Ask a question to VK technical support. VKontakte technical support hotline phone number

VKontakte is the most popular site in the vast Russian-language Internet. Service team of this resource Receives many messages from site visitors every day, and in order for your specific request to be accepted and considered as quickly as possible, you need to know how to correctly contact Vkontakte technical support.

First of all, let’s clarify what problems support agents will help you solve:

  • Difficulties accessing the site;
  • Questions regarding security policy, confidentiality of personal data;
  • Consultation on promotion and advertising on the website;
  • Information about verification and assignment of official status to the page;
  • Complaints about user behavior, content, copyright infringement reports;
  • Information about official applications for the phone, as well as about applications within the site.

Before you write a request, you should remember the following:

  1. Not everything that anyone finds inappropriate or offensive should be immediately removed. It is necessary to review the content after a complaint and this may take a certain amount of time;
  2. For consideration specific case One user request is enough. You should not send several identical messages, or ask your friends and acquaintances to duplicate complaints in the hope of increasing the speed of their processing;
  3. No need to worry about clicking the complaint or feedback button by accident. All messages received by the VK support service are carefully checked, and only after verification can someone’s account be blocked.

How to write to a support agent

To get help from the VK support service, go to the “Help” section, it is located in the menu with right side pages. In the section we see an information block where a list of the most frequently asked questions from users is detailed. It is also stated there that due to large flow requests, the “contact us” button is temporarily unavailable.

If the issue that has arisen cannot be resolved using this information, here is a link to go and further communicate with the agent.

How to contact VK support

Exists alternative way connections with specialists. As in the previous version, open the “Help” page and see the help. Click on any item, and in the window that opens, click on the item “This does not solve my problem,” then “I still have questions.” A window opens indicating the approximate processing time for the issue. At the bottom of the message, click on the “Ask a Question” button. In the window that opens, we outline the essence of the problem.

Appeals and answers to them are displayed in the “Help” section, in the “My questions and answers” ​​tab.

Contacts and support numbers

Unfortunately, direct free hotline There is no VK technical support. Communication with technical service is possible exclusively on the official website, at: Email for contacting the VKontakte press service:

E-mail for information regarding cooperation:

It’s very good if our reader never needs the material in this step-by-step site instruction.

In principle, VK has a powerful and extensive system automatic questions and answers, so you really don’t have to write to the administrator on VK often.

So, in the memory of the site’s author there was a case with the unauthorized publication of a private home video without the knowledge or permission of the author of these lines. To put it simply, the attackers simply posted a private video online, which they had to contact the administration on VK to delete.

As a result, the prohibited video was deleted, and an appeal to technical support on VK had its effect. Which clearly demonstrates that writing to administrators is possible, and sometimes even necessary.

We will talk about how to contact technical support for the VKontakte website in this instructional article.

How to write to an administrator on VK: step-by-step instructions

1. First of all, we will have to enter Personal Area by entering your secret login and password.

We get to the VK Help page:

Finding the answer yourself will be faster than waiting several days or hours for a response from VK administrators.

Who knows, maybe your question is not so rare, but the answer to it already exists. Then the administrator will not have to write anything in VK.

In case your problem can be solved ONLY through administrators, then...

4. Open any help point. For example, top point — « My page has been blocked!"(or any other item).

Find 2 buttons under the solution: “This solves my problem” and “ This doesn't solve my problem." You need to choose SECOND:

5. Here select the last one - the bottom item " I still have questions»

6. Opens information window « Approximate waiting time", where we are told that the administrators are very busy and busy, and that we will have to wait for a response.

This is fine. Look at the waiting time - will it suit you? If yes, click the " Ask a Question".

  • Title (top empty field)
  • Text of the appeal for the administration (large text field).

In addition, to solve the problem, it will be useful to provide links to the pages of the VKontakte website on which problems or questions arose. It also wouldn't hurt to indicate:

  • the essence of the problem or question (for example: “Photos are not loading, an Error message pops up”);
  • time or date the problem was discovered (for example: “We tried to upload photos yesterday and today - the problem does not go away”);
  • what exactly do you want to receive from VK technical support (for example: “Help me upload a photo to my page” and links to photos or attached photos via the “Attach” option).

8. Upon completion of the formation of your message, when the text of the appeal is ready, click “Send”. We are waiting for a response from the administration of the VK site.

Actually consider everything possible problems and questions within the framework of this step-by-step instructions are impossible.

For each user social network You may have your own specific questions and problems regarding working with the site system. Nevertheless, this article The site will teach our readers how to make any requests or look for ready-made answers to their questions and difficulties.

The message form page is opened through special scripts that become available only after a search ready-made solutions and in case of failure to find answers to requests.

Additionally, I would like to note that the answer technical support VKontakte may not follow immediately. This is natural, considering how many requests the administration receives on VK daily and hourly.

If you need to wait, the VKontakte system reports this openly, and the user sees a message like:

« Unfortunately, the answer to your question may take 15 hours...." or something like that. In any case, a message correctly composed and sent to technical support will definitely receive a response!

Wait for it, and don't hesitate to ask for help. VKontakte employs ordinary people who will definitely help you solve your problem.

Over time, users of the VKontakte social network still face the need to contact technical support. The reason for this may be difficulties in changing the password, inability to log into your account, hacking personal page. How For many, this may be difficult, but if you figure it out and carefully study the page menu, you will understand that there is nothing difficult about it.


The main feature of technical support for such major social networks as VKontakte is that its users are not clients. That is why most of the problems that the service solves are related to the functionality of the site. The question of how to write in VK support should not cause difficulties for registered users, since social network employees quickly respond to requests. The specificity of technical support is that it is well-established Feedback with the user is as comfortable as possible and does not create the feeling that no one is solving problems.

home distinguishing feature: Social networks provide support to users only on the site. In order to apply, you must fill out special form on social networks and send it. Specialists will study it, assign a degree of importance and make a decision to eliminate the problem. The main difficulty is that the scale of the social network does not allow developers to quickly see any problem in the operation of the site and the security system.

How does it work

How to write to VK support service if a problematic situation arises? This is easy to do, since interaction with users is well established. The support service has been operating since 2011. At the beginning of its activity, a small group of people was responsible for answering user questions. Over time, it became the VKontakte technical support team, and a little later it was reorganized into “Support” without additional word"technical". This means that the service solves not only technical issues.

Unlike other social networks, VKontakte has created support whose activities are aimed at a live user, and not a source of information. If you don’t know how to write a message in VK support, pay attention to the Service Desk service. This is the name of the user assistance service on the social network. It consists of agents who also have accounts on the social network. They do not have special technical education, because the main thing for such a specialist is to help in a difficult situation not only with deeds, but also with words and emotions.

Such a system is organized specifically to show trust administration and site management to users. Such support does not require template answers; agents approach each request individually. There is a separate interface for contacting, which is located on the website. This is convenient because you don’t need to write separate letters via postal services or call the call center.

What issues does it solve?

The question of how to write to VK support worries many users who have encountered problems with the site. Despite the smooth operation of the service, you have to wait for a response to a request within 24 hours, sometimes longer. Before asking for help, analyze whether the service's support is really required or whether the problem can be solved on your own. If a user wishes to complain about a group that distributes or promotes prohibited ideas or is unlawful in nature, then such a problem is resolved exclusively through technical support. If a group has been blocked for some reason, you can also regain access to it using the service.

Contact support

How to write a question in VK support? This can be done in two ways: simple (use the services of other systems) and complex (do it yourself). Surely many will choose the first, but first things first. If you don't know how to ask for help with a social network, ask a more advanced user to help with this.

  • To get advice or resolve a problem, log into your VKontakte account.
  • There is a "Help" section at the top of the page, click on it.
  • A line will appear in which the user can describe the problem that has arisen. Avoid long sentences. It is better to state the essence of the issue briefly and clearly.
  • If the questions suggested by the support service do not suit the user or do not solve his problems, there is a button on the “Help” page: “None of these options are suitable.” Many people face the same problems that are common to everyone.
  • If you click on this button, a window will appear indicating approximate time waiting for a response. Most often, the user does not have to wait long. One request is processed within 24 hours.
  • To ask a question or explain a problem, click on the "Ask a Question" button.
  • will appear simple form, which must be filled in indicating important facts and details. They can help resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

As you can see, writing to VK support is quite easy. The service does not miss a single request.

From phone

If users check their account via portable device, a natural question arises: how to write to VK support from your phone? In the mobile application, the user will find “Questions and Answers” ​​in “Settings”. There's a lot here useful information on various issues. If the user wants to contact the service specialists with a problem, this option will not work. It is disabled due to the large volume of work and incoming information. In general, there are no difficulties in writing a request with mobile application should not arise.

From computer

How to write to VK support from a regular PC or laptop? This can be done not only using regular form, but also by e-mail. This is the easiest method available to every user. To do this, go to your mailbox, make a question, request or state a problem and send a letter to the address indicated on the site. Previously, a response to such a request had to wait several days, so it is better for the user to apply directly from his page. In addition, on the social network it is easy to find direct links to create requests with the ability to attach images and other documents.

If you don’t know how to write to support in the new VK, pay attention to the menu on the left. Except standard menu, there will be lines “Blog”, “Developers”, “Advertising”, “More”. Click on the last active text. A block should open containing a “Help” section with an application form. It should be noted that service specialists sometimes respond to user requests with humor. This is due to the fact that many people ask unclear questions to which it is difficult or impossible to give a logical answer.

Have you ever had a situation when you needed to contact the VKontakte administration? Very often we do not know the answer to the question of how to properly use specific function this social network.

It is worth remembering that if you are still unable to solve your problem or you have questions, then you can always write to the Vk administration. However, how to do this?

It should be taken into account that waiting for a response may take more than 24 hours, so you should immediately be prepared to wait or still try to solve the problem yourself, for example, using the Internet. If you do not find your question on the World Wide Web, then it is better to ask the employees of this social network directly.

So, let's take a closer look at the topic of how to write to the VKontakte administration yourself.

Let's start writing an appeal

The first thing you need to do to contact technical support is to click on the “help” section, which is located on the right top corner screen near the “exit”. Thus, you can contact the administration in Contact or as they are called on the site itself with “support agents”. After you click on “help”, write briefly in the top field about your problem. Perhaps your question is quite frequently asked, and at this stage you can get an answer by choosing from the list of questions and answers below. If, nevertheless, none of the options is suitable, then you need to select the appropriate function, which is called “none of these options are suitable.”

You will then be informed how long you need to wait for a response. On average this ranges from 24 to 48 hours.

If you agree to wait certain time, then you need to fill out a special form. First we write the topic. This is a succinct sentence that briefly describes your problem. Below, in the appropriate field, you can say about this problem in more detail so that the support agent understands your question as clearly as possible. You can, for example, this way:

You can also attach files in the lower right corner, that is, these can be screenshots or photographs, to reveal the essence of your question in more detail. After you have entered the topic, described the problem in more detail and attached additional materials if necessary, you need to click on the “send” button. Your question will be queued for consideration.

What then?

Once the time has passed and the support agent has answered your question, you will be notified on the left side of the screen with a plus one. By clicking there, you will be able to see your question, as well as the response from the support agent.

It is worth noting that support agents answer any question succinctly, and most importantly politely, that is, you can not be afraid to ask even the most ridiculous questions at first glance, they will always answer clearly and politely. Therefore, I would like to recommend that users of the VKontakte social network also politely communicate with support agents, because it is always worth remembering that on the other side of the screen there are also living people who are always ready to help you and answer any of your questions.

As they say, “all professions are needed, all professions are important” and such a profession as a support agent in VKontakte is also an integral part of our life, since we cannot always know everything 100% about this social network. They are the ones who will help in solving our problems and issues.

If the answer was not sufficiently comprehensive, you can write again to this employee in the same form, and already in the form of a dialogue, continue to communicate with him, asking clarifying questions.

You can write to the VKontakte support service both if you have access to your personal page and if you don’t. I bring to your attention the most full review existing methods:

How to write a letter in support if you have access to your personal page?

Login to the site using your username and password. In the upper right corner, point and click on your name. Select the item “ Help».

The search page for the VKontakte directory opens. Enter “How to ask a support question?” We see the text. The third paragraph says:

Unfortunately, we were covered with an avalanche of questions, so the usual “write to us” button is temporarily unavailable. If you have questions that cannot be resolved with the help of articles, use the link

Click on the link and you can enter your question.

An alternative way to contact VK support

After you go to Help, a search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We open the first help section we come across.

Then click on the “This does not solve my problem” button, then click on the “I still have questions” link.

In the pop-up window, click “Ask a question.”

A form to contact support appears. Let's fill it out. We send.

How to contact VKontakte support via email?

You can also contact support directly using regular mail. All you need to do is send an email to your inbox [email protected]. Such emails are responded to in approximately 3-4 days, so be patient.

Advanced form for restoring access to a page

A letter to support via the extended access recovery form is a very common way to contact support. Used in cases where it is not possible in the usual way regain access to the social network. Step by step instructions.

As new ways to contact VK support appear, I will update these instructions. Just in case, I advise you to bookmark this page. If you have questions for me, ask them in the comments.