How to clean the keyboard on a laptop at home - the best methods with descriptions and photos.

Every person in the world who has a laptop thinks about how to clean the laptop keyboard at least once in their life.

The problem is that any keyboard, including a laptop, accumulates various dust and dirt.

Moreover, this does not depend in any way on how careful the user is. Only the degree of contamination depends on the degree of accuracy, but the debris and dust itself will definitely accumulate.

Because of this, first of all, the buttons will work worse over time, and in the future dust may get on some significant internal parts of the laptop.

In addition, the buttons may be damaged by spilled liquid.

Moreover, this applies to a variety of brands of laptops - Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, HP, Acer and others. Therefore, every user should know how to clean the keyboard from dirt at home.

Simple operations

It should be said right away that even before performing certain operations, several actions should be taken, namely:

  1. Turn off the laptop.
  2. Remove the plug from the socket.
  3. Take a photo of the keyboard.

The latter is necessary so that if the user disassembles his keyboard, he can then put all the buttons in their rightful places.

Otherwise, it is likely that some button will be installed in the wrong place and various incidents will arise.

Let's return to operations directly related to cleaning the keyboard. Let's start with the simplest.

The first thing to do is take a regular soft brush and just gently walk it over the entire surface of the keyboard.

These small brushes are sold on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 1), which are supposedly designed specifically for cleaning the keyboard at home.

Advice! In fact, absolutely any brush is suitable for this purpose, even an ordinary children's brush. All you need to do with this tool is just carefully walk over the buttons themselves and the space between them.

You can also find interesting things like this on the Internet (shown in Figure No. 2). These are special sticky elements that are made of high-density transparent rubber.

No. 2. Special rubber nozzles for cleaning the keyboard

Using them is very simple - we put one of these things on the keyboard and press it a little, gradually it fills the space between the buttons, takes on all the dust and, thus, removes it when a person removes this attachment from the keyboard.

You can buy them, for example, on aliexpress (link). Practice shows that such things are very effective in combating dust deposits.

True, they do not get rid of the same traces of spilled liquid very effectively.

Although, it is too early to move on to such problems. Let's stick to something simpler.

You may also be interested in:

  • Windows 7 on-screen keyboard: launch, setup, shutdown

Air assistance

Most often, a regular brush or even the special attachments discussed above do not help with dust deposits that can remain in the keyboard for years.

In this case, it is best to completely disassemble the keyboard and use a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air.

The term “disassemble” in this case refers to the process of removing all the buttons. You can remove the buttons with a regular flat-tip screwdriver.

In all laptop models, this process looks almost the same - in Asus, Acer, HP, Samsung, Lenovo and everyone else. This process looks as shown in Figure 3.

In some laptop models, in particular on Lenovo, you can remove the entire keyboard. To do this, you need to pry it from the side in the same way with a screwdriver and remove it.

In this case, the removed keyboard will look as shown in Figure 4.

A computer panel without a keyboard may look something like the one shown in Figure 5.

Accordingly, this is where a regular vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air will come in handy.

In the first case, you should simply move the barrel of the vacuum cleaner over the entire area of ​​the laptop panel and over the keyboard itself, if it has been removed entirely, thereby collecting all the dust and any residues.

You may need to take tweezers and manually remove any particularly small particles of dust that are visible to the human eye.

If you had to remove each button separately, it is better not to blow them with a vacuum cleaner, because you can accidentally suck up the button itself.

Instead, each of them should simply be wiped with a regular rag or brush.

As for compressed air cans, they are sold in abundance on the Internet. It is very easy to use such products.

To do this, you just need to press the button on the top of the can, after which air will come out of its pipe.

Accordingly, the can should be directed at the panel of the laptop without a keyboard. This way all the dust will simply be blown out.

True, after this it is better to immediately put the keyboard back in place so that the same dust does not settle on the panel again.

Still, the first option looks more convenient, which assumes that all dust is irretrievably removed into the vacuum cleaner bag, and not blown into the air, after which it again has the opportunity to settle on the laptop.

Over time, the keyboard becomes dirty, even if you don't eat or smoke at your computer desk. Accumulated dust and dirt negatively affect the operation of the keyboard. In most cases, cleaning the keyboard with compressed air and isopropyl alcohol is sufficient. It is more dangerous if liquid gets on the keyboard - in this case it should be dried immediately. To get rid of sticky keys, take your keyboard apart and give it a good cleaning. After this it will look like new.


Removing garbage

  1. Turn off your computer and disconnect all cables. To protect your hardware from damage, turn off your computer before cleaning your keyboard. If you have a wired keyboard, pull out the cable that connects it to your computer. If you cannot unplug the keyboard (for example, on a laptop), unplug the computer's power cord to reduce the risk of electric shock.

    • You can disconnect the USB wireless keyboard while the computer is turned on. However, if you have a different type of keyboard, attempting this may damage your computer, so if you're unsure, it's best to turn off your computer first.
    • Remove the batteries from your wireless keyboard, especially if you plan to thoroughly clean the keys.
  2. Turn your keyboard upside down to shake out debris. Turn the keyboard over and shake it. Proceed carefully when doing this. This will remove most of the crumbs, foreign particles, hairs and other debris from the keyboard. While doing this, tilt the keyboard at different angles and tap the underside to shake out as much debris as possible.

    • Listen for the sound of debris rolling around in the middle of the keyboard. This sound can be produced by mechanical keyboards and other devices with raised keys. In this case, consider disassembling the keyboard and cleaning it thoroughly.
    • If you are cleaning a laptop keyboard, open it and hold the monitor with one hand and the base with the other.
  3. Blow dust and debris out of your keyboard using compressed air. Compressed air is the main means of surface cleaning of the keyboard. Take the can at a 45 degree angle and point it at the keys. Run a stream of compressed air over the keyboard. At the same time, keep the nozzle of the can 1–2 centimeters from the keys.

    • A can of compressed air can be purchased at an electronics or office supply store. It can also be ordered online.
    • To properly clean your keyboard, aim the air stream at different angles. Turn the can in different directions.
    • If you're cleaning a laptop keyboard or membrane keyboard, try holding it while you blow it with compressed air. Hold the keyboard vertically at an angle of approximately 75 degrees to the air stream.
  4. Remove stuck debris using a vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner will help remove most of the particles stuck between the keys. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner with a hose, try using a regular vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Go over the entire keyboard and pay special attention to the spaces between the keys. Most of the garbage is hidden here.

    • Make sure that all the keys are held securely in place, especially if you are dealing with a laptop. If any key gets sucked into the vacuum cleaner, remove it from the dust container, wash it and put it back in place. Slide the key onto the pin or clip to re-secure it to the keyboard.
  5. Wipe the spaces between the keys with a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol. Moisten the cotton swab just a little to avoid getting too much moisture under the keys. Wipe around each key with a cotton swab to remove dust, grease and other dirt. Repeat this several times if necessary and thoroughly clean the sides of each key. When the cotton swab becomes dirty, replace it with a clean one.

    • Isopropyl alcohol dries very quickly, making it a better choice for cleaning your keyboard than plain water. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket.
    • Instead of a cotton swab, you can use a microfiber wrapped around the tip of a knife. Moisten it with alcohol and wipe the spaces between the keys. This method is better for cleaning a mechanical keyboard with raised keys.
    • Be careful with your laptop. Isopropyl alcohol will also work, but there are other components underneath the laptop keyboard that can be easily damaged. Make sure that moisture does not get under the keys.
  6. Wipe the keyboard with a cloth soaked in alcohol. To avoid introducing new debris, use a lint-free cloth or paper towel. There should be no alcohol dripping from the fabric after you wet it. Remove dust and other debris from the surface of each key.

    • Take a closer look at the keys you use most frequently (such as the spacebar and enter key). They usually accumulate more dirt. You may have to wipe these keys several times to get them completely clean.
    • Remove dirt from heavily soiled areas using a toothpick. Point the toothpick almost parallel to the key and wipe away the dirt. After this, wipe the key with alcohol.
  7. Polish your keyboard with a lint-free cloth. Give your keyboard a final wipe to remove any remaining dust and moisture. Inspect your keyboard: If there is still dirt on it, consider cleaning it more thoroughly. After cleaning your keyboard, connect it to your computer and check how it works.

    • Any remaining alcohol on the keys should dry within a minute. Water takes longer to dry. If you used water to clean your keyboard or suspect it has gotten wet, wait 24 hours for it to dry completely before connecting it to your computer.

    Cleaning the keyboard from liquid

    1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard from it. If you spill liquid on your keyboard, turn off your computer immediately. Liquid can seep into the keyboard and damage it, as well as other components if you are working on a laptop. For a wired keyboard, disconnect the keyboard cable from the computer. If liquid gets on your laptop keyboard, turn off the power.

      • To avoid damaging your keyboard and computer, you should take immediate action. The liquid is bad for electronic components. Do not turn on the computer until you have dried the keyboard.
      • Before disconnecting a wired keyboard, turn off your computer to avoid damaging it.
    2. Turn the keyboard upside down and try to shake out the liquid. Turn the keyboard upside down over a sink, trash bag, or towel to help the liquid drain out rather than penetrate deeper. Shake the keyboard to loosen any spills that have gotten between the keys. Continue shaking the keyboard until no more liquid drops come out of it.

      • Tilt the keyboard to allow liquid to drain out. If you have a laptop, direct the liquid towards the keyboard - this way it will not damage the monitor and other important components. Turn the open laptop over so that the liquid flows towards the keyboard and flows out of it.
    3. Dry the keyboard with a microfiber cloth. When doing this, hold the keyboard upside down. Try to remove as much liquid as possible with a rag. Don't turn the keyboard back over until you've wiped off everything you can.

      • Paper towels and regular cloths leave behind lint, so try to use microfiber. If you urgently need to wipe your keyboard and don’t have a suitable cloth at hand, use something that leaves less lint. Paper towels, a kitchen towel, or even an old T-shirt will work.
    4. Wait at least 24 hours for the keyboard to dry. Place the keyboard upside down to allow any remaining liquid to drain out. Place a towel under the keyboard to absorb the liquid. Once the keyboard is dry, you can turn it back over.

      • In most cases, 24 hours is enough for all spills to dry. If you have time, dry your keyboard for 2-3 days.
    5. Check your keyboard for sticky keys and other signs of damage. Connect a wired keyboard to your computer or turn on your laptop. Try typing something. Check every key. You may need to remove individual keys and clean them.

      • If you spill something other than water, some keys may stick. In this case, you will have to disassemble the keyboard and clean it inside.
      • If you spill liquid on an expensive laptop, consider calling in the experts. Laptops are much more delicate and more difficult to clean than a regular keyboard. A specialist will be able to check whether the internal components of the laptop are damaged.

      Cleaning the inside of the keyboard

      1. Turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard. This is necessary for the safety of your computer and your safety. First, turn off the computer, then disconnect the keyboard from it. If you have a wireless keyboard, remove the batteries from it.

        • Unplug the power cord if you are using a laptop. Press any key to make sure the laptop is completely turned off.
        • If you are using a wired keyboard, turn off your computer before disconnecting it.
      2. If the keys come loose, use a screwdriver to pry them out. On most modern keyboards, the keys are attached to small clips and are easily removed from them. Use a flathead screwdriver or butter knife to pry up the corner of the key, push slightly upward and try to pull it out with your fingers. You may have to wiggle the key or pry on the opposite side to remove it from its socket.

        • Before pulling out the keys, take a photo of the keyboard with your mobile phone. This will help you then insert the keys in the correct order.
        • Use a key to remove the keys. It can be ordered online or purchased at an electronics store.
        • If you have any problems removing the keys, check the instructions that came with your keyboard or consult with a professional on how to properly disassemble and clean your keyboard.
      3. If possible, unwind the keyboard and open it. Turn the keyboard over and look for the screws. Some keyboards consist of two panels screwed together. If there are screws on the keyboard, remove them, remove the bottom panel and clean it separately. Check to see if there are any screws under the labels on the keyboard.

        • If the keys do not extend, you can usually remove the bezel. Then remove the keys, if possible, to better clean the faceplate.
      4. Place the keys in a colander and wash them with warm water. Place a towel near the sink. Run warm water from the tap and place the keys in a colander. Place a colander under warm running water and stir the keys with your hand to thoroughly rinse them. The water will wash away any remaining debris and flow into the holes in the bottom of the colander. After this, place the keys on a towel to dry.

        • If water doesn't remove all the dirt, try using liquid dishwashing detergent. Fill a bowl with warm water and add one tablespoon (15 milliliters) of liquid soap to create a foamy solution. Instead of liquid soap, you can use tablets to clean dentures.
      5. Wash the empty faceplate with warm water and soap. Place the panel in a colander or bowl and wash it with warm water. To remove stubborn dirt, scrub the stained area with a microfiber cloth dampened with soap and water. After this, set the panel aside and wait until it dries.

        • If the keyboard is very dirty, soak the front panel and keys in soap and water for 6 hours. After this, rub the panel and keys and wash away any remaining dirt.
      6. Laptops have more delicate keys and are more difficult to replace. The spacebar and enter keys may have separate supports that need to be reinstalled along with the new keys.
      7. If you have forgotten the order of the keys, turn on your computer and look for an image of the keyboard on the Internet. You can also find the on-screen keyboard or keyboard viewer in your computer's settings.
      8. Some people wash their keyboards in the dishwasher. Use this as a last resort unless recommended by the manufacturer.
      9. If you have any questions about your keyboard or computer, contact a professional. He will inspect your keyboard and be able to clean it more thoroughly and safely to get it working again.
      10. Warnings

      • When washing your keyboard, there is a risk of damaging it. This is especially dangerous with a laptop, as liquid cleaners can damage it.
      • When purchasing a keyboard or laptop, read the warranty. Certain cleaning methods may void your warranty. To avoid this, follow the manufacturer's recommendations or contact a specialist.
      • Compressed air is toxic, so work in a well-ventilated area and do not inhale the contents of the compressed air canister.

The keyboard is perhaps the most dirty part of the computer. Many users prefer to have lunch or drink coffee while working on a PC, and ordinary dust has not been canceled. Foreign deposits accumulate outside and inside the device, the buttons begin to stick, or even cannot be pressed at all. So, it's time for cleaning procedures.

If your keyboard is partially dirty or for routine cleaning, you can use:
  • alcohol-impregnated wipes (clean the keys and the space between them);
  • Cyber ​​Clean product, which resembles plasticine or a slime toy (it will collect grease and other dirt);
  • a keyboard vacuum cleaner with a USB connector (cleans crumbs and dust);
  • a can of compressed air (blows small particles from under the keys onto their surface).
When the need for thorough cleaning arises, the input device must be disassembled. First, turn off the power and take a photo of the entire panel so that when reassembling, each button is in its place. Next, take a flathead screwdriver or similar object and pry up one key. It will come out of the groove and be easily removed. Be especially careful with space, enter and shift. Due to their size, these keys are fixed with additional aluminum clips. When cleaning, also remove metal elements.

Place the disassembled keys in a soapy solution for half an hour or put them in a bag and wash them in a machine. After this, lay the buttons on a towel and leave them to dry. To be sure to remove all the moisture, use a hairdryer. If the white keys turn gray during use and washing did not help, you can clean them with an eraser.

Wipe the base of the keyboard with a slightly damp lint-free cloth. Remove solid particles of debris with a cotton swab or toothbrush. Make sure all the insides are completely dry. Reinstall the keys and check their operation.

Many people are familiar with the habit of having lunch in front of a laptop or drinking a cup of tea. This, unfortunately, does not go unnoticed and causes the accumulation of various debris. And if you accidentally spill a drink, even a small amount can damage the device. Therefore, you need to know the fastest and most effective ways to clean a laptop keyboard at home.

Cleaning methods without disassembly

Light dirt can be easily removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner

There are two cleaning methods:

  • superficial;
  • deep.

The first option involves removing dirt from the keys and between the buttons. To do this you will need napkins and soft brushes. These tools can be purchased at specialized computer hardware stores.

A special liquid and rags will allow you to achieve a more effective result. Simply dampen the cloth and wipe the keyboard, paying attention to the gaps between the buttons. If this product is not available, you can use isopropyl alcohol. The liquid should be used in moderation so that it does not come into contact with the contacts between the buttons. Do not clean the keyboard with ethyl alcohol; it may remove paint. You should also not use acetone for this purpose.

Important! Products containing aggressive substances will not only erase the paint, but can also melt the laptop body.

The deep cleaning method will help remove dust from the contacts, which will prevent the inside of the laptop from getting dirty. For this you can use:

  1. Special USB vacuum cleaners. They are equipped with nozzles that allow you to remove various contaminants. But these devices are not very powerful, so cleansing with their help can hardly be called deep.
  2. A can filled with compressed air. The flow comes out of the container under strong pressure, which eliminates dust on the contacts.
  3. If you need to treat a small area of ​​the surface, you can use stickers. These are sticky leaves that are applied to the desired location and immediately removed. The advantage of this method is the ability to instantly remove contaminants. But to clean the entire keyboard, their use is impractical, since this process will take a lot of time.

Important! Please remember that using the spray can too often can damage the keyboard.

When is it necessary to disassemble?

For effective cleaning, it is better to remove the keyboard

The need for this arises when liquid gets on the keyboard. And also before deep cleaning. There are several signs that help determine the need for disassembly: the device heats up over a short period of use, as well as slowdowns in applications and operating systems. Spontaneous shutdown of the laptop indicates excessive heating of the processor due to contamination. In such cases, you need to disassemble the device and carry out a deep cleaning.

How to remove the keyboard buttons of an Asus, Lenovo, Acer, HP, Samsung laptop

Removing the laptop keyboard will help you get to the deepest dirt

Today, there are laptops of various models on sale, which differ in external parameters and technical properties. But they also have similar characteristics, one of which is the method of attaching the keyboard. It is screwed to the body of the device or fixed with latches.

Let's look at the disassembly process step by step. To work, you will need thin tweezers and a dental probe. If such tools are not available, similar devices will do. The process of removing the keyboard goes like this:

  1. First you need to find out which side of the keys is easier to detach. Each button has a vertical and side fastening. That is, the key is fixed on the left or right and in the lower or upper part.
  2. Dismantling is carried out in the vertical direction, since attempts to remove the button horizontally may result in its damage.
  3. First of all, remove the keys with letters and numbers. They have a similar mounting mechanism and the same square shape for laptops from all well-known brands. When removing the keys, set them aside along with the microlifts. Each of these mechanisms in many models corresponds to a specific button.
  4. Therefore, if you confuse them, it will be extremely problematic to assemble the keyboard to its original state.
  5. We proceed to dismantling the top buttons: E, Esc, F, etc. Then we remove the large keys. Next, remove the spacebar button; it is fixed using two microlifts. Lastly, dismantle Fn, Win, Ctrl, Alt.

Important! Before you begin dismantling the keys, it is advisable to photograph them, this will make assembly easier in the future.

Video: master class on removing keys

How to clean at home

The cleansing procedure has some features depending on the nature of the contamination.

From dirt and dust

We begin the work by processing the keys. To do this, you need to prepare a container or a regular bag. Pour water into it, add detergent and place the keys. You can use washing powder or laundry soap. Leave them in the liquid for 15–20 minutes. Then we drain the water and place the buttons on some surface where they will dry for about two hours. If necessary, you can use a hairdryer. It will help dry the keys much faster.

Important! When drying with a hairdryer, use only the cool blow setting, otherwise the keys may melt.

While the buttons are in the liquid, we begin to clean the keyboard. Take a napkin or rag, apply detergent to it and remove dirt. In hard-to-reach places, you should use cotton swabs. When the buttons are dry, put the keyboard back together.

Is it possible to clean up spilled liquid?

Cleaning contacts will improve the use of your laptop

If liquid gets on the keyboard, you should immediately turn the laptop upside down to prevent it from penetrating into the device.

Then disconnect it from the power supply and remove the battery. We remove the keyboard and check how deep the liquid has penetrated. If you turn the device over immediately after flooding, it is likely that damage to the laptop will be limited to the keyboard. In this case, only this part needs to be cleaned.

If you did not have time to react in a timely manner and flooded the keys, the motherboard may also be damaged, which will also have to be washed. For cleaning, use a special composition Kontakt U or Axent, which are available in cylinders. You need to prepare a container where the product will drain. Spray the liquid generously, positioning the can at an angle to the surface to be cleaned. Kontakt U contains toxic substances.

Important! After completing the work, you need to place the keyboard in a ventilated area until the composition dries completely - this will help get rid of dangerous elements.

Video: alternative cleaning method (suitable for laptops)

Basic rules of care

  1. Cleaning procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly once every 1–2 years. Among other factors, the rate of contamination of cooling systems is affected by their placement, which differs among different models. The keyboard of Asus, Acer, Samsunq, Lenovo, HP laptops must be cleaned annually. SONY products can do without this procedure for two years. Expensive HP and Asus models have a similar ability. Apple laptops need cleaning every 4 years.
  2. In addition to the type of model, the operating conditions of the device should also be taken into account. If there are pets in the apartment, renovation work is being carried out, or you smoke while using the device, the keyboard will become dirty more often. Therefore, carry out superficial cleaning once every 1–2 weeks. Clean the keyboard with tissues or alcohol.
  3. Also use a special vacuum cleaner. While working, try not to eat or drink at the computer.
  4. Every time you sit down at your laptop, you should wash your hands.
  5. If you haven't developed this habit, treat your keyboard with a disinfectant spray. It must be applied to a napkin and then treated with the surface.

Systematic cleaning of the keyboard will extend the life of the laptop. Of course, if you regularly use the device, it will not be possible to completely avoid contamination. But following the necessary care rules will help keep the device in good condition and prevent it from breaking.

The keyboard of a PC (personal computer) or laptop needs care.

At a minimum, it needs a superficial cleaning - a way to remove dirt without further interfering with the inside of the keyboard.

To clean the keyboard, use a regular cloth

At home, you can clean the keyboard without the help of a technician. To do this, you will need special computer wipes. They are suitable for daily maintenance of the monitor and keyboard buttons. Daily wiping will remove traces of dust particles from the surface.

To copy ISO files to a disc or flash drive, you can use Windows tools or third-party utilities.

Debris and dust accumulate in the space between the buttons. To clean this area, other products are needed.

How to clean your computer keyboard at home:

  • Blow out debris and dust using a hairdryer. The device is set to a strong air blowing mode. The temperature is set to minimum (cold air mode).
  • Suction up small particles using a vacuum cleaner without an attachment. This method is effective for weekly dirt removal. Don't forget to wrap the handset with a soft cloth to avoid damaging the buttons. Cleaning a laptop keyboard with your own hands is done in the same way.
  • Removing stains with an ear stick soaked in rubbing alcohol. Suitable for carefully removing dirt and greasy marks between buttons.

Fig.1 To clean the keyboard, use an ear stick

  • Remove excess particles between the keys using a knife wrapped in a napkin or paper towel. Prepare the soap mixture in a container, wet the towel on the knife and walk in the space between the buttons.

An important condition: this must be done carefully so as not to damage the internal contacts. The towel is lightly pressed with your fingers so that the liquid does not get on the diagram.


If the keys do not work because water has been spilled on the keyboard, you will need to disassemble and thoroughly clean it:

  • The keyboard is disconnected, the liquid is carefully shaken out of it. For further cleaning, this element must be completely disassembled. The screws on the back are unscrewing. A set of compact Phillips screwdrivers is suitable for this.

Fig.2 There are screws on the back that you have to unscrew

  • Unscrew and open the keyboard, you will see the film circuit inside. A grid of contacts connects the buttons. Carefully remove the film so as not to stain the mesh with your fingers.

Fig.3 Remove the film so as not to stain the mesh with your fingers

  • Underneath you will find rubber pads for each button. There is a green board where the wire connects. It is important that liquid does not get on it. Using a dry ear stick, carefully remove any liquid that gets there. Set aside.

Fig.4 If liquid gets on the green board, remove it with an ear stick

  • Remove the rubber pads. Remember the locations of the colored elements. When reassembled, they return to their place. Separate the buttons, they are easy to pry and snap off. A thin metal nail file will help in this matter.

Prepare a hot soapy solution in a bowl and throw in the keys. Rinse thoroughly, place on newspaper and leave to dry. Do the same with the body. Set the boards and circuits aside (do not get them wet)!

Use a washing machine to clean the buttons. Fold it into a sock and throw it in the wash.

If you undertake to clean computer parts yourself, the manufacturer's warranty does not cover such cases. Proceed with caution. If you are not confident in your abilities, give the job to professionals.


A laptop keyboard is more complex than a computer keyboard and is cleaned differently. It is much thinner and is connected inside the case. Everyday cleansing care is carried out in the same way. Computer wipes and ear swabs with alcohol are enough to clean your laptop keyboard.

Sometimes, to clean a laptop keyboard at home, you may need to disassemble the keys.

How to remove buttons from a laptop keyboard:

  • Hold the key on one side with your finger to prevent it from flying away.

Fig.5 Pry the button on the other side with a thin object

  • Pry the button on the other side with a thin object (nail file, screwdriver).
  • Carefully unclip the lock.

Fig.6 Unclip the lock

There is a plastic fastener under the key. Inserting a button on a laptop keyboard is just as easy. To do this, it returns to its seat and presses down. The latch then snaps into place on its own.

With spilled liquid things are different. Instructions for your actions:

  • Immediately unplug the laptop and turn it over.

Fig.7 Unplug the laptop and turn it over

  • Remove the battery. This is not the time to worry about programs that terminated incorrectly—procrastination could cost you the purchase of a new laptop.

Fig.8 Remove the battery

  • Using a thin screwdriver, unclip the strip from the front of the case. It's on top.

Fig.9 Using a thin screwdriver, unclip the strip from the front of the case

  • Unscrew the fastening bolts.