Where to find the red line indent in Word. To make a red line you should

In Russian language lessons, the first line of a new paragraph is usually called the red line. When setting the beginning of a paragraph in Word, you will see the word Indent.

Let us warn you right away - there are good ways, and not so good ones. For example, indenting using spaces is incorrect.

And don't think that your "gaps" aren't visible. If you include non-printable characters, they will appear and show that the text was typed by a not very competent user:

Of course, if you are going to use the text only once in the version you typed, without changing formats, this option is still acceptable. But our task today is to find out what ways exist literate design of indents.

Word offers several methods. And today we will tell you how to correctly make a red line in Word.

First way. Using the Tab key

The key is located on the left side of the keyboard (the outermost one in the third row from the top, next to the letter Y).

Place the cursor at the beginning of the first line and press the Tab key. The indentation is ready.

And if we look at how it was installed (include non-printable characters), we won’t see any spaces:

Method two. Set the red line using a ruler

The horizontal ruler is located above the work area.

If it is not visible, open it using the following steps:

  1. Open the View tab.
  2. Find the Ruler item.
  3. Check the box.

Part of the ruler gray shows the width of the field, and white - work area. In addition to the scale, you can see 2 markers. The first line marker is triangular in shape and is located above. The main line marker consists of a square and a triangle.

If you move the first line indent marker, you can set the required distance for the red line.

If you move the second marker by the triangle, you can change the distance of the main lines from the beginning of the sheet. And if you move this marker beyond the square, both markers will move simultaneously.

All that remains is to pick up the top one with the mouse and set the desired indentation.

Method three. The most accurate. Using the dialog box

The previous option is very convenient, but if we need to set the distances more accurately, we will use the settings in the Paragraph window.

Open the Paragraph panel window (arrow in the lower right corner):

We find in the window a group of elements that set the Indent parameters.

Set the Indent to the first line (not to be confused with Overhang), indicate the exact distance:

We get the desired result.

This concludes our story. We hope that now you will not have a question about how to make a red line in Word. Choose the method that is most convenient for you. Try to use spaces less often. And format your texts correctly.

In order for the typed document to look beautiful and be easy to read, it is necessary to divide it into paragraphs. To separate the latter, a red line is used, which does not allow a large volume of words to merge into continuous, difficult-to-perceive information. In other words, the first line of each paragraph should be indented.

This can be done in several ways, i.e. by using:

  1. Rulers.
  2. Tab buttons

Video guide for installing the red line in Word

Adjusting the red line with a ruler

First you need to see if it is active this element. If not, then you need to go to the “View” item, find the “Ruler” sign and turn it on by checking the box next to it. Having activated the required element, you should pay attention to the fact that it has sliders on both sides, or, as they are also called, markers. The one on the right determines the distance from the text part to the right edge of the sheet.

There are 3 more sliders on the left. The bottom rectangular one sets the distance from the text part to the left edge of the sheet. The red line is marked with an upper triangular slider, which must be set slightly to the right of the one responsible for the left indent.

One of the most simple ways red line tasks in Word - use standard functionality rulers

The middle triangular marker is used to set the indentation at the beginning of a paragraph. For this purpose, it must be placed in a position to the right of the one responsible for the red line.

Setting indentation using the Paragraph button and the Tab button

An already typed document that does not contain indents can also be edited. First you need to select it entirely, and then make two quick clicks with the left mouse button. In the window that appears, you need to select “Paragraph”, in which, in turn, new tabs will open. Attention should be paid to the section “Indents and Spacing”. Opposite “First line indent” you need to enter the required value (1.5 cm, 2 cm, etc.) and click “OK”. In the same window you can add all the indents from the edges of the sheet.

Options for setting the red line in allow the use of the Tab button. To do this, place the cursor at the beginning of the 1st line and click on Tab. If after performing the actions there is no result, in the main menu you need to select the “Service” section, then the “AutoCorrect Options” subsection. In the “Autoformat as you type” tab, check the box next to “Set key indents”.

When setting a red line in the text, you can use any in a convenient way. The main thing is to choose one of them, since using several options at once can cause incorrect text formatting.

Probably, any person who knows at least a little about computers knows this famous program like MicrosoftWord, which is simply vital in our time, since it is used at all levels of human activity. In order to issue various documents in this program, then you need to understand at least a little about this program, and use different functions in order to design what you want. Today, one of the most popular questions that beginners have is creating a red line in Word. But the problem is that in different versions it is carried out in different ways.

First, let's deal with new version Microsoft Word 2010. This version program has smooth lines, volumetric horizontal menu and a nice updated design. It is for this reason that it is a little difficult to find some items if you have previously worked with a different version of the program. Basically there are several ways to create red line indentation.

The first is manually pulling the slider. But it should only be applied to a group of text that is a paragraph. But first of all, you need to enable the ruler, and to do this, go to the View tab, then to the Show area and click on the word Ruler. And subsequently you will have a ruler on your worksheet. You will be able to see the slider from above and by dragging it you can select the volume that you need.

The second option is a little easier to implement. To do this, you need to select the range of text you need, then click on it right click mouse and select Paragraph. And then in the First Line section, select the parameters you need and confirm this change.

Today version 2007 is actively used, since it is already for a long time uses it a large number of people and they are used to appearance this program. So, there are several options to create a red line in Word 2007.

The first option is very similar to working with the 2010 version. You just need to move the slider to required distance, and in order to see the slider you need to execute the following command View › Show or hide › Ruler. But use this option This is possible only for small parts of the text, and not for the whole of it.

The second option is to create a new style for the text. Here you will be able to specify all the formatting rules for all your text. This function will allow similar documents to be formatted in the same style. You can create your own style very easily, you just need to go to Home, and then to context menu choose the style you want.

Red line in word

From school, everyone remembers the famous phrase of the teacher: “Write a new paragraph from the red line.” What is this “red line”? Even in ancient writings, the first letter of the entire text was written very large, ornate, beautiful, indented from the left edge. And beautiful in Rus' meant “red”. This tradition started from there.

    Even from school, everyone remembers the famous phrase of the teacher: “Write a new paragraph on the red line.” What is this “red line”? Even in ancient writings, the first letter of the entire text was written very large, ornate, beautiful, indented from the left edge. And beautiful in Rus' meant “red”. This tradition started from there.

The correct arrangement of margins and indents allows you to focus on the text, automatically visually highlighting semantic accents. Various documents require special formatting, but the following is considered standard:

  Lower, upper, left margin– 20 mm

  Right margin – 10 mm

The indentation in the red line may vary, generally 1.5 – 1.7 cm.

How to make a red line in Word?

1.  To set the fields to Microsoft Office 2007, open the “Page Layout” tab on the main task ribbon. Next, you go to the “Page Settings” section. Here you open the “fields” icon. In the pop-up window you can select one of the proposed templates. If the templates do not suit you, you can customize the fields yourself.

2.  Custom fields. In the “Page Options” section, click the “fields” icon, then open “custom fields”. In the dialog box that opens, enter data in centimeters. Here you can specify the location of the binding.

3.  You can call the window in which you set the size of the margins by clicking on the small arrow in the lower right corner of the “page settings” section.

4.  After you have set the usual values ​​for indents from the edge of the page, you can begin adjusting the values ​​of the red line. Go to the “Page Layout” tab, then the “Paragraph” section. In the lower right corner this section there is a small arrow. Click on it. A window pops up. Here, in the “indentation” section, look for the phrase “first line.” Here you can select the position of the line relative to the entire text: indentation, protrusion, or no change. Further on the right there is a window in which you enter the size of the indent in centimeters.

5.  The red line is most noticeable if there is space between paragraphs. This design method is more convenient for small documents. For books or theses(for example) no spacing between paragraphs is more acceptable. To remove or add a break, go down in the same dialog box and check (or uncheck) the phrase “do not add space between paragraphs of the same style.”

The red line usually refers to the indentation at the beginning of a paragraph. This indentation is formed by shifting the entire text of a line to the right at a certain distance from the left edge text document. In this material we will talk about how to make a red line in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

How to make a red line in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In order to be able to make a red line, in Word program The ruler must be turned on.

How to put a paragraph in Microsoft Word

To turn it on you need to go to the “View” tab and check the box next to the “Ruler” function.

You can also turn on the ruler by clicking on the small button on the right top corner document (immediately above the horizontal scroll bar).

After the ruler is turned on, you can proceed directly to the red line itself. First of all, carefully study the ruler that is located above the document (top ruler). There are several sliders on it: two on the left side of the ruler and one on the right. In order to make a red line on all paragraphs, you you need to select all the text and move the top left slider to the right.

This way you will make a red line at the beginning of each paragraph.

If you need to make a red line only at the beginning of one paragraph of text, then do not select the entire text. Instead, place the cursor on the paragraph you want and move the top left slider to the right.

In addition, you can make a red line using the keyboard. For this place the cursor at the beginning of the first line and press the TAB key.

But, when using the TAB key, the red line can only be made on one paragraph of text at a time.

How to make a red line in Word 2003

In Word 2003, the red line is done in exactly the same way. The only difference is that in order to enable the display of the ruler you you need to open the “View” menu and select “Ruler” there».

Otherwise, everything is absolutely the same as in more modern versions Word. You need to select the test and move the upper left slider on the top ruler.

To prepare documents in Microsoft Word you need to know all the rules for using certain functions. And one of the most popular questions for beginners is creating a red line in different versions of the program.

How to make a red line in Word 2010

Word 2010 has smooth lines, a voluminous horizontal menu, a new modern design. Therefore, some items are a little more difficult to find if you are used to working exclusively in another version.

There are several ways to create red line indents.

First way

The first of these is manually dragging the slider, which should only be done for that group of text that is paragraphs.

To see this slider, you first need to turn on the ruler (View › Show › Ruler).

So, to drag the slider, simply select the volume that you need to format and drag the top slider on the left to horizontal stripe markings.

Do not forget that this action It is not permissible to apply it to the entire document, since you will change the appearance of headings and section titles.

Second way

The next option is also to select all the necessary paragraphs and format them using the “Paragraph” item. To do this, select a section of text, right-click on it and select “Paragraph”. Next, in the “First line” field, select the desired value and confirm the change.

Third way

One of the most effective points is to create a certain style.

Here you can choose not only the location of the text, indents, but also the size and type of font, its main characteristics. You can then apply the style to any parts of the text.

You can create a style by editing a section of text, then right-clicking on it and selecting “Styles” › “Save selected fragment as a new express style.” After this, you can apply the created style by going to the “Styles” tab.

How to make a red line in Word 2007

Word 2007 is one of the most popular currently used, since a large number of users are accustomed to this particular appearance of the program.

First way

So, the first way to create a red line is to move the horizontal marking slider to the required distance.

To see this slider, you first need to turn on the ruler (View › Show or hide › Ruler).

This method can only be used for parts of text, and not for the entire document.

Second way

Using a drop-down menu. Select the part of the text that needs formatting, right-click and select the item called “Paragraph”.

How to make a red line or paragraph in Microsoft Word

Then determine the First Line indent distance and confirm your choice.

Third way

Creating a new style is an equally effective option. Here you can specify formatting rules for all text, including working with headings and highlighting them. Useful feature, which will allow you to format similar documents in the same style.

You can create a style by editing a section of text, then right-clicking on it and selecting “Styles” › “Save selected fragment as a new express style.” The created style can be used by going to “Home” › “Styles” (scroll down).

How to make a red line in Word 2003

Word 2003 is not so popular in use Lately, but at the same time it has a simple menu, which is somewhat easier to understand than in other versions of the program.

First way

So, in order to make a red line in a paragraph, you need to: select part of the text to be formatted, in the menu, after clicking on the right button, select “Paragraph” and in the “Indents” section, determine the required spacing in the “First line” field.

Second way

You can also format one paragraph or group at a time by dragging the top slider on the horizontal layout at the top of the page.

This way you will automatically indent the first line. But to use this method, you need to enable the ruler (View › Ruler)

Using the above rules, you will learn how to format documents efficiently and correctly and carry out everything necessary actions in a minimum period of time.

Users, when formatting text in a document, indent the beginning of each paragraph. This is a smart solution that allows you to easily read text without straining your eyes. After highlighting paragraphs, the document looks more presentable. There are three ways to make a red line in Word; we’ll look at it in more detail below.

Create a red line using the “Ruler”

For this method You will need a ruler in Word. If in open document By default the ruler is not displayed, this can be fixed. You need to follow these steps:

To set a red line throughout the document, first you need to select the entire text fragment using the key combination “Ctrl” + “A” and mark the corresponding value on the ruler by pulling the top slider. This will add a red line at the beginning of each new paragraph.

Tab key

You can add a red line using the Tab key. To do this you need:

Thus, you can set an indentation, even in a ready-made text task. Just place the cursor at the beginning of the line and click on the “Tab” key.

Indent using the Paragraph line

First, you need to select the corresponding piece of text and right-click on an empty part of the sheet. In the new window that opens, select the “Paragraph” line.

How to make a red line in MS Word

Switch to the Indents and Spacing tab.

In the “Indentation” subsection called “First Line”, select “Indentation” from the drop-down list.

The red line is automatically assigned a value of 1.25 cm. After specified settings you should click on “Ok”.

Users, when formatting text in a document, indent the beginning of each paragraph. This is a smart solution that allows you to easily read text without straining your eyes. After highlighting paragraphs, the document looks more presentable. There are three ways to make a red line in Word; we’ll look at it in more detail below.

Create a red line using the “Ruler”

For this method you will need a ruler in Word. If a ruler is not displayed by default in an open document, this can be fixed. You need to follow these steps:

To set a red line throughout the document, first you need to select the entire text fragment using the key combination “Ctrl” + “A” and mark the corresponding value on the ruler by pulling the top slider. This will add a red line at the beginning of each new paragraph.

Tab key

You can add a red line using the Tab key. To do this you need:

Thus, you can set an indentation, even in a ready-made text task. Just place the cursor at the beginning of the line and click on the “Tab” key.

Indent using the Paragraph line

First, you need to select the corresponding piece of text and right-click on an empty part of the sheet. In the new window that opens, select the “Paragraph” line.

Switch to the Indents and Spacing tab. In the “Indentation” subsection called “First Line”, select “Indentation” from the drop-down list.

The red line is automatically assigned a value of 1.25 cm. After the specified settings, click on “Ok”.

Users who are just starting to learn Microsoft program Word, are often faced with one very interesting question: how to make a red line using this text editor? To give the text an aesthetic appearance and ensure ease of reading, it is necessary to perform formatting.

To do this, you will have to use some tools that are located on the panel. If you work with large volumes of text, you definitely need to break it up into paragraphs. Each paragraph, as a rule, should begin with a red line, i.e. more to say in clear language, each first word in a new paragraph should be placed with some indentation from the paragraph itself. Today we will discuss why a red line is needed in Microsoft Word and how you can make it.

How to create a "red" line?

To create new paragraph in text Microsoft editor Word, just press the “Enter” button. As a result, you will be able to continue typing immediately after the fragment you have already written. To make another indent, simply press the “Enter” button again. As a result, you will again have empty space between paragraphs. You can create a red line in Word using several methods. Today we will look at only two of them.

First way

The first way to create a red line involves using a special ruler, which is located on the toolbar. First of all, make sure you have ruler enabled in your editor. If it is disabled, this needs to be fixed. To enable the ruler, go to the “View” tab and find the special “Ruler” column.

You need to put a tick in front of this box. Please note that the ruler has sliders on the left and right. The right slider allows you to adjust the distance from the typed text to the right end of the sheet. If necessary, you can change its position yourself. Now let's look at the sliders on the left side. There are three of them in total.

The bottom rectangle slider is used to create indentation. He is the one responsible for placing the text. In Microsoft Word 2010, the red line is set in the same way as in older earlier versions. The upper slider, which looks like an inverted triangle, is designed to create an indent for the first line. You will need this slider to create a red line in Word.

It is enough to set the position of the red line once. After this, every time you create a new paragraph, a red line will be created in automatic mode. Pay special attention to the markers located on the ruler. You need to set the indent marker for the first line slightly to the right of the left indent marker. Otherwise, the first line indent will be set somewhere 1.5 cm to the right than the left indent. After completing all the steps described above, the red line in Microsoft Word will be installed automatically. If necessary, in the future you can independently adjust the amount of indentation.

Second way

Let's consider another option for setting the red line using a paragraph. This method is more suitable in a situation where the text you need has already been typed, but required formatting not yet completed. Then the first thing you need to do is select the fragment that needs to be formatted. After that, double-click with the left mouse button. A menu will appear on the screen in which you need to select the “Paragraph” item.

You can create a red line in Microsoft Word using other methods. In this article, only the simplest and fastest options were considered.