Mail agent and his secrets. What is Mail Agent and how to use it

Let's continue to master the means communication on the Internet . One of the most popular of them in RuNet is becoming Lately Mile agent. This service allows you to communicate for free via voice and video communications, as well as through free SMS, sending files, holding conferences and much more. You can connect most popular social networks and mailboxes, and you will be able to receive notifications and communicate through all these connected channels from one window.

Mail agent, installation.

And so, let's begin. Recruiting at search bar“mail ru agent”, click “find” and from the list select the line with the green “ Agent” icon, we get to official page Agent. On the page, select the type of device we are using (computer, tablet, mobile phone etc.), and click the “download” button. We will download the agent for a computer running Windows system. If yours is different, choose accordingly. Depending on the browser you use, the download will begin immediately to the default folder, or a sign will appear asking for action. In this case, click “save” and specify the location to save the program installation file. Once the download is complete, click open file and the installation of the program will begin. For beginners, it is better to agree with all the points that the installer suggests during installation. More advanced users can choose the proposed items at their discretion. Once the installation is complete, click the “finish” button and the program will open.

If you do not have a mailbox on, then most likely the program will prompt you to create one. Agree, this mailbox will not be superfluous; through it you can register on the “My World” social network, which is also interesting in its own way.

Registering mail on is carried out in almost the same way as mail, which I talked about in one of them, so we won’t dwell on this.

Working with the agent is quite simple; the program itself will tell you what to do. First, you should connect all existing mailbox accounts and social media accounts where you are registered to the agent. If your agent is not open, open it. In the lower right corner of the monitor we find a green (if the Internet is connected) icon in the form of the @ symbol, click on it right click mouse and left-click to select the option to open agent. In the lower left corner of the main agent window, click the “Menu” button and select the “Program Settings” line. By clicking the “Accounts” button, enter the logins and passwords of each of them sequentially into the account windows of your existing mailboxes and social networks and click “login”. If everything is done correctly, a green “bird” icon will appear in the account table next to each registered account. If the program gives an error, try again, carefully entering your logins and passwords. After this, you can customize the rest of the settings, but for beginners it is better to leave everything else as default.

After this, all your friends on social networks will be visible in the main Agent window, and those who are online (with the “online” sign) will be in first place. You can communicate with them via voice or video by right-clicking on their icon and selecting required action left. For those who are not online, you can send a free SMS to your computer or phone. Under your photo in the main program window there is an icon in the form of an envelope. It will reflect the number of unread letters in your mailbox. When new emails arrive, you will receive notifications about when Mailbox and from whom the letter came with a heading about its main contents.

Well, that's probably all. It’s easy to figure out the rest of the subtleties yourself as you work.

Have a nice chat!

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This article is about what Mail Agent is and how to use it. The Mail Agent application can be downloaded and installed on phones with the operating system Windows Phone, Android, iPhone and on your computer.

First, let's find out a little what is Mile Agent? Mail Agent is a free application that allows you to communicate, make video calls, transfer files and send free SMS messages to your phone via the Internet. This program You can download and install it on your phone for free, and you can also download and install Mail Agent on your computer. The application will be distributed free of charge and in order to talk using video calls through our phone or computer we will need the Internet, it is also worth noting that the program can use large volume Internet traffic, and in order to avoid debiting a decent amount from your account, it is better to use unlimited Internet on the phone. At this time Mail time The agent has collected many features such as: ICQ, video calls, regular calls to cell phones for additional fee, send free SMS messages to numbers mobile operators and transfer or receive files. ICQ Jimm users have the opportunity to log in to this application and use ICQ under their login. You can also use several email and ICQ accounts on your mailagent and conveniently switch between them.

So that download Mile Agent to your phone or computer you need to visit the website, find the link to the application and download it by selecting your phone model or version operating system computer. For Android phone users, you can download the mail agent program to your phone from the Play Market. The application is downloaded for free and the main condition for using the program is the Internet and, as we wrote above, that the phone has unlimited Internet.

Now let's talk about that how to use mail agent. Now all applications have a clear interface and they are in Russian. To use Mail Agent, you must have an email registered on Mailru, on this moment Several million users from Russia use mail from mailru, and for those who do not have mail, they can open it in five minutes. It is this data that we enter for authorization in the program, in the login item we enter the email address, and in the password item we enter the email password and wait until the application is ready for communication, video calls, file transfer and messages. It is worth noting that the application is easy to use and any user can work with it and can easily replace Skype and similar programs. All MailAgent functions are conveniently located and you can easily figure out how to call from Agent Mail, how to send a free SMS message, make a video call, both from a phone and a computer, and also use Mail Agent as ICQ and email.

  • Reviews, comments, questions and answers on the topic of Mail Agent on your phone or computer can be added below.
  • We hope it helped you this article and you were able to understand at least a little what a Mile Agent is and why it is needed on your phone.
  • Please share useful tips, additional information, provide mutual assistance in solving problems.
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Add a review or useful advice on the topic: Mail Agent for phone and how to use it.

Enter the sum of the numbers from the picture *:

01 o'clock 50 min.
How to create an email?

19 o'clock 20 minutes.
How to create an email on x2-02.?

12 o'clock 36 min.
After updating the OS to iOS 10, the video calls stopped working. There's just a loss of connection and that's it. Tell me where I can look and configure what.

10 p.m. 34 min.
I had a Samsung Galaxy without front camera and Skype didn’t work, then I installed a mail agent and received video calls through the main camera. So if your Samsung does not support Skype, you can use a mail agent.

21 o'clock 12 min.
Yes it is. I thought I should call the mailagent’s account. I also couldn’t find how to call a direct phone number, maybe they haven’t added such an option to the phone yet. There seems to be such an opportunity on the computer, I haven’t used it myself since you can make calls, as far as I know, for an additional fee.

20 o'clock 25 min.
Thank you, Andrey.. But so the call is coming not to the phone, but to the account in the agent.. But I need it to the phone.

19 o'clock 41 min.
On my Android I call from a mailagent like this: I click on the contact in the mailagent that I need to call and in the new window at the top I see the handset, I click on it and I see how the call is sent.

19 o'clock 04 min.
Hello. I have an email agent on my phone. I need to call a person on the phone. I can not find. It’s clear how to make calls from a computer. And from the phone???

11 p.m. 10 min.
I have been using a mail agent for more than 5 years and also send free SMS.

Nowadays, most readers read the text of an article while sitting at their computers. Every second of them, left hand is located in front of the keyboard, and the right one is on the mouse. It’s not difficult to guess - the usual posture of an ordinary computer user...

If, among other things, the reader is told about its exact location, this will indeed cause surprise. By the way, recently this is possible! So, just yesterday, the national postal service gave all its users the opportunity to find out by IP address exact coordinates of people.

New information has become available thanks to the Agent 5.7 program (build 3796). By the way, it’s a very convenient “thing”. The only "but": besides exact location other people, users completely unfamiliar to you will also be able to find out your coordinates.

Such information was not previously provided even to law enforcement agencies, but now it is available to everyone. And it’s okay if the user, upon receiving it, does not have any malicious intent behind him, otherwise you never know... So, for example, last year in France there was a crime directly related to the Internet. A 20-year-old foreigner actually stabbed his opponent to death virtual game Counter-Strike, in which, by the way, he lost to his future victim. Enraged by the unsuccessful outcome of the game, the young man spent about six months in the real world to find the address of his computer opponent. Having learned his coordinates, the killer knocked on the door and, when his opponent opened, plunged a kitchen knife straight into his chest.

The current electronic space is teeming with such maniacs and criminals. Moreover, catching them turns out to be very, very difficult. According to the Russian Center for Computer Crime Research, citing FBI research, 85-97% of computer attacks are not detected at all. In the USA, for example, 80% of “computer” crimes remain undetected at all, in Great Britain - 85%, in Germany - 75%, in Russia - more than 90%.

But despite such depressing data, many people still trust the Internet unconditionally. And they firmly believe that the information they leave to strangers will not be known (although yesterday’s “gift” from proved the opposite).

Attackers often use this information to for selfish purposes. They collect the most confidential information about the user and recreate a virtual double of the person in order to use this “copy” of the person to commit fraud. They copy photos from the user’s page, personal data, and duplicate the list of friends.

Having created new page, criminals, as a rule, begin to communicate with the victim’s acquaintances in her vocabulary, operate with facts from her personal life, thus, as if stealing the identity of the victim.

The main danger here is that scammers can steal the user’s personal data and use it in the future not only for banal correspondence, but also to commit illegal actions.

Although... Already now on social networks you can find out a lot of “useful” information about many people without hacking into pages. In particular, age, occupation, hobbies, facts from the past. Specialists in information security recommend that social network users close their accounts, making them accessible only to those on their contact list. Although this does not provide a 100% guarantee that personal information will not become known to other persons.


Run the program Mail Agent using a shortcut on the desktop or panel quick launch. Open your contact list. Add a mobile phone number to the contact you want to send SMS from Mail programs Agent, or create a .

To do this, go to “Menu”, select the “Add contact for calls and SMS” option, then in the pop-up window fill in the “User name” field, as well as “Primary phone number”. Add if necessary additional numbers to keep in touch with this user.

Click on the "Add" button now to this person you can send an SMS message from agent. In the future you will be able to add to this profile email address to exchange with the user instant messages.

Add to contact information to send SMS from " Mail Agent." To do this, open the list of contacts, right-click on the one you want and select the “Profile” option. Go to the “Editable phones” section, enter your mobile phone number there. You can add multiple numbers if necessary. Click the “Save” button.

Select the user to send SMS, double-click on the interlocutor's name with the left mouse button. In the window that appears, go to the “SMS” tab, type required text messages. If for given user you have several numbers saved, from the drop-down list select the number to which you want to send an SMS message.

Check whether your message will be delivered using the list on the website This page lists regions and operators mobile communications, to whose numbers the message is guaranteed to be delivered.

Write SMS messages You can communicate with friends not only using your phone. There is a lot for this on the Internet. special programs, allowing for sending SMS without using a mobile device. A similar function is also provided by the popular Internet messenger “Agent.".

You will need

  • - Personal Computer;
  • - installed “Agent.;
  • - friend's phone number.


Send short messages using Mail agent"Quite simply. But for this you need to register first email on, download and install special application- “Agent.”, which allows you to always be in touch and aware of all the news that happens with your friends on the “My World” social network.

After installing the program, start searching for friends and add them to your contacts. For convenience, you can place them in special groups: colleagues, friends, family, etc.

Then, in the user profiles, enter the cell phone numbers of the friends you are going to send messages to. Moreover, having entered the necessary data once, you will be able to use it in the future.

To add a contact phone number, just search the desired user, click on it with the mouse and open working window. By selecting the appropriate item in it, you can make a phone call or make a video call, as well as look into the user’s “world,” send him various files and perform a number of other operations.

To send an SMS message via Mail Agent, select a friend, open the dialog box and go to the SMS section. To add a user's phone number, enter their cell phone number in the appropriate line. By following the steps listed above, you will be able to send short messages to friends at any time without spending money on mobile communications.

Write a text, the maximum length of which should not exceed 112 characters, select a phone number and click “Send”. Within a few seconds, the message will arrive on your friend's phone, who will be able to recognize the sender from your email address.

If the required subscriber does not use the “My World” and “Agent” services.", you can still send him a message using the Internet. To do this, simply enter his phone number using the “Add Contact” function.

By clicking on this link, you will go to next page, where in the bottom line you will need to select the option “Add a contact for calls and SMS”. Fill in special form questionnaires, indicating the user's name in it, which in the future will greatly facilitate the search for the desired contact, and his phone numbers.

Please note that the Mail service agent» allows you to include three subscriber numbers in the list - the main one and two additional ones. Write down the phone number in the format +7 ХХХХХХХХХХ, where after the “+” sign the country code, city code (operator) and the number itself are indicated. Make the necessary changes and click the “Add” button.

In big world wide web, you can find many applications and programs designed to communicate with friends and family. So the mobile application Agent Mail.Ru provides the opportunity to communicate with friends in one system, make free video calls, receive notifications of new letters, and also send SMS for free.


To begin with, as in any other mobile application, in order to start using it, you need to log in. Open the Mail.Ru Agent application and log in using your email account or phone number. Let's look at everything in order.
Log in using your phone number. To do this, enter your phone number in the required field and click “Next”. The system should automatically open a window with confirmation of sending an SMS to the phone number, so click “OK”. After the “Confirmation Code” arrives at your number, the application will automatically confirm and transfer you to the “Personal Data” section, enter your name and click “Confirm”. Then a small hint will open, scroll to the end and click on the “Start” button.

Logging in using your account is very fast and simple. In the appropriate window, go to “Use account” and enter your email and password, then click “Login”. Scroll to the end of the prompt and click “Start”.

Let's start using the application by determining the number of linked accounts. Therefore, go to the “Settings” section and click “Add account”. The number of adding accounts is not limited by the system, which is why you can add several social networks and a phone number.

Go to the “Contact List” section, select desired contact, go to it and select the desired action: write an SMS, send a file and much more.

Helpful advice

Regardless of which account you log in to, you can still add any available account.

SMS, from English Short Message Service - literally service short messages. More often this is what they call the messages themselves from phone to phone (maximum 160 characters). They cannot describe a thought in detail, but they can briefly describe a situation or send an anecdote. Shipping cost SMS from a phone fluctuates around two rubles, but using a number of Internet services you can send SMS for free.


If you know the subscriber's number belongs to the network, use the sending page to this operator. Links to these largest mobile operators are located below the article. Enter subscriber code, messages. Copy the code from -test. Set input settings (conversion to Latin) and delivery (time, date). Click the "Submit" button.


  • Sending free SMS to Megafon in 2019

Along with paid shipping SMS messages From your phone there are options for free messages using the Internet. Email is one of the most well-known methods of exchanging information on the Internet. It allows you to communicate and share files, and delivery of a notification can take just a few seconds.


To send SMS using the Internet, use official service cellular communication to send messages. In this case, you need to know exactly the operator with whom your subscriber has an agreement for the relevant services. Use a search engine to find his exact website. Most common sites Russian operators- these are, and

Go to home page resource, use the search to locate the form for sending a message. Enter the recipient's number in international format, SMS text and specified characters (spam protection). Then click on the “Submit” button. Please note that using Latin characters will allow you to use more characters in the text of one message compared to Cyrillic.

Send SMS using programs such as mail.agent and icq. They have a built-in function for sending messages to a mobile phone. You can consider the principle of operation using the example of the mail.agent messenger.

Go to website. For this program you need to have an email address. So register for postal service. Then follow the specified link and download to your PC installation file called "Agent". Then run this application, then enter your username and password.

Before sending a message to cellular telephone make sure that the recipient has a contact information mobile number. Review your contact list. If the corresponding icon is visible next to the name, this means that the phone number is specified.

Add a new one to your list of friends for calls and SMS messages, then enter the subscriber’s number in international format in the field provided. After which you will have the opportunity to send SMS using an email account, but, as a rule, no more than one message per minute.

Video on the topic


  • email with sms in 2019

Email is one of the convenient ways transmission of information via the Internet. In addition, you can send sms not only by phone, but also using your email. In this case, message delivery takes a few seconds.


In order to send sms By e-mail, use the official mobile server to send messages. Moreover, you need to know the relevant operator with whom your recipient has an agreement for such services.

Take advantage search engine to find exactly its web resource. Most Common Websites domestic operators- these are, and

Go to the required web page. Enter the subscriber's number in international format, then the text of the message and the symbols shown in the form of numbers or letters (spam safety).

After that, click on the “Submit” button. Please note that Latin characters allow you to use much more more letters and numbers in the text of one sms, in contrast to the Cyrillic alphabet.

Use sending sms through programs such as ICQ and mail.agent. They have the function of sending similar messages to a cell phone. For example, you can analyze the principle of operation of the Mail Agent messenger.

Log in to the resource. To do this, you need to have a mailbox at your email address. Register on such a server. Then follow the link and download the installation file called “Agent” to your laptop or computer. Next, launch this application, then enter your username and password.

To send a message to your mobile phone by email, study the list of your acquaintances and friends. Moreover, if a certain icon is visible next to the user name, this means that the cell number is indicated.

Now add to your friends list for sms and calls, then specify phone number person in international format into the field that appears. After this you will be able to send sms via email, but, of course, no more than one message per minute.

Where to download and configure the Agent

Download Mail Agent, its latest version can be accessed from the developers’ website by following this link.

After installation, you will need to either log in, or, if you are not registered in the system, you will need to go through the registration procedure. Follow the Registration link and simply fill out the registration form, after which you can safely enter the program.

In general, after logging into Agent, you can immediately start looking for friends and communicating with them. Adding a contact is done by clicking on the Add contact link. In the window that opens, two search options will be available:

  • By name, country, birthday, etc.
  • By email address

In version 5.8 it became possible to add account from the site and other popular social networks. I really liked this innovation. You can do it like this:

Another nice thing is free shipping SMS to phone. This is done like this:

Right-click on a friend, so to speak. , select Send SMS in the menu, enter the phone number and write the text.

This program can also:

  • make voice calls to a remote computer
  • video calls to a remote computer
  • send files to a remote computer

If anything is not clear in the settings, ask in the comments and I will be happy to help.