Report on contextual advertising. The car service effect: how advertising agencies ruin clients

26.04.2018 Reading time: 8 minutes

In the first articles of our series on contextual advertising, we revealed the basic concepts of CI and found out how it works: this is the initial information, the minimum basics that are necessary to present a more or less general picture. Today's third article goes into a slightly narrower specialization: we will tell you how to analyze contextual advertising.

Analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising: what tools to use

Yandex and Google have developed special analytical mechanisms for their systems - Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. These are special tools thanks to which the account owner can understand what is happening on the site after the user clicked on an ad (the same analytics systems are also used in). They have systemic and functional differences, but regardless of which search engine you use to promote your campaigns, you need to be able to set up goals.

Let's start the review with the goals of Yandex.Metrica. This analytical tool Metrica takes into account all visits to the site - and no matter where the user came from, but thanks to integration with Direct, you can receive information about the Kyrgyz Republic. For it to be correct, you need to set up goals. A goal is a specific user action that is expected in response to an advertisement.

An example of creating goals in Yandex.Metrica

You need to set up goals right away, because they will be used to generate a report on the work of the CD and they allow you to track the actions of visitors. For example:

  • set the goal “Number of views” - we track and see in the report the number of visits during which certain pages were viewed;
  • set the goal “Page Visits” - we track whether a page or several pages of the site were visited, whether an external link was clicked on, whether an email button was clicked and a file was downloaded;
  • we set the goal “JavaScript event” - we track almost any arbitrary events on the site that do not change the page address: clicking a button, filling out a form, the time the user spends on the page;
  • We set a “Composite Goal” - we track all of the above.

You can find out more about setting up goals in Direct in Yandex.Help.

After installing the Metrics counter on the page for which data is needed, data collection for the goals will begin and a report will be generated.

What can you learn from the report?

  • What campaigns, advertisements, keywords and phrases are used by search users to find and visit your website, as well as in what region these users are located and from what advertising platform they came to your resource.
  • Who is your audience: gender, age, interests, preferences are analyzed using Crypt technology.
  • Did the campaign achieve its goals - did users behave as you expected: clicked on links, filled out forms, downloaded files, visited the required number of site pages, registered or subscribed to a newsletter, and so on.
  • If you are the owner of an online store, then using Metrica you can receive detailed information about the orders that were placed on your website, as well as data on how much profit each order brought and where the orders with the highest price tag come from.
  • Directly in the Metrics interface, you can estimate how much was spent on advertising, what is the average cost of conversions, what is the average or total cost of a click for any region, request or site.
  • Using the “Targeted Call” service, you can compare how effectively different promotion channels work: you, as the account owner, receive special phone numbers, link them to various sources, then the number on the website and in the virtual business card is automatically replaced according to the source - this way you can find out from what channel the call came from.

What does a Yandex.Direct report from Metrica look like?

Just like in Metrica, you receive a report on the work of the campaign in Google AdWords:

What does a CI report from Google Analytics look like?

E-commerce from Google Analytics is more difficult to set up and has more extensive results than Metrica.

There are two types of settings: standard (as in Metrica) and advanced - the most interesting and rich in a wide variety of useful data. If, by setting up the standard option, we find out information about orders and how much they cost, then the advanced option will give us information about various user actions with goods, for example:

  • clicks on product cards in the catalog and search;
  • manipulation of items in the cart (for example, adding or deleting);
  • detailed overview of ordering and so on.

At the end of the period, you receive two reports: “Ecommerce Review” and “Product Performance”. These include:

  • information about product income, conversion rates (more about them below);
  • average number of items per transaction;
  • average order value;
  • information about refunds;
  • cost of goods, which allows customers to add goods to the cart and place an order, and others.

Why is this type of e-commerce useful for online stores? Because these are essentially generalized characteristics of consumer behavior that help determine not only the future strategy of the online store, but also understand what to invest in and what not; what will bring profit and what will not. This is not just data on how much was sold and how much was earned, these are quality indicators that allow you to identify errors in work and save real money.

Contextual advertising KPIs

KPI (from English key performance indicators) – key performance indicators of the Kyrgyz Republic. These are characteristics that give an understanding of how profitable CD is for business and how economically justified the budget is spent on this channel.

There are no templates for KPIs and it is impossible to say what level of each indicator should be and what combination will be 100% win-win. However, analyzing these indicators helps identify problems and redirect the campaign in a profitable direction.

If trade data is configured, ROI can be seen in Google Analytics in the “Expense Analysis” report, section “Traffic Source”, column “Return on Investment on Advertising”.

Managing contextual advertising requires not only analytical, but also creative abilities. It is important not only to correctly analyze data from reports and compose relevant ad texts - you need to create advertising campaigns that are interesting and attractive to users. You can order the setting up of contextual advertising at this level with us, write or call us!

    As a result, it can take a lot of time to prepare reports, and you can easily forget who to send what to.

    SEO reports to the rescue!

    And it provides such opportunities as:

    connecting Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics web analytics accounts and Ya.Direct and Google Adwords accounts;

    working with Ya.Direct agent accounts;

    one-time setup of the report structure for each site, which is remembered by the system;

    displaying key metrics and important KPIs such as cost per lead, goal achievement, etc.;

    branding of reports;

    displaying data on positions through the API of such services as Topvisor, AllPositions, SEOlib and TopInspector;

    connecting your own domains to send reports in html;

    automatic generation of reports according to schedule.

And this is not a complete list of available functions; there are other interesting options that will be useful in your work.

Here are a few screenshots that give a clear idea of ​​what we are talking about:

Everything is simple and clear, which is especially important for clients and owners who value information content, and not just a set of graphs and numbers.

Who needs it?

1. Specialists and agencies involved in client promotion.

2. Inhouse specialists who need regular project analytics and reporting to management.

To get started with the service, you only need to take five simple steps:

    Adding your sites through web analytics accounts

    We connect additional services (if necessary)

    Setting up the project report structure

    Press the button and wait a few seconds to receive the report.

This is relevant for any specialist who works with traffic.

And one more non-obvious point - the service is great for website owners themselves who would like to independently monitor the dynamics of the development of their project. After all, the indicators are displayed clearly and informatively, and the report designer can be configured in such a way as to receive information on those metrics that are most important for your business.

How to try the service in action

Tariffs in SEO-reports are available for specialists of any level - from a beginner freelancer to a large agency:

There is also a free demo plan that allows you to work with one website and one analytics service.

You can test the service on the paid “Freelancer” plan.

The promotional code “MOAB” gives you the opportunity to use the service for free for 2 months! The only limitation is that it must be activated before December 31st.

To use it, on the payment page select a tariff plan, term, enter the code in the “Coupon” field, then click the “Calculate” button:

You can register for SEO-reportsvia this link, and, I hope, the service will help you save a lot of time when working on reports and quick analytics.

I have already given an example of a report to a client.

Today I will continue the topic and provide here a “continuation” of this report.

And this despite the fact that the franchise itself cost about 1 million rubles at that time. and according to clients, the “applications for 90 rubles” that came from Direct turned out to be of the highest quality because other traffic sources, although they brought a lot of applications, did not actually lead solvent audience.

This brings me back to the question that final effectiveness is not measured in the number of clicks or even in the total amount of calls and applications received. But in real profit, which a businessman can “touch”.

Therefore, NEVER evaluate “professionalism” by secondary indicators - CTR, number of clicks, number of ads, application cost.

If your website and your sales department are “pumped up”A “correctly” configured Direct should ultimately give you a profit.

It is better to receive 10 applications that are as targeted and motivated to purchase as possible, rather than 50 “left” or “bot” ones.

I present the report here “as is” without editing or editing so as not to spoil the overall “impression” of what I read :)

Report to the client on Yandex Direct search advertising

Your first wish was to reduce the cost of the application on the website to 200 rubles. for the application.

Let's look at the statistics on search advertising:

This was achieved through a targeted selection of key phrases and advertising texts that motivate the user to perform a targeted action - to leave a request on the site.

*Note. In addition to the design of the landing page and the advertising text on the page, the conversion of a landing page is also influenced by the text of the advertisement.

Yes, the number of applications for the search is not large - only 19 in 3 weeks, but these applications cost less than 100 rubles.

Thus, during the day we receive very high-quality filtered traffic from Yandex searches, albeit in small volumes.

As for the night search campaign, everything is much more modest:

Only 40 clicks and 4 conversions, the price of each conversion is 113 rubles.

The cost of the application is slightly higher than in the daytime, there are few applications. This is explained by the fact that at night the user is less motivated to perform targeted actions.

But the CTR at night is slightly higher, and the rate per click is lower.

This will allow us, at the end of 28 days of search advertising, to reshuffle campaigns based on time targeting.

Thus, daily applications will cost us even less.

And finally, the most interesting thing :)

Over 4 weekends, we received 10 conversions, and each conversion cost less than 80 rubles!

Paradoxically, the cost per click on weekends, on the contrary, was HIGHER than on weekdays.

This suggests that on weekends, users are most active and “warmed up” to perform a targeted action, despite the abundance of offers on the market.

Conclusion: in total, over 3 weeks we received 33 conversions from Yandex search with an average application price of 87 rubles. At the same time, users were most active on weekends. I advise you to take this feature into account when planning your other advertising campaigns (partnerships, advertising mailings, etc.)

Report on the Yandex advertising network (YAN)

Having carefully analyzed advertising campaigns on thematic platforms, I concluded that, in accordance with your wishes (the application price is less than 200 rubles), it is not profitable for us to run on thematic platforms with a rate per click of more than 5 rubles.

However, if I immediately lowered the rates, we would noticeably lose in coverage (the volume of purchased traffic).

Therefore, I decided to change the approach - I created a separate advertising campaign for YAN with an expanded set of key phrases and strict filter ads, the task of which was to cut off the unnecessary target audience.

Let's see what came out of this:

In 8 days we received 682 clicks and 23 applications. The average cost per click was 3.46 rubles. and the average application price is 102.68 rubles.

Those. the application cost almost 2 times cheaper than you asked.

As for the other two campaigns with more targeted queries, let's look at the statistics for them.

Day Campaign:

This campaign brought 19 applications, the average application price was 156 rubles. The average cost per click for targeted queries is 6 rubles.

Exit campaign:

She received only 5 applications, the average application price was 147 rubles.

I disabled the night campaign with targeted queries completely, because... it generated very few clicks and virtually no conversions.

Conclusion: as can be seen from the screenshots above, on thematic platforms the key queries for which we advertise do not play a special role. What’s more important here is the correct ad text and the rates we pay for clicks. It is these parameters that directly determine how much we will pay for the client.

Overall results for advertising campaigns in Yandex

3 thousand rubles. went to VAT, 17 thousand rubles remained on the account.

Thus, starting from April 7, you spent 10,139 rubles on advertising. (excluding VAT) and received 79 applications.

Each application cost you 128 rubles.

In the future (if you continue) this indicator will improve.

A couple of notes about the landing page

In general, your site is very good, users also like it, as evidenced by the minimum bounce rates in Metrica for the “desktop” audience (Mac and Windows):

But there are problems with the mobile audience - iOS and Android users have a 2.5 times higher bounce rate:

Obviously, the site needs to be optimized for mobile devices.

Also, I note that your site very often “goes down” as soon as the number of visits exceeds 500-700 per day!

As confirmation, here are the reports from Direct that came to me by e-mail:

The letter itself:

And although Direct (like Adwords) automatically stops advertising after the site goes down, it can take up to 30-40 minutes from the moment of activation to stopping.

Think about how many clicks can go “into emptiness” during this time...

That's all for now.

If you have any questions, write to me on Skype: direct-profit or by mail: [email protected]

Best regards, Dmitry.

In this article we will talk about the classic approach to analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

When a company spends money to promote its products, it always wants to evaluate the cost-effectiveness. There are many methods and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of advertising and answering the question “How effective is the advertising of my product?” In this article we will talk about the classic approach to calculating and analyzing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Using a simple report as an example, we will show how you can calculate and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising for any product, how to prepare the correct analysis for company management and increase the efficiency of advertising costs.

Simple rules for assessing advertising effectiveness

Before moving directly to the description of our example, let's consider the basic rules for assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. There are only five of them: the rule of economic efficiency of advertising, the rule of accuracy and consistency of measurements, the conversion rule, the “worst - best” rule and the rule of honest analysis.

Economic efficiency rule

Any advertising costs must pay off, that is, bring growth or (at least) preservation of profits while increasing sales. Advertising campaigns that result in negative financial results are not effective. Each time, the first step is to calculate the net financial result, i.e. look at profits minus advertising costs and compare them to a period without advertising.

The formula for calculating the cost effectiveness of advertising is a simple ROI formula. It looks like this:

  • Revenue (before) is the sales of a product during the period during which the product was not supported by advertising. Calculated in rubles.
  • Revenue (after) is sales of goods for a similar period of time, but with advertising support. Calculated in rubles.
  • Profitability is the percentage of profit in the price of a unit of goods sold. Calculated in %.
  • Advertising expenses are the budget spent by a company on promoting a product.

Note: Formula for calculating profitability: Profitability = (Product price - product cost) / product price.

Rule of accuracy and consistency of measurements

Before launching an advertising campaign, determine the criteria by which you will evaluate and track the effectiveness of advertising. This could simply be an increase in sales, an increase in the turnover of a particular product at points of sale, the number of calls or advertising requests, an increase in knowledge of the product, an improvement in the image of the product, etc.

If you want to run advertising on several promotion channels, make sure you can evaluate the effectiveness of each channel separately. If you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to launch promotion through each channel sequentially. Otherwise, you will not be able to determine which channel contributed to the increase in sales.

Conversion Rule

Always look at the conversion rate of advertising into actual sales. The conversion rate speaks about the quality of the advertising channel and the quality of the advertising message. At a minimum, two conversion indicators can be distinguished: conversion of ad impressions into calls (clicks, hits), and conversion of calls into sales. The higher the conversion percentage, the more effective the channel.

The "best - worst" rule

Conduct a detailed assessment of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns: analyze the worst and best results, try to understand the reasons for high and low response, so that in the future you can choose only working promotion channels and increase the overall effectiveness of advertising.

Rule of honest analysis

Finally, don't try to embellish the results for management. An effective advertising campaign is not only the result of your professionalism, it is the result of understanding the market and audience. It is not always possible to find the right approach to promoting a product the first time. It is important to be able to recognize failures quickly and propose ways to solve problems, promptly revise marketing plans and adjust advertising budgets. The more honest you are with yourself, the less losses you will incur from ineffective promotions and the faster you will spend your existing budget on increasing sales.

Let's start practicing

In this part of the article we will look at an example of a report on analyzing the effectiveness of product advertising. In your work, you can use the entire report or only part of it. This example was prepared taking into account the need to present the results of work to the company’s management and contains comprehensive information that will allow you to correctly explain and justify the use of the advertising budget. The report consists of two parts: the first part is intended to determine the effectiveness of specific activities carried out, the second part is an annual report analyzing the effectiveness of product advertising.

Part one: analysis of the quality of the advertising campaign

This report is used when it is necessary to report on the effectiveness of specific advertising campaigns. It consists of three parts, each of which has its own purpose and tasks.

1. Summary flowchart of advertising activities for the period

In this part of the report you show what promotional activities were carried out during the analyzed period. The most obvious way to show this is in the form of a flowchart indicating itemized expenses. In this case, the advertising budget item refers to the advertising channel. For example, a television commercial, press advertising, contextual advertising, e-mail newsletters, outdoor advertising. If you used different advertising messages in any channel, then it is logical to separate them. For example, e-mail newsletter 1 and e-mail newsletter 2.

In the last columns of the table, compare planned and actual expenses. This will show how much the allocated budget has been spent. Describe the main reasons for the deviation of fact from plan. If there were significant savings, be sure to indicate this fact and write how it was achieved.

2. Analysis of sales dynamics

Be sure to write down your conclusions according to the graph: Was there an increase in sales? By what percentage did sales increase? How quickly did the advertising campaign affect sales? Which activity had the most impact?

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising costs

The last step of the report is to evaluate the economic efficiency of the advertising campaign. Compare the main financial indicators for three periods: before, during and after the advertising campaign. Analysis of sales after an advertising campaign is important because it evaluates the long-term effect of advertising. Some communication channels are too expensive to pay off in the short term (for example, display advertising), so it is better to look at the long-term effect of sales growth. In such an analysis, it is important to take periods of equal time (1 month, 3 months, etc.).

Be sure to write conclusions for all tables. The conclusions will help management correctly understand the calculations and see important points: Which channels were the most effective? Why? Which ones had high response but low conversion? What needs to change to improve the situation? Which channels should be abandoned in the future and how should the budget be revised?

Part Two: Annual Advertising Performance Report

1. Analysis of financial indicators

The first part of the annual advertising performance report should show the overall financial result compared to the previous year. Here it is important to compare such indicators as sales, profit, profit-advertising costs, . If you can evaluate the dynamics of product knowledge, this will be a definite plus for the report.

2. Budget distribution

The next step in the annual report is to assess budget allocation. It shows how much was spent and highlights the most significant cost items.

Be sure to write justifications for significant deviations in advertising cost items.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of individual articles

The final step of the annual report is to provide a consolidated item-by-item analysis of the effectiveness of the funds spent. Evaluate the effectiveness of each communication channel through which advertising support for the product was carried out. For each cost item, evaluate response rates, conversion rates, and ROI.