How to conduct giveaways on Instagram? Promotions and competitions on Instagram. How to Run an Instagram Contest to Get the Most Out of It

About working on Instagram. Today, designer and SMM specialist, Evgenia Ashirova, will tell us about the intricacies of conducting sweepstakes and competitions on Instagram.

Viral activities on Instagram

The social network Instagram is now developing very quickly, and every participant on this platform is in a hurry to make themselves known. One way to make information go viral is to hold a contest or giveaway. This method is also very suitable for rewarding account subscribers and increasing their loyalty. Everyone loves gifts!

There are a lot of options for such events at the moment, let's look at some of them in more detail and study all the pros and cons.

The general rule for all activities of this type is the correct design: the banner should be bright, stylish and interesting. You can put basic information on it: the word “giveaway” or “competition”, the timing and, if desired, a description of the prize.

Options for conducting giveaways on Instagram

The first option is the simplest - this is a repost giveaway with a unique hashtag(you can do without it). Its mechanics are very simple:

  • A banner is posted in your account;
  • The text of the post briefly describes the event to which the lottery is dedicated and indicates a detailed description of the prize.

Conditions (we write them in the text):

  • Be subscribed to the account;
  • Repost a photo indicating a unique hashtag and account name (or just the account name);
  • Place a serial number under the photo in your account. It is possible that you hand out numbers yourself by clicking on a hashtag - in this case, a hashtag is required and only unique.

The advantages of this option: very good virality and growth of new subscribers, it is easy to identify the winner. Cons: there is a percentage of prize-winning participants; sometimes it is technically difficult for people to repost.

Second option: similar to the first one, only a large and well-known account takes part in the event, and you act as a sponsor and provide a prize.

The conditions indicate a subscription to both accounts, and all other actions are similar to those indicated above. A huge advantage of this competition is that you enter a new platform with an audience loyal to the blogger, and this attitude is transferred to you.

Third option: circular giveaway. You've probably already come across a similar option, when several accounts of similar topics and the number of subscribers unite to hold a big draw.

I’ll tell you the advantages right away: a large prize fund allows you to increase interest in the gift, and the intersection of many audiences leads to a rapid and significant increase in subscribers.

There are quite a lot of disadvantages:

  • the participant needs to perform a large number of actions, subscribe to many accounts,
  • high percentage of catches;
  • it is necessary to indicate friends, which Instagram users do not really like to do;
  • there is difficulty in identifying the winner and it is difficult to check all the actions.

In a classic circular giveway, the conditions and drawing images are the same in each account, only the names of the accounts to which you need to switch differ. But other options are now common. The event can be held on a newly created account for the drawing. Or, one of the participants’ accounts acts as a leader, and then all rules and activity are localized to him.

The participation procedure may be one of the following, and there is also room for variations and combinations:

  1. You must subscribe to all circle participants, repost the entry from the prize account, and leave the number under the specified photo;
  2. You need to subscribe to all the organizers of the draw, indicate links to friends’ accounts in the comments (depending on the conditions you choose, you must indicate one or more friends, and also indicate the number of comments - one or more from one participant) in the prize account;
  3. The mechanism is the same as described in the second paragraph, only comments are left in each sponsor’s account under the drawing post.

The main thing that will be required of you when organizing a circular GiveAway is the need to clearly state the rules and determine the procedure for selecting the winner. Be sure to indicate these conditions in the description of the draw, even if the mechanism for selecting the winner is a “magic poke with your finger in the comment.”

Fourth option: drawing without reposts. In this case, as a condition of participation, you must indicate your friends’ accounts in the comments to the post. The selection of the winner is determined by random or in another way convenient for you. Pros: there is no need for reposts, the percentage of catches is insignificant. Cons: low virality and the need to indicate friends.

The fifth version of the draw is to encourage subscribers. Its condition is to indicate the number under the drawing post. One or more prizes will be drawn among the participants. The winner is determined using any random program (random number generator).

Raffles in accounts specially created for this are special.. The mechanics of the second option apply here, only the percentage of prize catches will significantly exceed the number of real subscribers.

And the next type of activity is contests and flash mobs(I already talked about the latter in).

Conducting competitions on Instagram

Competitions on Instagram, as in any social network, have less engagement, since people are too lazy to take many actions. Therefore, you must interest the participants either in a meaningful prize or in the fact that the execution will be convenient and logical. Such activities work well on children’s accounts, when parents and their children are asked to do something together and post the result in the form of a photo or video.

In order for people to know about you, the condition for participation must be that you include a link to your project in the report. And so that you can find competition entries, be sure to create a unique hashtag and ask participants to indicate it in the description of the photo. The options for choosing a winner can be different: either you choose the winner yourself, or ask your subscribers to vote for the best performers, in their opinion. The main advantage of such competitions is the generation of content for your page and, of course, the dissemination of information about you.

In fact, various variations of sweepstakes and competitions are possible. Just turn on your imagination and create. Here's a clear example:

Above, I tried to briefly describe the main options for viral activities that are easy to use in the first stages of development on Instagram. The main thing to remember:

  • The rules of a drawing or competition should be intuitive. If you have written them down, give them to other people to read, so that there are no discrepancies and conflicts when summing up;
  • Be sure to ask to indicate your account, since the main goal is to launch viral information about you;
  • If you use a hashtag for a giveaway or competition, first make sure that it is truly unique so as not to complicate your work;
  • Immediately determine for yourself how you will summarize the results and be sure to describe this in the rules.

See you in the next articles!

In this material I will talk in detail about how to hold a contest or giveaway on Instagram. Let's look at the pros and cons of various execution mechanics.

And so, all sweepstakes and competitions can be divided into three types:

With repost

The most famous and familiar method to most, but it has many disadvantages.

- Difficult conditions for participants - you need a separate application for reposting.
- Few people agree to repost, because it spoils the overall appearance of the page.
- Many freeloader accounts created solely for the sake of participating in sweepstakes and competitions.
- We need a more expensive prize to lure participants.

- Larger audience coverage, with greater activity of participants compared to other types of competitions.


In order to conduct such a draw you need:
  1. Make an attractive banner with a picture of the prize and the word “raffle.” If you make this picture ugly, it will dramatically reduce the number of your potential participants. Few people want to post something unpleasant on their page. Therefore, here you will most likely need the services of a designer.
  2. Come up with a hashtag for the giveaway (#raffle_yourbrand).
  3. Indicate the closing date for accepting applications and the date for announcing the results of the drawing.
  4. Draw up rules for conducting (a sample is given below).
  5. Assign unique numbers to all participants who fulfill the conditions. It is advisable to record all participants with numbers in a separate file. If you wish, you can send each participant their number via direct message.
  6. Determine the winner, record it on video and post it on your page as proof. Or do it live. You can determine the winner using a random number generator or some other service, for example, giveaways.
  7. Make a post with a photo of the winner who received the prize.

In accordance with standard rules, the participant must:

  • Subscribe to your account
  • Repost with photo and text from your post
  • Mention your account in the repost (required via @) and the competition hashtag.
  • Open your profile (so that the competition photo is visible to everyone).
The conditions of the competition are simple:
1) Be a subscriber to our account @your_page
2) Repost this post and indicate the hashtag #hashtag_of_your_raffle
3) In the comments to the repost, tag at least 2 friends (optional)
4) Open your profile during the competition - all those who have fulfilled the conditions will definitely receive numbers.
5) Receive the participant number from us under the repost.
6) And wait for the results! 3 winners will receive their prizes!
You can take part in the competition until *date_time*, the results will be announced no later than *date_time*!

Instagram competition, Giveaway, gift draw... I feel so much negativity in these words. And you? If not, then you're either a lucky person or you've never run a social media contest. It seems that out of the goodness of your heart, on a purely altruistic basis, you want to give all these strangers a brand new iPhone and at the same time increase sales or attract subscribers, and after summing up the results there is a lot of dissatisfaction in the comments, the boss hits him on the head, because sales have not increased and everything is like... it's not ice. So what's the problem?

I suggest going through all stages of the competition and understanding where you made or may make a mistake.

The purpose of the Instagram competition

Let's assume that you still dare to conduct some kind of activity on Instagram. But why? Why do businesses usually decide to hold competitions on Instagram:

  1. Quickly increase your profile subscriber base
  2. Audience re-engagement and loyalty growth
  3. Additional viral reach and promotion
  4. Because everyone does it
  5. Sales growth

It’s good that I wrote all this out, but most people do the competition just for the sake of fourth And fifth points, but due to the lack of understanding of the specifics of such events, disappointment and #sadness come as a result.

Holding a competition just because your competitors are doing so is stupid and risks financial losses. Have we already learned to count money?

Before any competitive activity, determine for yourself the target indicators that you want to achieve. Just started working on your new profile? Great - don't run a competition on your account :) Do you want to increase audience loyalty? Better yet, forget about the competition in your profile and just give away discounts. Your Instagram feed is fast, and so is the memory of your followers. Don't throw money down the drain.

How to run a contest on Instagram correctly?

To do this you will need a couple of things:

  1. Prize relevant to your audience
  2. Simple mechanics of the competition
  3. Platform for holding a competition if you have a new account
  4. Clear rules

Let's look at all the points in more detail.

1. Relevant prize pool- a very simple and, at the same time, incomprehensible thing. The prize should only be of interest to your potential clients and no one else. Let me give you a clear example:

A young brand of products for children aged 0-3 years decides to hold a competition to quickly grow followers on Instagram and get good coverage. The brand's target audience is young mothers and pregnant girls. Which prize is better in this case: a contactless thermometer or a certificate for visiting a spa?

It is obvious that both prizes are potentially interesting to the target audience. Only the first one will be in demand only by young mothers, and the second one, in principle, will be interesting to any girl. The choice is obvious, but usually it is the certificate at the SPA that is awarded, why?

Ideally, you should give away your products or services, but this is not always possible. In such a case, choose a prize fund that segments the audience as much as possible. Yes, this will reduce the number of participants, but we don’t just need subscribers, we need potential clients! And these are two big differences.

2. Simple mechanics of the competition. Everything is banal. A competition on Instagram that requires you to repost to participate - BAD contest. Instagram is not Contact or Odnoklassniki, it’s a completely different movement. Many of your potential participants will fall off at this stage simply because they either don’t know how to repost or don’t want to post your advertising post on their profile.

Surprise: Most people value the cleanliness of their social media page, especially Instagram.

But even if you dared to hold such a competition with a repost, and this is usually the case with profiles related to children’s themes, then the potential cost of winning should outweigh the “wall price”. It's one thing when you repost in the hope of winning a monthly membership to the gym, and quite another when you repost for a branded mug.

A good version of the rules in the screenshot. Yes, he's not perfect. Instead of a number, you can ask subscribers to write some phrase in the style of “how I want to win perfume from Chanel” and tag friends. Then users tagged in the comments will receive a notification not just with a number and their nickname, but also a clear call for participation in the competition.

I also caution you against placing high hopes on creative competitions. When a potential participant needs to do something more than press a couple of buttons, and God forbid, lift his butt off the couch, the number of participants is reduced exponentially.

3. Selecting a site for the competition. I won’t tell you a secret if I say that Instagram is absolutely not a viral social network. And if in traditional VK or Odnoklassniki there is a chance that the competition will take off thanks to reposts and teaser advertising, then on an empty Instagram account with a low number of subscribers, launch a competition and wait for the rapid growth of the profile... you no longer believe in Santa Claus, so why are you hoping for an increase ?

You have a weak account - go to a blogger.

You have a new account - go to the blogger.

You have a good account - go to the blogger.

Bloggers are generally useful people if you choose them wisely. A large and useful article on how to choose the right blogger for advertising, I recommend everyone read it.

By running a joint competition with another profile, you simply transfer his audience to yourself. And due to the much larger number of subscribers on someone else’s profile, you get greater viral potential for the competition. Yes, such a trick will be more expensive, but it is better to pay a little more and get the effect than to save money and play the prize fund among 30 participants.

4. Instagram competition rules and post design. Remember the main thing - there is simply no such detailed set of competition rules. Filling out the rules in detail will protect you in the future from controversial situations and “contest pop-up.” It's better to be safe than sorry.

Determine in advance the clear timing and conditions for determining the winner. Clearly, like in the army.

Designing a competitive post is another component of success. Always start the text with the keyword “COMPETITION” or “Giveaway” and others like them. You shouldn’t tell the story of why you decided to hold a competition and write down its terms somewhere in the basement. It’s just that no one will finish reading there.

First the competition and its conditions, then the lyrics. This is the only way it happens, only in bad competitions.

What you definitely shouldn't do

Never, no, not like that... NEVER do not hold a competition in which participants can increase their performance. A competition with the distribution of prizes for the number of likes, or choosing the best photo based on likes and comments, voting in an open profile for a participant - all this will be inflated with a 99% probability. I left one percent in case no one would participate.

Do not change the rules during the competition. If you have not specified the required minimum number of participants for the draw to take place, then canceling the competition because there are 50 participants instead of the 500 you were counting on is fraud and a lot of negativity in the comments. If you did not make a point about cheats and profiles that you consider to be alive, you cannot refer to this during the competition either. Let's go up a couple of paragraphs and read about the rules of the competition :) Horses are not changed at the crossing.


Live long and prosper!

Two million mentions - exactly the same amount that Instagram gives for the word “competition” in internal search. Everyone has at least once thought about running a contest for their brand or participating in sweepstakes as a user. The material is devoted to mechanics, trends and tips on how to run (and how not to) contests on this social network.

Contests can be held, as well as their results can be summed up, in different ways. Here are some tips that will be useful no matter which mechanic you choose:

1. Choose your prize in advance

Many companies today create joint, partner competitions on social networks to make the prize fund more significant. Now only the lazy are not looking for a brand companion, and all this is truly a necessary measure. Why? Because people stopped participating in sweepstakes as willingly as before.

If you give, like Tinkoff Bank, and recruit tens of thousands of participants in a matter of hours, that’s one thing. More often than not, you have a small prize that was literally pulled out with your teeth after a week of long negotiations with the customer. But for a successful competition it is not necessary to have an impressive prize in monetary terms. Just give something meaningful to your audience.

Know your followers and understand what is important to them at the moment.

An example from my experience: for a large chain of supermarkets, Kay equipment, after concluding an agreement with Zenit, it was decided to carry out draw in honor of the latter’s victory in the All-Russian championship.

The gift chosen was simple - a scarf with the club emblem. Its cost was small, but the draw I held attracted about 2,000 participants and more than 7,500 likes. Know your followers and understand what is important to them at the moment.

2. Location

“Stories” or main feed? More and more active users (more than 150 million people, to be specific) are moving from the main feed to the new one, regularly viewing content there. Try holding a lottery in Stories and compare the results.

Make sure that the competition does not get lost among other content and is clickable on other social networks of the brand: it is best to attach a link to your competition in the profile description (before the final results).

3. Come up with an illustration.

It is very important to effectively announce the competition to your subscribers and in advertising. The ideal (and logical) option for this task is to show the prize. Take a photo of a gift in the person’s hands, making a live frame, or shoot a beautiful layout (if you don’t know how, read our material about flatley). Do not overuse text in the photo: put only the main thing there. Let the resulting layout be concise, and let all the inscriptions be contained in the body of the post.

4. State deadlines

Previously, many competitions lasted about a month. Now the lifespan of a draw is inexorably shortening: one to two weeks is increasingly considered the optimal duration. There is so much content, the information field is so oversaturated that a month seems like too long a period: people may simply forget about the competition and lose interest. Consider how long your audience can stay focused on your competition and wait for results.

5. Results

Think in advance about how you will summarize the results. Write these conditions as a separate line in the competition announcement: the results will be summed up in such and such a way, on such and such a day, for example, at 20:00. I don’t recommend choosing Fridays and weekends for the announcement: it would be better during the prime time of weekdays, when the maximum number of users is concentrated on social networks.

Take the time to look at your activity statistics: they are available in your account’s business profile if it is connected. Statistics will show the most active day for your subscribers - schedule a results announcement for it.

How and where to announce the winner? The best option is to post a post in the main feed on the day of summing up the results with a picture and the name of the lucky winner in the text. It wouldn’t hurt to write the winner again in the comments under the first announcing post.

If you are determined by a random number, then at the time the results are announced, be sure to publish a video with the randomizer itself in your story. This way you will show openness and honesty in summing up the results, without compromising the visual appearance of your account by publishing an unformatted video.

For results, I use the classic, but my colleagues also hold competitions through, which includes both a randomizer and giveaway analytics.

Types of competitions

There is a lot of controversy about the mechanics of Instagram giveaways. The principle to remember: a simple and clear competition at all stages. If you come up with too complex rules, subscribers will not want to understand. If the contest period is too long, subscribers will not want to wait. If the prize is too unusual and sophisticated, subscribers will not want to spend time and effort evaluating it.

Here are the main types of mechanics - choose the one you like and adapt it for your company:

1. Tag a friend

A new and popular type of competition, unobtrusive and not requiring much effort (and therefore doomed to success). Participants must follow your account and tag one or more friends under the post. Mechanical advantages: significantly increases profile coverage. Cons: weakly keeps people in the account, even if they subscribe.

Repost the picture

All a subscriber dreaming of a prize needs to do is post a competition picture and tag the company in his account. Advantage: even a child will understand the terms, but that’s where the advantages end.

Despite the outdated nature of reposting on Instagram, this type of contest is still used by low-quality companies. I do not recommend carrying out such activities because of the main disadvantage: the “exhaust” from such a draw is extremely small.

The Redmond brand on its official accounts asks you to post a picture on your feed.

Complete a creative task

To do something with your own hands, post a thematic frame on a given topic, write a poem, come up with a funny caption for a picture, invent a story - such competitions are not very convenient to conduct and judge on Instagram, but they are often found, especially on the “Runet”. Pros: the company looks creative and creates a certain atmosphere around the draw due to its non-trivial mechanics.

Alas, it’s a fact: people are lazy by nature, and the more difficult the conditions, the fewer participants, even if you give an impressive prize. There is no need to come up with multi-stage schemes: let everything be simple, succinct, but with a fresh idea.

Trends in competitions

1. Repost competitions are a thing of the past

On Instagram, activities that require you to repost to your feed are no longer so successful.

Firstly, most users simply do not know how to repost on this social network. For example, do you know how?

Secondly, the ubiquity of competitions affects the uniformity of your account (on which you worked so long and hard) with content that differs in style. In 2017, we’ll leave such competitions to provincial hair salons: the better quality your target audience is, the less likely it is that they will be ready to repost to their personal feed.

Stories competitions are the future

A new type of competition is gradually appearing - activities in “stories”. I advise you to try contest formats that are still unusual for users: as long as they are new, they will work.

People share posts in Stories many times more willingly than in the main feed.

How to conduct such a competition? Ask your subscribers to post a post (a unique one or a screenshot of yours - in “stories” screenshots and reposts are allowed and done willingly) to this new feed. A prerequisite is to mark your account. This is necessary so that you can determine the order of participants.

After the competition has passed and you need to choose a winner, you do the following: determine a random participant number (here you can use the same or any other “randomizer”) and publish the results in “story” or the main news feed.

How to determine the participant number? Just count the required number of marks in the “direct”, where all the marks of your account appear in chronological order. It sounds unusual, but the mechanics are fresh and really work. Try it!

Bonus mechanics: “we’ll repay your loan!”

A new mechanic of sweepstakes has been noticed on Instagram, which is gathering a lot of “hype” (we don’t like this word either, but sometimes there is simply no more precise term) - these are competitions, the prize of which is... loan repayment.

The competition is held according to the standard giveaway mechanics: a well-known blogger advertises a competition account designed as follows:

The same blogger suggests subscribing to all the sponsors of the draw who are in the “subscriptions” of the competition account. Sponsors get a lot of traffic to their pages and then the results are tallied and a random winner is chosen. The winner's loan from any bank is repaid from the funds collected by the sponsors.

The creativity of the creators knows no bounds: one can only imagine what kind of response this mechanic finds in the hearts of Russians, many of whom, as we know, are “credited” for several generations to come.

Tatyana Zaitseva, SMM specialist at Ginza holding:

Nowadays, no one will repost on Instagram even for the sake of a cool prize, but three years ago such a giveaway would have attracted hundreds of participants. Mechanics are changing, it is necessary to adapt to the audience, technical features of Instagram and trends.

Nowadays, giveaways in Stories are going very well: from a simple “take a screenshot, get a prize” to a complex interactive quest with the full involvement of subscribers. For example, we recently gave away certificates for a restaurant - we hid them in the premises and posted hints in stories every day. The draw brought more than 50 people to the restaurant in two days, and these are no longer just subscribers, but real interested guests!

By the way, despite new trends, I still remain faithful to the simple “tag a friend” mechanic. It seems to me that it is good for very young accounts (especially in collaboration with a “big” partner) and for those who want to win a modest prize and at the same time get good coverage.

Repeat and remember

It still makes sense to hold competitions on Instagram, but the mechanics themselves have changed: hold tagging contests less often (everyone is tired of this) and completely forget about reposting pictures (it almost doesn’t work).

Don’t ask subscribers to fulfill boring conditions. Instead, choose modern ways to increase loyalty: conduct interesting, simple, but catchy activities in “stories” and in the main feed.

Be sure to give relevant prizes that are valuable to your audience, and team up in unique collaborations with other brands.

And most importantly: conduct competitions honestly and always send prizes to participants. And you will have SMM happiness.

In order to promote their Instagram account, its users conduct various sweepstakes. People love to win prizes, so holding a giveaway will attract additional subscribers. In this article we will look at how to conduct a giveaway on Instagram.

Draw based on reposts

We post a banner on your account, which should be bright and memorable. It is advisable to provide information on the timing of the drawing, as well as the prize being drawn. Tell about the event for which the lottery is being held.

Any drawing must be accompanied by conditions. To conduct a drawing on Instagram based on reposts, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • subscribe to an account;
  • repost, while indicating your account;
  • Under the photo in your account, put a serial number.

The positive aspect of this drawing is that it provides a good increase in subscribers with a relatively simple procedure for identifying the winner. On the negative side, it is worth noting that there are participants whose goal is to hunt for a prize, and for some it is quite difficult to repost.

Draw using hashtag

This version of the draw largely coincides with the previous one. To conduct a draw on Instagram using a hashtag, you need to repost a photo indicating a unique hashtag.

When conducting this type of draw, you can distribute numbers yourself using this hashtag.

These types of draws are also carried out when reposting advertising posts. When creating a hashtag, you need to form it from the name of the advertised product or the company that produces it.

Using hashtags makes it easier to determine the winner of the giveaway.

Round-robin drawing

Some account owners are wondering how best to conduct a giveaway on Instagram. They begin to unite (those of them that have a comparable number of subscribers and similar topics) and hold a large competition called a round-robin. All accounts participating in the association simultaneously publish the announcement of the draw and provide the same text, replacing the description of the prize and indicating the next organizer.

Participants in this drawing follow cyclic links from one account to another until they find themselves back in the profile from where they started.

How to conduct a draw on Instagram in relation to this species? It is best to decide on one specific topic. Next you need to select partners. The most popular sweepstakes are those that have more than 10,000 subscribers and promise large prizes.

After this, the partners form pairs, with the latter pairing with the first.

The rules for the drawing are formulated. The drawing circle is drawn up correctly - you need to make sure that it does not go straight or turn back ahead of time.

Unlike the first draws, in this form it is quite difficult to determine the winner. You can choose it randomly based on comments, likes, using a random number generator, you can create a fake account and choose the winner using the methods suggested above from those participants who subscribed to it. In addition, you can draw lots from subscribers of a fake account. The same lot can be drawn in relation to participants who left likes or comments under all the posters of the drawing.

It makes sense to create a fake account if you plan to have a large number of likes, since Instagram only shows the last hundreds of likes. However, if you have a large number of subscribers, you need to conduct a draw on Instagram using a random number generator. It is quite difficult to calculate a participant with a large number. Therefore, it is better to use the lot method.

As in the organization of previous draws, this type also has its positive and negative sides.

Pros and cons of round-robin drawing

The positive thing is that the organizers receive huge coverage, which ensures an increase in subscribers, and brand awareness grows. In turn, participants do not need to repost, they get the opportunity to search for accounts that interest them and receive more than one prize.

The negative thing is that there is a need to sign for all organizers. A large number of people who only “catch prizes” take part in these drawings. In addition, here you need to indicate your friends, which not all Instagram participants agree to. And also the difficulty in determining the winners, described above.

Using comments in Instagram sweepstakes

In Instagram sweepstakes, in addition to likes, reposts, and participation in “loops,” you can leave comments. This type of prank can also be used when using likes as a weighting agent. To conduct a drawing on Instagram based on comments, you can add a condition that the participant must not only subscribe to a certain profile, but also write a simple comment on the post.

In this case, it is better if the organizer himself formulates the format of the comment, for example, “Our products are...”.

Using this type of giveaway does not bring a large number of subscribers, but it draws attention to the profile of existing subscribers. It is better to start with this type of draws, and then switch to more complex draws.

How to determine the winner using a hashtag?

We have decided how to hold a drawing on Instagram, but any drawing must end with the determination of the winner. Its definition should begin with determining the end date for registration of participants, for example, “Attention! The drawing starts on April 8. The winner will be determined on April 9 using a random hashtag under the photo.”

The winner can be selected using a hashtag. To do this, you need to use a second device on which you log into your account. On the first device, enable video mode. On the second device, find the hashtag and click on it to see the list of participants. On the first device, we record the video in such a way that the frame contains a list and the actions you perform.

Selecting a winner comes down to scrolling through the entire list and selecting a winner by random click, whose login is removed. After this, the participant’s compliance with the conditions of the drawing is checked, if everything is ok, then the winner is determined, if not, we perform the above steps again.

We determine the winner by generating random numbers

We have decided how to conduct a giveaway on Instagram. But what to do if none of the described methods for determining the winners are suitable? You can use a random number generator. Holding a draw on Instagram is not only about attracting participants who will comply with a number of conditions, it is also necessary to identify the winner. Random number generation is suitable for this. It can be carried out on several services.

Here are the most popular:

  • Random is the most popular service. It can be paid or free (with small groups of participants).
  • Randomizer - participants are loaded, shuffled and a winner is randomly selected.
  • Fanpage Karma is an English-language service that generates numbers with any number of characters. The service independently selects the winner based on likes, comments, their joint use, and comments with the most likes.


In the recent past, many companies have been thinking about how to run a giveaway on Instagram. The use of this opportunity gives companies the opportunity, at relatively low costs for prizes, to attract subscribers to their page on a given network, who are likely to become clients of this company.