Wap-Click affiliate programs - rating of the best affiliate programs. Megafon

If you receive a similar letter, do not rush to delude yourself with easy money.

First, think carefully about how safe it is for your site, as a source of income, to connect to the Wap.Click affiliate program.

Pay attention to the phrase:

“... no sanctions from search engines (our method is agreed upon with cellular operators and is absolutely legal)”:)))))))

What does this have to do with mobile operators? Since when did mobile operators begin to influence the ranking of sites in Yandex?

So, contrary to their assurances, judging by the reviews, they are inevitable. First, find out what method is proposed for monetizing your site.

Wap.Click method

  1. Simple redirect(!) to their landing page with paid content, which can only be accessed by subscribing. Subscription occurs in one click. The subscription fee will be charged from the subscriber daily, and you will receive income daily.
  2. Placing a notice on the site with the ability to choose: whether the visitor wants to stay on your site, or is ready to go to another site and gain access to paid content in one click.
  3. When the visitor enters, another window opens with a paid site; if the visitor is interested, he subscribes.

The script contains only a redirect and works only for users logged in from mobile operators.

Monetization of Android traffic using SMS subscription

The subscription process occurs as follows: the user downloads the APK MIDlet, installs and launches it on the phone. The application sends an SMS that activates the subscription and provides the user with access to the content.

Deductions for Android subscriptions:

  • Beeline: 5.69 rub.
  • Megaphone: 5.4 rub.
  • MTS: 5.7 rub.

On average, out of 7–9 visitors, 1 person subscribes. All Wap.Click paid services are legal, agreed with cellular operators and offer legal content. For example:

After your site loads, the following notification is shown to the visitor


Opens a second window when clicking anywhere (less profitable method).

Wap.Click does not disguise notifications as system notifications and at your discretion the user may have a choice whether to go to another site or not.

Wap.Click: “Our method forcibly filters search engine bots. Search engines penalize users for not receiving content on the site. And for this we have solutions in the form of PopAds and PushAds.”

Well, they even write themselves that search engines punish for the user’s failure to receive content on the site.

October 11, 2014 4 comments

Hi all. Today I want to talk to you about wap subscriptions - subscriptions in 1 click. First, let's look at what it is and how we can make money from it.

Wap subscriptions or in other words - 1-click subscriptions are issued on special mobile landing pages. In ordinary language, the user pays for the content after pressing the large button in the center of his screen, money is withdrawn from his account :) Look, here are the bright representatives of mobile wap landing pages for 1-click subscriptions:

On such landing pages, they always warn at the bottom that subscription is paid. Usually 20 rubles per day or 35 rubles every 2 days are charged for such subscriptions, but there are other options. After clicking the button, the user will be provided with content, but it is not always of high quality, to put it mildly 😉 Also, an SMS message is received notifying that a subscription has been issued. The subscriber can unsubscribe at any time; there are unsubscribe rules on the landing pages. In Russia, mobile WAP subscriptions are available only on the Big Three operators - Megafon, Beeline, MTS. Moreover, each operator has its own landing pages and its own monetary deductions - rebills. Mobile subscriptions are also available in other countries, the closest ones being Azerbaijan. It is worth remembering that a subscription can only be issued from a touch device; push-button devices, alas, are not suitable for us.

Rebill— this is a periodic debiting of funds from the subscriber’s account for the use of any service or content. If you subscribe and have money on your phone, the rebill occurs instantly at MTS and Megafon. at Beeline it happens the next day. If a person does not stop the subscription, then rebills will continue to occur daily as long as the person has funds in his account; as soon as they run out, rebills will not occur. But, as soon as a person replenishes the account, rebills are resumed. Rebills depend on the operators and range from 65 kopecks to 6-7 rubles! At the moment, Megafon subscriptions are the highest quality and most profitable. Over their lifetime, on average, they bring in 60-70 rubles. Of course, they can bring more.

Here the question arises: why, if 20 rubles are charged from the subscriber, then we only get 4? The point is that we are at the very end of this chain. And the chain looks like this: Operator=>Content Provider=>Billing=>Affiliate Program=>WE😉 The affiliate program usually pays 80-90% of what it receives from billing, and lives on the remaining 10-20%.

Landing pages are developed both by affiliate programs and by cellular operators themselves. But, if a landing page is developed by an affiliate program, then it must undergo approval - approval by the operator. Each operator has its own landing pages, in other words, paid platforms. Any content can be hidden behind the button in the center of the screen; it can be funny stories, a file archive, horoscopes, games, gdz or porn videos. Often, most often, they leak it to adult.

Mobile subscriptions are not something prohibited and this is not a black or gray way to monetize traffic, because the cellular operators themselves lobby for this topic. OSS is very beneficial for users to top up their mobile phone account more often.

So, well, it seems that it has already become a little clear what’s what. Now let's move on to the affiliate program itself, which provides tools for obtaining these same subscriptions, analytics and statistics. There are many wap-click affiliate programs on the market, but it is important to take your time and think, because discounts and closures of affiliate programs are not uncommon! Therefore, I advise working with one of the market leaders - v2.moblave.com. Moblave has been pleasing its advertisers with good envelopes for three years now.

I tried several affiliate programs and Moblav seemed to me the best of them, both in terms of ease of use and traffic analytics, and in terms of traffic conversion ratio. Moblav accepts operators: Beeline, Megafon, MTS, Narmobile, Azercel. For convenience, the software provides ranges of IP addresses of operators that it accepts. Therefore, where there is such an opportunity, buy only IPs that suit you.

Here are the statistics for individual traffic zones:

pay attention to RATIO. The ratio is the percentage of goal achievement, the percentage of people who clicked on the button and subscribed. For those who are accustomed to a different calculation, everything is easily calculated here, for example, a ratio of 10% is an envelope of 1:10. And a ratio of 29% is approximately 1:3, 1:4 (This is the same as a ratio, 1:3 reads like every third person who came through our link signed up). It is considered simple, we divide 100 by the ratio and get the envelope familiar to many.

You can see for yourself that the envelope is very tasty in some places 😉 On the screen you could also see the column - exchange and that 10 subscriptions were purchased there. Yes, Moblav has a subscription exchange where you can put your subscriptions up for sale. Prices for subscriptions with a rebill range from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on the operator, rebill amount and topic. I bought it as a test, to see if the investment in purchased subscriptions would pay off. In the affiliate program, you can only work to buy subscriptions, enter money and buy them on the exchange. There is also a system for lending subscriptions, when for subscriptions poured into the system, you are paid the next day on credit; this is done for those who do not have enough funds to purchase traffic.

In some other affiliate programs, there is an instant redemption of subscriptions. The affiliates themselves buy subscriptions from their advertisers. They pay from 15 to 40 rubles for a subscription. The redemption is instant, they are bought both without a rebill and with an unsubscribe, which is why the prices are not so high. If you work for instant profit, you can work according to this scheme, but it is much more profitable to accumulate a subscription base.

Let's look at working with an affiliate program. In order to send traffic, we need a link or some code that will perform a redirect. These codes are in the “promo” tab.

What is noteworthy is that the moblav does not have separate links for each operator, there is only one link and on the affiliate itself it is determined which operator it is and the required landing page is shown to him. Landing pages are not visible in pp, but they work in rotation, i.e. are shown in turn. It is important to remember the rule - you cannot send non-adult traffic to adult landing pages.

But before you get a link, I advise you to create traffic zones (flows). This is necessary in order to then conveniently analyze and disable non-convertible sources. Don’t forget to indicate traffic back for each zone, because the affiliate program may also receive traffic that is not accepted. Think in advance where you can send traffic that is not accepted here and try to convert it.

We can drain traffic both from our sites by redirecting only mobile traffic, and we can buy it on various exchanges, teaser networks and other places. Perhaps you will come up with your own method of attracting cheap traffic. All affiliate codes are provided on the promo page.

Let's move on to analyzing our traffic. Moblav is perhaps the only affiliate program that provides the ability to analyze your traffic and collect black and white lists. This is an indispensable tool if you buy traffic. The high percentage of ratios that are on the screens is achieved, among other things, by collecting black sheets. I buy all the traffic, in some places it is more expensive, in others it is cheaper, and the quality, naturally, is different everywhere.

Many traffic exchanges provide the ability to transfer various parameters - macros, which are assigned to our advertising links. Using these parameters, Moblave tracks from which site the transition and subscription was made, then you can set the % ratio yourself and thereby form black and white lists.

This is what the formed sheets look like, sites with a conversion of less than 5% from the site are included in black, and sites with a conversion of more than 5% are included in white, respectively, but you can choose an acceptable percentage for yourself:

Next, we insert these platforms into the system where we buy traffic. Of course, not all systems allow you to create blacklists and even target traffic by operators and browsers, and this is very important. The more accurately we set up our targeting, the less shit traffic we will buy. I think you already understand that when buying traffic, its conversion is influenced by many targeting parameters: devices, device OS, telecom operators, browsers, time targeting, capping and others.

All these parameters are adjusted by trial and error, spending hundreds and thousands of rubles on tests, creating black sheets. Or maybe there will be a person who will tell you and help you.

I would also like to mention a couple of advantages and features of Moblave. The first is graphs, an excellent traffic analysis tool; in the “graphics” tab you can see various statistics in relation to the previous day:

And secondly, it’s possible to sell your account at any time! For example, you stopped sending traffic and you urgently needed money. You can instantly sell your account and direct your attention to another type of activity. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity, especially for beginners and those who want to try themselves in this niche.

We are coming to the end, and you, the reader, can say, well, where, where is the most important thing? Where to get traffic so that you can reach a good +?! It’s not so simple here, and if you tell everyone the sources of traffic from which you buy yourself, then there simply won’t be enough for everyone! Or the prices will go up so high that it will become unprofitable to buy it. Therefore, I advise you to be patient and enthusiastic and go ahead on the Internet to look for suitable sources, I assure you, they are everywhere, perhaps you will be able to find a highly profitable source and pour thousands of subscriptions per day for mere pennies, and maybe even for free.

Important! Don’t forget to read the news in the affiliate program and thematic forums. Before draining traffic, be sure to assess the situation on the subscription market. Some operators periodically include pre-landers and other nonsense that kills the envelope. There are also failures and technical work, or, due to complaints, the operator introduces restrictive measures. When I write this article, MTS is giving low rebills of 68 kopecks, and besides, there are default landing pages, so it’s not at all profitable to drain MTS now. Perhaps there are other points where MTS is accepted with high rebills, but most likely they do not have reliable billing, so there are high risks.

Who wants to register in Moblave and get advice from me, click on the button below:

For questions and suggestions, write to contacts:


Good luck to everyone and a high envelope 😉

If you are reading this article, then you understand what we are talking about - about withdrawing funds from Megafon’s account every day. They withdraw 7 or more rubles. Ruthless. In this article I will try to tell you how I disabled premium WAP clicks, and I really hope that it will help everyone who fell for this scam. It will be filled with anger and hatred both towards the telecom operator and the scammers, because things have boiled over. For a long time there was an idea to create a separate section on a blog with some meaningful name and write about similar things. Well, let's begin.

This garbage with WAP clicks can happen not only to Megafon users, but also to MTS, Billine and other redneck connections in Russia. It feels like the operators are in cahoots with the scammers because disconnecting from these services is difficult and time consuming.

It would be nice if they provided all the basic communication services, regional coverage and 3G (I’m not even talking about the generation of 4G cellular networks, at least the old 3G network would be properly done!!!) Internet. Moreover, in the background there is a rare filthy internet, telecom operators (I’m talking about Megafon, I don’t know about others, but I think it’s the same song) charge simply colossal rates for this.

Let's take a look at 3G internet tariffs for, as Megafon says, a computer in the Rostov region. Almost 500 (!!!) rubles for 10 GB per month! It's 2013 and we're still counting megabytes! What do you think of the price difference between Internet L and Internet XL? It would seem that these 200 rubles are there if the increase is as much as 30 GB! And in the end, you always connect for 790 rubles, because 20 GB is only enough to receive mail and surf Contact.

So, what am I talking about? And besides, against the backdrop of these exorbitant prices and terrible quality of services provided, operators still manage to steal our money by subscribing to all kinds of access to sites. And please, 10-20 rubles a day from each person is not a small amount.

So, for the second time, in the morning (and I want to read the news, email, go to Habr before work) the Internet was turned off. I see the balance is 5 rubles. And an unread SMS, something like:

Subscription Access to the mob-xxx.net site has been completed. Help: 88005500500. Subscription management: http://m.megafon.ru/?rdc=psm312978377sms

This has already happened a couple of times, and what’s most offensive is that they withdrew 7 rubles from the phone every day, every day for probably 3-4 months. And in the background of calls, I didn’t notice. I put down the money and thought why it was so expensive to call. Then I called the Megafon operator (this whole procedure took about 20 minutes) and they turned off this service.

Well, when this happened the second and third time on a 3G modem SIM that distributes the Internet to the whole house, I decided to write about how to unsubscribe from a megaphone.

Step 1. Top up your balance

First of all you need top up your balance to positive for the Internet to work. I haven’t tried to disable this from another Internet, and it doesn’t seem to work very well, correct me if I’m wrong (as suggested in the comments, the service can be disabled from any computer with Internet access).

In short, the Internet must work. You may have to reconnect it to make it work. I performed all operations from the SIM card to which this site access service is connected.

Step 2. Looking for the full version of the subscription site

In the message we see a link through which, supposedly, you can “manage your subscription.” By clicking on this link, I understand that under subscription management, Megafon understands only connection to subscriptions, but not a shutdown. Yes, and there are not enough subscriptions there. Actually, the picture below shows this site in all its glory. They share the Internet for mobile and for computers, but the site is crap, whatever.

Naturally, in the mobile version of the site, there is no link to go to the regular version of the site (why, because it’s impossible to unsubscribe from services through a mobile phone), so I type it into Google "subscriptions megaphone" and follow the first link: http://www.podpiski.megafon.ru/. I see this:

Step 3. Disable subscriptions

I enter the captcha and click OK. You should receive an SMS with a code, which must be entered in the following field:

I enter it and click the “Login” button. I am redirected to my personal account, where we see our subscriptions:

Marina wrote:

You can use a megaphoneactivate the FREE Stop Content service*105*381*3#, The “Stop Content” service allows subscribers to block voice calls, USSD requests, as well as sending SMS messages to content provider numbers. This service will help mobile phone owners protect themselves from unexpected costs associated with calls to paid short numbers. The “Stop Content” service can be used by subscribers of all tariff plans of the Caucasian branch of the MegaFon network.

Guys, for other regions on the megafon website - “MegaFon” → Services → Services on short numbers → Stop content. OR through the service guide: Services and tariffs - changing the set of services - additional services - check the “stop content” box and click “Change”.

Another comment about the Stop Content service was sent by Ruslan:

I already had the STOP CONTENT service active and WAP disabled - so it turns out that this does not scare our megaphone - the answer was that there were technical glitches in the service. What the operator did - updated the STOP - CONTENT service, disabled the subscription. But as you understand, no one even bothered to return the money for content when the STOP-CONTENT service was activated.

Dunno wrote in the comments:

Guys, everything is being done much easier, although I can’t agree, very good article. For mobile phones, and even for modems, just dial *505 hash) you will receive a notification with subscriptions and an explanation of how to disable them. Make the appropriate request, confirm it with a similar set and “boss”) I hope the information will help.

UPD. Please write in the comments what service you were connected to (or copy the text of the SMS informing you about connecting to the service) so that other people with a similar problem can find this article.

UPD3. I just couldn’t help but include this in the article)))). How Comrade Dmitry “correctly exposed” me in the comments:

This article was created by Megafon so that victims of scammers (megaphone) would not file claims, so that Megafon would return the loot, but would simply unsubscribe. Cases need to be brought to the end so that every penny is returned, and even through court!

It turns out that forced subscription to sites and withdrawal of funds from our Russian operators is not the worst thing that operators can do. The Ukrainian operator life made stupid mistakes, thanks to which you can get the owner’s SIM card.

10/08/2016 at 17:02

3103 0

Wap click affiliate programs are a very good way to monetize mobile traffic. One-click subscription, the user is taken to a landing page where he must click on a specific button ( download, play, continue, etc.). Thus, the user agrees to the subscription and a certain amount of money is debited from his phone. Subsequently, a certain amount of “Rebilles” will be debited from the user every day. You will receive income from these reblogs until the user unsubscribes.

At the moment, most Wap affiliate programs have closed registration and in order to start working with them, you need to contact tech. support and pass an interview. You will be asked if you have worked with Wap Click before and will be asked for screenshots from your personal accounts if you have worked with someone.

If you have experience in working with Wap click and can provide screenshots from other accounts, then you can easily get into any affiliate program. But if you have no experience and just decided to try, what should you do? Today we will look at affiliate programs with open registration and affiliate programs with closed registration.

Also, if you have your own website with good traffic, when registering with the Wap click affiliate program, you can show your website and if it is well visited, you will be accepted.

Open affiliate programs

Juddy - let's start with the Judy affiliate program. Open registration, you can start working immediately after registration. Fast payments within 24 hours. Payments are made to a WMR wallet, the minimum amount for withdrawal is 200 rubles or $10. Not a bad choice of payers. It is possible to set up automatic redemption of subscriptions.

Moblave is another open affiliate program. This affiliate program is not very good because it is not possible to choose a landing page, circles, and so on. In order to try yourself in this matter, this affiliate program is suitable. After registration, you will be given a special link that you can distribute on the Internet.

All users will be directed to different landing pages in a chaotic order; you have the opportunity to choose the theme of the landing pages (adult, downloads, news, music).
There is also an auto-repurchase of subscriptions and a subscription exchange, if you suddenly want to buy subscriptions.

Closed Wap affiliate programs

Wap.Click is perhaps the best affiliate program, I promise 90% royalties. A very wide selection of landing pages, the ability to set up circles and many more privileges. There is protection from search engine sanctions; this is the most important function in this affiliate program. There is also Ref. System 3%. It is possible to set up auto-redemption. To register, you need to contact tech. support and pass an interview.

WapState - more than 60 landing pages, there is an advance payment for new subscriptions. Minimum payout amount 15 rubles, auto redemption, Ref 5%, detailed statistics.
Prohibited topics - Viber, WhatsApp, Unified State Examination, News sites, Skype, ICQ and other free software.

WapsCash is a new affiliate program, similar to RichWap. So all the chips are exactly the same. Detailed statistics, auto-redemption, advance payment for new subscriptions. There is no way to park the domain, Ref 5%.

WapRatio is another Wap Click affiliate program. Detailed statistics, minimum payout 15 rubles, Ref 5%, auto redemption. Good conditions for VIP partners; in order to become a VIP partner you need to get 50 subscriptions in 1 day, which is not very difficult. There are also advances for subscriptions.

RichWap is used by more than 50 payers and works with all operators in Azerbaijan. Automatic redemption of subscriptions, minimum payout 15 rubles, detailed statistics, Ref 5%. Lending for regular customers.

Gangsters - an affiliate program monetizes any WAP traffic thanks to SMS, Wap-click and Internet-click. It has its own midlet designer and works with the API. Ref 6%, deductions 80%, no auto redemption, no detailed statistics.

Shakes.im is a new Wap affiliate program, its own script, detailed statistics, accepts traffic only from Russia, no Referral program.

From this article you will learn about such types of earnings on the site as SMS paysites and Wap-Click. These profit-making methods have high returns but a mixed reputation. It's not a scam, but people think differently.

What are SMS payers and Wap-Click

On the Internet today there are many sites that provide access to various content for money. The principle of their operation is as follows: the visitor sends a paid SMS, after which he is provided with a link to download the game, book, song, or film that interests him. If we talk directly about paid SMS services, then for 1 paid message they do not provide one-time access, but sign up for a long-term subscription to the service.

There are many formats for the functioning of this scheme. One example: a person sends an SMS to pass some kind of psychological test or get the weather forecast for today. As a result, every month a certain amount will be automatically withdrawn from the mobile account for the renewal of the subscription, until the owner of the number initiates the cancellation procedure. Webmasters earn money using paysites in the following way:

  • register in the affiliate program;
  • place on their website a link to paid content with a unique code by which the affiliate will identify it;
  • the program shares with the site owner a fixed percentage of the cost of each SMS he attracts.

WapClick has a similar operating principle. Its essence comes down to subscribing to access a site or application with one click. The user presses a key and automatically subscribes to the distribution of ringtones or software products, for which money will be withdrawn from his balance every week. This technology is supported in Russia by three mobile operators - MTS, Megafon and Beeline.

The indignation of users comes from the fact that they do not need this subscription. Why are they clicking then? Because they are stupid! The rules clearly state that the subscription page must contain information for the user about what will happen when the button is clicked. If this had not happened, the affiliates could have been sued. Yes, of course it’s written in small print at the bottom, but for some reason everyone is used to banks and their agreements and no one complains.

How does everything usually happen? The user visits the site (usually an adult or some kind of tracker). He clicks where he needs to, and then a new tab with a button pops up, when he clicks on it, he signs up for a subscription and where it says what will happen if he clicks on it. And what does the average user do? Of course he presses her, and then yells how bad everyone is. But you could just close this tab. Stupid people will always make good money. The funny thing is that sometimes the subscriber receives a formal notification that he is subscribed, but he does not read it, does not delve into the essence.

But to whom the complaints are justified, as for me, it is to the telecom operators. Which do not allow you to unsubscribe from this normally. You can't unsubscribe without calling technical support. Of course, unsubscribing does not work in your personal account.

Which sites are suitable for such traffic monetization models?

It is best to connect such affiliate programs to entertainment portals with a large amount of direct traffic. These could be sites:

  • sites for adults;
  • with reviews of new movies or dedicated to online casinos;
  • about fortune telling, supernatural phenomena, UFOs;
  • media content storage;
  • portals for women (beauty, health, weight loss, love and relationships);
  • Internet book libraries, hobby resources;
  • educational portals, language courses;
  • collections of psychological tests;
  • databases with information about the meaning of names and the origin of surnames.

It is worth noting that search engines have a negative attitude towards resources with such traffic monetization, therefore, if you want to make money on your own website, then WapClick or SMS affiliates will need to be masked and even periodically disabled. Otherwise, you can lose your position in search results or even get banned.

How much can you earn and how?

Your income in both cases depends on the volume of attracted traffic. The cost of subscription varies in the range of 10-20 rubles per day. That is, the more subscribers and the longer they do not unsubscribe, the higher your income. If we talk about very average data, then on WapClick you will receive about 150 rubles from a hundred registered users, and on SMS paysites - more than 250. But this is extremely approximate data. And, of course, the key role here is played by what conditions the program you choose offers.

Finally, we bring to your attention a list of the most popular affiliate programs.

For WapClick:

  1. GoldenGoose.
  2. WapState.
  3. WapsCash.
  4. WapRatio.
  5. Wap.Click.

By SMS payers:

  1. MoneySyst.
  2. SeriousPartner.
  3. WebSharks.
  4. LoadPays.
  5. Elitepartners.

Among the above exchanges, there will probably be several that you will like the terms of cooperation with.