Wipe data factory reset: what is it and how to properly reset settings on Android without harm to the gadget. Wipe for Android

Vaper's ABCs

IN modern world Smoking has become a real scourge of society. But, fortunately, people have the opportunity to get rid of this bad habit without subjecting their body to “torment.”

Electronic cigarettes are not only great option give up conventional tobacco products, but also the opportunity to follow fashion. However, the cost modern gadgets puts limits on their use, because not everyone has money for branded devices. There is a way out of this situation - make a vape yourself.

Most vapers are confident that the vaping device they purchase is much cheaper than regularly purchasing regular cigarettes. But, given the huge markups of companies that sell such products, this is absolutely not the case. Therefore, many vapers prefer to make their own vape.

Of course, any vaper can go to a store or order any gadget they like on the Internet. However, experienced vapers believe that only a self-assembled device emphasizes their experience in this culture.

You can build such a neat box yourself.

Knowing how basic windings are implemented (types of spirals were discussed earlier) and what an electronic cigarette consists of, you can use it correctly and practically.

Having necessary knowledge about how to assemble a vaping device, this process does not seem so difficult. But at the same time, the person who will assemble the electronic cigarette must have some experience in such activities.

In this matter, it is extremely important to carefully select materials, as well as use the appropriate tools that will be suitable for creating a homemade vape. If you assemble the vaping device incorrectly, then during its operation you can get burns to the face, lungs, and respiratory tract.

Using the same principle, it will not be possible to create a liquid without proper knowledge in the field of chemistry. Therefore, if you do not have experience in this area, then it is better to use a purchased, high-quality vaping liquid. However, there are also craftsmen who, having the necessary reagents and aromatic oils, create unique and pleasant mixtures for vaping.

If the vaper does not have proper experience in such matters, then it is better to abandon the idea self-made vaping devices.

Cardboard vape? Are you seriously?

Deciding to build an electronic cigarette on our own, you can try making vaping devices from a cardboard tube.

Selection of battery and wire

Experts advise giving your preference to either the 3 Ds or the 4 Cs. Both options are great for self-assembly electronic cigarette. It all depends on individual preferences and ease of use.

Having decided on the choice of battery, you need to connect and assemble them into a serial chain using electric wire. The length of the latter should be approximately 30 mm longer than the total length of the folded batteries.

Wire preparation

At this stage, it is necessary to remove the insulating coating from the wire using pliers.

If the wire is twisted, you need to straighten it with your hands.

Making a contact spiral

The production of a spiral is carried out using bare wires.

In this case, the clamp must be installed at the opposite end of the wire, while the wire itself is crimped with pliers.

Spiral connection

The spiral-twisted end is connected to the negatives of the battery and secured with electrical tape.

Case manufacturing

Electrical diagram of the cartomizer.

Due to the fact that our sample vaping device is budget-friendly, all the savings come from the body part of the device. It is made from a cardboard tube cut along the entire length.

Installing the battery into the body of the device

At this stage, you need to install the first battery into the resulting device, but this is done in such a way that the minus point faces the bent end.

The wiring is installed in such a way that the clamp on top of the cardboard case protrudes slightly. All other batteries (and there are only 3 of them) are installed according to the same principle.

Cartridge re-twisting

The most difficult part in completing the task will be the creation of plugs through which the cartridge will be installed. In most cases, V2 cartridges are already equipped with a special connector. All that remains is to come up with something with the plug.

To do this, take a screw and simply wrap it with electrical tape. Having cut out the letter “T” from ordinary metal, we bend it around our “plug”.

Assembling a homemade cigarette

To finally prepare the device for vaping, you need to attach the clamp to the outer rings of the output of the installed cartridges. The E-cigarette is activated by connecting the central terminal in the cartridge and the plus of the battery from the very top.

If the cigarette is not used, then it is necessary to ensure that these contacts do not touch each other. Otherwise, the fibers that are inside the device may overheat, which will lead to quite disastrous consequences.

In addition, it is necessary to protect the homemade vaping device from short circuits. By following these tips, your homemade electronic cigarette will last a long time, and the vaper himself will be able to save money.

Electronics from a sleeve

Another option on how to do it electronic cigarette:

Now you know how to make an electronic cigarette with your own hands. We hope these tips will help you create your own unique vape. Good luck!

When using a smartphone based on the operating system for a long time Android systems, users are seeing numerous performance issues. Applications do not launch immediately, and some may even crash. Sometimes serious lags and other problems are noticeable. Immediately there is a need for a complete reset to factory settings. But is it worth it? After all, you will lose all the data on your phone.

Many users on the forums recommend performing the Wipe procedure Cache Partition to improve the performance of your smartphone, remove all extra files and at the same time retain basic information in memory. Is it possible? Maybe! Although not many users resort to this method, since they do not know all its intricacies. If you are reading this material, it means that you were also advised to clear your smartphone through the cache. Well, let's tell you about all its subtleties.

Wipe Cache Partition is a method for clearing temporary data from your smartphone. Kind of this separate option, which allows you to delete the cache accumulated over the entire time you used the phone. Its main difference from a full reset is the preservation of personal information. That is, all photos, music, messages, videos and applications will be saved on your device. Only deleted temporary files, which accumulate en masse in each program.

Thanks to this option, you can significantly increase the performance of your smartphone, however this method usually applies if you have already tried individual instruments to clean temporary files (garbage) and free random access memory from unnecessary processes.

How to perform Wipe Cache Partition?

If you still decide to clear the entire cache in your smartphone by resorting to this option, then you will need to go to the Recovery section, through which, by the way, they make firmware, reset the device to factory settings, create backups. The Wipe Cache Partition is also located here.

On different devices entrance to Recovery mode can be carried out different ways, however, the principle is approximately the same: press several keys at the same time. Typically these are the Power button, Home button and Volume key (up or down).

So, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn off your smartphone;
  2. Simultaneously hold down the Volume Up (or Down) keys, the Home button and the Power button. If you can’t call it this way, look up the combinations for your smartphone on the Internet. We have described here the most common option, which is used on most devices;
  3. As soon as the Recovery logo appears, release the keys and wait until the menu loads. It will have many different items;
  4. For control, use the volume keys, which allow you to scroll the list up and down. Select Wipe Cache Partition and confirm the operation by pressing the Power key;
  5. The smartphone will automatically clear the cache and then return to the same menu. Here select Reboot System Now and wait for the device to turn on.

At this point, clearing temporary files from your device is complete. Before the procedure, you can even go into the settings and see how much memory you have in total, and compare this data after cleaning. But at the same time, we strongly recommend that you read all the items that you see in front of you in the Recovery menu, since it is also done there full reset to factory settings. If you accidentally click on this procedure, all data from your smartphone will be permanently erased!

Clear cache on Android in other ways

You can use other methods to clear the cache, and control will take place through the settings of your smartphone. Here everything depends on the amount of data that needs to be cleared, as well as on the state of the system - how correctly it works. We will consider both options.

Clearing the cache of all applications

Clearing the cache of all applications for Android 8.0

If the smartphone is on Android based 8.0, then clearing all temporary files is done in a slightly different way, namely:

Clear the cache of a specific application

In Android, you can delete temporary files for each application, for example, if the saved data on VKontakte or another messenger is important to you. In this case, you choose in which program the cache will be deleted. To perform this operation, follow these steps:

Please note that the more often you use programs or play games, the larger and faster the cache grows in size.

Users of smartphones based on operating system Android users who don’t mind delving into the settings of their gadget have repeatedly asked themselves the question: Wipe data/ factory reset what it is?

This is a function that allows you to reset the settings to factory settings, simultaneously clearing all information. In this case, the data is deleted both from the memory card and the global internal memory of the phone. After using this function, only the system folder and other system partitions responsible for correct work smartphone. The remaining information and applications are completely erased without the possibility of returning them in any way.


Why is this function needed?

There can be many reasons to use this feature. Users often encounter memory limitation problems. An SD card always has its limit, and the phone's built-in memory can usually accommodate more less information. However, despite all the warnings, we fill up the phone, filling it with music, videos and photos, which ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • loading the smartphone is very slow;
  • the gadget freezes even with the simplest manipulations;
  • applications stop working correctly.

In this case, it becomes difficult, if not completely impossible, to use, so many, when faced with this problem for the first time, rush to service center, wanting to fix everything as quickly as possible.

Important! Equipment repair and inspection services are not free and you will have to spend money on something that you can easily do at home yourself.

Viruses can also be one of the reasons. By downloading applications, games and information from unverified sites, the user risks his gadget. Sometimes a virus introduced into the system can be successfully dealt with by the built-in antivirus program, but their reliability is not always at the highest level.

An effective way to get rid of the problem is to use. Together with personal files, the deletion of which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided, the virus will also be destroyed.

You can use it for a number of other reasons:

  • If you have recently flashed the firmware of your smartphone, removing the built-in one, original system, replacing it with a custom one or simply updating to a higher version.
  • When selling your phone to another person, without wanting them to have access to your personal information.
  • In case of permanent failures in Android work , for which you cannot find an explanation.

Factory reset, of course, you can do it without any urgent reason, if you wish, simply saying goodbye to old and boring applications that you don’t have time to delve into.


From English wipe translates as cleaning, wiping, and if you see it in the gadget settings, always remember that this is formatting and hardly anything else. There are two types:

  • Full wipe- choosing an action will lead to complete cleaning and formatting of both built-in and removable memory.
  • Partial wipe- helps to delete individual sections and folders, performing a cleaning operation so that this does not lead to malfunctions and failures in the future.

On Android there are three ways to use it:

  • through the options menu;
  • using Recovery;
  • thanks to special button responsible for the reset, if available.

Following the first method, turn on the smartphone and find the section “ Settings» (most often a gear-shaped icon) and click on it.

Next, almost at the very bottom we see the item “ Recovery" and go into it. Then you should find “ Reset to factory settings" and use it. To continue, click " clear all».

Please note: The system will definitely issue a warning that your files will be permanently deleted. We just agree and continue.

The manipulations carried out will lead to the fact that your gadget will go out for a while, and when it lights up again, a robot will appear with a scale showing what stage the formatting is currently at. Once it's completed, the device will reboot, but it will do so very slowly, so don't be alarmed that you've broken something or only made the situation worse.

Second method with using recovery takes longer and requires attentiveness from the performer. Follow the instructions and you will succeed:

  • Completely turn off your smartphone or tablet.
  • We hold down the volume control on its side panel and without releasing it, press the power button.
  • Either the company logo or the menu for work should immediately appear, and only after that do we release the buttons.

Move further actions depends entirely on whether this feature is standard. If you see a list of commands on a black screen, then CWM is installed on the gadget. This means you should use the volume up and down keys to scroll through. With their help we reach the section the desired section and using the button to turn the smartphone on and off, select correct point. Next, we confirm our choice.

Recovery Mode or simply recovery menu - special mode smartphone, which allows, for example, to reset certain data, reflash touch device, run various tests, etc. Many users do not know about this menu. Don't be surprised, because the developers hid it away - one wrong click can lead to the loss of all data. However, in reality, the recovery menu can be extremely useful if you know where and what to click. In this article we will talk about one of the menu items - Wipe data/Factory reset.

Let's start with the translation: Wipe data is translated into Russian as “wipe data”, and Factory reset is “reset to factory settings”. So, we can conclude that this item The recovery menu erases all data and returns the device to factory settings - that is, the smartphone becomes the same as it was when purchased. This is very convenient if your device starts to slow down, work incorrectly, etc. Just remember to save the necessary data before selecting this menu item.

The Wipe data/Factory reset item replaces resetting settings using the menu of your Android smartphone: if for some reason you cannot use the main menu, use recovery.

How to open recovery? Usually you need to press and hold the Volume Up and Power keys when the smartphone is turned off. For example, as in the case of Xiaomi:

Sometimes you need to press the Volume Down and Power keys. On Samsung smartphones another scheme can be used: volume up key, Power + Home when the smartphone is turned off (press and hold until the device wakes up).

If everything is done correctly, you will see this picture:

Then this:

And only then the recovery menu will load. Here, as you can see, there is Wipe data/Factory reset.

If you select it, a confirmation will appear whether to continue deleting data or not. Selecting Yes will continue to clean the device.

Before selecting this menu item, think carefully about whether you have saved all the data - otherwise it will be deleted. And remember that if you don't delete Google account from the device before resetting the data, then the next time you turn it on you will have to enter the password for this account (on modern versions Android). If you know him, there will be no problems. If not, this is a serious problem, believe me.

Hello everyone, guys. Let's talk about such a thing as Wipe Cache Partition, you can find it on your Android smartphone, or on your tablet, but what is it? Today we'll figure it out. The word Wipe itself means to erase, the word Cache, I think you understand, is a cache, but the word Partition is a part of something, usually on a computer or smartphone the word Partition means part of the ROM (read-only memory). Well, that is, part of the memory or all of the device’s memory. In a computer, it acts as memory HDD(or RAM) and in it Partition is local disk physical disk. In short, I’ll put it simply, Partition is a memory disk/section. And cleaning Partition means clearing the memory disk, and in the case of Wipe Cache Partition, I think this means clearing the disk/partition CACHE.

So, I think I understand, Wipe Cache partition is an item in Recovery menu Mode, and the item, as I already said, is responsible for clearing the cache. If you reset your phone to factory settings, the cache is cleared automatically, well, this is just a note for you.

But what is the Recovery Mode menu and what is it for? I answer, this menu can be called service or service boot menu, that is, it does NOT work IN ANDROID. By loading into this menu you can reset the settings, install new firmware, there is something else to do there, but all this requires special knowledge

This is what Recovery Mode looks like on a Samsung phone:

Don't you notice anything here? Yes, I agree, it’s hard to see here! But I think it looks better this way:

This mysterious Wipe Cache Partition item in the menu!!! But now you already know that this item is responsible for clearing the cache and apparently this applies to system partition, well I think so

Well, just a minute, can you tell me more about what exactly the Wipe cache partition item does? I can write it now! This means that this is clearing the cache, but what cache exactly, what is in this cache? These are temporary files and data that remain after programs are running or after updates. They usually clear the cache if the smartphone slows down, or there are some freezes; clearing the cache does not always help, but sometimes it does help. Don't worry, clearing the cache will not affect your programs, they will remain in place as they were

Cache cleaning is available in almost any phone, well, like in any one. I can’t say for sure, maybe I’m wrong, but it seems service menu Recovery Mode does not apply to Android at all, it seems to be a menu of the phone itself, completely separate. Well, or the Android service menu, but it works ONLY BEFORE LOADING the operating system itself. Each phone's menu is a little or a lot different, here's an example, I've never seen such a menu before:

Another note for you: I learned that if you update the firmware, you need to clear the cache, and you need to use the Wipe Cache Partition and Wipe Dalvik Cache items. But the second thing is, what is it? It’s not all that simple, I can’t really understand what it is, but here are the pictures, maybe you’ll understand something (otherwise I won’t boom boom).