What does VPN connection mean? · What is the security level of the corporate network?

In this article we will answer the most FAQ what's happened VPN server, we’ll tell you whether a VPN can increase your security, whether you need to use Double VPN and how to check whether it works VPN service logs, as well as what modern technologies exist to protect personal information.

VPN is a virtual private network that provides encryption between the client and the VPN server.

The main purpose of a VPN is to encrypt traffic and change the IP address.

Let's figure out why and when this is needed.

Why do you need a VPN?

All Internet providers log the activities of their clients on the Internet. That is, the Internet provider knows which sites you visited. This is necessary in order to provide all information about the violator in case of requests from the police, and also to relieve oneself of all legal responsibility for the user’s actions.

There are many situations when a user needs to protect his personal data on the Internet and gain freedom of communication.

Example 1. There is a business and it is necessary to transmit confidential data over the Internet so that no one can intercept it. Most companies use VPN technology to transfer information between company branches.

Example 2. Many services on the Internet work according to the principle geographical reference to the area and prohibit access to users from other countries.

For example, the Yandex Music service only works for IP addresses from Russia and the former CIS countries. Accordingly, the entire Russian-speaking population living in other countries does not have access to this service.

Example 3. Blocking certain sites in the office and in the country. Offices often block access to social networks so that employees do not spend work time for communication.

For example, in China many are blocked Google services. If a Chinese resident works with a company from Europe, then there is a need to use services such as Google Disk.

Example 4: Hide visited sites from your ISP. There are times when you need to hide the list of visited sites from your Internet provider. All traffic will be encrypted.

By encrypting your traffic, your ISP won't know what sites you've visited on the Internet. In this case, your IP address on the Internet will belong to VPN country server.

When you connect to a VPN, a secure channel is created between your computer and the VPN server. All data in this channel is encrypted.

With a VPN, you will have freedom of communication and protect your personal data.

In the logs of the Internet provider there will be a set different characters. The picture below shows an analysis of the data obtained by a special program.

The HTTP header immediately shows which site you are connecting to. This data is recorded by Internet service providers.

The following picture shows the HTTP header when using a VPN. The data is encrypted and it is impossible to find out which sites you visited.

How to connect to a VPN

There are several ways to connect to a VPN network.

  • PPTP is an obsolete protocol. Most modern operating systems have excluded it from the list of supported ones. Disadvantages of PPTP - low connection stability. The connection may fail and unprotected data may leak onto the Internet.
  • L2TP (IPSec) connection is more reliable. Also built into most operating systems(Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone and others). Is different better reliability unlike PPTP connections.
  • SSTP connection was developed relatively recently. It is only supported on Windows, so it is not widely used.
  • IKEv2 is a modern protocol based on IPSec. This protocol replaced PPTP protocol and is supported by all popular OS.
  • OpenVPN connection is considered the most reliable. This technology can be flexibly configured and if the connection drops, OpenVPN blocks sending unprotected data to the Internet.

There are 2 data transfer protocols for OpenVPN technology:

  • UDP protocol – is fast (recommended for use) VoiP telephony, Skype, online games)
  • TCP protocol – characterized by the reliability of transmitted data (requires confirmation of receipt of the packet). Slightly slower than UDP.

How to set up a VPN

Setting up a VPN connection takes a few minutes and varies VPN way connections.

On our service we use PPTP and OpenVPN connections.

Security of working with a VPN program

We will always talk about an integrated approach to security. User security consists of more than just the VPN connection itself. It is important what program you use to connect to the VPN server.

Currently, services offer convenient VPN clients - these are programs that make it easier to set up a VPN connection. We ourselves offer convenient VPN client. Thanks to such programs VPN setup connection takes no more than 1 minute.

When we first started providing VPN services in 2006, all of our users set up the official OpenVPN application. It has an open source. Of course, setting up the official OpenVPN client takes longer. But let's figure out what is better to use in terms of anonymity.

VPN client anonymity

We see the danger in using such programs. The thing is that the source code of such programs is the property of the company and in order to preserve the uniqueness of its program, no one publishes it.

Users cannot find out what data the program collects about you in the absence of open source code.

VPN programs and can identify you as a specific user even when the logs on the server are turned off.

Any program can have the functionality to record the sites you have visited and your real IP address. And since you enter your login into the program yourself, it is impossible to talk about any anonymity in using the program at all.

If your activity needs high level anonymity, we recommend that you abandon such VPN programs and use the official open source OpenVPN release.

At first you will find this inconvenient. But over time, you will get used to it if the factor of security and anonymity comes first for you.

We guarantee that Secure Kit does not store any data about you. But we must warn you that such programs can spy on you.

Another idea on how to increase your security came from the point of view of the geographical location of servers. On the Internet it is called an offshore VPN.

What is an offshore VPN

Different countries have different level legislation. There are strong states with strong laws. And there are small countries whose level of development does not allow information security data in your country.

Initially, the concept of offshore was used to designate a country in which tax policy was relaxed. Such countries have very low business taxes. Global companies have become interested in legal tax avoidance in their country, and offshore bank accounts in the Cayman Islands have become very popular.

Currently, many countries around the world already have bans on the use of bank accounts in offshore countries.

Most offshore countries are small states located in remote corners of the planet. Servers in such countries are more difficult to find and are more expensive due to the lack of developed Internet infrastructure. VPN servers in such countries began to be called offshore.

It turns out that the word offshore VPN does not mean anonymous VPN, but only speaks of territorial affiliation with an offshore state.

Should you use an offshore VPN?

Offshore VPN presents additional benefits from an anonymity point of view.

Do you think it’s much easier to write an official request:

  • to a police department in Germany
  • or to the Islands Police Department in Antigua Barbuda

Offshore VPN is an additional layer of protection. An offshore server is good to use as part of a Double VPN chain.

There is no need to use only 1 offshore VPN server and think that this is complete security. You need to approach your security and anonymity on the Internet from different angles.

Use an offshore VPN as a link to your anonymity.

And it's time to answer the most frequently asked question. Can an anonymous VPN service keep logs? And how to determine whether the service keeps logs?

Anonymous VPN service and logs. What should I do?

An anonymous VPN service should not keep logs. Otherwise, it can no longer be called anonymous.

We have compiled a list of questions, thanks to which you can accurately determine whether the service keeps logs.

Now you have full information about VPN connections. This knowledge is enough to make yourself anonymous on the Internet and make safe transfer personal data.

New VPN technologies

Are there any new trends in the VPN space?

We have already talked about the pros and cons of sequential cascading VPN servers (Double, Triple, Quad VPN).

To avoid the disadvantages of Double VPN technology, you can make a parallel cascade of chains. We called it Parallel VPN.

What is Parallel VPN

The essence of Parallel VPN is to direct traffic to a parallel data channel.

The disadvantage of sequential cascading technology (Double, Triple, Quad VPN) is that on each server the channel is decrypted and encrypted into the next channel. Data is consistently encrypted.

There is no such problem with Parallel VPN technology, since all data undergoes double parallel encryption. That is, imagine an onion that has several peels. In the same way, data passes through a channel that is double encrypted.

In our vast country, they like to block everything. If previously blocking was limited only to websites, now it’s the turn of instant messengers. And while instant messengers are already being blocked, and VPNs are still being planned to be banned, I will tell you why these three letters are needed. In addition, you will learn how to set up a VPN on any device for free or for a fee. How to choose correct VPN and why it needs to be done now.

What is a VPN?

Why do I need a VPN if I don’t go to prohibited resources?

For most of us, I have compiled a list of which prove that everyone needs a VPN:

  1. Access to resources blocked in the country;
  2. Security in public networks;
  3. Home network security;
  4. Secure connection with friends;
  5. Anonymity.

The most important points are the first and fifth. While people who are concerned about anonymity will understand perfectly well what and how. The rest of you will have to read articles like this one.

Blocking access to certain sites or applications on the Internet is not always a bad thing. Also, blocking does not always come from the state. Some services, like Spotify, simply do not work in Russia and themselves limit access for us. The Internet provider itself can block access to resources for its own reasons. And, of course, the state can block access to resources prohibited in the country.

I will not discuss here whether this is correct or not. And does such a blocking even make sense? It is important to understand that when one resource is blocked, access to several other absolutely legal sites may be accidentally limited. Often such errors are not noticed by the average network visitor. But sometimes such large resources as Google fall under the distribution by mistake.

From here it is easy to conclude that you should always have a VPN at hand. By at least until VPNs were banned too.

How to choose a VPN?

Choosing a VPN service is very difficult. An inexperienced user does not see the difference between hundreds various programs(and she is). Advanced users compare services based on parameters such as anonymity, access speed, log storage and much, much more. This table will help simplify the task a little:

The developers guarantee complete safety and anonymity (if correct use). At the same time, the speed is not limited, but torrent lovers are not welcome here. Security is guaranteed by the fact that IVPN are members of the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), and the company itself is registered in Gibraltar and is ready to leave at the slightest pressure. The servers do not store any personal information that could reveal users. Therefore, when requested by the state, they simply will have nothing to provide. There is also support for OpenVPN, which means VPN can be configured on any device.

But for such pleasure you will have to pay $8.33 per month, which is significantly more expensive than competitors.

Among the advantages of the program:

  • reasonable prices for a license (5 devices);
  • Russian language;
  • cross-platform;
  • no restrictions on speed and traffic, even for torrents;
  • there is a free version.

IN free version You will find advertising and “wiretapping” of traffic to display this advertising. But most people don't care about it, deal with it. IN mobile version- this is a promotional video when the connection is turned on, and in the browser - banners from partners. Other than that, you can only connect to a server in the US.

The program can also turn on the VPN connection itself (when working with certain applications). This way, you can work through a VPN with a list of programs, while the rest will use a regular connection.

The paid version costs €6.99 per month or €139.99 for a lifetime license. You can still buy a lifetime license for 10 devices for $69.99.

Somewhere between the two options above. Here in the free version you get several servers to choose from: Germany, Hong Kong, Romania and the USA. Freedom of choice is compensated by limitations on connection speed, but not traffic.

A paid subscription costs 2,100 rubles per year.

Cargo VPN

Speed ​​measurement when connecting via VPN

Many people do not want to install a VPN because they are afraid of losing connection speed. Yes, such a problem can exist. Speed ​​may be limited to free plans VPN services. But large VPN providers guarantee a connection without loss of speed, but in this case you will have to pay a subscription. On the other hand, I recommend buying a VPN subscription in any case. Because free services one way or another they are trying to “make money” from their users. In this case, the security of the connection, your personal data, or even the information on the device suffers.

When connected to the right VPN service you will not experience a noticeable decrease in speed or increase in traffic consumption.

Now what?

Mostly nothing. Install the client you need on all devices and enjoy life without restrictions, wiretapping and surveillance. Use any programs, go to any sites and be yourself!

VPN is a feature available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, which allows you to change the device’s IP address when accessing the Internet. There are several ways to use it.

Why do you need a VPN?

Using a VPN leads to the fact that when you access the Internet, all sites and other objects requesting your IP will receive not your individual number, which records from which location you are accessing the network, but another one, tied to another location or another country .

This function can be useful in cases where you need to access a site that is blocked in your country, or log into any resource blocked by the settings of the Wi-Fi network through which the connection is made. VPN provides anonymity, that is, no one will know that it was from your device that you entered a particular Internet resource.

That is, if you are, for example, in Russia, then with using VPN can set an IP for your connection, thanks to which it will be displayed everywhere that you are, for example, in Italy.

The use of VPN is officially prohibited in Russia.

How to use a VPN

On iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, there are two ways to use VPN services: through the device's built-in settings or through a third-party application.

Using VPN through built-in settings

To use this method, you will have to find a site that provides VPN services in advance and create an account on it.

  1. Expand device settings. Open your Apple device settings
  2. Go to main settings. Opening Apple's main settings
  3. Select "Network". Go to the “Network” section
  4. Select the VPN sub-item. Select the VPN subsection in the “Network” tab
  5. Start creating new configuration. Click on the “Add configuration” button
  6. Please indicate that you want to use the PPTP protocol. Fill out all the fields: “Server” - the site that you found in advance, “Description” - can be obtained on the site, “ Account" - the name of your account, RSA - leave the factory value, "Password" - the code for the account, if there is one, "Encryption" - none. After filling in all the cells, save the entered data. Fill in empty cells configurations
  7. Make sure the settings you create are selected as default. Setting the default configuration
  8. Return to general settings and activate the use of VPN. If you want to interrupt the connection via VPN, then click on the slider again so that the function becomes inactive. Enable VPN in device settings

Video: setting up a VPN using the system

Using a VPN through a third-party app

There are many programs that provide a VPN connection. One of the best is Betternet, it can be installed for free from App Store. To connect and VPN disconnection you just need to press one button, and time itself using a VPN not limited. That is, you don’t have to manually enter settings, create accounts or use any other additional services. Just install the application, go into it and press the Connect button to connect and Disconnect to disconnect.

Connecting or disconnecting from a VPN via Betternet

You can also choose which country the VPN will link you to.

Choosing a VPN server via Betternet

Video: Setting up a VPN with Betternet

What to do if the VPN icon disappears

If the device is connected to the network via VPN, then an icon will indicate this. top panel notifications. The disappearance of this icon means that you are still connected to the Internet, but redirection via the VPN has ended. That is, the VPN connection is interrupted, it may deactivate on its own due to unstable connection with the Internet or problems with the server providing VPN services. In this case, you must manually reconnect to the VPN using one of the methods described above. You may need to reboot your device first before reconnecting.

VPN icon in notification bar

What to do if VPN doesn't work

A VPN connection may not work for two reasons: an unstable Internet connection or a problem with the server that provides VPN services. First, check if your connection to mobile internet or Wi-Fi networks. Secondly, check the correctness of the entered settings if you used the first method described above, or install any other application other than the one described above in the second method, if you used it.

The best way to get rid of the VPN connection problem is to choose a different service or application. The main thing is to choose a VPN that will work in your area.

A VPN allows you to use services that are blocked in your area. You can use it through the settings of your Apple device or a third-party application.

VPN is one of those technology terms that... last years have become widespread as the situation on the Internet is gradually changing. Today there are many more prohibited, blocked sites; many services restrict access to their resources to users from other countries. However, this limitation can be circumvented; this is precisely why VPN servers were invented.

There are two approaches to explaining this technology, the first of them is technical, and the second is as understandable as possible for the average person. Everything he needs to know about VPN in order to successfully use it fits into a simple definition. VPN (short for virtual private network A "virtual private network" is a service that allows you to access the network securely and privately. This is all done by routing the connection through what is called a VPN server.

If you have a friend who is an IT professional, then their definition may be a little different and include a lot more technical details. Either way, a VPN is a useful tool.

There are several reasons that force Internet users to resort to using a VPN:

  1. It makes it impossible for anyone to spy on your online activities, which is useful if you connect to hotspots frequently. Wi-Fi access in public places, for example, in an office or a cafe. Everyone knows that they are unsafe.
  2. You can also use a VPN to hide or change your location. This can unblock services that are blocked in your country but available abroad, and vice versa. They allow you to access sites that are blocked in the country where you are traveling on vacation or for work, for example, YouTube in China.

There are many VPNs out there, and most of them require a subscription. Among them there are both paid and free services.

The ExpressVPN website offers real-time support, with agents available 24/7 to answer any questions users may have.

ExpressVPN only supports three simultaneous connections per user and comes with premium pricing.

ExpressVPN has a 30-day money-back guarantee if you're unhappy with the service. The following packages are available

Wide range of secure VPN applications.

Excellent 24/7 support clients.

Ultra-fast VPN servers in 94 countries

Supports only 3 connections.

No trial period use

The developers of this service highlight quality customer service as a key advantage, rather than a lot of tariff plans. It's "the fastest VPN in the world," or so it says on the company's website, with over 40,000 shared IP addresses, 950+ VPN servers in 60 countries. It offers unlimited P2P traffic, five simultaneous connections and much more.

Complete privacy thanks to no logs.

If you are in any way unhappy with the service, you will receive a 7-day money-back guarantee

Excellent download speeds.

Configurable software.

Free trial

Relatively high price, higher than average VPN services
VyprVPN is fast, reliable service without intermediaries. It has 73 servers and offers unlimited data usage.

The headquarters is located in Switzerland, where privacy laws are very favorable for such activities

Very high performance.

Good prices for annual plans.

Powerful, customizable apps

Does not reimburse the cost of the software package if the client is not satisfied with the service. trial version only available for three days
NordVPN's current products are on par with their peers in a variety of ways.

More than 2 thousand servers, 2048-bit encryption. One license covers 6 devices, all users can use different ways cashless payment

High quality mobile and desktop programs.

Up to six devices.

Good performance

There are ambiguities with the privacy policy. Although the provider supports a "no logs" policy, the exact position in session logging is unclear

Step 1. The first thing you need to do to start using a VPN is to register and download it. If you choose NordVPN, go to their website and click "Get Now".

Note! Most VPN services have three plans, and most of them have a money-back guarantee.

Step 2. Once you've signed up, you'll need to download and install the app on your Mac or PC. Then launch the app to get started.

Step 3. Once the program is installed on your computer, open it and select the location that suits you. You can see a list of countries or a map.

The location of the server you connect to is your virtual location, meaning the Internet thinks you are in that location right now. This is why the server you choose will largely depend on what you want to use the VPN for.

If you want to connect to US Netflix you will need to choose a US based server, or for BBC iPlayer you will need a UK based server.

Note! Such actions violate the terms of use of these online services, that is, by connecting to them through a VPN, you are violating the rules of use of these sites.

Step 4. Once you have chosen the server that suits you best, connect to it. NordVPN has big button at the top, which allows you to connect to the server and disconnect from it when you're done.

Most VPN services have a kill switch that will terminate the connection and will continue to protect your privacy when the VPN server is disconnected.

Step 5. Check VPN work. You can use BrowserSPY's Geolocation page to see how the servers recognize your location.

If, instead of your actual location, the system displays another one, the one you selected in the program, then your VPN is working.

Outside of VPN

There are other services that are similar to VPNs, such as free web proxies:

  1. ProxFree.
  2. AU Proxy.
  3. Uroxy.
  4. Chinagrows.
  5. Hideme Proxy and others

A web proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary between you and the website you are connecting to.

An analogue of anonymizers - cameleo.xyz

They are free, but about 75 percent of all such web proxies are unreliable in terms of security. If you are already using them and want to know if everything is ok with them, you can check it using ProxyCheck.

Another popular privacy solution is Tor. This is a software and network interface that hides your identity by diverting your traffic to different Tor servers and encrypting it. However, there is every reason to believe that Tor is not as secure as its developers claim.

Video - What is a VPN and how to use it?

Video - How to set up a VPN in Windows 7

VPN (Virtual Private Network), or translated into Russian, a virtual private network, is a technology that allows you to connect computer devices into secure networks to provide their users with an encrypted channel and anonymous access to resources on the Internet.

In companies, VPN is used mainly to unite several branches located in different cities or even parts of the world into one local network. Employees of such companies, using a VPN, can use all the resources that are located in each branch as if they were their own local resources, located nearby. For example, print a document on a printer located in another branch in just one click.

For ordinary users Internet VPN useful when:

  • the site has been blocked by the provider, but you need to log in;
  • you often need to use online banking and payment systems and want to protect your data from possible theft;
  • the service only works for Europe, but you are in Russia and don’t mind listening to music on LastFm;
  • you want the sites you visit not to track your data;
  • There is no router, but it is possible to connect two computers to a local network to provide both with access to the Internet.

How VPN works

Virtual private networks work through a tunnel they establish between your computer and remote server. All data transmitted through this tunnel is encrypted.

It can be imagined as an ordinary tunnel, which is found on highways, only laid through the Internet between two points - a computer and a server. Through this tunnel, data, like cars, rushes between points at the highest possible speed. At the input (on the user’s computer), this data is encrypted and goes in this form to the recipient (to the server), at this point it is decrypted and interpreted: a file is downloaded, a request is sent to the site, etc. After which the received data is encrypted again server and are sent through the tunnel back to the user’s computer.

For anonymous access To access sites and services, a network consisting of a computer (tablet, smartphone) and a server is sufficient.

IN general view data exchange via VPN looks like this:

  1. A tunnel is created between the user’s computer and the server with installed software for VPN creation. For example OpenVPN.
  2. In these programs, a key (password) is generated on the server and computer to encrypt/decrypt data.
  3. A request is created on the computer and encrypted using the previously created key.
  4. Encrypted data is transmitted through the tunnel to the server.
  5. The data coming from the tunnel to the server is decrypted and the request is executed - sending a file, logging into the site, starting the service.
  6. The server prepares the response, encrypts it before sending it, and sends it back to the user.
  7. The user's computer receives the data and decrypts it with the key that was generated earlier.

Devices included in a virtual private network are not geographically tied and can be located at any distance from each other.

For the average user of virtual private network services, it is enough to understand that logging onto the Internet through a VPN means complete anonymity and unlimited access to any resources, including those blocked by the provider or inaccessible to your country.

Who needs a VPN and why?

Experts recommend using a VPN to transfer any data that should not end up in the hands of third parties - logins, passwords, private and work correspondence, work with Internet banking. This is especially true when using open access points - WiFi in airports, cafes, parks, etc.

The technology will also be useful for those who want to freely access any sites and services, including those blocked by the provider or open only to a certain circle of people. For example, Last.fm is available for free only to residents of the USA, England and a number of others European countries. Use music service from Russia will allow connection via VPN.

Differences between VPN and TOR, proxy and anonymizers

VPN works globally on the computer and redirects everything through the tunnel. software installed on the computer. Any request - via chat, browser, client cloud storage(dropbox), etc., before reaching the recipient, it goes through a tunnel and is encrypted. Intermediate devices “mix the tracks” through encrypting requests and decrypt it only before sending it to the final destination. The final recipient of the request, for example, a website, records not the user’s data - geographic location, etc., but the VPN server data. That is, it is theoretically impossible to track which sites the user visited and what requests he transmitted over a secure connection.

To some extent, anonymizers, proxies and TOR can be considered analogues of VPNs, but they all lose in some way to virtual private networks.

What is the difference between a VPN and TOR?

Like VPN technology TOR involves encrypting requests and transmitting them from the user to the server and vice versa. Only TOR does not create permanent tunnels; the paths for receiving/transmitting data change with each access, which reduces the chances of intercepting data packets, but not in the best possible way affects the speed. TOR is free technology and supported by enthusiasts, so expect stable operation no need to. Simply put, you will be able to access a site blocked by your provider, but it will take several hours or even days for HD video to load from it.

What is the difference between a VPN and a proxy?

Proxy, similar to VPN, redirects the request to the site, passing it through intermediary servers. It’s not difficult to intercept such requests, because the exchange of information occurs without any encryption.

What is the difference between a VPN and an anonymizer?

Anonymizer is a stripped-down version of proxy, capable of working only within open tab browser. You can use it to access the page, but you won’t be able to use most of the features, and no encryption is provided.

In terms of speed, proxy will win among the methods of indirect data exchange, since it does not provide for encryption of the communication channel. In second place is VPN, which provides not only anonymity, but also protection. Third place goes to the anonymizer, limited to working in open window browser. TOR is suitable when you don’t have the time or ability to connect to a VPN, but you shouldn’t count on high-speed processing of large requests. This gradation is valid for the case when non-grid servers are used, located at the same distance from the one being tested.

How to connect to the Internet via VPN

In RuNet, VPN access services are offered by dozens of services. Well, there are probably hundreds all over the world. Basically all services are paid. The cost ranges from a few dollars to several tens of dollars per month. Specialists who have a good understanding of IT create a VPN server for themselves on their own, using servers provided by various hosting providers for these purposes. The cost of such a server is usually about $5 per month.

Prefer paid or free solution depends on requirements and expectations. Both options will work - hide location, replace IP, encrypt data during transmission, etc. - but there are problems with speed and access to paid services happen much less often and are resolved much faster.



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