Protect information on the program's flash drive. Methods for setting a password on a flash drive

Flash drive - convenient way information storage. The flash drive stores gigabytes of information: personal photos and videos, work data, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To prevent information from ending up in the wrong hands and being used by criminals, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information using a password

Reliable protection is installed on a USB flash drive in two ways. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to users operating system Windows 7, 8. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical drive or flash drive. Bitlocker cannot set a password for separate folder.

Second method: use the program to protect personal files third party developers. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help limit access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a flash drive in Windows

If on personal Windows computer 7 editions Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 and higher, then the built-in application for data encryption Bitlocker is available to the user. Having completed simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the “My Computer” folder and click right click by the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker in context menu.
  4. In the new window, check the box “Use a password to unlock the flash drive.” We come up with a strong password and enter it in the window provided. Click the “Next” button.
  5. In the next step, Bitlocker offers to create a special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password he created. This key is printed on a printer or saved on local disk. The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We wait for the end of encryption of information and click the “Close” button.
  8. Checking the security installation. We take out and reinsert the flash drive. In the “My Computer” folder, a “lock” icon should appear next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is installed and access to data is only with a password.

This is what a local disk protected by bitlocker looks like

Free data protection programs

Available to users via the Internet software products. They will help protect personal data. Three popular freeware programs are described below.


The TrueCrypt program ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. To understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt, you will have to spend time. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a flash drive or logical drive entirely.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive sought to create functional application small in size, and they succeeded. Free version The program does not require administrator rights, but is not capable of encrypting a flash drive with a capacity of more than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). To access the information posted there, a password is required. The program uses a robust algorithm AES encryption with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as an encryption standard.


MyFolder helps you protect your folder on your local drive or USB drive with a clear menu. To open such a folder, you must enter a password. MyFolder encrypts on high speed, but uses the unstable Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under a 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish - cryptographic algorithm, implementing block symmetric encryption with variable key length. Developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a flash drive. Special programs will help you easily and quickly protect personal information.

One of them Anvid Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

After downloading, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to use. The interface is simple and clear. In the program window, specify a folder on a flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter the password, and the folder is password-protected. It can be accessed through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected with an additional password.

Setting a password on a flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash drives offer the use of hardware information protection. To use data encryption from the manufacturer, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a key fob from Toshiba in an aluminum case with buttons for entering a password

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. It should not be forgotten. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases. Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format a flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What if you forgot your password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet that shout about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option: look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack the password. Remember: use special software fraught with unpredictable consequences. On Personal Computer viruses can get in malware. So it's better to come up with good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Users often use a storage device in the form of a card MicroSD memory. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSD is often protected with a password. It is installed through the menu electronic gadget. When you reinsert the memory card into another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forget it, then it is impossible to restore access to the flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

The online store sells a device for resetting a password on a MicroSD memory card

Nowadays, online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $10–20. Using an unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. Unlocking services are offered by repair companies Cell phones and computers.

Hold personal files under lock and key. This also applies to data recorded on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Having memory problems? Then it’s better not to set a password. There will be considerable pain in restoring access; it is unlikely that you will be able to remove the password yourself without losing data, and the results of using cracking programs are not always positive.

Today I will tell you how to put a password on a flash drive. Surely each of us has a flash drive in our pocket or purse, on which there is some data. Flash drives, like all other things, tend to get lost, and since they have small size, then she has a greater chance of getting lost. It’s okay if there is some unimportant data on it, but what if you have important documents or family photos there? What should I do then? - Set a password, that's what!
We will put the password built-in using Windows, without any programs. It's called BitLocker. But there are limitations in this matter, not all Windows edition support this feature.
This function is available in the following OS:

So I have an 8 GB flash drive.

Open the file explorer (My Computer) and right-click on the flash drive, thereby calling up the context menu and looking for the BitLocker function. If you have it, then everything is fine, but if it is not there, then this means that your system does not support this encryption method and you will not be able to password-protect the flash drive.

Next, in the window that opens, check the box - “ Use a password to unlock a flash drive". Then we come up with strong password, which must be at least 8 characters and contain both letters and numbers, otherwise the program will not allow us further. Click - Further

So, we set a password. Now the program prompts us to create and save a key to restore access to data on the flash drive in case we have forgotten the password. You can print it on a printer, or you can save it on your computer. I will save it on my computer. Select the item - Save to file

Select a location on your computer where the file will be saved and click save

In the next window we are informed that the recovery key has been saved and if we have forgotten the password for the flash drive, then using this file we can recover it. Click - Further

Next, it is suggested which part of the disk needs to be encrypted. Since encryption takes relatively for a long time, then I chose the first item, that is, encrypting only the occupied space. If you are super secret information on a flash drive, then select the second option and then the entire flash drive will be encrypted. Click - Further

In the next window, confirm the action and click the button - Start encryption

As I said, encryption takes a while, so you'll have to wait a bit. After the process is completed, press the button - Close

Now remove the flash drive from the computer and reinsert it. Open Explorer " My computer" and we see that a lock has appeared on the flash drive, which means that a password has been set on it.

Now we open it and see that we are asked to enter a password to gain access. Enter it and press the button - Unblock

After which we see that the lock has opened and we can work with files. By the way, files that will be written to the media will be automatically encrypted.

That's basically all I wanted to say in this article. I hope it will help you protect your files from unauthorized access.

Many of us have had to store our family photos and other valuable files on a flash drive. It is not uncommon for such incidents to happen when the carrier is lost and falls into the wrong hands. Therefore, in order to protect their data from prying eyes, every user simply needs to know how to put a password on a flash drive.

There are at least three ways to protect information on a flash drive:

  1. Standard operating system tools.
  2. With help third party applications(utilities).
  3. The hardware of the device itself.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Standard OS tools

Of the standard tools in practice, only two simple, proven methods of protecting data on a flash drive are most often used.

  1. Password-protected archive
  2. BitLocker utility

Password-protected archive

If the data on the flash drive does not have a large volume, then it is quite possible to protect it with a password, having previously archived it. The standard WinRAR archiver is perfect for this.

Having selected a folder for packaging, we carry out the archiving process. After completing the process, you need to go to the menu by tabs: Advanced – Set password.

When the password is entered and the appropriate checkbox is set, all that remains is to click on the OK button.

Please note that putting a password on winrar archive you can only during the archiving process. That is, it is not possible to set a password on a finished archive.

More detailed information You can find information about the procedure for setting a password on our website in the article:

Using BitLocker Windows

BitLocker Windows is an integral part of the operating system. Windows systems, starting with Seven. Moreover, BitLocker is built into the Ultimate and Enterprise versions, as well as in Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10. Unfortunately, in the home versions Windows utility BitLocker is missing.

Once you make sure that BitLocker is on your system, setting a password on the flash drive will be very simple:

  • Just right-click on it and select the item in the context menu that appears "Enable BitLocker".

  • Next, check the box next to “Use a password to unlock the disk” and enter the password twice.

Please note that the password must be at least 8 characters long

  • Next, you need to save to a file or print the recovery key, which you will need if you decide to change your password.

  • After saving the key, you can click “Next” and begin encryption.

  • Click “Start encryption” and wait for the operation to complete.

If you want to pause the process, you can use the “Pause” button.

This completes the process of setting a password on the flash drive. Now, when you insert a flash drive into the device, you will be asked to enter a password to unlock it.

Third Party Applications

Programmers have released many of the most different programs, which allow you to organize high-quality data protection on flash drives. Here are just a few of them:

Rohos Mini Drive

With this compact and free utility You can effectively password protect a specific partition on your drive. Alas, it is impossible to “lock” the entire drive with its help. A special feature of this utility is that it creates a special partition on the flash drive where it writes protected data. The free version of Rohos Mini Drive can work with 8 gigabytes of information.

  • After starting the program, click "Encrypt USB drive"

  • Rohos Mini Drive independently identifies the flash drive. Select an item: "Disk Options".

  • Next, set the drive size and letter. It is better to choose a file system like a flash drive. Press OK to confirm your selections.

  • At this stage, enter the password twice and click “Create Disk”.

  • Now a password-protected sector will appear on your flash drive. To gain access to this sector you need to run one of the files: run the file "Rohos mini.exe" if the utility is installed on this computer or "Rohos Disk Portable.exe" if this utility is not on your computer.

  • After starting the program, all you have to do is enter your password and press "OK".

  • The protected drive will appear in the list hard drives. You can transfer your most valuable data to it.

To hide our secret drive (in our example, drive R), we find the Rohos program icon in the tray, right-click on it and turn off the drive.

To protect yourself in case you forget your password, we recommend creating a password reset file. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Open the Rohos disk and select "Create a backup".

  • Select an item "Password reset file".

  • Next, in the window that opens, enter the password that you created when creating the disk, click "Create file" and choose a location to save it on your computer.

USB Flash Security

Another one free program, easy to learn, with a minimum number of settings. However, it allows you to effectively protect data on a flash drive using a password.

To download this utility, go to the website: and download the program by clicking on the button: « Download Free edition (up to 4GB,v4.1.13.19)"

After launching the program itself will determine the capacity of the flash drive, its volume and file system. All you have to do is press the button "Install"

Next, a warning will appear that during the operation on the flash drive, all data will be destroyed, so transfer it to your computer in advance. Of course, this will create certain inconveniences when working with a flash drive, but this is the peculiarity of this program.

A window will appear again warning you that the disk will be formatted and all data will be deleted. You need to check the box and press the button "Begin the installation".

Now your flash drive will be displayed in the section: “Devices with removable media”

When you open the flash drive, you will find the file “UsbEnter.exe” that you need to run.

In the window that appears, you need to enter your password and click “OK.”

Now your flash drive has acquired secret status, and you can transfer the corresponding files to it.

Hardware protection

There are flash drive models that are equipped with own devices password encryption. Directly on the body of such devices there are control keys, with which you can set the desired password.

The cost of such devices, of course, is quite high. But sometimes the value of data significantly exceeds the cost of the drive on which it is recorded. Depending on the drive model and settings, data may be immediately erased through formatting when trying to retrieve unauthorized access to them.


What conclusion did I come to after testing all of the above methods for setting a password on a flash drive? Of the utilities, in my opinion, Rohos Mini Drive performed better. Reliable program. The distribution can be easily downloaded from the developer's website. Suitable for all versions of Windows, including home ones. If you suddenly decide not to use Rohos Mini Drive anymore, the system will allow you to safely remove it.

In this review I wanted to consider another one, once very popular program for TrueCrypt disk encryption. Unfortunately, the creators of the program announced in May 2014 that they could not guarantee security when using the application and recommended switching to BitLocker.

Therefore, based on the above, a simple conclusion arises. We use the Rohos Mini Drive utility if you have home version windows or the BitLocker program if your computer has a more advanced system installed and you don’t want to bother installing additional utilities.

I think that everyone has information on their computer or laptop that they don’t want to show to strangers. In addition, you want to protect some files from changes.

For this reason, many people ask: How to put a password on a file, folder or flash drive? As usual, we will consider free and accessible solutions . If you are interested in how to set a password to log into your computer

Password for Word or Excel file

IN Microsoft Office built-in function, which allows you to set a password for Word files, Excel... To protect a file with a password, select the menu "File", Further "Save as…". Then in the window select the button "Service".

A new window will appear where you can enter password to open the file, as well as, if necessary, a password for editing it. After entering the password, click OK. You should remember the password, as it will be impossible to recover it.

Archive with password

The most simple option protect folder password is creating a protected archive. Is it available on any version Windows.

First of all, you need to install the archiver. Since I promised to consider only free options , That WinRAR archiver I won't recommend it. But for the owners of this archiver procedure for password protection will be similar.

Download and install the famous free archiver 7Zip. Official website of the program:

I recommend install this archiver. In addition to the ability to unpack numerous archive file formats ( including rar), it has its own format 7z. On personal experience it was verified that in 7z format some files have improved their compression compared to WinRAR up to 30%!

So, after installing the archiver, right-click on the file or folder that requires protection (RMB) and select 7-zip, and then in the new window select “Add to archive.”

By the way, if you want Just pack the file to the archive without using a password, you can select the item "Add to" document name. 7z".

But we'll come back to file protection. After choosing to add to the archive, a window appears. In him note for several elements.

Archive format

If you want to provide maximum compression , then I recommend choosing the format 7z. In case maximum compatibility and the ability to open the archive on most computers, then choose zip-format.

Compression level

The higher the compression level, the less final file size. But this increases the time spent on packing the file into the archive. Therefore, if you have weak computer, and the file or folder is large enough, then select the normal compression level (or no compression).


Enter your password and confirm it. There is a function that allows you to show the password value. You can also check the box encryption file names so that the name of the file or folder inside the archive is unknown.

After all settings are set remember or write down the password that was entered and click OK.

How to put a password on a flash drive. Bitlocker

If you want to protect from unauthorized access your flash drive, then you can use the Bitlocker component. He built into Windows since Vista and allows you to restrict access using a password to any disk partition or external USB drive.

Click menu "Start" and then enter the phrase in the search bar "disk encryption" Then select from the list "Bitlocker Drive Encryption".

In the window that opens, select the partition or flash drive that you want to protect with a password, click next on the inscription "Enable Bitlocker". Then select the unlock option. There are two options: by entering a password or a smart card. Let's choose the first option as it is simpler. After entering your password (at least 8 characters) and confirming it, click “Next”.

A new window will open where the system will prompt you to select the save option. backup copy password: in printed form or in a file.

The final step remains. A warning about the possible length of the encryption process will appear in a new window. If you are satisfied with everything, click the button to start the encryption process.

In the future, access to the disk partition or flash drive will only be carried out after entering the password.


Remember the basic rules:

1) Before installation, the password must be remember or write down (forgotten password it is usually impossible to restore).

2) If you want to limit MS Office file access, then use the built-in capabilities of the program

3) A password for a folder or any file can be set using the archiver

4) If you want to restrict unauthorized access to a partition or flash drive (or other USB drive), use Bitlocker

A USB drive is a convenient device for storing various data. But what to do if the flash drive contains very valuable information that needs to be reliably protected? The first option is to set a password on a flash drive in the Windows 7 operating system without using third party programs. The second option is to purchase a USB drive with a data protection function and a built-in panel for entering a PIN code.

Setting a password on a flash drive using standard Windows 7 tools

Users of the Windows 7 Ultimate operating system (maximum) have the opportunity to set a password on a USB flash drive and thereby protect the information on it using the built-in BitLocker utility. Protecting information on a USB drive using BitLocker technology is very reliable, and hacking it is difficult even for confident user PC. The only downside that can be noted is that this technology Windows 7 is only available in the Ultimate version. The main advantage of this encryption technology is its reliable protection from burglary.

Let's proceed directly to password-protecting the flash drive.

  • Take the flash drive for which you need to provide protection and install it in the USB connector.
  • Go to the “My Computer” section and right-click on the selected flash drive to open the context menu.
  • In the context menu, select “Enable BitLocker”.

  • You will then need to wait a bit while BitLocker initializes the drive.

When working with BitLocker encryption, never remove the flash drive from the USB connector, as this may damage the files stored on it.

  • Once the disk initialization is complete, a window will appear with the option to select the encryption method for the flash drive.
  • Select the first item “Use a password to unlock the disk”, enter the password you created and click on the “Next” button.

How more complex password, the less likely it is to be hacked. Do not use popular passwords for hacking, such as 123456789, password or abc123!

  • Next, you need to select a method to save the recovery key. It will be necessary to restore access to the flash drive if you suddenly forget the main password. Select "Save recovery key to file."

  • Decide where to save Text Document with the key to restore access to the USB drive, and, if necessary, change the file name. Click "Save". When the printer is connected to your computer, you can also select “Print recovery key.” But then it’s better to immediately put it in a turnkey safe from prying eyes.

  • After this, you can proceed directly to encrypting the disk. Click on the “Start encryption” button.

  • Encryption is a lengthy process. And it all depends on the capacity of your flash drive. In our case, for example, for a flash drive with a data volume of 8GB, the encryption process took 20 minutes.

  • Once the encryption process is complete, a “Lock” icon will appear in the “My Computer” section of the USB drive. It signals that the flash drive is password protected.

  • Try removing the flash drive from the USB connector and inserting it again. When trying to view the contents of a flash drive, you will first need to enter a password and click “Unlock”.

Now, when copying files from a computer to a USB drive or vice versa, the process of encrypting and decrypting the transferred data occurs.

To disable the function BitLocker encryption, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go to the “START Menu” and then to the “Control Panel” section.

  • In the operating system control panel on the right top corner Select the "Categories" menu view option and go to the "System and Security" section.

  • Next, go to the BitLocker Drive Encryption section.

  • Now in the list, find a flash drive for which protection is provided, click on the “Unlock disk” item and enter the password.

  • After this, two items will appear next to the flash drive: 1 – BitLocker Management; 2- Turn off BitLocker. Click on the second item and then click the “Decrypt disk” button.

  • All that remains is to wait for the disk decryption operation to complete. Will have to wait! So, for an 8GB disk, decrypting the disk lasted 32 minutes.

Secure flash drive with hardware data encryption

This option for ensuring data protection without using any third-party applications involves purchasing a USB drive with hardware data encryption from the store. The principle of operation of a flash drive is as follows:

  1. insert the flash drive into the USB connector;
  2. enter a digital or alphabetic code using the keyboard on the USB flash drive;
  3. working with files.

If the password is entered incorrectly several times, the information on the flash drive becomes inaccessible to everyone. Kingston and iStorage can be considered leaders in the production of these devices.

The advantages of these flash drives include the following:

  • It is impossible to read the entered PIN code from the keyboard of a computer (laptop) using spyware.
  • Dust and moisture protection of these devices according to class IP57 (immersion in water up to 1 meter), IP58 (protection when immersed in water up to a certain pressure).
  • Ability to set a PIN code of varying complexity (from 7 to 15 characters).
  • Ability to set two passwords. Custom – when incorrect input code a certain number of times the ability to enter a password is blocked. Those. The flash drive can be given for use without the risk of losing access to information. Administrator – if this PIN code is entered incorrectly, a certain number of times complete blocking data.
  • Automatic data encryption using the AES algorithm (US government encryption standard).
  • No loss of speed when transferring files from a flash drive to a computer and back compared to conventional flash drives.
  • Filling the internal elements of a flash drive with epoxy resin, which makes desoldering memory chips almost impossible.

What can be attributed to the disadvantages:

  • There is only one minus - the cost. So, a 16GB flash drive will cost about 6,000-7,000 rubles, and a 32GB flash drive will cost 8,000-10,000. But here you still need to think, because in modern world information sometimes costs millions of rubles.

So, today we looked at two options for assigning a password to a USB drive without third party software. The first option is suitable only for users of Windows 7 (maximum version). The second option is suitable for absolutely all users, not counting the financial component.

IN next topic we will look at how to put a password on a flash drive using specialized programs for Windows.