Make the background of an image transparent in Photoshop. Pixir online program - making a transparent background for a picture

When developing a printing layout or laying out a website, you may need to make some areas of the image transparent. For example, to ensure that the background of the photo matches the background of the layout or the corners of the image do not overlap the text.

The transparent background of the image allows you to create something beautiful. This technique reduces empty space and improves the appearance of the layout.

Such vector editors how CorelDRAW and Illustrator can hide part of an image using an outline mask, this is a quick and easy method to do transparent background, if the shape of the object is simple.

But the best solution will prepare the image in Photoshop and save it in a format that supports background transparency.

In this video tutorial I will describe in detail 3 methods, as well as which formats support transparency.

To make a transparent background, you need to cut out the object and remove the background. Depending on the shape of the item, choose the one that will be convenient in this situation.

The quality of the finished image mainly depends on the quality of the selection. Try to replicate the shape of the object as accurately as possible using suitable lasso tools.

If the edges of the object are not sharp, the selection should also have slightly blurred edges. To do this, click on the selection right click mouse and set the Feather value. The blur value will apply to the entire selection.

However, there are rare situations when only part of an item has blurred edge or lack of focus. In this case, it is necessary to combine several extraction methods.

For example, I specifically chose a more complex image with different degrees of focus, respectively, with different clarity of boundaries.

Main subject with high definition boundaries can be selected with the usual Lasso tool, and fuzzy edges can be soft brush in " " mode (Quick Mask - Q key), as shown in the picture below.

The advantage of this method is that you can change the hardness of the edge by changing the hardness of the brush as you paint. But there is a drawback: brush selection is not as precise as lasso. But this is not the only way to get a selection with different clarity of boundaries.

Adding Fuzzy Areas to a Selection

And now, more about another method of selection. Select the main part of the image with clear borders, then click - Select/Save Selection...

Deselect the selection and create a new one around the fuzzy area. Right-click - Feather... Set the desired value. Typically, a few pixels will be enough.

Now, click - Select/Load Selection... Select the item - Add to Selection. Your previous selection will be merged with the new one, and different degrees of blur will be preserved.

This technique may seem more difficult than the previous one. In general, do what is convenient for you.

After you have removed the background, you need to save the image in a format that supports transparency.

PSD is the very first of them. It is easy to read in all Adobe editors and more. It contains all the information about layers, effects, etc. therefore, as a rule, it has a lot of weight.

Tiff is a format similar in properties to the previous one. May also contain transparent areas. Because of High Quality, often used in printing.

PNG is relatively lightweight and allows you to maintain image quality. Most often used in web design. Banners, website buttons, graphic elements web pages often contain this format.

Attention! Before saving, be sure to delete alpha channels if you created them during the selection process.

Clipping the background with a mask

This method does not require the use Photoshop programs. Directly in the layout program CorelDRAW or Illustrator, you can outline an object and then hide everything outside it.

If the item has simple form(circle, rectangle, triangle, etc.) using a mask can save time and effort on image processing. With more complex form subject, it is better to use Photoshop and an image format that supports transparency.

Another disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to partially blur the edges of an object with a mask, unlike processing in Photoshop.

Clipping Mask in Adobe Illustrator

Place the image in Illustrator and outline the subject. Then select the image and the path together and right-click - Make Clipping Mask. The part of the image outside the outline will be hidden.

After cutting off part of the image with the mask, you can continue editing the path. Double-clicking on the clipping mask will allow you to change the location of objects inside the path, delete, add new ones, change the shape of the path, or disassemble the Clipping Mask again and pull out all the elements.

PowerClip in CorelDRAW

CorelDRAW has the same technique, but it works a little differently. You also need to outline the object, and then select the image and click - Effects/PowerClip/Place inside Frame.... Instead of the pointer, an arrow will appear with which you need to show the outline.

The outline in CorelDRAW can also be edited after creating the mask.

You can also make an object transparent in CorelDRAW without creating an outline; you can simply move the edge nodes of the image with the Shape tool, thereby changing its shape. Double clicking on the path will create new nodes.

3. Transparency blend mode

What to do if the background of the photo, like the background of the layout, is already white, but the corners of the image overlap important details layout. In this case, you can apply a blend mode. Applying this mode to the image will be enough to prevent the white corner from creeping into the image.

This method allows you to get a transparent background with one click of a button, without selecting or cutting out anything at all.

In Illustrator you need to open the transparency panel - Window/Transparency. And then select the mode - Multiply.

In CorelDRAW, take the Transparency tool.

In the tool options panel, configure as shown in the screenshot below:

This mode must be used carefully; it also has its drawbacks. It will work well only on a white background, and the object itself will also become transparent when applied to text or other images.

Video tutorial: transparent background

Look detailed video tutorial on how to make a transparent background in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw in three different ways:

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By default, all new layers in Photoshop are created with 100% opacity. But the degree of transparency of the layer can be changed using the settings Opacity And Fill located at the top of the Layers palette.

Opacity(Opacity) is a setting with a 100% scale that allows you to change the degree of transparency of the entire layer, with all the applied effects. If the value is different from 100%, the underlying layer will be visible. A transparency level of 0% indicates a complete absence of visible images.

The transparency of the layer can be compared to tracing paper, which is applied to drawings in order to copy them.

Fill(Fill) is a 100% scaled setting that allows you to change the visibility of a layer without affecting its overlays.

What transparency looks like in Photoshop

Logically, transparency digital image- This is a lack of color saturation and density. If you imagine color as a film, then transparency is the intensity of light shining through it. But How to show translucency on a computer?

Photoshop introduced symbol transparency to the world computer graphicschess background.

Now this convention has become a standard. Many programs and web services use checkerboard backgrounds when it comes to transparency. For example, Yandex.Images or Google Images show images with transparent elements on a checkerboard background.

3 ways to make an image layer transparent

To begin with, you need the necessary layer. The technique of selecting two or more using the Ctrl or Shift keys would also be appropriate here.


Fo new layer(with a lock icon) cannot be transparent. For him, these settings are inactive.

One more note

The layer thumbnail will not change, no matter what opacity value you set.

Method 1 Entering numbers

Enter the required transparency value in numbers from 0 to 100 in the special settings window on the palette. Since both settings have almost the same effect, you can use either of them, just remember what they are.

Method 2 Slider control

A little to the right of the numbers there is a button with a small arrow. If you click on it, a slider will appear. You need to move it with the mouse left or right to decrease or increase the transparency of the layer, respectively.

The number display will show the current value, and the image itself will change with the movement of your hand.

Method 3 Using the keyboard

For a number of Photoshop tools, it is possible to change the opacity of a layer using the keyboard. Select a tool, for example, or (there are also a number of other tools, you can find them by brute force).

Now press the numbers on your keyboard:

  • The number 1 will change the opacity to 10%, 2 to 20%, 5 to 50% and so on;
  • The number 0 means 100%;
  • Dial 55 and you get 55%, 67 is 67% and so on

To use the same technique to change Fills, hold down the Shift key along with the numbers.

How to make a separate section of a layer transparent

To make not the entire layer transparent, but only a separate section of it, will require some effort. There is no tool as such for this purpose. However, depending on the problem, there are at least two solutions.

Both solutions are united by the initial, perhaps the most time-consuming work - creating a dedicated area. The logic of the action is simple - you need to select a fragment of the image with which further work will take place.

In your example, let's say you need to make gray transparent round background. To do this I will use the tool. On the settings panel you need to set the parameter Add to selection, and then click on all the desired areas until you select them all.

After the selected area has appeared, you can make this fragment transparent.

Method 1: Cut out the desired area of ​​the image onto a new layer

First you need to make sure that any of the tools for creating a selected area is not active. For example Magic wand , which was used in the previous step.

Now you can right-click on the selection. will appear context menu. We are interested in the team Cut to new layer.

As a result, this fragment will be separated from the current image and moved to a new layer. And then you can do whatever you want with that new layer, including changing the transparency.

Method 2 Using an eraser

This method is suitable if you need to achieve not a uniform reduction in transparency, but a floating one, that is, make this effect stronger in some places and weaker in others.

Select , in the options bar set the value Opacity different from 100%. Then erase areas of the image that are in the selected area. The tool will only affect those pixels that you have selected.

Change the value Opacity, if you need to achieve an uneven effect.

How to save an image with transparency

There are many, but only two of them support transparency - PNG and GIF.

GIF has a limitation - the pixel must either be transparent or not, there is no third option, that is, a transparency value, for example, 59% will no longer be supported. This format also has restrictions on the number of colors used - there can be no more than 256.

Therefore, the image must be saved in PNG format. Only it is devoid of all shortcomings and is capable of showing translucent pixels.

To create a PNG image in Photoshop, you need to run the command: File - Save As. A dialog box will appear in which you need to specify a location to save on your computer, and also select from the drop-down list File typePNG(*.PNG).

If you notice an error in the text, select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!

Online program Pixir - make a transparent background for a picture.

Sergey Feschukov

Sometimes you come across a very suitable picture for your post and everything would be fine... But the background of the picture does not match the background of the blog or block with text. Apparently no one has this problem and no one has a white background, which would be suitable in most cases. I need transparent background!

I couldn't find any good ideas on the Internet. how to make a transparent background for the finished picture, so I started experimenting myself and found a more or less suitable solution!

How to make a transparent background for a picture

Let's take one example a simple picture in .jpg format (in general the format is not particularly important):

There is White background, which I want to get rid of and make a transparent background instead. Pixlr, an online version of Photoshop, will help us with this.

Uploading our image. On the right in the “Layers” window a “Background” layer will appear, on which there is a lock (prevents the background of the picture from being deleted).

By double-clicking with the left mouse button on this lock, you can remove the lock from the background. A checkmark will appear instead of a padlock.

Now take the magic wand (toolbar, right column, second button from the top), indicate following parameters: tolerance = 21, checkboxes for smoothing and continuity(usually such parameters are standard), although you can experiment with the parameters; and click on the background of the picture (in our case, on the white background).

Now we delete the background by pressing the “Delete” button and get the image we need with a transparent background.

As a result, the output is the same image with a transparent background.

The only negative of Pixlr- you cannot save the image in the .gif format, which also retains a transparent background, but is much lighter than the .png format. But if there is no other choice, why not take advantage of this?

thanks to Natalia Petrova

If you think that only a Photoshop wizard can completely remove the background from an image, this article will convince you otherwise. Learn how to make a transparent background for a picture without professional photo editing skills. All you need is a convenient graphic editor "Home Photo Studio". The software will allow you to replace the background of any image with a transparent one in just a few steps.

Step 1. Working with the original

In the start window, click the button "Open image", in the file tree, find the folder where it is stored desired image. Upload the image to the program to work with.

Open photo for work

Before replacing the background, make sure that you are happy with everything in the photo. In the "Image" menu you will find many convenient tools to improve the photo. Fix imperfections by selecting the Defect Fix tab. You can easily remove noise, red-eye from photos, or correct color imbalance. Use Lighting Correction to manually adjust exposure and detail.

Improve photo quality

Are you satisfied with the result? Great, now you have to change the background of the photo.

Step 2. Make the background transparent

On the menu "Effects" click on the tab "Background Replacement". The first thing you need to do is separate the subject from the background. To do this, carefully trace the shape around the edge using the cursor. Made a mistake? Not scary! Just use the function "Select another area" and start working again. For convenience, you can enlarge the image by clicking the button "100%". Close the start and end of the selection double click mice. Was it uneven? Hide sloppy edges by increasing the amount of edge blur.

Outline the object

Great! Now in the list of design options, mark the very first item - "Without background". One click and everything outside the selection border is deleted. This will be indicated by a checkerboard pattern in the image. The example is a photo with a colored background, but you can also make the white background of the picture transparent. The algorithm of actions will not change.

Pay attention to the options available "Background Replacement". In the future, you will be able to design the background of your photographs in a single color or gradient fill, as well as using textures and background images. The program's collection options didn't work? Upload the file from your computer. Everything is very simple!

Making the background transparent

Step 3. Save the result

Do not rush to close the background replacement window, first save the result. Click the button "Save to file". In the window that appears, enter the name of the image and in the line "File type" set as PNG format or GIF. This is important because only these formats support the display of transparent areas. If you miss this nuance, the program will automatically save the image with a white background. Check your settings and click again "Save". Ready!

Save finished picture

Fast and easy, right? Just three steps and you have a photo with a transparent background!

If you wish, you can further process the image after replacing the background. Pay attention to the toolbar. With the help of dodge, burn, blur, and sharpen brushes, you can edit separate areas picture. The Stamp tool is useful for retouching. Just hold down the ALT button, select an area in the photo that will be the source of the stamp, and paint over the unwanted object.

Correcting photos with a stamp

In the future, you can overlay a picture with a transparent background on another photo, use it as clipart, or create an original collage. All this is possible with the convenient “Photo Montage” option, you will find it in the “Design” menu.

Overlay a layer with a png or gif image on another image. Change the size and position of the object. Adjust the blending mode and transparency, and use a mask if desired. Detailed instructions You will find information on how to perform photomontage in the “Home Photo Studio” in other articles of the online textbook.

Now you know how to do the background transparent pictures and how you can apply this useful skill. If you decide to download "Home Photo Studio", you will not need to master complex graphic editor. High-quality retouching, quick fix defects, photo editing accessible to beginners - the program has everything you need to work with photographs. Transform any image quickly, easily and with pleasure!

When creating collages and other compositions in Photoshop, there is often a need to remove the background from an image or move an object from one picture to another.

Today we’ll talk about how to make a picture without a background in Photoshop.

There are several ways to do this.

The first is to use the tool "Magic wand". The method is applicable if the background of the image is monochromatic.

Open the image. Since pictures without a transparent background most often have the extension JPG, then the layer with the name "Background" will be locked for editing. It needs to be unlocked.

Double-click on the layer and in the dialog box click "OK".

Then select the tool "Magic wand" and click on the white background. A selection appears (marching ants).

Now press the key DEL. Done, the white background has been removed.

The next way to remove the background from a picture in Photoshop is to use the tool « Quick selection» . The method will work if the image has approximately the same tone and does not blend into the background anywhere.

Choose "Quick Selection" and “paint over” our image.

Then invert the selection using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+I and press DEL. The result is the same.

The third method is the most complex and is used on color images, where the desired area blends into the background. IN in this case Only manual selection of the object will help us.

There are several tools for manual selection in Photoshop.

1. Lasso. Use it only if you have a steady hand or have Graphics tablet. Try it yourself and understand what the author writes about.

2. Straight line lasso. This tool It is advisable to use on objects that contain only straight lines.

3. Magnetic lasso. Used on monochromatic images. The selection is “magnetized” to the edge of the object. If the shades of the image and background are identical, then the edges of the selection appear jagged.

4. Feather. The most flexible and convenient selection tool. With a pen you can draw both straight lines and curves of any complexity.

So, choose a tool "Feather" and circle our image.

Place the first anchor point as accurately as possible on the boundary of the object. Then we place the second point and, without releasing the mouse button, drag it up and to the right, achieving the desired radius.

Anchor points can be moved by holding down the key CTRL on the right, and delete by selecting the appropriate tool from the menu.

The pen can be used to select several objects in an image at once.

Upon completion of the selection (the contour must be closed by returning to the first anchor point), right-click inside the contour and select "Create selected area".

Now you need to remove the background in Photoshop by pressing the key DEL. If suddenly the selected object is deleted instead of the background, then click CTRL+Z, invert the selection with the combination CTRL+SHIFT+I and delete it again.

We've covered basic techniques for removing backgrounds from images. There are other methods, but they are ineffective and do not bring the desired result.