Speaker is a program for controlling your computer with your voice. Voice assistant Cortana

Technology development does not stand still, providing more and more opportunities to users. One of these functions, which has already begun to move from the category of new products into our daily life, is voice control of devices. It is especially popular among people with disabilities. Let's find out what methods you can use to enter commands by voice on computers with Windows 7.

If Windows 10 has a utility called Cortana already built into the system, which allows you to control your computer with your voice, then earlier operating systems, including Windows 7, do not have such an internal tool. Therefore, in our case, the only option to organize voice control is to install third party programs. About the various representatives of this software we'll talk about it in this article.

Method 1: Type

One of the most popular programs, which provides the ability to voice control a computer on Windows 7, is Typle.

  1. After downloading, activate executable file this application to begin the installation procedure on your computer. In the installer's welcome screen, click "Next".
  2. The following displays the license agreement for English language. To accept its terms, click "I agree".
  3. Then a shell appears where the user has the opportunity to specify the application installation directory. But without significant reasons to change current settings do not do it. To activate the installation process, simply click "Install".
  4. After this, the installation procedure will be completed within just a few seconds.
  5. A window will open informing you that the installation operation was completed successfully. In order to launch the program immediately after installation and place its icon in start menu, put notes accordingly next to the positions "Run Type" And "Launch Type on Startup". If you do not want to do this, then, on the contrary, uncheck the box next to the corresponding position. To exit the installation window, click "Finish".
  6. If you left a mark near the corresponding position when completing work in the installer, then immediately after closing it the Typle interface window will open. First, you will need to add a new user to the program. To do this, click on the icon on the toolbar "Add user". This pictogram contains an image of a human face and a sign «+» .
  7. Then you need to enter the profile name in the field "Enter your name". You can enter data here absolutely arbitrarily. In field "Enter Keyword" need to be specified specific word denoting an action, for example, "Open". After this, click on the red button and after the sound signal, say this word into the microphone. After you say the phrase, click on the same button again, and then click on "Add".
  8. Then a dialog box will open with a question “Would you like to add this user?”. Click "Yes".
  9. As you can see, the username and the keyword attached to it will appear in the main Typle window. Now click on the icon "Add command", which is an image of a hand with a green icon «+» .
  10. A window will open in which you will need to select what exactly you will launch via voice command:
    • Programs;
    • Internet bookmarks;
    • Windows files.

    By checking the box next to the corresponding item, the elements of the selected category are displayed. If you want to view the full set, then check the box next to the item "Select all". Then select the item in the list that you want to launch by voice. In field "Team" its name will be displayed. Then click the button "Record" with a red circle to the right of this field and after the sound signal, say the phrase that is displayed in it. After that press the button "Add".

  11. A dialog box will open asking “Would you like to add this command?”. Click "Yes".
  12. After this, exit the window for adding a command phrase by clicking the button "Close".
  13. This completes adding a voice command. In order to launch the desired program voice, press "Start Talking".
  14. A dialog box will open stating: « Current file it was changed. Do you want to record the changes?". Click "Yes".
  15. The file save window appears. Go to the directory where you intend to save the object with the tc extension. In field "File name" enter its arbitrary name. Click "Save".
  16. Now, if you say into the microphone the expression that appears in the field "Team", then the application or other object specified opposite it in the area will be launched "Actions".
  17. In a completely similar way, you can write down other command phrases that will be used to launch applications or perform certain actions.

Main disadvantage this method is that the developers do not currently support the Typle program and it cannot be downloaded from the official website. In addition, the recognition of Russian speech is not always correct.

Method 2: Speaker

The next application that will help you control your computer with your voice is called Speaker.

  1. After downloading, run the installation file. A welcome window will appear "Installation Wizard" Speaker applications. Just click here "Further".
  2. The acceptance shell appears license agreement. If you wish, read it, and then put the radio button in position "I accept…" and press "Further".
  3. In the next window you can specify the installation directory. By default this is the standard application directory and is unnecessary this parameter no need to change. Click "Further".
  4. Next, a window will open where you can set the name of the application icon in the menu "Start". The default is "Speaker". You can leave this name or replace it with any other. Then click "Further".
  5. Now a window will open, where by placing a mark near the corresponding position you can place the program icon on "Desktop". If you don't need this, uncheck the box and click "Further".
  6. After this, a window will open where you will be given brief characteristics installation parameters based on the information we entered in the previous steps. To activate the installation, click "Install".
  7. The Speaker installation procedure will be performed.
  8. After its completion in "Setup Wizard" A message indicating successful installation will be displayed. If you need the program to be activated immediately after closing the installer, then leave a note next to the corresponding position. Click "Complete".
  9. After this it will start small window Speaker applications. It will say that to recognize voice you need to click on the middle mouse button (scroll) or on the key Ctrl. To add new commands, click on the sign «+» in this window.
  10. A window for adding a new command phrase opens. The principles of operation in it are similar to those that we considered in the previous program, but with broader functionality. First of all, choose the type of action you are going to perform. This can be done by clicking on the drop-down list box.
  11. The list that opens will contain the following options:
    • Turn off computer;
    • To restart a computer;
    • Change the keyboard layout (language);
    • Take (screenshot) screenshot;
    • I'm adding a link or file.
  12. If the first four actions do not require additional clarification, then when choosing last option you need to indicate which link or file you want to open. In this case, you need to drag into the field above the object that you are going to open with a voice command (executable file, document, etc.) or enter a link to the site. In this case, the address will be opened in the default browser.
  13. Next, in the field located in the window on the right, enter a command phrase, after pronouncing which the action you have assigned will be performed. Click on the button "Add".
  14. After this the command will be added. This way you can add a virtually unlimited amount various teams new phrases. You can view their list by clicking on the inscription "My teams".
  15. A window will open with a list of entered command expressions. If necessary, you can clear the list of any of them by clicking on the inscription "Delete".
  16. The program will run in the tray and in order to perform an action that was previously included in the list of commands, you need to click Ctrl or the mouse wheel and say the corresponding code expression. Required action will be completed.

Unfortunately, this program, like the previous one, in this moment is no longer supported by manufacturers and cannot be downloaded from the official website. Another disadvantage is the fact that the application recognizes voice command with the entered text information, and not by preliminary reading by voice, as was the case with Typle. This means that the operation will take longer to complete. In addition, Speaker is unstable and may not function correctly on all systems. But overall, it provides much more control over your computer than Typle does.

Method 3: Laitis

The next program, the purpose of which is to control computers running Windows 7 with your voice, is called Laitis.

  1. Laitis is good because you just need to activate the installation file and the entire installation procedure will be completed in background without your direct participation. In addition, this tool, unlike previous applications, provides a fairly large list of ready-made command expressions, which are much more diverse than those of the competitors described above. For example, you can navigate around the page. To view the list of prepared phrases, go to the tab "Teams".
  2. In the window that opens, all commands are divided into collections corresponding specific program or scope of action:
    • Google Chrome (41 commands);
    • VKontakte (82);
    • Windows programs (62);
    • Windows hotkeys (30);
    • Skype (5);
    • YouTube HTML5 (55);
    • Working with text (20);
    • Websites (23);
    • Laitis Settings (16);
    • Adaptive commands (4);
    • Services (9);
    • Mouse and keyboard (44);
    • Communication (0);
    • AutoCorrect(0);
    • Word 2017 rus (107).

    Each collection, in turn, is divided into categories. The commands themselves are written in the categories, and the same action can be performed by pronouncing several variants of command expressions.

  3. When you click on a command, a pop-up window displays a complete list of voice expressions that correspond to it and the actions caused by it. And when you click on the pencil icon, you can edit it.
  4. All command phrases that are displayed in the window are available for execution immediately after launching Laitis. To do this, simply say the appropriate expression into the microphone. But if necessary, the user can add new collections, categories and teams by clicking on the sign «+» in appropriate places.
  5. To add a new command phrase in the window that opens under the inscription "Voice commands" Enter the expression whose pronunciation initiates the action.
  6. All possible combinations of this expression will be automatically added. Click on the icon "Condition".
  7. A list of conditions will open where you can select the appropriate one.
  8. After the condition is displayed in the shell, click the icon "Action" or "Web Action", depending on the purpose.
  9. Select a specific action from the list that opens.
  10. If you choose to go to a web page, you will have to additionally specify its address. After all the necessary manipulations have been completed, press "Save changes".
  11. The command phrase will be added to the list and ready to be used. To do this, just say it into the microphone.
  12. In addition, by going to the tab "Settings", you can select a text recognition service and a voice pronunciation service from the lists. This is useful if current services that are installed by default, cannot handle the load, or are otherwise unavailable in given time. You can also specify some other parameters here.

In general, it should be noted that the use of Laitis for management Windows voice 7 provides much more possibilities for manipulating a PC than using all the other programs described in this article. Using this tool, you can set almost any action on your computer. It is also very important that the developers are currently actively supporting and updating this software.

Method 4: "Alice"

One of the new developments that allows you to organize Windows management The 7th voice is the voice assistant from Yandex - “Alice”.

  1. Run installation file programs. It will perform the installation and configuration procedure in the background without your direct participation.
  2. After completing the installation procedure on "Toolbars" area will appear "Alice".
  3. To activate voice assistant you need to click on the microphone-shaped icon or say: "Hello Alice".
  4. After this, a window will open where you will be asked to pronounce the command by voice.
  5. To see the list of commands that this program can perform, you need to click on question mark in the current window.
  6. A list of options will open. To find out which phrase you need to say to perform a specific action, click on the corresponding list item.
  7. A list of commands that must be spoken into the microphone to perform a specific action will be displayed. Unfortunately, adding new voice expressions and their corresponding actions to current version"Alice" is not provided. Therefore, you will have to use only those options that currently exist. But Yandex is constantly developing and improving this product, and therefore, it is quite possible that we should soon expect new opportunities from it.

Despite the fact that in Windows 7 the developers did not provide a built-in mechanism for controlling the computer with voice, this opportunity can be implemented using third-party software. There are many applications for these purposes. Some of them are as simple as possible and are designed to perform the most frequent manipulations. Other programs, on the contrary, are very advanced and contain a huge base of command expressions, but in addition they allow you to add new phrases and actions, thereby functionally bringing voice control as close as possible to standard control via a mouse and keyboard. Choice specific application depends on what purposes and how often you intend to use it.

Most often, when working on a personal computer, we have to type large texts. Sitting directly in front of the monitor, we lose a lot of time, although we could do some housework.

Last century

Let's figure out what voice control of a computer is. Let's make some analogy. Previously, and even now, a very common way to “free your hands” from the computer while working was to hire another employee - a stenographer or secretary. However, few people know that you can avoid unnecessary expenses by installing Personal Computer a number of programs and utilities that allow voice control of a computer in Russian.

With the advent of such software products, like "Gorynych" and WebSpeach, you can forget about how long hours I had to sit and type some work, for example, a diploma, an order or any other documentation. With development computer technology a use case has appeared special program speech recognition.

Built-in utilities

Voice control Windows computer 8 is carried out using the built-in Windows utilities Speech Recognition. Unfortunately, in currently It is impossible to operate a computer in Russian. Microsoft Company, apparently, is trying to focus on the most common languages, but it is possible that support for the Russian language will soon be released.

If you still want to try to control your iron friend using English, follow the following instructions.

  1. Go to the control panel in the "Language" sub-item. You need to set the system language to English. If you do not have it, you will need to download the appropriate language pack.
  2. After downloading and installing the language, go to home screen with "tiles".
  3. Enter in Windows search Speech Recognition and press Enter. This starts the voice recognition program.
  4. When you first start it, you will be asked to set up your microphone. Choose your variety and say a few words.
  5. You will then be offered a 20-minute training course. It is held in English, so if you don't understand the language, feel free to skip it. The program's interface is absolutely clear, so even a child can understand it.
  6. To enable voice control of your computer, you will need to say key phrase"Start listening". This means "start listening". Now you can launch the program you need and start dictating text.

In general, the possibilities of this utility are inexhaustible. In addition to using basic commands, you can also create your own.


Many applications have been created for Russian and English speech recognition:

  • "Dictograph 5";
  • "Perpetuum Mobile";
  • Voice_PE;
  • Lucent;
  • VoiceType;
  • Sacrament.

However, the most popular ones are:

  • "Gorynych";
  • Web Speech;
  • RealSpeaker;
  • Speechka.

Let's take a closer look at them.


As the name suggests, the application was created by a team of Russian programmers and was named after a Russian fairy-tale character named Gorynych. Voice control of the computer in it is carried out in Russian, however, there is also support for English. "Gorynych" allows you to control a personal computer in user mode, that is, do everything possible actions that you can do with the mouse and keyboard: working with windows, applications, processes running on a personal computer. Moreover, “Gorynych” recognizes the speech of only one owner, but not always.

However there is one enough big drawback. The fact is that you need to enter the entire command base manually. That is, before you can do anything on the computer with your voice, you need to create an entire database with commands recorded in your voice. Even if you do this, if you suddenly become hoarse or the timbre of your voice changes even a little, “Gorynych” will completely refuse to understand you.

Another pitfall is that if you want to dictate texts to a computer, you will first need to create a huge dictionary for “Gorynych” with a good vocabulary so that he can understand what you dictate.


They can help ensure this third party applications installed on a personal computer. One of them is Speechka. Just like "Gorynych", a Russian product created on the basis Google technologies, “Match” allows the user to voice control the computer using a given set of commands. Speechka recognizes any speech quite well, and there is no need to record it sound files. It is enough to simply enter a word on the keyboard and associate it with some action. Simply put, it's a worthwhile product, but one that is still in development, as features like closing windows or launching programs have only recently been added.


Having understood what voice control of a computer is, let’s consider the problem of typing. As already mentioned, not all applications allow this. In most cases, this requires first compiling an entire dictionary, and if you are a Windows 8 user, then the problem of supporting Russian speech also arises. To solve this problem, there is a voice dialing service created by Google.

Available only for Chrome browsers, application Google Web Speech recognizes 32 leading world languages, including Russian. To enter text by voice, you will need an appropriate browser, Internet and a microphone. Developments have advanced far enough that this utility is able to perceive literate Russian speech in whole words and translate it into printed text.

Another program for recognizing speech and dictating it to a personal computer is RealSpeaker. She uses modern technologies recognition of facial expressions. Absolutely any webcam is suitable for its use. The only inconvenience that arises during the work is that the speaker’s face must be exactly opposite the camera, at a distance of no more than 40 centimeters. This program has a Russian language dictionary, which the user can expand if desired. In general, this program is much more convenient than Gorynych.

Bottom line

If you are thinking about controlling your computer with your voice, believe me, this is not for Russia yet. Adequate recognition programs today exist only in English, and automatic voice dialing The text will contain so many errors that it will be easier to write the text from scratch than to correct all the typos. Of course, you can try to learn English and operate a computer in it, but you will need perfect diction and pronunciation.

Many users have already become familiar with the Cortana assistant on Windows Phone 8.1 and its capabilities. The program appeared in 2014, but during this time it has gathered many fans. That is why the developers added it to Windows 10, which became known not so long ago. If we talk about assistant functions, then first of all we should mention the improved search function.

Now finding information about anything has become much easier. All you have to do is give a voice or written command to Cortana and wait for the results to appear. Using it you can also monitor world news, weather forecasts, your parcels, plane tickets and other transport.

TO useful functions This may include reminders about appointments recorded in the calendar. Cortana assistant won't let you miss an important event and notify about it sound signal. By the way, you can now attach reminders to a specific location, which is quite convenient.

Cortana also has entertainment functions. For example, she can tell jokes and stories, talk to a person, sing songs and more. Its capabilities are constantly expanding, so one can only guess what else the developers will add. Cortana Windows 10 will be useful for both home and office. With its help it will be easier for a person to find necessary information, which will significantly speed up the work process.

Unfortunately, Cortana is not yet available in Russian, and there is no information about when a translation will appear. It is important to note that this assistant may not be available in all countries. The developers did not say in which countries it will not be available.

Microsoft Assistant is easy to use. You can use both voice and printed commands - it all depends on the user’s desire. How to enable the Cortana voice assistant in Windows 10 is perhaps the first question that interests many people. To activate the program, just click on the O icon next to the Start button, or you can say “Hey Cortana.”

Commands must be entered into the bottom field, which says “Ask me anything.” For voice input you need to click on the microphone icon. Search results will be returned immediately. They may display websites installed programs, downloaded photos, songs, documents and other files. Just click on any file to activate it.

To make Cortana perform more serious commands, you should click on the “Hamburger” icon on the left top corner. There you can change reminders and settings, customizing them to suit you. As for protection, there is no need to worry about it. Microsoft provides users with complete confidentiality of data, which is important, because the assistant has access to all letters, search queries and other personal information.

Those people who do not trust such applications can configure the program so that it cannot read mail, track packages, or view the calendar. True, in this case its capabilities will be greatly reduced.

As soon as Cortana appears in Russian, it will be possible to evaluate all its capabilities and innovations, of which there are many. It is recommended to carefully review the settings in order to adapt the program to suit you and make it as convenient as possible.


Users of Cortana installed on Windows 8.1 are very familiar with the ability to sync settings and reminders across all their devices with account Microsoft. This made it possible to use an assistant on different tablets, communicators and computers without having to configure it for each device separately.

Such a function helped save time and eliminated the possibility that a person would forget to transfer a reminder about an appointment to the phone, which is, for example, on a laptop. There was no need to worry about missing an important event because right time the user was unable to be near his computer.

Windows 10 Cortana will also have synchronization, which can be controlled directly from the Assistant or from the new All Settings panel, which replaces the Control Panel and PC Settings. This is quite convenient, since you don’t have to waste your time adapting Cortana on each device.

How to disable the program

If it happens that the assistant is not needed or there is a concern that it will track your data, then you can easily turn it off. There are only two ways to do this. The first is the simplest - you will need to activate the program from the search section on the taskbar. When this is done, you need to open the application settings and under the “Cortana” section, change the switch position to “Off”.

The second method is no less easy. You will also need to launch the assistant and go to Settings. This time you will need the “Privacy” menu, in other words, “Confidentiality”. You should go to the “Speech, signature and typing” item, where you need to click on “Stop getting to know me”. That's all.

Any of these methods will completely disable Cortana and delete all information that the program has already received on this device. However, previously collected data will not be deleted from her notebook.


Already now we can say for sure that Cortana will become useful application, which will be used by many owners of this operating system. The assistant will become excellent assistant for business people for whom it is important to save their time and keep abreast of all events and appointments. It is important that the developers do a good job on the program and fix all existing problems, if any, now.

At the moment, we can only wait for Cortana to be released in Russian. All users are advised to be patient, because the new assistant and a number of its features are worth attention. (The author of the article is Alexey Troitsky).

There are several reasons why users cannot control their computer using regular funds- keyboards and mice. Firstly, this may be due to breakdown named devices. Secondly, such a need arises among people with disabilities. And finally, thirdly, users simply want to somehow ease task for myself working with a computer, giving him commands by voice.

Windows OS has standard application speech recognition, but unfortunately, it does not support Russian, but only English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese.

If your interface Windows distribution designed for speakers of one of the above languages ​​and, of course, you speak it, then you can use standard speech recognition program. To do this you need to take 3 steps: set up microphone, easy to pass training course for controlling your computer using your voice (also included in Windows) and configure the speech recognition program itself.

To do this, you need (the description of OS sections will be in Russian):

What should Russian speakers do? Windows users? Fortunately, there is a way out - using third-party programs. There are many similar applications - both paid and free. Among all applications for voice control computer with Windows system especially stands out Type. This will be discussed further.

Controlling your computer with Typle

According to the majority of users who prefer to control their computer using their voice, the program Type is one of the best (if not the best).

This small-sized application is capable of not only executing commands available in its database, but also supports creating custom ones. It is the latter that is especially valued in this application.

The program is distributed for free, but in free version available restrictions for creating custom commands. However, these capabilities are quite sufficient for a regular user.

So, download and install the program. When you first launch the application, you will be asked to enter some personal data - you can enter any characters in these fields. Then you have to choose a license - select the first option from the 3 proposed (as long as all the inscriptions are in English) and click Next.

After the application collects the information it needs to work, you will see a start window with tips:

Type will ask you to click on the " Add" After clicking, you will need to enter your name (enter any) - this is necessary so that the application can execute your commands if you are not the only user of the computer. We also fill in the field “ Enter keyword"(you can leave the suggested option " Open up»). This is the word that will be used to run your commands, or rather, this phrase will give the program a signal to execute the command which you will pronounce next.

All that remains is to press the record button and then say a phrase (the length of the recording should be shorter than 1.5 seconds). To check, you can say “ Open up" After successful recording Type will ask you to save the recorded command.

Next, click on the button “ Add" V top menu. A window will open in which you need to select a program to launch after saying keyword into the microphone. For example, let's select the application " Opera 35"(you can choose any of your programs - a browser, a player or some messenger like Skype).

pay attention to bottom part window. At the moment, the checkbox is set to “ Programs and files" You can also highlight other points. For example, check the box for " Windows files " Now the window for selecting commands to run will display standard programs Windows (notepad, Paint, command line and so on), as well as various system applications, such as " Update centre" or " Disk Defragmenter Wizard" and others. This is a convenient feature for users who often have to deal with setting up a computer system.

Another interesting ability Type- the ability to open favorite Internet sites. To do this, you need to check the box “ Internet Favorites» and select the desired site from the list.

Once you have selected the appropriate action, it will require write command. To do this, click on the record icon next to the field in which the name of the selected action (program, website, etc.) is written, and then say any phrase. In our case it is “ Opera».

After successfully saving the entry, you can check whether the command was executed correctly using the program Type. To do this, you need to say the word “ Open up", and then immediately the phrase that you recorded on last step to run a particular program. In our case, the command sounds like “ Open Opera». After these words, the program will automatically launch the browser.

As you can see, you can control your computer using the program Type not that difficult. You can create many different commands that, when spoken, will launch certain applications, open documents, or start playing video or music.

Video on the topic - VoxCommando program

Would you like to try controlling your computer with your voice? Typle is a program that is ideal for this purpose. You will have the opportunity to customize your computer completely for yourself, managing it without using peripheral devices. There are no restrictions on the number of teams in Typle. The utility works as follows: you select a file, indicate what needs to be done with it, and record a voice command. When the utility hears a voice command, it will immediately perform required action. It doesn’t matter if this command should open a specific site in the browser, play a playlist or song, or launch a program. Everything is at your discretion, the possibilities are unlimited. Voice recognition in Typle is implemented at a high level.

For example, you need to open a link in a browser. In the top menu, select the “add” function. A window will appear in front of you in which you will need to select a file or program. By clicking the “advanced” button, you can select the file itself, write a command for it (for example, “open chrome”) and save. Next, you should check the work of the command. Click “start speaking” in the program and say the command. The interface is friendly and fully customizable. If you forgot existing team, then it can be viewed and edited if necessary.