Why is content important for SEO? Basic criteria for quality content. STRONG and EM - we carefully use increasing the importance of keywords

Hello, dear readers of our blog. Today we will talk to you about optimizing page content.

Content– this is the most important component of the site and the position of your site in the search results directly depends on the quality and relevance of the content search engines. Right optimizing the content By increasing the relevance of the page, you can, without any financial investment, significantly rise in the search engine rankings for low-frequency and mid-range queries.

Relevance– this is the correspondence of the search query to the content of the page, on the basis of which search engines make a conclusion about the usefulness of the resource.

Rules for optimizing website content

Tag </b></h2><p><Title>this is the most <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/network-and-internet/chto-takoe-meta-tegi-stranicy-chto-takoe-meta-tegi-samoe-vazhnoe-meta-tegi/">important meta</a> tag for <b>content optimization</b>. By <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/desk-desktop/muzhchina-vsegda-search-php-add-keywords-title-reshaet-kto-budet-v-tope-a-kto/">title</a>- this is the name of the page, users also pay attention to it, <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/internet/rasshirennyi-poisk-informaciya-kak-iskat-v-yandekse-i-google/">information seekers</a> on the Internet and search engines. Without a properly composed meta title tag, you cannot achieve decent positions in the search results, so you need to be responsible about filling it out.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/moguta.ru/uploads/blog/optimizaciya-kontenta3.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>There are no restrictions on the length of the title tag, however, the more words it contains, the less weight they have.</li><li>Use keywords in the title tag.</li><li>Use direct occurrences <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/graphics-and-design/gruppirovka-semanticheskogo-yadra-klasterizaciya-zaprosov/">keywords</a>(That is, without any changes in word form (cases, rearrangement of words, word breakdown, punctuation marks, etc.)</li><li>The closer the word is to the beginning of the title, the greater its weight.</li><li>Titles on pages should not be repeated.</li><li>Do not use in <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/system-programs/chto-vazhnee-title-ili-h1-ispolzovanie-klyuchevyh-slov-v-title-i-h1-psihologicheskie/">title words</a>, which are not on the page.</li><li>Eliminate unnecessary words, for example, “Home”, “Welcome to the site”, “LLC my site”, etc.</li> </ul><h2><b>URL (page address)</b></h2><p>Page addresses must be HURs (Human Understandable Urls) and contain a transliteration of keywords, for example, like our page <b>http://site/blog/prodvijenie-sayta/optimizatsiya-kontenta</b>. Many CMSs independently generate CNC from the page title.</p><h2><b>Tag <h1> </b></h2><p>H1 is the title of the first level article. That is, if title is the title of the page, then h1 is the title of the article or material on your page. He is the second most important <b>content optimization</b> after the title and also has its own filling rules:</p><ul><li>Use only 1 time per page.</li><li>Use as close to the beginning of the text as possible.</li><li>Maintain hierarchy, tags h2, h3... should be after h1.</li><li>The h1 text should be different from the title text.</li><li>Use direct entry of the key query.</li><li>The h1 tag should preferably be “clean”, i.e. do not contain styles, classes, attributes, other tags, incl. links. From the point of view of HTML standards there is nothing wrong with this, but from the point of view of SEO it is undesirable. You can decorate the header without classes if you know CSS.</li><li>As few punctuation marks as possible, better without them at all.</li> </ul><h2><b>Images</b></h2><p>Using pictures on the page can help the site promote and provide an additional influx of traffic, but here, too, you need to do everything correctly.</p><h3>Pictures should be light in weight</h3><p>Try to find a compromise between the weight of the picture and its quality. Keep an eye on the size of the picture; if you are going to insert it into a block of 100x100, then why do you need a picture of 1200x700? Many novice webmasters do not pay attention to the weight of images, as a result of which the pages of their site take longer to load and, accordingly, are ranked lower by search engines.</p><h3>Alt attribute</h3><p>The alt attribute is an alternative text, a description of the image, that appears if the user has images disabled in the browser or for some reason not available.</p><p>The attribute is taken into account by search engines and has a positive effect on promotion; fill it with a description of the image using keywords. The length of the alt attribute for Google is no more than 16 words, for Yandex no more than 280 characters.</p><p>Example <img src='/system-programs/pochemu-kontent-vazhen-dlya-seo-osnovnye-kriterii-kachestvennogo-kontenta/' loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h3>Title attribute</h3><p>The title attribute is a tooltip when hovering over an image, another tool for <b>content optimization</b>. Alt and title can be the same. Filling it out is not mandatory, but it won’t be superfluous either.</p><p>Example <img src='/system-programs/pochemu-kontent-vazhen-dlya-seo-osnovnye-kriterii-kachestvennogo-kontenta/' loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h3>Image title</h3><p>Another way to tell a search engine the contents of a picture is its title. It is highly advisable to use <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/internet-and-connectivity/poisk-konkurentov-po-klyuchevym-zaprosam-analiz-reklamy/">key query</a> in the name of the picture, for example, optimizatsiya_kontenta.jpg.</p><h3>Specify the image size</h3><p>Always add width and height attributes to the tag <img>, and indicate them in them <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/customize-your-desktop/standartnyi-razmer-a4-vatman-razmery---realnye-pokazateli/">actual size</a>- this will speed up page loading, because... the browser will know in advance how much space to allocate for the image and will not wait for it to load.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/img/pic1.jpg' height="300" width="200" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h2><b>Meta Description tag</b></h2><p>Optimizing page content includes correct meta content <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/plug-ins-for-browsers/meta-tegi-title-description-i-keywords-meshayut-prodvizheniyu-title-stranicy-chto/">Description tag</a>. This meta tag does not directly affect promotion; however, if filled out correctly, search engines will generate a snippet based on it (a block of information that is displayed next to the link to the site in the search results). It’s the snippet that users pay attention to when choosing which site to go to.</p><ul><li>Make the description as attractive as possible for users; it should give a clear idea of ​​the information that the user will find on the page.</li><li>Use keywords.</li><li>The description must be unique for all pages and different from the title.</li><li>It should contain 150-200 characters - that’s how much will fit in the search results.</li><li>It is not recommended to use an excerpt from the text of the page in the description.</li> </ul><p>I will tell you how to create rich snippets, as in the picture below, in the article “”.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/moguta.ru/uploads/blog/optimizaciya-kontenta1.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h2><b>Text</b></h2><p>And of course, the most important thing when optimizing page content is to write relevant text. But I will tell you about this in the next article “Writing SEO texts”.</p><p>You can check the relevance of a page for free on the megaindex website, just enter the address <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/office-programs/vkontakte-join-vkontakte-moya-stranica-vhod-na-stranicu-vk-zachem/">desired page</a>, click on the “more” tab and select the “page relevance” item, enter the key query whose relevance you wanted to check. They will tell you <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/tips/pochemu-ya-ne-mogu-zaiti-v-plei-market-s-plansheta-ne-rabotaet-plei-market/">possible mistakes</a>, and how to fix them.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/moguta.ru/uploads/blog/optimizaciya-kontenta4.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>That's all! Apply these simple rules to optimize the content on your site, and you will be surprised to see how your ranking in search results will rise.</p><p><b>If you have something to add or you disagree with something, write in the comments.</b></p> <p>When optimizing content, you need to pay attention to both the audience for which it is intended and search engines. But how to maintain this balance? What should you pay most attention to? And which one is the most <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/questions/oshibki-motivacii-sotrudnikov-ne-menee-grubye-oshibki-v-materialnoi/">blunder</a> webmaster when working with content? This article presents a translation of a survey of foreign experts on content optimization. So, what do the professionals advise?</p> <p><b>Alan Bleiweis</b><br>(Alan Bleiweiss, SEO consultant)</p> <p>Everything you do for SEO must pass the CROUD test: Quality, Relevance, Authority, Uniqueness and Trust. At a minimum, each signal should reinforce quality, uniqueness, and relevance. Authority and trust are vague terms, but they definitely need to be worked on. Typically, the latter are a by-product of what you do.</p> <p>A big mistake I see webmasters making in content optimization is focusing on certain signals: inbound links, keyword usage, uniqueness percentage, etc... They get stuck on one thing instead of understanding the need to focus their energy/effort/ resources in different directions.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/devaka.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/1582.jpg' align="right" height="100" width="100" loading=lazy loading=lazy><b>Eric Enge</b><br>(Eric Enge, Managing Director, Stone Temple Consulting)</p> <p>Do some simple semantic analysis to determine “what language” people are speaking when discussing a topic of interest to you. This will allow you to better determine the direction of the content, as well as create the correct title for the article/document. And then, let an expert on your topic write cool content without diverting their attention to use <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/questions/ustanovka-wordpress-na-hosting-sozdanie-bloga-razlichnye-varianty/">various options</a> keywords. The number one goal should be to create content that satisfies the user's needs.</p> <p>Many optimizers try to cram <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/setting-up-software/korporativnye-seti-imeyut-vyhod-na-referat-korporativnye-seti/">different variants</a> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/android/ispolzovanie-klyuchevyh-slov-fraz-dlya-poiska-informacii/">key phrases</a>, they need to make sure that <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/questions/chto-takoe-title-stranicy-chto-takoe-teg-title-chto-takoe-glavnyi-klyuch/">master key</a> used in the text as often as possible. But this is a 100% way to kill the content and make it unusable.</p> <p>If you let an expert on your topic write <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/news/chto-takoe-kontent-i-zachem-kontent-nuzhen-chto-takoe-kontent-prostymi/">required content</a>, it will naturally make the text rich in various semantic structures.</p> <p><b>Melissa Fach</b><br>(Melissa Fach, who runs SEO Aware)</p> <p>You must have SEO and business goals for the entire site and each of its pages. Then you can start thinking about strategies that will achieve these goals and creating suitable content.</p> <p>The most important part of a content strategy should be that every piece of content builds trust, solves a user need, and is essential. Without trust you have nothing, if you don't meet the user's needs then they don't need you, and necessity and relevance will not allow customers to leave without saying goodbye.</p> <p>It is very important to direct content to convert a visitor into a client. Driving traffic is nothing without conversion.</p> <p><b>Rand Fishkin</b><br>(Rand Fishkin, wizard of Moz country)</p> <p>Conduct an audience survey. Gather approximately those guys who might be interested in the topic of your content, and then ask what they are most interested in finding out if any of your <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/security/kak-pridumat-psevdonim-kreativnye-idei-kakoi-mozhno-pridumat-sebe-zapominayushchiisya-nik/">creative ideas</a> resonate with them? People will tell you which information they were disappointed with and which of your ideas they admired. If your content doesn't resonate with your audience, you should reconsider your plan and do it all over again.</p> <p>It would be a mistake to believe that if you built it, they will come (the famous American expression “If you build it, they will come,” devaka). I see a lot of marketers and brands who stop investing in content because they “tried it and it didn’t work.” You haven't really invested in content unless there have been bad experiences and multiple iterations. This business requires constant investment.</p> <p><b>Edge Cohn</b><br>(AJ Kohn, manager of Blind Five Year Old)</p> <p>The main rule is readability. People mostly view content rather than read it. Therefore, use headings and subheadings with <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/system-programs/kak-nazvat-gruppu-v-socseti-sovety-i-interesnye-nazvaniya-kak/">interesting names</a>, use short paragraphs, separate them with images, make the content easy to remember.</p> <p>A common mistake is to give up quickly. Whether blogging, social media groups, or creating other types of content, many people try it for a few months and then admit defeat and mutter that “it doesn’t work” or report to managers that “there’s no corresponding ROI.” Success comes slowly and over time.</p> <p><b>Pete Meyers</b><br>(Dr. Pete Meyers, Marketing Specialist at Moz)</p> <p>This sounds like Captain Obvious, but many people don't take the time and effort to write headlines, or they spam them with keywords.</p> <p>Google displays on <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/kogda-sozdali-odnoklassniki-kto-vladelec-odnoklassnikov/">this moment</a> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/news/s-malenkaya-v-kruzhochke-simvoly-strelok-grecheskii-i-koptskii/">less characters</a> in the title (about 55), and the characters at the beginning of the title will have more meaning and influence users more. Throw out the old SEO rules and think about headlines so that they can actually attract targeted clicks. If you repeat some elements here, for example, the name of the site or the name of the category, then put the unique elements first.</p> <p>Big Mistake: People want every page and variation of a page on their large site to be indexed, hoping to no avail that they will all rank well. This leads, at best, to dilution, at worst to problems in ranking (including the Panda algorithm).</p> <p>The same goes for <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/perelinkovka-stranic-chto-eto-takoe-i-kak-pravilno-ee-delat-s/">internal linking</a>. The picture is that 20% of your pages (services, products) generate 80% of visits/sales. If you concentrate on everything, it will lead to concentration on nothing.</p> <p><b>Mat Siltala</b><br>(Mat Siltala, Managing Director, Avalaunch Media)</p> <p>If we focus on current trends, I would recommend setting up the right content for . All the content you publish - videos, slides, graphics, just text - needs to be associated with the author in Google and configured correctly in technical terms.</p> <p>Speaking of mistakes, I work with a lot of visual content, from infographics to videos, and I often see that when people share visual content, they don't include text. Although <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/network-and-internet/luchshie-instrumenty-sozdaniya-pikselnoi-grafiki-luchshie/">good graphics</a> communicates the topic visually, you need to add accompanying text to help search engines recognize what the graphic is about.</p> <p><b>David Wallace</b><br>(David Wallace, Search Rank Manager)</p> <p>The first step in optimizing content is to conduct semantic analysis. This doesn't mean that keywords themselves should determine the title of your content, but if possible, it's a good idea to use popular or trending phrases in searches. I rarely conduct such analysis myself, but it can significantly help in ranking the text, attracting traffic and related shares on social networks.</p> <p>Another important thing is title optimization. It is often neglected when creating content.</p> <p>Because they are becoming more popular now <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/customize-your-desktop/statistika-polzovaniya-socialnymi-setyami-osobennosti/">social media</a>, based on images and photos, then graphic content should also be given attention and complemented with text content. This will diversify the page, as well as engage the visitor and allow him to easily distribute the content on his social network. Make sure you use the ALT and TITLE attributes for your images. For infographics, add an embed code to your site (like YouTube does for videos, for example).</p> <p><b>Monica Wright</b><br>(Monica Wright, director of audience relations at Marketing Land and Search Engine Land).</p> <p>The content is designed for the people you attract. This implies practicality, even though the purpose of the content may be to entertain, educate, or evoke an emotion in the reader. Don't create content simply because you need to have a “strategy.” For example, a blog is not a content strategy. If you can understand the audience's need, it will be much easier to create and optimize content. We've often tried to optimize for search, but answering these questions will help you understand what content you actually need to create: “How can you…”, “What is…”, “Where can you find…”, “What is the best…”, "Who it …".</p> <p><a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/utilities/kak-sozdat-prodayushchii-lending-peidzh-pravila-razrabotki-i-tipichnye/">Main mistake</a>– create design and functionality first, inserting content as something secondary. Content is a product, a valuable contribution. One of my bosses, when creating a product, constantly asked: “Is this some kind of our feature or benefit for the user?” Think of content as value.</p> <p>What do you pay most attention to when optimizing content? What rake have you already stepped on? Share your experience in the comments.</p> <p>Today I will tell you how to optimize website content, including text, graphics, and some other components. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/android/chto-takoe-dannye-i-informaciya-chem-dannye-otlichayutsya-ot-informacii/">This information</a> It will be useful, first of all, to everyone who has just recently started their journey in the field of webmastering and is not very well versed in it. <b>Website content optimization - <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/security/kak-privlech-pervyh-podpischikov-vazhnye-etapy-do-razmeshcheniya/">important stage</a> promotion</b>, so I suggest reading and asking questions :)</p> <h3>Uniqueness of text content</h3> <p>Content posted on the site must be unique. When checking using the shingle method (shingle length is 4 words), <b>uniqueness should be at least 80-85%</b>. This percentage may indicate that the content has not been published on other resources before. However, any matches with texts on other sites must be carefully checked, since light rewriting (rewriting in other words) will not increase the level of trust of the PS in the site.</p> <p>The text must, first of all, be original, that is, written specifically for a specific product or other page. If a rewrite is ordered, it must be carried out as soon as possible <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/tips/offery-infobiznes-luchshe-partnerskie-cpa-seti-s-bolshim-kolichestvom/">more</a> sources (at least 3-4).</p> <p>I recommend checking the uniqueness of content using the service (shingle verification method), or (non-shingle verification method). Before posting <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/plug-ins-for-browsers/kuda-mozhno-vylozhit-svoi-stati-podbiraem-vneshnie-ploshchadki-dlya-publikacii/">text content</a> to the page, you should add it to " <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/customize-windows-10/kak-rabotat-s-originalnymi-tekstami-vebmastera-v-vordpresse-chto/">Original texts</a>» Yandex. After publication of the text (applies mostly <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/news/soobshchenie-na-temu-chelovek-i-informatika-uchebnyi-proekt-chelovek-i/">information articles</a>), you can repost the page to popular social networks to speed up indexing and receive social signals.</p> <h3>Uniqueness of graphics</h3> <p>A plus when promoting can be the presence of unique graphics (images) on the site. It is clear that uniqueizing all images is quite costly in terms of finances and time, so you can make unique graphics only on promoted pages. This is especially true for categories and information articles. Unique photos and other graphics will increase the trust of search engines in the site.</p> <p>When placing photos on a page, you should definitely add alt and title attributes to them, and place keywords promoted on the page in them, but no more than 1 in each attribute.</p> <h3>Overspam, key density</h3> <p>To promote a site in search results, its pages must contain useful and <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/internet-and-connectivity/relevantnyi---eto-effektivnyi-vs-chto-vy-hoteli-znat-pro-relevantnyi/">relevant content</a>. The relevance of content is determined by a complex of factors, one of the most important of which is the presence of keywords in the text, headings and meta tags.</p> <p>When checking keyword density (the percentage of keywords on a page), you need to take into account not only the text in the content part, but also the text in other page elements mentioned above. That is, when ordering 1000-character text with 2-3 occurrences of keys for a page, you should take into account H1-H2 headings, meta tags, alt and <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/problem-with-os/atributy-alt-i-title-dlya-opisaniya-izobrazhenii-atributy-alt-i-title-dlya/">title images</a>, <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/questions/hlebnye-kroshki-dlya-vordpress-plagin-hlebnye-kroshki-na-wordpress-s/">bread crumbs</a> and other elements.</p> <p>When forming terms of reference for writing text for a page, you should analyze the density of keys for <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/relevantnoe-mnenie-relevantnost-informacii-stranic-chto-eto-prostymi/">relevant pages</a> from TOP 3-5 <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/education-and-science/obnovlenie-poiskovoi-vydachi-chto-takoe-apdeit-update-vidy-apdeitov-i-sposoby/">search results</a>. However, analyzing each page can be too time-consuming, so you can analyze the TOP only for the most <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/android/titl-stranicy-vazhnye-vyvody-i-kratkoe-rezyume-dlya-lenivyh/">important pages</a> website (categories and subcategories, main) and information articles. For product cards, you can follow the rule (calculation per 1000 b/p characters): 2 occurrences of the main key (high, low), and 1-2 occurrences of an additional key (usually this is the low key).</p> <p>Keyword density can be checked using various tools, including using the service.</p> <h3>Heading H1</h3> <p>Heading H1 is one of the most <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/news/heshtegi-v-instagramm---samyi-vazhnyi-element-v-raskrutke-instagram-akkaunta-chto/">important elements</a> page, indicating its relevance to the queries of the PS user. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/tips/opisanie-algoritmov-sortirovki-i-sravnenie-ih-proizvoditelnosti-kak-sdelat-sortirovku-v-excel-po/">This title</a> must necessarily contain in its body the keyword/phrase promoted on the page, it is advisable that the key is at the beginning of the title, this directly affects relevance. It is also recommended that the body of the title contain not only the key, but also diluting words. Diluting words should not break the key into several parts; it is better if they come after the key. Example.</p> <p> <br>Page: home <br> </p> <p>As you can see, the main key comes first, followed by <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/plug-ins-for-browsers/aifon-7-osobye-funkcii-poleznye-dopolnitelnye-nastroiki-poisk-po/">additional words</a>, which can also bring traffic provided that the PS user sets a low frequency query in the search. Note: H1 header may duplicate content <title>, this is not a violation of search engine requirements and does not lead to pessimization of the site.</p> <h3>Subheadings (H2-H3)</h3> <p>H2-H3 headings have less weight than H1, but they also affect the level of relevance of the page. Therefore, when filling the page with content, it is important to take these elements into account. However, you should use a slightly different technique than with headings. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/multimedia/spisok-nacionalnyh-domenov-verhnego-urovnya-tolkovyi-slovar/">top level</a>(H1).</p> <p>You should not place exact occurrences of keys in the H2-H3 headers, or do it carefully so that the keys look absolutely organic and natural. If the density of keys on the page is sufficient, it is better to add keys with diluted occurrences, or their word forms. Example.</p> <p>Key: industrial equipment <br>Page: home <br>H1: Industrial equipment with delivery throughout Russia and abroad <br>Text <br>H2: Types of equipment <br>Text <br>H3: Industrial forging and pressing equipment</p> <p>As you can see, in each heading there is the word “equipment”, which is part of the main key, and there is also a diluted key (in H3).</p> <h3>Relevance <title></h3> <p>Most <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/android/kak-vyglyadit-stabilizator-shema-podklyucheniya-stabilizatora/">important factor</a>, which determines the relevance of the page <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/setting-up-software/kak-uznat-kolichestvo-poiskovyh-zaprosov-statistika-poiskovyh-zaprosov/">search query</a> PS users, is a meta tag <i>< </i><i>title</i><i>> </i>(page title). In addition, information from the title (the first 65-70 characters, depending on the PS), is displayed by search engines as the title of the snippet in the results. Therefore, it is important to maintain relevance when influencing the clickability of a snippet <i>< </i><i>title</i><i>> </i> to the page content. To do this, it is necessary that the meta title contains the main promoted key query. Also in <i>< </i><i>title</i><i>> </i> It is advisable to add additional page keys.</p> <p>A prerequisite for the formation of a title is readability, that is, the keys must be included organically and motivate the PS user to go to the site. At the same time, the keys should not be listed separated by commas, but rather be a title.</p> <h3>Image attributes (alt, title)</h3> <p>One of the factors that increases the relevance of a page is the presence of images. <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/system-programs/chto-takoe-i-dlya-chego-nuzhny-atributy-alt-i-title-v-wordpress-atributy-alt-i-title/">alt attributes</a> and title. The first attribute is useful for users who cannot view images (for example, when image viewing is disabled or poor Internet connection speed), the second attribute is the name of the image and is displayed when hovering over it. It is recommended to include the main or secondary keys of the page in the attributes, this way you can increase the relevance of the page to a specific request.</p> <h3>Attributes in headers H1-H2</h3> <p>The presence of attributes in headers H1-H2 is undesirable. By attributes we mean classes, <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/system-programs/vozvrat-sbroshennyh-css-stilei-stoit-li-ispolzovat-css-reset-sbros-ishodnyh/">CSS styles</a>, as well as other information in the tag <h1></h1>or <h2></h2. Если необходимо оформить данный тег, лучше поместить его в блок <div>, adding the appropriate class, and then add the necessary styles to the class in the CSS table. Example.</p> <p><b>Wrong</b> </p> <p><b>Right</b> </p> <h3>Microdata markup</h3> <p>Micromarking is a standard for semantic optimization. The standard was introduced by search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo in the summer of 2011. In the fall of the same year, it became known that the standard was supported by the Yandex search engine. Search engine optimization of website content cannot be complete without microdata markup.</p> <p>Micro markup <b>allows robots to more accurately identify and structure information on website pages</b>. Micromarking is performed by adding special tags to the HTML code of the page, which contain various useful information. Today, Google and Yandex experts recommend using the Schema.org microdata method for markup. You can read more about the practical use of microdata on the official webmaster assistance website from Yandex.</p> <h3>Formatting ( <strong>,<b>)</h3> <p>For some time, SEO has used a method such as highlighting keywords in the text of a page. <b>bold</b>, using tags <i><strong> </i> And <i><b>. </i> The use of these tags made it possible to influence the ranking of promoted words in search engines. Later, search algorithms took this factor into account and neutralized its effect. Also, sanctions in the form of pessimization began to be applied for excessive and unjustified use of strong words.</p> <p>However, you should not completely stop using these tags, as some SEO specialists recommend. Strongs can be used, but only to highlight sections of text (sentences or part of them) that need to be paid attention to. Naturally, it is possible for the selected fragment to contain the key.</p> <h3>Spelling errors</h3> <p>A well-written text can attract the attention of a visitor, and conversely, a large number of spelling errors can push a person away from making a purchase, even if he is offered favorable conditions. In addition, the presence of errors in site texts can signal to search engines about the low quality of the site. Accordingly, the pages of such a site will be lowered when ranking in search results.</p> <p>It is necessary to check the text published on the pages of the site for errors. To do this, you can use the following method. First, you need to ask the artist to send the work in a Microsoft Word file. Some errors can be seen without proofreading, since the Microsoft Word program highlights incorrect words with a red underline, and errors in the structure of sentences with a green underline. It should be remembered that highlighted elements of a sentence are not always errors.</p> <p>Also, the first two or three texts written by a new copywriter who has not previously written texts for your site must be carefully checked manually, that is, proofread. Proofreading will help you find almost all the mistakes made when writing texts. Based on the results, it will be possible to judge the quality of the copywriter’s work; if there are an abundance of errors, it is worth stopping cooperation. If there are very few errors and the text itself is written according to the technical specifications, it makes sense to add the artist to the white list and continue to work with him, paying less attention to checking the written texts.</p> <h3>Article section</h3> <p>In modern SEO, the text content of a website plays an extremely important role - its update frequency, volume, and quality. That is why it is important to start promotion not with displaying HF keywords in the TOP, especially since this is unlikely, but with writing texts optimized for LF/MF queries, posting them on the site, linking and displaying them in the TOP of search results.</p> <p>To achieve a positive effect, queries in published articles must be informational, provide comprehensive information to readers, and smoothly lead them to the possibility of purchasing a product or service. <i>To do this, each article must contain a link to the product/service to which the article itself is related. It is desirable that the anchor of the link be non-commercial, but with the inclusion of the key in the adjacent text. For example: "</i>».</p> <p>On our website you can order this service (via the link) if you want to save time and spend it on more important things</p> <p>That's all for now. I hope that now you will know a little more about such an aspect of promotion as website content optimization. Of course, you need not only to know, but also to put it into practice, so go ahead! If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments below. Good luck!</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" class="innerContentSubscribe_form swpmc-js-form" data-container=".innerContentSubscribe" data-on-success="swptEvents.blogSubscribeSuccess()"> <p> <input class="inputText js-placeholder" type="text" name="email" id="innerContentSubscribeEmail" value=""></p> <p>We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.</p> </form> <p>Subscribe</p> <p><span class="dA0b9Ms6ZJk"></span></p> <p><b>SEO content is material on a website that is optimized for search engine queries.</b></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/semantica.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/yutub.png' height="37" width="178" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h1>More videos on our channel - learn internet marketing with SEMANTICA</h1> <p>What is SEO content</p> <p>SEO content is textual materials on a website that meet the requirements of search engines. Thanks to such materials, the site will be better indexed by search engines, and its ranking in search results will rise.</p> <p>A keyword is a word in a text that, together with other clues from the text, can provide insight into what the text is about. Using keywords, search engines determine how suitable the material is to the user’s request.</p> <p>You cannot optimize one text for all the queries in your topic at once. Analyze what and how the user searches most often. Identify his needs. Study search terms. And then collect a semantic core for future material.</p> <h1>Using keywords in SEO content</h1> <p>Semantic core (SC) - a list of key phrases.</p> <p>These key phrases should be used organically in the text. To collect such keys, you can use the Yandex Wordstat service. Focus on queries that show a person's interest in the topic of your article.</p> <p>For example: <br>Term + (what is this +); <br>term + definition; <br>term + where (applies || used || works); <br>term + why is needed.</p> <h1>How to use keys from the semantic core in text?</h1> <ul><li>It is enough to insert a phrase from the SL once in the text.</li> <li>Words can be inflected and interchanged.</li> <li>You can use other words to make the key look natural.</li> <li>Prepositions and conjunctions do not affect the key - they can be removed or added.</li> <li>It is not advisable to separate the key with a comma; it is not advisable to separate it with a period.</li> <li>You cannot use the key without recycling it. The phrase should be natural.</li> </ul><h1>What should be the structure of SEO content?</h1> <h2>Heading H1</h2> <p>Each article on your portal should have a clear structure. The article must have a title - heading H1. It is the only one on the page, usually located above the article. The title must contain the main key for which the page is optimized. All the rules for using key phrases from the semantic core, which we wrote about above, apply.</p> <h2>Meta title tag</h2> <p>The title meta tag is another required element of the page with the material. This is an alternative name for the material that is displayed in the open browser tab. It is also taken into account by search engines, and therefore must contain the main keys from the core.</p> <p>It is important that the content of the H1 header and the title tag should be different. But they should not contradict each other. If their content is the same, search engines may consider the site a dishonest resource and be pessimistic about it. There is no period at the end of the title tag.</p> <h2>Meta description tag</h2> <p>The Description meta tag is a description of the site page. Its content does not directly affect the site's position in search results. Search engines often take into account the description text when generating snippets in the search results. A snippet is a small explanation of each search result. The better it describes the content of the page, the higher the likelihood that the user will go to this page. Thanks to this tag, search robots can quickly index a site or page and rank it.</p> <p>Filling out the description tag does not greatly affect the ranking of the site. Although Yandex flags this as an error, in practice it has almost no effect on the search results of this search engine. <br>It was noted that when filling out this tag, the site's rank in Google increased. For example: after filling out the description tag for each page, traffic to the site from this search engine increased by 20%.</p> <p>It is important that the content of the description tag should not be the same as the H1 heading and the title tag. Otherwise, its content will be ignored by the search engine. Ends with a period.</p> <h2>Lists</h2> <p>Search robots love lists. When creating lists, use html tags. Do not write item numbers manually, otherwise the search engine will not understand that this is a list. It is recommended to use at least one of the lists in the article - bulleted or numbered. <br>However, do not forget that people will read your article. And if it is not possible to make a list, you should not force it. The text should be natural.</p> <h2>Headings and subheadings</h2> <p>We said that it is important to fill out the H1 heading - the title of the entire article. Equally important is the proper use of subheadings.</p> <p>Each article should have a structure and hierarchy.</p> <p>Firstly, such material is easier for the user to read and perceive. We read most articles diagonally. We grab the essence, not paying attention to the details, skim the text with our eyes and close the tab. But you are writing an article so that the user not only reads it, but gets something useful. And spent more time on your site. The use of headings and subheadings encourages the user to move from simply skimming the article to reading it.</p> <p>Secondly, the search engine pays attention to whether your article is structured. If the material is just a wall of text, then this is a good reason for the search engine to be pessimistic about the site. He simply believes that your site is being used for black promotion.</p> <p>You can't just make headlines wherever you want. The use of each subheading must be justified. Follow the logic of the story. If you first talk about how cat food is made, and then move on to how to feed a cat, these two blocks must be separated from each other by subheadings. The subtitle should reflect the essence of the block. For our example, the first block can be called “How cat food is made”, the second - “How to feed a cat correctly”. It is possible that the reader does not care how and what the food for his pet is made from. It is only important for him to read how to feed the cat correctly. The title will help him find the answer to his question. If there are no subheadings, then the user will simply see a wall of text and leave the site to look further. He will not bother and waste time reading all the material, but will simply look for another article that highlights the problem that interests him.</p> <p>Also include search terms in your subheadings. This will speed up the indexing of your site. But don't make deep investments. Three levels of headings will be enough.</p> <h1>Other Factors of Good SEO Content</h1> <p>Besides structure, good SEO content should have other important qualities.</p> <h2>Uniqueness</h2> <p>Uniqueness is one of the most important criteria for well-optimized content. Only sites with unique content appear in the top results. <br>The user cannot distinguish whether an article is unique. But search engines immediately identify duplicate content. Copy-paste is a direct path to the back of search results. <br>Often sites with non-unique content fall under filters.</p> <p>Sometimes they resort to the services of copywriters. You can get unique texts from them. But still be careful. Even if a text checking service for plagiarism shows 100% uniqueness, the material itself may be of poor quality and contain factual errors.</p> <h2>Thematic</h2> <p>Check the topic of your article for compliance with key queries. If you optimize the material for the query “How to feed a cat correctly,” then the article should be about how to do it.</p> <p>At the beginning of the article, we said that one article should be optimized for one search query. This is true. But you can include several adjacent keys. They must be morphologically similar to the main key.</p> <p>Watch out for spam. If the text uses too many keywords, the text is likely to be pessimized by the search engine.</p> <h2>Literacy</h2> <p>All texts must be written correctly, without errors. If there are many errors in the material, the risk of getting a filter also increases. <br>Writing correctly can be easily learned. And now there are many online services for checking spelling and punctuation. <br>If you still missed something, it’s better not to leave it like that. Add a widget to your site that allows users to indicate places in the material where an error or typo was made. Always bring your materials to perfection.</p> <p>In order for your materials to be useful and not hang as a dead weight on the site, they must be optimized. Both for people and for search engines. SEO-optimized content is the key to successful website promotion; its presence will provide you with a constant flow of traffic to the site.</p> <p>SEO is an incredibly fast-growing industry, and sometimes it takes a lot of time to stay up to date with all the latest innovations and respond quickly to them.</p><p>One of the factors having an unprecedented impact on organic search today is . The increase in the number of requests from mobile devices and a qualitative leap in the development of voice assistants has led to the fact that the way we search for information on the Internet is radically changing.</p><p>Think about Siri, Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google, and finally Yandex.Alice, and you will no longer have any doubt that voice search is something that marketers and business owners must reckon with today. According to Google, by 2020, more than half of searches will be made by voice, and of course, this requires a renewed approach to search engine optimization.</p><h2>Featured Snippets</h2><p>One of the key elements of this process are the so-called featured fragments (snippets), which are read out loud by the robot in response to voice requests. These snippets are often referred to as “Position 0,” a phrase coined by Pete Meyers, a marketing analyst at Moz. They provide a direct answer to the question that appears at the top of the search results, and often contain a link to the source with the answer.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/media.lpgenerator.ru/uploads/2017/10/28/2_thumb600x297.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>According to reports from the Stone Temple Consulting agency, Google responds to almost 30% of 1.4 million queries with just such snippets. This is a significant part of queries, so SEO specialists face a difficult task - snippet optimization should become a priority in the process of updating the current search strategy.</p><p>An important point to remember about snippets is that if a person searches by voice and expects an audio response, they will not be presented with other search results. Instead, it will search for a result that has a featured snippet. The choice of voice assistant will fall on him. <br>You can have the most incredible and mind-blowing meta descriptions and title tags in the world, but if you don't include that "position 0" your painstakingly written content will not be read out loud and, as a result, will end up unheard and unread by the user. .</p><h2>Low frequency keywords</h2><p>Of course, the key difference between voice search and regular search is the use of more natural, conversational language. This is a new style of search and query formats need to be factored into your strategy. And this can be done using low-frequency queries.</p><p>The first step in optimizing for snippets is to identify information queries related to your product. Use special tools to select keywords, conduct customer surveys, and do not ignore the questions that you constantly receive from your customers.</p><p>Test the generated questions by searching for them on Google and analyzing the snippets generated by the system. You can use them as a basis, but think carefully about how you can improve them. It's possible that the source the snippet links to doesn't contain much information, or the response displayed isn't detailed enough.</p><h2>Content optimization</h2><p>The next step is to prepare responses to the pool of requests you have collected, which will most likely take the form of a short blog post. Of course, Google only shows a small percentage of the text from the article in the snippet, but that doesn't mean it should answer the question directly.</p><p>Start the material with a direct answer to the user's question, but then try to develop the topic. We know that Google loves deep, well-researched content, and given that a snippet provides a link to the source of information, your article should offer the reader little more than a dry answer to their query.</p><p>With such materials you need to cover all the requests at your disposal. Later, you can even experiment a little with formats and content to find out which materials give you the most bang for your buck.</p><p>It wouldn’t hurt to integrate a question and answer block into your articles. They don't necessarily need to be limited to the FAQ page, and it would be useful to re-look at how some of the content could be tailored to that block. The easier it is for Google to extract snippet-worthy content from your material, the higher the chances that you will end up in the much-coveted “position zero” and therefore get the most benefit from voice search.</p><p>More than a third of snippets contain images, so you should definitely experiment with data display formats such as graphs and tables. Use numbered lists to make content more convenient and easier to understand, which will also help optimize the material for voice search.</p><h2>Local search</h2><p>Voice search is used, as a rule, on mobile devices and is distinguished by its focus on . This is paramount to developing a local search strategy, given that 50% of mobile local searchers visit a store during the day.</p><p>While this type of search may not involve displaying snippets, Google can access a company's business profile and read aloud its address, contact information, and hours of operation to guide the user toward the subject of the search. By the way, directions are one of the most popular voice search queries, which is not at all surprising, because this is the only way a person can search while driving a car.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/media.lpgenerator.ru/uploads/2017/10/28/3_thumb536x600.jpg' height="600" width="536" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><i>Why they use voice search: adults - 40% ask for directions, 39% dictate a text, 31% call someone, 11% ask about the time, 11% play songs, 9% look for movie show times; teenagers - 43% call someone, 38% ask for directions, 31% help with homework, 30% play songs, 20% look for movie times, 13% check the time</i></p><p>Optimizing content for local queries requires that all your contact information be as accessible as possible. Make it easier for Google to analyze your site; It is likely that this will increase your chances of getting to the top of search results and becoming a winner in the “voice” race. Make sure that your contact details are not represented by a picture, otherwise it will definitely reduce your chances of appearing in the search results.</p><p>Do you know what else you can do to make Google bots even happier? Schema markup, or micro-markup, will significantly increase the chances that your snippet will become more visible in Google.</p><p>Of course, you should keep your Google business profile up to date. Again, all of this will fall within the scope of your SEO efforts. Once your contact information is updated and in the most accessible place, make the whole process easier by offering a Google sitemap. To speed up the process, notify Google of all new published materials.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/media.lpgenerator.ru/uploads/2017/10/28/4_thumb600x244.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h2>Optimization for mobile devices</h2><p>Don't lose focus on mobile devices. Considering that the vast majority of voice searches are performed on mobile devices, it is essential that the mobile version of your website is fully optimized.</p><p>You might be thinking: since voice search only requires a robot to read out loud a piece of content, what's the point of making the entire site mobile-friendly? The fact is that Google loves mobile-friendly sites. Don't believe me? Then why is it expected that the Mobile-First index will be launched in the near future, which, as the name implies, will place the main emphasis on mobile versions of sites.</p><h2>Takeaway: User intent is key</h2><p>When it comes to getting to that coveted snippet position, there is no special technique that is different from standard SEO techniques. In short, if you focus on , you will be fine.</p><p>With recent Google search algorithm updates like Hummingbird and Rankbrain, user intent should already be a priority in your search strategy. If so, your content should already be optimized for voice search and snippet format.</p><p>The use of voice search for commercial purposes is currently in its infancy. However, this area of ​​marketing is expected to grow and evolve as voice search systems evolve and become more user-friendly.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </div> </div> <aside role="complementary"> <div class="block cat-list"> <div class="block-title"> <h3>Categories</h3> </div> <div class="block-content"> <ul> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/internet/">Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/windows-10/">Windows 10</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/multimedia/">Multimedia</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/utilities/">Utilities</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/network-and-internet/">Network and Internet</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/system-programs/">System programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/configuring-programs/">Setting up programs</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://rustrackers.ru/en/category/os-problems/">OS problems</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </section> </div> <footer class="b-footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="b-footer-content"> <p>rustrackers.ru - Free programs for your PC</p> </div> </div> </footer> <div id="back-top" class="back-top bounce-out"> <a href="#" title="Top"></a> </div> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/libs/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/vendor/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/scripts.min.js"></script> <script src="/bitrix/templates/newit_siteblog_response/site_files/js/custom/custom.js"></script> </body> </html>