Start Orion Pro without a key. F.a.q

F.A.Q. - Frequently asked questions about BOLID equipment

When starting the DBA in Orion PRO 1.11, the message “Failed to activate RpcServer” appears, and most of the buttons are not visible in the DBA itself ?

The problem is due to the fact that the network ports in the range 8080-8090 on the PC are closed/busy.
In the shell log (LogErrorFromShell) errors about request failure 400 and 171 appear. At the same time, the loading indicator does not reach 100 percent ?
This problem can be solved by performing the reindexing procedure using the "Database Server Manager". We also recommend setting up automatic database re-indexing on a schedule. If there is no corresponding sub-item in the “DB” menu of the server manager, you need to contact us by e-mail [email protected] contact technical support to obtain an update.
Why, after deleting data for a certain period of time from the database, the database does not decrease in size??
After deleting data from the logs, new data will be written to the “old place”. The size of the database itself can change only after modernization (when a new database is actually created), or after using a special tool for “distilling” data from the management environment of a full-fledged 2005 SQL server..
How can you increase the speed of a port in the Orion PRO automated workplace?
To transfer the remote controls to speed 19200, it is necessary that they be version 2.04, and the Orion PRO software must be version 1.11.

To update the version of the "S2000M" remote control, as well as receive a link to the current software distribution, you need to send us a request by email [email protected].

To change the speed, first set the appropriate value in the remote control settings (enter the installer password, then select the menu item SETUP -> RS232?> SPEED). After this, open the registry editor (Start -> Run -> Regedit), expand the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BOLID\ORION\RS\PORT[port number to which devices are connected]\ and create a portbaud parameter of type DWORD, the value should be equal to the desired speed (19200)..

Help set up time tracking “Orion Pro”, describe the necessary actions.
  1. First, you need to create work schedules for employees. To do this, create access levels that contain “working” access zones with time windows specified for them;
  2. Assign these schedules to people on the “Employees” page in the “Work Schedule” field;
  3. For the AVR to work correctly, employees also need to specify the company and division;
  4. The employee responsible for compiling reports needs to create a password for the programs, in which it is necessary to check the box “Accounting for working hours”. We draw your attention to the fact that for the correct operation of the program “Accounting for working” time, it is necessary that the system generates pass events when moving people through access points. To do this, access sensors are connected to access controllers (in accordance with the operating instructions for the devices). Also, in the controller configurations using the Uprog program, you need to register the indices of controlled access zones. These indexes must match those specified in the door properties in the Database Administrator.
Is it possible to change a floor plan that is already in use, for example by adding room numbers?
Yes, you can. To do this, in the “Database Administrator”, select the desired plan, click the “Edit” button, go to the “File” property and use the “Export” button to save the file from the database. You can upload the corrected file to the database using the “Import” button.
I’m trying to synchronize the keys, the “Store key code in the device” property is enabled, but when I click on the “Details” button, the dialog box shows that the key should not be stored in the device, why?
Open the “Database Administrator” - “Access” page. Select the problematic controller and expand it to the reader node. Make sure that doors created based on controller data are linked to its readers and relays. If there is no binding, then select the reader, click the “Add” button and in the window that appears, select the door that should be controlled from this reader.
You also need to check the key access levels (perhaps the access point or zone is not in the key access level).

Why are photos not shown in Monitor? Are the required events selected in the reader properties, is the computer property “Show for a while” enabled?
In AWS “Orion PRO” version 1.11, to display photos in the “System Monitor”, press the F7 key and activate the required readers with the checkboxes.
When the shell starts, error 12142 is displayed in its log, only the DBA icon is active.
Error 12142 means that the network name of the PC and the name that is assigned to it in the database of the Orion PRO workstation do not match, or you are starting the system for the first time, and the database has not yet been created.
When trying to read a new key in the OrionPro database administrator, the network exchanges show a “connect time out” error and the key is not read.
The "connect time out" error in the "Database Administrator" Network communications clearly indicates that the DBA was unable to communicate with the polling engine. That is, the kernel is either not running, or the IP address with the running kernel in the database is set incorrectly, or the IP address of the second (not main) network adapter of the workstation with the polling kernel is set. The order of adapters (network cards) is set in the Start menu - Control Panel - Network Connections - Advanced - Advanced Settings.
How to properly synchronize keys? AWS "Orion PRO" version 1.11.
In order to correctly register keys in devices, as well as reduce the time required to carry out this manipulation, we recommend performing the following actions:
  • install the configuration caching function (Computer property in the “Database Administrator” on the “Device Addresses” page), this will reduce the speed of reading the configuration several times. That is, the configuration is initially read from the interface, after which it is saved in special files. When reading the configuration the next time, it will be loaded from these files. To read the configuration from the interface again, you must press the “Read” button again in the configuration reading window after reading from the files;
  • then in the DBA settings, checkboxes such as “Automatically update the database in kernels” are installed (that is, this procedure allows you to skip such a step as “Updating the database” after adding new information to it). “Automatic recording of time windows and access levels” - when this option is enabled, time windows and access levels will not need to be manually entered into the devices. That is, when setting these checkboxes to synchronize keys, it will be enough only to “Get key states” (F9 key, as well as a checkbox in the DBA settings - “Automatically receive key states when going to the passwords tab”; if you are already on this tab when adding new keys, you will need to perform the manipulation manually), and then - “Synchronize all key codes”. We also draw your attention to the fact that the Orion PRO 1.11 workstation has an automatic synchronization function (the “Automatically synchronize keys” option). Synchronization is performed the moment you click on the “Save” button (key code). For automatic synchronization, it is necessary that the configuration has been read, and all of the above checkboxes have been set in the DBA settings. That is, the general algorithm looks like this:
  • enable the options "Automatic recording of time windows and access levels", "Automatically update the database in kernels", enable configuration caching;
  • read the configuration from devices;
  • add the necessary information to the database (employee data and key codes);
  • get the status of key codes (menu "Service");
  • synchronize keys ("Tools" menu).
In the Database Administrator, when installing plans, everything is fine, but after rebooting the system, 1/3 of the plan turns black. BMP plans, pure white backing.
To solve problems with floor plans, you need to double the value of the BLOB SIZE parameter in the registry at the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BOLID\ORION\CSO\DBPARAMS.
After increasing the parameter value, reload the plans into the database, and before starting OZ, delete the TEMP folder (located in the directory with the installed Orion PRO workstation).
If the black line remains, you need to do these manipulations again.
We have installed Orion Pro workstation software with a time tracking module.There was a need for integration with 1C accounting.If possible, please send the necessary software and integration method.
Integration is supported in Orion PRO version 1.11 with 1C version 8.0 and is implemented using a special external component, which we can provide upon special request by email [email protected]. In 1C, using an external component you can get:
  • ready-made standard time tracking reports for automated workplace "Orion Pro" for one or more employees, with the ability to select and sort by department.
  • data from the Database, allowing you to keep track of working hours using independently written algorithms.
  • about employees;
  • about divisions;
  • about access zones;
  • about time zones (time windows);
  • about access groups (access levels);
  • about system events;
  • about valid reasons for absence;
  • protocol.
Tell me why in the Orion PRO workstation the server may display a message about working in demo mode, although the key is inserted into the USB port, the drivers for it are installed, and the key number is determined.
Most likely, you did not copy the license file prvd.ini from the disk to the directory with the “Central System Server”.
The question arose: will the Orion PRO workstation work under Windows Windows Vista? And what conditions must be met for the program to work under this OS?
  1. The Orion PRO workstation runs Windows Vista, starting with version 1.11.
  2. For the correct operation of the Orion PRO workstation running Windows Vista, you must take the following steps:
  3. Open access to the root folder of the system drive (usually C:\).This is necessary due to the fact that:
    1. During operation, BDE creates a file PDOXUSRS.NET in the root folder of the disk, which stores service information about the Databases, and into which regular changes are made;
    2. Windows Vista by default blocks access to the root folder of the system drive, even for administrator accounts.Instead of this step, you can follow step 3.Install BDE (Borland Data Engine).
  4. Change the path for the PDOXUSRS.NET system file used
  5. Launch BDE Administrator from the Windows Control Panel.
  6. Go to the Configuration tab and select Configuration\Drivers\Native\PARADOX in the tree.
  7. For the NET DIR parameter, you must set the folder to which you have full access for a specific user account (for example, C:\Program Files).Instead of this step, you can follow step 1.
To switch to a network structure, we need to organize 5 workstations (all workstations for 4 devices). Of these, 4 workstations should have only the core, without displaying the situation via a monitor, and their work will be organized directly with the devices of the Orion system without a remote control. , and one thing must control the entire system, that is, have on one computer a server, a database, a report generator, a kernel that should work with the S2000 consoles, and a monitor - common to all objects. Question: what software should I buy, and is the cost of the already used ORION workstation software for 127 devices protected?
To organize the described system, you will need to purchase the "Orion PRO Server", five "Orion PRO Operational Tasks" (the execution must correspond to the number of devices connected to the RM), a database, and a "Report Generator". The key you have will be able to activate one “Orion Missile Defense Operational Task” used. 127.
I would like to clarify some details regarding the built-in script programming language in the Orion Pro workstation. How are scripts written?
1. Entering command lines like in VBA or C++
2. Entering ready-made macro commands into the workstation in accordance with the necessary logic of the system.
The Orion Pro workstation has several options for creating scenarios:
  • by entering the script text into a special window, similar to other programming languages;
  • creating scripts based on templates (ready-made macro commands).
Description of the syntax and principles of operation of the built-in scripting language of the Orion Pro workstation is supplied with the Orion Pro workstation distribution kit.
"Report Generator" and "Statistics Display" are system modules. Does this mean that the cost of this software is included in the total cost of the "Workstation Orion Pro" package or do these modules need to be purchased separately?
The Report Generator module must be purchased separately. The "Statistics Display" module is free and comes with the Orion Pro distribution kit.
Is it possible to put 2 servers in the system and synchronize them? We already have a server running in one building, and we are going to launch it in the second. How can they be synchronized so that they use one database, so that an employee can be added to one database and he will appear in the second.
It is impossible to organize the simultaneous operation of two servers in the system. However, the system has the ability to use the “hot” backup function.
The structure of the system looks like this: There is a central computer on which the “main” server of the system is installed. In normal operation, all workstations in the system communicate with this server. If the connection with this server is lost, a switch to the backup server occurs. There may be several such servers. This structure involves the use of several instances of MS SQL Server. Each of these workstations has its own database registered: on the central server - the main one, on the reserve servers - the backup one. Full data synchronization is configured between the main Database and backup Databases.
Is it possible to transfer data from one computer to another by saving and restoring the database? Will such a transfer be correct? Will data about cables, devices, etc. be saved?
Yes, it's possible. For this purpose, in the “Central Server Manager” program of AWS “Orion PRO” version 1.11, services such as “Attaching a Database” and “Detaching a Database” have been added. That is, first you need to disconnect the database from the server, transfer the files to the desired PC, and then perform the attachment manipulation.
You can also transfer the database using the archive creation function.
If there is an alarm in a certain building of the plant, it should be “highlighted” on the general plan. Then, when you “click” with the mouse on this building, a plan of this building and an “object card” (information about contact persons, their telephone numbers, etc.) should open. Is it possible to do this using Orion Pro software?
When the Monitor workstation "Orion PRO" is operating, depending on the state of the object, it will be highlighted in a certain color. Thus, you will always be able to determine exactly where the trigger occurred, since when transitioning from one state to another, the section will change its color.
To detail the required plan, you can use so-called links from one floor plan to another. When working in the Orion PRO workstation, the link displays the generalized state of the sections it points to. If there is an alarm in any section, you can switch to the floor plan of the room in which the alarm occurred to obtain detailed information. Unfortunately, at present the “Object Card” output function is not implemented in the Orion PRO workstation. It may be supported in future releases of our software.
At this stage, you can use the section description as a simplified analogue.
How can remote control of 120 Orion subsystems be organized?
We recommend using S2000-Ethernet converters.
The maximum number of devices in the Orion PRO automated workplace system depends on the execution of the “Operational Tasks” used.
The following scheme applies.
This scheme is designed for 900 remote controls ("S2000"/"S2000M") when installing the "Orion Missile Defense Operational Task" version. 512 to the computers to which the devices are connected.
I am setting up the Orion PRO 1.9 program for work on site. I have the following questions:
1. I can’t merge two databases. Both data bases from Orion 7.3.1 were converted for Orion PRO. They are in two separate folders. Each one works separately.
2. The instrument demonstrator does not download the configuration from the database. I changed the path to the database in the orion.ini file, but I still get the error Table: Field \"LineNo\"not found.
  1. To merge two databases of automated workplace "Orion PRO" version 1.11, you need to run the "Central Server Manager" program. Select the "Modernization-merge..." item in the "DB" menu, select the "Merge" item in the wizard that appears, select the "Merge" mode in the second step of the upgrade wizard, and add the path to the second database in the list of databases. Then follow the instructions of the wizard. We also recommend updating the operating workstation to release 1.10, which corrected a number of shortcomings related to the modernization of databases.
  2. Indeed, the instrument operation demonstrator is designed to work with the Orion workstation database and cannot load data from the Orion PRO workstation database. However, you can create a tree of connected devices manually if only one COM port is used and the devices are operated using the Orion protocol (without the S2000 remote control).
At two remote sites, it is necessary to organize monitoring of the state of temperature and other parameters of the server room, independent of the operation of the computer network, with the issuance of alarm notifications via a GSM modem. Question: Can we send arbitrary SMS texts tied to alarms and other events in the monitored section?
The Orion workstation has the ability to send SMS messages with arbitrary text on certain events. To do this, you can use control scripts with the "Broadcast SMS message" step, linking them to system events. The Orion PRO workstation does not implement the ability to work with a GSM modem.
When an employee passes through the enterprise access control system, a photo of the employee with his data appears on the screen: phone number, company, where he works, etc. Is it possible to add or replace the data on the card that appears?
In AWS "Orion Pro" 1.10, the employee details that you want to see in the employee card can be configured through the HozOrgCard.xml configuration file. If you want to add information about the position and department, then you need to add the following tags to this file:
<field dbfield="Section" caption="Division">
<field dbfield="Post" caption="Position">
What is the "Orion ISB hardware control software module"? Please tell us more about its functions and purpose.
We do not provide an exchange protocol for our devices. After some time, you will be able to purchase from us a development package for working with Orion devices. With this software you can integrate our equipment into the security system you create. The driver is an XML-RPC server, i.e. The interface is designed using XML-RPC technology with HTTP 1.1 transport. The client for our server can be implemented on any programming platform and for any operating system. We designed our component according to the XML-RPC specification ( and connected various clients written for Borland Delphi and JAVA. All popular programming environments (C++, C#, Delphi, JAVA) have ready-made, freely distributed implementations of XML-RPC (usually in the form of components).
Is it possible to install on one of the computers (or on several computers) only the Core and Shell to collect data and transfer it to the Orion-Pro Central Server.
Yes. You can install on one (or several PCs) only the Kernel and Shell of the system. At the same time, electronic security keys must be installed at these workplaces.
We have USB keys for Orion-Pro ver. 1.8. The key has licenses for Server, DBA, Monitor, GO, UVR and the second key is a license for OZ. Question: can I install Server, DBA, GO, UVR on one computer, Monitor on the second computer, and OZ and the kernel on the third. Will the system work in this configuration, and will an additional license for the Monitor be required on a separate computer? We do not install the Monitor on the first computer.
In this case, a license for an additional monitor will not be required unless you are running more than two monitors simultaneously.
Is it possible to separate the SQL server (MSDE) and the central Orion-Pro server and how to do it? What additional software is needed for this? And if possible, a detailed installation procedure in this configuration.
How to backup SQL (MSDE) databases, and what programs are needed for this?
Yes, you can install the SQL (MSDE) server and the Orion PRO “Central Database Server” on different PCs. In this case, in the “Database Server Manager” you need to specify the name of the PC on which SQL is installed and the name of the SQL server instance (HOST NAME - PC name, format - host name, SERVER NAME - instance name, format - host name\instance name). The functionality of archiving, backup, and scheduled backup is also implemented in the “Database Server Manager”, “DB” menu.
Please give recommendations for installing the Orion Pro automated workplace.
First, you need to install the components of the Orion Pro AWS software package on all computers.
The approximate sequence of steps for installation on each computer is as follows:
1. Launch the installation file of the Orion Pro automated workplace
2. Read the License Agreement and confirm acceptance of the agreement
3. For the computer where the Server will be installed, select the installation of BDE 5.1 ​​and MSDE; for other computers - do not check
4. For the computer where the Server will be installed, select "MSDE installation"; for other computers, select "Components without a database server"
5. Select the path where the Orion Pro components will be installed
6. Mark for each computer its own set of installed components; Check the item “UProg and PProg device setup programs” only for computers on which the Operational task will be installed; Check the "Electronic Key Drivers" item only for computers on which the Server or Operational Task will be installed; The "Plan Editor" item is only for computers with a database; We also point out that the “Database Server Management” (Server Manager) item should only be checked for the computer where the Server is installed;
7. For the computer where the Server will be installed, check the installation of “Electronic Security Key Driver” and “Microsoft XML Parser”; For computers where Operational Tasks will be installed, check the installation of the “Electronic Security Key Driver”; For other computers - do not check
8. Click the "Install" button
9. Restart your computer
10. Go to the Start menu\Programs\...\Bolid\ARM_Orion_Pro\Utilities and run the “Register working database for MSDE” shortcut. Or you can create your own Database in the SQL server
11. Copy the prvd.ini file from the root directory of the installation disk to the folder with installed Orion Pro (on the computer where the Server is installed)
12. On the computer where the Server is installed and on the computers where Operational Tasks are installed, install the appropriate protection keys
On each computer, except the computer with the server, launch the Shell and specify the IP address of the computer with the Server installed.
To upgrade the Orion Workstation Database to the Orion Pro Workstation, copy the folder with the Orion Workstation Database to the folder with the Orion Pro installed Workstation. Then you need to start the Server, followed by the Server Manager. In the server manager, you should configure the system to work with the copied Database from the Orion workstation (set Driver - Standard, Database Path - path to the copied Database). Select the menu item "DB" "Modernization". Next, perform actions in accordance with the Help of the Server Manager program.
Then launch the DBA and configure the system. The first steps will be to add computers with system components installed and specify which components can run on these computers.
Can there be two (or more) Cores in the system (devices are connected to two different computers on the network)? In this case, the Server remains alone? In this case, how much OZ is necessary to purchase - according to the number of computers (in Versions corresponding to the number of connected devices at a specific point)?
The system may have two (or more) cores. In this case, all network clients will work with a single database (one server). In this case, it is necessary to purchase a quantity of VP corresponding to the number of PCs to which the Orion ISO devices will be connected. Designs must correspond to the number of devices connected to the OZ.
Is it possible to install the Server on one computer (the server itself), and connect the devices to another computer (with Kernel+Monitor installed on it)? In this case, is it possible to install the DBA on one of these two or on any other computer on the network?
You can use one PC to organize a server on it, and another to organize the Operational task workstation (i.e. core and monitor). The database administrator can be installed on any PC connected to the server via a local network.
We want to connect security and fire alarm devices to one computer and install the "Operational task" Orion Pro" version 4, and from the other - view and manage events via a local network. What set of programs do we need to purchase? Will only the Basic "Operational task" be enough ""Orion Pro" version 4? Or will you need to buy additional "Orion Server", "Database Administrator" and "Monitor"? And is it possible to work without the "Database Administrator"?
The scheme you described can be implemented using ORION PRO automated workplace tools. For implementation you will need the following modules:
- Server “Orion Pro”,
- Operational task “Orion Pro”, the execution of which must correspond to the number of addressable ISO “Orion” devices connected to the PC,
- Database administrator "Orion Pro"
- Monitor "Orion Pro".

The creation of security systems in most cases involves the organization of an operator’s workplace, who will constantly monitor and monitor all instruments and devices.

Bolid company provides us with a wide selection of software designed to organize workplaces with various capabilities. The required set of software is selected separately for each object, depending on the system configuration and the necessary additional user functions.

AWS "Orion"

To implement one workplace, the most relevant will be the use of Orion automated workplace software, which is available in several modifications -,. The version number indicates the maximum number of system devices that can be controlled by the software - 4, 10, 20 and 127, respectively. The Orion workstation consists of software modules “Operational task”, “Database administrator”, “Report generator”, “Work time recording”, “Personal card”, each of which performs its own functions in the system.

The “Operational Task” module allows you to monitor the status of all devices and zones on floor plans, manage arming and disarming of zones, implement flexible system management scenarios, organize interaction with third-party video systems, etc.

“Database Administrator” is used to create and manage a system database into which all devices are entered with their addresses and placement on plans, management scenarios, personal data and work schedules of personnel, passwords and electronic key codes indicating the access level.

The “Working Time Accounting” software module allows you to keep track of time worked by employees, track violations of the work schedule, display a report on one or several employees at the same time, and export data to HTML or Excel.

“Report Generator” allows you to generate reports on various events in the system with the ability to import into Excel/HTML or print.

“Personal card” allows you to perform photo verification of staff and visitors with a personal card displayed on the screen. The software also includes several software utilities designed for drawing facility layouts, checking the functionality of loops, archiving and cleaning the database, etc.

This set of functional components provides ample opportunities for the workplace and allows for full control of all system devices.


This software is used to organize a remote workplace with the ability to manage the Orion automated workplace database using the TCP/IP protocol via a local network. allows you to enter instruments and system devices into the database, place them on facility layouts, read and edit their FACP and controller configurations, and program control scenarios linking them to specific times or events. It is also possible to enter personal data of employees and visitors with further printing of passes, enter passwords and identifier codes into the database, assigning specific access rights to each of them. All entered information is loaded into the Operational Task of the Orion automated workplace. Only one can be connected to one Orion workstation.


URM "Orion Video"

AWS "Orion Pro"

The Orion-Pro automated workstation is used primarily for managing large distributed systems, where it is necessary to create several workstations with different functionality. Unlike the Orion workstation, this system consists of modules that are supplied separately and can be installed on one or different PCs. All workstations of the Orion Pro automated workplace system are connected by a local network.

Orion Pro software modules

1. Server "Orion Pro"

2. Orion Pro database administrator

3. Monitor "Orion Pro"

4. Operational mission "Orion Pro"

The module is a mandatory component of the Orion Pro workstation and consists of 2 separate programs - Polling Core and Monitor. Since the system module was discussed above, let us dwell in more detail on the Polling Core module. This module polls all devices in the system connected via RS-485, launches system management scripts, controls arming and disarming, and organizes the process of interaction of other workstations with system devices. System module The polling kernel is installed on absolutely all PCs that must work with devices at the physical level. Up to 127 network controllers / or control panels, as well as up to 32 biometric readers can be connected to the COM or USB ports of a PC. It is also possible to connect devices via Ethernet via the S2000-Ethernet interface converter, but in this case the speed of the system is significantly reduced.

Typically, the Polling Engine works in conjunction with / , backing up each other. That is, if the Polling Core is disabled, control is taken over by the network controller, which, after restoring the PC, transfers control rights and all accumulated information to it. It is also possible that the polling of devices is carried out by the remote control /, and the Polling Core receives all the information from the remote control. This scheme allows you to significantly relieve the PC if there are a large number of devices in the system connected to several remote controls /. The Interrogation Core can work with instruments without the use of network controllers /. In this case, when the Polling Core is turned off, the devices operate autonomously, and when turned on, they transmit information to the PC about all events that occurred during the shutdown. Operational mission "Orion Pro" Available in versions , and , designed to connect 4, 10, 20, 127, 512 and 1024 devices of the Orion system.

5. Report generator "Orion Pro"

This module is designed to create reports on events that occurred in the system over a certain period of time. A large number of built-in filters allows for flexible configuration of reporting documentation, taking into account the category of events, time, system elements, etc. To simplify your work, you can create report templates. The created files are exported to the most common formats - Word, Excel, HTML, PDF, etc. The report generator has an intuitive menu and will not cause any difficulties even for novice users.

6. Time tracking "Orion Pro"

Orion-Auto software

Information system automated workplace "S2000"

This software, as a rule, is installed on the PC of a maintenance engineer or service engineer and allows you to monitor ISO Orion events with subsequent generation of reports. Used in conjunction with the remote control / or control panel operating autonomously. displays the status of devices and zones, keeps an event log with the ability to select according to specified filters, allows you to print reports or export them to HTML. In this case, the PC can work constantly, for example, at the fire station of a building, or periodically, when viewing events by a service engineer or company director. In addition, it is possible to display system events on several workstations. This application option is especially relevant for medium and large facilities, where fire and security observation posts, where it is necessary to display the operation of the corresponding systems, are located in different places.

Time tracking for 1C:Enterprise 8

Software URV for 1C:Enterprise 8 used to organize employee working time tracking based on the 1C:Enterprise technology platform (8.1, 8.2, 8.3). The program receives information about passages from controllers, and then, based on the data received, keeps track of the time worked by employees. The controllers can communicate with the server via Ethernet and Internet networks, which makes it possible to monitor the systems of remote branches of enterprises. The software also allows for photo verification of employees and visitors to the facility, displaying photographs and personal data. Thanks to the open source code, the user can make his own adjustments to the calculation algorithms or develop his own reports.

The basic software package is a mandatory minimum for organizing work and includes licenses for 1 access controller, 1 workstation with photo verification and an unlimited number of places without photo verification. If we need to organize a system with photo verification of employees at several workplaces at the same time, for each of them we additionally purchase a license for . To expand the system with additional controllers in addition to the main software set, you must purchase, isp.32) and 16 () controllers.

It is difficult to say how advisable it is to automatically turn on smoke removal after starting the fire extinguishing system. It is almost impossible to assess the effectiveness of extinguishing without the participation of people, and premature activation of ventilation can lead, on the contrary, to the flare-up of an unextinguished fire. However, the system can determine the moment of launch by the presence of a starting pulse. By connecting an intermediate relay (UK-VK) to the starting circuit of the S2000-ASPT device, you can connect its contacts to the process loop. Next, by connecting one or more relays of the S2000-SP1 or S2000-KPB blocks to this loop, you can configure the control tactics you need in the Orion workstation or in the S2000 control panel: turn-on delay and turn-on time.

To solve your problem, we recommend the following.
IR sensors are connected to the cables of the Signal-20P device. The Signal-20P device can monitor the status of 20 ShS. The resistance of the AL wires without taking into account the remote element should be no more than 1 kOhm"
Depending on what communication channels exist at the facility, it is possible to use interface converters to fiber-optic lines, Ethernet (S2000-Ethernet), or Nevod-5 radio channel modems. If necessary, the system can be expanded by connecting devices to the RS-485 interface line, in series with the Signal-20P device. The maximum number of devices in the system is 127. The maximum length of the RS-485 interface line without using the S2000-PI interface repeater is 3000 meters. The use of "S2000-PI" will make it possible to extend the RS-485 interface line by 3000 meters. Several "S2000-PI" can be used in the RS-485 interface line. Instead of the Signal-20P device, you can use the S2000-KDL two-wire line controller. The output contacts of the IR sensor relays are connected to address expanders (“S2000-AR1”, “S2000-AR2”, “S2000-AR8”). Address expanders are included in the DPLS. "S2000-KDL" can control up to 127 addressable detectors or addressable expanders, the maximum length of a two-wire communication line is no more than 700 meters with a wire cross-section of 0.75 mm2. Those. Your 40 IR sensors are connected to two S2000-KDL devices connected by an RS-485 interface.
Read more about broadcasting the RS-485 interface over a fiber-optic path on our website recommendations.

The Orion automated workplace monitors the presence of an employee in access zones and controls the antipassback mode, analyzing “Pass” events. When using the S2000-2, this event is generated by the controller itself if, after identifying a business entity and granting access, the passage control circuit is broken (for more details, see the S2000-2 operating manual).
In your case, most likely, the pass control circuit was not activated, so the “Pass” event is not generated, and the antipassback mode does not work.

Problems with the location of the database when installing the Orion workstation in Windows 7.

When using Orion workstation in Windows 7, if you run the “Operational task” not as an administrator (in normal mode), then in most cases the OZ will generate an error. In such cases, we recommend running as administrator. However, if before launching the OZ, the database was already launched in “normal mode” and devices and other elements were added, then the database is saved not in the default folder “C:Program FilesOrion763demo74”, but in the User or Users folder.
And if you run the database as an administrator, then the database will contain the original database, without client devices.

In this case it is necessary:
1) In the Properties of the programs abd.exe, master.exe, Orion.exe, on the Compatibility tab, check the box “Run this program as an Administrator”;
2) run master.exe and check the path to the database in the settings menu;
3) create an archive of the current database (default folder “C:Program FilesOrion763demo74”);
4) Search in the “User” / “Users” folder to find the “demo74” folder or the “pLogData.DB” file. Then copy the contents of the found folder to the folder with the current database (by default “C:Program FilesOrion763demo74”), replacing the existing files;
5) Launch the database and make sure the current database is correct.

What network ports and protocol are used by the time tracking modules, the report generator and the Orion workstation located on site?

All applications use the TCP/IP protocol.
"Time tracking" and LockDown work on port 2001
"Report generator" - 21443

When starting the Orion workstation modules, error 2108 is displayed.

Your database drivers (BDE) were installed incorrectly.
Perform the following manipulations:
- in the OS Control Panel, select "Add or Remove Programs" and remove BDE;
- run the registry editor (Start -> Run -> regedit) and delete the folder along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREBorlandDatabase Engine;
- restart your computer.
After this, carry out the necessary steps to install the drivers (you can download the installer from our website

Setting up the operation of the S2000/S2000M remote control with the Orion workstation using the Orion Pro protocol.

First, you need to check the connection of the S2000-M remote control to the PC, you must use only rs-232 (that is, rs-232 must go from the remote control to the PC), and you can use converters, for example:
S2000-USB + C2000-PI, or USB RS-232.
It is also necessary to pay attention to connecting the remote control via rs-232, a “cross to cross” connection is used:
TxD – RxD
GND – 0V

Next, you need to check the connection with the remote control; to do this, switch the S2000-M remote control to the “programming” mode and search in the Uprog or Pprog program. If the remote control is found, then the connection is made correctly.

After checking the connection with the remote control, you need to configure the remote control to work with a PC, to do this, enter the programming password: then set the Remote Control Address via rs-232 (for example 1), speed - 9600, mode - "computer".

In the ADB, you need to add the S2000-M remote control on the device addresses tab, indicating its rs-232 address. Then you need to select “my computer” on the “device addresses” tab and click the edit button, then in the inspector set the operating protocol parameter - “Orion PRO” and click “Save”.

When you start the Operational task, a device search window should appear, in which the counter will scroll from 1 to 127, and the S2000-M remote control and all other devices should be found.

How to determine the reason why the Orion workstation is in demo mode

The program runs in demo mode in the following cases (Orion workstation):
- The electronic key is not detected (when starting the DBA before entering the password in the lower left corner of the blue key ID window), if the ID is displayed incorrectly (in the form of zeros), the key driver should be reinstalled; if this does not help, the key should be sent for repair
- The number of devices added to the ADB exceeds the number of devices in your version of the Orion workstation
- The serial number was entered incorrectly (you must enter the number in the "System Wizard" program in the "Number" menu) If the serial number is lost, you can get it by filling out the registration card (website/files/373/566/ and sending her by email Reg@site
- If you have switched to a newer version of the Orion automated workstation, the serial number should also be replaced (website/files/373/566/

The automated workplace event log receives identical (duplicate) events from devices.

Check what mode the S2000M remote control operates in.
If the remote control operates in the "Computer" mode, check whether the described messages are duplicated on the remote increase the value of the "Pause before answering via RS-485" parameter in the remote control settings by 2 or 4 units.
.html) in the settings of the COM port used, increase the value of the “Pause between sending a receipt” parameter by 2 or 4 units.