The telegraph network uses a numbering system. World telephone numbers

56. The Russian numbering plan establishes the distribution of numbering resources:

a) geographically defined numbering zones, identified by the ABC code, in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 2, No. 6 to this order;

b) geographically non-defined numbering zones, identified by the DEF code, in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 3, No. 6 to this order;

c) main route indices of the telegraph communication network in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to this order;

d) trunk route indexes of the Telex network in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to this order;

e) communication network identification codes;

f) access codes for telecommunication services in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 to this order;

g) codes of signaling points OKS No. 7 in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this order.

57. The numbering plan for telephone and telegraph communication networks is formed according to the zonal principle, according to which each numbering zone is assigned a three-digit code.

58. One or more ABC codes are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.

A local telephone network operator providing communication services on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation uses the numbering resource of a geographically defined numbering zone assigned to this subject.

The numbering plan in a geographically defined numbering zone is formed without taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the subject of the Russian Federation.

59. The numbering resource in DEF codes is assigned to telecommunication networks operating throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation or in its part in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

60. Access codes for telecommunication services provided within the entire territory of the Russian Federation, several constituent entities of the Russian Federation or one constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned from the list of codes in accordance with Appendix No. 4 of this order.

Indices x1x2x3, allocated to telecom operators for the provision of communication services using access codes to telecommunication services, are divided into indices used for the provision of communication services throughout the Russian Federation, and into indices used for the provision of communication services in the territory of one or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this order.

61. The numbering resource of one geographically defined numbering zone is 8 million telephone numbers and is limited by the use of the first digit of the telephone number. The first digits are 2 through 7 and 9; after stage I has been completed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this order, numbers 2 to 9 are used.

62. The numbering resource of one geographically undefined numbering zone is 10 million telephone numbers.

63. Distribution of the numbering resource of the first millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone for access to special services of local communication networks, for access to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services will be determined in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this order .

64. One or more trunk route indexes of the telegraph communication network and trunk route indexes of the Telex network are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendices No. 9, No. 10 to this order.

65. The resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph communication network and the main route indexes of the Telex network is limited by the use of the first digit of the number. The first digits of the number are numbers from 1 to 9.

66. The code of the signaling point of the SSCN network No. 7 is assigned only to one of the signaling points of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this order.

67. The resource of identification codes for mobile radiotelephone networks (MNC) is 100 codes.

68. The resource of identification codes for mobile radio networks of the TETRA standard is 16384 codes.

Numbering principles

Fixed telephone networks in the Russian Federation use two numbering plans - open and closed. Open plan is used for local calls (7-, 6-, 5-, 4- or 3-digit local numbers). The closed plan is used for intra-area and long-distance calls, but can also be used for local calls. When establishing a telephone connection in a mobile network, a closed numbering plan is used. It is planned to switch to a closed numbering plan for all local calls “as soon as local telephone networks are ready.”

Currently, Russia maintains a common numbering space with Kazakhstan. Country code Kc=7 for both Russia and Kazakhstan. In addition, on November 15, 2009, the Republic of Abkhazia switched to telephone codes allocated to it by Russia in the 7th numbering zone.

Dial order

City telephone service

To call a subscriber within your city code, just dial the subscriber's city number, containing from three to seven characters.

Long-distance and international telephone communications

As of 2012, in Russia eight operators have the right to provide long-distance and international telephone communications (access to which is possible by dialing the number 8):

  • Mobile TeleSystems ((hereinafter - MTS),
  • Rostelecom (hereinafter - RT),
  • Interregional TransitTelecom (hereinafter - MTT).
  • VimpelCom (through its subsidiary Sovintel) - Beeline trademark,
  • TransTeleCom (hereinafter - TTK)
  • Orange (through subsidiary Equant)


6, 7

In order to streamline the use of numbering resources of the 7th world numbering zone, an Agreement was signed between the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Information and Communications and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2006, which distributes the numbering resource between Kazakhstan and Russia. In accordance with this Agreement, Kazakhstan is assigned codes starting with the numbers “6” and “7”.

Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation
dated November 17, 2006 No. 142
"On approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan"

In accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; 2003, No. 52 (Part 1), Art. 5038; 2004 , no. 3607; 2005, no. 1752, no. 636; 2006, no. 31; 1), Art. 3431, Art. 3452) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2004 No. 311 “On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 27, Art. 2774; 2005, No. 10, Art. 1105; 2006, No. 34, Art.

1. Approve the attached Russian system and numbering plan.

2. Implement the Russian system and numbering plan in stages:

Stage I (2007) - transition to the use of a closed numbering plan when establishing intra-zonal telephone connections and exclusion from the numbering plans of local telephone networks of telephone numbers with the first digit equal to "1";

Stage II (2010) - transition to using "Pn = 00" when establishing international telephone connections and "Pn = 0" when establishing intra-zonal and long-distance connections, transition to using numbers like "1UV(x_1(x_2)" for access to emergency operational services, reference and information services of telecom operators and special services of local telephone networks;

Stage III (as local telephone networks are ready) - transition to using a closed numbering plan when establishing local telephone connections.

3. DICT (Vasiliev), Rossvyaznadzor (Bugaenko), Rossvyaz (Beskorovainy) shall, by 12/20/2006, create a working group to prepare for the introduction of the Russian system and numbering plan on the public communications network of the Russian Federation and, by 01/01/2007, prepare and submit to me for approval an action plan for the implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan.

4. Rossvyaz (Beskorovayny):

4.1. Be guided by the Russian system and numbering plan when issuing decisions on the allocation of numbering resources;

4.2. Bring, before 01/01/2007, into compliance with the Russian system and numbering plan, taking into account the plan for its introduction, previously issued decisions on the allocation and change of numbering resources.

5. Rossvyaznadzor (Bugaenko):

5.1. Be guided by the Russian system and numbering plan when implementing measures to supervise and control the activities of telecom operators.

5.2. Bring in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan the Register of operators occupying a significant position in the public communications network, in terms of the names of geographically defined numbering zones.

6. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

7. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation B.D. Antonyuk.

L.D. Reiman

Registration No. 8572

Russian system and numbering plan

(approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation
dated November 17, 2006 No. 142)

I. General provisions

1. The Russian numbering system establishes requirements for the structure of digital, alphabetic, symbolic designations or combinations of such designations, including codes intended for unambiguous determination (identification) of a communication network and (or) its nodes or terminal elements, as well as requirements for use such designations in combination with indicators that allow you to select different number formats, telecom operators or telecom services.

2. The Russian numbering plan establishes the assignment of codes and numbering resources to numbering zones, communication networks and telecommunication services.

II. Russian numbering system

2.1 General principles

3. Requirements for the numbering structure are established for telephone and telegraph communication networks, including the Telex network, included in the public communications network.

4. To identify the terminal elements of telephone communication networks, combinations of digital designations are used:

country code (Кс) - from 1 to 3 decimal places (Russian Federation, Кс=7);

numbering zone code (ABC - for a geographically defined numbering zone, DEF - for a geographically not defined numbering zone) - 3 decimal places for the Russian Federation:

zone telephone number (x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7) - 7 decimal places.

The local telephone number can be from 3 to 7 decimal places and can be the same as the area telephone number or be shorter.

5. The sequential designation of the country code, numbering zone code and zone telephone number forms an international telephone number (Nmn). The maximum number of decimal places in the international number is 15, excluding the international prefix Pmn.

6. The sequential designation of the numbering zone code and zone number forms the national (meaningful) telephone number Nnational. The maximum number of decimal places in the national (significant) number of the Russian Federation is 10.

7. An international telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of a communication network within global communication networks.

8. The national (meaningful) telephone number uniquely identifies the terminal element of the local telephone network or mobile network within the territory of the Russian Federation.

9. The zone telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of the local telephone network within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

10. A local telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of a local telephone network within a municipal entity of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a city of federal significance.

11. To establish an international telephone connection, the Pmn indicator is used, which is an international prefix, which is formed by two decimal places with the value “00”.

12. To establish long-distance and intra-zonal telephone connections, the Mon indicator is used, which is a national prefix, which is formed by one decimal place with the value “0”.

13. When establishing an international telephone connection by selecting a telecom operator for each call, an indicator formed by two decimal places (code for selecting a long-distance and international telephone network operator - XYmn) is used, which follows the national prefix Mon.

14. When establishing a long-distance telephone connection by selecting a telecom operator for each call, an indicator formed by two decimal places is used (code for selecting a long-distance and international telephone network operator - XYmg), which follows the national prefix Mon.

15. Fixed telephone networks in the Russian Federation use two numbering plans - open and closed.

With a closed numbering plan, a telephone connection of any type (local, intrazonal, long-distance) is established by dialing a national (significant) number. In the Russian Federation, when establishing an intrazonal telephone connection, a closed numbering plan is used, in which the number of decimal places in the national (significant) number is 10.

With an open numbering plan, a local telephone connection is established by dialing a local number, and intrazonal and long-distance telephone connections are established by dialing a national (significant) number with the prefix Mon.

16. When establishing a telephone connection in the mobile network, a closed numbering plan with the prefix Mon is used.

17. The zone telephone number, which uniquely identifies the end element of the local telephone network, which uses 6, 5, 4 or 3-digit local telephone numbers, is expanded to a 7-digit number by adding characters equal to the value “x_1”, “x_1 x_2”, “x_1 x_2 x_3”, “x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4” of the zone telephone number, respectively. In this case, x_1 should not be equal to “0” and “1”.

18. To identify the terminal elements of the Telex network (subscriber installations) in international networks, a combination of digital designations is used:

country code (Кс) - up to 3 decimal places (Russian Federation, Кс = 64);

identification number of the subscriber installation in the destination country (x_1.... x_9) - up to 9 decimal places.

To establish a connection in the international Telex network, the PMN indicator is used, which is an international prefix that can include up to 6 decimal places.

The sequential designation of the country code and the identification number of the subscriber installation in the destination country forms the international telex number (Nmn). The maximum number of decimal places in an international telex number is 12, excluding the international prefix Pmn.

The end of dialing an international telex number and the end of dialing a national telex number are confirmed by the “+” indicator, which is indicated after dialing the last digit of the number.

19. To identify the terminal elements of the Telex network (subscriber installations) in the national network, a combination of digital designations is used:

(ABC) - 3 decimal places;

subscriber installation identification number (x_1 x_2 x_3) 3 decimal places.

The sequential designation of the main route index and the identification number of the subscriber installation forms the national telex number (Nnats). The maximum number of decimal places in the national telex number is 6.

When establishing connections in the national Telex network, a closed numbering plan is used.

The national Telex network number uniquely identifies the end element of the Telex network - the subscriber installation.

20. To identify the terminal elements of the telegraph communication network, a combination of digital designations is used:

The sequential designation of the main route index and the lower route index forms a telegraph number.

The maximum number of decimal places in a telegraph number is 6.

The telegraph number uniquely identifies the terminal element of the national telegraph communication network - the point of provision of telegraph communication services or the terminal installation of the telegraph communication center.

21. To identify the node element of the telephone communication network in the general channel signaling system N 7 (OCS N 7), a network indicator consisting of 2 binary digits (IC) and a signaling point code consisting of 14 binary digits (BBC) are used.

22. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator, which has the value "11" for the local telephone network, is formed by a combination of 14 binary digits.

23. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator having the value “10” for the long-distance part of the long-distance, international telephone network, is formed by a combination of digital designations:

24. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator having the value “00” for the international part of the long-distance, international telephone network, is formed by a combination of digital designations:

25. To identify the terminal elements of the mobile communication network, combinations of digital designations are used:

26. The sequential designation of the mobile country code, the mobile network code, and the subscriber station identification number forms the international subscriber station number (IMSI), used to identify the mobile subscriber station in global mobile networks. The maximum number of decimal places in the international number is 15.

27. To access special services of local telephone networks, to access the services of the information and reference system of local telephone operators, to access data transfer services and telematic communication services, numbers from the numbering resource of the 1st millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone are used , including those combined into groups (serial numbers), like “1UV (x_1(x_2))”, where “1UV” is the service number.

28. To access custom services, custom-reference services and services included in information and reference systems organized by fixed-area, long-distance and international telephone operators, numbering from the ABC code resource of the type “1BC” is used, where “A” = 1 , and "VS" have any meaning.

29. To access special mobile communication services, to access data services and telematic communication services, numbers from the numbering resource of a geographically non-defined numbering zone are used, including those combined into groups (serial numbers) of the form “XUV (x_1(x_2) )", where "XUV" is the service number. In this case, X is not equal to "0".

30. To access the services of the information and reference system of telecom operators providing local telephone services within the same settlement, municipal district or federal city using numbering from the numbering resource of the same geographically defined numbering zone, the number format is used of the form "118 (x_1(x_2))".

31. To access the services of the information and reference system of a telecom operator providing local telephone services from other settlements, municipal districts or federal cities using numbering from the numbering resource of the same geographically defined zone, as well as from the numbering resource of other geographically defined zones defined numbering zones and geographically non-defined numbering zones, a number format of the form “Mon ABC118 (x_1(x_2))” is used.

32. For subscribers and users of fixed telephone services and mobile communication services to access emergency operational services throughout the Russian Federation, a single number “112” is used.

32.1. For subscribers and users of fixed telephone services and mobile communication services to access the “Child in Danger” telephone line, single numbers “121”, “122”, “123” are used.

33. For dedicated communication networks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, requirements for the identification of communication networks, their nodes and terminal elements, including the significance of the number, are established by the operators of these communication networks independently, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Number format when establishing a telephone connection automatically

34. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection:

Pmn Ks Nnat;

Pmn Ks Ngl;

Pmn Ks Ki Na;

Pmn Ks Kig Na;

International prefix;

Country code for a country or group of countries in a master numbering plan, country code for a Global Service, country code for a network;

National (significant) subscriber number;

Global Service subscriber number;

Network identification code;

Subscriber number;

Global subscriber number for the international toll-free telephone service.

Ki Na, Kig Na

constitute Nnational - national (significant) subscriber number.

b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call:

35. Number format when establishing a long-distance telephone connection for subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator

b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call

36. Number format when establishing an intrazonal telephone connection for subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator

37. Number format when establishing a telephone connection between subscribers of mobile radiotelephone networks, mobile radio communications, mobile satellite radio communications:

38. Number format when providing communication services using access codes for telecommunication services (ACC), including data communication services and telematic communication services:

2.3. Number format when establishing intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator

39. Number format when establishing an intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone connection of a subscriber (user) with custom and information and reference services of telecom operators:

a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator:

Mon - national prefix;

12, 18, 19 - direction codes used to establish connections with telephone operator workplaces of the intra-zonal, intercity and international custom service of the telecom operator, respectively;

14 - direction code used to establish connections with the information and reference service system created by the telecom operator providing intrazonal and (or) long-distance and international telephone services.

b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call:

Mon XYmg 18(x);

Mon XYmn 19(x);

Mon XYmg 14(x),

XY - code for selecting a telecom operator providing the corresponding communication services.

40. Number format when establishing telephone connections using telephone operators of telecom operator services:

a) with subscribers of mobile networks:

Mon DEF x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

b) with subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

Mon ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 ;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 ;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4.

c) with subscribers of other countries (when establishing an international telephone connection):

Pmn Ks Nnat.

41. Number format when establishing a telephone connection between telephone operators of auxiliary workstations (WWP) and telephone operators of telecom operator services providing intrazonal and (or) long-distance and international telephone communication services:

42. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection between telephone operators of telecom operator services and telephone operators of international services of telecom operators of foreign countries:

a) Pmn Ks L Kz 11;

Destination country code;

Language code:






Additional area code;

Exit code to the workstations of telephone operators of the immediate service system.

b) Pmn Ks L Kz 12ХХХ;

Ks L Kz 12ХХХ;

Ks L 12ХХХ;

International network access prefix;

Destination country code;

Language code;

Exit code to the workplaces of telephone operators of the custom service system;

Designation of the telephone operator's workplace, designation of a custom service or serial number of an order for establishing an international telephone connection.

43. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection between telephone operators of telecom operator services of foreign countries and telephone operators of telecom operator services of the Russian Federation:

b) Ks L 12ХХХ,

Language code.

2.4. Number format when establishing a local telephone connection

44. Number format when establishing a local telephone connection:

ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7 (with ABC = 499);

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5;

x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4;

x_1 x_2 x_3.

45. Local telephone connections are established with or without the local prefix PM.

2.5. Number format for access to special services of local communication networks, to services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services

46. ​​Number format for access to emergency services:

47. Number format for access to special services of local communication networks, to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services:

a) federal significance:

b) others, incl. municipal significance:

1UV (x_1(x_2)),

1UV - number to access the service;

(x_1(x_2)) - service designation (service number).

48. Number format for subscribers and users of communication services to access the services of the information and reference service system of a local telephone operator from other settlements, city districts, municipal districts or federal cities:

Mon ABC 118 (x_1(x_2)),

Mon - national prefix;

ABC - code of a geographically defined numbering zone;

118 - number for access to the information and reference service system of the local telephone operator;

(x_1(x_2)) - designation of the service in the information and reference service system of the telecom operator (service number).

49. Number format for access to communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services:


1UV - number for access to communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services;

x_1(x_2) - designation of communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services.

2.6. Number format for the provision of communication services on telegraph communication networks, including Telex networks

50. Number format when providing communication services on a telegraph communication network:

51. Format of the international Telex network number:

52. Format of the national Telex network number:

Connections to the national Telex network are established with or without the country code Ks.

III. Russian numbering plan

53. The Russian numbering plan establishes the distribution of numbering resources:

a) geographically defined numbering zones identified by the ABC code in accordance with the attached tables No.,;

b) geographically non-determined numbering zones identified by the DEF code according to the attached tables No. , ;

c) main route indices of the telegraph communication network;

d) main route indexes of the Telex network;

e) communication network identification codes;

f) access codes for telecommunication services according to the attached tables No. , ;

g) codes of signaling points OKS N 7.

54. The numbering plan for telephone and telegraph communication networks is formed according to the zonal principle, according to which each numbering zone is assigned a three-digit code.

55. One or more ABC codes are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

A local telephone network operator providing communication services on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation specified in its license uses the numbering resource of a geographically defined numbering zone assigned to this subject.

The numbering plan in a geographically defined numbering zone is formed without taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the subject of the Russian Federation.

56. One or more DEF codes are assigned to a telecommunications network operating throughout the Russian Federation or part of it in accordance with the attached.

Values ​​"F" are assigned for use on the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

57. Access codes for telecommunication services provided within the entire territory of the Russian Federation, several constituent entities of the Russian Federation or one constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned from the list of codes given in the attached.

Indices X_1 X_2 X_3, allocated to telecom operators for the provision of communication services using access codes to telecommunication services, are divided into indices used for the provision of communication services throughout the Russian Federation, and into indices used for the provision of communication services in the territory of one or more constituent entities Russian Federation, in accordance with the attached.

58. The numbering resource of one geographically defined numbering zone is 8 million telephone numbers and is limited by the use of the first digit of the telephone number. Numbers 1 to 7 and 9 are used as the first digits, and 2 to 9 in the future.

59. The numbering resource of one geographically non-defined numbering zone is 10 million telephone numbers and has no restrictions on the use of the first digit of the telephone number.

60. Distribution of the numbering resource of the 1st millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone, for access to special services of local communication networks, for access to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services in accordance with the attached.

61. One or more trunk route indexes of the telegraph communication network and trunk route indexes of the Telex network are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached tables No. , .

62. The resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph communication network and the main route indexes of the Telex network is limited by the use of the first digit of the number. The first digits of the number are numbers from 1 to 9.

63. The code of the signaling point of the SSCN network No. 7 is assigned only to one of the signaling points of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

64. The resource of identification codes for mobile radiotelephone networks of the GSM standard of the Russian Federation is 100 codes.

65. The resource of identification codes for mobile radio networks of the TETRA standard of the Russian Federation is 16384 codes.

Table No. 1

Table No. 1. Functional purpose of the Russian part of the codes of geographically defined numbering zones (ABC), codes of geographically not defined numbering zones (DEF) and access codes for telecommunication services (KDU) of the 7th world numbering zone

First digit of the code

Functional purpose of codes

Used to indicate the first digit of the international prefix Pmn=00

Used to designate the first digit of the number for access to custom and information and reference services organized by fixed-area, long-distance and international telephone operators

Reserve (shared with the Republic of Kazakhstan)

ABC codes

ABC codes

ABC codes and access codes for telecommunication services

DEF codes and telecommunication service access codes

Table No. 2
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 2. List of assigned ABC codes

Numbering zone name

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

ABC code meaning


Republic of Adygea (Adygea)

Altai regional

Altai region

Altai Republican

Altai Republic


Amur region


Arkhangelsk region together with the Nenets Autonomous Okrug


Astrakhan region


Belgorod region


Bryansk region


Republic of Buryatia


Vladimir region


Volgograd region


Vologda region


Voronezh region


Republic of Dagestan


Jewish Autonomous Region


Sverdlovsk region


Ivanovo region


Ingush Republic


Irkutsk region together with the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug


Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


Kaliningrad region


Republic of Kalmykia


Kaluga region


Kamchatka region together with the Koryak Autonomous Okrug


Karachay-Cherkess Republic


Republic of Karelia


Kemerovo region


Kirov region

Komi Republic


Kostroma region


Krasnodar region


Krasnoyarsk Territory together with the Evenki Autonomous Okrug and the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug


Kurgan region

Kursk region


Leningrad region


Lipetsk region


Magadan region


Republic of Mari El


Republic of Mordovia

Moscow city

Moscow city

Moscow regional

Moscow region


Murmansk region

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod region


Novgorod region


Novosibirsk region

Omsk region


Orenburg region


Oryol region


Penza region


Perm region


Primorsky Krai


Pskov region


Rostov region


Ryazan region


Samara region

St. Petersburg

city ​​of St. Petersburg


Saratov region


Sakhalin region

North Ossetian

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania


Smolensk region


Stavropol region


Tambov region


Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)


Tver region

Tomsk region


Tula region


Republic of Tyva


Tyumen region


Udmurt Republic


Ulyanovsk region


Republic of Bashkortostan


Khabarovsk region


Republic of Khakassia


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra


Chelyabinsk region


Chechen Republic

Chitinskaya (together with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug)*

Chita region together with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug


Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia


Chukotka Autonomous Okrug


Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


Yaroslavl region


Baikonur city and Baikonur cosmodrome



* In order to rationally use the ABC code numbering resource for the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are autonomous okrugs, with the exception of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a numbering resource is allocated in accordance with this table.

** In order to rationally use the ABC code numbering resource for the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the future there should be one ABC code.

Table No. 3
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 3. List of assigned DEF codes for mobile radiotelephone networks, radio networks and satellite mobile radio networks

Table No. 4
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 4. List of assigned access codes for telecommunication services (ACS)

Telecommunication service access codes

Name of telecommunication service

Free call (FPH - Freephone)

Call with automatic alternative billing (AAB - Automatic alternative billing)

Credit card calling (CCC)

Universal access number (UAN)

Calling using a prepaid card (PCC - Prepaid card calling)

Account card calling

Virtual private network (VPN)

Universal personal telecommunication (UPT - Universal personal Telecommunication)

Service for an additional fee (PRM - Premium rate)

Promising service codes

Access to data communication services

Access to telematic communication services

Table No. 5
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 5. List of indices assigned to telecom operators when providing communication services using access codes to telecommunication services

Table No. 6
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 6. List of reserve codes ABC, DEF and KDU codes

Number of the first digit of the code

ABC, DEF, KDU codes

Number of backup codes


303, 305 - 307, 308, 309, 319, 331, 332, 334, 335, 337, 339, 340, 344, 348, 350, 354 - 359, 360 -369, 370 - 379, 380, 386, 387, 389, 392, 393, 396 - 399

400, 402 - 409, 410, 412, 414, 417- 419, 420, 422, 425, 428, 429, 430 - 439, 440 - 449, 450 - 459, 460 - 469, 470, 476 - 479, 480, 488, 489, 490, 497

810, 856, 857, 860, 869, 880

(shared use by the Communications Administrations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan)

819, 822 - 829, 830, 837 - 839, 849, 852 - 854, 858, 859, 864, 868, 870, 874 - 876

(shared reserve with the Communications Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948

Table No. 7
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 7. Distribution of numbers for access to special services of local communication networks, to services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services

Service access number and service numbers

Assigning a number range for access and service numbers

Range for 3-digit federal service numbers

Time service

Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation for the purpose of harmonization with European legislation in the field of communications

Unified emergency call number

Blocking electronic payment cards

Access number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator

Social service numbers

Drug addiction help service

Child in danger

Child in danger

Child in danger

Centralized telephone and payphone repair bureau

Telegram service by telephone

Traffic police service


Psychological assistance service

Call center and emergency numbers

Reference and information service about medicines and medical services

Weather Service

SPAS - road emergency service

Taxi service

Water utility emergency service

Electrical emergency service

Emergency heating service

Hotel booking

140Х(Х) - 179X(Х)

Serial numbers of paid information, reference and order services

Help desk and air ticket booking

Help desk and ordering railway tickets

Help desk and ticket booking for intercity buses

Help desk and booking of tickets for water transport

Information about entertainment events

Sports news

Access to personal radio networks

147(x(x)) - 149x(x)

150 X(X) -159 X(X)

Reserve for 4-, 5-digit serial numbers

160 X(X) - 169 X(X)

170 X(X) - 179 X(X)

VRM telephone number

183X(X) - 189X(X)

190Х(Х) - 199X(Х)

Serial numbers used to access data communications and telematics services.

Table No. 8
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 8. Distribution of the “F” value of the DEF code beyond the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation forming federal districts

Table No. 9
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 9. Distribution of the numbering resource for signaling points (SPS) between SS networks of 7 public telephone networks

Signaling points for public telephone networks

Signaling Point Code Format

Alarm Point Code Format Based on Range (Decimal)

Signaling point code range (binary)

Alarm point code range (in decimal)

Signaling points of the long-distance and international telephone network
(ISmn = 00)

International format

from 2-100-0 to 2-119-7

01001100100000 - 01001110111111

Signaling points for long-distance and international telephone networks

National format

from 0-0 to 255-63

00000000000000 - 11111111111111

Signaling points of the local (zonal) telephone network (ISm=11)

from 0 to 15359

00000000000000 - 11101111111111

Table No. 10
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 10. List of resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph network on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Trunk route index

Trunk route index







Saint Petersburg












Perm, Komi-Permyak


Yakut (Sakha)

Chitinskaya, Aginskaya-Buryatskaya







Irkutsk, Ust-Ordynsk, Buryat









Nizhny Novgorod

Arkhangelsk, Nenets


Kamchatka, Koryak





















North Ossetian (Alania)




Krasnoyarsk, Evenki






Altai Republic






Table No. 11
to the Russian numbering plan

Table No. 11. List of resource for numbering the main route indexes of the Telex network on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Trunk route index

Trunk route index





Nizhny Novgorod

Volgogradskaya (Volzhsky)








Rostovskaya (Taganrog)



Belgorodskaya (Stary Oskol)





Bashkir (Salavat)

133,.....313, 347, 633



Perm, Komi-Permyak


Yakut (Sakha)





Komi (Vorkuta)



Primorskaya (Nakhodka)



Irkutsk, Ust-Ordynsk, Buryat

Samara (Tolyatti)

Irkutsk (Angarsk)


Irkutsk (Bratsk)

Kemerovo (Novokuznetsk)


Tyumen, Yamalo-Nenets






Arkhangelsk, Nenets

Arkhangelskaya (Severodvinsk)

221,.....348, 721, 848


Kamchatka, Koryak

Sverdlovskaya (Nizhny Tagil)




Stavropolskaya (Pyatigorsk)




Tatarstanskaya (Naberezhnye Chelny)


Chitinskaya, Aginskaya-Buryatskaya








Khabarovskaya (Komsomolsk-on-Amur)



North Ossetian (Alania)

Orenburgskaya (Orsk)



Krasnoyarsk (Kansk)



Vologda (Cherepovets)


Krasnoyarsk, Evenki, Taimyr


205,.....206, 346, 846, 570


Altai Republic



Krasnodar (Sochi)


Krasnodar (Armavir)

Krasnodar (Novorossiysk)
