to click on the link or continue the search and select more relevant information. Search engines pay attention to the meaning of page descriptions, that is, the content of headings and meta descriptions is one of the factors in generating results for a specific request.

However, for a resource to be in demand, you must first understand how, with what phrases it can be used can search, and then optimize the site so that it matches search phrases. At the same time, the content must correspond to the meaning of the page itself, otherwise the visitor who clicks on the link will not receive the expected information and will leave the site.

Let's sum it up:

  • meta tags help the site appear in search results for relevant queries;
  • meta tags attract visitors;
  • meta tags communicate the content of a page.

What is a title tag

In the title, it is better to place keywords closer to the beginning of the sentence. You should use phrases that the user can use to search for information on the page.

In this case, all keywords in the title must be unique, without repetitions. If repetition cannot be avoided, the keyword should be in a different word form. Overspam keywords in the title in the form of repetition of words has a negative impact on the ranking of the site:

This example title with spam is taken from page eight Google results for the request “buy flowers Kyiv”

The title must be unique within the site - this is another feature of this meta tag. To check a site's title for uniqueness, there are various crawling methods.

What is the h1 tag for?

H1 is a simple tag, a text markup element in HTML. But it influences the definition of topics by search robots no less than elements with the “meta” prefix. H1 can contain the same keywords as the title and summarize the content concisely and concisely.

An important difference: h1 is the heading that users see at the top of the page itself, and not in search engine results.

What is a description meta tag?

This is a meta tag with additional information about the page. It contains two attributes name and content, which contain the name of the meta tag and its content.

Components description:

  • keywords;
  • subject matter corresponding to the content of the page;
  • attractive wording;
  • unique selling proposition;
  • advertising component.

The description should be interesting to the user, because it is often included in the snippet and can influence the number of transitions to the page from organic search.

To make the description more noticeable, use Unicode characters - asterisks, phones and other pictures:

This is what the symbols look like in the output:

Why do we need the keywords meta tag?

Keywords - keywords that convey the main meaning of the page. Just like description, it contains name and content attributes. When compiling keywords, you need to list keywords, separated by commas, that characterize the meaning of the page and are not repeated among themselves.

Do you need keywords today? For Google - no. Specialists Google yet in September 2009, they announced on the official Webmaster Central Blog that keywords in their search engine would not affect rankings.

However, correctly composed keywords help with promotion in Yandex:

How to design meta tags

In HTML, meta tags are formatted like this:

Website promotion, website promotion: Netpeak Ukraine - Internet marketing for business

For example, this is what the line with keywords looks like in the code:

Should not be included in the meta tag text double quotes, because they break the attribute and the tag will not be displayed correctly:

You can put herringbone quotes - “” (Alt+0171, Alt+0187), in which case the code will work without errors:

The second method is to use the combination ", which replaces quotes in HTML.

Rules for writing meta tags

To ensure that all pages have unique meta descriptions, you need to follow several rules:
1. Manually write meta tags for the main pages of the site (main, categories).
2. Register templates for generating meta tags for all types of subcategories, filters and product cards.

For example, for the page https://site.com/categoriya there may be the following meta tag templates:

Title:[Category name] - buy in the online store [Store name]
Description: Order [category name] from free shipping by [Name of country or city] ✓ High qualityAffordable prices☎ 8-000-000-00-00 Call!
H1:[Name of category]
Keywords: all words from title except prepositions, separated by commas.

Basic rules for creating tags and meta tags:



Up to 70 characters, main keys in the first 50 characters.
Size - 600 pixels.

Page title. Affects ranking for search queries.

Must be unique, readable, without spam and repetition of keys.

From 70 to 155 characters - about 15 words.

The description of the page serves to ensure clickability and should interest the user.

Reveals competitive advantages, does not duplicate title.

5-7 keywords that reflect the meaning of the page.

Previously helped search robots decipher the meaning of the page, now affects ranking only in some search engines, including Yandex.

Keywords should not be repeated.

The meta tag can be taken into account by Yandex and is visible to the site's competitors.

No more than 7 words. If the title is longer, the keywords should be placed closer to the beginning so that they are taken into account by search engines.

Contains keywords or their synonyms, helps the search engine recognize the meaning of the text.

Only one for a specific page.


Description and keywords are meta tags with additional information about the page. They contain two attributes name and content, which contain the name of the meta tag and its content.
Title and h1 are simple tags, text markup elements in HTML. But they influence the definition of the page’s theme no less than elements with the “meta” prefix.

Well-designed meta tags perfectly present the site, help users correctly recognize content and quickly find necessary information, and for search engines to increase the resource in search results.

However, both information from the description and any part of the text can be included in the page description. Therefore, it is worth thoroughly optimizing not only meta tags, but also the rest of the content.

Should they be different? This question plagues most optimizers. The whole essence of the problem lies in the fact that opinions on this issue are divided into two camps. To those who claim that they should duplicate each other, i.e. include the keyword in the same form, and others who think they need to be always different.

Title and H1

Now, in order. Let's start with the fact that in HTML these two tags designate a certain area of ​​the page. , as we have already found out in previous articles, it should contain brief and useful information about the contents of the document. H1, in turn, refers to tags that are used when laying out text, and means heading top level. From this it becomes clear that they are quite significant and search engines pay a lot of attention when ranking a document.

As you can see, a lot of attention was paid to this part of the page and this concept is described in sufficient detail.

There is much less information here, but since it is still in the help, you need to take it seriously and also take care of the content of these tags. (Full document) However, you need to make a note that if you are using micro markup, then the H1 tag should be used exactly where it is implied by the standards. The help also contains information that the contents of the H1 tag can be included in quick links.

Now let's look at what Google Help has on this matter.

There was no official help about H1, but there are several posts on the search engine’s forum where people ask questions about different problems related to optimization and H1 content. There they also provided a link to a certain document, which sets out the recommendations of a foreign search engine. Don’t forget that both search engines can use H1 as a title in the SERP snippet if page title poorly optimized or does not satisfy the quality of search engines.

Summarizing these references, you can easily understand that the Title tag reflects the essence of the content of the document, and H1 highlights the main points. This may lead to the following question: do you need to highlight all subheadings using h1? We will answer this in another article.

Internal optimization pages

Bottom line

Now it's time to answer the question asked at the very beginning. So should they be different or not? Or when promoting, use the same keywords in both cases?

Answer: They should almost always be different. Firstly, you and duplication, and secondly, in top-level headings you can use synonyms or other words that set the topic. Thirdly, the more useful information(answering user questions) will be presented on the page, the higher the chance of ranking the document in the top positions.

Exception cases. As with everything, there are caveats. In our case, these tags may coincide in several cases. For example, a page is devoted to some narrow topic where there are no other interpretations and explanations, as a rule, these are dictionaries or collections of legislative documents.

Should TITLE and H1 be the same and which option is better for SEO? Are there any differences between the two headings and how to write them correctly? Don't look for an answer anymore, read this short note and decide for yourself.

Headings TITLE and H1: same or different?

Once again, on the forum su-pr.ru I saw an entry about TITLE and H1. The person who started the topic (TC) made the same headings on his site. According to him, positions in Yandex are positive, but in Google the situation is ambiguous.

Let's look at the screenshot from the forum.

If we try to find the answer in the search, we will see that the question was raised back in 2007. I read the answers and realized that there was no clear solution. Some are guilty of spam and over-optimization, others insert synonyms of keywords, others see the advantage of identical headings - after all, they read somewhere that search engines treat this well. I believe that there is no difference and there is no need to bother with this issue. Today, page ranking is influenced by many factors. The importance of keywords has long faded into the background. “Correct and optimized SEO titles”

that both people and search engines will like is a myth. I don’t want to waste time analyzing the results and delving into the work of algorithms, trying to find the right answer. I advise you to stop as well, and read this post to the end

</b>. Let's see what the difference is between TITLE and H1, what benefits can you actually get? <b>- the page title that you see in the browser window tab, but the user does not see it on the website page.</b> </blockquote> <p>Most often used to form a snippet in search results. <b>Yes, the most important task of TITLE is to get</b> clickable snippet</p> <ul><li>. To do this, I recommend following a few rules:</li> <li>use keywords;</li> <li>neat title - 70 characters;</li> </ul><blockquote><b><H1> </b> use the snippet preview - http://www.chuvyr.ru/p/snippet.html <b>- first level heading that helps</b> visually break the text of a page (document) into sections</blockquote> <p>and make it easier to read. It is considered the most significant, therefore it is at the beginning of the page and can intersect with TITLE. <b>If we take all the headings H1-H6, then their task is</b>. <span><i>structure the text</i> </span> the text becomes readable. In theory, to search engines, headings can signal the importance of a section of text. I'll give you a couple of recommendations:</p> <ul><li>you can add keywords;</li> <li>should stand above other headings and be used only once;</li> <li>from all levels, for H1 in CSS use <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/network-and-internet/maksimalnyi-razmer-faila-v-outlook-ogranichenie-na-maksimalnyi-razmer-vlozhenii/">maximum size</a> font;</li> <li>It is prohibited to use the H1 header as a link or add other HTML tags.</li> </ul><p>In custody. Don't look for success in <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/useful-on-windows-10/pechatayushchaya-golovka-dlya-3d-printera-svoimi-rukami-plastika/">small details</a>. Same or <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/useful-on-windows-10/chto-pisat-v-h1-zagolovki-h1-i-title-delat-li-ih-odinakovymi-ili-raznymi/">different headings</a>, it's not as important as the overall content of your pages. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/game/veb-dizain-vse-o-nem-glavnye-zadachi-i-celi-chto-takoe-veb-dizain/">the main task</a> - <span><b>presenting content and solving user problems</b> </span>.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside role="complementary"> <div class="block cat-list"> <div class="block-title"> <h3>Categories</h3> </div> <div class="block-content"> <ul> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/windows-10/">Windows 10</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/multimedia/">Multimedia</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/utilities/">Utilities</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/network-and-internet/">Network and Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/system-programs/">System programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/configuring-programs/">Setting up programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/os-problems/">OS problems</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer class="b-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="b-footer-content"> <p>rustrackers.ru - Free programs for your PC</p> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="back-top" class="back-top bounce-out"> <a href="#" title="Top"></a> </div> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/libs/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/vendor/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/scripts.min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/custom/custom.js"></script> </body> </html>