Bootable image of Windows 7. Creating a bootable Windows disk or flash drive

In this article I will talk about how to install it yourself operating system Windows 7 from a disk to your computer or laptop.

I offer detailed and step by step instructions with a visual demonstration of screenshots of the operating room installation Windows systems.

If you think that installing an operating system is something complicated and incomprehensible that only a specialist can handle, then I will disappoint you: this is not true. Now you can see for yourself.

All you need to install Windows 7 (or Windows 8) is a computer or laptop, a disk with the operating system (since in this article we will install Windows from a disk), detailed instructions, which I will now provide you with, and, perhaps, attentiveness! Hopefully after installation you won't look like . 🙂

After installation, I recommend installing it immediately. You understand - in our time electronic payments this is very relevant. Also now (yet) nowhere without Adobe Flash Player . What's his name Right install read . You may also be very interested in not bad. If you store it on your computer private information, create a .

Important: Most everyone possible problems problems that arise when installing Windows 7 are due to an incorrectly prepared installation disk and (or) the quality of the “OS build” recorded on it. You can read the article on how to correctly burn an operating system image to disk.

Remember: if this disc is not out of the box, that is, purchased in a store, then you need to use only original images from Microsoft MSDN. It is the original image, which is just as accessible on the Internet as various assemblies, that is the key to the successful installation of Windows and its normal functioning.

Do not use assemblies of unknown origin. All third party fixes, fixes, homemade assemblies you bet at your own risk. The consequences may be irreversible.

Before installing Windows 7:

Remember two basic things to do before installing Windows.

First- this is to decide in advance what hard section disk the system will be installed. Typically, in most cases this is the C:\ drive. You should remember (or create) the volume label and size.

Remember, your desktop is entirely located on the C:\ drive, or rather, here: C:\Documents and Settings\ Username\Desktop. Think in advance about the integrity and safety of files that are important to you, copy them from your desktop, that is, from drive C, to another drive or flash drive.

All programs installed on the C:\ drive will also be deleted, but this is not a reason to drag the entire folder with programs to other drives. It is much easier to reinstall these programs on a clean system. Don't be lazy, it's not every day that you reinstall Windows.

Second moment - these are drivers for your computer or laptop. They need to be taken care of in advance. Most laptops come with them included, but if they are not available (or need to be updated), look for them on the manufacturer’s official website and download them in advance.

I recommend reading everything you need to know about installing drivers in the article “Installing Drivers or Five Iron Rules,” which is located.

If you skip this one important point, then after installing Windows, you may be left without the Internet, because it’s not a fact that windows distribution will initially contain the drivers for your network card.

Installing Windows 7 from disk:

Insert the disk with the Windows operating system into the drive and restart the computer. By the way, if you don’t have a disk drive, you can install the Windows operating system using a regular one.

Let's continue. Our task is to configure the computer to boot from a DVD. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • 1. select the device (DVD) in the special boot menu;
  • 2. change the boot priority in the BIOS (from HDD to DVD).

The first method, selecting a device in the boot menu, is simpler and more convenient. After installing Windows, there is no need to return booting from the HDD (hard drive). However, on older computers this function is not available and in this case you will have to go into the BIOS and change the boot priority.

Start - reboot, wait until the screen goes dark and at the first sign of the system waking up (the logo appears), press and hold Delete key on keyboard. Why the Delete key? These can be the keys F1, F2, F3 + F2, F10, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + S, Esc.

Some kind of universal button to enter boot menu or there is no way to enter the BIOS, and it all depends on the computer manufacturer ( motherboard). Most the right way- read the instructions from the computer or motherboard. The table below shows clear example such keys.

The boot menu looks something like this:

Press F10, agree and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit) by selecting “Ok”.

Phoenix Award

Let's consider the second interface option. To boot from disk, you need to change the priorities so that the first device is the DVD drive. Find the item “Advanced” BIOS Features"and use the arrows to switch to the first device ( First Boot Device), change to CDROM.

Press F10 and confirm Save and Exit.

If you have problems at this stage, I recommend watching this video.

Let's continue. If everything was done correctly, we will see the following window with the inscription: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD".

Here you need to press any key, for example, spacebar. This is only done 1 time and only at this stage of installation. We see the following window with the inscription “Windows is loading files”.

The files are being extracted, after which we will see the message "Starting Windows" and the Windows 7 installation window itself. Windows installation has begun!!

Choose desired language and click “Install”.

Next we need to select Windows edition 7. Choose the one for which you have a key or which you are going to activate. On laptops, it is usually indicated on a piece of paper with a key located on the bottom of the laptop. Entering the serial number itself will be a little later; it has been moved to the end of the installation.

A few words about the possibility of installing 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit Windows versions. If you have more than 4 GB random access memory(aka RAM, RAM, Memory), then install 64-bit, if not, then 32-bit (x86).

Let's read and agree to the license terms. Next, we need to select the installation type - select “Full installation”.

Now you need to select the partition on which Windows will be installed.

If you have this section reserved by the system (note, it is still in megabytes (MB), not gigabytes), for example, as in the following screenshot, then select Disk 0 Partition 2.

To avoid such excruciating pain when choosing a partition, before installing Windows, look at how many gigabytes your C drive occupies.

If you have one partition on your hard drive and it is larger than 250 GB, then it would be more correct to create two local disk. One section is specifically for Windows (usually about 50-100 GB), and the other is for storing your personal information (how much will remain, XXX GB).

Note: The partitions you create should be named Disk 0 Partition 1, 2, 3..., not “Unallocated Disk Space”. Otherwise, the operating system simply will not see sections with such names.

If necessary, create a section or sections and click “Apply”:

Attention: at this stage problems may arise - when Windows 7 asks for a driver for further installation or when the system does not see your hard drive to continue with the installation.

Or install (if prepared) hard disk controller drivers. If you already have two or more partitions on your hard drive, then you can skip the above point. So, we have selected the “System” section, and now we need to start formatting.

The installer warns that all our data will be deleted. This is what we need, because we are interested in clean install Windows. We agree and wait. Usually the whole process takes a matter of seconds. After formatting we see that free space became more, calmly click “Next”.

And here is the beginning of the installation, the process has started. You can already exhale).

We're waiting... Usually it takes 15–25 minutes. When our system is installed, it will prompt you to enter your username and computer name. Let's enter.

If you wish, you can enter a password and a hint. Next, Windows will prompt you to enter serial number. Enter (if available). If not, then skip this step and uncheck the “Automatically activate when connected to the Internet” checkbox.

Hello! This is the first article on this blog and I decided to devote it to installing the operating system (hereinafter simply OS) Windows 7. The era of the seemingly unsinkable Windows XP OS is coming to an end (despite the fact that about 50% of users still use this OS), which means a new era is coming - the era of Windows 7.

And in this article I would like to dwell on the most important, in my opinion, points when installing and first configuring this OS on a computer.

And so... let's get started.

1. What should I do before installation?

Installing Windows 7 starts with the most important thing - hard checks disk for the presence of important and necessary files. You need to copy them before installation to a USB flash drive or external HDD. By the way, perhaps this applies to any OS in general, not just Windows 7.

1) First, check your computer for compliance system requirements this OS. Sometimes I see a strange picture when they want to old computer install new version OS, and they ask why there are errors and the system is behaving unstable.

By the way, the requirements are not so high: 1 GHz processor, 1-2 GB of RAM, and about 20 GB of hard drive space. In details - .

Any new computer on sale today meets these requirements.

2) Copy* all important information : documents, music, pictures on another medium. For example, you can use DVDs, flash drives, services (and similar ones), etc. By the way, today you can find on sale with a capacity of 1-2 TB. Why not an option? The price is more than affordable.

* By the way, if your hard drive is divided into several partitions, then the partition on which you will not install the OS will not be formatted and you can safely save all the files from the system drive on it.

3) And one last thing. Some users forget that many can be copied programs with their settings so that they can later work in the new OS. For example, after reinstalling the OS, many people lose all their torrents, sometimes hundreds of them!

To avoid this, use these tips. By the way, you can save the settings of many programs in this way (for example, when reinstalling, I additionally save Firefox browser, and I don’t have to configure plugins and bookmarks).

2. Where to get the installation disk

The first thing we need to get is, of course, a boot disk with this operating system. There are several ways to obtain it.

1) Purchase. You get a licensed copy, all kinds of updates, a minimum number of errors, etc.

2) Often such a disk comes with your computer or laptop. True, Windows, as a rule, presents a stripped-down version, but for the average user its functions will be more than enough.

3) You can make the disk yourself.

To do this you need to buy a clean DVD disc-R or DVD-RW.

2.1. Burning a boot image to a Windows 7 disk

First you need to have such an image. The easiest way to do it is with real disk(or download it online). In any case, we will assume that you already have it.

1) Launch the Alcohol 120% program (in general, this is not a panacea; there are a huge number of programs for recording images).

2) Select the option “burn CD/DVD from images”.

3) Specify the location of your image.

5) Click “start” and wait for the process to complete.

In general, in the end, the main thing is that when you insert the resulting disc into the CD-Rom, the system starts to boot.

Important! Sometimes, the CD-Rom boot feature is disabled in the BIOS. Next we will look in more detail at how to enable booting in Bios from boot disk(sorry for the tautology).

3. Setting up Bios to boot from CD-Rom

Each computer has its own type of bios, and it’s unrealistic to consider each of them! But in almost all versions, the basic options are very similar. Therefore, the main thing is to understand the principle!

When the computer boots immediately press the Delete or F2 key (By the way, the button may differ, it depends on your BIOS version. But, as a rule, you can always recognize it if you pay attention to the boot menu, which appears in front of you for a few seconds when you turn on the computer).

And yet, it is advisable to press the button not just once, but several times until you see the Bios window. It should be in blue tones, sometimes green ones predominate.

If your BIOS does not look at all like what you see in the picture below, I recommend reading the article about, as well as the article about.

Control here will be carried out using arrows and the Enter key.

You need to go to the Boot section and select Boot Device Priority (this is the download priority).

Those. This means where to start booting the computer: for example, start booting from the hard drive right away, or check the CD-Rom first.

So you will add a point in which the first thing will be to check the CD for the presence of a boot disk in it, and only then move on to the HDD (hard drive).

After changing the Bios settings, be sure to exit it, saving the entered options (F10 - save and exit).

Note. In the screenshot above, the first thing to do is boot from a floppy (nowadays floppy disks are becoming less and less common). Next it is checked for bootable CD-Rom, and the third thing is loading data from the hard drive.

By the way, in daily work, it is best to disable all booting except the hard drive. This will allow your computer to run a little faster.

4. Installing Windows 7 - the process itself...

If you have ever installed Windows XP, or any other OS, then you can easily install 7. Here, almost everything is the same.

Insert the boot disk (we already recorded it a little earlier...) into the CD-Rom tray and restart the computer (laptop). After a while you will see (if you have configured the BIOS correctly) a black screen with the words... See the screenshot below.

Calmly wait until all the files are downloaded and you are prompted to enter installation parameters. Next, you should see the same window as in the picture below.

I think there is no point in including a screenshot with the OS installation agreement and acceptance of the agreement. In general, you proceed calmly to the step of marking the disk, reading everything along the way and agreeing...

You need to be careful in this step, especially if you have information on your hard drive (if new disk, you can do whatever you want with it).

You need to choose hard drive partition, where Windows 7 will be installed.

If there is nothing on your disk, it is advisable to divide it into two parts: one will contain the system, the second will contain data (music, films, etc.). It is best to allocate at least 30 GB for the system. However, here you decide for yourself...

If you have information on the disk- act extremely carefully (preferably, before installation, copy important information to other disks, flash drives, etc.). Deleting a partition may make it impossible to recover data!

In any case, if you have two partitions (usually system disk C and local drive D) - then you can install new system to system drive C, where you previously had another OS.

After selecting the partition for installation, a menu will appear in front of you, which will show the installation status. Here you need to wait without touching or pressing anything.

On average, installation takes from 10-15 minutes to 30-40. After this time, the computer (laptop) may be rebooted several times.

Then, several windows will appear in front of you in which you will need to set the computer name, specify the time and time zone, and enter the key. You can simply skip some windows and configure everything later.

Selecting a network in Windows 7

Completing the installation of Windows 7. Start menu

This completes the installation. All you have to do is install missing programs, set up applications and engage in your favorite games or work.

5. What do you need to install and configure after installing Windows?

Nothing... 😛

For most users, everything works right away, and they don’t even think that they need to additionally download, install, etc. at least, 2 things:

2) Create a flash drive.

3) Install drivers on the video card. Many people then, when they don’t do this, wonder why they start games or why some don’t start at all...

Interesting! In addition, I recommend that you read the article about after installing the OS.


This completes the article about installing and configuring the seven. I tried to present the information in the most accessible way for readers with different levels computer ownership.

Most often, installation problems are of the following nature:

Many people are afraid of Bios like fire, although in fact, in most cases, everything is simply configured there;

Many people burn the disc from the image incorrectly, so the installation simply does not start.

If you have any questions or comments, I will answer... I always take criticism well.

Good luck to all! Alex...

Installation (boot) Windows disk 7 is a DVD media containing boot files, which are used for initial installation Windows, or to reinstall it. Don't think it can be done simple copying files, it is no coincidence that it is called bootable, since in addition to OS files it also contains a bootloader, thanks to which you can launch Windows installation via BIOS.

There are several various options creating such a disk using both the built-in tools of Windows itself and using third-party programs. Let's look at the three most simple ways using UltraISO, ImgBurn and CDBurnerXP utilities. Any of them can be easily downloaded on the Internet (especially from torrents), they all have very simple interface, which does not require any complex manipulations from the user. For all of them, they require a hard drive (or other storage device) Windows image 7 in .iso format. You will also need a DVD disc (not a CD), since the “seven” image is, as a rule, about 3-4 GB in size.

Method 1 - creating a disc using the UltraISO utility

After launching it, the main menu of the program opens. In this menu you need to select the “File” item, and in the drop-down list select the “Open” item:

A window will appear to select a file with a Windows iso image:

In this window, select the file with the required image and click the “Open” button. This window will close and we will return to the UltraISO main menu.

Now you need to click on the “Tools” item in the main menu and select “CD ...”:

After this it will appear with recording parameters:

Here you need to specify the DVD device in which the (clean) future installation disk(“Drive” parameter), set the recording speed to “Minimum” and its method to “Disc-at-Once”. Then click the “Record” button. The burning process will begin, which usually lasts a few minutes, after which the DVD drive tray will open, indicating the end of recording.

Method 2 – make an installation disk using the ImgBurn utility

Before starting the program, you should install a blank DVD disc into the drive. The main window of this program (Russified version) after its launch looks like this:

Click on the picture in this window and get a window for setting parameters for the disk creation process:

In this window you need to do the following:

  • In the "Source" field using yellow button select the required iso file;
  • In the “Destination” field, set the DVD drive;
  • Check the “Check” checkbox so that at the end of the process a comparison with its source is performed;
  • In the “Recording speed” field, set the minimum possible speed;
  • Click on the arrow at the bottom left of the window, indicating the start of the DVD burning process.

The image recording begins, which also lasts several minutes, then the program will automatically eject the media tray and push it in again. After which the verification of the recorded data will begin. Upon completion, the melody is played, which is a sign of the completion of the process.

Method 3 – make an installation disk using the CDBurnerXP program

You should not be alarmed by the fact that the name of this utility contains “XP” - it works in all versions of the OS, starting with XP. The interface of this program is almost very similar to the ImgBurn interface. And the main CDBurnerXP window looks like this:

Of course, in order to make an installation disk, you need to click on “Burn ISO image” and click “OK”. After this, you will be prompted to set recording parameters:

In this window, use the “Browse” button to select Windows iso image, set the DVD drive and the minimum recording speed (the “Recording device” parameter), in the “Recording method” field, select “Disc at Once”, check the “Check data after recording” checkbox. The user must set the remaining parameters at his own discretion.

After all these steps, you need to click the “Burn disc” button, the process of burning the DVD disc and then checking the completed recording will begin.

  1. The requirement to set a minimum burning speed is due to the fact that not all DVDs support the speed declared by the manufacturer. This means that errors may appear during the recording process, which will only be detected at the verification stage. If you are using media that allows write once(DVD-R), then the final result of this process may be completely unsuitable for further use disk;
  2. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the recording process - most likely, this will lead to the same result as described in point 1;
  3. These recommendations are not related to the use of the utilities mentioned above; recording errors depend 99% on the quality of the working surface of the disks, i.e., on their manufacturers.

Dear readers, today we will discuss how to make a bootable disk or flash drive for Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 for a computer. But first, we will familiarize ourselves with the basic requirements for performing these actions. And you will also need to find out what creation options exist. After that, we will analyze each of these methods into detailed example. So, here are the options we will consider today: the option of recording an existing operating system image separately for both a disk and a flash drive. IN last block the entry will be described using special utility from Microsoft if you did not download the image. This method is suitable for both disk and flash drive.

But before we carry out the stated procedure, we will need to make sure that you are fully prepared. That is, you have necessary tools and programs. In general, everything that will be useful to you is described below:

  • The disk must be at least 4.7 gigabytes in size. It is better to take two disks in advance, as there is a possibility that it will be recorded with errors. In this case, the second device will come to your aid. Please note that for some OS versions this type of recording is completely unsuitable. It is best to use a bootable USB flash drive.
  • When using a flash drive, we will need a storage capacity of at least eight gigabytes. She must support USB type 0 (almost all drives are suitable for this parameter). Naturally, nothing should be written on it. If there are any files and data there, then move them to another location.
  • If you don't have a system image, you'll need active connection to the Internet. If you are using tariff plan with limited traffic, we strongly do not recommend using this type of connection. You just might end up with a hefty sum in favor of your provider. Only use a connection with unlimited traffic data.

The process of creating a boot disk

  • Some devices may not work after reinstallation due to the lack of drivers in the reinstalled system. In this case, take care of at least a driver for connecting to the Internet in advance. For example, if your laptop has Wi-Fi, then download in advance from the official website the appropriate drivers for the OS version you are going to install. Otherwise, after reinstalling, nothing will work for you. That is, you will not have any drivers for the video card, no drivers for audio, and so on. And if you at least take care of the Internet, then you can download them all using standard Windows tools.
  • Don’t forget about transferring all the necessary files and data from your computer to external media. If your device has two local disks, where one is for the operating system, then you can transfer the data to the other. They will not be deleted or disappear. The main thing is to choose this disk correctly, since one small mistake can lead to colossal losses of information. It is recommended to transfer personal files to an external storage device. This can be either a regular flash drive or an external hard drive.
  • As you noticed, there are a lot of nuances even before the main actions are carried out. If you have taken them all into account, you can get to work. If you are going to install Windows 8.1 or 10, then it is recommended to immediately go to the last column “I don’t have an image, what should I do?”, item “Windows 8.1 and 10”. Select the appropriate block and follow the instructions.

How to burn a bootable disc?

  • Insert clean empty disk into the drive device of a computer or laptop.
  • Find the previously downloaded image of the system you need from the Internet in the computer explorer.
  • Click on it right click mouse and select "Burn disc image".

Right-click on the image and select “Burn disc image”

  • If this is not the case, then go to the fifth point, which describes the use of a third-party program.
  • In the window that appears, select the recording device that will serve as the previously inserted disc. It is also recommended to check the checkbox next to the check disk after recording.

In the window that appears, select the recording device

  • When everything is ready, click “Burn”. Wait until the program finishes. Ready!

note that standard way recording the image may do this with errors, since this is done on maximum speed, which negatively affects the image. Better to use third party program(if possible).

  • Download UltraISO utility and install it on your computer or laptop.
  • Launch the application and click the “File” tab of the top menu block. Then select “Open”.

Click File and then Open

  • Here we will have to specify the path to the disk image. Click OK.
  • Now find the burning disk icon under the top menu block and left-click on it.

Click on the burning disk in the top menu block

  • Specify your disk as the recording device and set the minimum speed so that the image installs without losing data.

Setting the parameters for recording a disk image

  • When all the parameters are set, click Burn or “Burn” and wait for the process to complete. Ready!

How to create a bootable USB flash drive?

  • To work, we will need to install a special program called WinSetupFromUSB. To be honest, the word “installation” here will be too strong: after downloading the file, you will only need to unpack the archive and run the version for the bit size of your OS (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • So, let's download required archive from the official website of the utility and unpack the archive.
  • Run required file, as described above in the first paragraph.
  • The main window of the utility will appear, where we will set the necessary parameters.

Main window WinSetupFromUSB

  • At the very top we install the flash drive on which the Windows system will be installed.
  • Check the box next to AutoFormat it with FBinst, which will carry out the preparatory work for your drive.
  • In the next block Add to USB disk Check the box next to the desired version of the operating system (the one you are going to install). Then click on the button on the right with three dots and indicate the path where it is stored iso file with the system image. Please make sure that the checkboxes are only opposite the versions of the systems that you have added. That is, if you install only Windows 7 or 8, then there will be one checkmark.
  • Now click on the Go button and wait for the utility to do its job. This process may take some time, so don’t panic and pull out the flash drive, restart your computer, and so on. When everything is ready, you will see a corresponding message in the program window.

I don’t have an image, what should I do?

If you haven’t downloaded the image and think that everything is bad, then you are very mistaken. In fact, you are much luckier than those who had a file prepared in advance for recording. The fact is that Microsoft has prepared very handy tool, which will do all the work for you (applies to Windows 8.1 and 10). For those who want to bet a seven, they still have to tinker. Select the required version OS and go to the appropriate block.

Windows 7

  • Go to the website
  • At the bottom of the page, write the activation key and click the “Check” button.
  • The system will automatically provide you with a link to download official images specifically for your key. That is, you don’t have to guess whether your key is suitable for Home Basic or Professional.
  • Please note that the key that came with your device (the sticker on the back of the laptop, for example) will not work here. But you can activate the system with such a key.
  • To burn the image, use the methods described above to create a disk or flash drive.

Windows 8.1 and 10

  • You are much luckier. Now you will find out why.
  • If you want to install eight, then follow the link and download the tool from the button at the bottom of the page.
  • If you are going to put a ten, then go to and also download the tool using the blue button of the same name.
  • Run the downloaded tool on your computer or laptop.
  • Select the language, OS version, and system bit depth. If you doubt the latter, then look at the bit depth in the computer properties window. To do this, open “My Computer” or simply “Computer”.
  • Right-click in an empty space and click “Properties”.

Let's find out the system capacity

  • Once the first options are selected, click the Next button.
  • Following the on-screen prompts, select the flash drive or disk on which you are going to burn the image. Confirm all your actions.
  • Wait until the image is downloaded and burned. The speed of performing these actions depends on the speed of your Internet. Ready! You can proceed with the reinstallation or simply remove the image media.


Dear friends, today we have completely discussed the question of how to make, burn and create a boot disk or flash drive for Windows 7, 8.1, 10. We hope that everything worked out for you and that you have successfully completed your task. Tell us in the comments which of these many ways helped you achieve your dreams.

A bootable DVD or CD may be needed to install Windows or Linux, scan your computer for viruses, remove a banner from the desktop, perform a system restore - in general, for a variety of purposes. Creating such a disk in most cases is not particularly difficult, however, it may raise questions for a novice user.

In this instruction, we will try to explain in detail and step by step exactly how you can burn a bootable disk in Windows 8, 7 or Windows XP, what exactly is required for this and what tools and programs can be used.

What you need to create a bootable disk

Typically, the only thing needed is a bootable disk image and in most cases, this is a file with an .iso extension that you downloaded from the Internet.

This is what the boot disk image looks like

Almost always, when downloading Windows, a recovery disk, LiveCD or any Rescue Disk with an antivirus, you get exactly the bootable image ISO disk and all that needs to be done to get the desired media is to burn this image to disk.

How to burn a bootable disc in Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 7

Burn boot disk from image to latest versions Windows operating system is possible without the help of any additional programs(however, this may not be the most the best way, about what we'll talk a little lower). Here's how to do it:

The main advantage of this method is that it is simple and straightforward, and does not require installation of programs. The main drawback is that there are no different recording options. The fact is that when creating a boot disk, it is recommended to set the minimum writing speed (and when using the described method, it will be written at the maximum) in order to ensure reliable reading of the disk on most DVD drives no download additional drivers. This is especially important if you intend to install an operating system from this disk.

The next method is to use special programs for recording discs is optimal for the purposes of creating boot disks and is suitable not only for Windows 8 and 7, but also for XP.

Burn a bootable disc using the free ImgBurn program

There are many programs for burning discs, among which Nero (which, by the way, is paid) seems to be the most famous. However, we will start with a completely free and at the same time great program ImgBurn.

You can download the ImgBurn disc burning program from the official website (please note that for downloading you should use links like Mirror -Provided by, not big green button Download). You can also download the Russian language for ImgBurn on the site.

Install the program, and during installation, refuse two additional programs that will try to install (you will need to be careful and uncheck the boxes).

After launching ImgBurn, you will see a simple main window in which we are interested in the Write image file to disk item.

After selection of this paragraph, in the Source field you should specify the path to the boot disk image, in the Destination field select the device to record, and on the right indicate the recording speed and it is best if you select the lowest possible.

Then click the button to start recording and wait until the process finishes.

How to make a bootable disk using UltraISO

Another one popular program for creating boot drives- UltraISO and creating a bootable disk in this program is very simple.

Launch UltraISO, select “File” - “Open” from the menu and specify the path to the disk image. After that, click the button with the image of a burning disk “Burn CD DVD Image” (burn a disk image).

Select the recording device, Write Speed, and Write Method - best left as default. After that, click the Burn button, wait a little and the boot disk is ready!

How to make a bootable flash drive, watch the video.