Step-by-step instructions for changing your number on Beeline. Beeline: change number

The “Number to choose” service from Beeline is available to every user of the operator. However, the subscriber must connect it, which is only possible if one of the designated tariffs is used. Read more about the application, its cost and other parameters below.

Description of the service “Number of your choice”

This application involves changing the old digital dialing to a new one. This is necessary to choose a more convenient and memorable combination of numbers. In addition, in this way it is possible to avoid unwanted calls and messages, as well as choose a simply interesting set.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the service depends on the selected set. They are:

  • Simple (30);
  • Bronze(1000);
  • Silver (3000);
  • Gold (15000).

Types of rooms

The price also depends on the number of repeating digits; the more, the more expensive. Payment for this option made in several ways: through the subscriber’s account or by cash payment at the provider’s office.

Terms of service

It is important to note that you can change your landline phone number only through the office, for cell phones this rule it does not matter.

New data must be maintained on the network for at least a month. In addition to this, for repeat shift it will also take 30 days.

Thus, the operator’s customers can change their phones every month; to do this, they only need to adhere to time restrictions. Otherwise, this operation will not be possible; by sending a request, the user will be automatically informed of the refusal.

Additional Information

You can find out whether you have enough funds to switch to this service using your personal account.

Also, by opening the “Service Activity” tab, the subscriber will have access to information about the end date of the billing period and current state accounts.

It will be useful to view:

In addition, Beeline users can activate the Autopayment service, through which payment for services will be charged automatically.

Visitor survey

How to change your number on Beeline?

To ask for help from an online specialist, carry out independent service through your personal account, or apply for service assistance from the provider.

In addition, the operation can be performed through special application"My Beeline", which is also available on the mobile version.

Changing your number through your personal account

To change personal SIM data cards using your personal account, first you need to log in, this can be done in the “Login to your Personal Account” tab.

Then you should select "Services". IN this section you can choose a beautiful digital set and learn about the terms of service.

After you enter the current data into the form, the available categories will open (there are 6 in total):

In the “Constructor” section, you can specify a set of numbers that must be present in the number, as well as select a random phone number.

Change using mobile application

You can change your current mobile phone using the “My Beeline” application; first you need to download it to your mobile or tablet device.

Once the technical side is ready, you can begin the operation. Launching mobile app, select the “Services” section and go to the desired option. Next, the subscriber will have access to the same settings as for personal account clients.

Other ways to change Beeline number

If all of the above methods are not suitable, the subscriber can contact specialists through the provider’s office. You should also take your identification document with you, otherwise the specified action will not be carried out.

In addition, users can contact the operator using mobile communications, for this call 0611.

Is it possible to return an old mobile phone?

Return the old digital combination after it is connected this service only possible if it has not yet passed on to the next user. Otherwise produce this operation will be impossible.

Also, to return the old combination of numbers, you need to fill out an official application, the consideration of which will take a lot of time.

Application for renewal of number


To summarize, it can be noted that at the present stage, a subscriber can choose any combination of numbers for his phone. You just need to connect the application and technically configure it. However, you should remember that it will be difficult to return the previous number.


Each owner mobile phone There is own number, to which they call him and can contact him. Such a number is purchased by a person for an indefinite period, but it often happens that for some reason the number needs to be changed.

These reasons include:

  • Spam often arrives;
  • Calls from unwanted other subscribers, etc.

This article is intended for owners mobile operator Beeline. Next you will find out how to change number on beeline and what options exist for this procedure.

How to choose and change a number on Beeline?

The Beeline company has developed the “Number to choose” service for the convenience of its customers. Using this service, any subscriber can choose the number he likes, and in addition, there is the option of replacing the number on a working SIM card.

You will have to pay to use this service, and for the fee you will receive the choice of a federal Beeline number. In general there are 4 types:

  1. simple;
  2. bronze;
  3. silvered;
  4. gold.

Each type has its own cost, namely, type 1 - 30 rubles, type 2 - 1000 rubles, type 3 - 3000 rubles and type 4, the most expensive - 15,000 rubles.

A number that has many identical numbers is considered beautiful, and the more such numbers, the higher the cost of such a number.

If you buy a SIM card from Beeline for the first time, then this service is provided to you completely free of charge.

There are also more expensive rooms, for example:

— VIP gold – 25 thousand rubles;

— Gold Premium – 35 thousand rubles;

— Platinum – 100 thousand rubles.

Such numbers can only be purchased in special office premises of the Beeline company, and the quantity that a person can purchase is limited. In addition, in the office you can replace a regular number with a landline number.

But it is worth noting that changing a Beeline number has some restrictions. You can change your number if:

  • You have no debt for cellular communication. All services must be paid for, for example, “Autopayment” and “”;
  • You have been using Beeline services as a mobile operator for at least 30 days;
  • A mobile phone serviced by a Beeline SIM card supports voice communication and sending SMS;
  • You are the owner of a Beeline number, and not any other operator.

What is also important to know is that the number can be changed again no earlier than 10 days after the previous change.

Using the “Number of your choice” service, you can change your number in any of the following ways:

  • Using the operator's website;
  • Using your mobile phone and app;
  • By contacting the Beeline office;
  • Via support service.

We change the number through the Beeline website

Using the operator's website, you can quickly change your number without involving the help of third parties.

And so, if you are a subscriber of the company and you have a desire to change phone number, to do this you need to visit the official website of the operator and log into your personal account. IN personal account you will see a list of services, one of which is “Number to choose from”. Having selected it, you will see an empty input field where you need to write your current number, which you actually want to change, and click “Show”. A list with all available numbers opens in front of you.

You have the option not only to choose a number from the list of suggested ones, but also to create your own using the designer.

After you have chosen your number, you need to receive a confirmation code. The received code is entered into a special field on the website, and when the replacement is successful, an SMS with all the information will be sent to your phone.

Changing the number using the mobile application

To change the number using mobile device you will need to install the My Beeline application.

After installation, log into it and find the “services” section; in the list of services you must select “number to choose from”.

We change the number using Beeline support service

Beeline has its own support service, by calling 0611 or 8-800-700-06-11(free) you can change your number. You can do this yourself using the voice menu or by communicating with a Beeline operator.

But use this method has some disadvantages, for example, a specialist will not provide you with assistance in choosing a number, his responsibility is to offer you options, and you choose.

Changing the number at the Beeline office

This is one of simple ways number replacement. Take your passport with you and visit any nearest Beeline office or personal account on the Beeline website. After explaining to the staff what room you want, they will provide you with everything possible options, the choice is yours. The fee is absolutely not paid, and a simple number is also not paid, but if you want an original and beautiful one, then you have to pay, and you saw the prices earlier.

When buying a SIM card, subscribers choose the combination of numbers that suits them. Sometimes a situation arises when you need to change valid number phone on Beeline. Most often this happens when you want to stop unwanted calls.

Beeline allows subscribers to change their number by indicating repeating numbers or a favorite number. To replace your phone, you need to understand how it is done. For solutions additional questions, it is recommended to contact your operator.

Subscribers who decide to change their number on Beeline can use 3 methods. To change your phone you need:

  • Connect to the “Number of your choice” service;
  • Contact tech. support;
  • Visit the company office.

Before using one of the methods, it is recommended to consider them in detail and then choose suitable option. Changing your phone number is subject to a fee.

Using the service

If the client decides to change his number on his own, it is recommended to use the “Number of choice” service. It is important to consider that getting a beautiful mobile number Only subscribers who have been using the connection for more than 30 days can. In this case, the phone should not be locked and have a positive balance.

For the provision of the service, a commission of 30 rubles will be debited from the account. If digital combination will be selected from the premium category, then you will have to pay from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

To change your phone, you need to connect to the website. After authorization in your personal account, the subscriber needs to go to the “All services” section. To change your number, you need to select the appropriate service.

Contacting the call center

Customers who have difficulty using the Internet or applications are advised to contact support. To do this, you need to dial “0611” or landline “8-800-70-00-611” from your mobile phone. Only the owner of the SIM card can replace the phone. Before contacting a specialist, it is recommended to prepare a passport to answer all questions.

The operator will listen to your wishes and then change the phone. This method does not provide for choosing favorite numbers for the future number. The service is provided free of charge.

Company office

For clients who find it difficult to use online services or you couldn’t get through to the operator, it is recommended to contact the company’s office for help. The subscriber must have a passport or power of attorney certified by a notary.

First, a statement is written, after which the consultant will help you change the SIM card. All data is transferred from old SIM card to a new one. After completing the procedure, funds will be debited.

The service can be used by all Beeline clients. It does not matter what tariff the subscriber uses. Payment for a premium room is made in cash or from a mobile account.

How to get your number back

Sometimes a situation arises when the subscriber decides to return his phone. To do this, you need to visit the company's office or communication salon. After that, all that remains is to write a statement. The answer will arrive in 1-2 months.

If the phone is already assigned to another subscriber, it cannot be returned. Therefore, you should think carefully before changing the “cherished” numbers.

For clients who decide to receive beautiful room It is recommended to visit the company's office. This way you can increase the likelihood of getting suitable phone. If the subscriber decides to use the service via the Internet, then it is worth remembering that everything is done manually. This means that there is no dedicated team. To save contacts, you should use a cloud service.

In the list of services from a well-known operator, it became possible to change the number on Beeline without changing the SIM card. This service allows you to save numbers and important SMS in your phone, avoid communicating with unwanted people and choose a beautiful number.

The change can be carried out without the need to visit the operator’s office; you just need to decide on the category, and then select from free options most liked. But you should remember that you can change your phone number only in the following cases:

  • availability of the “My Company” service program (provided for legal entities and individuals);
  • absence of debts under any of the tariff plans;
  • absence of debt for the services “Autopayment”, “Trust payment”;
  • more than one month has passed since the previous combination change;
  • customer can only replace federal number, replacing it with a city one or vice versa will not work;
  • You cannot change numbers that were transferred to Beeline from service by other operators.

The selection is available on the website, this service is provided free of charge. The price of replacement depends entirely on the category, which can be plain, bronze, silver or gold. There are several replacement methods, the easiest is to call numbers such as “88007000611”, “0611”. The operator will simply need to name the selected combination of numbers and provide passport data. You can do this yourself at any convenient time.

"Room of your choice"

How to change your number on Beeline for free? To do this, you can use the convenient remote service “Number to choose”, which is provided on the official website. Subscribers can choose from the following offers:

  • a simple number will cost 30 rubles;
  • to order a bronze one you will have to pay 1 thousand rubles;
  • a silver combination will cost 5 thousand rubles;
  • gold numbers are the most expensive; you will have to pay 15 thousand rubles to change your cell number to this one.

Combinations specified categories differ in the combination of numbers, the number of their repetitions, and ease of memorization. It is important to remember that after the change, the old combination will no longer be available, it goes on free sale. For this reason, immediately after the change, it is necessary to notify relatives and friends with whom the subscriber wants to stay in touch.

Before changing your Beeline number through your personal account or using the “Number to choose” service, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Availability positive balance, the amount of which is sufficient to pay for the selected category;
  • the status of the old number must be federal;
  • The SIM card must be serviced for at least one month.

Step-by-step instructions

How to change the number on a Beeline SIM card correctly? To do this you need to follow these simple steps:

  • go to the “Number of your choice” service page;
  • V special form enter your old number;
  • select the “Show numbers” option;
  • select the most suitable combination from the list provided and confirm the action;
  • An SMS will be sent to your cell phone with a code that must be entered to confirm the action performed.

The site not only offers a list of free combinations; it also offers subscribers a convenient constructor that allows them to choose the most convenient number. Is it possible to change MTS number to Beeline? Yes, but then changing to a new combination will no longer be available.

Other methods for changing the number

What other methods are offered to subscribers? The most convenient way is to call the support service by dialing “88007000611” or “0611”. In this case, you will need to provide your personal passport information, and you will still have to visit the website first to select a new combination.

How to change operator while maintaining the number on Beeline at the operator's office? To make this even easier, you need to select the nearest communication center or office, go through a quick procedure for confirming and changing the number and then activating it. In addition, the office offers the opportunity to purchase a SIM card with a number that the subscriber will come up with independently, if such a combination is available at the time of purchase.

Subscribers are offered various options new numbers, including not only silver and gold, but also bronze, are simple, which makes it possible to choose the most attractive and comfortable cell number to use. You can change it using your Personal Account on the website in the “Services” section. To do this, you need to go to the specified page and, following the prompts, replace your own number with a new one.

Attention: You can only change your own number; its owner must contact the operator himself and provide all the required information, including passport data.

Replacement service Beeline numbers is convenient and simple method acquiring a combination of numbers that will be easy to remember or used for other purposes. The service is available using various methods, the procedure itself takes no more than a few minutes, the cost depends on the selected room category.

Very often, many people want to change their phone number. For this they buy new ones starter packs, then call their friends to inform them. This method is not very convenient, and also not economical, especially if you need to change it often. Therefore, the Beeline company gives all Beeline mobile subscribers the opportunity to change their old number to a new one without buying a new SIM card. What is it for? Thanks to this function, subscribers can choose the number that suits them best. Very often people change them when they need for a long time They call from annoying subscribers with whom they do not want to communicate.

How to change your number on Beeline?

There are several ways to change it. The first way is to contact any Beeline office that is in your city. When you go there, do not forget to take documents that will confirm your identity, preferably a passport or driver's license. Otherwise, without them, your request will be denied. If the number is not yours, but your relative, friend or just acquaintance, then you definitely need a power of attorney from the owner, as well as your document, for example a passport. A power of attorney to change a phone number must be certified by a notary; only such a power of attorney will be considered valid.

The big advantage of this method is that in the office you can change both city and federal. Moreover, unlike other replacement methods, the service life does not matter here; you can use it for less than a month, but when you come to the office, they will change it for you, completely free of charge.

You can find out the address of your nearest office on this website<=55.76&z=12&wt=0& This is a link to Moscow office addresses, but if you need another city, you can choose exactly the one you need. To do this you need in the left top corner write the name of your city and click search. After this, a map will appear showing all Beeline offices in your city. The only advantage here is that by setting up a simple phone number, you don’t pay for it at all.

If you don’t have time or don’t want to go to the office, you can change it yourself. To do this, you will need free access to the Internet.

First you need to go to the website of the mobile operator Beeline After that you need to enter your personal account, you simply enter your phone number instead of your login, and in the box below you indicate your password.

If you are on this site for the first time, you can easily register on it, provided that you use Beeline mobile communications.

In your personal account, in the window on the right “tariffs and services”, indicate the service “number of choice”, and then, using the prompts, change it. After the replacement, you will receive a notification confirming your actions.

There is another way to change it via the Internet; to do this, follow the link:

Here, using the “number to choose” service, you can do this. You will be offered four blocks with numbers, the cost of each block is different. So the first block, the cheapest one, is the block prime numbers, its price is 30 rubles.

The second block is called “bronze”, its cost is 1000 rubles. The third block is “silver”, its cost is 5 thousand rubles. And the last one is “golden”, its cost is 15 thousand rubles. For a fee, you can also compose your own number, add your favorite number or some important date. But only if it is not already occupied by other subscribers.

After the replacement, you should be notified of this by SMS message.

The picture below shows examples of paid blocks of numbers and their cost.

It is also important to remember some details when using the “number of choice” service. Firstly, it can only be changed by those subscribers who have been using their SIM card for more than a month after its activation. If you have already changed it before, then you should use the previous one, also for at least a month. You can only change the federal number, and only yours, that is, you must be the owner of your SIM card and it must be registered in your name. There should be no debts on your mobile phone account, as well as sufficient funds to pay for the number you have chosen. For example, if you want to set yourself a gold one, your account should have more than 15 thousand rubles, so that after the change, there are still some funds left in the account.

The SIM card with the number you are changing should always be at hand. Since you will receive a notification with a confirmation code, which you will need to enter in a special window.

If you want to change it, but there is no way to use the Internet, you can do this using the third method. To do this, you need to call the Beeline mobile operator number - 0611. If it is not available, try calling here + 74959990909.

The operator will help you change it, and will also tell you all the details about changing the number. Before calling the operator, have your passport ready, you will have to confirm your identity. The only negative is that here you can only replace it with a simple one, and the replacement amount will be 30 rubles. The period of use is not important, the main thing is that exactly 24 hours have passed since the last replacement. One more nuance, you will not be able to choose it yourself, you will receive any random number.

After you have changed your number, your old number will be released and any other subscriber can receive it. Therefore, if you change your mind and want to return the old one, you will need to contact the office. If it is not occupied by someone else, it will be returned to you. But this can last a very long time, sometimes a whole month. You will also need to fill out the appropriate application. Therefore, remember that returning it will not be very easy, and sometimes not possible. Before you decide to replace it, think carefully.