Find grandfather's award sheet. Information service “Memory of the People”: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Home Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation to perpetuate the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland Military Memorial Department Information service"Memory of the People"

Information service “Memory of the People”

​Portal "Memory of the People" created by the Ministry of Defense by decision of the Russian organizing committee "Victory" and supported by instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the project is to provide users with the opportunity to obtain the most complete information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War through new interactive tools and the development of generalized data banks “Memorial” and “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

The “Memory of the People” project is:

online access to 425 thousand archival documents of fronts, armies and other formations of the Red Army,
more than 100 thousand interactive maps with the locations of military units of the war years marked on them,
a database of more than 18 million records from award lists and descriptions of the exploits of soldiers and officers,
information about the primary burial places of more than 5 million soldiers and officers.

Development information resources Russian Ministry of Defense,
as a form of perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland

The Russian Ministry of Defense continues to work on the development and replenishment of the “Memory of the People” interactive service, which united existing public banks data "Memorial" and "Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

Currently, the interactive service “Memory of the People” includes:

over 106.6 million digitized pages of archival operational documents of fronts, armies and formations of the Red Army (including 127 thousand files of staff documents, of which more than 48,600 files of combat logs of fronts, armies and divisions, documents and schemes for combat control ;

58.0 million records from 21.3 million digital copies of documents on irretrievable losses of the Red Army, military transit points and reserve regiments;

more than 42,000 passports of military graves, including 11,994 passports in foreign countries, with lists of those buried, documents on the places of primary burials of more than 5.0 million soldiers and officers, more than 1.2 million records of captured documents on Soviet prisoners of war;

more than 28.0 million records of awards documents;

about 51,800 historical maps and diagrams of combat operations of the headquarters of fronts, armies and divisions, 12.5 million records with information on maps about the accomplished exploits of soldiers and officers;

29.52 million cards about injuries and deaths from wounds in hospitals and medical battalions;

description of 227 main battles of the Great Patriotic War.

The intelligent system allows, using the archival documents available in the database, to reconstruct the combat path of associations, formations, military units and individual servicemen from the place of conscription to the place of death, last place serving in the active army or returning home. In July 2017, the interactive service was supplemented by the Internet portal “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914-1918.” The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces, through the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", has been tasked with digitizing authentic documents about the main battles, losses, awards and military graves of the Russian Imperial Army. The work will be completed by the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War in 2018.

The Internet portal “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914-1918” contains information about 2,278,000 participants in the war, including 115,144 killed and missing, 3,066 awards, obtained from the collection of the Highest orders for the Military Department for 1914 , as well as 783 archival documents (historical materials with maps, photographs, documents of military units, newspapers and magazines of that time, as well as descriptions of seventy-six battles and military operations).

The general concept of resource development implies coverage of the entire history of Russian military operations, from 1914 to the present.

This project has no analogues in the world. Already now it represents effective tool protection against attempts to falsify history. But the most important thing is an unprecedented opportunity to restore and preserve historical memory and connections between generations.

Currently, the Commission continues to work, determining the possibility of making publicly available information posted in the closed autonomous segment of the portal. As the Commission works, information will appear in open access.

Before you is the main page of the portal with the main thematic sections: War Heroes, Combat Operations, Military Graves, Unit Documents, Information about the Combat Operation, 
 Interactive map, Additional information blocks, Access to personal archive.

Enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the person you are looking for in the search bar. Click the "Find" button or the "Enter" key on your keyboard.

The line for searching for personalities is also located at the top of the page in the “War Heroes” section. Search system will return all results that match your query.

To the right of the "Find" button is the "Refine" advanced search button. After clicking on it it will open extra menu for searching, in which you can enter data you know for more precise search: military rank of a person, place of birth, conscription, retirement or burial, date of retirement or death and other parameters.

You can also refine your search by indicating sources of information - documents on awards (record card, anniversary card file, award documents); documents on losses (reports on irretrievable losses, documents from hospitals and medical battalions, documents clarifying losses, documents on prisoners of war, etc.).

So, by studying authentic archival documents of the war step by step, you can find out what your relative’s everyday life was like in combat.

In the search results, in addition to the person’s full name, the name of the award (medal, order), date and place of birth, data source (consolidated card file, anniversary card file) may be indicated; place and reason for departure (killed, died of wounds, missing); data from a military transit point.

The system also automatically displays a selection with similar data on a war participant. This information may be more accurate or may vary. You can independently select the information relevant to your request.

By clicking on the full name of the person that matches your search, you will be taken to a page with an archival document, where the line relating specifically to the person you are looking for will be highlighted, and on the right - information about the archival document itself.

In the line with the person’s full name, you will see icons prompting you to view digital copy document, save it, or add the page to your personal archive.

Awards and exploits

If the person you are looking for has been awarded orders and/or medals and has a Hero Star, information about this is available on the portal. You will see a highlighted line in the award list, and you will be able to go to the description of the accomplished feat, the award sheet.

Having learned about the place and time of the feat, you can completely reconstruct the circumstances of your relative’s service using military documents.

To work with found documents, create and save a collection archival documents per person or event, use the “Personal Archive” section.

Battle path

To find out service details and recovery battle path participant of the Great Patriotic War, pay attention to the active link Combat path of the Hero/unit.

By clicking on this line, you will be taken to an interactive service, which includes documentary and geoinformation parts.

To the left of the map are the milestones of the battle path. By clicking on “Recruitment Place”, you will “move” on the map to the corresponding point and see the active link “Heroes conscripted at this military registration and enlistment office”.

The next line after “Place of recruitment” will be the line about the first military operations in which the Red Army soldier took part. The system will determine their date, place on the modern and historical map, and also select documents that reflect military realities. These can be Military Operations Logs of front headquarters, Units' Combat Operations Logs, orders, reports, reports, maps, reports, reports, etc.

By dates of actions of units and geographical reference you can get an idea of ​​combat operations, determine the movement of Soviet troops, and learn all the details of the course of the war.

On home page You can select the operation displayed in the central part of the page using the time slider. Simply move the time slider to the date you are interested in.

You will see the name and description of the results of the combat operation. Below the description will be a list of military units and commanders with links to the corresponding pages of the military unit or military commander.

Having found information about the place and time of the death of your relative, you will be able to determine with a high degree of probability exactly what tasks were being solved by the unit, army, or front at that moment.


Similar to the "Combat Operations" section, you can also use additional parameters search in the "Military graves" section.

In the central part of the page on the left is a list of burials (each of the names in the list is a link to the burial page); on the right is an interactive map with markers on the number of burials in a given area at the selected scale.

After zooming in, new markers will be shown with a more accurate reference to the area, and by clicking on the marker, you will see a window with information about the burial and a link to a page with more detailed information. The map shows modern burials, primary burials, disposal sites, hospitals and camps.

By clicking on any object (burial, hospital...), you will be taken to its page. For example, for hospitals a link to Additional information and an alphabetical book of the dead. The burial page will contain information, a list of those buried, and an object registration card.

View more details

"The data bank is like the Bible for us. He made more efficient search and establishing the names of the soldiers, I’m afraid to say in what frequency. We always worked in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense... Even if we worked there ourselves, it took years. And now for a few hours, even if night work, but it's much faster. This is for last years the highest achievement in perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland."

Nina Kulikovskikh, chairman of the board of the Smolensk regional public organization "Search Association "Dolg".

Meeting of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev with representatives of search organizations. Smolensk, May 2017

Website Feat of the People

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed an Internet resource that provides the opportunity to view all documents available in military archives about the progress and results of major combat operations, the exploits and awards of all soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. This site has open access, that is, anyone can view its content. The Feat of the People site has been operating for seven years, or rather, it was developed in 2010. During this time, many people restored the memory of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The main purpose of creating this site is to provide open access complete information about military awards for exploits during the Great Patriotic War, available in Russian archives. To date, the site is not filled with a complete database; it has yet to be filled with orders for wartime awards, stored among the documents of the funds of formations and units; missing documents on awarding medals for defense, liberation and capture of cities and territories, for victory over Germany and Japan, orders on awarding for military exploits issued in the post-war period.
To go to the Feat of the People website of the Ministry of Defense, you will need address bar browser enter the following address: After going to the site, the main page of the site will open in front of you.
On the main page you will find three active tabs: people and awards, award documents, geography of the war.

Home page of the website Feat of the people

Using the “People and Awards” tab, you can search for people by last name, first name, patronymic, etc. in award lists, award orders and in the card index. In the search bar you must enter the details of a person who disappeared during the Great Patriotic War.

People and awards

If the data you enter coincides with any data from the archive of the Feat of the People website, then you will be provided with this information in the search results. If the computer does not find a match in the archive with your request, you can use the advanced search or try to check after a while. The site database is updated periodically and it is possible that after updating the search result will be positive for you.
Using the “Award Documents” tab, you can search for decrees and awards orders. To do this, you need to click on the “Award Documents” tab on the main page of the site. After this, you will be redirected to another page of the site where there is a search bar.

Search string for award documents

In this line you need to enter the document number, the date of its issue or any other information about the document. You can also use the advanced search here.
If you need to search for data by location and time of an event, then use the “War Geography” tab. By clicking on this tab, you will go to new page site that has a search bar. In this line you will need to enter any data known to you, this could be a document number, date, or something else.

Geography of war

Bottom of the site's home page

Using the " Feedback", You can write a message to the site administration. Within some time, your message will be processed, and you will receive a response to it by email.
Before asking a question to the site administration, we recommend that you first look at the “Questions and Answers” ​​tab. In this tab you can find the answer to your question, and you won’t have to wait several days to get an answer to the question.
Feat of the People, the website of the Ministry of Defense was created specifically to perpetuate the memory of all heroes of the Victory, regardless of rank, scale of the feat, or award status. Each participant in hostilities is awarded eternal memory. This site was also launched in order to create a factual basis that will become a significant counter to attempts to falsify the history of the War.

Name: Feat of the People
in the Great Patriotic War
Web address:,,
Site type: database
Date of foundation: 04/09/2010

“Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”- an electronic bank of documents relating to the period of the Great Patriotic War.

The contents of the data bank consist of documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), namely award files and documents on operational management military operations. It is planned to enter into the database data on 30 million awards from the period of military operations of the Great Patriotic War; in total, access will be open to more than 200,000 archival files total volume about 100 million sheets.


The initiator of the project is the Department for the Development of Information and Telecommunication Technologies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, telecommunications support is provided by OJSC Rostelecom. The creation of the database is being carried out by JSC NPO "Experience", the total cost of work on the project is 22 million rubles. Technical implementation the project is carried out by the corporation " Electronic archive».

On the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the project is called unprecedented and has no analogues in the world.

The site was launched in April 2010. Completion of work on filling the data bank is planned for December 2012. It is publicly available on the Internet at: To work with the site you need Adobe installation Flash. Also supported mobile version website at:

Access restriction problem

After June 2010, the OBD was not replenished for six months. A new update took place on December 8, 2010: data on 71,053 awards was added to the “War Heroes” section, and it was also possible to subscribe to notifications about updates in the document bank by e-mail.

At the same time, a notification appeared on the main page of the site: “Information limited access, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as part of the OBD “Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” not published." The OBD denied access to information on award sheets about the military registration and enlistment offices of soldiers, as well as the addresses of their relatives: this information on the award sheets was retouched and made inaccessible when viewed, as well as in the search form.

At the beginning of 2010, restrictions on access to previously posted information were already introduced on another resource of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Memorial OBD, but then the public managed to get all the data returned. IN in this case restriction on access to personal information (which, in the case of work search teams could significantly facilitate the identification of the remains of soldiers) also caused a negative reaction from the public. On December 12, 2010, participants in the forum of the website sent a letter to the President of Russia, the Prime Minister of the Government of Russia, and the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia with a request to restore access to classified information. Two days later, information appeared that the President had read the letter and instructed the Russian Minister of Defense to look into the situation. At the beginning of January 2011, a representative of the Electronic Archive company reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense ordered that information about military registration and enlistment offices (but not addresses) and searches on them be returned to the site.

The Internet project of the Russian Ministry of Defense “Feat of the People” is designed to make it easier for those who wish to study the history of those years. After all, this project contains tens of thousands of documents about awards for exploits performed by ordinary Soviet people during the Second World War and the war with Japan. IN this material I will describe how to search by surname in Feat of the People, talk about the functionality of the Ministry of Defense website, and also explain how to use it.

“Feat of the People” is an unprecedented project of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the awards of Red Army soldiers in World War II

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark on the history of our people. Millions of dead, thousands of destroyed cities and villages, tens of thousands of destroyed enterprises, collective and state farms - the price for the Victory was simply enormous. The passing years are gradually erasing the details of those years from the memory of generations, the outlines of what happened look more and more vague, and fewer and fewer direct participants in the victory over Nazism remain alive.

The significance of searching for WWII participants in “Feat of the People”

The Internet resource “Feat of the People” is a generalized database of awards received by Soviet soldiers and commanders during the Great Patriotic War (as well as the Manchurian operation, which ended with the surrender of Japan). IN this warehouse The data includes relevant scanned documents from the Russian archives of the Central Archive of the Moscow Region and the Central Military Academy (several tens of millions of documents), including numerous records of awards with medals and orders “For Military Merit”, “For Courage” of the “Patriotic War” (I and II degrees), for defense and the liberation of various territories and so on.

First of all, the website of the Ministry of Defense is aimed at searching for information about awards and the conditions for receiving them, allowing you to obtain detailed data about the type of award, the date and circumstances of the feat, the serviceman’s place of service, and more.

The site began operating in the spring of 2010, and continues to be filled with relevant documents to this day (the last major addition of documents occurred in 2015). In total, it is planned to add more than 30 million documents to the database.

Technical support for the project was provided by ELAR Corporation. The previously existing Flash resource has now been rewritten to HTML5.

Feat of the People search by surname, awards and those who returned from the war

To work with this service, go to the website At the very top of the site there are five main tabs:

For example, if you want to search by your relative’s full name, go to the “People and Awards” tab, and in the appropriate window that opens, enter the full name (at least last name) of your relative, and click on the “Search” button.

Use the “PEOPLE AND AWARDS” tab to find the people you need

You will be shown a list of found people whose full names match the ones you specified. Look for the person you need in this list, click on his details, and you will go to another page where a list of orders and other documents for this person will be indicated.

By selecting any of the documents listed here, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with its digital form and visually examine all available information. this resource documentation of the award received.

Work on other resource contributions is carried out in a similar way through the search bar functionality.


In this article, I described the “Feat of the People” resource, as well as the features of its functionality. Wherein this project The Ministry of Defense is not the only one of its kind. You can also note the project “Memory of the People”, in which you can search for data on the location of military operations (there is data on more than two hundred military operations), by decrees and other relevant documents. Access to unique historical data allows us to recreate a picture of the heroic past of our people, thereby contributing to the development of the spiritual and historical connection between generations of our country.