How to make different headers and footers on different pages - step by step instructions. Different headers and footers in one Word document

Creating headers and footers in word . Headers and footers are very widely used in creating books, especially electronic ones. This is very handy tool. Using a footer, you can write on each page the author, the title of the book, the date of creation, the page number, and much more. In addition, this can be done only on one page, and everything will be displayed automatically on the rest. And you don't have to number pages manually. Imagine how much time and effort you will save. Don't neglect this opportunity. Spend one hour learning this tool and you will appreciate and love it.

Microsoft's office suite is being updated rapidly. As soon as you get used to one version, a new one comes out to replace it. Many have not yet had time to adapt to version 2007, when version 2010 is already installed on all new computers. Anyone who did not know Office 2003 before can painlessly start working in the new versions 2007 and 2010, but for those who for a long time worked with office suite 2003, switched to new version Causes, to put it mildly, irritation. Relearning is always much more difficult. But we have to.

We have already looked at it, but the 2003 office suite is radically different from the same office suite 2010, therefore it would not be superfluous and fair to consider the same issues in different versions MicrosoftOffice.

Creating headers and footers inWord 2010

Select from the menu at the top of the window InsertHeaders and footers .

In the header and footer panel, select the type of header and footer.

Header and Footer

Click on the small arrow on the right opposite the Header. A selection list will open.

  • Empty. If you want to create your own footer from start to finish, then select it;

  • Blank 3-column . Everything you write in this footer will be divided into three columns and strictly in its place;
  • Alphabet. We write the name of the page in it, and everything is underlined with a brown line;

  • Lateral linesI. On the left edge of the footer inscription there will be a vertical short line. It even looks very nice;

  • Additional headers from the siteOffice. com . You can go to the office suite website and download other header and footer templates;
  • Change header . This can be done easier. Double-click on the footer;
  • Remove header;
  • Save selection to header collection. You can create your own collection of headers and footers.

The footer is the same.

After we select the type of header and footer, the editing panel becomes available, which can be expanded by clicking on the green tab Working with headers and footers .


This panel becomes available only after you select a footer type.

This panel is worth exploring thoroughly. One function Express blocks what is it worth? If you open Building Blocks Organizer, then the abundance of header and footer options will take your breath away.

Truly the developers did a great job. You can create documents and books that simply cannot be distinguished from printed ones. You just select the block name in the window Standard blocks , and with right side you are shown a preview of it. When you have made your choice, click the button below this window Insert .

After inserting this block at the top of the menu appears new inset Drawing Tools . It all depends on your imagination.

Headers and footers in Word editor- Very powerful tool, with which you can facilitate navigation through the document, since they may contain:

  • number current page;
  • number of sheets in the file;
  • chapter number;
  • information about the document and much more.

Let's look at all this more carefully.

As an example, we will use a file with Pushkin’s poems, which contains a large number of pages.

Using headers and footers is quite simple. To do this, you must follow the following instructions.

  1. Go to the Insert tab.
  2. Click on the "Header and Footer" icon.
  3. After this, a menu will appear in which you can paste:
    • page header;
    • footer;
    • sheet number.

Let's look at these sections in more detail.

Header and footer

By clicking on these items, you can add the following types of headers and footers:

  • empty;
  • empty (3 columns);
  • Ion (light);
  • Ion (dark);
  • ViewMaster;
  • Whisp;

  • aspect (even and odd page);
  • lateral line;
  • movement (even and odd page);
  • integral;
  • bordering;

  • Austin;
  • retrospective;
  • sector 1;
  • sector 2;
  • semaphore;
  • net.

To make it easier to make your choice, you are shown a preliminary design.

Numbering can be inserted as follows:

  1. Open the Insert menu.
  2. Select the Header and Footer tool.

  1. You will then be able to insert the following headers and footers:
    • at the top of the sheet;

  • at the bottom of the sheet;

  • in the margins of the page (side format);

  • current position;

In each section, a preview of the proposed options is available. For example, the page number can be formatted as follows.

Number format

In order to determine the appearance of the numbers, you need to make the following settings:

  1. Open the Insert tab.
  2. Click on the Header and Footer tool.
  3. Click on the “Page Number” icon.
  4. Select the indicated item.

  1. You will then see a window where you can:
    • install required format(replacing Arabic numbers with something else);
    • include section numbers (and then specify initial section and separator);
    • configure numbering (set the initial value or continue by default).
  2. To save the changes, you must click on “OK”.

Manual mode

In order to manually number pages or insert some text, you must follow the following instructions.

  1. Double-click near the edge of the sheet.

  1. Immediately after this, you will be able to edit the contents of the specified header and footer. In this case, the rest of the text will not be available for changes - it will turn gray.

  1. Enter any text (you can also copy it from somewhere).
  2. Then click on the “Close Footer Window” button.

  1. As a result, you will see that the main text information looks as usual and can now be worked with as usual.

  1. Try lowering or raising the document a few pages further. You will see that the created footer is repeated on each sheet.


As a rule, working with standard templates not suitable for all users. If you wish, you can change anything in this element. In addition, you can change its appearance:

  • align along any of the sides or in the center;
  • emphasize;
  • highlight in bold or italics;
  • add a frame or a small table and much more.

Let's look at some of the tools in more detail.

How to resize an element

By default, this object is set to an automatic position relative to the text and document edge. If you don't like these numbers, you can move them at any time at your discretion.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. In order to open the “Designer” tab, double-click with the left mouse button on the specified area.
  2. Change the numbers in the “Position” section. These values ​​can be increased or decreased using the arrows or entered by hand.

  1. In order to exit the editing mode, you need to click on the “Close header and footer window” button. Or double-click again, but on the main text.

You can set the current page number as follows.

  1. After this, the “Designer” tab will automatically open.
  2. Click on the “Page Number” icon.
  3. After this, a menu will appear in which you can change or insert headers and footers at the specified location.

Just don’t forget to turn off the editing mode at the end, otherwise you won’t be able to work with the text.

In addition, in this object can be specified various information O current file. This is done quite simply.

  1. Double click on the specified area of ​​the document.
  2. As a result of this, the “Designer” tab will open.
  3. Click on the Document Details tool.
  4. After this, a menu will open with which you can insert:
    • author;
    • file name;
    • path to the current file;
    • document's name;
    • various document properties.

The main thing in this matter is to understand that all this must be done carefully. Otherwise, some people like to put all possible data in the footer, which then does not remain there free space. You can't do that. Such elements should contain little information. Namely, the most basic one.


If you wish, you can insert information about current date. This is done quite simply.

  1. Double-click on the footer area again.
  2. After this, you will see the “Designer” tab, on which you will need to click on the “Date and Time” icon.
  3. This will open the window of the same name. Here you can choose any format that suits you.
  4. Then you need to click on the “OK” button.

In addition to the footers text information You can even insert pictures. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. Double-click on the indicated area.
  2. After starting editing this element, you will find yourself on the “Design” tab.
  3. Then you need to click on the “Drawings” icon.
  4. This will open a window in which you will be asked to find and indicate the desired picture.
  5. To continue, you must click on the “Insert” button.

  1. You'll most likely see something like this. Of course, you cannot leave a Word document in this form. Hover over right top corner Images. Then pull in the opposite direction.

  1. Shrink the object's dimensions until they become acceptable. In order to return to working with text, you need to click on the “Close header and footer window” button.

  1. As a result, you will see the following.

Sometimes there are situations when you need to specify a different header or footer on the first sheet or disable it altogether. It is for such cases that there is a special setting.

  1. Go to the beginning of the document.
  2. Double click on the top of the sheet.
  3. On the “Design” tab that opens, click on the “Options” tool.
  4. Check the box next to “Special footer for the first page.”

  1. After this, you will see that this element has become empty, because for title page you haven't made any settings yet.

  1. You can leave it like that. To save the changes, click on the indicated button.

  1. Scroll the page and you will see that everything else remains unchanged.

How to make different headers and footers for even and odd pages

To do this you need to perform the following manipulations.

  1. Activating the editing process double click over the specified area.
  2. Click on the “Options” button, which is located in the “Design” section.
  3. Place a checkmark next to the indicated item.

  1. After that, you will see that a hint has appeared that this element belongs to the top of the even-numbered page.

  1. Scroll down. Note that you can set the header and footer separately for even and odd pages.

  1. This way, you can indicate any information in the areas of the document you need. In one place there is one text, and in another – something completely different.

Section numbering

In addition to regular text and page numbers, headers and footers can include information about document headings. To do this, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Double-click on the indicated area.
  2. As a result, the “Design” tab will open.
  3. Click on the Page Number tool.
  4. Select Page Number Format.

  1. As a result, a window will open in which you will need to:
    1. Place a checkmark next to the specified item.
    2. Select separator.
    3. Click on the “OK” button.

  1. After these steps, you will see an error from the Word editor stating that your document is missing chapter numbers.
  2. Click on "OK".
  1. Before you fix it this problem, you will need to close editing.

How to number chapters

In this case, you will need the following actions.

  1. Click on the title. Go to the Home tab. Click on the tool " Multi-level lists" Choose any style that specifies the title.

If you select a list without headings, then you will not succeed.

  1. We repeat these steps with all the names in the text.

  1. Now we repeat the same steps to call the page number formatting window.

  1. Trying to turn on the chapter number again.

  1. This time no error should occur. Click where you want to display this information. Go to the “Designer” section in the menu. Use the Page Number tool. Choose a template.

  1. After this we see that the inscription 2-2 appears. Although we have chapters 1 and 2 there. The fact is that the editor displays information on the last heading.

  1. To correct this situation, you must first return to editing the document.

  1. After this, you need to shift the text with new headings to next page. For this purpose, it is not recommended to use hyphens using the Enter key. The best way to break text is to use the Ctrl + Enter button combination.
  1. Thanks to these actions, you will see that the chapter numbers are now indicated correctly.

This numbering format is not very convenient when reading voluminous information and can get confusing. Even no bookmarks will help. It is recommended to add some text. For example, it can be done like this.

How to remove headers and footers

If you overdid it with experiments and want to return everything back, then you can cancel all actions as follows.

  1. Double-click to activate element editing.
  2. Select any text or object.
  3. In order to remove the highlighted information, just press the key.
  4. Repeat these steps for everything you think is unnecessary.
  5. To complete editing, you must click on the appropriate button.


In this article, we looked at the basic principles of creating headers and footers in the Word editor. As you can see, there are a large number of various methods. Everything is done easily and simply. Nothing fancy is needed.

In addition, we tried to explain in detail the process of editing these elements. If you're having trouble, you may be selecting the wrong area or using the wrong tools. Try repeating the above steps again.

Video instruction

Especially for those readers who have any questions or remain unclear, we have prepared a video that explains everything in even more detail.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with the word footers, but not so long ago this very word caused boredom of misunderstanding on our faces: what is it and why do we need it. It turns out that the header and footer is the part where a brief and helpful information about a document or book. However, not many today understand how to use what is hidden under this word.

Headers and footers– these are independent areas in the margins of a printed page, the shape, size and content of which do not change and do not depend on the volume of typed text. Typically, a distinction is made between header and footer. In books and textbooks, information about the title of the book and the name of the section or chapter is usually placed on the footers. Headers and footers constantly remind us of which book and which chapter in it we are in currently we read.

In this example, the header and footer are highlighted with a red frame

So there is nothing scary in this word and there is no need to be afraid of it. In Word, for working with headers and footers, in the “Insert” tab of the main menu of the page there is a “headers and footers” section. We see that the parameters in the headers and footers also change. Having selected the type of header and footer you like here, we get to the header and footer window

Menu for inserting headers and footers

In the header and footer window that opens, you can select to edit the header or footer, change their appearance, position settings, elements to insert, these can be date and time, test information and even pictures. Inserting Elements and Editing appearance Headers and footers are produced in the same way as the main text, only for this you need to select the appropriate settings in the header and footer window.
After inserting a header and footer, a menu for editing it opens

Headers and footers, as a rule, remain unchanged within one section; they differ only for even And odd pages. This achieves uniformity in the design of pages, which at the same time look neat and pleasant. Only for the title page a special design of headers and footers is possible.

Different headers and footers in one text

If in different sections document assumes different headers and footers, then first you need these create sections. Word by default assigns all typed text to one section. In order to divide the text into sections, with each section of the document starting on a new page, you need to go to the “Page Layout” tab, in the “Page Settings” section, click on the “Breaks” button and select “section breaks”, “next page” .

Dividing text into sections

After this, the entire part of the document located immediately behind the cursor will be moved to new page and will represent new section. This must be provided before dividing the text into sections: the cursor must be placed immediately before the beginning of the next section. After creating all the required sections, you can change the form and content of the headers and footers for each section separately.

Interesting header and footer design options

Interesting page design options can be found in the express blocks section, an organizer of standard blocks that can have the most unusual look and be located not only at the top and bottom of the page, but even in its center. In this case, the main text will not be placed on top of these blocks, but will flow around them.

If you insert such a block, then you can insert a beautiful quote on each page

Thus, footers can provide not only important information about the document (date, title of the document and its section, etc.), but also to contribute to the beautiful and original design of the document pages.

A hat is not a headdress at all. More precisely, not only the headdress. A header, or header, is the text that repeats at the top of each page of a document. For example, some books have a chapter or section title at the top of each page. This is the header, or header. A footer is a footer because it is at the bottom of the page. An example of a footer would be the old-fashioned phrase “Please turn the page,” although there are more meaningful footers that include page numbers, the title of a chapter or document, and anything else useful. In this book, the title of the part and chapter is indicated at the bottom of the page. The footer is created according to the same principle as the header.

  • The header can contain your name, document title, date, page number, title, phone number, advertising slogan - at your discretion.
  • The footer can contain all the same things.
  • A footer and a footnote are two different things. After reading Chapter 22, you will learn the difference between the two.

How to create a footer

Only headers and footers can give a document real chic. It is not necessary to use the top and bottom at the same time - one is enough. In any case, the same command is used to create them.

The ability to work with headers and footers can be useful for a secretary, for example, when preparing local regulations, his own resume and other documents. In this article we will figure out how to make a footer in Word version 2007, namely, we will learn how to add to the document: your name, page numbers, as well as information about the document.

Why are headers and footers needed?

Let's understand the terms in order to speak competently: a footer is not information written in the margins. A footer is a line. Depending on the location, a distinction is made between a header, a footer, and a sidebar (a line above, below, or to the side of the main text, respectively). The text that is placed on this line can be anything and has its own name: page number, title, etc.

The purpose of a footer is to place permanent information on the top or bottom margin of the document and not subsequently waste time typing it and arranging the main text in relation to it. The header and footer perfectly saves paper space and the time of the document author. Headers and footers may include:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the author of the document;
  • document date;
  • page numbers;
  • name of company;
  • name of the document, etc.

In terms of formatting, text in headers and footers is no different from regular text. All options from the “Home” top menu tab are available here. You can customize the style, size, font, text color, insert pictures and autoshapes into the header, etc.

Header: Full name

Let's say you are writing a resume and in accordance with the most best recommendations strive to place all your glorious combat experience on one sheet. Since combat experience can be significant, this may not be an easy task. Some information can be placed in footers. And if the resume does turn out to be multi-page, then it is almost obligatory to place on each page at least the contact phone number of its author.

To open the header, double-click on the top margin of the document. The main text will immediately become inactive (pale), and the field, on the contrary, will turn on:

(all pictures are clickable)

Return to normal mode very simple: double click on the main text, and the headers and footers are inactive again. In this mode they look paler than the text, but don't worry: everything will look as it should on paper. To verify this, you can now switch to the mode preview and admire.

Switch to preview mode:

This is what the finished document will look like:

Footer: background information about the company

Information is entered into the footer in the same way: double clicking on the bottom field launches desired mode. Many organizations, when developing letterheads for letters, use the bottom margin to indicate their reference data. This does not comply with GOST 6.30-2003, but in practice it is very common. Looks like that:

How to remove a footer

Removing an unnecessary header and footer is very simple: to do this, click on the field that needs to be cleared, and then, making sure that it has become active, delete (or change) the text of the header and footer.

Page numbers

Perhaps the most common content in the footer is the page number. To quickly add it to our document, let’s go to the “Insert” tab of the top menu and find the “Header and Footer” group of commands in it. The third button in the group is called “Page Number”. Click on it and in the drop-down menu select the place in the document where we want to place the page number. We move the mouse, and they drop out on the right possible options placing the number in the selected line. We choose the one we consider necessary:

The pages are numbered.

This was the so-called educational program: the simplest options for adding headers and footers. Now let's dive deeper into the topic.

Trying to work with headers and footers, the most attentive users have already noticed that simultaneously with the line they selected in top menu a special menu line “Working with headers and footers” is activated, under which there are several groups of commands (the picture is clickable):

The names of groups of commands and options are quite self-explanatory, and advanced user will understand them without difficulty. As an example, we will design the first page of the document.

How to remove a header and footer from the first page

It's very easy to remove a header (such as a page number) from the first page of a document. To do this you need:

  • go to the menu bar “Working with headers and footers”,
  • check the “special footer for the first page” checkbox,
  • remove all headers and footers from the first page or change them.

How to make a footer for a local regulation

In practice, I have come across cases where organizations decorated their local regulations with headers that took up about a third of the page. They contained everything: the name of the company, and the name, number and date of the LNA, and the page number, and the version number of the LNA, and whatnot was there. It looks something like this:

How necessary this is is a big question (in my opinion, this is information ballast), but if the secretary is faced with the need to make such a cumbersome structure in a document, then we will do it.

At its core, a header and footer is the same line as everyone else, which means you can put anything in it, including a table. We have already discussed above how to enter information into the footer. The secretary, one would think, can also handle adding a table to a document and filling out its columns.

The difficulty is caused by variable information: the name of our LNA remains the same throughout the entire document, but the page numbers change. Let's deal with it this way:

  • when the entire table (or the necessary object) for the footer is ready, place the cursor in that part of the table that should contain the page number;