Adjusting the DVD drive. Watching a DVD on a laptop or computer

Probably not everyone knows that in PuppyRus Jeans 1.3.0, 16-bit access to the CD/DVD drive is enabled by default and the DMA mode is not always enabled - see line 96 in file /etc/rc.d/rc.local0. The speed of access to optical disks with these settings leaves much to be desired. You can optimally configure the drive using the utility hdparm. It is best to try different modes in the console, check them with the option -t, and the fastest one can be entered into the script rc.local0. The details of the settings are described in the article.

Fine-tuning IDE drives using hdparm


Unfortunately, the default settings for IDE hard drives are made with an emphasis on operational reliability, including on low-quality equipment. On most modern motherboards and hard drives, you can significantly increase the performance of the IDE subsystem, and this will not take much time.

IDE Device Specifications

To get the IDE device characteristics, run the command:

Hdparm -i /dev/hda

Instead of /dev/hda, you can specify any other IDE device.

Example result for HDD /dev/hda:

Model=IC35L120AVVA07-0, FwRev=VA6OA52A, SerialNo=VNC602A6G9A19A Config=( HardSect NotMFM HdSw>15uSec Fixed DTR>10Mbs ) RawCHS=16383/16/63, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=52 BuffType=DualPortC ache, BuffSize =1863kB, MaxMultSect=16, MultSect=8 CurCHS=16383/16/63, CurSects=16514064, LBA=yes, LBAsects=66055248 IORDY=on/off, tPIO=(min:240,w/IORDY:120), tDMA =(min:120,rec:120) PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 *udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 AdvancedPM=yes: disabled (255) WriteCache=enabled Drive conforms to: ATA /ATAPI-5 T13 1321D revision 1: 2 3 4 5

Example result for CD-RW /dev/hdd:

Model=CD-W58E, FwRev=1.0A, SerialNo= Config=( Fixed Removeable DTR<=5Mbs DTR>10Mbs nonMagnetic ) RawCHS=0/0/0, TrkSize=0, SectSize=0, ECCbytes=0 BuffType=unknown, BuffSize=0kB, MaxMultSect=0 (maybe): CurCHS=0/0/0, CurSects=0, LBA =yes, LBAsects=0 IORDY=on/off, tPIO=(min:120,w/IORDY:120), tDMA=(min:120,rec:120) PIO modes: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 DMA modes: sdma0 sdma1 sdma2 mdma0 mdma1 *mdma2 AdvancedPM=no


    MaxMultSect: This field contains the maximum number of sectors that your hard drive can read in one sitting.

    MultSect: Current setting of the number of sectors read at one time

    AdvancedPM: "yes" indicates that the hard drive supports APM (Advanced Power Management)

Running another command will give you additional information:

Hdparm /dev/hda

The result of the command for /dev/hda:

Multcount = 0 (on) I/O support = 0 (16-bit) unmaskirq = 0 (off) using_dma = 0 (off) keepsettings = 0 (off) nowerr = 0 (off) readonly = 0 (off) readahead = 8 (on) geometry = 2482/255/63, sectors = 39876480, start = 0


    multcount- number of sectors read simultaneously

    I/O support- hard drive sharing mode (16/32/32sync)

    using_dma- indicates whether DMA mode is currently in use or not

    keepsettings- indicates whether settings are retained after a soft reset (it is not recommended to change this setting unless you are sure of what you are doing)

    readonly- usually set to 1 for CD-ROM only, this flag tells the system whether the device is read-only or not

    readahead- number of sectors for read ahead


WARNING! Incorrect settings can lead to loss of data on the hard drive, and possibly the drive itself.

    I/O Support

    • -с0- setting 16-bit mode (default)

      -c1- setting 32-bit mode (usually what you need)

      -c3- setting 32-bit synchronous mode (I don’t know when exactly this is needed)

    The number of sectors transmitted at once (in one block). Power of two, maximum number - parameter MaxMultSect in the output hdparm -i. Most often, this is exactly what you need to indicate.

    Enabling DMA
    Most modern chipsets and HDDs support DMA under Linux. Some of the newest chipsets may not currently support DMA, but this is not often the case. Usually, within a few weeks after the release of a new chipset, support for it appears in the latest kernel, so if DMA does not turn on for you, then you should most likely update the kernel.

    • -d0- DMA prohibition

      -d1- enable DMA

    DMA mode and PIO mode
    The most dangerous setting - its incorrect use most often leads to damage to data or equipment.

    • -X<число> - setting PIO or DMA mode

    Multiword DMA modes:

    • 32 (base number) + mode number:

      • -X32- mdma0,

        -X33- mdma1,

        -X34- mdma2

Installing the DVD-ROM device is very simple. You just need to decide on the device connection standard: “IDE” or “SATA”? Depending on this, the connecting cables (data and power cables) will be different.

This is what our “IDE” device looks like from the back (where the connection takes place).

We install the DVD-ROM in the space allocated for it in the system unit (usually this is the front upper part of the case). We connect the power and the “data loop”. Please note! On the “cable” there is a “key” in the mounting socket for its correct orientation. For “IDE” drives, the connection should look like this.

Now all we have to do is securely fix our device on both sides with four bolts and connect the second end of the “cable” directly to the motherboard.

For “SATA” drives, this process is completely identical to that described, and the data cable of the old standard DVD device must be connected to one of the “IDE” channels of the controller on the board.

In the picture above, under the numbers we have:

  • 1 - the first “IDE” controller (two devices can be installed on it: “master” and “slave”)
  • 2 - second “IDE” controller (you can also connect two devices: in master mode and slave mode)
  • 3 - drive controller (FDC controller)

So, it is to controller number 3 that we will connect our disk drive. It is also called a “floppy disk” or “3.5-inch disk” (based on the size of the floppy disks with which it works).

The drive looks like this:

And here are its connection connectors from the back side:

The large oval is the data cable connector, the white one with four pins is the power connector. The drive data cable is slightly narrower than the “IDE cable” of the hard drive, so you simply cannot mix it up and connect it incorrectly :)

This is what it looks like:

The cable is also equipped with a special “key” to prevent it from being installed incorrectly. The corresponding “key” is also available on the motherboard controller.

The power cable to the floppy disk comes directly from the computer's power supply. It has a specific connector and is connected as follows:

Pay attention to which side the connector is connected to the device (this is the only correct position). Otherwise the floppy disk will not work.

At the end of the article, I want to give a little advice: if you need to open a CD-DVD-ROM without turning on the computer (for example, you forgot a disk in it), then pay attention to the small hole specially provided for this purpose on its front panel.

Straighten the paperclip (or use a needle), insert it into the hole and press firmly. The device tray will open slightly. Pull it out completely by hand, remove the disc and push it back in. Don't worry, it won't break. Just don't do this while the disk is spinning inside the device! :)

Many users are faced with the problem of purchasing new drives, be it external hard drives or optical drives. It would seem that I connected them and that was the end of it. But for some reason the system categorically refuses to recognize them automatically. What to do? Here knowledge of how to enable any type of disk drive in the BIOS will come to the rescue. In most cases this is the most relevant solution.

BIOS does not see the drive: what should you do initially?

Although it is customary to write about the problems of why this or that proposed solution does not work at the end of the topic, it is better to immediately see what problems may appear initially.

As many experts believe, the very problem that the newly connected drive is not displayed in the devices section is that it is not supplied with power or there is simply not enough voltage. Therefore, you should check these parameters initially.

Rules for connecting any drives

On the other hand, the problem may also be that the drive is not connected correctly. As a rule, most computer systems have a Master/Slave connection rule.

In this case, the cable connector, designated Master, is connected to the main hard drive, and the Slave is connected to any other. In the same way, you cannot connect the Master to the Slave connector and vice versa. At best, you can only achieve that the drive will be detected, but loading the operating system will become impossible.

How to enable optical drive in BIOS

So, first, let's look at optical drives. The simplest solution to the question of how to enable a disk drive in the BIOS is to go into the BIOS using a standard key or key combination (usually Del, F2, F12, Esc, their combinations or dedicated keys on laptop panels) and find there relevant section.

Depending on the BIOS version and manufacturer, this may be the main page (Main), the standard settings section (Standard CMOS Setup), the additional settings menu (Advanced or Advanced BIOS Features), etc. Here you should make sure that the drive is in the list, call up the menu by pressing the Enter key on it, and then set the value to Enabled.

If for some reason the user does not find his drive in the list, it is worth turning to the boot section (Boot Sequence, Boot Setup or simply Boot), where in the boot devices you can scroll through the available devices (for example, use the primary boot device 1-st Boot Device) . This is usually done using the PageUp and PageDown keys. If the device is detected, then everything is in order and the user simply did not find it.

How to turn on an external hard drive?

Now let's see how to open the drive in the BIOS settings in the form of a connected external hard drive. There are subtleties here - it all depends on what standard it has.

So, to begin with, as usual, we enter the settings of the primary I/O system, after which we look for the tab corresponding to the drive parameters. Now you need to be very careful. Depending on the type of drive, you should find the lines either SATA, IDE, or USB. As a rule, if the connection is made correctly, at least one of them will display this device, even if you do not know its standard. Next, we look at what is opposite the drive. If the Disabled parameter is set there, go to the additional menu and change it to Enabled.

Do not forget that without saving the changes the drive will not work. We use the appropriate BIOS commands. In the standard version, in order not to rummage through sections of the main menu, just press the F10 key, which corresponds to the Save & Exit Setup command, that is, save and exit the settings. After this, a confirmation window will appear with the choice of using the keys (Y - yes, N - no). Press Y and wait for the system to reboot.

Priority start of system boot

How to open the drive in BIOS is already clear. Let's look at one more important point. Let's say you need to change the boot order and install an optical drive or external hard drive as the first device. This approach can be used when installing a system, troubleshooting problems, or simply to boot the OS from an external HDD.

As is already clear, we go to the boot section and install the required drive (disk drive) as the first boot device, and then save the changes.

Instead of a total

As can be seen from all of the above, the problem of how to enable any type of disk drive in the BIOS can be solved quite simply. However, this technique may sometimes require additional steps. So, for example, in some cases you need to check the device in the corresponding manager, which can be called from the “Control Panel” or by command devmgmt.msc from the “Run” console. Perhaps it will need to be turned on (enabled) here. For some non-standard devices that are not automatically detected by the system, you may need to install the hardware manufacturer's native driver. However, it is also worth paying attention to the physical condition of the drive or hard drive. If the microcontroller fails, there is nothing you can do - no matter how hard you try, the device will not work.

Hello, friends. I decided to write an article on the topic: the computer does not see the Windows 7 DVD drive. The tips written below are also relevant for other versions of Windows.

Nowadays, probably few people use CD or DVD drives, but even if a breakdown occurs, do not rush to order a new drive. There are many reasons why it stops working. If the failure is in the drive, then you can solve the problem by knowing some secrets. I’ll say right away that the drive is not always the main problem. Next, you will learn about the main breakdowns and how to fix them. There is also a video at the end of the article with another solution to the problem.

Features of the problem

Try to identify the nature of the breakdown. Let's start by checking the disks. We take the disks and try to start them, if some of them start, then we begin to look for faults in the technical part. There is also a moment when a failure occurs during the operation of the operating system, then the disks are not readable at all. The same fate will affect disc recording.

How to solve the problem programmatically? Think about what programs were recently installed on your PC. Perhaps they were playing games. Sometimes, during installation, they arbitrarily install “their” virtual disks, and as a result they conflict and problems appear with the DVD drive. Another popular cause of “breakdown” is the Alcohol or Daemon Tools programs - as you understand, they are needed to mount these same virtual disks. All of this can affect the operation of the drive.

How can everything be checked?

The answer is simple: remove the programs listed above and try to start the drive. If everything starts up and works, then the answer is obvious. If you haven’t noticed any changes, you’ll have to dig further. Another popular problem is driver glitches. In this case, use Device Manager. Go to “Control Panel -> System” or for those who are used to working with the keyboard, press “Win ​​+ Pause”, then select “Device Manager” on the left side.

If we remove the above software and open the device manager, we can still see the virtual disk drives installed by the programs we mentioned above. You need to look at them in the “DVD and CD-ROM drives” branch. Now let's use the right mouse button, menu and delete them. Then restart your computer. See if any changes have occurred.

What other actions can be taken? We list below:

— click the “View” menu, select “Show hidden devices”;

— find the “SPTD” driver in the device tree (it is located in the “Non-plug and play device drivers” section);

Is there a positive result? If not, move on. Find among the 2 or 4 controller channels in the IDEATA/ATAPI controllers section the one to which the DVD drive is connected. As a rule, each such channel has a different name. Open each channel one by one and look at “Device Type”.

What we are looking for is "ATAPI CD-ROM drive". What to do next? You need to look at the “Enable DMA” checkbox. If it’s standing, then remove it, if not, then put it up. Then reboot, look at the result. When everything started working normally with the option disabled, check the box and reboot again. Leave the working version. For best, the “Enable DMA” feature should be enabled. Sometimes this condition is considered the only possible one when Windows 7 is installed.

How else can you configure the drive?

Go to device manager and open the DVD drive there. Next, as in the picture, select your drive, click “Properties” and go to the “DVD Region” tab, see what region is indicated here. If the region is “Not selected”, then we leave it as it is and do not change anything. If the region shown is not yours, set yours. Please note that you can only change the region 5 times. Try additionally changing “Not Selected” to any other region. Reflashing will help you get everything back.

What to do next if there are no problems with the hardware?

  • The first thing we look at is the train. Maybe you did something recently on your PC that could have damaged it. Replace it - maybe you have a spare one, or you can borrow a replacement from one of your friends to check, or buy a new one. Next, look at the power plug.
  • Open the tray, blow out (as far as possible) the insides of the drive. Why is this needed? During operation, the DVD drive becomes covered with dust, this directly affects the operation of the laser. If there is a layer of dust on it, then the discs will not be readable or will be readable, but selectively.
  • If you have previously encountered the repair of any equipment, then you can use this advice. Carefully disassemble the drive, soak an ear stick in alcohol and clean the laser eye with it.
  • For those who are not good at repairs. Not everyone can properly disassemble and reassemble a DVD drive. Tip: Use a cleaning disc that has brushes. If the drive recognizes the disk, it will spin it and the brushes will remove dust from the laser.
  • The second option is flashing the drive firmware. Try to find the firmware on the manufacturer's portal, download and follow the instructions for proper installation.

Also watch the video, it shows another solution to the problem