How to disable Windows 10 Enterprise update. Using a metered connection to prevent updates from being installed

Microsoft Team working on development operating system Windows 10 provides users with updates to fix bugs, make fixes, and add new features.

You can permanently and completely disable Windows 10 Home (home version), pro updates on your computer/laptop , update assistant or if you have an enterprise version.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter what version of Windows 10 you currently have: 1709, 1703, 1607 or 1511 - 64 bit / 32 bit.

Automatic updates are installed by default, while on Windows 10 Home you cannot disable this service as standard, but there are still some ways.

If you are a user home version, we can only block system updates - Microsoft has significantly limited the user’s ability to apply its solutions in the home version.

To do this, launch “Settings” and go to “Update and Security”. Then click “Windows Update” on the left, and then “Change activity period” at the bottom of the screen.

Now you can specify at what hours you actively work with your computer or laptop, which will allow you to limit this system function at this time, so that your computer or laptop will not slow down.

The first method is to disable Cent Update updateWindows 10Pro and enterprise

Users over powerful versions how a professional or corporate can use the local editor group policy to disable loading system add-ons.

If you manage multiple devices, you can make changes at the domain level, which allows us to change the settings of all computers at once.

In Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Education, you can disable automatic downloading of updates using the Local Group Policy Editor. To run them, press “Win ​​+ R” and enter in the window.

In the editor, go to Computer Configuration, then Administrative Templates (right), now Windows components" and select (double click) "Windows Update".

Now you need to find the “Set Automatic Updates” option and double click on it to start editing.

Then on the left select "Disabled" and select and click OK. That's it, now you have to download and install them manually. This solution is not recommended by Microsoft.

Method two to permanently disable automatic updating of Windows 10 through the registry - step by step

We can also disable the service Windows Update using Registry Editor for this purpose. Using a magnifying glass or window, run the regedit command.

We find a DWORD value called Start, which is located in the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\wuauserv

We edit the DWORD value and enter the following in the Value field:

  • 2 - Automatic launch of Windows Update Center
  • 3 - Manual start
  • 4 - Windows Update is disabled.

After placing the appropriate number, click OK and restart your computer.

After restarting the computer, automatic detection, download and installation latest updates for Windows and programs installed on it will be disabled.

Method three to disable Windows 10 constant updates via PowerShell - step by step

You can disable the Update service using PowerShell commands. PowerShell is almost the same as the command line and even better (an updated version of the command line).

Identical effects like the ones above can be achieved using PowerShell commands. To do this, first launch the PowerShell application with administrator rights by typing PowerShell.

In the window that opens, enter the command: stop-service wuauserv

After issuing the specified command, the Update service will be stopped. Additionally, you can also change the service startup type.

To obtain automatic start services, enter the command: set-service wuauserv -startup automatic

This command will change the service startup type to automatic. You can also manually start the Update service by running the command: set-service wuauserv -startup manual

The selected command will change the service startup type to manual. You can also completely disable service startup using the command: set-service wuauserv -startup disabled.

The specified service startup type is disabled.

Method four to disable downloading windows 10 updates using the Services tab

You can open the Service snap-in using Run by running the command: services.msc

In the window that opens we find a service called “Windows Update” (almost at the very end).

Double-click to open the window Windows properties Update and change the startup type to “Disabled” (or manually) and click the “Stop” button.

From this point on, the Windows Update service goes into standby mode.

Method five to disable completely forced Windows 10 update using the program

The better to use the program. You could say everyone. With its help, you can completely disable any damn updates: Security Center, pirated build checks, and pop-up ads.

But it is unlikely that you will be able to disable the update of the defender, store, nvidia video driver, p2p distribution, reboot, autostart or Skype.

The program is the fastest, simplest and effective method. All you need to do is download, install, select the disable tab, check the box and click “Apply now”.

How to speed up downloading updates

The service responsible for installing add-ons in Windows 10 is “Center....”. They are received from Microsoft servers and from users’ computers through p2p distribution who already have them - this speeds up the whole process.

Go to Settings and select the Update & Security option. In the "Center..." section you will see the settings. Click Advanced Options.

Then click “Select delivery method.” Enabling the "...from multiple locations" option causes them to download faster, but also send directly to other computers.

You can limit this process to your local network or allow downloading and uploading to the network.

Why you should update your operating system

New ones are created every day malicious codes. Viruses, worms, Trojans and other pests spread quickly and exploit vulnerabilities in operating systems and applications.

There is still a race of cybercriminal programmers. Developers are developing add-ons to protect users from malware.

This is why installing them to improve security is so important, and why not installing them increases the risk of a successful attack.

But this is not the only reason why you should monitor the system. They also solve hardware and software problems, thereby improving the quality and comfort of working with the system.

Is it dangerous to disable Windows 10 system update?

The update service is responsible for providing improvements. If you disable it, they will not be downloaded and installed.

You can disable downloading without fear, especially if you are using a reliable antivirus.

Obtaining a cumulative security update ordinary users usually to no avail - corporations need it much more.

I always turned off their downloading on Windows 7, but I don’t do this on Windows 7, since in addition to the critically important cumulative add-ons, it also improves Windows version 10, and I don’t want to miss this, since there are a lot more new functions then.

Can you go back to the state before the update?

This is only possible within 10 days from the installation date. Under System Settings, click Update & Security, and then on the left side of the window, click Recovery.

There, find the "Return to previous compilation" option. If no more than 10 days have passed since installation, you can begin recovery.

If necessary, you can also return the system to the initial state(you can use rollback).

Then, depending on the option you choose, your files can be kept or deleted - the system will be reinstalled. Good luck.

Windows Update - useful and necessary thing, because its task is to check Microsoft servers, download and install the latest updates on your PC, which are designed to improve the security, performance, and stability of the OS.

But sometimes installed (or being installed) updates become a real problem. The system begins to slow down or stops loading altogether, some functions disappear, and it may happen that the process takes a very long time. And this is not to mention the fact that the impressive volume of downloaded updates costs a pretty penny for users with limited Internet.

But in Windows 10, the update process begins automatically, “without warning.” These and other reasons force many users to look for answers to the question of how to permanently (or temporarily) completely disable system auto-updates. How to do this on Windows 10? Let's look at several ways to disable automatic updates in Windows 10 Home, Pro, etc.

Windows Update settings through Settings

Thanks to this method, we will only postpone the auto-update of the system. Moreover, it will avoid automatic reboot computer. How to completely block an update is described in in the following ways.

So, first we need to get to “Settings” (the “Start” button).

Update > Advanced options

Now you need to select “Notify when a reboot is scheduled” from the drop-down list. This way we will prevent the system from automatically restarting after downloading and installing auto updates. You will also need to uncheck the box "When updating Windows, provide updates from other Windows products".

Click on “Choose how and when to receive updates.” Move the slider to the "Off" position.

How to hide Windows 10 updates using Show or hide updates

This official utility, which was released by Microsoft before the release of Windows 10. It allows you to configure driver updates and individual system elements.

First, download it from here.

Launch the downloaded file.

The process will begin...

In the next window you need to click on “Hide updates”.

The next utility window will show updates that can be hidden. The “Show hidden updates” item in the previous window allows you to bring back hidden updates.

How to cancel automatic Windows 10 updates using a metered Wi-Fi connection

A simple way to stop downloading and installing updates. You just need to configure your Internet connection via Wi-Fi as metered. After this, Windows will not automatically download and install system updates.

Go to: “Settings” > “Network and Internet” > “Wireless network” > “Set as metered connection” (activate the slider to the “On” position).

Software for disabling auto-updates Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can disable the update using a special utility, Win Updates Disabler.

By the way, after the release of the “ten”, a lot of different software appeared that allows you to enable or disable certain functions in the system. For example, we have already written about how to disable user spying using Destroy Windows 10 Spying and how to return classic menu"Start" in Windows 10 using the program Classic Shell.

The Win Updates Disabler utility (easy, free, in Russian) allows you to disable auto-updates. To do this, download it from here ( Google Drive) via a direct link or from the official website of the program:

Run the downloaded file, the main program window will appear, in which you can also disable the Center Windows security, Defender and Firewall.

Disabling automatic updates through Services

The “top ten” has a rather conveniently organized Start menu. Just click on it right click mouse and you can immediately get to “Computer Management” (and that’s where we need it) without having to go to the “Control Panel”.

So, we can turn off auto-update by editing the corresponding service.

Go to: “Start” > “Computer Management” > “Services” > “Windows Update”.

Click 2 times, then the following window will open:

If the service is running, click on “Stop”, and then set it to “Disabled”. Click on "Apply".

Thus, we disabled the service that is responsible for searching, downloading and installing system updates.

To enable automatic Windows 10 updates, you need to follow the same path and set it to “Enabled”.

Disabling automatic updates in the Local Group Policy Editor of Windows 10

This is perhaps the most reliable way permanently disable system auto-updates. However this method Works only in Pro and Enterprise editions.

Launch the local group policy editor by clicking hot Win keys+R and enter in the gpedit.msc line.

Here we need to find the item “Setting automatic updates” and click on it 2 times.

In the window that opens, you need to set it to “Disabled”.

That's all. We hope we helped you resolve the issue of disabling auto-updates. By the way, if you have disabled it and your computer is no longer updated, we still recommend that you manually check for updates periodically. Microsoft is working to improve the system, so there will be updates and improvements.

If you have any questions or would like to add to this article, please write to us in the comments below.

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You can now turn off automatic app updates on Windows 10 Home

If you're using Windows 10 Home, you've probably noticed one interesting feature system, which consists in the impossibility of disabling the installation of automatic updates in Windows Store. Indeed, the company has blocked this feature on this version of the system.

Fortunately, the company is listening to user feedback, and after the release of update KB3081448, this feature became available. Now in Windows settings Store you can enable or disable automatic installation updates. This feature is only added to Windows 10 Home. All other editions already have this opportunity.

Found a mistake? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter

Disabling updates in Windows 10: step-by-step instructions, description and recommendations

So, today we will try to find out how updates are disabled in Windows 10. This question interests many users, because the operating system is becoming more widespread every day. And you need to be able to manage it. Yes, and updates too. Maybe you don't want anything downloaded and installed on your computer without your knowledge. This is a completely normal phenomenon, but coping with the task is not so easy. You will have to try hard, otherwise you will not solve the problem.

Is it easy?

How do you disable Windows 10 update? In Windows 7 and 8, everything is extremely simple and clear - don’t want something to download? All you have to do is play around a little with Update Center, disable several settings there (or change them at your discretion), and then save the settings. And this is how you get the desired result.

But Windows 10 is a completely different conversation. The whole problem is that this operating system deprives users of the so-called freedom of choice. What are we talking about? Disabling automatic updates in Windows 10 is not such a big deal. simple task. Microsoft has taken away the ability to easily manage its product. And now we need to “prepare for battle” seriously so that the update does not occur. It's not that easy to turn it off. What happens to the operating system?

How it happens

We have already found out that Windows 10 does not allow you to quickly and easily disable updates. What's happening? And is it even necessary to address our current issue?

The answer is yes. It is worth engaging in this process at least to prevent the occurrence of new errors and problems with the computer. This is far from the rarest occurrence. They appear very often after “updates”. And this despite the fact that Windows 10 itself is not famous for stability.

How does the update process work? Secretly. The system does everything itself, the user may not be aware of what is happening. That is, as soon as the update is released, it is immediately downloaded and installed on the computer. No messages, no notifications, warnings or windows. The computer may just suddenly reboot and that's it. This is a signal that the “update” has been downloaded and installed. That's how difficult it is. But in general, disabling updates in Windows 10 is possible. How to produce it?


Of course, since we are dealing with Windows, which has an Update Center, we need to take advantage of this. Yes, it will not be possible to easily and simply bring our idea to life, but it’s worth trying. Want to manage Windows 10 updates yourself? Tired of your computer downloading new documents and installing them without your knowledge, and then crashes and problems arise? Then it's time to work a little with the Center settings.

Go to this application and find the tab we need. To do this, you will have to open "Advanced options". In the window that appears you will need to install certain settings that will help us cope with our current task.

Disabling automatic updates in Windows 10 occurs in several stages. First, set the "Notify me when the computer restarts" option. Now the system will automatically warn you that it is ready to complete the installation of updates. Next, remove the “When updating the system, offer updates for other Microsoft products” setting and check the “Delay updates” checkbox. Ready? Next, click on the very bottom line in the window - “How and when to receive.” A switch will appear here. Please note "From multiple locations". Need to disable this function, and save the changes. That's all, we can move on.


The next question is how to disable driver updates in Windows 10. Often this parameter I also have to clean it up. Fortunately, the new operating system still allows you to manage the download and installation of drivers for computer components. It’s not that difficult to disable this option; you just need to know which add-in to turn to.

To begin, press the key combination Win + R. A command line will appear in front of us. In it you need to type “rundll32 newdev.dll,DeviceInternetSettingUi”, then press Enter (or “Run”). A window with settings will appear on the screen. It sets the options to "No, provide choice", then "Never". Save the changes - you can close the found service.

In general, this is exactly how automatic updates are disabled in Windows 10. Now the computer will always search for drivers on the computer and install them, but only access the “Center” if they are missing. And, of course, you will have the opportunity to manage your downloads.


The process doesn't end there. If you leave everything as it is this moment, you won’t get any results. More precisely, it will be, but ineffective. To cope with the task as accurately as possible, you will need special utility to disable Windows 10 updates.

We are talking about official application. It's called Show or Hide updates. Download and install it on your computer. After that, launch and scan your computer. The program to disable Windows 10 updates works as a scanner. She is searching possible files, and then offers to hide them. Has the scan completed? Click Hide, after which in the next dialog box you need to select Required documents. You can hide everything, or only partially. Save your changes. This is all. Now marked files will not appear in the Center.

Limit connection

So far everything has been simple and easy. Further, disabling updates in Windows 10 Home (and not only) is somewhat reminiscent of dancing with tambourines. After all, the process is not over yet; only the most difficult steps remain that will have to be taken to solve the task set before us today. For example, you can set up a metered Internet connection. Then "Center" will not be able to automatically search for files and then install them.

How to do it? To get started, go to "Settings" - "Network and Internet". Next, refer to " Wireless network" and find "Additional" there. In principle, if you look closely at the window that opens, you can quickly find the answer to the task assigned to us. You need to check the box opposite "Set as limit". And that's it, you can save. After using this trick, "ten " will no longer be able to independently search for and install updates.

Group Policy

The tricks that may be useful in solving our today's problem are still not over. Now you should turn to setting up Group Policy on your computer. It can also help disable updates in Windows 10. However, rarely does anyone use this option.

First you need to find the Group Policy Editor. Press Win + R and execute the command gpedit.msc there. Next, open "Configuration" - "Administrative Templates". Here you need to go to “Components”, and then turn to the inscription “Update Center” that we already know.

pay attention to right side window. There you will see many lines, among which you will have to find “Setting automatic updates”. Once you open this parameter, a window will pop up in front of you in which we will work further. Check the box next to "Enabled". Next, look a little lower. There you will see "Options". There are two items worth paying attention to on the list. The very first one is “Download Notifications”. It will show messages about searching and downloading documents by the "Update Center". But it’s better to turn to the last one “Allow local administrator select options." After selecting, you will see an additional dialog box in which you can select the "Disable updates" checkbox.

Full program

Another trick that will help us cope with our task today is complete shutdown Windows 10 updates using the computer registry. Here, just a few clicks of the mouse are enough to fully implement the idea.

Opening command line using Win + R, then run the regedit command. The registry will open in front of you. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in it. In it you need to find the Policies folder (it is located in Software), then look at Microsoft and select Windows there.

In the folder create new section called WindowsUpsate. Inside, make another point and simply call it AU. Now go to it. In the window (on the right side), click on the field and create a DWORD file there called NoAutoUpdate. What value should I assign to it? We put 1 in the corresponding field and save the parameter. That's all.


The last step that will help us disconnect is to refuse Windows services Update. It is currently considered 100% effective. To bring your idea to life, the first thing you should do is open the command line and run a command called services.msc there, then go to “Services” in the window that appears.

Now we move to the very end of the list. There you will find "Update Center". Double click according to the inscription - and in front of us required settings. Pay attention to the "Startup Type" window. You need to set it to "Disabled". We save the changes and rejoice at the result. However, now Windows Update will start to display an error message from time to time. This is a normal phenomenon and should not be alarmed.

Windows 10 Update allows you to timely download operating system updates from official Microsoft servers. After installing the OS this service enabled by default and works in background. However, you can disable it yourself and not receive new versions. If you don't care about keeping your computer busy with tracking and installation related processes system files, then you can enable Windows 10 Update in several ways.

Execute this procedure only possible using the built-in functionality of the operating system. You don't need third-party software. First, check if Update is running by default on your computer. You can do it like this:

  1. Launch Task Manager using combinations Ctrl+ Shift + Esc .

  1. Open the Services tab. Here, look for a service named "wuauserv".

Thanks to it, auto-update works in the background in the operating system. If you don’t have “wuauserv”, then go to one of the inclusion methods:

  • through group policy;
  • through "Windows Settings";
  • using the command line;
  • through registry settings;
  • via Services.

Let's consider each method in detail.

Enable in Local Group Policy

Restore work of this service in “ten” you can do this:

  1. Open the Run program using the key combination Win + R. Enter the command “services.msc” and start execution with the OK button.

  1. The “Services” window will appear in front of you. In the right list, find the line “Windows Update” and using RMB in the menu, select “Properties”.

  1. In the “General” tab, find the “Startup type” line and set the “Automatic” option in the menu, then apply the changes with the “OK” button.

  1. Restart your PC.

In this way, you can start the CO in the Windows 10 operating system. This method can help you get rid of error code 0x80070422.

Now let's figure out how to check availability available updates manually and start downloading/installing them. To do this, you will need the functionality of the “Parameters” section:

  1. Right-click on the “Start” icon on the bottom panel and select “Settings” from the menu.

  1. Open the "Update and Security" section.

  1. Go to the “Windows Update” subsection in the left column.

  1. In this window you can do everything necessary settings CO and check for files to download. To check, you need to click on the button marked in the screenshot.

  1. The tool will now scan for new Windows patches 10 and will notify you about it. In the “Advanced Settings” section, move the option to the “Off” position, as shown in the screenshot. By clicking on "Choose how and when to receive updates", you can configure delivery methods (from PC to local network, Internet, etc.).

If you have a problem with the operation of the central authority, you need to check the settings in the Group Policy Editor.

"Local Group Policy Editor"

To run the program, follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Run" with using Win+R. Write the command “gpedit.msc”.

  1. Open the “Windows Update” branch, which is located along the path “Computer Configuration” - “Administrative Templates” - “Windows Components”.

  1. On the right side of the window, find the line “Setting automatic updates” and right-click on it. In the menu, go to “Edit”.

  1. Set the setting to Enabled (1). In the "Options" section, select the settings according to which automatic updates will work (schedule, installation, notifications about available downloads, etc.). Apply the changes with the “OK” button.

Using command Windows strings 10, you can disable or enable Update Center. This will force you to start the “wuauserv” service.

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights. Type the command “net start wuauserv” and press Enter.

  1. The program will start the service, after which you will see a corresponding message. The process will start every time you turn on your PC, so you won't have to repeat this procedure. To disable the Windows 10 CO, you must enter the command “net stop wuauserv”.

  1. Now it remains to check whether the system will be updated.


Also, the central heating center will not work unless the value of the parameter in the registry is corrected. You need to do the following:

  1. In the “Run” window (Win + R) enter the command “regedit”.

  1. In the registry editor, find the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv branch. Just copy the path from these instructions and paste it into the search bar at the top of the window.

  1. On the right side of the window there will be a “Start” option. Right-click to select “Edit” from the menu.

  1. In the disabled state, the parameter will have a value of 4. For the CO to start downloading updates, set the value to 1.

The launch of this service is not affected by any others, so malfunctions and performance problems should not arise. You can also check the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix branch, which contains information about all update files.

Third party programs

What to do if you can’t set up automatic downloading? Starting the service doesn't help, but you don't have the time or knowledge to find workarounds? Then try updating the operating system using the WSUS Offline Update utility. Download it from the official developer website using this link. On home page Click on the button marked in the screenshot. The creators guarantee complete safety for users and their personal data on PC. After downloading, follow the following procedure:

  1. In the program folder, open the UpdateGenerator.exe file.

  1. Select your OS version: Windows 10 x32 or x64. To start downloading files, click “Start”.

  1. Once the download is complete, you will see a log on the screen with a list of all downloaded files. The download and installation time depends on how long it has been since you updated Windows. Now you need to go to the “client” folder and open the UpdateInstaller.exe file.

  1. In the program window, click “Start” to begin installation.

If WSUS Offline Update starts to freeze or stops searching for files, try using an earlier and stable version programs.

You only need to update the operating system in this way once, since after installing the patch, troubleshooting will be carried out and the default central processing center will be launched.

Bottom line

If you would like to install extreme Windows version 10, then all the described methods will help you with this. Don’t forget to adjust the settings for yourself so that downloading or rebooting with scheduled installation doesn’t take you by surprise.


So, to consolidate the material received, let's watch a video on this topic.

After switching to new Windows 10, many users tried to opt out of all the following automatic updates. The operating system not only automatically downloaded updates, but also installed them after a while. Forced voluntary installation of updates is observed in the system even now, it’s good that it’s now possible if necessary.

This will tell you how to prevent Windows 10 from updating. Users have already come up with many different ways capable of disabling automatic updates. If the update is downloaded and is waiting for the computer to restart for installation, you can. To prevent updates, users will simply need to disable the update service in Windows 10.

To disable the update service, click on Win+R, and run the command services.msc. In the services window that opens, find the service Windows Update. Double click on it and in the item Startup type set value Disabled. Also, don't forget to stop the service right now and apply the new settings.

After these steps, the update service will be successfully disabled and Windows 10 will not be able to automatically download and install updates. For more information, see other methods. Since the methods of managing services have changed somewhat compared to the first versions of the operating system.

  1. Launch the Local Group Policy Editor by running the command gpedit.msc in the window Win+R.
  2. In the Group Policy Editor that opens, go to: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
  3. Next change the parameter value Setting up automatic updates on Disabled.

Important! If the automatic update setting is disabled, then any updates available from Update Center must be downloaded and installed manually.

How to disable updating through the Windows 10 registry

In case along the way HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows You just won't find required sections You will need to create them yourself. Despite the fact that such sections may not exist by default, after their creation it is possible to prohibit next updates Windows 10

Windows Updates Disabler

For many users, the easier option would be to download third party software, and by pressing a few keys, completely and successfully disable Windows 10 updates. To do this, we recommend using the Win Updates Disabler utility. For now current version Windows Updates Disabler 1.4 which you can download from the official website of the developer. Another plus is that you can download portable version program without the need to install it. in a similar way.


In general, it is not recommended to disable updates, since with each update the operating system becomes more stable and secure. If you need to disable system updates, you can use one of our methods. Another tricky solution is to enable a metered connection, which is described in the instructions:.

Today we will talk about 7 ways to disable Windows 10 update! Automatic updates Windows systems 10 will no longer bother you!

Windows Update is important component and part of the operating room Windows systems. He checks regularly Microsoft servers for available updates, patches, and device drivers. If any are detected, it reports this and offers to download and install them. This is very important because updates improve system performance, reliability, stability, and security.

It's no secret that Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8/8.1 allow you to customize the behavior of the Update Center: you can download and install updates either automatically or manually, you can choose which updates should be installed and which not; You can even turn off checking for updates completely. This allows you to make a decision about the advisability of installing certain updates and at the same time makes it possible not to clog the throughput Internet channel when it comes to slow connections.

With Windows 10, however, Microsoft left users without any choice - the Pro edition allows you to delay installing updates only for a while, while Windows users 10 Home isn't even allowed to do that.

In other words, a new version The operating system downloads and installs updates automatically and without notification. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but in fact this is not at all the case, because updates often become the reason various problems. Sometimes it even gets to the point that after installing the next batch of patches, the system simply stops booting.

Luckily, Windows 10 still has the ability to block or download updates manually. Below are all possible ways, which will work in all editions of the OS: Windows 10 Home, Pro, etc.

So, let's not waste time and find out how you can take control of the system update process.

Method 1: Configure Windows Update using Advanced Options (Not for Home edition users)

This method will allow you to configure Windows Update to delay automatic download some updates on at least for a while, and also prevent the computer from automatically restarting. However, you will not be able to disable or block updates using this method.

Method 2: Disable automatic loading of device drivers

New system still allows you to prevent automatic downloading and installation of drivers. Here's how to do it:

After this, Windows will always search for and install drivers from the computer, and the system will contact the Update Center only if suitable driver will not be found on the hard drive.

Method 3: Hide updates using the official Show or hide updates tool

Even before the official starting Windows 10 Microsoft has released a program that returns to the system the ability to hide unwanted driver updates or system updates.

Method 4: Set your Wi-Fi Internet connection as a metered one

This is another workaround to prevent Windows 10 from automatically downloading and installing updates. To prevent the system from downloading new updates, you just need to configure your Internet connection as a metered connection.

That's all. Now “top ten” will not automatically download and install new updates as long as your Internet connection is listed as metered.

Method 5: Group Policy (Pro) or Registry settings

Now let's talk about advanced methods.

Although Microsoft has removed the ability to control update downloads, update settings through the Local Group Policy Editor and Registry Editor still work.

I would like to note right away that intervention in group policies is not available to Windows 10 Home users, but if you Pro version, you can enable either download and installation notifications, automatic download and installation notifications, or scheduled automatic download and installation.

But there is one caveat. Since Microsoft has completely replaced the old Update Center with the new one modern application, Group Policy settings or registry tweaks do not take effect immediately. Even after rebooting the computer or running the gpupdate /force command, you will not see any changes in Windows window Update. That is, if you open the update settings, you will find that the “Automatic (recommended)” option is still enabled.

So how do we force Windows 10 to apply our Group Policy or registry change? It's actually very simple. You just need to click the “Check for updates” button in Windows Update.

Once you click this button, the system will immediately apply the changes and when you open Extra options in Windows Update, you will see that the new settings have been successfully applied.

So let's make some changes to the Local Group Policy Editor.

By selecting last option, you will be able to select options from a drop-down list on the Windows Update settings page.

By selecting the first option, when new updates appear, the system will notify you about them using , and when you click on such a notification, a Windows Update window will open with a list of new updates and the ability to download them.

If you need to disable updates completely, then Registry Editor will help you with this.

To return everything to the way it was, simply remove the NoAutoUpdate parameter or set the value to (zero).

Method 6: Disable Windows Update Service

Another method that allows you to 100% block the downloading and installation of updates in Windows 10.

That's all. Now, when you try to check for updates, the Update Center will report error 0x80070422.

Method 7: Third Party Utilities

Windows Update Blocker is a simple, free, no-installation tool that allows you to disable/block updates in Windows 10 with the click of a button. In fact, the utility is a more convenient alternative to method No. 6, since it allows you to stop or enable Windows service Update without having to open the Service Manager.

To turn off updates when Windows help Update Blocker just needs to activate the “Disable Service” option and click the “Apply Now” button. The utility is also compatible with previous versions systems up to XP.

Windows 10 Update Disabler – another one effective tool to combat automatic updates in "Ten". Unlike the previous utility, Windows 10 Update Disabler does not disable Windows Update, but installs its own service on the system, which runs in the background and prevents Windows Update from downloading and installing anything.

According to the author, his solution uses some undocumented system call, which checks Current state Windows Update and prevents its processes from running. Plus, the Update Disabler service disables all scheduled Windows tasks Update, including the one that is responsible for automatically restarting the system to complete the installation of updates.

Note: your antivirus may consider the application to be malware.

To install Update Disabler, go here and download the archive with the program. We extract the UpdaterDisabler.exe file from the archive into some folder and directly from it, going to the “File” menu, launch the command line with administrator rights. Next, enter or copy and paste the UpdaterDisabler -install command into the console window and press Enter.

All services are installed and working, updates will no longer bother you. To remove a service, use the UpdaterDisabler -remove command.

You can use any of the above methods, but remember that it is not advisable to disable or block updates, especially on at this stage when Windows 10 is not stable enough and protected from threats.

Have a great day!