Names of cable connectors. Types of computer ports: types of connectors and adapters

Dear newcomer to the information business, your first acquaintance with the device personal computer took place. Now you know what components the system unit of a personal computer (PC) includes, what external devices are connected to it. How are PC components and external devices physically connected? For this purpose they are used

Implemented in PC architecture backbone-modular principle of computer construction. The modular principle allows you to change the computer configuration and upgrade it. Installing additional expansion cards provides this opportunity. In addition to installing the sound cards, video cards, internal modems, etc. required by the user, it is possible to connect additional non-standard external devices (Web cameras, digital cameras etc.).

The modular organization is based on the backbone (bus) principle of information exchange between devices. The backbone design principle is that all devices are controlled and exchange information through one common backbone (computer system bus), which includes three buses. One bus is for data exchange, another is for transmitting addresses, and the third is for control.

Schematically, a PC can be represented as follows:

Computer system bus (highway) can be simplified as a set of cables and electrical conductors on system board PC.

The motherboard with the slots and buses used can be imagined:

North Bridge is a system controller. It is responsible for exchanging information with the processor, RAM and video adapter (graphics controller).

South Bridge– This is a functional controller (input/output controller). Hard drives, optical drives, an audio system, network card, keyboard, mouse, etc.

In reality inside system unit PC components are connected using slots (special connectors), cables, ribbon cables (flat cables), bundles of wires that end in connectors:

The motherboard itself looks like this:

External devices are connected to connectors and sockets located on the outside of the PC system unit (back and front sides) or laptop (sides or back):

The response connectors look like this:

Power cables(220 V)

power unit ASUS laptop

PS/2 plugs for connecting a keyboard (purple) and mouse (green).

LPT cable.The LPT (parallel port) port was mainly used to connect printers. Modern printer models provide connection to a USB port.

COM port (serial port) is mainly used to connect modems.

USB cable. The USB port was developed later than the above ports. Most peripheral devices are connected via the USB port: modems, printers, scanners, flash drives, portable hard drives, digital cameras, etc.

VGA cable. Used to connect a monitor.

Cable for connecting to the Internet (Intranet) ( RJ-45 connector)

Slot connector typesused on the motherboard (ISA or EISA, PCI, AGP):

Slots with PCI connector (female):

and sound card withPCI connector (male):

PCI connectors used to connect an internal modem, sound card, network card, SCSI disk controller.

ISA slots (Mother). The ISA interface is deprecated. In modern PCs, it is usually absent.

PCISA FlipPOST diagnostic board with connectors PCI and ISA (male) PCZWiz company

Slot with AGP connector(dad is at the top, mom is at the bottom).

The AGP interface is designed to connect a video adapter to a separate bus, with output directly to system memory.

UDMA connector slot(father is on the right, mother is on the left).

Hard drives and more are connected to it.

It should be noted that each slot type has its own color. By opening access to the motherboard, you can easily find your way around. But it’s better that you don’t need it. But the cables that connect external devices to the PC “you need to know by sight.” Remember that the mother and father of the connector must be the same color. Always remember to match the colors of the male and female connectors or know what the colors of the connectors on the PC (laptop) case indicate.

Take, for example, a standard sound card:

Linear audio output to the speaker is always green.

The line input for audio amplification is always blue.

The microphone connector is always pink.

Match them with plugs:

The color design of the connectors will help you. True, colors among PC manufacturers are not unified. For example, some may have a purple keyboard connector, while others may have a red or gray one. Therefore, pay attention to special characters, which mark the connectors. In this case, it will not be difficult for you to find out :

The interface cables for external devices are unique. You cannot insert it into another connector on your PC (the design and number of sockets are different). All this will help you move your PC (laptop) from place to place without prompting from anyone. You will be able to connect devices and cables to your PC correctly. I hope that the material presented will help you with this.

Now you know what it is PC ports, PC slots, PC connectors, PC cables. More detailed information about connectors and their use with excellent color illustrations can be obtained

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Look at the front and back of your system unit and monitor, and count the number of buttons, connectors, and slots you see. There will be about 20 of them there at least.

Each computer is different from another, and accordingly, the ports and connectors of all computers are also located differently. However, the essence of their work does not change. Knowing your computer's connectors and ports and what they are used for will help you later connect new devices to your computer, such as a printer or mouse, digital camera, phone, or other devices.

Front side of the system unit

  1. Disk drive (CD/DVD-ROM)- this is used to write/read information from the disk.
  2. On/off button nutrition.
  3. Audio input/output. Almost all system units have audio ports on the front, which make it easy to connect microphones, headphones, and speakers.
  4. USB ports. They are used to connect almost any device: mouse, keyboard, printer, scanner, mobile phone, digital cameras, etc.

Rear side of the system unit

On back side some connectors have their own color. This is done so that you can determine which port is used for which device. There are also special ports that are designed for specific devices, for example, a monitor.

1. Power connector— the power cord is connected there.

2. Audio input/output— you can connect speakers, a microphone, and headphones there.

3. Ethernet port- designed to connect a computer to the Internet or local network.

4. USB ports. These are the same ports as on the front of the computer. There should usually be several of them on the back of the computer.

5. Monitor connector to the system unit. In this example, the computer has both a DisplayPort and a VGA port.

6. Expansion slots. They are designed for installing additional modules (expansion cards). Using these slots you can expand the capabilities of your computer, for example, you can remove old video card and install a more powerful video card in the slot.

7. This is an old port, which was used to connect peripheral devices. But today it has been replaced by USB, and therefore hardly anyone uses this port.

8. PS/2 connectors. They are designed to connect a mouse (green) and keyboards (violet).

9. This is also an old port, and they now use USB instead.

This is how all the main cords and cables should be connected:

Other port types

Over time, new types of ports on a computer have appeared. For example, some Mac computers have a port called FireWire, which is similar to a USB port. There is also a new port Thunderbolt, which can transmit information at very high speeds, making them ideal for using high-resolution monitors and external hard disks. If your computer has ports that you are not familiar with, look up their descriptions in your computer's manual to find out about them.


Ordinary home computer includes a system unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse. These are the main devices. But if you wish, you can connect additional devices to the free ports on your computer. Such devices are called peripheral devices. Below are examples of peripheral devices.

  • Printers: used for printing documents, photographs, etc. There are types of printers such as inkjet, laser and photo printers. There is also a 3-in-1 printer. Such printers have both a printer, a scanner, and copying at once.
  • Scanners: A scanner allows you to copy an image or document and save it on your computer as a digital image or document.
  • Speakers/headphones: Speakers and headphones are information output devices. Those. with their help, the user receives information from the computer. They output sound and music. Some monitors have built-in speakers.

  • Microphones: are information input devices. Using this device, the computer receives information from the user. You can connect a microphone to your computer and use the computer to record sound, sing karaoke, or communicate with family and friends via the Internet. Most computers come with built-in microphones.
  • Webcams: It is an input device that allows you to record video or take photographs. It can also transmit video over the Internet in real time, allowing you to video call or video conference with anyone anywhere in the world. Webcams are often used in business. They also help many people stay connected no matter where they are.

  • Joysticks: they are used for computer games. But for most games, a keyboard and mouse are sufficient.
  • Digital cameras. With digital cameras, you can take digital photos and videos. You can then connect the camera to your computer's USB port and transfer images from the camera to your computer. If desired, you can print them out and send them to a friend via email, or publish on the Internet.
  • Mobile phones, mp3 players, tablet computers and other devices. When you buy electronic devices, such as a phone or MP3 player, always make sure that the device comes with a USB cable. If the cable is present, then you can connect your device to your computer.

If you look at the front or back panel desktop computer, you can see buttons and connectors on both sides. The front panel buttons are used by the user to control the PC. For example, the computer's power switch is on the front side, while the back panel connectors or ports are connected to various input/output devices. Connectors are important devices, providing correct work installed equipment on the computer.

Even if they are all familiar to you, over time technical progress gives rise to new standards for reception and transmission or power supply, and accordingly, new adapters are required. Let's find out what the situation is in this area today, as well as how to connect a PC to a TV, monitor, gadgets or other peripheral device. What types of USB connectors are there?

VGA video graphics array

This is one of the oldest standard cables, dating back to the 1980s, used to connect a computer to a monitor. In connection with the transition to digital technologies its use has practically disappeared.

However, if you look at any graphics card or display device, you will find a VGA port. VGA connections are identified by 15 pins arranged in 3 rows of 5 each. Each line corresponds to three different color channels used on the display: red, green and blue.

DVI digital visual interface

Types DVI connectors became the successors to VGA as technology moved from analog to digital. Digital displays such as LCD have proven to be of higher quality.

DVI connectors come in three types:

  • DVI-A – can transmit analog signals allowing them to be backwards compatible with VGA, useful for CRT monitors and LCD monitors more low quality.
  • DVI-D – can transmit new digital signals.
  • DVI-I – used for both analog and digital signals. In some cases, a VGA-DVI or DVI-VGA cable may be required.

HDMI Multimedia Interface

In the last decade broadcasts high definition have become the new standard, which explains high quality images. Unlike VGA and DVI, HDMI sends both video and audio signals simultaneously. These signals are purely digital, thus types HDMI connectors Only compatible with newer advanced devices.

The main difference between HDMI and DVI, other than the connectors, is that the HDMI format is designed to carry both video and audio signals, as well as CEC, which is the Consumer Electronics Control, DDC ( Digital Data Channel) and Ethernet data connections (with HDMI 1.4). HDMI is based on DVI, using the same modern protocol to transmit uncompressed video signals. This protocol is called TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling).

For the consumer, this means that any device using DVI connections can be connected to HDMI connectors via a simple adapter. No special complex manipulations are required for this.

HDMI Connector Types

So what types of devices are there? With the release of the HDMI 1.4 specification, there are now four different types of HDMI connectors. The original HDMI 1.0 only had two, others were added to meet industry needs for new technologies.

Types of connectors:

  • HDMI Type A - standard. This is the original HDMI connector released in version 1.0, a 19-pin connector with video and audio signals. The structural part of the connector is approximately 19 mm wide.
  • Type HDMI B - extended HDMI pin 1.0, an extended 29-pin connector is provided, which was not previously used. This connector is slightly wider than Type A, with a screen width of 21.2mm.
  • HDMI Type C - Mini. The mini connector was developed in version 1.3 for HDMI to meet the need for a smaller connector in portable equipment. The mini-jack is up to 11.2mm wide, about 60% of the Type A connector.
  • HDMI TYPE D - Micro. The newest look The HDMI connector family is "micro", which was released in version 1.4 to provide high definition video connectivity for mobile phones and other small electronic devices. It is only 6.4mm wide (1/3 the width of the original connector).

Universal Serial Bus USB

USB connector types are the most common among connections in the modern world. Almost all types of computer peripherals - keyboard, mouse, headset, flash drives, wireless adapters can be connected to the computer via a USB port. The design has evolved over the years, which explains why there are several versions of USB:

  • USB 1.0 transfers data at speeds up to 12 Mbit.
  • USB 2.0 can transfer data at speeds up to 480 Mbps, compatible with older versions.
  • USB 3.0 can transfer data at speeds up to 4.8 Gbps, compatible with all previous versions.

Mini and micro USB connectors are most often used with smaller portable devices such as tablets, phones, and digital cameras.

The new USB-C connector is being released by manufacturers such as Apple, Google and Microsoft. Along with modern connector and port designs, a new USB standard 3.1 SuperSpeed+. USB-C cables comply with European regulations and require a universal connector for charging mobile phones. This suggests that soon all mobile devices will be charged and connected using USB-C cables.

Improved AKA USB Type-C connector - a new size and shape connector. Much easier to use than previous USB cables. The reversible design allows you to connect the device in any direction, so you don't have to worry about connecting the cable incorrectly. This will allow manufacturers to design devices that are thinner and lighter than ever before.

As the new USB-C port is adopted by laptop, tablet, hub and PC manufacturers, the need for new USB 3.1 SuperSpeed+ cables will continue to grow.

IDE and SATA for motherboards

These types of cable connectors are used to connect storage devices to the motherboard. This is a wide cable that looks like a ribbon with more than two connectors. The connectors on the IDE cable are 40-pin, the smaller 2.5-inch drive row uses a 44-pin version of the IDE form factor. New hard drives will most likely use SATA ports over IDE interfaces.

In fact, SATA was developed during the development of IDE. Compared to IDE, SATA provides higher data transfer speeds. The board type connector is designed for motherboards that are SATA compatible. At the moment they are the most common. A standard SATA cable can be identified by two connectors, each with 7 pins and a blank label that looks like a thin L shape.

eSATA technology is an extension or improvement of the SATA cable - it makes the technology available in external form. In reality, eSATA is not much different from SATA, but it allows you to connect to devices such as external hard drives and optical discs. This is useful because it offers speeds much faster than other FireWire and USB alternatives.

FireWire and Ethernet for computer peripherals

These types of cable connectors are used for computer devices. The purpose of FireWire is similar to that of USB: high-speed data transfer for computer peripherals. FireWire will be used for high bandwidth devices such as printers and scanners. For some reason, FireWire is not as widespread as USB.

FireWire cables come in two forms: 1394a - 400 Mbps transfer speed and 1394b - 800 Mbps transfer speed. Ethernet cables are used to set up local networks. In most cases, they are used to connect routers to modems and computers. If a user has ever tried to install or fix a home router, chances are they have encountered a wired Ethernet cable.

Currently they are produced in three versions:

  • Cat 5 cables are the most basic and provide speeds of 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
  • Cat 5e, which stands for Cat 5 Enhanced, provides faster data transfer than its predecessor. It closes at 1000 Mbps.
  • Cat 6 is the latest and offers the best performance of the three. It is capable of supporting speeds of 10 Gbps.

Modular RJ Wiring Diagram

RJ type connectors are standard on telecommunications equipment. The RJ designation is based on a combination of number of positions, actual conductors, and wiring diagram. For example, the ends of a standard Ethernet cable are usually called RJ45, RJ45, which actually implies not only that it is an 8-position, 8-wire modular jack, but also that it is connected to the Network. These modular connector types can be very useful because they combine always-on availability, multiple conductors, moderate flexibility, low cost, and moderate throughput.

They were not originally intended to provide high power. Today, these cables can be used to transfer several hundred milliamps of data from one device to another. You must ensure that the jacks for such applications are connected correctly to the Ethernet ports, otherwise damage will result.

Amphenol RF are leaders in N-type connectors, delivering superior performance that meets the latest industry standards. Amphenol N-Type connectors are a high quality (50 ohm) coaxial connector series with a threaded connection mechanism. N-type connector is mainly used in the communications and broadcasting industry with applications including base station equipment, satellite systems, antennas, instrumentation, radar and WLAN.

F-Type connector series

F-type threaded connectors provide a high-performance, low-cost option. Primary use F-Type connectors intended for cable television(CATV) set-top boxes and cable modems. The F-Type is a 75mm connector with 30dB negative loss at 1GHz. Additionally, these connectors accept 0.022-0.042 inch conductors and meet 3/8-32 thread specifications.

The F-Type connector is an alternative to the G-Type threaded connector. Its proprietary design provides cylindrical coaxial contact and superior RF performance, as well as excellent insertion/cutoff performance of 30 dB return loss at 1 GHz. Provides high performance that outperforms the competition.

Types of package for mounting on a printed circuit board: surface and edge mounting, right angle. Its design meets the requirements of the devices. Capacity - .022-.042 inches. One connector accommodates a wide range of cable sizes, reducing part numbers. Usage:

  • Head unit equipment.
  • CATV overhead boxes.
  • High speed cable modems.
  • Hybrid coaxial networks.

Fiber Optic Connections

The introduction of fiber optic cables has made it possible to realize much higher data rates with a higher signal. The types of optical connectors available in the market are LC fiber cable, ST-SC single mode fiber cable, etc. LC, ST, SC actually refer to different types fiber optic connectors.

The fiber optic connector allows for faster connection and disconnection. It must be properly aligned with microscopic glass fibers to highlight the range for communication. In total, there are almost 100 types of fiber optic connectors, but only a few are of great interest to the market - LC, SC, ST, FC, etc.

Details about the above connectors:

  1. SC, also called square connector, was developed by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, but did not immediately gain popularity after production costs were reduced. Now it is increasingly popular in single mode fiber optic cable, analogue CATV, GPON, GBIC. It is a 2.5mm diameter snap-on (push-pull) connector that operates to IEC 61754-4 standard. The connector's outer square profile, along with its snap mechanism, allows for increased packing density of connectors in tools and patch panels.
  2. LC refers to the Lucent connector. It is a small form factor push-pull connector that uses a 1.25mm ferrule, half the size of the SC. LC, due to its combination of small size and latch function, is ideal for high-density interconnects, SFP and SFP+ transceivers and XFP transceivers. Along with the development of LC-compatible transceivers and active network components its demand will continue to grow in the FTTH market.
  3. FC is short for Ferrule connector. This is a round threaded fiber optic connector developed by Nippon Telephone and Telegraph in Japan. The FC connector is used for single-mode optical fiber that supports polarization. FC is a screw ferrule connector (2.5mm) which was the first fiber optic connector to use a ceramic ferrule. However, FC is becoming less common due to the weakening of its vibration and loss of insertion, being largely replaced by SC and LC.
  4. ST refers to the straight tip. The ST connector was developed by AT&T shortly after the creation of the FC. ST uses a bayonet mount, which is different from a screw thread. You need to make sure that the SC connectors are installed correctly due to their spring loaded design. SC is mainly used in multimode fiber optic cables, enclosures and buildings. The differences between connector types can be easily ignored in complex schemes connections. However, by choosing the right option, you can reap significant benefits, saving time and costs.

Mini-DIN 6 Female to Keyboard Adapter

This connector quickly and easily connects the next generation PS2 keyboard to legacy PCs using the 5-pin PC/AT keyboard port. This universal adapter/converter cable has a molded 6-pin Mini-DIN female on one end (PS2 side) and a molded 5-pin DIN female (PC/AT side) on the other. The MD6 (type 6 connector) to DIN5 keyboard adapter is 100% shielded for superior EMI/RFI interference rejection.

Product Features - Insulating durable PVC shell with connectors. 100% shielded design designed to combat unwanted EMI/RFI interference. The 3-pin Mini-DIN connector is an important component when preparing a GNU/Linux system for use with hardware stereo.

As part of the NVidia 3DVision kit, you must connect an NVidia Quadro-class video card to a stereo IR receiver to ensure synchronization of the signal with the glasses. IN Windows system NVidia driver DirectX-based allows synchronization via a USB receiver cable on Linux that uses OpenGL; the driver requires the older VESA-based standard.

IEC 320 C13/C14 for computer power supply

These types of power connectors allow you to connect electronic devices to existing outlets. Power cables can carry alternating current or direct current. An example of alternating current is the power provided by a standard outlet in a home or office. An example of DC power is the power provided by a battery.

There are several various types connectors and interfaces that are used all over the world. IEC 320 C13/C14 connectors are based on standards created by the International Electrotechnical Commission and the international standards body.

The one published under number 320 is one of the specifications describing power connectors. The official standard is actually designated 60320, but normal use at the consumer code level this is reduced to 320. The C13 line connector is very common in the PC and A/V industry. The connector for the C13 socket is a C14 plug that is often recessed panel or chassis mounted on computer power supplies or power transformers.

Whether it's laptops, PCs or Mac computers, there are still plenty of computer ports and wires to use. Today, managers of leading enterprises in the computer industry are making efforts great effort, to move consistently towards achieving one goal - the creation of one multi-purpose cable. However, for now, users are forced to make do with numerous traditional types of computer connectors.

This article will be useful to those who are thinking about purchasing a new monitor or replacing an old video adapter. The monitor connector may not fit your existing graphics adapter interfaces. In addition, the image quality depends on the type of connector, and each type of cable has its own critical length.

Previously, a VGA connector was enough to connect a monitor to a computer. Today, interfaces such as DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort come into everyday life. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when upgrading your PC. You should know everything about the monitor connector: types, adapters, connection.

1. VGA (Video Graphics Array) connector– an analog standard designed for monitors with an extension of 640*480. As the resolution increases, the quality of the digital image deteriorates. To obtain high quality images, digital standard connectors are required.

2. Digital Visual Interface (DVI) transmits video signal in digital format and provides high quality digital image. The interface is compatible with the analog VGA connector (it simultaneously transmits signals in both digital and analog formats). Inexpensive video cards are equipped with a DVI output with a single-channel modification (Single Link). IN in this case The monitor resolution is 1920*1080. More expensive models are equipped with a two-channel interface ( Dual Link) and can support resolutions up to 2560*1600. A mini-DVI interface has been developed for the laptop.

3. Multimedia digital interface with high resolution HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) Most often used in home entertainment devices (flat-panel TVs, Blu-ray players). The monitor connector also maintains the high quality of the original signal. Along with this interface, a new HDCP technology was developed that protects content from exact copying, for example, the same video materials.

Since 2003 (the year of creation), the interface has been modified several times, adding support for video and audio formats. A miniaturized interface has been created for small models of equipment. Many devices are equipped with it.

4. DisplayPort (DP)– a new digital interface designed to connect graphics adapters to display devices. The current version allows the connection of multiple monitors, provided they serial connection in a chain.

On at the moment, there are few devices with such a port, but DP has a great future. Its improved DP++ model (this designation can be seen on the connectors of laptops or computers) allows you to connect monitors with HDMI or DVI interfaces.

5. USB (3.0): Connection using the USB connector became possible when the high-speed version of the 3.0 interface became available. Using a DisplayLink adapter, you can connect a monitor with a DVI/HDMI connector to the USB port of a laptop or computer.

How to “match” the monitor connector and video card?

The most common affordable adapter today is DVI-I/VGA. There are converters that convert the output digital signal to analog (for example, DisplayPort/VGA), but this option will cost much more.

However, there are still some things to consider when choosing an adapter. Some of them deprive the existing interface of some advantages. For example, if you connect the HDMI connector of a monitor or TV to the DVI connector, there will be no sound.

Features of connector versionshdmi

When connecting devices to different versions HDMI interfaces, the devices will only perform the functions of the earlier version. For example, when connecting a 3D TV that supports HDMI versions 1.4 to a video card with HDMI 1.2, all 3D games will be displayed only in 2D format.

If this situation arises, you can replace the driver on the video card with a newer one. Using the 3DTV Play program, you can display 3D graphics on your own TV.

Which monitor connector should I choose?

According to testing, VGA interfaces show the lowest display quality. For a monitor with a diagonal of more than 17 inches and a resolution of more than 1024*786, it is recommended to use DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort connectors.

How to connect a monitor and laptop?

To connect your laptop to an external monitor, you must use the available connectors. After which you can use the “Fn + F8” button combination to switch between the following modes.

Can use external monitor as main. In this case, the image will be displayed only on an external monitor, and the image will be completely absent on the laptop display (convenient for watching movies).

Can use external monitor in clone mode, i.e. the same image will be displayed both on the laptop screen and on an external monitor/TV (convenient for seminars and presentations).

Multi-screen mode allows you to increase the size of your desktop (stretch it) using multiple monitors (useful for typing text and viewing messages).

Maximum cable length

The cable length depends on the connection type. At DVI-DVI connection, the maximum permissible cable length is 10 m. For DVI-HDMI connections - no more than 5 m. For connections using the DisplayPort connector - no more than 3 m. Compliance with these requirements will help to obtain the maximum data transfer speed. If you need to transmit information over a greater distance, you will have to resort to a signal amplifier.

When purchasing a video cable, you should choose well-shielded models. This will help avoid the negative impact of nearby electronic devices on the quality of the transmitted video signal. If you use a low quality cable, the video transmission speed may slow down. Which, in turn, can lead to the appearance of intermittent images on the screen (spectral aliasing).

You should pay attention to the presence of gold-plated contacts in the monitor connector. They counteract the appearance of corrosion in places with high air humidity. In addition, such contacts reduce the resistance between the plug and the connector, thereby improving the quality of data transfer.

A modern personal computer would never have gained such enormous popularity if it had only computing functions. The current PC is a multifunctional device, with the help of which the user can not only carry out any calculations, but also perform a lot of different things: print text, control external devices, communicate with other users using computer networks, etc. All this enormous functionality is achieved using additional devices– peripherals that connect to a personal computer through special connectors called ports.

Personal computer ports

Port- an electronic device running directly on the PC motherboard or on additional boards installed in a personal computer. The ports have a unique connection connector external devices– periphery. They are intended for data exchange between a PC and external devices (printers, modems, digital cameras, etc.). Quite often, in the literature you can find another name for ports - interfaces.

All ports can be divided into two groups:

  • External- for connecting external devices (printers, scanners, plotters, video devices, modems, etc.);
  • Domestic- for connecting internal devices (hard drives, expansion cards).

External ports of a personal computer

  1. PS/2- port for connecting a keyboard;
  2. PS/2- port for connecting a mouse;
  3. Ethernet- port for connecting a local network and network devices(routers, modems, etc.);
  4. USB- port for connecting external peripheral devices (printers, scanners, smartphones, etc.);
  5. LPT - parallel port. Serves to connect now outdated models of printers, scanners and plotters;
  6. COM - serial port RS232. Used to connect devices such as dial-up modems and old printers. Now outdated, practically not used;
  7. MIDI- a port for connecting game consoles, midi keyboards, musical instruments with the same interface. Recently it has been practically replaced by the USB port;
  8. Audio In- analog input for line output sound devices(tape recorders, players, etc.);
  9. Audio Out- analog output sound signal(headphones, speakers, etc.);
  10. Microphone- microphone output for connecting a microphone;
  11. SVGA- a port for connecting video display devices: monitors, modern LED, LCD and plasma panels (this type of connector is obsolete);
  12. VID Out- the port is used to output and input low-frequency video signals;
  13. DVI- a port for connecting video display devices, more modern than SVGA.

Serial port (COM port)

One of the oldest ports, installed in PCs for more than 20 years. You can find it quite often in literature classic name – RS232. Data exchange using it occurs in serial mode, that is, the transmission and reception lines are one-bit. Thus, information that is transmitted from a computer to a device or vice versa is divided into bits that follow each other sequentially.

The data transfer rate provided by this port is not high, and has a standardized range: 50, 100, 150, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 38400, 57600, 115200 Kbps.

A serial port was used to connect such “slow” devices to a PC as the first printers and plotters, dial-up modems, mice, and even to communicate between computers. No matter how slow its speed, in order to connect the devices to each other, only three wires were required - the data exchange protocol was so simple. It is clear that for full-fledged work it was necessary more conductors in the cord.

Today, the serial port is practically no longer used and is completely supplanted by its younger, but also faster “brother” - USB port. It should be noted, however, that some manufacturers still equip their motherboards with a COM port. However, the name itself - “serial port” is still used by software developers. For example, Bluetooth devices and cell phone ports are often presented as a “serial port.” This may be a little confusing, but this is done because they also transfer data serially, but at a higher speed.

If for some reason you may need a COM port, but your PC does not have one, then for this purpose you can use an adapter that connects to a modern USB port, which is available on all modern PCs, and on the other hand, such an adapter has serial port connector. There is, however, one limitation: if the software accessed directly the hardware of a real COM port, then it will not work with such an adapter. In this case, you need to purchase a special board that is installed inside your PC.

Structurally, the PC serial port has a male connector (with protruding pins):

Today, the 25-pin serial port connector has practically fallen out of use and has not been installed on a PC for several years. If the manufacturer provides the motherboard with a COM port, then it is a 9-pin DB9 connector.

It is an interface for connecting devices such as printers, scanners and plotters.

Allows you to simultaneously transmit 8 bits of data, albeit in one direction - from the computer to the periphery. In addition to this, it has 4 control bits (as with data bits, control bits are transferred from the PC to the external device), and 4 status bits (these bits can be “read” by the computer from the device).

IN recent years, The LPT port was improved, and it became two-way, that is, it became possible to transmit data bits through it in both directions. Today it is outdated and practically not used, although motherboard manufacturers still include it in its composition.

Enthusiasts and radio amateurs often use this port to control any non-standard devices (crafts, etc.).

USB interface

USB– this is an abbreviation of the full name of the port – universal serial bus (“universal serial bus”).

It is one of the most widely used ports on a personal computer today. And this is no coincidence - its technical characteristics and ease of use are truly impressive.

The data exchange speed for the USB 2.0 interface can reach 480 Mbit/s, and for the USB3.0 interface – up to 5 Gbit/s (!).

Moreover, all versions of this interface are compatible with each other. That is, a device using interface 2.0 can be connected to a USB3.0 port (in this case, the port will automatically reduce the speed to desired value). Accordingly, a device using a USB 3.0 port can be connected to a USB 2.0 port. The only condition is if for normal operation If a speed higher than the maximum speed of USB 2.0 is required, normal operation of the peripheral device will not be possible in this case.

In addition, the popularity of this port is also due to the fact that the developers included one very useful feature in it - this port can serve as a power source, for an external device connected to it. In this case it is not required additional block to connect to electrical network, which is very convenient.

For the USB 2.0 port version, the maximum current consumption can reach 0.5A, and for the USB3.0 version – 0.9A. It is not recommended to exceed the specified values, as this will lead to failure of the interface.

Developers of modern digital devices, always strive to minimize. Therefore, structurally, this port can have, in addition to a standard connector, also a mini-version for miniature devices - mini-USB. None fundamental differences from a standard USB port except the design itself mini-USB connector does not have.

Almost all modern devices have a USB port for connecting to a PC. Easy installation – connected device is recognized operating system Almost immediately after connection, it makes it possible to use such a port without special “computer” knowledge. Printers, scanners, digital cameras, smartphones and tablets, external drives - this is just a small list peripheral equipment, which currently uses this interface. A simple principle - “plug and play” made this port truly a bestseller among all currently available personal computer interfaces.

Fire-Wire port (Other names - IEEE1394, i-Link)

This type of interface appeared relatively recently - since 1995. It is a high-speed serial bus. Data transfer speed can reach up to 400 Mbit/s per IEEE standard 1394 and IEEE 1394a, 800 Mbit/s and 1600 Mbit/s - for the IEEE1394b standard.

Initially, this interface was designed as a port for connecting internal drives (SATA type), but licensing policy Apple- one of the developers of this standard, demanded payment for each controller chip. Therefore, today only a small number of digital devices (some models of cameras and video cameras) are equipped with this type of interface. This type of port never became widespread.

The importance of this interface can hardly be overestimated; as a rule, it is what is used to connect a personal computer to a local network or to access the Internet in most cases. Almost all modern PCs, laptops and netbooks are equipped with an Ethernet port built into the motherboard. This is easy to verify if you examine the external connectors.

To connect external devices, a special one is used, which has identical connectors at both ends. connectors – RJ-45, containing eight contacts.

The cable is symmetrical, therefore, the order in which the devices are connected does not matter - any device of your choice can be connected to any of the identical cable connectors - a PC, router, modem, etc. It is marked with the abbreviation - UTP, common name - " twisted pair» . In most cases, for both home and office use, a cable of the fifth category, UTP-5 or UTP-5E, is used.

The speed of data transferred over an Ethernet connection depends on technical capabilities port and is 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s and 1000 Mbit/s. It should be understood that this throughput is theoretical, and that in real networks it is somewhat lower due to the peculiarities of the Ethernet data transfer protocol.

Also, you should keep in mind that not all manufacturers install high-speed chips in their Ethernet controllers, since they are very expensive. This leads to the fact that, in practice, real speed data transmission is significantly lower than indicated on the packaging or in the specification. As a rule, almost all Ethernet cards are compatible with each other and from top to bottom. That is, newer models that have the ability to connect at speeds of 1000 Mbit/s (1 Gbit/s) will work without problems with older models at speeds of 10 and 100 Mbit/s.

To visually monitor the integrity of the connection, the Ethernet port has Link and Act indicators. Link indicator - lights green when the connection is correct and working physical connection, i.e. the cable between the devices is connected, it is intact, the ports are working. The second Act indicator (“activity”) is usually orange and flashes while transmitting or receiving data.

Internal ports of a personal computer

As mentioned above, internal ports are designed for connecting peripherals such as hard drives, CDs and DVD-ROMs, card readers, additional COM and USB ports, etc. Internal ports are located either on the motherboard, or on additional expansion cards installed in the system bus.

A now outdated interface for connecting older models of hard drives (“hard drives”, HDD). After the creation of the SATA interface, it was called the PATA interface, or ATA for short. PATA – ParallelAdvanced Technology Attachment. This parallel data transfer interface for connecting drives was developed in mid-1986 by the now famous company WesternDigital.

Depending on the manufacturer, the motherboard may contain from one to four IDE channels. Modern manufacturers, as a rule, leave only one IDE port for compatibility, and recently it has also been excluded from the list motherboard, being completely supplanted by the modern SATA interface.

The data transfer speed in the latest version of the EnhancedIDE interface can reach 150 Mbit/s. Devices are connected using an IDE cable having 40 or 80 cores for the old or new interface type, respectively.

As a rule, using one cable you can connect up to two devices simultaneously to one IDE port. In this case, using jumpers on the drives that determine the “seniority” of devices operating in pairs, the operating mode is selected - on one device - "master", and for the other "subordinate" (slave).

You can connect either the same type of device, for example, two hard drives or two DVD-ROMs, or different devices in any combination - DVD-ROM and HDD or CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. The connector for connection does not matter, you should just pay attention that the two connectors for connecting peripherals are shifted for convenience to one of the ends of the cable.

You should also keep in mind that by connecting a “fast” device designed for an 80-wire cable using an old 40-wire cable, you will greatly reduce the exchange speed. In addition, if one of the devices in a pair has an old (slow) ATA interface, then the data transfer speed in this case will be determined precisely by the speed of this device.

If there are two IDE ports and two drives inside the PC, to increase the data exchange speed, you must connect each drive to a separate IDE port.

This interface is a development of its predecessor IDE interface, with the only difference that, unlike his “senior comrade”, he is not parallel, but serial interface. SATA – SerialATA.

Structurally, it has only seven conductors for its operation and a much smaller area of ​​​​both the connector itself and the connecting cable.

The data transfer speed of this interface is significantly higher than the outdated IDE and, depending on the SATA version, is:

  1. SATARev. 1.0 – up to 1.5 Gbit/s;
  2. SATARev. 2.0 – up to 3 Gbit/s;
  3. SATARev. 3.0 – up to 6 Gbit/sec.

Just like the IDE interface, the cord for connecting devices is “universal” - the connectors are the same on both sides, but unlike its “brother”, now using one SATA cable you can connect only one device to one SATA port.

But there is hardly any need to be upset about this. Manufacturers made sure that the number of ports was sufficient for a wide variety of applications, installing up to 8 SATA ports on one motherboard. The third revision SATA port connector is usually bright red.

Additional ports

Most motherboards are equipped by manufacturers with an additional number of USB ports, and sometimes with another, additional COM port.

This is done for the convenience of the user. Most modern desktop PC cases have USB connectors mounted on the front panel for comfortable connection external drives. In this case, you do not need to reach to the back wall of the system unit and “get into” the USB connector, which is located on the rear panel.

This connector is on the front panel and connects to an additional USB port installed on the motherboard. Among other things, the USB interfaces located on the rear panel may simply not be enough, in view of large quantity peripheral devices, in this case you can purchase additional bar with USB connectors and connect them to additional ports.

All of the above applies to other ports installed on the motherboard. For example, sequential COM port or FireWireIEEE1394 may simply not be displayed on the back panel of a personal computer, but at the same time it is present on the motherboard. In this case, it is enough to buy the appropriate cable and take it out.

It would be technically incorrect to call these connectors ports, although the method of connecting additional cards to them is still somewhat similar to other conventional ports. The principle is the same - plug it in and turn it on. In most cases, the system will find the device itself and request (or install automatically) drivers for it.

In such tires, for example, external graphics card, sound card, internal modem, video input card, and other additional expansion cards that allow the PC to expand its functions and capabilities.

PCI and PCIe buses are incompatible with each other, so before purchasing an expansion card, you need to find out which system buses are installed on the motherboard of your PC.

PCIex 1 and PCIex 16 are modern implementations of the older PCI buses developed in 1991. But unlike its predecessor, it is serial bus, and besides this, all PCIe buses are connected in a star topology, while the old PCI bus was connected in parallel to each other. In addition, the new tire has the following advantages:

  1. Possibility of hot replacement of boards;
  2. The bandwidth has guaranteed parameters;
  3. Control of data integrity during reception and transmission;
  4. Controlled energy consumption.

Tires vary PCI Express the number of conductors connected to the slot, through which data is exchanged with the installed device (PCIex 1, PCIex2, PCIex 4, PCIex 8, PCIex 16, PCIex 32). The maximum data transfer speed can reach 16 Gbit/s.