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Organizing a sleeping place to rest comfortably after everyday work is a serious and interesting task. When choosing a mattress, first, everyone pays attention to the hardness, and only then look at “whose” the mattress is or what it is made of. To choose the right hard, soft or medium-hard mattress, you must follow some generally accepted rules and nuances. Any store will easily help you choose the mattress that is right for you, however, in order not to look ridiculous, it would be nice to be able to do this yourself.

Product rigidity or why it is so important

From the very beginning, it is worth considering a person’s personal preferences, and only then doing everything “by the book.” Remember: mattresses of moderate hardness relieve stress and fatigue during sleep, while hard mattresses cause sleep disturbances. A very soft mattress, even more so, is a problem. The spine does not have support, and this leads to unnecessary tension in all the muscles of the back and body.

You should always follow generally accepted rules for choosing mattress firmness.

What factors are important when choosing

We have decided what kind of hardness mattresses are. Now let's take a deeper look at what to base it on and by what criteria to choose one or another option. Basically, it is customary to take as a guide the inner voice, but if you follow the generally accepted “criteria”, among the factors responsible for choosing the right hard mattress, we can highlight:

  • Age period and weight of the future owner;
  • General health and lifestyle;
  • Habits (favorite sleeping positions);
  • Number of people using the mattress.

To better understand what kind of rigidity is necessary in each individual case, it is necessary to examine each point in more detail.


  • In newborn children, the spine is not yet fully formed, so doctors strongly recommend using a mattress with maximum rigidity. For example, from coconut fiber. Be sure to monitor your baby's activity after sleep. If the child is lethargic and depressed, the mattress is chosen incorrectly and you should consult a doctor if you suspect a health problem.
  • At the age of 2-3 years it is better to use springless mattresses of medium hardness. Always sleeping on a hard surface is harmful, and it is for this age that this option is best suited. Don’t forget also about physical exercises, which are incredibly important at such an early stage of the body’s formation.
  • Until the age of 25, it is better to use an orthopedic mattress of medium and increased hardness. During this period, the complete formation of the spine occurs. Therefore, you need to pay maximum attention to your health and the sleep process, in particular. This will help avoid health problems in the future.
  • After and up to 50, you can focus on personal tastes, health and financial capabilities. Preference should be given to soft and medium-hard models. The opinion is based on “general” research by orthopedic doctors and may vary in each individual case.


  • If your weight does not exceed 55 kg, buy a soft model (does not contain coconut coir). This option will optimally allow you to rest while sleeping.
  • With a weight of 55-90 kg, it is worth buying models with medium hardness, consisting of independent spring blocks, coconut, and latex.
  • From 90 kg - only rigid models with reinforced springs. To “hold” the body well and allow you to relax in a lying position.

General health

For people with problems of the upper spine, it is recommended to purchase a hard mattress. For lumbar problems, use only soft models to support the lower back. Thus, general tension is relieved from the lumbosacral region, which allows the muscles to rest.

You may be interested in learning about which mattress to choose for a sore back, depending on the disease


Active people should use rigid patterns. For people leading a measured and calm lifestyle, soft mattresses are better suited. If you are used to sleeping on your stomach, a hard mattress is for you, and if you sleep on your side, then a soft one.

The video demonstrates some rules that you may not know about. It is recommended to study them so that your understanding of the standards for choosing a mattress, operation and care is more complete. Your health and the service life of your mattress directly depend on the correct understanding of the information.

Request the store to check your future purchase

Determining the required stiffness

There are no clearly defined selection characteristics. It all depends on the individual characteristics and characteristics of each organism. Some people like to sleep on hard beds, others prefer soft beds. To choose the “correct” mattress, you can “test” it right in the store.

  1. Based on your tastes, choose the model that you like;
  2. Good stores always allow you to lie on the mattress and try it out;
  3. Listen to your feelings, lie on your side, roll over onto your back;
  4. If you do not experience any discomfort, the selected model is “yours.”

To select the optimal stiffness, you can use the table.

With its help you will find out the recommended mattress firmness depending on your known weight and height. If a person is heavy, a firmer mattress is recommended. The more weight, the more pressure is placed on the mattress, which, in turn, must exert more resistance. With a person’s height, the opposite is true - the taller the person, the softer the mattress. Being tall means a larger area is impacted by the mattress. Therefore, the mattress has less resistance and therefore needs to be soft to better accommodate the lower pressure. But these are only indicative data, since there is no standard in choosing the right stiffness, it is a very subjective aspect. It is important to understand that this table does not take into account your personal preferences and is an average method for selecting mattress hardness based on statistical data.

What mattress firmness is best and for whom?

For different ages, different degrees of hardness of sleeping mattresses are shown. The height and weight of a person also matters.

Hard models It is better to choose for children and teenagers, because a soft base can bend an immature spine. For adults who suffer from herniated discs, protrusions and scoliosis, such models are also suitable, because they ensure that the spine is “fixed” during sleep. This can be a starting point for solving similar problems.

Mattresses with medium hardness Recommended for people with serious musculoskeletal disorders, as well as people who like to sleep for long periods of time. The combination of two fillers (coconut coir and latex) gives the mattress additional firmness and elasticity. Increases service life and overall ergonomics.

Soft mattresses- This is a storehouse of orthopedic properties. Natural and artificial fillers can be used. Such mattresses are prescribed to patients with heart or spine diseases. Widely recommended for elderly people for general relief of the skeleton during sleep. Age-related changes play an important role here. For an aged body, in any case, a gentle sleep regime is needed.

If you need to change the firmness of the mattress

Do you fall “inside” your mattress while sleeping? It's time to increase its rigidity. A coconut mattress pad is used for this. An additional mattress is also a great option to change the firmness of the mattress in one direction or another. On the contrary, if you need to make the mattress softer, use a latex mattress protector.

This way you can easily and quickly change the firmness level of the mattress, without the risk of additional financial costs. In addition, this significantly increases the service life of the main mattress.

Is it good to sleep on a hard mattress?

While resting on a soft bed (mattress), the muscles relax. At the same time, the joints and spine lose “support” in the form of constant elasticity. This can lead to spinal curvature and even greater fatigue. The result is the following: the muscles rest, but the body does not.

But at the same time, sleeping “completely” on boards is also bad. Although the human spine is curved, it still requires support. In its absence, they can manifest themselves in the joints.

Whether to sleep on a hard bed or not is an individual choice. If there are no problems with sleep, or with your back, or with your joints, sleep as comfortably as possible. And if “questions” arise, then it is necessary to make the sleeping conditions tougher. If you have serious illnesses, you should consult a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations and tell you which mattress is best for you to choose.

To sleep well and comfortably, you need to choose the right mattress firmness. From the models presented on the market, at first glance, it is difficult to independently choose the one that is right for you. The purchase should be made depending on age, health, and preferences, so that the mattress with the selected hardness will serve for many years.

Advice to leave soft feather beds and lie down on hard mattresses, or even boards or the floor, has been heard more and more often lately. Stories about miraculous healings and the benefits of sleeping on a hard surface sometimes look quite convincing and make you think. However, you should not rush to buy a hard mattress. First, make sure that Spartan sleep is right for you and decide on the appropriate product model.

Hard mattresses can be found in the lines of almost all manufacturers. And this is no coincidence. Such models provide enhanced back support, sag less under body weight, are resistant to increased loads, and therefore invariably find their buyer. But can the listed features always be called advantages? How do different models of hard mattresses differ from each other? Let's figure it out.

Is it good to sleep on hard things?

You have probably heard (or will hear) more than once stories about how a person was uncomfortable on a mattress, he lay down on the boards or the floor and immediately got rid of all his problems. Or about how an orthopedic doctor for a long time advised to sleep on hard ones and scolded soft feather beds. At the same time, there are often cases when, after being forced to sleep on the floor, people woke up with terrible pain in the lower back or numb arms and cursed the rigidity.

Who is right here? Is it healthy to sleep on boards? Who should you listen to? All the stories described are true, but you cannot listen to any of them. You need to listen to yourself, choose the level of rigidity in accordance with your age, weight, problems with the spine and health in general, lifestyle, habitual sleeping position, etc. All people are different, hard surfaces are useful for some, and harmful for others.

Ideally, during sleep, a person’s spine should take a natural position, receive reliable support and fully relax. This is what is called the orthopedic effect. On a surface that is too hard, the pelvis rises, and the lower back sags, is suspended and tense. There is nothing useful about this.

Many fans of sleeping on boards praise it for the fact that the spine is stretched and straightened. Meanwhile, by nature the human spine is not straight, but S-shaped, it has a bend in the lumbar region, which also needs support. But the shoulders on a hard surface really relax and lower, straighten (in the supine position). Therefore, it is more correct to talk about the benefits of sleeping on a hard surface for posture, and not for the spine as a whole. But is your posture worth the back pain if you sleep on the floor? How will this turn out if you already have problems in the lumbar region or with blood circulation? Nothing good. It is better not to go to extremes, not to sleep on the floor or boards, but to buy a high-quality hard or medium-hard mattress.

So, sleeping on a hard surface is useful under certain conditions and for a certain group of people, but not for everyone. And it is important that the surface is not extremely hard, but only provides enhanced support, as hard orthopedic mattresses do.

Who needs hard mattresses?

As we have already said, an important difference between hard mattresses is their increased resistance to heavy loads. Therefore, it is not surprising that people weighing more than 90-100 kilograms are advised to buy hard mattresses first. Only such models will provide comfortable support for the back of a full person, will not sag and will help avoid the “hammock effect”.

Children, teenagers and young people under 25 need hard mattresses no less. For the correct formation of the spinal column and posture, sleeping on a flat, hard surface is essential to avoid deformations and problems in the future. At the same time, very hard mattresses are recommended for newborns, and simply hard ones for children and teenagers.

We have already mentioned that sleeping on a hard surface straightens and relaxes your shoulders. Therefore, hard mattresses are highly recommended for people with problems in the upper spine, poor posture, intervertebral hernias, and neck pain.

Due to the fact that hard mattresses sag less under the influence of weight, they are strongly recommended for fans of sleeping on their stomach (even with lower back problems). On a hard surface, the stomach does not sink too deeply into the sleeping area, which prevents the lower back from bending excessively backwards.

Well, the final criterion for choosing rigidity is lifestyle. Professional athletes and people leading an active lifestyle and doing physical labor are offered to sleep on a hard surface.

Who should not sleep on hard mattresses?

People over 50-55 years old should first avoid sleeping on hard surfaces. At this age, the spine already needs especially comfortable conditions for rest; the bed should be soft so that the mattress gently envelops the back.

It is also harmful for people suffering from problems with joints and blood circulation, arthritis and arthrosis to sleep on hard surfaces. The hard surface puts additional pressure on soft tissues, blocks blood flow, provokes numbness, numbness of the limbs, complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

In addition, we have already explained why hard mattresses are contraindicated for problems in the lumbar region. They are also not recommended for pregnant women to avoid unnecessary pressure on the fetus.

Another large group of people who need to forget about hard mattresses are adults weighing less than 55 kilograms. Rigid models simply will not press under the body of a thin person sufficiently and will not be able to provide proper back support.

What types of hard mattresses are there?

First of all, the hardness of the mattress depends on the filler material. The toughest is coconut coir. This is a natural, environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic filler that perfectly allows air to pass through and removes moisture, does not absorb odors and does not rot. It is obtained from the hard fibers of the coconut, hand-soaked, combed and dried, and then impregnated with latex (latexed coir) to form into a monolithic block. Coconut coir is resistant to heavy loads and has increased rigidity. Accordingly, the thicker its layer, the harder the mattress.

The hardest mattresses are springless ones made from coconut coir. Slightly softer models, consisting of alternating layers of coconut and latex. A replacement for coir in economy class models is struttofiber. This is a non-woven material, the fibers of which are arranged vertically, and have a rigidity similar to a canvas made from two layers of coconut.

Some types of polyurethane foam can also act as rigid layers, i.e. artificial latex. This material boasts most of the benefits of natural latex (except, perhaps, durability), but with greater hardness. Polyurethane foam copes well with high loads (sometimes up to 140 kg per bed), and is suitable for those who cannot get used to the extreme rigidity of coconut.

Hard mattresses can also be springless or spring. The first ones belong to the category of very hard, if it is coconut coir, or hard, if it is polyurethane foam. Spring models are not extremely rigid due to the springing effect. The hardness in them can be ensured by layers of coconut coir or struttofiber, or by strengthening the springs or bases of the mattress. The most comfortable, high-quality and optimal in terms of orthopedic properties are models based on blocks of independent springs. They bend under the weight of the body independently of each other, eliminating the hammock effect, and provide improved support to different parts of the body.

3 signs your mattress is too hard

When choosing a hard mattress, the main thing is not to overdo it with this very rigidity. A mistake here can result in problems with the spine and a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Your mattress is too hard if:

  • in the morning you feel pain in the lumbar region;
  • when you lie flat on the mattress on your back, your hand can freely pass under the lumbar area, moreover, there is even additional space left;
  • you toss and turn for a long time and cannot sleep, you wake up in the middle of the night because your arm or leg is numb, you feel numbness or tingling in your limbs.
Hard mattresses are very comfortable and even useful for many people, but their purchase must be approached carefully and knowledgeably. We hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Who is a hard mattress suitable for? While most people prefer the comfort of a semi-firm or soft surface, some need the firmest mattress possible. First of all, these are people with a diseased spine, especially with hernias and protrusions. Athletic young people who lead an active lifestyle like to sleep rougher. Large men and women are looking for a hard surface because they fear that a soft mattress will quickly wear out from increased load. In addition to them, parents often choose a hard elastic mattress for a newborn. But in reality, completely different mattresses are suitable for these people. Let's look at what types of hard mattresses are best to choose in this or that case.

Mattress for a sore back

Since there are a lot of diseases, and this article is not written by a certified orthopedist, we will limit ourselves to the most general recommendations. A hard springless mattress is what people who are being monitored for protrusions and hernias usually look for on the advice of a doctor. Pain syndrome dictates the choice of a reliable surface without dips from which it is difficult to get out. The mattress should provide comfort for sleeping on your back and gentle change of position. Another factor is that it should have a tight edge that is easy to stand up from. But sleeping “like on the floor” will only aggravate the suffering if a person often lies on his side - look at the curved line of the girl’s spine in the bottom photo.

The body position is on a hard mattress, the spine is curved.

This body position will lead to constant muscle tension. There needs to be a balance between being softly supportive so that the mattress can contour to your hips and shoulders, but with enough firmness to provide secure support. Choosing a hard mattress for a person with a bad back is a very important and difficult task. There is a separate article about which mattress can reduce pain and how to choose it. Here we will give recommendations only on choosing good models of increased rigidity in different price categories.

In the budget segment:

  • Springless with a base made of high-density and high-rigidity polyurethane foam with a coconut top layer, for example Contrast from Toris.
  • Mattress on a reinforced TFK block filled with felt or coconut and dense polyurethane foam, with a total layer of at least 2 cm. Suitable only for people weighing less than 80 kg.

More expensive mattresses:

  • Springless based on a combination of layers of coconut and latex. One side should be latexed coconut at least 2cm thick.
  • For teenagers and athletes: springless coconut ones with a top filler made of periotec (strutofiber)
  • On a reinforced (cellular or consisting of 700-1000 per bed) block of independent springs, with two sides of coconut latex coir from 3 cm or having different sides - coconut and slightly softer polyester fiber (holofiber and strutofiber), combinations of coconut and latex. A powerful block is especially important if a person’s weight exceeds 90 kg.

How to choose a comfortable hard mattress

Select the desired degree of hardness

For those who want to sleep as if on the floor, the following recommendations can be given. All-coconut mattresses of small thickness have the highest rigidity. But they are not suitable for everyone. The myth that it is useful to sleep on very hard floors is refuted by experience. Your mattress is too hard for you if

  • You slide your palm loosely under your lower back while lying on your back.
  • Sometimes you wake up feeling like you've had your arm rested.
  • You cannot instantly assume a comfortable position on the mattress.

The consequences of choosing a mattress that is too hard will be poor sleep quality, poor rest and the risk of spinal diseases and venous insufficiency.

Extra comfort coconut mattress

How to choose a springless hard mattress

In order to smooth out negative factors, it is worth choosing a hard base under a layer (2-3 cm is enough) of a softer material. Natural latex is optimal, but holofiber is also quite suitable. A fairly expensive coconut mattress rarely includes short-lived artificial foam fillers, but you can buy a mattress in a voluminous soft cover. An alternative option is a topper.

A tall, more than 15 cm mattress made of coir, in which each fiber is impregnated with latex, is slightly more comfortable while maintaining high rigidity. But such a mattress will have to be changed quite often. Under the weight of an adult, the middle of the mattress is compressed, and sleeping on it becomes both uncomfortable and harmful.

There are a large number of springless models with a gradation of properties from semi-rigid to rigid. Variations in the thickness and relative position of the layers of coconut, latex and periotech change the sensation of the sleeper. Such mattresses are included in the lines of many manufacturers.

Mattress Chameleon Toris

What is the difference between hard spring mattresses

But sometimes you want to buy a hard mattress with a high orthopedic effect. There is a contradiction here. Anatomical properties - the ability of a surface to repeat the relief of the body. A thick coconut slab tends to retain its shape and does not bend easily. Therefore, springless mattresses using it have the lowest level of orthopedic support.

A spring mattress with hard sides will be more anatomical.

When choosing a hard mattress, you need to pay close attention to its base.

Double or triple latex coconut will provide firmness when testing the mattress in the store. But if the spring sags, not a trace will remain of the desired qualities. Manufacturers of independent spring blocks clearly differentiate them by quality. A standard TFK has a very small margin of safety and easily sags under the weight of a man of average build. Those who want to purchase a durable orthopedic hard mattress need to buy a model with a reinforced or one that includes 350-500 springs per square meter block. The "Spring in a Spring" option or a block of 1000 springs with the same coconut layer may seem softer.

Hard mattress for heavy people

Of all the springless mattresses, only latex is suitable; only it can maintain elasticity for a long time. To create a harder surface, the same coconut filler is good. But you need to know that the greater the total thickness of the coconut in such a mattress, the sooner it will deform.

The most common mistake that many people with high status make is choosing a spring mattress based on the characteristics of its top layer.

The hardest orthopedic mattress - Orto F3 Toris

Very often, unprofessional sellers offer large people to try hard mattresses with double (2 cm) coconut filling and successfully sell them. But the coconut does not hold its shape for very long if there is a soft, pliable spring underneath it. To avoid disappointment and spend extra money, you should immediately look for a mattress with a strong base. There are such models, the reinforced block can be immediately felt - the mattress almost does not sag when pressed with the palm of your hand. The correct base will provide the support necessary for large weights; the bottom layer of coconut filler will distribute the load well, but the top layer of mattresses for large people must soften the contact. It can be elastic foam or natural latex.

Which hard mattress is best for a child?

The first children's mattress should not be soft. A coconut long-fiber elastic layer 6-8 cm thick in an anti-allergenic cover is perfect for a baby's crib. But mattress coconut comes in two types, needle-punched and latex. Only the second one is suitable as the basis of a children's mattress. This mattress allows air and moisture to pass through, and can be washed with water if necessary. No one will get sick in such a mattress.

When moving your child to a larger bed, you can consider other, softer models.

Children's mattresses with different sides made of coconut and holofiber have sufficient rigidity necessary for the formation of correct posture.