Landing form as the main element of the landing page. Where to make a landing page application form? Online store of teddy bears

Often, the main problem with landing pages is templateness. Each element goes to in the prescribed manner, starting with the title and ending with the active button. If your goal is to create a unique landing page that is different from other sites, forget about templates and classic schemes, don’t be afraid to experiment!

  • Quite clear

    The landing page of the site is unique, because it does not offer sales or downloads, but only helps users solve the problem. The page is designed extremely simply and clearly. The instructions are easy to understand.

  • If there is a question, there must be an answer

    Some companies often use landing pages to promote applications. For example, the creators of crowdspottr pose a question and immediately answer it: briefly and clearly.

  • Two calls to action that motivate

    The landing page of is designed in an unusual way - here you will not find a specific title, offers or any explanations at all. Just abstract proposals, and below are two calls to action: watch the video and download the report. Such nebula, although ineffective at first glance, encourages the visitor to take action. Statistics show that almost 100% of people start with videos. Consider placing a powerful and catchy video on your landing page.

  • When you don't need to scroll

    The undeniable advantage of the landing page is the absence of scrolling. Program characteristics vary according to right side screen. Thus, the visitor will have time to read all 5 blocks of information.

  • Conciseness contains absolutely nothing unnecessary. All you will find are a few simple sentences, a call and a screenshot. Below are a few words about the capabilities of the service and an offer to download the application on mobile device. Minimalism for a landing page is a great solution.

  • Show results

    The Hipstamatic landing page shows amazing examples of how you can process photos in its application. Users are clearly presented with service capabilities and results, which positively influences the decision to buy the product.

  • Description must be clear

    kaleidoscopeapp landing page contains clear and detailed description, why people need his app. Landing pages love clarity and specificity.

  • Creating intrigue

    Landing page does not contain full information, only Interesting Facts. The user will become interested and continue studying by clicking the call button. People will want to know more about your product if you intrigue them.

  • Making an impression

    The landing page of the site is attractive due to the simplicity of the text, pleasant colors and drawings. Reviews and video reviews are also posted here. When getting acquainted with the landing page, the user should be impressed.

  • Original approach

    The landing page offers the visitor a gift in exchange for leaving a review. The landing page explains why the service is needed and what its advantages are. Here is a clear call to action that everyone will take, because they give a prize for this!

  • We have listed conversion landing pages that are original and do not belong to the category of templates. Draw conclusions, draw examples.

    In this article we will look at the best landing pages in the world - one-pagers that deserve attention due to their selling structure, competent marketing and bright design. Such pages receive high conversion and bring income to their owners. This means that we cannot pass by without considering their features and advantages. Ready? Go!

    Examples of the best Landing pages

    Let's look at a few examples, analyzing them in detail, to understand why these landing pages can be considered successful.

    Example 1

    Awesome landing example page created to sell women's corsets. It’s amazing because it takes the user by the hand and leads him along the entire page, gently and unobtrusively providing arguments for why he needs a corset. The first reversal immediately takes the bull by the horns.

    Best Landing Page - a selection of the best interactive Landing Pages

    There is everything here to whet the visitor’s interest: USP, advantages. And even a lead generation form with a trigger for those who are ready to take action.

    The one-page website was developed according to the selling marketing strategy of AIDA. Here, according to tradition, there is a block of advantages and benefits, social proof. But at the same time, each turn is executed in great design: bright, intelligible and simple.

    Please note that each call to action offers a new benefit for the consumer. Marketers have done their best by working and understanding the desires and goals of the target audience.

    A lot of emphasis is placed on the social proof block to prove to your visitor that this offer is real and it works.

    As additional evidence, the site provides videos and screenshots from Instagram accounts where ladies are already trying on a corset.

    For dessert, another lead-generating form with a call to action.

    The site creates an unambiguous desire - to buy. And not surprisingly, it is designed for 5+.

    Example 2

    An example of a landing page that can put pressure on emotions. The selling one-page page is dedicated to the bank’s services and is developed in tandem with animation, which is aimed at developing the user’s emotional state.

    The developers assume that the page will be recommended to friends and passed to them as a referral link.

    When opening a one-page page, the name of the person who opened it is pronounced, and then female voice invites you to learn more about the bank and use its services.

    Animation takes its toll. There are no usual blocks of social proof, just one block of benefits. But at the same time, the girl’s gestures, pushing for action, work for the result, making the one-page page highly converting.

    Example 3

    An example of a simple but effective one-page website offering to use it to buy a gift card.

    There is no animation, bright design or intricate elements that every third developer now tries to use to attract the user’s attention. Instead, there are just a few informative blocks that clearly and simply show who needs the card and why, and what benefits it provides. This once again proves that everything ingenious is simple.

    The landing page speaks simple language to its user. The developers were not sophisticated and even placed social proof in the form of information content. Although in this case, customer photos would be helpful.

    Example 4

    The “Mad Cutting” project is known to everyone who has at least once tried to lose excess weight with the help of nutritionists, sports trainers and other specialists. This project has been on a steady footing for three years now and is currently promoting its 20th season, recruiting participants. Therefore, the developers decided not to place the USP on the first spread.

    And in general, a one-page website can hardly be called “typical”. There are marketing tricks and moves in the form of evidence, benefits and advantages. But to a greater extent, the landing page demonstrates storytelling in an aggressive manner. This is like a kick for the user who needs help.

    A photo of a popular Russian trainer, a rather sharp address to the visitor and motivation for action in the form of guarantees of a prize fund take their toll - they make them want to become a participant.

    This selling one-page website puts pressure on the pain of the target audience and offers a solution on how to get rid of them. This is a powerful marketing concept that always helps its owner win by bringing in new customers.

    We looked at a small number of powerful landing page, which arouse genuine interest in themselves. Do you want an effective one-page website? Order the creation of a turnkey landing page and don’t miss out on your profits thanks to a cool project.

    The article was developed by the Impulse Design web studio.

    The main problem with almost all existing landing pages is that such sites are similar to each other. The name, pros and cons of purchasing a specific advertised product or service, menu and window calling for a specific action/purchase, reviews of other people, etc. Each element comes one after another in an order that is already boring to everyone. On the Internet you can even find a prototype of the “best landing portal”, the organizers of which write that it is necessary to create one-page sites using only such a “working” scheme.

    Beautiful interesting creative landing pages

    If you want to pay attention to your landing page and, moreover, make it an object of imitation and universal admiration, then you should forget about different templates, take inspiration from a variety of sources and try something new.

    High-quality landing page example

    A good example of a selling landing page in this sense is the page of the portal - an unusually rare occurrence, because... no one is trying to sell anything there, but only helps clients (specifically, web designers on the above site) in solving their problems. Clear drawing, simple offer, short instructions - this is exactly what high-quality landing should be.

    The best landing pages landing page

    Another example of a successful landing page is one-pagers that explain to surfers what and how they should do. The creators of the crowdspottr portal are doing just that. They write a question and immediately give a clear answer. The above portal can be considered an excellent example of a successful landing page (the number of new visitors exceeds several thousand people)

    landing page websites best design examples – social portal, which is dedicated to the problem of insufficient physical activity of the inhabitants of the Earth.

    His landing page looks attractive - it lacks a clear title and any explanations on the topic. Just a couple of small, vague sentences: “Watch the clip.” But such a paucity of information on the main page was not a minus. A faint haze of mystery gives surfers a strong desire to watch the video. 90% of them click to watch the video and only then look at all the other information on the portal. The site has tens of thousands every day unique visitors and this has earned it the title of one of the most visited landing pages on the Internet.

    Sample landing sites

    Speaking of commercial projects, one of the most successful is the selling one-page website examples

    Why is this site so successful among visitors?

    The creators did a good job coming up with the wording of the page. They described in detail why you should purchase their program and took the time to write a two-page call to purchase (“Demo version for a month” and “Purchase for $49”).

    Examples of landing sites

    Another example of a successful landing page is the creation of a little intrigue.

    The best Landing Page of Runet. Top 10

    The portal page gives visitors only part of the information about the site. Only the most unusual and interesting facts. The calculation is mainly based on the fact that clients themselves will want to explore the capabilities of the portal and will click the window calling for action.

    The text on the landing page is a marker of the “health” of the project. Whether he is alive or dying in agony is conveyed by a few lines above the fold.

    Headings are rightly considered the key element of a landing page. (David Ogilvy) once said, “By writing the headline, you've spent 80 cents of your dollar.” This means that out of 1,000 people who visit the landing page, 800 will leave after reading only the headline. But this is an average, improved by good copy and optimization at the top of the conversion funnel (which will benefit the bottom of the conversion funnel).

    In this article, we will look at data from an analysis of 87 cloud startup landing pages and show trends and practices for two elements of landing pages: the headline and the subheader.

    Key points

    Rarely does anyone read long reads to the end, so let’s briefly summarize the research findings in the first paragraph:

    • 14% of SaaS startup landing pages have no subheadings;
    • the average number of words in a title is 6;
    • the average number of words in a subtitle is 12;
    • average headline quality score (according to the CoSchedule service) - 59 points;
    • 39% of headlines sell product benefits;
    • 20% of headlines use social proof;
    • 50% of headings and subheadings use positive attitudes;
    • 13% of headings and subheadings communicate negative attitudes;
    • “You” and “Your” are found 10 times more often than “We” and “Our”;
    • 42% of headlines contain jargon;
    • speed, simplicity, growth, money, humanity, improvements - 6 main topics for landing page texts;
    • each title boils down to 1 of 9 formulas.

    Read to the end to understand why these methods are so popular, whether they are truly among the best practices, and how to use them to improve your startup's landing page.

    14% of startup landing pages have no subheadings

    Neglecting the subtitle? This means you are confident in the quality of the page title - after all, it is the only one that convinces those 80% of visitors who leave immediately after “landing” to stay.

    According to Wordstream:

    “Most effective landing pages anchor the offer with a headline, and the subheadline clarifies or separates the value proposition.”

    Below is an example of how a subhead works together with a title to convey a crystal clear value.

    Headline: Expense reports are made for you - but not by you;
    Subtitle: ExpenseBot's automated process helps your business track costs, pay employees, and control expenses.

    ExpenseBot's expense reporting app eliminates audience pain, which is what . And the subtitle describes in more detail the functions and capabilities of the product. However, it does not talk about the negative aspects of the need for the product, such as dishonest employees, gray accounting, etc. No dirt - just what the reader wants to know.

    The opposite example is TapInfluence, which does not capitalize on the subtitle. The landing page does not convey to visitors the functionality and value of the product, although online users are “terribly lazy” - that is, they will not go deep into the landing page for information, but will simply close the tab.

    Content. Created by buyers for buyers.

    Average number of words per title: 6

    It is believed that 6-7 words are . But Joanne Wiebe of Copyhackers proved this claim wrong back in 2014 with a “visionary” split test.

    Benchmark: Get results from your facebook posts.
    Option 1: This is like a full-fledged SMM team on demand.
    Option 2: With our status idea generator and extremely simple post scheduler, you will never run out of effective Facebook page content.

    The first option increased CTR by 36%, and the second by 29%. Sometimes the fifth or sixth word is not enough to convey the value. Below is an example of a succinct (and unsuccessful) headline from Simply Measured.

    The best social starts here.
    Informed decisions. Exceptional results.
    The world's best social analytics without the effort.

    Considering that these are the most read four words on the entire landing page, marketers should have conveyed the offer more clearly. The title is not very informative. This is similar to the so-called "flip phenomenon", or reversal phenomenon - a technique in which the subheading is tested as a heading, and vice versa.

    61% of headlines don't sell product benefits

    The figure is surprising, isn't it? You know the old axiom: “Properties talk, but benefits sell”? But if you think about it, the problem comes down to the level of intent and awareness:

    If the visitor is familiar with the product and is already looking for it, then provide additional information about the features. The person already knows the problem and has come to you for a solution.

    But if the visitor is not yet familiar with the product and does not know why it is worth choosing you and not competitors, then you need to convey a significant problem that you are solving in his field, that is.

    The way most cloud companies separate these two segments - creating landing pages optimized for functions in the same way as home page. Below you will see a wonderful landing page, whose title literally “hits your eyes” with the benefits of the offer.

    Close more deals. Make more money.

    But the following example, unfortunately, does not do this. Landing page from SensorTower:

    Title: App Marketing Intelligence Made Easy.
    Subtitle: The Industry's Leading App Store Optimization and Intelligence Platform.

    From the text, the visitor understands something about the functions (a little), and also that the solution is simple and popular. But he doesn't see why this is needed right now. On such a page, you can convey the advantage through the title, subtitle, or text inside the input field. But not a single opportunity was used.

    In short, this landing page could clearly benefit from text optimization.

    20% of headlines and subheadings use social proof

    Social proof is a way to show how many cool people are already using your product. Usually these are expanded or logos of partner brands. But hints of this are useful - and occur - even in the headlines. Below is an example of social proof in the Producteev landing page text:

    Underlined in red: “Helped hundreds of thousands of teams.”

    FastCall also demonstrates its claim to fame - but in the title:

    Headline Text: #1 AppExchange Verified Dealer, Powered by Salesforce

    Average headline quality score on CoSchedule: 59 points

    The CoSchedule headline analysis tool is convenient for checking the quality of texts on English-language blogs and landing pages. The system considers a number of elements:

    Length: people forget words they read online in a matter of seconds;
    Word balance: headings should have a harmonious combination of common, rare, emotional and strong words;
    Header type: More relevant to blog posts. Headings in the style of “How to do...”, ratings, TOPs, lists of posts and questions - such options bring high results;
    Mood: emphasis on negative emotions or positive sentiment in the headline.

    Let's look at the titles that are highly rated by the system.

    Welcome to the world's easiest path to creation and collaboration.

    Benefits that people trust.
    Advanced Inventory Software for Outstanding Business Growth
    Digital marketing analytics with Competitive Edge.

    Do you need more clients?

    Become the company your customers love to order from.

    All-in-one selling platform.
    App creation and mobile marketing in one powerful solution.

    By the way, the system’s opinion about the headlines and the marketers’ opinion about the quality of the landing pages from which they were taken coincided on almost all points.


    The AppZen landing page contains two equivalent CTAs, which is ambiguous in terms of conversion, but there is surprisingly strong text here.

    Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.

    Now let’s shade the high-quality headlines with the weak ones so that we can more clearly see the greatness of the first ones.

    Hey Miss Photographer!
    Finally, the back office is simplified.
    Work smarter.

    Cloud scaling monitoring.
    Run productive meetings
    Automation of inbound sales.

    But we consider headings outside the context of the page and subheadings. In the cases from the screenshot above, although the titles are terrible, the subtitles took the brunt of it.

    Half of the headings and subheadings use positive messages

    Sentiment analysis is a promising area for research. It captures the positive and negative connotations of the words used, and extrapolates the score based on the ratio of positive, neutral and negative expressions. But why should you pay attention to this?

    According to CoSchedule:

    “Headlines that convey strong positive or negative emotions, as a rule, work better."

    This is enough good reason for tests of emotional coloring of text. Let's take a look at the statistics:

    • 44% of headlines convey positive emotions;
    • 37% of headlines convey neutral emotions;
    • 13% of headlines convey negative emotions;
    • 59% of subheadings convey positive emotions;
    • 22% of subheadings convey neutral emotions;
    • 13% of subheadings convey negative emotions.

    Benjamin Brandall analyzed landing page texts for emotional connotation using specialized software. Here are some positive headlines:

    Make your front desk amazing.

    Never create parts again.

    Project tracking for remote teams.

    Customer training made easy.
    Advanced Inventory Software for Outstanding Business Growth
    Outstanding negotiations. Outstanding results.

    And a list of negative ones:

    Task management solution for teams.

    Work smarter.

    Top messages for web and mobile applications.
    Hey Miss Photographer!
    Marketing eCommerce platform.

    Automation of inbound sales.
    Most quick way use Twitter as a team.

    Words such as “delicious”, “great”, “supreme” convey bright feelings, while “decide”, “cold”, “work” convey negative emotions.

    Headings and subheadings: popular words and phrases

    Emotional and strong words are important in the text. And it’s not difficult to add them - there are words and phrases recognized as highly converting. A few points to consider.

    Yours/You are 10 times more likely than We/Ours

    Turn your mistakes into actions

    The product is all about the customer, not you. You are selling what your solution does for someone, not what you do.

    Here are the statistics from the study:

    You/Your: 65 landing pages;
    We/Our: 6 landing pages.

    TOP 10 phrases

    Build your digital business faster with mobile backend as a service

    We'll see that headlines often emphasize simplicity, speed, and excellence. List of best practices:

    • "The best way...";
    • “transform your...”;
    • “easy to use...”;
    • “faster with...”;
    • "from google/according to google";
    • "thousands...";
    • “without writing code...”;
    • "the best in the world...";
    • “trusted by thousands...”

    42% of headlines contain jargon

    Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary defines jargon as: “The speech of some social or other group united by common interests, containing many words and expressions different from the common language, including artificial, sometimes conventional.”

    While jargon is generally a no-no in copywriting, Belinda Weaver says it's okay in some situations. She proves that it is acceptable to use jargon when communicating about a technical topic. Since SaaS platforms are technology products, jargon is acceptable. However, it's rare that marketers actually need them because your product is intended for users, not developers.

    Jargon example from

    Automation of event response from DevOps

    It works because the target audience understands the meaning of the terms. If a person is not aware, then the product is not for him.

    Example from Datadog

    Cloud scaling monitoring. Monitoring that keeps track of your dynamic infrastructure.

    Surely this is a fantastic product, but the description is entirely based on highly specialized terms. Another comparison:

    A) Receive finished project with Nitro; Vs. C) Project tracking for remote teams.

    Both headlines talk about the benefit, but the first says it before talking about the features (the second version lays out the features further down the page).

    Popular headline topics

    Speed, simplicity, intelligence, excellence, humanity, money, growth and improvement. These are the values ​​customers expect from the product. Smart headlines manage to fit into several categories at once. Below is the complete list.

    1. Speed

    The fastest way to use Twitter as a team.

    Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.
    Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.

    2. Simplicity

    The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.
    Most easy way control expenses.
    Create a database as easily as a spreadsheet.
    Finally, a simplified back office.
    Fundraising has become easier.
    Explore the world's easiest way to create and collaborate.

    Easy, powerful web security.
    The Bitium Difference: Security, Flexibility, Ease of Use.

    3. Intelligence, awareness

    Work smarter.
    Smart delivery with built-in content management.

    4. Excellence

    The best way stay up to date with medical research.
    Most effective method identify and connect with your ideal clients.
    #1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
    #1 online and mobile fundraising platform.

    5. Humanity, emphasis on people

    Become the company your customers love to order from.
    The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.

    6. Money

    Plan your path to growth or quit!
    Turn your cold leads into sales opportunities.
    Stop wasting time and money on expense reports.
    Turn your leads into revenue quickly.

    Fundraising has become easier.
    Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.

    7. Height

    Plan your path to growth or quit!

    CRM for small sales teams with big ambitions.
    Grow your business.

    #1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
    Expanded software inventory for outstanding business growth.

    8. Improvement

    Best messages for web and mobile applications.
    Turn your mistakes into actions.
    Reliable data collection for better business.
    Turn the people you know into the business you dream of.
    Improved User Onboarding.
    Innovation requires security.

    Each heading can be attributed to one of 9 formulas

    Headline formulas have been used by copywriters since they were popularized by John Caples in 1932. But, despite the passing of 84 years, the formulas are quite applicable to landing pages for cloud startups - of course, with some adjustments. Each of the headings discussed above (and indeed, of the existing ones) falls into one of 9 categories.

    If you need to write a landing page title, refer to these formulas when looking for ideas and inspiration.

    [Software] for [target]

    Task management solution for teams.
    Transaction management for today's real estate professionals.
    Expense reports optimized for real people.
    Selling CRM for small teams with big ambitions.
    Reliable data collection for better business.
    Content. Created by consumers for consumers.
    Automating incident responses for DevOps.
    #1 recruiting solution for growing companies.
    Project tracking for remote teams.
    Chat and inbox for teams. One space to chat and stay connected.
    Expanded software inventory for outstanding business growth.
    Leadership Software.

    [Superlative] path to [goal]

    The lightest of possible ways cost control.
    The easiest way to communicate with clients and employees.
    The fastest way to use Twitter as a team.
    Explore the world's easiest way to create and collaborate.
    The best way to stay up to date with medical research.

    [Imperative/imperative] [benefit]

    Turn your cold leads into sales opportunities.
    Work smarter.
    Build your digital business faster with mobile backend as a service.
    Turn your mistakes into actions.
    Turn your leads into revenue quickly.
    Focus on the moments that matter.
    Grow your local business.
    Create a database as easily as a spreadsheet.

    Grow your business.
    Do remote design work.
    Turn the people you know into the business you dream of.
    Make your drone work.
    Send email that converts.
    Grow and retain your users.
    Improve User Onboarding.
    Close more deals. Make more sales.
    Start productive negotiations.
    Get more leads. Improve engagement.

    Create and publish powerful mobile applications without knowing the code.
    Get your project ready with Nitro.
    Make your front desk amazing.
    Stay up to date with what your team is doing.
    Sell ​​more, faster with ProsperWorks.

    Best [target]

    Improved user adoption.
    The best messages for Web and mobile applications.

    [Software, product] which [benefit]

    Send an email that converts.

    [Benefit]. [Benefit]

    Get more leads. Improve engagement.
    Close more deals. Make more sales.
    Great negotiations. Outstanding results.

    [Benefit] without [disadvantage, pain]

    Build and publish powerful mobile apps without coding knowledge.
    Create budget reviews, forecasts, projects, sales plans without tables.
    Expense reports made for you, not by you.
    Layout, publication and testing of landing pages without IT.


    Do you need more clients?
    Have an app idea? Bring it to life with POP.


    eCommerce marketing platform.
    Equipping the panel in 15 minutes.

    Instead of a conclusion

    The importance of the first words a visitor sees after landing on your landing page cannot be underestimated. It is in these seconds that people choose whether to stay on the resource or leave. And in 80% of cases the decision is not in favor of marketers. But you can always reduce churn through optimization of landing pages and headers.

    A Process Stree study based on 87 landing pages showed best practics and hidden headline trends. This data is suitable for in-depth tests and adjustments for landing pages. Review the examples, learn 9 headline formulas, and start optimizing!

    Are you thinking about optimizing the conversion rate of your landing page? Check out our >>>

    The adjective “selling” is now used in all marketing tools.

    And the field of web development is no exception, where we also constantly see catchy phrases in the style of “selling site” or “selling landing page”.

    But if we soberly evaluate the ideology of creating a high-quality landing page, we will see that the word “selling” is a set of marketing knowledge in one platform.

    Which of them are important and which are dust in the eyes, I will tell you in this material.

    Tired of lying

    Often my colleagues, after another conversation with a client about a service, say to me an indignant phrase: “Nikita, we are tired of arguing with them. Maybe we can do what they want?”

    The thing is that for the average person, a good landing page = a lot of features. And if original solutions is not on the site, then the site is automatically bad and not selling.

    All! It's boiling. Let's put all the dots (I say in a dreamy voice). Let’s define once and for all what a real one-page selling website is, and what nonsense looks like, which only has a name for it.

    It will be both interesting and boring, but definitely useful. Let's start with a laconic description of this term.

    Selling landing page is a visually designed prototype made on the basis of marketing, copywriting, sales and psychology, with one goal and for a specific target audience at their level of awareness.

    Each word above carries an exorbitant amount of detail, and these are not the tricks that you like to talk about so much.

    These are deep ideas that are usually ignored in training because of their dullness and lack of “wow” effect.

    But we, like meticulous professors, will analyze each part of the seller separately.

    Preparatory part

    I would like to immediately write ready-made elements and rules for a selling landing page, but then the article would not be complete and honest.

    High-quality selling landing page page is a project that is not only created according to all the rules, but also for which you prepare correctly.

    It’s just like when launching a rocket: 50% success is correct definition coordinates So, what should a selling website be like?

    1. One product (goal)

    The first thing that determines a landing page that sells is the presence of one and only goal. Why not two, three or more?! It's quite simple.

    This is the same if you come to buy a car at the dealership, and in addition to it I will sell you a house on Rublyovka.

    And also a subscription to a fitness club and a premium account on a dating site (although with new car, an expensive house and a pumped-up body, the latter may not be useful to you).

    You can now object to the fact that I am exaggerating and no one ever sells everything on one site.

    You are partially right, only you see everything with a blurry look. For you, all your services or goods are by default necessary for your client, but in fact, in 9 out of 10 cases (there are exceptions) a person comes for one thing.

    I will tell you our sad experience and you will immediately understand everything without ambiguous examples. When we were just starting our careers, we made ourselves a landing page to work in our city.

    there was no additional pages, and all services were posted on the main page (screen below).

    We were guided by the idea that if a person needs it, he will choose what suits him. And this was our biggest mistake.


    The fact is that a person, seeing all these services, can order them from us only if we were recommended to him or he is a complete “fool”.

    Because it’s like buying a pig in a poke. No additional information, benefits or answers to questions.

    And a pop-up window is not the solution here; it is too little to effectively convey information and close all objections.

    For a long time now, we have had a separate landing page for each service, where a person gets from the route page.

    Therefore, when you make a website, clearly define what product you are doing it for. And also periodically change the word “Product” to “Goal”.

    After all, it’s one thing to sell straight away, but another thing to close it at first (for example, calculating the cost), and only then sell it. It’s also often not a good idea to mix goals.

    2. Target audience

    According to my internal calculations, this is the 200th mention on our blog about the target audience.

    But now we will look at this with an example and start with the fact that you must know your customers.

    Moreover, there is a very big difference between who is buying from you now and who you want to see as your customers.

    Having a list of potential clients in your head (preferably on paper), you need to decide for whom exactly you will make your website.

    It is quite possible to combine several audiences into one. But in order to understand for sure whether this is possible or not, you need to determine their selection criteria, needs and fears. The diagram will look something like this.

    The target audience

    Since in this material We do not learn how to create a selling landing page, but first of all we understand what a selling landing page is, then I will show you using the example of selection criteria that all people are different.

    To do this, imagine that you are selling a nano-simulator for weight loss. Offhand, you have potential clients These are all overweight people. But I have a question for you: are they similar in their selection criteria?

    I hope you answered no. All people are different, as are their selection criteria. One is ready to pay any amount of money just to get a guaranteed result.

    Another will buy only what does not take up much free time. And the third one doesn’t see anything other than low cost. This list goes on and on.

    And even in such narrow niches, such as building houses from timber, everyone also has different criteria (for better understanding, watch the video below).

    3. Level of awareness

    This topic is already more difficult to understand, especially aurally. Therefore, you are lucky that you are reading and not listening on the phone to how our managers talk about levels of awareness.

    The point is that each person, in his own way, is on at different levels perception of the problem and solution.

    In marketing, this strange approach is called “”. But I won’t burden you with clever terms, but will simply show you with an example how it works.

    And to do this, compare three identical and at the same time different queries with each other in search bar Yandex or Google:

    1. What to build a low-rise house from?
    2. Brick or log in house construction?
    3. Construction of low-rise brick houses

    All these requests relate to low-rise construction and all of them, in theory, are potential clients for construction firms.

    But! The bottom line is that the first one has a complete lack of understanding of what a house is being built from, the second one is faced with the question of which solution to choose, and the third one is already purposefully looking for where to order a specific house.

    For you when developing, this means that in all cases there will be different texts and images on it.

    For example, for the second type of requests, you first show why building a house from brick is better than from a log house (if you are building on a brick basis), and only then sell it.

    In the third type of request, you, without long declarations of love, immediately offer your solution and largely focus on the benefits of your company compared to competitors.

    In everyday use, many people call awareness levels the temperature of traffic. It is divided into hot, warm and cold.

    The most favorite ones for everyone are the hot ones, that is, those people who want to buy right here and now.

    But I will try to write a short summary. The selling site, in parallel with the analysis of competitors, must go through the process of briefing the client.

    In which, with the help of a special series of questions, everything that has accumulated and everything that directly affects the client’s decision-making is drawn out. After which all these meanings are distributed and create the skeleton of the site.

    I won’t hide it either and say that all agencies conduct a client briefing by default.

    But, as usual, I’ll reveal one more secret that makes a site selling. The briefing is conducted orally.

    A piece of paper will not be able to reveal the full depth when a person during communication can ask clarifying questions and lead in the right direction.

    This briefing takes 1-2 hours. And since I’m showing all the cards, then get ready for the fact that if your company is new or there is nothing in it, then the “packer of meanings” simply will not be able to take anything and the site will definitely NOT sell.

    Of course, at the end of the day you will blame the site or the contractor for everything, but in reality, the whole point will be in the absence of your developments, benefits and features.

    Important. A marketing agency offers additional benefits and solutions, but, as a rule, all of them do not change the situation globally.

    To truly develop your packaging strategy and tactics, you need to conduct an in-depth analysis of competitors, and as you remember, this costs other money and takes other time.


    After you have done the preparatory work (the main one is written above), you will automatically have correct structure and you can safely start stretching the frame.

    It is based on marketing, sales, design and psychology. I won’t cleverly break down these areas; I’ll show the main points so as not to complicate the material.

    1. Offer

    As soon as a person lands on the site, the first thing he sees is your offer. In simple terms, this is your offer with the main benefits.

    The main offer can be of 4 levels. The distinctive difference is immediately visible in the examples.

    The first level is when you simply write “Car rental in Moscow”.
    The second level sounds more interesting - “Car rental in Moscow. Premium vehicle fleet.”

    The third level is very difficult for many and is based on the result - “Rent premium cars in Moscow. Single copies will attract thousands of eyes from just 5,000 rubles a day.”

    Can this be called an ideal proposal? Of course not. I came up with it in 2 minutes for this article.

    But you get the point and notice how different the title on the first screen can be. Therefore, by default we try to reach 3, or even better, 4 offer levels.

    Although, to my surprise, I saw great results on level 1 and 2 offers, but these are rather exceptions or a very well-thought-out strategy.

    To create your offer, you need to understand your business very well and understand your customers.

    To make your life easier (that’s why we are here), I recommend reading our article on this topic.

    Better yet, don’t just read, but immediately create and post your results in the comments.


    The selling power of a landing page is also created by a text master (copywriter). He does this on the basis of a prototype received from a marketer, which reflects all the meanings identified at the packaging stage.

    This process is labor-intensive and is much more important than design. I'm sure I surprised you a little now.

    But this is the complete truth. A scary site with good text will do the trick. A bad texts on beautiful design will lose a client.

    Good text is undervalued and this is noticeable in all the actions of the client, who pays more attention to design.

    But if you want to get high-quality landing page, You need to be very careful about headings and texts.

    Most likely, you won’t be able to do this yourself, since this is an entire art that you need to learn and then get better at.

    In addition to everything, I will give you the basic rules for copywriting on websites so that you can at least approximately determine how good the work in front of you is.

    They are not reinforced concrete, there are exceptions to everything, but if several points are violated at once, then you should think about the quality.

    1. Not a trivial title. If you see the headline “Why choose us?”, “About us” or another hackneyed version that is used on dozens of other sites, then run as fast as you can.

      Sites with banal eyeliners indicate their absolute inferiority compared to any other site.

    2. You are the approach. The more headings and texts on a site that begin with the word “WE,” the worse the site.

      It is much more important for the client that they talk about him and for him, and only then he reads about your loved ones.

    3. Simple language. If the consumer does not understand anything about what is written on the landing page or comes across unfamiliar words.

      In this case, this means the site also needs to be improved, because you need to speak accessible language for the client, not for you.

    4. On business. A one-page website should not have text for the sake of text, even if it is created for SEO.

      If you can remove this text from the site and nothing will change, then you need to cut and shorten it.

    5. Specifics. Also hackneyed phrases from the series “ Individual approach”, “Flexible discount system”, “ High quality” are a stigma.

      The only thing is that this is allowed when the revealing text is 100% specific, and this phrase is only a summary or headline.

    As a separate point, I would like to make such a criterion as “Handling objections.” It is implemented throughout the site in all text elements.

    Namely, all typical objections of the client at the level of his awareness must be worked out throughout the entire site.

    It’s quite easy to check this; you collect a list of all objections from the selected target audience and then look to see if they all have answers.

    Clever idea. The selling site covers all objections, evokes emotions and argues that you need to buy from us.

    3. Design

    A beautiful website does not always equal a selling website. You need to remember this forever. In your material

    Selling sites. What it is? Every second person will say: “Of course, these are landing pages!” They are one-pagers, they are landing pages, they are selling pages.

    I will not convince you otherwise, because there is a great deal of truth in these words. Therefore, in this article we will analyze which landing pages can be called the best and why.

    That's why I started looking for the best selling sites. Where to see their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in principle. After all, a one-page website was originally invented in order to increase company sales.

    Lately, a lot has changed. Gone were the ones that were relevant before, websites began to be made of higher quality, more beautiful, with big amount animations, pictures and various enticing features.

    Evaluation criteria are questionable

    By what principle to evaluate? Which ones to take as a basis? How to rank the TOP 10 sites?

    Where can I get websites for the competition? All this makes it difficult to create a real and honest ranking of the best sites.

    In addition, we do not know how many sales companies make through such sites. You can’t call them and ask: “What is yours?” or “How many applications do you receive from?”

    I am sure no one will answer such a question, since either no one believes or will say that this is confidential information.

    Yeah, we're daydreaming!

    So I made it simpler. I started searching and viewing ratings and selections of the best landing pages. And guess what?

    The site takes a long time to load, and this can greatly affect the bounce rate. That is, people will leave it faster than they see the offer.

    2. Workshop “Dinero”

    This is not a website, it’s a whole film about one “character” - a wooden wallet. If it had cost 1,000-2,000 rubles, the site would have failed.

    6. Project “Big Drying”

    Most women (their target audience) have heard about the “Mad Drying” project. Their launch ads are flooding the internet. And this is not surprising when millions are invested in traffic.

    But without a good website, you won’t be able to get tens of millions in revenue, so their website is also included in our TOP.

    Project “Big Drying”

    It is clear that the creation was approached thoroughly, as the texts alone are worth. But they just made one big mistake - they didn’t put a call button at the very end.

    And this affects the outflow of visitors, due to the fact that they do not see the logical closure of the whole story.


    We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since our topic is not “,” the Megaplan system website exceeded all expectations.

    Through it they conveyed all the main points of their system, after which you understand that this is the best thing for business.

    CRM “MegaPlan”

    Our wish for improvement is to add a video review of the system, since all direct competitors have it. And also make clearer calls, namely, replace the headings (not buttons) with “Start using for free” or something like that.

    By the way! If you want to use it as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the promo code “Megastart”. This way you will receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and 14 days of free use.

    8. Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

    Another landing page from the bank. He wins a prize for his originality. This page sent to your friends as a referral link.

    To enhance the effect, we would add a few more blocks that put pressure on the logic. Since now the site is more focused on emotions. In some cases, this could be the right decision, but since we have a choice of bank, emotions alone cannot do it.

    Bank for entrepreneurs “Tochka”

    9. “Goodfit” gym equipment

    An interesting transition of the site from black to white with blue. But in addition to an interesting design solution, this landing page uses an excellent title game.

    In this design, they are not a connection to the block, but independent elements, after reading which you can already create a complete picture.

    For a complete package, a video presentation from a person is not enough general director. Surely he is in excellent physical shape.

    And it would also be great to add numbers to the cases. That is, how much does the hall the client received cost? But this is not critical, but desirable.

    Equipment for gyms “Goodfit”

    10. Shopping center “METROPOLIS”

    This is by far the best shopping center landing page I've ever seen. The colors are beautifully chosen, the main meanings are conveyed, and the usability is excellent. This is all immediately visible when you go to this landing page. So click and explore.

    Although I'll put in my 5 cents. I, of course, understand that people who are familiar with this center should get to this site. But it will also attract people who will be seeing it for the first time.

    This means it was logical to make a small description (a few words about the company) so that the visitor would immediately know where he was and what awaits him there.

    Shopping mall“METROPOLIS”

    Only Russia!?

    Yes, in my review I mainly concentrated on the best one-page sites on the RuNet, although there are many worthy, good options in the world.

    Moreover, the most important thing (and also the most surprising thing) is that the landing page in the burzhunet is used not only by small businesses, but even by large businesses.

    For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world, Uber, took the following option as its main website - a multifunctional landing page or, as they also say, a multi-page landing page.

    This is a site consisting of many landing pages. Almost a multi-page site. But still a landing page.

    But I don’t specifically post their landing page here, because they are different. Let everyone say that we are repeating everything after the West, but in in this case I think differently.

    We Russians are different. We have a different type of thinking because we live in a different country.

    For example, an American has almost no fears in his head that the company will take the money and dissolve. Since they have everything protected for ten rows, it costs only one PayPal.

    Here, in Russia, this fear is at the forefront. That’s why they have few blocks on their website that convince people to trust the company, while we have a ton of them.

    I can give dozens more arguments that we will have different and better landing pages. Therefore, I apologize, but their options will not be here.

    Better enjoy our Russian solutions. Model our texts and blocks. And in foreign sites just take good ideas for design.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Now that you have looked at all the applicants, I do not urge you to blindly focus on them, but it is definitely worth looking at the best landing pages for example.

    At a minimum, you can take an idea from someone for an interesting animation. Or, for example, one of the creators knows theirs perfectly and uses it throughout the entire landing page. In general, it’s worth studying, drawing conclusions and adopting.

    And by the way, if you are looking for ideas for your first landing page, you can try to create it yourself. So you will understand what you need and that it is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

    For this, use, for example, the LP Platform. And only then, we are waiting for you to visit us for joint development.