What to name a group on a social network? Tips and interesting names. How to come up with a band name that will bring success

Social networks have long crossed the line beyond which they were just a virtual platform for communication. Now you can earn real money on these Internet resources. One of the relevant tools in this case is some kind of community, group on Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte.

However, to attract as many subscribers as possible, it is worth making some effort. First of all, you need to think about how to name the group on VK in order to interest the maximum number of social network users.

General terms

The principle of working with a group and a public page is almost the same, so this method is suitable for a public page too. A catchy name will make you pay attention to the page and look at it. This is where the principle of viral marketing comes into play.

The name for the group will make it possible for visitors to understand what exactly the information will be about and whether it will bring real benefit.

It is generally accepted that those communities that make it to the TOP are based on key search phrases. Correctly chosen words will ensure decent results in the search engine, because often visitors use Yandex or Google even to search for a group or community on social networks. Simultaneously you need to have individuality so as not to get lost in the same type of “glued together” search phrases.

Title and description

Each VKontakte page contains data that any search engine is guided to a certain extent. For this, special title and description tools are used. They are seen by all visitors to Yandex or its foreign analogues.

The title of the current page will be marked in dark blue above the Internet address. Below is a description of what should be on the page you are looking for (description). Often, optimizers involved in community promotion use the name of the group as a title, which is why it is so important to include at least some of the key queries in it.

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It’s not worth being original in the style of “Semyon’s group” or “Miscellaneous clothes”, since hardly anyone will enter these queries in the search bar. The style that will be more effective will be: “Fishing gear” or “Selling skirts and blouses inexpensively.” In some cases, the key may be changed or slightly diluted to ensure the naturalness of the name. It is important to include it in the title by any means.

The standard title length for most search engines is limited. Many of them cut off names that are longer than 60 characters, so starting from the 61st letter, users see an ellipsis. It is worth trying to fit the length within the allotted frames.

It is customary to allocate a little more space for the description, providing it with approximately 160 characters. Please note that the length of the title and description includes spaces. In the description, which is usually located below the site address on the search page, you can also include relevant search queries.

It is believed that the algorithms of Google and other search services carry out filtering and a certain ranking according to the description in the same way. In this regard, while simultaneously choosing what to call a group on VKontakte, it is worth devoting a sufficient amount of time to coming up with a beautiful, concise and at the same time “working” description of it.

Balance of supply and demand

When choosing a name, it is worth remembering that there are different types of queries, which are usually ranked into three categories:

  • high frequency;
  • low frequency;
  • mid-frequency.

The parameter indicates the number of user requests per month. The higher the value, the more popular the request. This means a high degree of demand for the product among users. In market terms, these numbers are consumer demand.

There is also a competitiveness parameter for queries:

  • highly competitive;
  • low competitive;
  • averagely competitive.

This indicator indicates the presence of current market offers, ready to satisfy everyone who is thirsty. If there is not enough of it, then the offered product will sell like hot cakes.

One of the most popular and effective ways is to create a community. And the first thing you need to decide is what to name the group? The main idea is that the name should reflect the purpose as accurately as possible. This could be an official company page, a trading platform, a film fan society, or some personal group.

Features of group names

To understand how to name a group, you should first of all decide on the purpose of the page. For example, it is very important whether it is commercial in nature, for what purpose it is created, and so on. The name and further development largely depend on this.

The first rule to learn is that the group name should not be long. Such names are scary, uninteresting and unattractive. Experts recommend choosing names that consist of a maximum of 4 words. This is the optimal size that will definitely appeal to readers.

When deciding what to name the group, you need to imagine that the first thing a visitor will see is the name. If he doesn’t like it, then he won’t join the community.

Language selection

There are no specific rules regarding language. Of course, it is better that the name is in the language in which all the information on the page will be. But there are also some nuances here, because if, for example, a company is named in one language, and a community is created in another with the aim of developing the brand, then it is better to indicate the original name.

How to name a group if the name is long and the abbreviation distorts its essence? You can use an abbreviation or abbreviation. But in this case, it is necessary to indicate an explanation that will decipher the chosen name to all visitors.

Interest groups

Communities of individual groups of people, for example, closed clubs or student organizations, are very popular. How to name a group about certain hobbies? For example, for fellow students it is better to indicate the name of the group, university and year of graduation. This will allow others to easily find each other.

For writers, the best option is to use your own name in combination with the title of the work. The same applies to musicians, authors of trainings or other proprietary programs.

For a business, a description of the activity is more suitable. When answering the question of what to name a group in order to interest potential clients, you need to find out everything about the target audience: age, religion, country, gender, etc.

If we are talking about some general things, for example, sports, cats, travel, then you should choose something general, but reflecting the direction. After all, dogs can be walked, sold, caught, tamed, bred, and so on.

Funny names

Humorous names are usually chosen when they don’t know what to name the group. If it is created without a purpose and does not have one. Statistically, such communities rarely exist for long. Their founders often abandon this matter.

Although there are many very popular groups that were created just like that and grew into something more. Examples of funny names:

  • For those who are trying to run to the apartment before the entrance door slams.
  • I will call my son an iron man if the group reaches 1,000,000 subscribers.
  • Dwarven opposition.
  • For those who have ever tried to bite themselves on the elbow.
  • I'll send a million to the last one to join.

The main focus is on originality and accessibility. People are more willing to join groups whose name contains something familiar or relatable.

Page title for the company department

An official group usually refers to pages created by representatives of a company or organization for the purpose of solving business problems. Experts recommend indicating the purpose of the company and the scale of the department for which the community is being created.

Why are they created? Mainly to popularize a service or product, as well as to communicate with people. Therefore, the name of the community should clearly tell all visitors what awaits them and what they can count on.

Thanks to such pages, quite a lot of employees were hired in various organizations, and many clients approached them with interesting offers.

Using keywords in the title

In order not to write to various public pages “help name the group so that it becomes popular,” you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of promotion. All information on the Internet is located using certain words or keys that most accurately reflect the essence of the information on a particular page.

To achieve success, high traffic and a large number of subscribers, you need to use these keys in the name of the community. This method has 2 advantages at once.

Firstly, the chance that a person will find this particular group through a search for a social network will increase significantly, which means that attendance will increase and the subscriber base will begin to grow.

Secondly, the number of transitions from search engines will increase. With proper use of keys and usefulness of information on the page, communities from social networks will be in the TOP of search engine results.

After reading the title, a person should understand for himself that he can find answers to his questions in this group. He should become interested, and for this you can maintain some intrigue, leave something unsaid.

Also, according to statistics, the numbers in the title work quite well. For example:

  • 5 ways to lose weight before summer.
  • 10 main mistakes women make.
  • 7 tips for the perfect first date.

Having a number means there is a specific number of steps or tips that actually work. Not just “how to make your hair beautiful,” but “8 secrets of beautiful hair.” Sounds better, more promising and specific.

It's better to take the time to find the perfect name than to come up with a name on the way home. Very often, success depends on the first impression, and it is formed only once.

Hello again!

Tell me did you have problems with how to name a group in contact. Well, what's the matter? Trifle. So I’ll take it and write “super duper, cool group on the topic...”. Okay, it seems cool. And everyone who sees the name of my group will definitely join it. Isn't this the main goal?

In today's article, I would like to consider this issue in detail, and finally find out how the name of the group can affect further promotion and, accordingly, future profitability!

I met a lot on VKontakte, and on any other social network. networks of groups and public pages, the names of which are so ridiculous that it is unclear why people run the group, what they want to convey in the name to other community members. Some choose a name from some cool phrase or slogan, others put a set of keywords in the name so that the group searches for the right keywords. And others don’t bother at all, and write the name with special characters. Everyone is original in their own way :))

No matter what you name the group, it won’t make any sense... to find out how to connect a BLOG to a VK group and earn BIG MONEY without leaving home, really!

How can you name a VKontakte group?

First of all, you need to decide on a topic.

The important point is not so much to choose a topic, but to target your target audience. Yes, it is based on the interests of your audience that you need to choose a future name.

Whoever you are aiming at, move on from there!

Recently I came across this cool name:

“I'm not a lady. What a shame. Not an ounce of lady.”

(women's quotes with pictures)

And at first I was surprised, what a stupid name, but it turned out to be quite original. The administrator of the group is more than 95% girls, and the total number of subscribers is 350,000. Moreover, there are no keywords by which it would be possible to receive an additional flow of subscribers from the search. Just originality and that's it!

It depends less on the name itself, and more on what kind of content is published on your public page - its quality, and who it is intended for. And then, due to the prominent name in the feed, you can add new readers. And no search is needed.

On the contrary, if you initially aim to rise through search, then accordingly you need to indicate the keyword in the name. You can stick to high-frequency drivers, but it will be easier to choose a low-frequency key. word and typing the required number of subscribers, and be in the top.

I have never chased traffic and subscribers from search. For me, the main goal in choosing a name is to be cool, short, and clear. Why invent a set of words. For me, a beautiful name is better than a set of keywords. But promotion and attracting subscribers is a completely different question!

As the saying goes: “whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail!”

Also, it will be difficult to work in a group with a name you don’t like. And it’s not uncommon for such groups to remain abandoned...

It’s better to spend a little time on the name and choose an original one that would set you apart from millions of other communities.

Among the many successful communities, there are such popular and cool names:

  • Statuses for which they give class (mine 🙂)
  • Tell me this to my face, not through statuses
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • Women's secret
  • Success Diary
  • Always say yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Secrets of success (your continuation)
  • Thoughts from (Your continuation)
  • Secrets (...)
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Erudite Club

There is no need to try to make the name humorous; it is better to make it clear and short from the first lines.

Make a live band, with a live name!

By creating an interesting and informative group, a person will be pleased to be in it. And by choosing the right name and filling it with useful content, interested people will begin to join in!

And finally: the name for the VKontakte group can be need to create recognizable and beautiful! And if you want to be in the top, then add keywords to your title.

I just want to wish that everything works out for you. And already in the first month you have recruited many like-minded people.

For many, the name of the group leaves the first impression of the musical group that remains forever. A sonorous and easy-to-remember name will allow you to immediately stand out among numerous groups and facilitate the promotion of the team to the top of Olympus. There are some proven ways to come up with a “selling” name for an ensemble.

Name – symbol

A word that will cause the public to associate with the group and its individuality will increase the memorability of the group by 40%. The symbol of the ensemble is a clear, brief description of it, expressing the ideology and worldview of the participants. For example, groups that promote national Russian culture are often called “Slavs”, “Rusichs”. How to come up with a group name - a symbol? Try to describe the team, its members and the main idea in one word.

Matching style

The name of the group, which is associated with its real activities, adds 20% to its popularity. Agree, the poster of a male band performing songs in the heavy metal style with the children's name “Domisolki” will look quite unexpected. Focusing on style, you need to choose a word that characterizes the musical direction of the group. For example, a name such as “Phonograph Jazz Band” will tell a lot about the playing style of the participants.

Memorable phrase

An easy-to-remember name raises the ensemble's popularity rating by 20% compared to its competitors. Short and catchy - “Aria”, unusual and reflecting the worldview of the musicians - “Crematorium”, the most suitable in meaning, shocking, biting and radical - “Civil Defense”, these are the names that immediately attract attention. To create a memorable phrase, you can use an explanatory dictionary.

Famous names, geographical places

According to producers, 10% of a musical group’s success comes from already “promoted” names of historical figures, characters in novels, movie characters, or names of popular geographical places. This is how Rammstein, Gorky Park, and Agatha Christie chose their name.


A short and easy-to-pronounce abbreviation will increase the team’s memorability by 10%. Many well-known ensembles today used the first letters or syllables of the initials of their members for their names. Thus, ABBA and REM were born. The abbreviation "DDT" is derived from the abbreviation of the word dichlo(pest control agent).

Finding the name of a group, of course, is a responsible and difficult task, but this should not stop musicians in their activities. Many newcomers to the stage begin their performances with a temporary name. If you can’t come up with a name for a musical group, you can conduct a survey among the target audience or even organize a competition for the best name.

Are you looking for an easy to remember name for your band? The name of the band can play a key role in your success or failure. Choosing the right name is one of the main points for your band. And one day, when you become famous, the process of choosing a name for your band may even become legendary. So don't miss it!


Basic rules for choosing the right name for a group

    The name should be quickly and easily reflected in Internet search results. These days, one of the criteria for choosing a suitable band name is how easy it is to find on the Internet. When searching online, generic titles like "Girls" can get lost in the sea of ​​links to other girly things.

    Avoid names with hidden negative connotations. You have to feel how far you can go without damaging your group's reputation. The example of a band called "Viet Cong" can give you an idea of ​​how a band's name can become a problem in getting booked for concerts.

    • Meaning should not condone bad behavior. One Scottish group called themselves “Dogs Die in Hot Cars,” which literally translates to “dogs die in hot cars.” This is not the best image for the group, although it is provocative.
    • In the group name, avoid speculation on tragedies or human suffering. If the name is obscene, some radio stations may have difficulty pronouncing it.
  1. Keep the name fresh. You should avoid names that were popular a long time ago and are clichés today.

    Present the image of your group. What is your group? What will you try to convey to people? What is your group like? Who is your target audience? Understanding the nature of your group will help you choose a name.

    • The band name should be consistent with your brand and genre. If you're a country band, you probably don't want your name to sound too punk rock. You don't want people to be disappointed because your band name implies something the band isn't.
    • If you understand who your target audience is, then you can choose a title that will appeal to your listeners. The popular group “Green Day” was guided by this principle in choosing its name. "Green Day" refers to smoking marijuana, and the band appealed to a specific audience of young rebels through slang.

    Choosing a name

    1. Look to pop culture or literature for inspiration. This theme is long lasting. A famous example is the group "Veruca Salt", whose name was borrowed from the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

      • Mikey Way was working at Barnes and Noble and saw Irvine Welsh's book Three Tales of Chemical Romance, which gave him the idea to name the band My Chemical Romance. The band's name "Good Charlotte" also comes from literature. The name of the group “Avenged Sevenfold” (literally from English “seven times avenged”) was taken by Matthew Sanders from the Book of Genesis (the first book of the Pentateuch, the Old Testament and the entire Bible).
      • Once upon a time there was even a group called “Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head” (literally from English “Natalie Portman’s shaved head”). It is not surprising that the musicians eventually had to change their name. Naming a band after a celebrity would not be a good idea. And to associate the name with some old case is even worse.
      • Use song lyrics. For example, the group “Panic! At The Disco" was inspired by the song "Panic" by Name Taken, while "All Time Low" took its title from the song "Head On Collision" by New Found Glory.
    2. Find inspiration from simple things and products. Flowers. Food. Sewing machines. Well, you understand. Take a look around. You will find a huge number of things with interesting names.

      • AC/DC's Malcolm and Angus Young found the band's name on a sewing machine. AC/DC (acronym for Alternating Current/Direct Current) was printed on the back. They decided to use it.
      • Product names can also work great for this. Think Black-eyed Peas or Red Hot Chili Peppers.
    3. Choose a random name. There are various methods on how you can choose a random name. Sometimes groups choose a random word from the dictionary. REM, The Pixies, Incubus, The Grateful Dead, Evanescence and Outkast did this. "Apoptygma Berzerk" followed the same path, using two randomly found words.

      Use your name or initials. This is always a good option, especially if you have a lead singer in your band. For example, the name of the group "Dave Matthews Band" is based on the name of a member of the group. And it works.

      • However, this method of choosing a group name involves some risks. If your band changes lead singer, it will be difficult to continue performing under the same name. And Van Halen is an example of this. Another problem with this method is that some group members may feel left out.
      • If you choose your own name as the name for the group, you may need to add to it to make it sound more interesting. Or you can just use your last name.
    4. Make up a new word. You can make a new word from several others. Perhaps this new word or phrase will have some special meaning for you.