Attention: Failed to change file permissions. The uploaded file could not be moved

Good health to everyone! An incident happened to me the other day. In general, I wanted to install one extension from the store in my favorite Google Chrome browser, and this is what it gave me: Failed to move extensions directory in profile.

Naturally, after this, an active search for a solution to this problem began on the Internet. Basically, all the advice boiled down to the fact that you need to change the storage location of the downloaded files, and in extreme cases, even change the user profile.

But unfortunately, in practice, not a single piece of advice really helped. Or rather, changing the profile was not considered at all, since it is very inconvenient to lose all your settings and bookmarks accumulated over the years. And the option of changing the download directory led to zero results. So what should you do if such an error occurs?

To my own surprise, I found the solution on my own, without even looking at anyone. So to speak, in a purely practical way. So, if such a disaster happens and we can’t install anything from the official store, then the first thing we do is copy the link to the required extension.

Then we enter it in the search bar of the service, which is located at this address. This is a site that allows you to download Chrome apps manually, and judging by the reviews online, it can be trusted.

After you press the button " Download extension " , the “Save” button will appear at the bottom of the window with a warning about the danger to the computer. There is no need to be afraid, this is a normal reaction browser to the file that not downloaded from the official Google Chrome store.

The next step is to unpack the just downloaded extension using any archiver. Visually it will look like this.

If you don’t know where it was downloaded and where to look for it, go to the browser along the path “Menu - Settings - Advanced” and find the “Location” section.

And now the main focus. We return to the application store. Just in case, let me remind you that you can do this as follows: "Menu - Additional tools - Extensions" .

Then make sure that the "Developer mode" option is checked and select "Load unpacked extension". In the next step, of course, select the folder with the newly unpacked files.

At first sight, It may seem like we have failed because a message like "Failed to load manifest" will appear on the screen. But if you now try to install the same plugin in the official way, that is, through the store, then everything will work out surprisingly. Gentlemen, see for yourself.

The main thing is to close the message “Failed to move the extension directory to the profile” at this moment, otherwise you will run into an error again. This is the scheme, friends! Please write in the comments what you think about all this. And in conclusion, as always, let's watch an interesting video.

When working with the WordPress engine, the message “The uploaded file could not be moved...” may appear. In this post, we will look at the reasons why this message may appear.

So, when I try to add a new image to the post text, the message “The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2013/06” appears.

File move error message

1 case. It is always easier to understand the cause of the problem if you remember what actions were performed recently. In this particular case, a backup of the entire hosting site was created, more precisely. The backup is stored on the hosting and takes up a certain disk space, which was exhausted after the backup was created. A message appeared in cPanel stating that the disk quota has been reached "Warning! This account has reached its disk usage quota".

Message about disk quota exhaustion

The solution to the problem is obvious: download the backup archive to your local computer and delete the backup file from the hosting.

Case 2. The problem may be due to insufficient folder permissions. After installing WordPress, the default folder permissions are "755".

As a rule, such settings are quite enough to download files, however, some users claim that in their case, to solve the problem, they had to set the permissions to “777”. I note that setting “777” is quite risky in terms of security.

And one of my sites is already spinning successfully there. But here a problem arose: the pictures do not load when writing an article! Gives an error message: . What is the problem?

The problem, in principle, can be solved simply - you can set permissions to 777 on this folder and then everything will load as it should. But permissions 777 are a hole because the folder becomes writable by everyone.

On the Internet, the problem has been raised in many forums, someone writes that it’s okay, since you’re alone on the server and it’s not that scary. Someone writes that this is dangerous, since you can buy a server on the same hosting and gain access to this folder.

Personally, I switched to a VPS solely for the purpose of increasing security. on my HTS hosting (here I talked about it), and twice uploaded doorways into the wp-content/uploads folder.

On the hosting I had 755 permissions for this folder, and that’s what I needed. But I didn’t want to put 777 on principle, even if the threat was not so serious. What to do?

How to solve the problem “The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads”?

I spent half an hour looking for a solution, and barely found it on one English-language site, where everyone asks questions and they are answered. And there was just such a question. And there was a small answer to it, which solved my problem. Everything turned out to be very simple as always!

To solve the problem, open a terminal and connect to the hosting via SSH. Go to the wp-content folder (using my site as an example):

Cd /var/www/

Sudo chown -R www-data uploads/

What have we done? We have changed the owner of this folder from current to www-data. Now you can give the folder and files the necessary rights:

Sudo chmod -R 755 uploads/

That's it, now the folder and all the files in it have 755 permissions, that is, only the owner has write rights. But at the same time, WordPress will have access to this folder and be able to upload images there.

Well, that’s all, now the pictures are loaded perfectly into the article, and there are no 777 rights to the upload folder. I wrote it as a cheat sheet for myself, but I’m sure it might also be useful to someone.

If you have your own server, then the best way to solve the problem is to assign yourself as the user of the folders. I don’t mean the server login, but the login in ISPmanager, you can find it here: ACCOUNTS - USERS

When we have looked at our login, open the server console and issue the command:


That's it, now you can upload all photos without problems. By the way, if you give such rights to all files on the site, then you can download and update both templates and plugins without FTP or, which is very convenient! Good luck!

If anything is unclear, ASK!

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