Top useful applications for iphone. Free apps for iPhone and iPad

Chris Rawson

You've taken the first step - bought your very first iPhone. What's next? First of all, of course, you should activate the services of your local operator mobile communications, connect and then sync iPhone with your main computer. Now you can download to iPhone music photos, videos and view various Apple apps.

Once you have done all this, the question arises - what next? You're sitting there thinking that there are tons of great iPhone apps out there, but which ones should you, a new user, install?

That's a good question. The answer to this becomes more and more difficult every day, because every day Apple App Store hosts all new iPhone applications. The total number of available for downloading on iPhone applications already measured in hundreds of thousands. How to choose from this mass what you need for your very first iPhone?

Do not worry! We will try to help you figure it out. Let's think together about which apps you might most need on your new iPhone. We hope that our list of recommended apps for new iPhone users will help you. We tried to briefly talk about each application that we included in this list to explain to you why we consider it necessary.

  1. Find My iPhone is the very first app you should install on your iPhone. Frankly, it's not entirely clear why Apple wouldn't include it in the initial package. installed programs. This application can be downloaded for free. It will help you find your iPhone anytime, anywhere. If you have several iPhones and iPads in your home, then this application will help you find them too.
    If, for example, your children dropped your iPhone behind the sofa, and you are unsuccessfully looking for it throughout the apartment, then the Find My iPhone application will allow you to find it in a matter of seconds.
    If your iPhone has been stolen, you can: using iPhone your wife, if Find My iPhone is installed there, track down the thief. This simple, free program has helped many people get their expensive mobile devices back.
  2. Camera+ - for $1.99. This application does almost everything you need with photos. The Camera+ program picks up photos taken using the built-in iPhone cameras, to a level that seems simply impossible for mobile devices. This application allows you to set the optimal exposure when shooting, and also uses grid lines to align vertical elements of the subject being photographed so that they look strictly vertical in the picture. Once you've taken your photos, the Camera+ app gives you access to an extremely powerful set of editing tools. So, if you wish, you can turn your photo into a real work of art.

    Camera+ has a built-in photo sharing service, but if you post a lot of photos on social media, then an app like Instagram (which can be downloaded for free) might be a better option. This is currently the best app for posting photos on social networks. The program has built-in photo filters that can be used to make your photo stand out among others, you can add comments, Instagram allows you to quickly and conveniently post photos on almost all social networks.
  3. Dropbox - You can also download this program for free. Dropbox gives you an online storage service, something Apple has so far refused to do. Of course, you can save some information on your iPhone's hard drive or flash drives, but Dropbox is a much better solution. Dropbox offers you 2 GB of information on its servers. What's more, you can install Dropbox on your Mac or PC, and sharing files between your iPhone and your main computer becomes a simple matter of dragging and dropping files into your Dropbox folder.
  4. Message forwarding application- why give it to a mobile operator? more money, what are you already giving? Skype can be downloaded for free, and this service provides the ability to video chat, just like its own Apple app FaceTime. However, the difference between Skype and FaceTime is that it works on 3G networks. You can make Skype-to-Skype calls and exchange messages for free. If you and your friends use Skype service, then this will allow you to save on calls and messages.
    If for some reason you don’t use Skype and don’t want to, then there is the BeeJiveIM ($9.99) program, which is one of best alternatives Skype instant messages. This application does not provide video chatting and voice calling services like Skype, but will allow you to exchange instant messages with friends, through a wide range of services, including AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! chat, GoogleTalk, Facebook, Jabber and MySpace IM. If you install both Skype and BeeJiveIM, you will have several communication options in addition to those provided by your mobile operator. Instead of paying for a few minutes of talk time or for SMS/MMS services, you can use Skype or BeeJiveIM and stay connected all the time, and for much less!
  5. Any Twitter applications- Speaking of staying connected, Twitter is a completely viable replacement for SMS/MMS messages, especially if your app client has a built-in notification system that allows you to receive Twitter messages wherever you are. Why pay? mobile operator for his very expensive messaging services? If this is your first iPhone, then you most likely have not yet registered with Twitter. Registration on Twitter is free. If you register, and if your friends are on Twitter, you can exchange messages for free using Twitter applications.
    On App Store There are so many different Twitter apps out there that it's incredibly difficult to choose. First of all, I would like to recommend Twitter's own application, which can be downloaded for free and which, in general, is an excellent choice, especially for novice users. This application has everything you need and not too many features that a novice user might get confused.

    Tweetbot ($1.99) is a good step up once you get comfortable with Twitter, this app is feature rich and has very interesting design. Good application is also Echofon, which can also be downloaded for free. The design of this client application leaves much to be desired, but it is one of the most feature-rich client applications.
  6. 1Password ($9.99) - Entering a password using the keyboard on an iPhone is generally not worth the effort. However, a passcode may be necessary if you use your iPhone to receive banking services. 1Password lets you store passwords for websites, bank accounts, and anything else you use passwords to access. There's also a "wallet" service that lets you store things you'd normally carry in a wallet, like loyalty cards and even a driver's license, although our cops are unlikely to take an iPhone seriously if you present it as a driver's license. Alas!
    If you want to record something on your iPhone and make it inaccessible to prying eyes, then with 1Password your entries will be accessible only to you.
  7. Instapaper - If you enjoy reading articles online and plan to read them on your iPhone, then Instapaper ($4.99) is the app for you. With a simple initial setup, you can set up links in Mobile Safari and send articles to free account on Instapaper so you can read these articles later when you have the chance. Instapaper is an invaluable tool for caching this type of content on your iPhone. Of course, Instapaper is not one of the most necessary applications on iPhone, but once you start using it, you won't want to give it up.
  8. Evernote is a program with a very simple interface, which allows you to record text, photos or audio recordings. This application can be downloaded for free. With Evernote, you can take notes without worrying about forgetting anything, at least if you remember to take notes in time.
  9. Applications for reading e-books. The thought of reading novels using the tiny iPhone screen may seem funny at first, but it's actually worth a try. To do this, you can download Amazon Kindle or Apple's own application - iBooks. Both of these apps are free to download.
  10. Any game. As iPhone performance continues to improve, currently There is a huge selection of a wide variety of games available. You can choose a game to simply fill a pause while waiting or on the go, or you can download a full-featured complex game, any of those that can be found on the App Store.
    I would recommend Angry Birds ($0.99), Plants vs. Zombies ($2.99) or Tiny Wings ($0.99). All these games are good for beginners. You will have a great time and gain gaming experience.
    If you want to see what your iPhone can really do, download Infinity Blade (priced at $5.99 at the time of writing).

    The gameplay of the game is not very complex, but it has the best graphics among the games on the App Store. The visuals of this game can compete with the quality of the graphics of games for the PlayStation 3. If, after looking at the game on the App Store, you exclaimed: “Is this really going to work on a phone?”, then when you download it and start playing, you will immediately understand why we want you she was recommended.

We will try to continue to keep you informed about various useful and interesting applications for iPhone. Meanwhile, enjoy your new iPhone. We sincerely hope that our recommendations will be useful to you.

Mobile phones appeared in our lives relatively recently. Although more than twenty years have passed since the appearance of the first mobile phone, the basic needs for it have not changed. The first is the transmission of a signal (voice) at a distance without the help of wires, the second is the transmission of text messages (SMS) and the third is a watch. With the development of technology, games, organizers, alarm clocks, players and even cameras began to be added to the phone. And with the invention of polychrome touch screens For mobile phones A new era has come - the era of smartphones. The history of Apple is long and interesting, and now, seven years after the release of the first iPhone, we are already seeing the ninth and tenth anniversary release of the Apple smartphone: iPhone 6 and its brother iPhone 6+.

The differences between the iPhone 6 brothers are in the screen diagonal (4.7 inches for the iPhone 6 and 5.5 inches for the iPhone 6+), as well as in the battery capacity (for the 6th iPhone 50 hours, and for the 6+ 80 hours of listening to music). Thanks to the larger 6+ screen, it can easily replace iPad mini, which cannot be said about his smaller brother. It's really huge for a phone, but no less convenient to use.

Looking at this sophistication and beauty, the question involuntarily arises: how best to use this power so that the iPhone is not only a beautiful toy (and the iPhone is rightfully an attribute of wealth and luxury), but also a useful tool for a business person?

First, we'll talk about cleanliness and reliability.

The times when Steve Jobs talked about iOS being indestructible and secure are gone. This means we need cleaning tools and an antivirus for our iPhone.

Among the antiviruses in iTunes, we can easily find brands such as Kaspersky, Dr.Web, LookOut Mobile Security. But preference We we'll give it back old good And freeMcAfee. The updated version, specifically designed for iOS 8, includes improved security features, as well as the ability to Reserve copy and protection using a camera.

Reliable antivirus

To clean RAM from garbage, you can use Cleaner. According to the manufacturers, this application will save your RAM from unnecessary information and will speed up your device. the main objective applications - make your super phone work even faster and more stable.

Application for cleaning RAM memory

Now that your iPhone is protected and cleaned, you can move on to the functionality.

For work

If you work with reports or other documentation, you will need an office - Microsoft Office Mobile. Microsoft is a leading manufacturer of office software. Now you can process documents without entering the office.

Leader in office software

The iTeleport Remote Desktop application was designed to control your computer using your iPhone. Great program, user-friendly interface, everything is easy and intuitive. If you have forgotten information on your home computer that you need instant access to, the application will help you connect to home computer and use it as you would at home.

The 1PASSWORD program will help you keep all your passwords, credit card information, and other information from prying eyes. The program has been repeatedly chosen as the best among ransomware thanks to its well-thought-out interface, conciseness and improved functionality.

The best among ransomware

weDict Pro was specially designed for iPhone. One of the best translators. The number of languages ​​is limited by the number of downloaded dictionaries. The dictionary is installed through the program interface. Unlike its competitors, the application works stably on all iPhone firmware versions.

IN ways

This navigator needs no introduction. Yandex maps and / or Yandex Navigator. In the application, you can save area maps to your iPhone’s memory and then work with them without an Internet connection, which saves both time and money. Yandex Navigator builds routes taking into account road conditions. Great app if you're driving.

If you are worried about the “health” of your iPhone, then who can take care of yours? In the MedGuide application you will find a list of absolutely all medications, their inexpensive and expensive analogues, as well as instructions for them. And in addition, a list of addresses of all pharmacies will always be at your fingertips.

All medications in the app

At home

For lovers of instant messengers, Viber is an excellent development. The program links your account to your phone number, independently searches your contacts for who else has the program installed, gives you the opportunity to communicate via video and voice mode, as well as exchange messages, send files, photos and other media content almost free of charge.

iBooks Reading App

Of course, this is not a complete list of useful and required applications. In one article it is simply impossible to cover all areas of application of the iPhone, but thanks to these applications, your device will no longer be a toy, but a good and faithful assistant.

So, we present to you the hit 10 applications on how to make your iPhone work for you!

  1. McAfee Antivirus
  2. Сleaner – Memory & Cache
  3. Microsoft Office Mobile
  5. MedGuide
  6. iBooks
  7. Yandex maps, Yandex Navigator
  8. iTeleport Remote Desktop
  9. Viber
  10. weDict Pro

Finally our hit parade of hundreds best apps for iPhone has reached the final!

JotNot Scanner Pro
MobiTech 3000 LLC

JotNot Scanner Pro turns your iPhone into a real scanner. Considering the camera built into your smartphone, this does not seem so unrealistic. But when you consider the quality, features, and heaps of supported scan formats, you can imagine just how amazing JotNot Scanner Pro is. You can save scans as PDF, PNG or JPEG, and send them via e-mail. Incredible useful program for all business people.

LinkedIn Corporation

LinkedIn is an incredibly popular network for helping you organize your entrepreneurial work. The site allows you to review potential employees for your company, contact them about hiring, and keep everything under control. The program simply transfers all the advantages of the service to the iPhone.


Do you want to know more information about the place you are in? Localscope collects all the geolocation information about your location and shows you all the useful facts related to that place. It is especially interesting to find out what events took place near you. The program displays photos, videos and texts at once.

Mage Gauntlet
Rocketcat Games

Mage Gauntlet is an old-school RPG in the style of console classics, including 84 levels of pumping and 86 achievements. Can you imagine how long this game is designed to take? Explore a stunning world and immerse yourself in one of best games for iPhone of all times.

It's one of the best sports apps on iPhone and will soon be updated to MLB At Bat 12. Follow the progress of your favorite team from spring training to the end of the gaming season in October. Watch special videos, listen to sports podcasts and get all the information you need by subscribing. An incredibly useful program for sports fans.

Motion X-GPS

We have already written a lot about this application, and there is no point in describing all its advantages. I can only say that this is one of the most interesting and functional managers of your movement. It is the manager - after all, this program reads your every step, draws up a map of your movement and even makes recommendations for improving your loads. There's even altitude tracking so you can see how high you've climbed.

OffMaps 2
iosphere GmbH

If you travel frequently different countries, but don’t want to pay huge sums for roaming Internet, then OffMaps 2 is created for you. This is an offline navigator that uses a built-in map database. There are even some restaurant recommendations, by the way.

Lilian Jong

Rate everything around you with the new social network Oink. You can make recommendations to almost all objects and places around you. The advantages of this program for a smartphone? Friends will recommend you a couple of interesting restaurants near you, and you will realize that this application is simply invaluable.

On This Day…
Sophiestication Software

Ever wondered what happened today? On This Day... will help you collect a bunch interesting information about events that happened on a specific date. Articles can be viewed in the application itself or opened through a browser.

OpenTable, Inc.

With OpenTable, you can reserve a table at the restaurant of your choice. Not interesting enough? By registering in the system, you can even receive special discounts on visiting certain places. Not so bad, right?


If you like Numbers, then Pages is definitely for you. This is an excellent text editor for your smartphone that allows you to create and edit documents using preset templates. Of course, you can create your own style. In addition, iCloud synchronization is supported here.

Pandora Media, Inc.

This is an internet radio station. Pandora lets you create your own station, fill it with the music you want, and enjoy listening. Moreover, this application is completely free.

Path, Inc.

It's definitely the best-looking social network for iPhone, with the best interface in the world. Path is even better than Facebook, because all who can register on it are the 150 people closest to you. Of course, your family will be reluctant at first, but believe me, this is truly an amazing program.

touchbyte GmbH

Of course, Photo Stream is very useful remedy. But wouldn't you want to send your photos wirelessly anywhere? PhotoSync allows you to send photos to other devices via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, or popular services like Dropbox, Facebook, SmugMug and others.

Microsoft Corporation

Want to create a panoramic photo but don't know how? Try using Photosynth, an amazing program that allows you to create and edit panoramic photos and then send them to any social network. One of best programs of a kind.

Plants vs. Zombies

Needless to say, Plants vs. Zombies is an undeniable hit of all times. This is the most popular casual game on literally all platforms, which has won the hearts of millions. Plant plants, destroy crowds of zombies, get tons of fun!


Rdio is a social music network. Sounds weird? Actually not very much if you are familiar with, for example. The program allows you to listen to any music anywhere and anytime, listen to recommendations, share your favorite music with friends and do much more. The program is paid, but it's worth it. And yet, I want to make some author’s remark: the Rdio network is a simple clone of, as it offers absolutely the same functionality, music subscription and so on. If the creators of continued to support their project, they would release an application for mobile platforms and updated the content of subscriptions, there would simply be no need to create networks like Rdio.

FitnessKeeper, Inc.

Everyone can spend their money on anything, but you have to admit, it can be unpleasant to spend a couple of dollars on a program that doesn’t really do anything. RunKeeper is not one of those gimmicky gizmos. The program helps you achieve your goals and also tracks your progress. The essence of the application is to track your activity on a bike or bicycle using a GPS module. You can easily find out how many calories you have burned and how many you still have left to burn! Believe me, it’s better to spend a couple of bucks on just such a program.

Shine – Weather at a Glance

There are hundreds of programs created to provide weather forecasts in the App Store. But Shine – Weather at a Glance stands out from the crowd with its amazing interface and ease of use. If you are looking for a really good weather forecast, then install this application - you can't go wrong.


SiriusXM is a subscription-based satellite radio service that you won't be able to stop trying. This is the best app to listen to free music. commercial use music, and the quality can easily match the quality of the music on your iPod. Initially, the service was created for motorists, but the iPhone version provides us with all the advantages of using Internet radio.

Skype Software S.a.r.l

Few people living on earth are not friends with Skype. If you haven't installed it yet official application on iPhone, then... what are you even waiting for? It's an all-in-one app for connecting with your friends - via text, chat, calling, video calling, conferencing and more!

SocialCam Video Camera

As the name says, the program is designed to allow you to make amazing videos on your smartphone and then send them to your friends through various social networks. Just like on Instagram, you can give your videos a special look using effects.

SoundCloud Ltd. Mobile Speed ​​Test

Sometimes the internet speed doesn't seem that fast and we want to know what's going on. Well, or vice versa - if your Internet is super fast, then you will probably want to brag about its speed to your friends. The Mobile Speed ​​Test application, which is designed to test the speed of your connection, is designed to help you do both.

Spotify Ltd.

Spotify is like a jukebox in your pocket, without the giant size and weird looks. Listen to music online, or just download it and show it to your friends. You can even sync wirelessly with your iTunes library. Eat certain reasons, which keep this service popular, so it’s time for you to try it out.

One of the most favorite games on iPhone. It's an 8-bit game where you play as a rocket in a research facility and try to break free. There is not only great gameplay, but also amazing graphics and music. Just a great game in every way.

Tiny Wings
Andreas Illiger

Another incredibly addictive game, striking in its simplicity and beauty. All you need is to help the bird fly the maximum distance above the ground. The controls work with simple touches on the screen, and the gameplay mechanics are incredibly simple and attractive.


Well, you've bought your plane tickets, booked your hotel, and rented your car, but now you need to sort out all the paperwork for it all and put it all in one place. TripDeck offers you the opportunity to store all your vacation plans and long-distance travel plans on your smartphone. TripDeck organizes working space for your holiday schedule and more. This is a real organizer for your vacation!

TV Forecast
Big Bucket Software

Imagine that your smartphone is a full-fledged TV guide. TV Forecast will remind you about interesting programs, give recommendations and simply work as television program for a week. Now you will never miss your favorite show, even if you are on the road or just far from home!


Of course, iPhones are completely self-sufficient and are capable of fully providing users with everything they need: communications and a host of support services. However, some owners still need special tools that help significantly expand the capabilities of these already multifunctional devices.

So, what programs should you download and install on your new iPhone first of all?

Communication services

It is clear that on the list third party applications The first will be a variety of communication services: Skype, Viber or WhatsApp. In them you can send text messages, photos, pictures, music and other media files to each other completely free of charge.

You can also show everyone your location or send a message linked to a place on the map. The principle of their operation is similar - instant exchange
information transfer occurs via the Internet, while the costs of all involved subscribers are minimal. Surely you already use at least one of the marked applications.

This also includes all popular social networks: VKontakte,, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and others. Everyone is very familiar with them; we will not dwell on them in detail.

Navigation Aids

Of course, navigation applications will also be very necessary, because we all move actively. And with the help of your iPhone you can easily find the desired alley or house.Since our own cartographic resourcesApple so far very weak, and mostly limited to a list of major cities, it is better to download similar programs, using Google's extensive databases or Yandex, for example.

Services from both mentioned developers have proven themselves to be excellent: Yandex.Maps and Google Maps.
The Yandex.Maps service is perfectly adapted to our region; all the nooks and crannies of more than 200 major cities are perfectly described. It’s very convenient that the cards work successfully even offline, so you can be calm about your traffic consumption. Thanks to the application, you can choose the appropriate route, look at reviews of nearby establishments along the way, and get to the place following the assistant’s prompts. The first, besides map service , also has its own Yandex. A navigator that will be simply indispensable for use in five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and Turkey. You are provided with very detailed maps , prompt notification of all traffic jams or emergency incidents on the roads - along the entire route. Moreover, the assistant will help to lay
optimal route
All of them can be downloaded for free from the App Store.


Users who love to travel, or who often work with foreigners, obviously cannot do without a translator application. Some programs allow you to not only translate words entered manually, but also perceive speech, immediately giving an interpretation of the spoken phrase. Translation of information photographed on an iPhone camera is also supported. Among the most functional and popular in this area is the Lingvo Dictionaries application. A clear interface, an extensive vocabulary base and the good reputation of the Lingvo laboratory are the key successful work
, and therefore the love of users. An excellent choice, as an alternative, Google translator . The program allows you to instantly translate both words entered by the user in more than 90 languages, and objects captured using an iPhone camera.
You can also handwrite hieroglyphs or Arabic characters to recognize their meaning. Built-in voice assistant will tell you how to correctly pronounce this or that word. In addition, you can simply bring your smartphone closer to the foreigner so that he can understand what you want from him. Direct speech translation from (to) 40 is also supported different languages , so it’s quite possible to conduct a dialogue using the phone. It is clear that he is far from reaching the literary level, but it is quite enough to understand the essence of what was said. We strongly recommend downloading this program

before traveling abroad, fortunately this can be done for free.

Photo processing
Some professional photographers have managed to create impressive images with the main camera of a smartphone, such as Austin Mann's work used to demonstrate the panoramic shooting feature on the iPhone. It’s clear, in order to make such a picture even more beautiful, you can use various effects

, which can provide specialized applications.
The program has very powerful functionality - ProCamera + HDR. It allows you to take sharp, HDR-quality photos on your iPhone, even without using a tripod.

If you're into photo editing, you probably can't do without the Afterlight app. Simple and intuitive controls, a lot of filters, frames, the ability to color correct bad pictures - you get all this for 59 rubles.
It is impossible not to mention the excellent Google Photos service, which, in addition to basic set for image editing gives users access to unlimited storage. IN You can easily place all your photographs there and quickly share them with friends or colleagues. An ideal option for creating and expanding your own portfolio. And all this is absolutely free.
The paid Manual program will allow you to significantly expand the capabilities of the iPhone's built-in camera. This way you can manually adjust the exposure, independently adjust the shutter speed, iso, white balance and much more.
Now the shooting process will give much more pleasant results, because you will control all the settings the way you want. For such a flight of creativity and imagination, it’s not a pity to pay 3 dollars.


It often happens that you hear a melody you like in passing, and then you spend a lot of time searching in vain for it. To make your work easier, use the services of the Shazam program - it will instantly find the desired song and will be ready to immediately play it. Music lovers will definitely appreciate it, it’s very convenient. We advise you to download it too, especially since it can be done for free.
True music lovers who prefer radio will be pleasantly surprised by the capabilities of the TuneInRadioPro application. With its help, you can listen to your favorite “waves” from all over the world via the Internet (and there are more than one hundred thousand of them on the list). Melodies are transmitted in the purest quality. At the same time, there are no advertisements and any track you like can be immediately downloaded to your library.


If you are a fan of literature, you can use special programs for reading e-books, which will display the text in a suitable format. iPhone format. Apple offers its own iBooks. Overall, the application is good, works quickly, is compatible with all devices, so it is ideal for every Apple lover.

If you want more, then the TotalReaderPro program is a real combine that will help the iPhone recognize the vast majority of formats. Everything has been done here for the convenience of the user: many settings modes, speech block, mass free books V free access, the ability to organize and catalog.
For a real book lover -429 rubles, which are asked to install the program - are mere trifles.


Journalists, travelers, and ordinary people You often have to keep diaries, take notes, write to-do or shopping lists. In this sense, the Evernote application has the greatest potential. In it you can create posts in a format convenient for you and add photos along the way, voice recordings or other media files. In the program menu you can sketch any texts or images by simply sliding your finger across the screen.
Not only that, but it lets you sync information to work across all your devices so you can immediately write down your brilliant idea on the device you have at hand. An excellent resource – definitely a must-have!

You can download a simplified version of the application for free, but to expand the capabilities (increasing memory capacity, additional protection, etc.) you will have to pay an additional 2.99 per month.

If you are looking for a free service, Simplenote will help you not to forget anything important that you have planned.
The menu is very concise and simple, so you can get used to it instantly. Here you can make notes, reminders, and send messages. Also, to hide information from prying eyes, you can set a password to access the program.


Athletes, or people who closely monitor their physical fitness, will be helped by appropriate applications on the iPhone in the fight for a healthy lifestyle. They track the degree of activity during the day, count the kilometers traveled, determine what energy expenditure was involved, etc.

Famous paid application Runtastic has long proven itself well and is loved by many athletes. Whether you are going for a run or a bike ride, skiing or climbing mountains, Runtastic will certainly come in handy in all cases.
This takes into account the speed of movement, the distance traveled (height), heart rate, calories burned, etc.

All obtained results are saved, analyzed and compared - you can easily start a competition with yourself and overcome your best records. And for all this they ask for USD4.99, which is not a lot for such functionality. In the App Store you can find many of the most various programs - from amazing to very bad. Vesti.High-Tech has selected the most useful applications on the platform that will allow you to use the capabilities of your new iOS device to the maximum.

Evernote is designed primarily for text. The capabilities of the built-in text editor are very impressive. A tag system has been implemented, notes are divided into lists, and there is a notepad. Notes can be shared on social networks or sent by mail.

At the program nice design in the style of iOS 7, made in green tones. However, it should be noted that at first the interface seems somewhat confusing; you have to spend some time to understand how everything works here.

The default video player in iOS is far from perfect. For example, it cannot play the most popular .avi format. Here VLC player, familiar from your desktop computer, will come to your aid. This is an omnivorous program that can recognize a huge number of video formats.

Note that you can transfer videos to VLC without going through iTunes. You can download videos directly from the application by entering the link to the video file. Downloading from Dropbox is also supported, from local network. The application allows you to download files via iTunes without adding them to your library (to do this, you need to connect the device to the computer, find VLC in the list of installed programs and transfer the necessary files to it).

If you plan to store overly personal videos in VLC, you can set password protection when logging in. Among the shortcomings of the application, one can only note the inexpressive design - the combination of black and bright orange looks somewhat alien in iOS 7. However, the player does its job perfectly, seriously outperforming the standard Video program in terms of functionality.

One of the best applications for delayed reading, which allows you to select and organize all interesting content, found on the web. It often happens that when you go, for example, to the Vesti.Hitek website, you see a large review that you want to read, but now you don’t have time. If you're a Pocket user, all you have to do is press one button and the interesting text will be securely saved in your Pocket account, waiting until you have an extra minute to read it.

The Pocket app is available on desktop, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Web OS, S60 - that is, everywhere. To save browser pages in Pocket, you just need to install the appropriate browser extension.

In Pocket you can save not only articles, but also, for example, videos from YouTube; the content can be organized with various tags. It is more convenient to view materials transferred to Pocket than from the web - the application optimizes pages for reading, enlarges the text, and removes advertising.

If you join the Pocket ecosystem, the application gradually becomes almost indispensable, allowing you to always keep all your most important materials at hand. The program can load content into background. This way, you can read articles, for example, during subway runs, when Mobile Internet does not work. Pocket is integrated with many applications. For example, you can save tweets to the service from official client Twitter.

Yahoo Weather
Since in latest versions iOS information weather information was integrated into the notification panel, many users decided to abandon special weather applications. But standard iOS client provides only the most basic information about weather conditions, so meticulous people will still need separate applications.

One of the most beautiful weather apps on iOS is Yahoo Weather. It not only accurately predicts the meteorological situation, but also pleases the eye with beautiful fonts, beautiful animations, background pictures, and so on. Yahoo clearly put a lot of effort into the program, resulting in Apple (apparently by agreement) using the same design in its own weather app on the iPhone. Weather data from the application can be sent via SMS, email, or saved on a social network.

The program provides data on temperature at each hour of the day, wind speed, pressure, moon phase, shows a map of cloudiness, shows how many degrees the current weather “feels”, what level of visibility, humidity, UV index. Thus, the data provided by the application will be more than enough for most users.

Standard application cameras, especially in iOS 7, can satisfy the needs of most users. However, many people lack functionality in it. If you want more advanced options for creating and processing photos, we recommend trying a program with the laconic name Camera+.

The program sells on the App Store for two dollars. Once you try to take pictures in Camera+, you are unlikely to want to go back to the standard “Camera” - it’s like trading a DSLR for a cheap point-and-shoot camera.

The app provides different grids to create better pictures. The photos you take don’t have to be saved to your smartphone’s gallery right away; the app can keep the photos in reserve so you can select and save only a few really successful ones. This is convenient, especially for those users who like to “click” something many times in a row.

The application interface is very simple, intuitive and well thought out. There are flash settings, switching between cameras, zoom. In addition to the standard, there are various additional shooting options - stabilized (the picture will be taken only when the smartphone is completely motionless), timer shooting, there is a “fast” photography mode, in which pictures are taken in slightly worse quality, but very quickly.

Separately, we should mention the ability to separate the focus point from the exposure metering point by tapping on the screen in different places. Sometimes this really helps to take a really high-quality photo.

Also, the application could not do without filters and subsequent editing of pictures. Photos can be rotated, cropped, overlaid various frames and effects - in general, to indulge.

If Camera+'s photo editing capabilities aren't enough for you, try downloading Snapseed. This is a free, but convenient and functional photo editor for iOS. Not long ago, Snapseed became free after Google bought it. If you want to quickly but efficiently improve your photo, Snapseed is the best option.

The program looks simpler than Apple's iPhoto photo combiner, but it's still very nice. The main feature of the editor is its advanced control system, which is built on a single principle. Thus, you can perform any actions in the application simply by learning a few gestures.

Available on Snapseed a huge number filters and various fine settings, which will allow you to edit pictures quickly and very subtly.

Automatic correction also works great, which will help if you don’t want to bother with self-improvement. There are not only numerous filters, but also various frames - in general, everything your heart desires. Snapseed cannot exchange data directly with other devices, but it does support “sharing” in Google+.

In general, Snapseed is an excellent amateur program that will satisfy almost all photo processing needs that an average user may have.

Chrome on iOS is a great browser for you, especially if you use Chrome on your desktop computer. The browser supports full synchronization with your PC, you can even send pages from your computer directly to your phone with the press of a single key if, for example, you want to move away from your PC,

You can note the beautiful and slightly unusual interface, which, nevertheless, is convenient. Chrome promises to soon feature a data compression mode, as well as browser applications and extensions.

I would especially like to note that it works very well with the Russian language voice input search queries. Chrome does a great job of formatting pages and works well with videos. There is an "Incognito" mode.

Tabs opened in Chrome on a computer with the same Google account will appear in the Other Devices list. It is very comfortable.

The Chrome browser allows you to change the default search engine and can save passwords. The downside is that Chrome is more heavy-handed than standard Safari. If you open many tabs at the same time, the application will begin to slow down significantly, especially on older iPhone models, and may even crash.

Yandex browser
Yandex made its own browser completely cross-platform by releasing special versions for Android tablets and iPhone smartphones (previously, only the version for iPad could be found in the App Store). The new product supports synchronization of bookmarks and the list of frequently visited sites between different devices.

An important advantage of the new browser is the presence of a “Turbo” mode, which significantly speeds up the loading of pages in conditions of a slow Internet connection; this is not the case in standard Safari. " Smart line"Search distinguishes between website addresses and search engine queries and gives hints. The browser can also answer specific questions immediately - for example, display photos or maps.

Panel quick access represents large tiles with frequently visited sites. They can be deleted, modified or dragged - this saves time. Subjectively, Yandex.Browser looks much more beautiful than the standard Safari. At first, it may seem unusual that the search/address bar is located at the bottom of the screen rather than at the top, but it soon becomes clear to the user that it is much more convenient to reach it with a finger.

All these advantages of the new browser are largely canceled out by the fact that in iOS it is impossible to configure a non-Safari browser as the main browser. So the links from various applications will still open in the preinstalled browser by default. In Chrome for iOS, this problem is partially solved by the fact that in other Google applications you can configure the ability to open links by default in Chrome, this is especially true for Gmail. But the same “Yandex.Mail” still can open links only in Safari; it has not yet been paired with “Yandex.Browser”.

Perhaps the best third party browser for iPad. The application was developed by Opera. The Norwegians made an attempt to rethink the entire accumulated experience of “communication” between a person and a tablet. The effort resulted in Project Coast, a "browser of the future" for iPad designed in a minimalist spirit.

An innovative product is devoid of targeted and search strings, "Back" and "Forward" buttons, tabs, bookmarks and other familiar things - almost all the free space on the screen is taken up by web pages. At the bottom, Opera designers decided to leave only two buttons: one of them returns to the start window, and the other shows a list of recently visited sites.

IN intuitive navigation Even a beginner who has never held an iPad in his hands can easily understand Coast. To go back or go forward, he just needs to slide his finger across the screen in the desired direction, and to refresh the page, he needs to “pull” it down. The field for searching or entering a URL is located on the “express panel” of the Speed ​​Dial (it also appears when you start the program).

The app looks absolutely amazing. Background pictures, which can be changed at your own discretion, polished interface animation, a convenient and beautiful “tab-tile” system, all this is simply very pleasant to use.