Popular geolocation. How to find photos by location on Instagram

Undoubtedly, you have already come across users on Instagram who constantly post photos from locations with strange names “My den”, “Shelter”, “My favorite place”? You just have to be happy for your friends, because they have a good imagination. Maybe it's time for you to rename your apartment something more exotic. You will learn later in this article how to add a place on Instagram.

Why add geolocation?

In fact, the ability to add a geolocation is not only a way to somehow name your home apartment in an original way and demonstrate to everyone your wonderful sense of humor. What if you just opened a coffee shop or beauty salon?

“If you are not on the Internet, then you do not exist,” says a wise thought of the 21st century. Imagine, your future customers will want to take a photo and post online a delicious lavender latte from your coffee shop or show off their new manicure as quickly as possible. And there is nowhere to check in - this location does not exist on Instagram. You can say goodbye to organic advertising and new customers. That’s why it’s worth reading about how to add a place on Instagram.

A little trick: we go around via Facebook

Previously, there were no difficulties with how to add a new location on Instagram: the location could be “invented” immediately when posting a photo. However, then this function was removed from Instagram for some reason. But she remained on Facebook.

First of all, make sure that your Instagram account is linked to your Facebook account. If not, now is the time to do it. After all, we will create the location there.

Next, you need to make sure that location services are turned on on your phone. Otherwise, you won’t be able to add a place on Instagram or create a new one on Facebook: your smartphone simply won’t be able to determine where you are.

How to add a location on Facebook: detailed instructions

So, you have enabled geolocation and downloaded the Facebook application to your phone:

  1. Log in and open the feed.
  2. Facebook will immediately ask you, “What are you thinking about right now?” But you should not be interested in the post itself, but in the question located just below: “Where are you?”
  3. Feel free to click and start writing the name of the location - Facebook will offer you to choose from those already available. Ignore its prompts and continue to enter the name of a non-existent location: if no matches are found, the list will be reduced to just one item - “Add a new location”.
  4. After pressing the appropriate button, the system will ask what kind of place it is and will offer you to select one category out of forty available - starting from the “Home” option and ending with “Environmental Service”.
  5. Then it will be the turn of the question to clarify the location. You will need to indicate the city or click the option: “I’m here right now,” if this is actually the case.
  6. And finally, you will see a page on which you will need to make a final decision: you will once again have the opportunity to edit the name of the location (you can even add a photo to it), change the category, clarify the address and zip code, and check the location on the map.
  7. If you are happy with everything, click the “Create” button in the upper right corner.

Let's return to where we started: how to add a place to Instagram

Have you forgotten why we took so long to create a new location on Facebook? Now you can open Instagram and see if our newly created geopoint is displayed there. If you did everything correctly, it should appear in the drop-down list. Now you can mark this location in photos.

Please note that your new location will be visible not only to your friends and subscribers, but also to all Instagram users in general. This is quite good for business, but not very confidential, for example, for home. But if you are ready to put your home address on display for everyone to see, then it’s okay.

You know how to add a place on Instagram, which means that if you get tired of it or cease to be relevant, you can change the display settings and make it available only to you.

About the influx of subscribers after marking a location

Be prepared for the fact that a mark in a certain location often acts like a red rag for small business owners. It is guaranteed that after each mark you make on the map, you will receive several likes from unknown sources and several new subscribers, either wanting to get you as a client, or subscribing to everyone.

To be honest, it’s rare that someone really interesting signs up for you this way. This situation looks especially comical: you travel, take a photo in a foreign city or even in a foreign country, mark it on the map - and one of the local entrepreneurs immediately subscribes to you offering their services, without even understanding where you are from.

If you are the owner of a local business, first of all, take care not only of how to add a new place to Instagram, but also the quality of your offline services - and then you won’t need to track people by location on Instagram, because word of mouth will work.

Not every Instagram user wants to describe their place of stay under each photo, and many have long been wondering how to create a place in blue. Yes Yes! It’s geolocation that we’ll talk about today, let’s go!

The convenience of using geolocation is obvious - on a tourist trip you don’t need to remember the names of settlements; if you are in the place where you agreed to meet with friends, it will be easier for them to find you using a map. And most importantly, you won’t have to answer annoying questions: is this the interior of your home? Where is this drawing on the wall? Which nightclub were you in? Particularly spontaneous people even use geolocation to restore the route of yesterday’s movements in case of memory failure. Others, with its help, return to their favorite camping spot in nature if they don’t remember well the way there from last year, etc. In general, geolocation is an extremely useful thing, and without it, an Instagram user simply cannot be considered advanced. This means that if you have not yet attached importance to setting up this valuable service, it’s time to start.

How to set up location tag on Instagram?

1. Download the FaceBook application to your mobile phone, then register or log in if you are already on this social network.

2. Click on the button “What do you do?” and from the list that appears, select the item “Where are you?” Important! If you just signed up, you will need to follow at least 1 user.

3. Remember, before adding a point, you need to enable location services.

To activate them on your iPhone, go to Settings, then Privacy, and straight to Location Services. In the list of applications, activate Facebook and Instagram.

4. Return to the “Where are you?” section. on Facebook and indicate our location, which we will then add to Instagram. To the question “Where are you?” we decided to add a conditional place called “On the Moon”. You call yours as your inner voice tells you :)

5. After you click the “Add” button, a screen for selecting a location category should appear in front of you; select the one that is most accurately associated with your point.

6. On the next page, Facebook will automatically detect your location; if you wish, you can indicate your coordinates.


If you want your place not to get lost in the list of nearby places with the names “home” and “My home,” choose a more interesting name for it. Of course, there is no need to write the address. There are already a lot of options for names - hut, my basement, den, bunker, rookery, abode, place of happiness, place of rest, hearth - and all this with the addition of a name, funny nickname, login... The scope for imagination is incredible. You can create many of your own places - give special funny names to your home and place of work, study, places where you often visit - for example, “Visiting a friend,” “Bench,” “Favorite store,” etc.

In general, use location services in a way that will lift the spirits of others and, most of all, yourself.

The function of creating a new custom geotag, which was previously removed from Instagram, made the question of how to do this now relevant. Many articles have appeared on the Internet talking about creating geolocations on Instagram through the Facebook application. However, this doesn't always work. In this post I’ll tell you how to create a geotag on Facebook so that it appears on Instagram.

Facebook marketers decided to increase the popularity of their project by forcibly luring the Instagram audience. So, to switch your Instagram account to “Business Profile” mode, you will definitely need a Facebook account. The same now applies to the ability to create new geolocations on the map. In this case, you will have to install the Facebook app, since you will not be able to create geotags from the web version.

There has been a lot of hype around the issue of creating geolocations on Instagram due to the fact that new geotags do not appear for all users and not always. This applies not only to the Russian segment of Instagram, but also to the Western segment, where on forums users are trying together to understand the logic with which geotags are filtered. But everything turned out to be much simpler and after spending 2 days in experiments, I suddenly realized what the problem was. Below I will describe everything and answer the question - "".

How to create a geotag for Instagram on Facebook?

For those who are faced with the need to create their own geotag for the first time, I will describe the entire process in detail. First of all, you will need to install the Facebook application on your device and create an account on this social network if you do not have one. I won’t talk about how to do this, since this is a rather primitive process. After installation, log in to the application and follow the instructions described below.

On the general feed page, click on the "Where are you" button to create a geolocation post on Facebook.

On the page that opens, enter in the field the name of the place or object to which you want to create a geotag on Instagram. For example, the Berezka grocery store. After entering the name, click on the "Add new location" button. If there are already geotags with similar names on the map, the button will be at the very end of the list.

A section for specifying the category of your geotag will open in front of you. Find the appropriate category that will most accurately match your geolocation. In my case, this is a “Grocery Store”. Geolocation categories are divided into subcategories. If you don't find the category you're looking for, search in the subcategories or use the category search at the very top of the page.

After selecting a category, you should indicate the city in which you want to create a geolocation. You can enter the name of the city and select from the drop-down list, or, if you are in the same place where you are creating a geolocation, you can use the “I’m here right now” button.

At the end of creating your own geolocation, you can specify the address and zip code, as well as upload a photo of the place. But this is optional. It is only necessary to indicate the position of the marker on the map. If you are directly at the place where you want to create a geotag, you can check the “I’m here now” box. Then facebook will detect your location and automatically pin the tag in the right place. Otherwise, click on the map and set the label manually by dragging it across the map.

Check all the specified data and complete the geolocation creation process by clicking on the “Create” button in the upper right corner.

Now that the tag is created, we need to finish the post with the specified geolocation on facebook. Just write any word and click on the "Publish" button. I recommend setting the post visibility to “Available to everyone”. How important this is, I cannot say, but in my experiments I set exactly this value.

A post with the newly created geolocation will appear on our Facebook page.

To make sure that the geolocation has actually been created and can be used, open the Instagram application and, in the post creation mode, go to the point of specifying the geotag.

Start entering the name of the geolocation created on Facebook. If the label was created successfully, then as you enter the name, you will see it in the drop-down list.

Go back to Facebook and delete the post with the geotag you created to avoid spamming your feed.

Why don't geolocations appear on Instagram?

To understand which tags are created successfully and which ones disappear, I experimented a lot and discovered two patterns. Firstly, not a single geotag to which I indicated the “Fun” category appeared on either Facebook or Instagram. We can conclude that this category was created to invent and attach cool names of places to your posts. But this is done once, that is, without the possibility of reusing such a label. Secondly, all the geolocations that appeared on Instagram were indicated in the immediate vicinity of my location, at a distance of one or two streets. Hence the conclusion - you can create geotags of those places where you could be in the next 3-5 minutes ago. It’s not for nothing that on Facebook, when creating a geolocation, we clicked on the button “Where are you?”

So, to make sure your tag appears on Instagram:

  • Do not specify the "Fun" category when creating a geolocation;
  • Create geolocations only for places to which you are in close proximity.

Useful post? Take it to your social networks so as not to lose it!


How to add a place on Instagram and why this process is not always simple. We will talk about this and much more today, but first, let's understand a little terminology.

What is what

Geolocation, geoposition, geodata, location, geotags, geotags - and how not to get confused in all this? In fact, everything is simple, as they say, let's learn the materiel)

Geolocation (geolocation) on Instagram is a process determining the specific location of a person, the accuracy of which depends on the technology used. For example, determining geodata based on network data (cell towers) is not very accurate, but GPS allows you to determine a specific point with an accuracy of up to a meter.

Geodata is precisely the information about the location of a person or device.

Geotag (geotag) on Instagram - this is geodata, but in encrypted form. An inscription or hashtag with the name of a place can be considered a geotag.

Where can I specify geodata?

Before spending time reading the article and searching for what you need in it, let's figure out what exactly you need to do. If you are looking for:

  1. How to add a place on Instagram to a photo when publishing a post, then read on, this is exactly what we will talk about - it’s actually very simple!
  2. If you have already tried to add a location, but did not find it in the list, then you are in for a not very simple process. We have written very detailed instructions on how to add a place to Instagram yourself. We warn you right away A Facebook account is required in this case!
  3. If you want to put a geolocation in your profile, you can find an article about it here.

Add a place to a photo

When a photo is uploaded to Instagram, you can apply filters, add a description or hashtags, and add a geolocation. In most cases, it is enough to enter the first three letters of the name of the place and options for selection will appear.

Try typing the name of the place in Russian and in English (relevant for the names of some cafes and restaurants). If you still can’t find a place, you will need to create it yourself via Facebook. In this case, the name can be anything at all, even non-existent.

Please note that location detection must be active on your mobile device. You can check this in the settings or in the quick access panel.

Geolocation on Instagram is available not only for new photos or videos. You can attach a place to any previously published content.

May also be useful:

  • How to disable geolocation?
  • How to search by geolocation?

To do this you need:

  • Select the post for which you would like to add a geolocation on Instagram. Click on the three dots and then “edit”;
  • Next, select the desired location from the drop-down list and click on the “checkmark”.

I didn't find the right place on the list

After Facebook bought Instagram, the process became much more complicated. Previously, this could be done in just a couple of clicks. And now….

To create a geolocation on Instagram, you will have to carry out some procedures with your Facebook account. If you are not registered on a social network, you need to do this. Creating a profile is possible through the official website or application for mobile devices running on the Android and iOS platforms.

Before adding a geolocation to Instagram, log in to Facebook and create your own location there, after which you can add it to Insta. The name of the location can be anything: from a link to a website to a non-existent address.

So, to create and add a location to Instagram, do the following:

Go to Instagram, click “What’s new with you” and then “Mark a visit”

That's all!

After that, you can add a new place on Instagram. When adding a photo, click on the button to determine the location and enter the name of the place you created in the search bar.

Can't add a place

Sometimes Instagram does not detect location on mobile devices. The most common mistake is turning off the geolocation function on a smartphone or tablet.

If you see such a message, it means you definitely need to allow the application to access your location.

If such a notification does not appear, you need to do it manually.


To do this, go to “Settings” - “Applications”, look for Instagram, then go to the “Application Permissions” item and in the “Location” item move the slider.

Exhibition Geotagging or Geotagging (Geotagging) is the process of adding “geographic metadata information”, that is, data about one’s location (latitude, longitude, etc.), in our case specifically on snapshots, photographs, images taken on our mobile phone. As a result, special software will be able to read metadata to determine the location where any of our images were taken.

On phones with iOS operating system (for example, iphone) you can enable "Geolocation" so that when you take a photo, Geotag metadata will be added to the photo automatically. You can do this on your iPhone by going to Settings -> Privacy -> Geolocation. On this page you can enable or disable Geolocation including for individual applications.

To take a photo, make sure that Geolocation enabled for the camera and every application that uses the camera, including Instagram.

Enabling Geolocation or Geotagging for Instagram.

Enable Geolocation for the camera app.

If you post a photo on Instagram from a location where photos with geotags have already been taken, the application will automatically give you several options for location names to choose from. Be careful, they are not always accurate, but you can enter the name of the Geolocation or place in Instagram yourself.

It happens that sometimes we forget to set the Geolocation location when we post a photo, resulting in the space above our Instagram photo being empty.

But don't be sad! We can fix it!

Luckily, you can add, edit or remove location information after you've already posted a photo, it's pretty easy to do, just follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram, select a photo or video from your feed (yes, you can also add a geolocation to a video) to which you want to add a location.

  1. On the photo page, you will see an ellipsis icon or three dots at the bottom right. As a rule, the icon is located in the lower right corner, next to the “Like” and “Comments” buttons.
  2. Click on this icon. You will see a menu list in which you need to select the “Edit” item.

  1. On the editing page, you can edit, in addition to the caption to the photo, your location at that moment. If your photo does not have Geolocation or location information, you should see " Add a place... " is the link in the top left corner, just under your username and next to your avatar. Click this link to add or edit a location.

  1. The next page should be familiar to you if you often add Geolocation or location to photos on Instagram. Simply select a suitable location from the list provided; if you do not find a suitable location or place in the list, you can additionally use the search. When you find a suitable name for the place, click on it.
  2. Clicking will allow you to add a location or location to the photo. You should now see the newly added location at the top above the photo.