Wi-Fi settings are lost. What to do if the router settings are lost

What to do if the router settings are lost? This is the question that can be most often found on various forums and websites that are dedicated to network technologies. It’s worth saying right away that you shouldn’t be afraid of this problem, since it can be easily solved, plus it’s not a problem as such.

In this article, we will look at some rather interesting questions on this topic: why the router settings go wrong, what to do in this case, and how to set up a new router that has gone wrong.

Why does the router crash?

First, let's try to answer a simple, but at the same time vague question - why does the router crash? In fact, there is no one specific reason. A lot of things could have caused this: a malfunction of the router itself, careless actions by the user with the reset button on the device, accidentally not saved settings, etc.

In general, as you might have already guessed, to determine the reason why it went astray Wi-Fi router quite difficult. But to fix this problem, you don’t need to look for the cause, since in this case all that remains is to configure the router again. It is to this point that we will now turn.

How to configure a broken router?

So, the settings are on your Wi-Fi router were reset to factory values, which, of course, is absolutely unacceptable and something needs to be done about it. If you have configured your router yourself, you should already know necessary steps for your actions: correctly connect the router to the computer, go to the device’s web interface, select desired type network connection and set up a Wi-Fi network.

Describing in detail all the steps of setting up a router is enough material to write an entire article. However, this is exactly what you can find on our website.

We just have to answer the last question - what to do if the settings are lost Tp-Link router? Routers from this manufacturer are perhaps the most popular choice of users. However, the tp link router fails for exactly the same reasons as all other routers and its configuration can be done using the article already mentioned above.

Bottom line

Well, let's summarize. If your router settings have gone wrong, then you have no choice but to re-tuning. We also recommend that you carefully examine the router case to find the Reset button on it.

You may have clicked on it by accident, after which the device settings were reset, as expected. If such a button is found, then in the future you will already know that you need to interact with the router more carefully, especially for those who have this button located next to the button or power cable.

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You've probably encountered the following situation. You are sitting at home at your computer, drinking coffee, enjoying surfing the Internet, when suddenly... Bang! Pages cannot be opened, mail cannot be read, ICQ has turned yellow... It immediately becomes somehow uncomfortable and sad. What to do? You dial the technical support number and... after an hour of listening to music, you finally hear the operator’s voice.

  • Lit.

Sound familiar? So “you have a problem.” What can you say? Nothing. But we can fix everything.

In this article we will look at how to communicate with technical support and whether it is worth communicating with them at all.

Before you begin further reading, you need to read the article “TCP/IP protocol or how the Internet works (for dummies)”.

Let's consider the most probable reasons sudden "death" of the Internet:

  1. There was an accident with the Internet channel in the area between you and the provider.
  2. The session froze (relevant for Stream) with further mistake authorization.
  3. The DNS server does not respond, names are not recognized.
  4. Incorrect network connection settings on your computer or ISP.
  5. Antivirus or firewall (firewall) blocks connections.
  6. Authorization fails. The money in your personal account has run out and you have been blocked.

Malfunctions can also be divided into local (that is, only yours) and general, directly related to a group of users. In case general malfunction You can not call anywhere at all, but just wait until everything resolves itself.

Home users now mainly use two options for connecting to the Internet:

  1. By telephone line via ADSL modem (Stream).
  2. Connecting your computer to the regional network via ethernet cable (twisted pair). (QWERTY, Corbin, etc.).

To connect to the Internet, your computer must have an appropriate “network connection” configured. See Start - Control Panel (Settings) - Network Connections. The network connection parameters should have been provided to you by your provider.

These parameters are usually:

  1. IP address. May be explicit (static) or may be provided dynamically upon connection.
  2. Subnet mask.
  3. IP addresses of DNS servers. Can be set explicitly or dynamically.

If these parameters are indicated on a piece of paper from the provider, then they must be explicitly stated in the properties of the corresponding network connection.

For example:

“Start” - “control panel” - “Network connections” - “Stream” (For Stream) or “Start” - “control panel” - “Network connections” - “Connect via local network"(For QWERTY, etc.).

The name of the network connection may be different. If your Stream ADSL modem is connected to your computer not via USB, but via network cable(twisted pair, connectors are similar to telephone connectors, only larger), then both network connections will be used: “Local Area Network Connection” - for communication between the computer and the modem, and on top of it - the “Stream” connection, actually for connecting to the Internet. If your Stream modem is configured in router mode, then it will be the default gateway (router) in your micro-local network, consisting of two nodes - your computer and the modem. In this case, the connection to the Internet is established by the modem itself. This option allows you to easily connect several home computers to the Internet, but, unfortunately, is not supported by Stream technical support.

So, if everything was working fine for you and suddenly stopped, then you need to turn into Sherlock Holmes and follow several steps.

First of all, you need to remember yourself and interrogate your relatives to see if any changes have been made to software computer, whether the settings were changed or anything was deleted. If such changes are detected, the situation should be analyzed to determine the possible connection between these changes and the inoperability of the Internet.

Now let's begin the investigation. First let's remember that network packets from our computer to a remote node and vice versa are transmitted through a chain of gateways (routers). Therefore, in order to find the location of the malfunction, you simply need to trace this entire chain. For this purpose in operating system(we'll look at it later for Windows XP) there is a set of useful utilities that you can run from the console (from command line). The console can be called in the following ways:

“Start” - “Run” - enter “cmd” - “Ok” or “Start” - “All programs” - “Accessories” - “Command line”

In the black window that appears, you can run diagnostic utilities(team) by typing its name and pressing

Ping remote_node

The ping utility allows you to determine the availability of a particular node. This command sends packets to the remote host and waits for a response to them. If the responses come, then you will see the packet delay in milliseconds - that means the channel is working. If you see “Waiting interval exceeded” or “Time out”, there is probably something wrong with the channel. (On some sites ICMP protocol which is used ping command, may be blocked by a firewall).


or for more detailed output

Ipconfig -all

This utility displays information about all your network connections: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS servers.

Tracert -d remote_node

This useful utility displays all nodes (routers, gateways - hops, jumps) along the path of packets to the remote node, showing the delay time in milliseconds or exceeding the timeout interval.

Netstat -an

This utility displays all current established connections between your and remote nodes and all “listening” sockets.

Let's begin the investigation.

Disable antivirus and firewall (firewall).

We establish a connection to the Internet by clicking the corresponding icon (if required - relevant for Stream).

Using the ipconfig utility, we determine our current IP and default gateway (default gateway, router). For example we get:

IP gateway

If your provider provided static IPs, then these should be displayed, check. In other cases, these IP addresses are assigned dynamically.

The ipconfig -all utility (with the -all switch) also shows the registered DNS server s – name recognition servers. Check them also if they were provided by the provider.

If this information is not available, it means your network connection settings have gone wrong. Set up your Internet connection in accordance with your provider's recommendations.


If the gateway responds, then on our side everything is fine for now.

Now we “ping” the DNS server, for example in my case Strimovsky:


There is a response - everything is in order, the name recognition server is visible. If “timeout exceeded,” then we have a problem.

We “ping” any remote node first by its IP address, and then by name, for example:

Ping ping stream.ru

If a node is accessible by IP address, but not by name, then there is a problem with name recognition. Whose side is this problem on? If you have DNS servers specified in your connection settings (you can also look with the ipconfig -all command) and match those provided by the provider, then the problem is on the provider’s side, with its DNS servers - either with their availability or with their operation. On your part, everything is fine - nodes are visible (responding) by IP addresses, DNS servers are registered correctly, but name recognition does not work.

I’ll give you one more utility for testing DNS servers:

Nslookup host_name dns_server ip

The ip_dns_server may not be specified - then the primary DNS server from current settings your Internet connection.

This utility makes a request to the DNS server "What IP address corresponds to this host name?" and displays the response.

If the provider's DNS servers are found to be inoperable, there is no particular point in calling technical support, because this common problem, and they probably already know about it. You can try to register some other DNS server in the network connection settings, for example, register the secondary DNS server as the primary one. After the changes, restart your computer and try testing the Internet again.

In principle, the information provided is already quite sufficient to diagnose a malfunction of the Internet channel. We simply, as signalmen, follow a chain of nodes (gateways) from our node (i.e., computer) to a remote node and check where the problem is. Anything beyond the provider’s default gateway is the provider’s problem, not yours. Of course, your firewall may also block some packets, so you should disable it (and your antivirus) before diagnosing it.

If you are interested, you can more accurately determine the location of the “plug” tracert command, For example:

Tracert -d or tracert -d stream.ru

(you can specify any other node).

This command will display a chain of all intermediate nodes, through which the packet passes. If after a certain node there are continuous timeouts, then there is a problem.

Now the dialogue with technical support may look like this:

  • 123rd is listening to you, hello.
  • “Hello,” you answer, “the Internet doesn’t work for me.”
  • Is the ADSL light on the modem on?
  • Lit.
  • Then you have a problem. Try disabling your antivirus.
  • I turned off the antivirus and firewall. Pings to your gateway and DNS servers are normal. This indicates that the Internet channel to your gateway, i.e. It works fine on my end. Hosts are recognized by IP addresses, but not by names, which is probably due to problems with your DNS servers. Check it out.
  • Okay, I'll apply. Application number...

But in in this case It would be possible not to call at all, because there is a problem with DNS servers - global problem, and therefore a crowd of angry users will call technical support without you. It’s better to simply register the address of some other DNS server in your settings as the primary DNS server, or, as a last resort, register your secondary (i.e., backup) DNS server there.

Hooray!!! Google recently made its public DNS servers available for free. free use. These free DNS servers have "thieves" easy to remember IP addresses: and
Register these addresses as the primary and secondary name servers respectively and forget about the problems of your ISP.
For example, the Internet very often does not work for a QWERTY provider precisely because of problems with DNS servers. You can check this, as stated above: if a node pings by IP, but not by name, then the problem is with the DNS server. In properties network adapter in the TCP/IP v4 protocol section, specify as the primary name server, and as the secondary name server and forget about these problems.

Connecting to a wireless network is the most convenient way get Internet access at good speed without unnecessary wires. However, to enjoy all the benefits wireless connection, you first need to understand how to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop.

Enabling the adapter

Before you start creating a new connection, you need to check if the Wi-FI adapter is turned on.

Each laptop model has its own function key for turning the adapter on/off. For example, on ASUS laptops the combination Fn+F2 is used, and on Acer - Fn+F3. On some Lenovo models The adapter state is controlled using a hardware switch located on the front panel.

To determine which key you have installed, look at the F1-F12 row. One of the buttons should have an icon - an antenna that distributes a signal. Press this button in combination with the Fn key and check that the Wi-Fi adapter indicator light changes from red to blue or green.

What to do if the Wi-Fi adapter does not turn on?

There are situations when, after pressing function key the adapter does not turn on. Typically this problem occurs due to one of the following reasons:

  • Incorrectly installed drivers.
  • Incorrect operation of the system.
  • Virus infection of laptop.

Until you eliminate the cause, the question of how to set up Wi-Fi in a laptop will not receive a positive resolution. Most often the problem is incorrect installed drivers, but it would also be useful to check the system for viruses. If malicious applications not found, reinstall drivers Wi-Fi module and try turning it on again.

How to set up Wi-Fi on a laptop

Setting up on Windows XP

To configure, you just need to correctly specify some parameters of the wireless connection:

If on wireless connection password has been set, you will be required to specify the security key, after which the connection will be established.

Setting up on Windows 7

We've sorted out XP, now let's see how to configure it wireless network on a laptop with installed Windows 7. There are practically no fundamental differences:

On this wifi setup on a laptop with Windows 7 is completed. When connected, you enter the security key and gain access to the Internet.

For Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 there are no differences in settings from the seventh version. The list of networks available for connection can be called up directly from the notification panel - there is a special icon Wi-Fi.

Video of Wi-Fi settings on a laptop

Hello friends! Today I will continue my series of articles about Wi-Fi routers and everything connected with them, and I will write how to reset the password and settings on a Wi-Fi router to factory settings. If you have a Wi-Fi router installed and you configured it via the web interface, then you most likely know that in order to access the router settings, you need to enter your username and password.

Immediately after purchasing the router, it has a standard login and password to enter the settings, but you can change them in the settings. But what to do if you changed the password and login to enter the Wi-Fi router settings and forgot them, I will write below.

Also, resetting to factory settings can be useful not only for resetting the password, but also for setting all the router settings to default. This can come in handy very often, for example, during the process of setting up a router, you configured it incorrectly. And do full reset Settings to factory settings is much easier than looking for parameters that are set incorrectly.

In the article on, I very often advise doing a full reset, and now I will give a link to this article :).

If I have already undertaken to write this article, then I will do everything point by point and write everything I know on this issue.

Why reset your Wi-Fi router?

I already wrote about this above, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it. I highlight two main problems that require resetting the router settings.

  1. If you have forgotten your password to access Wi-Fi settings router. It would be even more correct to write if you forgot the password and login that you set yourself. Because if you haven’t changed it, you can find standard password for access, I will write about this below.
  2. If you have configured your Wi-Fi router incorrectly and want to configure it again. After the reset procedure, you will receive a clean router, just like from the store.

How to reset settings and password on a router?

If you have forgotten the password and login for your router settings, then do not rush to reset. To access the settings, try the standard login and password that were set for your router. Usually this is admin and admin, on the TL-WR841N, for sure. Also, the data for accessing the settings can be indicated on the router itself, look for a sticker with this data. On the same TL-WR841N they are indicated at the bottom of the router.

Well, if nothing works, then reset.


When you reset the router settings, not only the password will be reset, but also all the settings that you specified. The router will need to be configured again.

The process itself is very simple. There is a button on the router, even a hole, that you need to hold with something sharp for ten seconds, better hold it for more than ten seconds. All settings have been reset to factory settings. To log into the control panel, use the standard login and password.

On my TL-WR841N, this button is on the back panel and looks like this.